Back to the previous part...

Sunlight was beginning to fill their luxurious bedroom as Qui-Gon's eyes fluttered open. Obi-Wan's weight no longer pressed against his chest as his young lover was sprawled out on his stomach with only an arm and part of a leg resting atop him. Covers had been tossed aside during the movements of sleep and were draped haphazardly across the younger man's hips. All in all, he presented a very enticing picture.

A glance at the chrono told Qui-Gon it was almost 0730 and that he would need to get up soon if he hoped to keep his breakfast plans with King Aidan. After reinforcing Obi-Wan's sleep with a slight touch of the Force, he carefully extricated himself from beneath his lover's limbs and rose from the bed. Breathing out a soft sigh of regret, he placed a light kiss on the curve of a shoulder then pulled the blankets up to cover him.

He moved silently from the bedroom to the refresher and began his morning routine. It didn't take very long before he had completed his ablutions and was dressed for the day. With a last longing glance at his sleeping lover, he clipped his saber to his belt and left the room. He moved to the room's comm unit and turned the signal volume off so that it would not wake Obi-Wan. He didn't expect anything urgent to come up this morning and if it did, he could always reach his padawan mentally. That done, he headed from their quarters to the private quarters of the Royal family.

Qui-Gon was not surprised to see that none of the younger group had made it to breakfast. He entered the family dining room to a greeting from Aidan. "You are alone too, I see, Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan still asleep?"

After a kiss of greeting to the cheek of Queen Cliaryn, he sat down across from Aidan. "The young ones barely got to bed before the sun was starting to rise. I don't think we will see them any time soon."

"I tend to agree with you, my friend," Aidan replied.

The three adults enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and pleasant conversation that lasted until mid-morning. Over lingering mugs of tea, they planned out the rest of their day. As expected, Cliaryn had a full day of things to take care of and wanted nothing more then to have her husband out of her hair for the afternoon. She suggested that the two men go riding and Aidan agreed wholeheartedly. They made plans to meet at the stables at 1230 and Qui-Gon headed back to his quarters.

As he entered the common room, Qui-Gon could hear the sound of the shower running so he knew that Obi-Wan was up. He started walking towards their bedroom but stopped to look into the small room that for years had served as another bedroom. The large tub they had noticed earlier sat in one corner and across from it stood a padded massage bench. Those two items took up only about one third of the newly expanded room though. The rest was of the room was devoid of furniture. A thick padding covered the floor in that section of the room, making it their own private workout area.

Qui-Gon was standing in the middle of the padded floor when he felt Obi-Wan's presence and turned back to the door. "Good morning," he said as he caught sight of the vision in the doorway. His apprentice stood with a towel draped around his waist, water droplets coating his chest and legs, wet braid pasted against his chest.

"Morning yourself. Where did you go off to and why didn't you wake me?" Obi-Wan asked with a smile.

"I had breakfast with Aidan and Cliaryn and I didn't wake you because you needed to sleep," Qui-Gon replied. "Don't worry, you were not the only one who slept through breakfast this morning. The table was very sparsely occupied." He crossed to the doorway and greeted his lover properly with a lingering kiss before stepping back and asking. "So what are your plans for the day?"

"I am meeting Jian at 1130 so that we can go for the fitting for our ceremonial clothing," Obi-Wan answered somewhat petulantly. "Then he wants me to help him choose his gift for Nyastria and finally I have to meet with the musicians to select a song for their ritual first dance. And sometime in between, I need to check to make sure that everything is set for this evening."

"It's a good thing I made plans to keep myself occupied for the afternoon," Qui-Gon chuckled before he looked longingly into the empty space behind him. "Though I was hoping we might have time for a workout."

Intentionally misunderstanding, Obi-Wan speared his lover with a lustful look. "I though that's what we were doing before the sun came up."

Qui-Gon leaned in for a scorching kiss then cracked his hand across the muscled ass. "Brat. Off with you then." He walked back to the center of the room and moved into the first position of his stretching routine.

Obi-Wan leaned in the doorway for a few moments, basking in the graceful movements of his Master before reluctantly tuning back toward their bedchamber. As he dressed, he thought about all the tasks he needed to complete today. Well maybe he could get them done quickly and he could get back with enough time before tonight's party to spend some time with Qui-Gon.

So although what both men really wanted was to spend some time together, they spent the afternoon apart. Obi-Wan accompanied Jian to the fitting and to what seemed like every jeweler in the city of Maren. He contacted Parin to arrange a time for them to meet at the club to deal with any last minute issues. Then he headed into the small music conservatory off the main ballroom to meet with musicians who would be playing at the reception.

Entering the studio, Obi-Wan was surprised that it contained only two men a bit older than he and Jian, one playing a local keyboard known as an 'octiva' and the other strumming a classical stringed 'mandar'. They were harmonizing softly as they played a soothing ballad that he only caught the last stanza of: "Bright are the stars that shine, dark is the sky, I know this love of mine will never die. And I love her, ooh." He couldn't help but be drawn in by the beautiful words and melodious voices and was staring blankly into the room when a voice pulled him back into the moment.

"Can I help you with something?" The man at the octiva asked politely. He had an almost angelic face with longish brown hair and soulful brown eyes and was dressed casually in pants and a worn shirt.

"Sorry, I was lost in your song," Obi-Wan said with a smile. He walked further into the room until he was standing between the two men. "It is a very beautiful tune."

"Our fathers wrote it over thirty years ago," the other man replied.

"They are very talented. I am Obi-Wan Kenobi and I am standing witness for Prince Jian's bonding," he greeted as he extended his hand first to the man at the octiva then to the other.

"I am Jul Lei'nion," the man seated on the floor replied. He was dressed in similar casual clothing with the mandar resting in his lap. His facial features were more rugged than his companion's. His dark hair was almost shoulder length and his hazel eyes were framed by gold rimmed round spectacles. "And this is my partner, Jahams Mac'katny," he added pointing to the man at the keyboard. "I assume you are here to select what will become this couple's ritual song."

"Yes and any assistance you could provide with this would be greatly appreciated," Obi-Wan said in response.

"Sorry, we have been given strict instructions by the King himself that we cannot influence your decision," Jahams said with a smile. He reached atop his octiva and picked up the large leather bound book that lay there. "This book contains the lyrics to all the songs our fathers have written. Jul and I have marked the pages on any song that would be appropriate in tempo and included a disk that contains a recording of each of those songs."

"After you have made a decision, return the book to us and inform us of your choice," Jul added. "And if there are any additional songs that you feel could have special meaning for anyone involved, please let us know and we can play those during the reception as well."

"Could I give you my choice in the morning?" Obi-Wan asked as he took the book from the man. "I am rather pressed for time at the moment."

"Certainly," Jahams replied. "We will be in the studio for most of the morning tomorrow. Just come down anytime."

"Thank you," Obi-Wan said with a smile. "I look forward to hearing more of your music during the reception." With a slight bow, he tucked the book under his arm and left the room.

When Qui-Gon returned from his ride with King Aidan, Obi-Wan was sprawled on the couch, peering into a large book and listening to music. He chuckled as he took in the sight. "Song choosing time, I see."

Obi-Wan turned his head just enough to see his Master's face then groused, "This is really difficult. How am I supposed to know which is the right song? What if I choose something that Jian and Nyastria hate?" He rolled himself to his feet and stalked over to Qui-Gon. "Did you have to do this too?" When the older man nodded, he dragged him over to the couch and pushed him to sit down. "Help me then."

Qui-Gon's butt had barely settled onto the thick cushion when the large book was shoved into his hands. Taking in the familiar cover, he flipped through the pages until he came to a specific set of verses. "Well, I can tell you which one you can't choose," he informed his frustrated apprentice.

"Why, that's one of the ones I really liked," Obi-Wan complained. "I give her all my love, that's all I do and if you saw my love, you'd love her too. I love her," he read from the page. "It's so romantic."

"So did I. That's why I chose it for Aidan and Cliaryn," Qui-Gon reminisced with a smile.

"But those musicians are too young to have played for the King and Queen," Obi-Wan insisted then remember what Jul had said. "It must have been their fathers." He saw the questioning look on his Master's face but ignored it as he pointed to a page. "What about this one?" He waited for Qui-Gon to read the words and when he didn't seem impressed he turned the page to another set of verses.

Qui-Gon read through the lyrics of three more songs that Obi-Wan pointed out before he found one that touched him. "To lead a better life, I need my love to be here," he said softly then turned to Obi-Wan with a smile. "Is this one on your disk?"

After looking at the label on the disk's case, Obi-Wan nodded and entered the code for the correct track. The soft sounds of a stringed instrument came over the speakers accompanying the melodious male voice. Harmonious voices echoed soft ooooh sounds behind the romantic words giving it an almost angelic quality. As the words ended, Obi-Wan chuckled. "That was my second choice." He glanced at the chrono and tossed the controller to Qui-Gon with a panicked look. "I need to get to the club and make the final preparations for tonight. Do you have time to listen to the rest of the songs just to make sure this is the right one?" he called out as he disappeared into the bedroom.

