Standing Witness

by obi-ki

Archive: MA, anyone else please ask.

Pairing: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan

Catagory: Romance, PWP

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: m/m sex, otherwise none.

Spoilers: None, occurs about 1 year before TPM

Summary: A trip away from Coruscant to celebrate a major event in the life of a friend gives Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan some much needed and well used time for each other away from their responsibilities as Jedi.

Disclaimers: Everything Star Wars belongs to George Lucas and Lucasfilms. I am just playing in his world, borrowing the boyz and their accomplices and will return them all when I'm through. No money is being made from this, it is all done for entertainment only.

The lyrics used in this piece belong to John Lennon and Paul McCartney and those songs as well as any similarities between the musicians in this piece and those two men is my way of paying homage to the incredible talent and years of joy their music has brought me.

Author's notes: After a couple of very angsty pieces and the stresses of RL, I wanted to do something lighter and this is the result. This is dedicated to my Padder -- from snarky to pouty to demanding -- you are definitely part of my Obi voice now -- thanks for the fun and inspiration. Also, massive Qui-Gon hugs to my marvelous beta/editor, Monalee. Without her constant support and her ability to repeatedly insert commas, correct grammar and always find just the right word to get the thought across this would not have been written. I couldn't have done it without her. As always, I can't resist making a few final tweaks, so all mistakes are mine. Hope you enjoy the story.

Feedback: Please, it's the only way a writer will know what works. Onlist or off at

Qui-Gon watched in amusement as Obi-Wan paced a steady path around their somewhat ornate quarters on the royal transport. Larger than their bedroom on Coruscant, the luxurious chamber had an air of decadence to it. The large sleep couch could easily hold two Wookies and the deeply cushioned sofa faced a large transparisteel viewscreen that shone with the streaks of stars elongated in hyperspace. The refresher had a real water shower rather than the normal sonics of most starships and a small staff was available to handle all their needs. Everything on board befit the status of the personal ship of King Aidan of Varonat.

As the younger man passed by his seat, Qui-Gon reached out an arm and stopped his apprentice's progress. "Sit down, Obi-Wan. All this fidgeting is giving me a headache. You would think you're the person who is taking bonding vows."

Obi-Wan glared down at Qui-Gon but did not pull out of his grasp. "All Prince Jian has to do is sit back while everyone else takes care of things. Do you realize how many tasks I am responsible for once we reach Varonat?"

"You have thwarted assassination attempts, helped stop wars and engineered dangerous rescues more times than I can remember, Padawan," Qui-Gon chided gently. "You will have no problem arranging a pre-bonding party and helping the Prince pick out a significant bonding gift."

"I should have been there two days ago so now I'll only have two days to get everything done before the ceremony," Obi-Wan complained. "I'm not only standing as second witness during the heir to the throne's bonding ceremony, I am also serving as part of the official Jedi and Republic entourage." He took a deep breath then added somewhat petulantly. "You just don't understand the pressure I'm under, Master. Jian is my closest friend outside of the Temple. I want everything to be perfect for his bonding."

Qui-Gon chuckled as the memory of a similar conversation with Master Yoda thirty years ago came into his mind. "I understand much more than you think, Padawan. You and Prince Jian are not the first Jedi and Varonian Royal to have this type of friendship." At Obi-Wan's raised eyebrow, he smiled and added, "Sit and I will explain."

Somewhat begrudgingly, Obi-Wan sat on the plush sofa beside his Master, tucked his legs under him and looked up at Qui-Gon. "Explain away."

Qui-Gon chuckled again at his apprentice's semi-petulant behavior and wondered why he had not shared this information with the younger man years ago. Probably because he didn't want to unduly influence his padawan but it seemed that the Force had deemed that these particular situations would play out for them almost identically. "My friendship with King Aidan is very similar to yours with Prince Jian. As you know I am bond-guardian to Jian and his siblings. I serve in that role because I also stood as second witness at Aidan's bonding to Cliaryn." A brief flash of surprise lit Obi-Wan's face and he knew that his next bit of information would strengthen that surprise. "Like you and Jian, Aidie and I were also each other's first lovers."

Obi-Wan blushed a deep red as his Master spoke. "You knew about that - at the time?" he stammered. A few months after they became intimately involved, he and Qui-Gon had vaguely discussed any previous lovers that they interacted with regularly. He had mentioned Jian at that time as his friend had been studying on Coruscant but neither of them had shared the details of any of their relationships.

"It was hard to miss," Qui-Gon teased. "Your expression when you came back to our quarters spoke volumes. What is the term you young people use -- well fucked?"