For a moment, Qui-Gon considered teasing his apprentice about trusting his feelings but decided Obi-Wan was probably too stressed to take it in the vein it was meant. He could hear the rustling of clothing and fought the temptation to move to the doorway and watch Obi-Wan change.

In only a few minutes, Obi-Wan returned to the common room looking totally different. Gone were the sedate cream tunic and leggings of the Jedi apprentice, replaced by clothing that would have been right at home in any of Coruscant's trendy clubs. His lover's upper torso was covered by a burgundy collar-less tunic of a fine cot`on while the rest of him was contained in skin tight midnight blue leather pants tucked into black dress boots. But for the lightsaber hanging from his black leather dress belt and the telltale braid, Obi-Wan was the picture of a decadent but well to do young man, ready for a night of frivolity and frolicking.

And it took all of Qui-Gon's masterly controls to keep from tossing away responsibility and dragging that picture of seduction back into the bedroom. He willed away his quickly growing erection as Obi-Wan came to stand in front of him. "I will listen to them," he agreed as he stood up. He grasped the thin plait of hair trailing down his padawan's chest and stroked the blue bead woven into the strands with his fingers. "Everything will be perfect, Obi-Wan. Stop fretting. Aidan and I will get Jian to the club at 2030. I will see you then."

After the door closed behind Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon moved back to the couch to look at the rest of the pages marked in the book. He had read through four more pages when one set of lyrics caught his attention. As he read the words, it struck him how appropriate they were to his and Obi-Wan's relationship. After a few lines, he began to read aloud, "but of all these friends and lovers, there is no one compares with you. All these memories lose their meaning when I think of love as something new. In my life, I love you more." He keyed the controller to play that song as the book fell into his lap. The melody was lovely and he could have written the words. He made a mental note of the title, closed the book and turned off the player. Maybe he could get the musicians to play this song at some point during the reception.

Qui-Gon headed into the bedroom to shower and change for tonight. In a short time, he was dressed in the new civilian clothes that Obi-Wan had purchased for the occasion. The mahogany pants fit him much tighter than his normal leggings and tucked securely into his well kept but comfortable brown boots. The azure silk tunic had a high collar and billowy sleeves that gathered into a tight band at the wrist. He tucked it into his pants then moved to sit at the dressing table. The small wooded box before him still held his bead from their commitment set and he wanted to be able to wear it.

After drying his hair a bit more with a towel, Qui-Gon brushed through the heavy mass. He lifted the green bead out of its case and placed it into his palm. Without Obi-Wan's assistance, he would be unable to duplicate the intricate weave from the previous evening so he would have to settle for something a bit simpler. He separated out the sections he would pull back and slid the green bead through a portion of the combined hair. After he had arranged it into the proper position, he secured the separated hair with the sliver clip just below the bauble. He turned to get a glimpse of the finished result and nodded at his image. It wasn't Obi-Wan's artistic pattern but it was presentable enough.

Pushing his chair back, Qui-Gon rose from the table and looked into the oval mirror on the opposite wall. Never one to place a great deal of emphasis on being fashionable, he owned very little in the way of civilian clothing. He had purchased items out of necessity when occasions arose but had never given his outward appearance much attention, save for looking respectable and seemly.

Over the last few years, that had changed. From the time Obi-Wan had reached his impressionable teenage years, he had begun to chide Qui-Gon for his lack of fashion sense. As time progressed and his method of dress had not improved, his apprentice had taken it upon himself to make sure that his Master had an array of fashionable clothing for any occasion. After they had become lovers, Obi-Wan started buying things that he wanted to see his Master wearing and Qui-Gon had found himself taking a new interest in his appearance. He didn't care for himself; he just wanted to look good for his mate.

So with a final check of his reflection, Qui-Gon left his quarters, heading for the Royal residence. He passed a few guests from the previous evening's reception and could see their shock to see him in casual clothing. This was not a new reaction and he fought not to allow a smile to form on his lips. Why was it so difficult for people to see that beneath the training, Jedi were all just sentient beings, sharing this universe with them? He nodded polite greetings to the people he passed and soon arrived at the door to the private family quarters. The King's guard bowed formally to him as he opened the door.

"Good evening, Qui-Gon," Aidan said, smiling as he took in the attire of his old friend. "Even when we were teenagers, I don't think I ever saw you wearing anything quite so trendy. I assume we have Obi-Wan to thank for your fashionable apparel."

"Are you trying to say that I don't have any fashion sense?" Qui-Gon stated, feigning exasperation.

"Let's just say that it's a good thing the Jedi are required to wear uniforms," Aidan retorted.

Ignoring the jab, Qui-Gon asked, "So are you and Jian ready to go?"

"Ever the diplomat, my friend," the King replied as he led Qui-Gon into the common room. "Jian will be out momentarily."

Making conversation while they waited for the Prince, Qui-Gon said. "I think Obi-Wan is almost as nervous about the ceremony as Jian is. You should have seen him stressing over choosing a song."

"Unlike you and I when we were planning my bonding to Cliaryn," Aidan teased. "We were both calm and collected throughout the entire ordeal."

Their conversation ended when Jian came into the room. "Father. Master Qui. Are we ready to go?"

Qui-Gon looked at the Prince, nervousness and tension radiating thickly from the young man. He walked over and put his arm around the shoulders of the man that he had held in his arms as an infant while presenting him to the court all those years ago. "Come, Jian. I can see that you are in dire need of this night of relaxation before the ceremony. And if I know your brother and Obi-Wan, it should be a diverting evening indeed."

The three men left the Royal quarters and made their way to the transport that awaited them. Waved into the vehicle by the driver, it took only a few minutes for them to reach the small club. Escorting Jian to the door, Qui-Gon was not surprised to find Obi-Wan and Parin waiting for them.

"Come, my brother. An evening of entertainment and enjoyment awaits you," Parin said with a laugh.

The two older men followed the three younger ones into the club and Aidan watched as two scantily clad women took position on each side of his son and escorted him to a small table directly in front of the stage. Obi-Wan brought Jian a mug of ale then stood off to the side while the two attractive dancers vied for the guest of honor's attention.

"Our job for this evening is now complete, Qui-Gon. Let's find a quiet table towards the back of the room and have some ale, while the younger crowd partakes of all this revelry." With a tiny nod to his busy padawan, Qui-Gon followed the King to the back of the room, grabbing a mug of ale on the way by, and settled to watch everything going on around them. The band began to play rather loudly from the stage at the front of the room while a few of the dancers had made their way up onto the platforms set up on the edges of the stage. Most of the gaming tables were fully occupied and the players were drinking and chatting while also deeply involved in their games.

As the night has just begun and most people had not partaken of too much liquor, the party was currently rather subdued but both men knew that it wouldn't take long for that to change. After a few moments, a third man came to sit with them. "Aidan, Qui-Gon, mind if I join you?" Livat asked. When his brother nodded, he placed his mug on the table and sat down. "Your apprentice appears to be a fine young man, Qui-Gon. I was glad to have the opportunity to meet him yesterday and hope to get the chance to speak to him more during your visit," he added with a smile.

Qui-Gon let out an exasperated sigh as Aidan laughed. "Lighten up, Qui-Gon. It will do the boy good to see that you haven't always been the staid and stoic Jedi Master."

The men talked casually with Qui-Gon enjoying the pleasant camaraderie while steering the conversation repeatedly away from the night of Aidan's pre-bonding party. A couple of times during the evening Obi-Wan came over to their table but never managed to stay long. As he placed a platter of finger foods in front of the men during his second visit, he teased. "Maybe I should direct one of those erotic creatures over to this table. I'm sure any one of those beautiful women would be more than happy to do a lap dance for three such distinguished gentleman."

"I don't think that will be necessary, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon rebutted quickly.

"But Master," Obi-Wan began but was cut off by the King.

"Unless you want us both to be on the Queen's bad side, Obi-Wan, I think it would be best if you kept those young beauties up front where they belong," Aidan warned.

Before he could reply, the caterer called Obi-Wan over with a minor crisis. As he walked away he heard, if anyone is going to perform a lap dance for me, my Padawan, it will be you. Without turning back, he sent Qui-Gon as image of him doing just that. It would be my pleasure, my Master.

Obi-Wan dealt with the caterer then walked through the tables checking on the condition of the guests. The party had now been going on for over three hours, with some of the partygoers becoming somewhat inebriated, and he wanted to insure that no one would ruin it. As he moved past the high stakes sabacc table, an arm came out to stop his progress.

"Well, Kenobi," Da'nark slurred as he rose shakily from the table. "I knew there was more to you Jedi than meets the eye. So do all Jedi padawans provide special services for their Masters?" he added in a loud sneer.

"Da'nark, you're drunk, so I will pretend you didn't just say that," Obi-Wan snapped. "But I would suggest that you keep your comments to yourself and stay away from me or I may not continue to be so forgiving." He had taken a few steps away from the intoxicated man but he turned when the boisterous voice continued to jeer at him.

"No wonder Master Jinn always looks so stoic and serene. It must be a great stress reliever for him to have his own personal bedslave wherever he goes," Da'nark taunted.