Obi-Wan felt his face redden even more before deciding he really shouldn't be surprised. Qui-Gon didn't miss much and probably knew about everything he had ever done. Changing tactics, he tried to turn the tables a bit. "You should know that look. You put it on my face often enough these days."

Not rising to the bait in the least, Qui-Gon replied flatly. "As often as I possibly can." He reached out and caressed the younger man's cheek. "Even the circumstances of those first encounters are almost identical. Aidie and I had quite a laugh over it the next morning at breakfast."

"You told King Aidan?" Obi-Wan asked incredulously. "I'm surprised he didn't have me tossed off the planet for corrupting his son."

"He was glad, as I was, that Jian's first time was with someone who was special and cared about him," Qui-Gon replied.

"It's a good thing I didn't know that then. I could never have faced him," Obi-Wan said softly.

"That's why we didn't tell either you or Jian that we knew," Qui-Gon responded. "At your age, you would have been mortified, as Aidan and I would have been if his father or Yoda had said anything to us when we did it."

That comment brought Obi-Wan's attention back to his Master's revelation. "You and King Aidan were lovers? Now that I know, the depth of your friendship with him is much clearer. Would you tell me about it?" he asked as he reached for the large hand stroking his cheek.

Qui-Gon smiled warmly as Obi-Wan intertwined their fingers and pulled his hand into his lap. "I had just turned seventeen when Master Yoda and I were sent to Varonat to witness the coronation of Prince Odoat as the twenty-sixth monarch of the House of Kintyre. Because of Yoda's position on the Council, it was very rare for us to go on missions together so I was really excited. When I learned out that Prince Odoat had a son my age and another son and a daughter a little younger, I was even happier. I figured at least there would be people my age at all the boring official functions."

"I thought you said that you never found official functions boring," Obi-Wan complained.

"Yes, that's true now but that change came only after Master Yoda enlightened me to their value when I complained one time to often," Qui-Gon replied with a smirk. "If you'd like, I can attempt to do the same for you."

"That's okay, please continue your story," Obi-Wan said hastily.

"So Prince Aidan was part of our official welcoming committee and invited me to join a group of his friends after that night's banquet," Qui-Gon continued. "From that point on, unless one of us was tied up with official duties, we were inseparable. On the fourth night, he invited me to his private quarters for dinner and the rest, shall we say, is history." He smirked as he added, "During the rest of the ten that I was on Varonat, we spent as much time as possible perfecting our techniques."

"Were you able to be together any other times?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Like Jian, Aidan spent four years studying at the University on Coruscant, so we got together whenever our schedules allowed," Qui-Gon said. "That is, until his third year when he met Cliaryn. He fell in love with her the moment he first saw her and never looked back."

Two questions warred to be asked, but concern won out over curiosity. "Didn't that hurt you, Qui-Gon?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Not really. We were good friends and enjoyed being together but we weren't in love with each other," Qui-Gon replied. "Like Aidan, I knew without a doubt when I found the person I was meant to share my life with."

"It would have been nice if you shared that fact a few years earlier though," Obi-Wan retorted with a smile. Without waiting for a reply, he asked the other question. "Does Queen Cliaryn know that you and her husband were lovers?"

"Yes, she knows," Qui-Gon admitted. "She realizes that Aidan had a life before he met her just as she did."

"I wonder if Jian has told Nyastria about our times together?" Obi-Wan said pensively.

"Think, Obi-Wan, and you'll realize that you already know the answer to that question," Qui-Gon reprimanded gently. "You would not keep that kind of secret and neither would Jian." He brought his free hand up to cup Obi-Wan's cheek and added. "It's one of the reasons I told you about King Aidan now. The last time we were on Varonat, my previous relationship with the King was immaterial, as you and I were not yet intimately involved. It wouldn't be fair to expect you to interact with him now without knowing that we were once lovers."

Now that the shock of Qui-Gon's announcement had worn off, the other facts were registering in Obi-Wan's mind. "You had your first time during the coronation celebration?"

"Yes, though it took us four days to get to that point. Not the two days it took you and Jian," Qui-Gon teased.

"But you and King Aidan had just met," Obi-Wan countered. "Jian and I had been friends since we were fourteen."

"True, you two already had a solid friendship while my friendship with Aidan grew from us being lovers," Qui-Gon responded thoughtfully.

Obi-Wan's expression became pensive as memories of that time flowed through him. "That's why you gave me so few responsibilities during that ten."

"I have very fond memories of that time with Aidan. Those memories and Aidie's friendship helped to sustain me during some very trying times over the years," Qui-Gon explained. "I could see the friendship between you and Jian growing stronger and I wanted to give you the same opportunity." He squeezed the hand still intertwined with his and added softly. "We lead a hard life, my own, and there may be times when your friendships outside the Jedi will be your only solace."