That comment proved more than even Obi-Wan's Jedi serenity could take. Da'nark could insult him all he wanted but insulting Qui-Gon was totally unacceptable. Before he took the time to think through his actions, Obi-Wan used the Force to lift his mocker and deposit him face first into the decorative ale barrel.

By the time Da'nark surfaced, sputtering and cursing, Qui-Gon, Aidan, Livat, Jian and a few others had reached the refreshment table. "I will get you for this, Kenobi," he bellowed as Jian and some of his friends dragged him over to the other side of the room.

As his mind caught up with his rash actions, Obi-Wan blushed a deep shade of red and dropped to one knee before King Aidan and his Master. "There is no excuse for my impetuous behavior, your Majesty. I beg your forgiveness and the forgiveness of the House of Kintyre."

"Rise, young Obi-Wan. There is nothing to forgive," Aidan reassured him. "Most men would have lost patience with Da'nark long before now."

Obi-Wan stayed down on his knee and looked up beseechingly at Qui-Gon. "I acted in a manner unbecoming a Jedi or a representative of the Republic, my Master. I open myself fully to your judgment in this matter."

Pulling his repentant apprentice to his feet, Qui-Gon wrapped his arm around Obi-Wan's waist and led him to the table that he had occupied earlier. "Normally, I would be appalled to have you resort to such behavior, Padawan. But Varonat seems to bring out very unjedilike responses in both of us and it appears that it was more than justified in this case."

Seeing the look of confusion on Obi-Wan's face, Livat sat down and took pity on him. "You wanted to hear the story of King Aidan's pre-bonding party, young Obi-Wan. I think now would be a good time."

After getting a nod of approval from Qui-Gon, the Duke began his story. "When Qui-Gon was here for Aidan and Cliaryn's bonding, there was another young man who took it upon himself to try to embarrass the Jedi. He taunted your Master ruthlessly, making obnoxious and rude comments both to him and, within his hearing, to others about the Jedi. Qui-Gon was the epitome of Jedi decorum, ignoring Fluet's derisive comments and comporting himself as a true gentleman."

When Livat stopped for a moment, Obi-Wan leaned into the comforting strength of his Master and spoke to him over their bond. I am so sorry, Master. I don't know why I let that cretin affect me so much. Qui-Gon just tightened the arm still around his apprentice's waist and sent a wave of love to him as Livat continued.

"During Aidan's pre-bonding party, Fluet had a bit too much to drink and made some rather offensive comments first about Qui-Gon and later about Master Yoda," Livat explained. "When Fluet didn't heed your Master's warning to desist, Qui-Gon lifted the man up with the Force and hung him from the chandelier at the center of the large ballroom, ten meters from the floor."

Obi-Wan looked at his normally stalwart Master in disbelief. "You didn't."

"Oh but he did, Obi-Wan, and it was the talk of the palace for years to come," Aidan remarked with a smile.

Leaning forward so that only Obi-Wan would hear him, Qui-Gon admitted. "So, you are not the only one who succumbed to a lapse in judgment, my own." He pressed a kiss to the younger man's cheek then pulled back. "Now go and enjoy the rest of the party. I don't think you will have any more problems with Da'nark."

Returning the kiss along with a wave of love, Obi-Wan left the table and joined Jian, who was again seated at the honor table. After apologizing for Da'nark's improvident behavior, the Prince assured his friend that his cousin had been escorted back to his room at the palace by two of the Royal guards and would not be returning to the party.

The remainder of the gathering passed without incident. Qui-Gon, Aidan and the rest of the older crowd left shortly after the incident while the younger crowd again partied until the wee hours of the morning. After leaving Jian and Parin at their residence, Obi-Wan made his way down the corridors to the rooms he shared with his Master. He had made sure Jian enjoyed the remainder of the party but he was still feeling somewhat guilty about his lack of control with Da'nark. Although the less responsible part of himself had reveled in dumping the annoying man in the ale, most of him was appalled that he had allowed that abrading person to get under his skin so easily.

Releasing his self-loathing to the Force, Obi-Wan made his way through their quarters into the bedroom he shared with Qui-Gon. He had sensed his Master awaken as he entered the outer rooms so he made no attempt at silence and went directly to sit on the edge of the bed. Placing his hand gently on a bearded cheek, he whispered. "I am sorry that I failed you, Master."

"It's not the end of the world, my own; just consider it another of life's lessons. Though it will definitely lend credence to the belief that you are too much like me for your own good," Qui-Gon replied as he turned to kiss the palm against his face.

At that Obi-Wan smiled, visualizing the image of his normally so-controlled Master hanging someone from a chandelier with the Force. "You really hung that man, Fluet, from the ceiling in the midst of the King's party?"

"Yes, I did and I was so flustered when I realized what I had done that I lost my Force hold on him as I attempted to bring him down and Master Yoda had to use the Force to cushion his landing," Qui-Gon admitted with a sheepish grin. "So you see, Padawan, my loss of control was even more spectacular that your own. Now, come to bed. Today is going to be another busy one."

Quickly divesting himself of his clothing, Obi-Wan slid under the covers, into the welcoming arms of his Master and lover. Exhaustion was rapidly catching up with him but he and Qui-Gon had spent so little time together that he fought his body's admonition and struggled to suppress a yawn. He threaded his hand into the silken mass of hair and covered the tempting mouth with his. After a few tender kisses, he was pulled tightly against a solid chest and heard the warm voice in his mind. I can feel your exhaustion. Sleep now, my love. I will hold you and we can be together in your dreams.

With nowhere he would rather be than Qui-Gon's arms, Obi-Wan relaxed into the strength of his embrace and gave into the call of sleep. Content with offering that comfort, Qui-Gon drifted back to sleep as well.

As he had the morning before, Qui-Gon came awake as the rising sun filtered into their room but unlike yesterday, he happily remained in bed with his mate lying snugly against him. Deepening his lover's sleep with a touch of the Force, he was content to run his hands lightly over the warm flesh, relishing the feel of the soft skin over hard muscle that composed his compact frame. He knew Obi-Wan would be upset at him for not waking him but it was too seldom that he could enjoy the weight of his sleeping lover in his arms and he did not want to pass up this opportunity.

His caresses must have penetrated Obi-Wan's dreams because the younger man was murmuring in his sleep and Qui-Gon could feel the rapidly firming penis pressing against his thigh. He kissed the tousled hair and felt his own erection building as his lover's lithe body began rocking against him. It was just too tempting - the soft sleepy moans and the hard penis undulating a wet pattern on his leg - so he pressed the still sleeping body onto its back and slid down to capture the silken shaft in his mouth. The taste of Obi-Wan exploded on his tongue as he licked and sucked every drop from the leaking slit. Running his tongue along the sensitive underside, he could feel the sensations he was creating bringing his lover quickly towards both waking and climax. Using his intricate knowledge of all of his mate's most sensitive areas, he could feel the flesh swelling against his tongue just as he heard the younger man's cries.

Obi-Wan's erotic dream shifted into an oh so delightful reality as he awoke to the sensation of warm wetness engulfing his cock. Before he could even react to this wonderful treatment, his orgasm rushed through him as he cried out Qui-Gon's name. When he came down from his ecstasy, he pulled his lover roughly beside him so he could look into his face and growled, "Why did you do that?"

Chuckling softly, Qui-Gon replied with a question of his own. "You didn't enjoy it?"

"I would have enjoyed it more if I had been awake for more than the last few seconds," Obi-Wan gruffed. "Plus, it was more like having sex than making love."

Qui-Gon leaned in and kissed his lover tenderly, allowing his regret at being selfish in this encounter flow over the bond. "I'm sorry, Obi-Wan. I was enjoying just holding you in my arms and touching you. But you were so beautiful, murmuring in your sleep and rocking against me, that I couldn't resist pleasuring you."

Never able to stay angry for very long with the one who held his heart, Obi-Wan rolled Qui-Gon onto his back, straddled his hips and pressed a light kiss to his lips. "I will just have to amuse myself until I am recovered enough for you to make it up to me," he declared as he moved his lips against his lover's ear.

The certainty that his young lover would recover his stamina before he could torture him for too long bolstered Qui-Gon as he acquiesced, running his hands down the arms braced on either side of him. "I am at your mercy, my own."

With a nip to the tender earlobe, Obi-Wan trailed a path of kisses along neck and shoulder until he reached a dusky nipple on the broad chest. He laved the circle with his tongue, licking until he had hardened the nub into a peak then sucked it into his mouth. Qui-Gon's low moan spurred him on and he slid over to repeat his caresses to the other one.

"Yes," Qui-Gon breathed, as he lost himself in the titillating sensations from Obi-Wan tongue and lips. The feeling of his lover's renewed erection pressed against his groin told him that this teasing would not go on much longer.

After puffing a breath against that wet nipple, Obi-Wan shimmied down until he had reached the coarse hair surrounding Qui-Gon's erect and leaking penis. Without wasting a moment, he licked the liquid pooled in the tip then swallowed him to the root. He sucked and licked at the tasty flesh for a few moments but released it as he felt his own arousal pressing urgently against his lover's thigh. He settled back onto his haunches as he reached for the bottle of oil at their bedside. He poured a small circled into his lover's navel and used it first to coat the throbbing shaft rising up beneath it, then coated his fingers to prepare his own body.

With a smoldering look into those darkened blue eyes, Obi-Wan rose onto his knees so his mate could watch his fingers disappearing into his own body. After a few moments, he wrapped his slick hand around the turgid flesh and positioned the head against his opening. "Now, we will do this properly," he growled as he slowly lowered himself onto Qui-Gon's erection.

The feel of that tight heat surrounding him sent surges of pleasure through his already sensitized body and Qui-Gon couldn't stop the moan that came from deep in his throat. "Ahhh, so hot, so tight."

Obi-Wan hands explored the chest beneath him with gentle touches as he very slowly lifted his hips until the flesh within his body was barely contained then just as slowly slid back down that throbbing shaft until his balls rested against his lover's belly. After three or four such strokes, he could feel Qui-Gon's hips pressing urgently to increase the pace but his earlier release made him able to enjoy this languid pace. His hands pushed down firmly to keep him still as he continued with his tormentingly slow motions. "Don't rush it, love. Savor the moment," he added with a devilish grin.

For a few moments, Qui-Gon was actually able to comply with his lover's request but soon his need grew to such depths that he had to have more. Reaching forward, he rubbed his palm through the remnants of the oil on his stomach then enclosed Obi-Wan's penis within his fist. The extra sensation quickly achieved its goal and Obi-Wan increased the speed of his motions. He moved his free hand to the younger man's hip, using the extra leverage to increase the tempo yet again.

Using the hands pressed to Qui-Gon's chest to push against, they were soon lost in a frantic pace of thrust and drop that had Obi-Wan moaning his lover's name with each ragged breath, "Qui… love… Master…love you…Qui-Gon," came the final cry as semen spurted over his stomach and Qui-Gon's fist.

"My Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon cried out as he held the thrashing man still with the hand on his hip and pulsed his essence into the channel of Obi-Wan's body. He released the softening shaft in his fist as he felt his sated lover collapse against his chest. They lay there for a few moments, neither of them feeling any desire to move from their sticky position. The hand that had held his lover still, moved to trace gently circles on his back as they stayed happily intertwined and dozed contentedly in the morning sun.

After an unknown amount of time but not really enough for either of them, Obi-Wan lifted his head to glance at the chrono by their bedside. "Well, I'd better… get up… I guess," he mumbled as his head dropped back onto Qui-Gon's shoulder. He felt the rumble of laughter against his chest before the reply.

"You don't sound too convinced of that, Padawan," Qui-Gon commented.

"I really should know better than to let you ravage me into incoherence on a morning that I have so many things to do," Obi-Wan grumbled as he rolled from his comfortable position.

"Me ravage you?" Qui-Gon retorted innocently. "As I recall you were the one in control of this somewhat torturous but extremely satisfying encounter."

"Well you started it," Obi-Wan flung back with a noticeable lack of heat as he continued to force himself closer to the edge of the bed. With an exaggerated sigh, he pushed himself to his feet and moved tentatively towards the refresher. "Are you coming, Master?" he called back over his shoulder.

Qui-Gon placed both hands behind his head and stretched his full length out on the bed. "No, I think I will wait until you have finished, Padawan. I wouldn't want to be accused of delaying you further."

"You just want to rub in the fact that you can lay there and be lazy," Obi-Wan scoffed. With a last glance at his smirking Master, he entered the refresher and allowed the door to slam noisily behind him.

Obi-Wan came back into the room with the beads and ties to his unwoven braid in his hand to find Qui-Gon standing beside the door. Pressing a light kiss to his lover's lips, he moved passed him into the refresher speaking as he went. "Parin commed and we're expected at breakfast in twenty minutes. I laid out our clothing on the bed."

Qui-Gon came out, still toweling dry his hair, to find Obi-Wan tying off his braid and looking forlornly at the set of beads in the black box. "I didn't feel right weaving it in myself."

"I understand. We will make time to redo them before the rehearsal this evening, my own," Qui-Gon assured with a smile as he ghosted his finger over the two baubles. After running that same finger down the length of Obi-Wan's braid, he moved beside the bed and dressed quickly. He was pulling on his boots when Obi-Wan called out to him from the common room.

"Did you have a chance to go through the rest of the lyrics?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Yes and I agree with your choice. It is very appropriate," Qui-Gon answered as he entered the room. "If you would like, I can return the book and give your choice to the musicians after breakfast," he offered, wanting to be helpful but also having his own motivation.

"I would really appreciate that, Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan replied as he picked up the book and the disk of recordings. Tucking them under his arm, he palmed opened the door to their quarters and exited the room at his Master's side.

Breakfast was a friendly affair, with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon undergoing not a small amount of teasing over their respective performances during the pre-bonding celebrations. The group spent most of the time while they ate making plans for the last day before the ceremony. There were errands still left to run, final fittings and clothing to pick up and decorating to oversee, among other little chores. Everyone had a least a couple of things to do but some people like Obi-wan and Jian had a good number, so they were the first ones to leave the dining room. Parin and Lycianna left shortly there after, leaving only the older crowd at the table.

"So Qui-Gon, what are your plans for the day?" Cliaryn asked as her children exited.

"I need to go to the greenhouse and checked on the solatia bush that I brought for the ceremony and drop off Obi-Wan's song choice to the musicians but otherwise I am free," Qui-Gon replied.

"You should never have admitted that, my friend," Aidan chuckled. "Now my beautiful wife will heap you with a list of chores ten meters long, like the one she assigned me to keep me occupied and out of mischief."

A smile lit up the Queen's beautiful face and she leaned over, speaking in a soft and conspiratorial tone. "What I need you to do is even more difficult, Qui-Gon. I need to make sure that my husband completes his list and arrives back home in time to get ready for the rehearsal but not too much before."

Kissing Cliaryn's hand with a flourish, Qui-Gon replied. "I am at the disposal of the House of Kintyre for even the most challenging of assignments."

"Qui-Gon, don't humor her. She will be insufferable," Aidan retorted as he rose from his chair.

Qui-Gon picked up the music book and disk that remained on the table at Obi-Wan's place and tucked it under his arm as he stood. "Come, my friend. The sooner we get started, the sooner we will finish."

The two men exited the room side by side and set about to complete the list. They made the music room their first stop and could hear melodious voices and the faint sounds of an octiva when they reached the door. As they entered, the musicians rose quickly from their places and bowed formally to the King once they reached them. "Your Majesty."

The young men did not rise up from their positions until Aidan spoke. "Good day, Jahams and Jul. From what I could hear as we came in, you boys have definitely inherited your fathers' talents."

"Thank you, your Majesty," Jahams replied for both of them as they stood.

Qui-Gon stepped forward, handed the book and disk to Jahams and introduced himself. "I am Qui-Gon Jinn. My apprentice asked me to return those to you with his selection."

"And his choice, Ser Jedi?" Jul asked as his partner placed the book atop the octiva.

"The song he chose for Jian and Nyastria is called 'Here, There and Everywhere'," Qui-Gon replied.

Jahams smiled as he walked to his partner's side. "That's a very good choice. Were there any other specific songs that anyone would like us to play, beside your traditional song, your Highness?"

Qui-Gon replied quickly. "There was one that I would like to request if I may." When the young man nodded, he gave him the title and asked if the song could be played during the latter part of the reception. The musicians agreed easily and after a quick goodbye, the two older men were on their way.

The better part of the day was spent going from one place to another completing all of Aidan assignments. Checking on the solatia bush was easily included as the greenhouse was one of the places they needed to go. After confirming that the correct flowers would be delivered for both events, they picked up formal clothing from the tailors, attendant's gifts from the jewelers, finalized travel arrangements for the happy couple and the like. They stopped for a light lunch that included a couple of glasses of ale, as always enjoying the chance to talk and reminisce.

By the time Qui-Gon left Aidan at his quarters and returned to his it was 1700. He was not surprise to find out he had arrived back before his padawan and he decided to use the time for a combination of light exercise and meditation. Stripping down until he was clad only in his leggings, he moved into the center of the workout floor and began the slow and steady movements of a contemplative kata.

Qui-Gon was about three-quarters of the way through the kata when he felt Obi-Wan entering their quarters. Although his eyes remained closed and he continued the routine, he sensed the younger man move into the room, strip down to his leggings and move into a position opposite him as he finished the last motion. He opened his eyes and smiled. "Finally finished all your chores?"

"Yes, thank the Force," Obi-Wan replied. "All that remains is attending the rehearsal and ceremony."

"And keeping Jian calm until he speaks his vows," Qui-Gon retorted.

"Well, that too," Obi-Wan smirked. "Mind if I join you? It seems like it's been days since I have had time for this."

"Please. I have missed your company as well, Padawan," Qui-Gon answered.