"You came here after Xanatos," Obi-Wan said without question.

"Yes, I did," Qui-Gon replied. "Varonat became my haven outside the Temple. Aidan and I have always been there for each other. He supported me when Xanatos turned and I was here for him when his sister, Princess Malyn, and her family were killed in a shuttle accident a few years earlier."

"I hope Jian and I can sustain our friendship the way you and King Aidan have," Obi-Wan said thoughtfully.

"You have thoroughly researched Varonian customs, Padawan. Your role as second witness will guarantee that your friendship will continue," Qui-Gon reassured.

Obi-Wan thought back through the morass of information he had read on Varonian customs. When a male member of the House of Kintyre bonded, two people stood witness for him. The first witness would be the bonding person's closest male relative, which in this case was Jian's younger brother, seventeen year old Parin. The choice of second witness was a bit more complicated. With the many responsibilities involved in standing as the heir's witness, a very close friend was always the best choice but this person could not be Varonian. As a means of securing the safety of the royal heirs from internal divisions, this non-Varonian person became Bond-Guardian to the heir's children. Because the Council had given their blessing for him to stand up for Jian, they would be duty bound to allow him to fulfill that role over the years, as they had Qui-Gon. When he looked back at his Master, the man was smiling at him.

"I see what you mean, Master," Obi-Wan replied. "Like you have been for King Aidan, I will be there during all the important moments in Jian's life. Beginning with his bonding ceremony, I will also be present for the Presentation of his children and his eventual Coronation and ascension to the throne.

"Yes, as I will continue to support Aidan until the throne is relinquished to Jian. Each of those pleasant events will solidify your friendship so that you may also help each other through any trials that come," Qui-Gon said.

"We will be there for each other through the good and bad times of our lives," Obi-Wan agreed. As he spoke the words, a cold wave surrounded him and he shuddered as if a specter had passed through him. As quickly as it came, it dissipated and he wondered briefly at its meaning. Unwilling to allow a fleeting feeling to influence this happy time, he ignored it for now. There would be plenty of time to meditate on it later.

Qui-Gon watched the slight shudder run through his padawan and knew that the younger man had undergoing a moment of Seeing. He waited to see if Obi-Wan would say anything and when he didn't, he prodded him gently. "What is it, Padawan?"

"A feeling only, Master, vague and elusive, " Obi-Wan replied pensively. "Now is not the time to worry about such vague feelings. I will meditate on it later." Seeing the classic raised eyebrow lifted questioningly in his direction, he added with a smile, "It only took ten years, my Master, but your constant reminders to - 'Live in the Moment' - have finally sunk in."

The eyebrow raised even more as Qui-Gon replied. "I have not aged enough to become that naïve, my Padawan. You follow that directive only when it suits your purpose." His expression changed to smoldering as he pulled on the reddish-blond braid hanging over Obi-Wan's shoulder. "It will be five hours before we reach Varonat. If you are done fretting needlessly, maybe we could take a more physical approach to 'living in the moment'."

Gray-green eyes darkened noticeably as Obi-Wan leaned in closer to that beloved face. "You did say that you attempted to created that 'well fucked' look on my face as often as possible. Now would be a good time for you to act on that claim."

Yanking on that braided length, Qui-Gon pulled his lover forward and captured his mouth in a probing kiss. He explored the luscious mouth until they were both breathless and panting, then rose fluidly from the soft sofa. "It would be a shame if we didn't take advantage of the luxurious bed that King Aidan provided for us."

"I agree," Obi-Wan smirked. "And after we use it for more pleasurable activities, we may actually want to spend a short time sleeping in it." He rose to his feet and joined Qui-Gon as he walked to the bed. Not waiting to see how his lover wanted to proceed, he quickly stripped off his clothing, turned back the resplendent bed covering and lay back wantonly on the smooth satin sheets. He looked up into Qui-Gon's passion darkened eyes and whispered huskily. "Care to join me?"

Taking time only to removed his belt and boots, Qui-Gon covered Obi-Wan's naked body with his clothed one. Teasing open the inviting mouth, his tongue slid past parted lips to taste and explore every bit of that warmth. After a few moments, he allowed the tongue twining with his to press into his mouth and explore as well.

As he explored Qui-Gon's mouth, Obi-Wan rocked his body gently against the clothed one covering his. The feel of the tightly woven cloth on his naked skin was enticing at first but within a matter of moments it was no longer enough. Desperate to feel the heat of his Master's skin against his own, he pushed the older man back a bit roughly.