The two Jedi lost themselves in the relaxation and exertion of the familiar routine, meeting each other's movements with the easy comfort of frequent repetition. No words were needed as they finished one kata and moved to the next, both of them flowing into the new pattern easily. They had completed three full routines before they stopped across from each other and met each other's eyes. Leaning forward to place a chaste kiss upon his Master's lips, Obi-Wan smiled. "Thanks, I needed that." A glance at the chrono on the wall told him that they just had enough time to shower and dress before the rehearsal. As he turned, he caught sight of the large hot tub in the corner of the room and ran his hand longingly over the lip. "Before our vacation is over, we will make time to indulge ourselves in this wonderful addition to our quarters."

Moving to his apprentice's side, Qui-Gon covered the hand on the tub with his own. "Something to look forward to. Now, we need to get ready."

It did not take very long for the two of them to shower and dress. As they had for the betrothal dinner, both men dressed in the formal Jedi blacks. After they had finished dressing, they repeated their actions of that prior night and placed their commitment beads into each other's hair. After running his fingers down the thin length of hair, Qui-Gon brought the blue bead he had woven into Obi-Wan's braid to his lips and kissed it reverently. "Always yours," he whispered against the stone then rose and pulled Obi-Wan to his feet. "Come, my own. It wouldn't do for us to be late to the rehearsal."

The historic basilica where the ceremony would take place was only a few blocks from the palace, so they decided to forgo the transport that was waiting for them and walk. Maren was a resplendent old city, buildings with classic gothic architecture intertwined with magnificent gardens and parks. It was a beautiful evening, the air pleasantly warm and the sky just beginning to darken enough for the stars to be visible and they had been able to spend too little time outdoors since their arrival.

After walking for a few minutes, Obi-Wan broke the companionable silence. "I'm glad you suggested we walk, Master. With the rush of activity since we arrived, I had forgotten how impressive this city could be at night."

"A peaceful walk outside the confines of the Temple is something we can indulge in too infrequently," Qui-Gon replied, dropping a hand from within his sleeves so that he could enfold one of Obi-Wan's. "Especially with such pleasant company." A sweet smile was his only reply and silence again flowed between them as they continued their trek.

A few minutes later, the marble steps of the cathedral lay before them. They walked up the stairs hand in hand and pushed open the heavy oak doors to enter. A Royal guard opened the inner door and motioned them into the main part of the church. A group of people in formal attire, including the King and Queen were gathered by the altar rail and they quickly moved to join them. "Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan," Aidan greeted. "As soon as Nyastria and her family arrive, we will be ready to begin."

Everyone chatted amicably while waiting, Obi-Wan and Jian sharing muffled laughter and knowing smiles as Parin rambled on about the previous evening. The conversation continued until the church doors again opened and the last group of participants entered. Nyastria was dressed in a flowing gown of sea-green silk, her long dark hair cascading over her bare shoulders. Obi-Wan smiled as Jian moved to his betrothed's side as if drawn to her by an invisible tether.

After a light kiss, Jian welcomed Nyastria's family then escorted them to the front of the church. After friendly greetings to all, Pater Luionad directed everyone into their proper positions and immediately began the rehearsal for tomorrow's ceremony. Wanting to insure that everything would be perfect for the bonding ritual, all the participants paid close attention to their instructions and after only three run throughs the Pater felt that they were all properly prepared.

Three transports brought the entire group from the church back to the palace and it took only a few moments for them to arrive at the dining facility. The seating arrangement for this formal dinner was the same as it would be for the reception tomorrow and once again Obi-Wan found himself seated at Jian's side which was quite a distance from his Master. After smiling fondly across the table, he released his yearning and focused his attention on the couple seated beside him.

Waiters doled out crystal flutes filled with a pale pink vintage wine to each guest as soon as everyone had taken their places at the table. When each one had a glass before them, Qui-Gon rose from his seat and held his goblet out in front of him. "Honored family and friends. As bond-father to Prince Jian, I have watched him grow from a wailing and squirming infant into the intelligent and conscientious young man who now appears before you. Tomorrow he takes one of the most important steps in his young life, exchanging bonding vows with an equally compassionate and responsible young woman. Please rise, raise your glasses and join me in wishing that the love and respect that this young couple shares will continue to grow as they work towards the day when they will stand side by side to reign over the kingdom of Varonat." He lifted his glass up over his head and declared in an emotion tinged voice. "Jian and Nyastria, may your lives be filled with joy and love and may the Force protect and be with you, always."

All around the table lifted their glasses in honor of the happy couple and drank to show their tribute to them. After the guests had put down their glasses and again taken their seats, Jian stood at his place. "Thank you all for your heartfelt wishes and for being with Nyastria and I on this wondrous occasion. It wouldn't be the same without each and every one of you here to share it with us."

With those formalities finished, Jian again took his seat and the waiters brought out the first course of the meal. Conversation flowed around the table as food was served and consumed. Obi-Wan could see Jian and Nyastria relaxing as the time passed, the comfort of family and friends belaying some of the tension of the upcoming ceremony. By the time the dessert dishes were cleared and tiny cordial glasses were being passed around, laughter floated in the air as people began rising from their seats.

As the betrothed couple made their way around the room to speak to everyone, Obi-Wan found his gaze automatically searching out Qui-Gon. Before he could move to his side, Nyastria's father approached him. "Jedi Kenobi, my daughter tells me that you and Prince Jian have been friends for many years. How did two people of such diverse backgrounds come to know one another so well?"

Years of diplomatic training kicked in and Obi-Wan gave up on his desire to join Qui-Gon to answer Ser Delaryn's query. They talked for a while, Obi-Wan telling him how he and Jian had come to be friends and relaying some of the tamer stories of their teenage experiences. Nyastria's mother and Queen Cliaryn joined them after a time. Madam Delaryn asked him about his life as a Jedi apprentice and he explained in very general terms what his life entailed. The Queen told a rather embarrassing story that occurred during his first visit to Varonat and Obi-Wan couldn't keep a light blush from coloring his cheeks.

Madam Delaryn was still laughing when Nyastria came over to join her parents. "It seems even Jedi training is not enough to overcome the normal behaviors of adolescence, she told her daughter."

"Master Qui-Gon was telling me an interesting story about a visit you and Jian paid to a rather seedy entertainment facility on the lower levels when Jian was at University," Nyastria said with an all too innocent smile.

Before she could continue, Obi-Wan placed an arm around her shoulders and said conspiratorially, "Please keep that little tale just between us, Nyastria. Any more damage to the reputation of the Jedi order at my hands and I will be doing meditations on serenity and control until I'm too old to take my trials."

"Your secret is safe with me, Obi-Wan," she agreed as she placed a kiss on his cheek. She leaned a bit closer and whispered. "I find it reassuring to know that the Bond-father of my future children has so much practice dealing with less than forthright experiences."

"Let us hope I am never required to put that experience to use in that vein," Obi-Wan replied in the same soft tone.

After a warm smile of agreement to Obi-Wan, Nyastria turned to her parents. "Mother, Father, are you ready to retired?"

The Delaryns nodded and headed for the door with their daughter after a few words of leave taking. After they had exited the room, Obi-Wan addressed the Queen. "Nyastria is an amiable and generous young woman who loves Jian very much. You must be very proud to have her joining your family."

"Yes, Nyastria is very good for Jian and I have no doubt that she will be more that capable of dealing with all the challenges inherent in her new role," Cliaryn responded, the warmth in her voice as it would be speaking to one of her children. "I see only good coming from this bonding. They belong to each other fully, much like Aidan and I and you and Qui-Gon." She placed a hand gently on his shoulder. "You are good for him, Obi-Wan. He is happier than he has been in all the years that I have known him."

"He is my heart, your Majesty, and I thank the Force each day for bringing him into my life," Obi-Wan said emotionally.

Before anything else could be said, Aidan and Qui-Gon came over to where they stood. "Ready to call it a night, Padawan?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Yes, I just need to speak to Jian for a moment first," Obi-Wan replied. After saying goodbye to the King and Queen, he crossed the room to where the Prince stood with his brother. "I was going to head back to my quarters unless there is something else you need me to do."

"No, I think an early night will be in all of our best interests," Jian said with a smile. "Your clothing for tomorrow should have been delivered to your quarters while we were here. Meet in my rooms in the morning, say 0930."

Relieved to feel his friend much more relaxed than at the rehearsal, Obi-Wan agreed easily. "0930 it is. Contact me if you need anything before then," he added before turning back to where his Master now stood alone. As he reached the older man's side, they began walking in silence from the room.

It did not take long for them to reach their quarters and as the door slid closed behind them, Obi-Wan pulled his lover into a firm embrace. "Finally, with no responsibilities and no distractions until 0930 tomorrow morning, we have some time to spend together."

"And just what would you like to do with that time?" Qui-Gon whispered against his lover's neck.

Obi-Wan pulled back and speared his lover with a lust filled look. "Well, it would be a shame if we did not take advantage of all the effort Queen Cliaryn put into redecorating our suite." He led Qui-Gon further into the rooms and with a flick of his wrist as they passed the door, the controls to the hot tub came alive and bubbling sounded from under the lid.

They continued on into the bedroom. As Obi-Wan pressed Qui-Gon to sit on the bed and knelt at his feet to pull off the high black boots, an earlier conversation came back to him. "Why did you have to tell Nyastria about the debacle at the Wild Wampa?" he asked in annoyance.

"Because it's a funny story," Qui-Gon chuckled. "And if you had paid more attention in your Non-Humanoid sexuality class, you would have realized that the Elomin were in stage two of their mating ritual and not trying to kill one another."

Tossing the second boot off to the side, Obi-Wan shifted between the spread knees and placed his head on a muscular thigh. He bit down firmly on the fabric covered skin of a sensitive inner thigh then smirked at the yelp that escaped from Qui-Gon's lips. "But that was in my youth, before I realized how many normally painful things become erotic in the correct setting," he explained as he rose from his knees.

Pulling his Master to his feet, Obi-Wan silently began to peel the dress blacks from the large body. He took his time, removing each piece of clothing almost reverently and hanging them all carefully in the wardrobe. Hands came up to copy his motions but he gently pushed them back to Qui-Gon's sides. When his lover voiced his objection, a fingertip to those enticing lips silenced him. "Be quiet and still," he ordered as he took two steps back and raked his gaze on the half naked body before him. "This is for me."

With a wash of love over their thrumming bond, Qui-Gon acquiesced, crossing his hands behind his back and widening his stance. There were very few things he would deny his young lover and this was something so easy to give.

Satisfied by his lover's compliance, Obi-Wan moved forward and undid the ties holding the black leggings in place. He slid them very slowly down Qui-Gon's hips until he released the semi-erect penis from the confines of the fabric. He stared at his prize for a moment, then continued to push the fabric down until it pooled at his lover's ankles. Slipping back to his knees, he ran his tongue over the already bruising flesh of his bite before bringing his lips to the enticing column of flesh jutting out from those dark curls. He ran his tongue slowly over the purple head and felt the flesh leap at his touch. He continued his teasing caresses for moments, relishing the tension in the taunt thighs as Qui-Gon struggled to follow his imperative. He pulled the swelling shaft between his lips and sucked gently before releasing it.

Qui-Gon bit back a groan as cool air replaced the warmth of Obi-Wan's mouth. A tug at his ankle and he lifted his feet one at a time as his leggings we removed. He watched as his apprentice got to his feet, hung his leggings in the wardrobe then pushed him back to sit on the bed. After another lust filled look, Obi-Wan moved a few steps away and placed his foot on a chair to unfasten his boot. The movement gave him a great view of his lover's firm ass and he fought the desire to just grab the man around the waist and toss him onto the bed.

Moving as slowly and seductively as he could, Obi-Wan removed first one boot and then the other, all the while looking over his shoulder at Qui-Gon. After placing his boots carefully beside the chair, he turned to face the bed and began removing his blacks. He took each piece of the uniform off deliberately then folded them neatly and draped them over the chair behind him. He moved as if he was performing a striptease for the most important audience in the Republic, which in his mind he was.

As enticing as the view of his lover sensually peeling off his clothing was, Qui-Gon found his patience and control being strenuously taxed. By the time only the black leggings remained on the bewitching form, need won out and he rose to his feet. A Force push against his chest sent him sprawling back down on the bed before he had taken two steps.

"Patience, my Master," Obi-Wan teased. "All good things come to those who wait."

"Don't you think you have kept me waiting long enough?" Qui-Gon grumbled as he righted himself back into a seated position.

Not bothering with a verbal reply, Obi-Wan undid the ties on his leggings and slid them to the floor. After stepping out of them and carefully folding the black fabric over the chair, he stalked over to the bed. Placing a knee of each side of the seated form, he straddled Qui-Gon's lap and took his mouth in an ardent kiss. After a few moments he pulled back, breathing heavily, and rose from his lover's lap. "Come, my love. We have a fantasy to fulfill."

Taking the offered hand, Qui-Gon stood and without a word led them into the other room. They made short work of the rigid cover that overlaid the large tub and climbed the three steps leading to the small platform surrounding it. Hand in hand, they moved into the almost scalding water and sat, side by side, on the wide shelf that ringed the tub. A contented sigh escaped both of them as their bodies acclimated to the temperature and they settled into the scorching heat. The water was high enough to reach part way up Obi-Wan's neck while it lapped at Qui-Gon's collarbones and being surrounded by its warmth was very relaxing.

Obi-Wan turned in his seat so that he was facing Qui-Gon, placed a hand into the heavy mass of brown hair and drew his lover's lips to his. They lost track of how long they kissed, soft, fleeting kisses giving way to more passionate, in-depth probing as the minutes passed. For the first time since they arrived nothing demanded their attention and they were content to drift in the pleasure of this slower pace. Mouths finally parted, taking turns tasting ears, necks and shoulders until their slowly building arousal crested in a wave too strong for them to continue to deny.

Obi-Wan extended a hand behind him to the massage table, easily catching the tube that flew into it as he moved to his knees, shifting until he had arranged himself straddling Qui-Gon's hips. He was twisting the cover off the tube when he felt his lover's chuckle.

Taking the now open container from Obi-Wan, the chuckle became a full-bodied laugh as he read the label. "Our friends seem to have anticipated our every desire," Qui-Gon observed. When he saw his padawan's confusion, he explained. "This is a non-water soluble massage gel. It appears that Aidan or Jian or probably both, envisioned our desire to use this tub for more than soothing soaks."

"We will have to remember to thank them for their foresight later," Obi-Wan replied as he grabbed the tube and squeezed an ample amount of the gel into his lover's palm. He shifted from his knees to his feet, the position putting his groin area a little above Qui-Gon's head but easily within his reach. After directing Qui-Gon's hand between his spread legs, he balanced his weight with his arms against the wall and waited.

Qui-Gon moved quickly to comply with his lover's silent directive, coating his fingers liberally with the gel and bringing them to the opening of Obi-Wan's body. Placing his other hand on Obi-Wan's ass, he pressed passed that first ring of muscle as he placed his mouth against the sensitive skin of the inner thigh before him and sucked. He gently brought a ring of blood to the surface of the skin as he coated his lover's anus with the thick gel. One finger became two and he used the Force to steady Obi-Wan as his motions threatened to upset his precarious balance on the ledge. By the time he had three gelled fingers within the tight sheath, whimpers and moans were coming from above him.

When those probing fingers disappeared from his body, Obi-Wan took no time to slide back into the water, positioning himself with his knees astride Qui-Gon. He placed both hands on his lover's waist, directing him to slouch down a bit. Qui-Gon took the hint easily and stretched out until his neck rested on the edge of the tub and his toes rested on the opposite ledge.

This new placement of their bodies had Qui-Gon's penis nudging into the cleft of his ass and after taking a moment to apply some gel to the insistent flesh, Obi-Wan steadied the shaft and slowly took it within his body. As many times as they had done this, the initial feeling of being filled by Qui-Gon always sent a surge of love and need through him that was almost overwhelming. Leaning forward carefully, he pressed an ardent kiss to his mate's lips. When he had regained his control a bit, he leaned back, braced his arms on the edge of the tub and began to move.

The tight sheath surrounding him raised and lowered in languid strokes. The position he was in left Qui-Gon no leverage and he had to be content with the pace that his lover was setting. He could feel the shudders running through Obi-Wan's body and knew that his shallow strokes were massaging the special place with his lover at every turn.

They continued this slow pace for a while, not even speaking, just enjoying the feel of each other in their bodies and minds. When he felt himself getting close, Obi-Wan would still for a few minutes, until the intensity lessened then begin moving again. The timer on the tub had stopped the bubbles and lowered the temperature a while back so they could take their time.

Finally, the sensations built up to such heights that they could no longer hold back. Obi-Wan braced his arms on the edge of the tub and increased the speed of his movements. Qui-Gon reached between them and wrapped his hand around his penis, stroking in rhythm with his motions. When a callused thumb brushed over the tip, he could hold back no longer. His orgasm exploded from him with a cry as his released pulsed over Qui-Gon's hand. A low groan escaped from his lover and he felt the corresponding wetness flowing into him.

When he had come back to himself, Obi-Wan lifted enough to allow the spent flesh to slip from his body. When Qui-Gon had shifted back into a sitting position, he settled back into his lap and said softly. "Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that it could be like this. Each time we make love deepens our bond and intensifies the love I feel for you."

"And the love I feel for you as well. Upon your Knighting, we can take the final steps and bring our bond to a depth that few Jedi have the pleasure of achieving," Qui-Gon replied as he snuggled Obi-Wan's sated body against his chest. They sat in silence for a bit longer, content to rest in each other's embrace, until he could feel the call of sleep pulling at them both. He kissed the younger man's cheek then jostled his knees until heavy gray-green eyes met his. "Up, Obi-Wan. Falling asleep here would not be a good thing."