Obi-Wan's hands pressing against his chest pulled Qui-Gon's attention from the tempting mouth he was relishing. He levered himself on his arms so that he could see his young lover's eyes. "Is there a problem, Padawan?"

Moving one hand from that broad chest to the sash that wrapped around his lover's waist, Obi-Wan complained, "The problem is that you are wearing too many clothes." He could feel the answering hardness pressing into him through the cloth and arched his hips to meet it. "I need to feel you against me, Master. Skin to skin."

Qui-Gon wasted no time maneuvering off the bed to remove his clothing. He tossed each piece haphazardly on the floor before rejoining his lover on the bed. He attempted to reclaim his pervious position but was flipped handily by a sudden move by his acrobatic padawan. "Was there something wrong with our previous position?"

"Not wrong exactly," Obi-Wan replied huskily. His eyes shone mischievously as he looked down at the older man. "I thought it was about time that you were the person wearing the well fucked look."

A surge of arousal flowed through him and his cock twitched in anticipation at his lover's words. It had been a while since Obi-Wan had taken the initiative to claim him like this and the notion excited him further. Relaxing back into the soft mattress, Qui-Gon dropped his arms to his side and spread his legs a bit wider. "I'm all yours."

This open acquiescence from his normally in control Master sent a wave of lust right to Obi-Wan's groin. Not wasting a moment, he began kissing his way along the long column of neck, nipping and biting small patches of skin as he went. He stopped a bit longer in one place, sucking a large passion mark into the joint of shoulder and neck. He moved on to the broad chest, kissing and licking until he reached the first burnished nipple. He laved the area with his tongue until the bud had hardened then pulled the taunt peak into his month. The broad chest arched up and a low groan escaped from Qui-Gon's lips as he sucked greedily at the hard nub. His fingers replaced his mouth, tweaking and pinching the already sensitive nipple while his mouth shifted its attention to the other one. By the time he had finished with the second nipple, his lover was writhing and moaning beneath him and he was fighting to control his body's reactions to the needy sounds.

With one final nip at the nub between his lips, Obi-Wan sat back on his heels and took in the sight beneath him. Faced flushed and panting heavily, Qui-Gon was the picture of tightly wound need. As he reached for the heavy cock jutting from between quivering thighs, the large body arched up to meet his touch. He leaned forward and licked the drops leaking from the head as his hand stroked the hard flesh slowly. Resting his chin in the nest of musky curls, he locked his gaze with his lover's. "Are you ready for me to take you? To press my cock into you until I am surrounded by your body?" he said in a throaty whisper.

Knowing Aidan would have provided for every need, he reached into the bedside table and tossed a small tube to Obi-Wan. "Yes. Do it. Now," Qui-Gon pleaded.

Spurred on by the depth of need in that request, Obi-Wan set about to quickly prepare Qui-Gon and himself. He positioned the head of his penis against his lover's anus and rested those strong legs against his chest. Without further pause, he pressed forward and sheathed himself in one fast stroke. Aroused almost to the point of no return by the teasing foreplay, he had to fight not to explode as the silken heat molded tightly around him.

"Yes," Qui-Gon hissed as his body burned with the stretch of penetration. He pressed back against his lover but Obi-Wan remained still. "Move, love. Please," he begged raggedly as he reached out across their bond to supplement the intimate touch.

That throaty plea and the presence filling his mind were more than he could stand and Obi-Wan immediately sought to fulfill the request. He thrust into the tight heat, pulling back and surging forward in a demanding rhythm. He was so aroused that it took only a matter of moments before he felt his balls tighten in impending release. He reached down between them, wrapped the thick shaft in his fist and stroked in harsh counterpoint to his thrusts. He cried out as his seed pulsed into Qui-Gon's body and almost immediately felt streams of thick fluid coating his fist.

They rode the tremors of their release together, minds intertwined along their bond as intimately as their bodies were. When the aftershocks of their orgasms faded, Obi-Wan withdrew his penis from Qui-Gon's body and allowed himself to collapse onto that broad expanse of chest. Strong arms immediately wrapped around him and he nestled his face against his Master's neck. "I love you," he breathed against the sweaty skin. He felt a kiss against his hair and heard a returned, "as I love you", before allowing his body to drop into a sated doze.

Forcing his eyes to focus enough to read the chrono, Qui-Gon was glad to see that they had only an hour before they reached Varonat. Rubbing soothing circles on his young lover's back, he spoke softly. "Wake up, Obi-Wan." A hand reached out to touch his face as the lithe body nestled in more tightly against him.