Reluctantly, Obi-Wan rose from the comfort of Qui-Gon's lap and stepped out of the tub. Grabbing towels from the shelf, he tossed one to his Master then dried himself off. When they reached the bedroom, he dropped their used towels into the laundry chute then directed him to a chair. He grabbed the brush from the dressing table and moved behind his Master. Carefully removing the green bonding bead, he placed it back into the case then brushed through the damp strands. He plaited the heavy mass into a loose braid then tied it off with a leather strip. Then he moved in front of the chair and dropped to his knees so that his bead could be taken out as well.

Qui-Gon reached for the thin plait, untied the cord holding it secured, and unwound the three beads from the strands. He placed the blue bead in the case beside his and the other two on the desk then combed his fingers through the loosened strands. He was beginning to rebraid it when a hand came up to cover his.

"Leave it, Master," Obi-Wan said. "It will need to be redone in the morning anyway." He got to his feet, moved over to the bed, turned back the covers and slipped beneath them. "Well?"

With a loving smile, Qui-Gon rose from his chair and joined Obi-Wan in their bed. He pulled his lover into his arms, snuggling him against his chest and kissed the top of his head. "Sweet dreams, love."

"Night, Master," Obi-Wan said in reply, wrapping his arms around his lover and resting in the comforting warmth of that large body.

Obi-Wan came awake slowly, to the feel of cool sheets beside him and the smell of something freshly baked wafting in from beyond their bedroom. After checking to make sure no one else was out there, he rolled from the bed and headed into the common room. He could see Qui-Gon standing at the wet bar, dressed in worn leggings and pouring tea into a mug. The sight of the man so relaxed and carefree warmed his soul, as the last few months had been fraught with danger and tension. He moved behind him, wrapped his arms around his waist and pushed aside the braid to kiss the back of Qui-Gon's neck. "Morning, Master. Did you sleep well?" he asked, once his mouth was no longer occupied.

"Very well, Padawan," Qui-Gon replied. "I can't remember the last time I felt this well rested." He turned in the arms that held him and after a proper good morning kiss, continued. "Though our vacation is almost at an end. I received a message from Mace this morning and we have a new mission. A courier ship will arrive to pick us up at 2100 hours tonight."

Obi-Wan let out a heartfelt sigh then forced a smile. "I guess it was too much to expect that we could enjoy a leisurely return trip home on King Aidan's ship and a few days at Temple before they sent us off again."

"We live to serve," Qui-Gon quipped then dropped a kiss to Obi-Wan's nose and pressed him into a chair. "Have some breakfast. Queen Cliaryn sent up your favorite, cinna-mariburi tartlets."

Without a moment's hesitation, Obi-Wan lifted the cover off the platter and grabbed two of the aromatic pastries. He inhaled the first one in two bites, then smiled widely at Qui-Gon. "The Queen has really gone overboard spoiling me this trip. It is going to be very hard to go back to the reality of cramped quarters, barely edible food and who knows what else. Though I am glad that the bonding allowed us this time together," he added as he brought his hand to Qui-Gon's cheek.

"As I am," Qui-Gon said leaning into the touch. "But let's forget about our upcoming departure and enjoy the rest of our stay."

After finishing their breakfast, they took turns in the shower and began to get ready for the ceremony. When Qui-Gon came back into the bedroom, Obi-Wan was wearing only the magenta leggings and looking rather confusedly at the remaining items in his hands. "Problem, Padawan?" he queried as the younger man looked forlornly at him.

"Please tell me you know how all the pieces of this outfit go on," Obi-Wan lamented as he glanced over to his Master. "Why can't I just wear my blacks, like you are? It would be so much easier."

Qui-Gon walked over to where his padawan stood and took the offending garments from him. He kept only the innermost layer in his hands and placed the rest on the bed. "After you have done it a couple of times, it's easy enough. Like our uniforms," he said as he pulled the cream colored linen under tunic over Obi-Wan's head. Once he had it settled properly over his shoulders and chest, he grabbed the paler magenta overshirt and bunched up the billowy sleeves so that it could be slipped on readily.

Standing still so that Qui-Gon could ties the laces on the tight cuffs of his shirt, Obi-Wan chuckled at the picture his Master made, standing naked, fussing over him like a diligent man-servant. "I could get use to this you know," he teased.

"Insolent brat," Qui-Gon said with affection as he shifted his attention to wrapping the wide sash around Obi-Wan's waist. He went over to the closet, pulled out his padawan's black dress belt and secured it over the sash so that he could carry his saber. When that was done, he straightened up and looked at him. "All that remains is your surcoat. Would it be okay if I put on some clothing before we attend to that?"

Obi-Wan kissed Qui-Gon deeply before stepping back and handing him his black leggings. "I was enjoying the view, but if you insist," he said dramatically. He sat on the bed and watched as his Master put on the rest of his dress uniform. Finally when the belt was buckled across his hips he rose and went to the dressing table. "Sit, my Master. I will tend to your hair."

Qui-Gon sat while Obi-Wan brushed his still damp hair and worked the green bonding bead into another intricate weave in the back. After he had finished, his padawan moved to kneel before him and he duplicated his actions. He tied off the thin plait with a piece of silver cording then pulled the younger man to his feet. He retrieved the surcoat from the bed and helped Obi-Wan get into it. He attached his saber to his belt while handing his apprentice his then moved to the closet and picked up two boxes, simply wrapped in silver paper and ribbon and tucked them under his arm.

Formal cloaks being unnecessary in the heat of the day, after a final check to make sure their clothing was in order, they left their quarters. It did not take long for the two men to reach the Royal family's private residence and Prince Jian's rooms. Qui-Gon entered briefly but after a quick greeting to Jian and Parin, he left Obi-Wan to his duties and headed into the Palace proper. He diverted to the large ballroom that would host the reception, depositing the two wrapped boxes with the guard on duty before following the hallway to the main entrance.

The day was bright and warm as he moved down the steps into the formal gardens surrounding the Palace and Qui-Gon hoped that this was a good omen for the future of the bonding couple. He wandered around the beautifully maintained area, breathing in the aromatic smells from the flowers and plants as well as drawing on the Living Force that flowed so strongly though the landscaped grounds. After a short time had passed he left the garden following the same route he had walked the evening before with Obi-Wan and made his way to the Cathedral.

Qui-Gon reached the church before any of the guests, finding it only occupied by a few staff members and the Prince's four groomsmen when he arrived. After nodding a greeting, he continued reverently to the front of the church, focused on the two-meter high plant positioned in the center of the sanctuary. Beautiful lavender and fuchsia blossoms, some almost a third of a meter in diameter, adorned the plant, resplendent against the backdrop of the large dark green leaves covering it. A smile appeared on his face as he studied his gift to Jian and Nyastria, relieved that his gentle Force prodding had set the annual blossoming on the proper schedule that would allow the plant to flower for its ten day cycle beginning on this date every year.

Satisfied that everything was in order, Qui-Gon headed towards the back of the church just as the first guests were being seated. He exited the lofty building and positioned himself at the top of the stairs, greeting each guest politely as they moved through the entrance. He was still in that position when the King and Queen arrived a half-hour later. Indulging in his penchant for the distant past and his love of the equestrian, Aidan had arranged for the members of the bonding party to be conveyed to the ceremony in restored antique carriages drawn by pairs of matched stallions. He descended the steps and was waiting by the door of the carriage when the monarchs disembarked. "Good day, your Majesties," he greeted with a bow, although the smile on his face belied his formality.

"Good morning, Qui-Gon," Aidan replied while the Queen smiled warmly at his side. "The others should be arriving momentarily," he added as the sound of carriage wheels filled the air.

The group moved away from the carriage, standing a short distance away as the second one pulled up. The coachman jumped down from his position on the footrail and opened the door. Parin was the first to disembark, followed quickly by Obi-Wan and Jian. The three young men were resplendent in their finery, the regal magenta garments adding to the allure of the already handsome men. Parin and Obi-Wan stood aside and Jian moved forward to stand before his parents. "Mother, Father," he greeted as he kissed each of them formally on the cheek. "Today, I take a huge step forward in my life. I would not be here without your love and support. Thank you for always being there to love and guide me," he added in an emotion filled voice.

"You have grown into a wonderful man and we are very proud of you," Aidan replied in the same tone. When he felt his wife place her hand on his arm, he turned from his son after a gentle squeeze to his shoulder and started up the stairs.

With a fond smile to the two princes and a wave of love over the bond with his apprentice, Qui-Gon moved to their side to ascend as well. They stood in the vestibule of the church until the final guests were seated, then were escorted to their places by one of the groomsmen. As he took his seat, he caught sight of the three younger men taking their places inside the altar rail. The groomsmen moved to their spot along the front of the first pew and the structure became eerily silent as everyone waited for the final group to arrive.

The sound of sweet music echoed off the walls of the stately structure portending the advent of Nyastria and her party and everyone stood. When they heard the heavy door at the church entrance opening, all heads turned towards it. Four young women, dressed in flowing gowns of lavender silk, began their procession into the ancient cathedral. As they reached the front, the attendants took positions that mirrored those of the groomsmen. They were followed by the two women who would stand witness for Nyastria - her sister, Arubela, and Princess Lycianna, dressed in similar gowns of a deep violet - who moved to stand opposite Jian and his witnesses.

The melody of the music changed as the person everyone had been waiting for appeared in the open doorway. Flanked by her mother and father, Nyastria was a vision of classic beauty. Her jewel necked, long billowy sleeved gown of hand beaded ivory silk, with its two-meter long fabric train, made her the visualization of every little girl's fairy tale princess. Flowers, beads and ribbons were interwoven into the strands of her dark hair with wispy tendrils of soft curls dropping from the elaborate upsweep arranged at the back of her head.

Obi-Wan smiled at the gasp that escaped from Prince Jian as his intended came into view. He could feel the nervousness emanating from Jian and sent a wave of Force to calm his friend. "Stay calm, it will only be a few moments more." He got a quick smile in return before Jian once again locked his gaze on the group coming down the aisle.

The Delaryns accompanied their daughter to the altar rail and presented her to Prince Jian with her father speaking the ritual words, "Take your place by this man's side, my daughter, and continue on your life's journey with him."

Nyastria kissed her parents then took Jian's hand. Together they slowly climbed the three steps to the inner sanctuary and stood facing Pater Luionad, with their witnesses standing at their sides.

The bonding ceremony was beautiful, the ritual a combination of the ancient text of House Kintyre and personal vows created by the bonding couple. The guests in the Cathedral were almost totally silent as the two pledged their hearts and minds to one another. Their voices echoed off the chamber's vaulted ceiling and everyone listened intently to each word. After the finally words of the vows were spoken, Pater Luionad announced the newly bonded couple.

Jian and Nyastria were greeted with thunderous applause as they turned to face the assembled guests. They were both smiling happily as they made their way very slowly down the aisle, nodding and accepting well wishes from people as they passed by. Parin followed arm in arm with Arubela and Obi-Wan did the same with Lycianna. Holographers abounded as they reached the doors and they stopped on the steps to allow them to record their fill.

They continued down the long marble stairway until they reached the antique carriages that had transported the bonding party from the Palace. Jian and Nyastria entered the first carriage and began their trip back. The rest of the group filed into the remaining vehicles and soon everyone was on their way as well.

One of the private gardens had been decorated for official portraits and they were directed into that area as the carriages arrived. The official palace holographer recorded a multitude of images, which were taken in every possible combination imaginable: Jian and Nyastria alone, with their witnesses, their attendants, their parents as well as the entire group together. Other poses had the Royal family, the women, the men, and others grouped together in various arrangements. Queen Cliaryn even insisted on getting one of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.

When the holo recording session was complete, the entire group headed to the formal ballroom for the reception. One of the Palace guards at the door entered the room to ask all the guests to rise in greeting. The members of the bonding party were announced as they crossed the threshold into the room and moved to their places at the honor table until only two empty places remained. The room erupted in another hearty ovation as Jian and Nyastria moved gracefully across the floor arm in arm. The sound did not die down until the young couple had taken their seats and Obi-Wan raised his arm towards them. "May I present Prince Jian and Princess Nyastria of House Kintyre." The cheering began anew, continuing until the young couple stood and bowed formally to their guests.

When the clapping finally died down, the string quartet in the corner of the ballroom began playing soft music as the waiters and stewards moved into the room, filling wine glasses and bringing the appetizers to the tables. Obi-Wan picked up his crystal flute, motioned for the still standing guests to do the same and raised it in the direction of the couple. "Please raise your glasses and join me in toasting Jian and Nyastria. May their lives together be filled with love and joy and may they sustain and support each other as they discharge the duties of House Kintyre with honor and nobility."

Everyone in the room lifted their glasses and toasted the new couple before again taking their seats. Light conversation started among the bonding party and the guests as they began to eat. As the first course moved into the second, the dialogue swelled and by the time the main course was served the atmosphere in the formal ballroom had relaxed substantially.

During the lulls in his conversation with Jian or Parin seated on either side of him, Obi-Wan would glance over at his Master and mate, sometimes just watching slyly as Qui-Gon talked with those seated near him and other times making eye contact and gracing him with loving smiles. After a few moments, the conversation would begin anew and his attention would be torn away. Every so often he would feel Qui-Gon's eyes on him and would turn to see his lover watching him as well. As much as he was honored to be standing with Jian during this ceremony, he was truly looking forward to the latter part of the reception when he could spend some time with Qui-Gon.

As the dessert dishes were collected, Jahams Mac'katny and Jul Lei'nion and their small group of musicians replaced the string quartet. After the two young men greeted the guests, Jahams called to the newly bonded couple, "Prince Jian and Princess Nyastria. Will you please come out onto the center of the floor and open this celebration of your joining by dancing to this song chosen specifically for you?"

Jian and Nyastria rose from the table and moved onto the floor. Jian wrapped his arms around his bondmate's waist and they began moving slowly as the soft, lilting music filled the room and Jahams voice rang out.

To lead a better life
I need my love to be here

Here...making each day of the year
Changing my life with a wave of her hand
Nobody can
Deny that there's something there

There...running my hands through her hair
Both of us thinking how good it can be
Someone is speaking
But she doesn't know he's there

I want her everywhere...
And if she's beside me
I know I need never care
But to love her is to need her everywhere
Knowing that love is to share
Each one believing that love never dies
Watching her eyes...
And hoping I'm always there

I will be there....and everywhere
Here, there, and everywhere

There wasn't a word spoken in the cavernous room as the young man sang and the couple danced, everyone intent on the beautiful words of the song and the striking couple focused solely on one another as they glided across the floor. When the song came to an end, Jul called the two sets of witnesses to join them and quickly began another slow romantic song. A third melody had all the attendants joining in and then the young musician requested that the King and Queen and the Delaryns join them as well.

As Aidan and Cliaryn moved to stand to one side of the couple, the Queen smiled at the soft strains of the melody floating in the air. Aidan kissed his wife on the cheek before singing the first words softly with the musician. "I give her all my love - that is just as true today as the day Qui-Gon chose those words for us. I hope Jian and Nyastria will also experience a deepening of their love over the years," he wished and he felt her silent agreement.

The reception continued in a flurry of activity well into the afternoon. Traditional dances led the way into other traditions intermixed with conversation with a large number of friends and relatives among the guests. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan again found themselves on the opposite sides of these activities and conversation and it wasn't until Jian and Nyastria left to change from their ceremonial clothing that Obi-Wan made his way across the sea of people to his mate.

Dropping into the empty chair beside Qui-Gon, he took a large hand in his and said, "Finally, it appears that my responsibilities in this ceremony are just about complete. And not a moment too soon. This is more draining than the most harrowing mission."

"You were never meant to live the life of the idle rich, my love," Qui-Gon replied with a smile. "Even with all your diplomatic training, you would rather be eating frotcha chips and drinking ale with a small group of friends then sitting through a formal banquet."

"Especially when I can't spend the majority of the time mentally teasing you," he retorted as he squeezed the hand he held.

As the last cords of the mandar faded out, Qui-Gon made eye contact with Jahams and when he received an answering nod, he rose to his feet, tugging gently on the hand holding his. "Will you share a dance with me, my Obi-Wan?"

"I would love to," Obi-Wan replied as he stood up. They walked to the center of the floor, hand in hand, and he melted easily into Qui-Gon's embrace. The soft cords echoed for a few moments then Jul's melodious voice rang out.

There are places I'll remember
All my life, though some have changed
Some forever, not for better
Some have gone, and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends
I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life, I've loved them all

But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one, compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life, I'll love you more

Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life, I'll love you more
In my life....I'll love you more

As he was held so tightly in Qui-Gon's strong arms, the words of the beautiful song being sung seeped into Obi-Wan's mind and heart. He could feel the emotions the poignant lyrics were creating in him mirrored in the soul of his lover and wrapped his arms around his neck and buried his face in his neck. He could hear Qui-Gon whispering along in his ear as the young musician repeated the final words, "in my life, I'll love you more."

Even as the music faded out, they remained standing in each other's arms for a few moments, reigning in the spiraling sentiments created by the words. Finally, Obi-Wan stepped back and looked intently into Qui-Gon's face. "Did you request that?"

"Yes," Qui-Gon admitted. "I read the lyrics while I was looking through the song book for you. The words said so beautifully everything that I feel in my heart for you."

"It was perfect," Obi-Wan replied softly. "The depth of your love for me as your mate is something I treasure as fervently as your place in my life as my teacher. Thank the Force, we found a way to balance the two." Disregarding the numerous people around them, he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to his lover's lips. "I love you, Qui-Gon," he whispered. "With all that I am and all that I will ever be."

As they moved back to their seats, arm in arm, they were unaware of anyone or anything going on about them. They sat in contented silence, just basking in each other's presence for this moment in time the Force had granted them. Soon enough, Jian and Nyastria would return and they would see the young couple off to their secluded hideaway. Then the time would be upon them to take their leave of their second home and the dear friends they got to see so rarely to once more go out to fulfill their duty. But for now they would be content to create another tiny private moment that they could cherish and relive when the mantles of Jedi life weighed them down. A tiny moment in which they could both dissolve in the sanctuary of that one all-encompassing phrase, "In my life, I'll love you more."

The End.