"Want to sleep… just a little longer… please, Master," Obi-Wan mumbled almost incoherently.

Qui-Gon chuckled as he listened to his apprentice's pleadings. For a man who could come fully awake in an instant in times of need, Obi-Wan would do anything possible for an extra few minutes of sleep under normal circumstances. He had thought the trend would change once the teenage years, a time when sleep, food and sex dominated a young man's needs, were over but it hadn't. Deciding that only more drastic action would work on his sated padawan, he used a touch of the Force to lift the compact body from his and deposit it rather rudely on the carpeted floor.

"What did you do that for?" Obi-Wan grumbled as he raised his head from the floor.

"You weren't listening when I told you to get up so I used another method," Qui-Gon said with a smirk.

"You didn't try very hard, Master," Obi-Wan groused. "I think you enjoyed tossing me on the floor. Since it was so successful, maybe I will use the same method the next time I need to wake you."

"Revenge is not very befitting of a Jedi, Padawan," Qui-Gon reprimanded with a touch of humor.

"Not revenge, just using what I have learned at the hand of my Master," Obi-Wan replied sarcastically.

"Just remember that your Master knows quite a few things that he hasn't taught you yet," Qui-Gon retorted as he rose from the bed. "Now if you're through complaining, there is just enough time for a leisurely shower. Are you interested in joining me?" He added as he looked back over his shoulder at the body sprawled on the floor.

Shaking his head in frustration, Obi-Wan pushed himself to his feet as Qui-Gon entered the refresher. "One of these days," he mumbled, "I will find a way to actually get the last word."

"Did you say something, Padawan?" Qui-Gon called out from the shower in reply to Obi-Wan's grumbling.

"No, Master," Obi-Wan replied caustically as he entered the refresher. Deciding that he might as well just give up for now and enjoy what he was being offered, he joined Qui-Gon in the shower.

By the time they finished their shower and dressed, the pilot announced that they were getting ready to revert from hyperspace. They watched as the planet appeared in the large transparisteel window of their quarters then gathered their belongings and placed them by the door. Leaving the room, they headed into the cockpit of the ship arriving just as the pilot was getting clearance to land.

"Welcome to Varonet, Master Jinn and Padawan Kenobi," the pilot said formally. "Prince Parin and Princess Lycianna are waiting in the hangar to escort you to the Palace."

"We are pleased to be here," Qui-Gon replied with a bow. He could see Obi-Wan looking nervously out the viewscreen as they entered the hangar and reached out to place a reassuring hand on his arm. Relax, Padawan. You will have plenty of time to do everything. Remember I have gone through this before, he sent.

I'll try, Master and I do appreciate your support. If you're not too busy with King Aidan maybe I can recruit you to help me. I pay well, he sent with a mental image of just what he was offering for payment.

You could incur a bill that will take a lifetime to pay off, Qui-Gon sent in reply. He placed a hand behind his apprentice's back and directed the younger man to the landing ramp. I can only hope, came faintly into his mind as the ramp squeaked open.

The Jedi walked down the ramp towards the two regally dressed young people who stood just out of range of the ship's repulsors. After the ship shut down, the two young people walked quickly forward. The young man bowed formally to the Jedi. "Master Jinn. Padawan Kenobi. The House of Kintyre welcomes you to Varonat. Thank you for gracing us with your presence on this grand occasion."

The Jedi returned the formal bow as Qui-Gon replied with the same formality. "We bring the well wishes of the Jedi and the Republic to the House of Kintyre. It is our great pleasure and honor to represent the Jedi and ourselves during this sacred occasion." With that formality out of the way, Qui-Gon extended his arms towards the two young people standing before him. "Now how about a proper greeting for your Bond-father." They went willingly into his embrace and he placed a kiss on each one's cheek. As they pulled back, he looked them over intently. "What happened to the two children who climbed into my lap and begged for stories on my last visit?"

"Well, it has been four years, Master Qui-Gon," Lycianna chuckled.

"Though if you have any stories you want to share about our father's youthful escapades, we would love to hear them," Parin said with a smirk.

"Not unless you want your Bond-father to be banished from Varonat, young ones," Qui-Gon replied.

Obi-Wan took a step closer to the two teenagers. "What, I'm not even good enough to get a hello? I'll remember that the next time you need someone to cover for you."

Lycianna reached out and wrapped her arms around the padawan's waist. "Don't be like that, Obi-Wan. It's wonderful to see you again."

"I'm definitely glad you're here," Parin said. "I could use someone to share the job of keeping Jian together until the ceremony," he added as he slapped Obi-Wan on the back. "We should get going. Father and Mother are anxious to see you both."

After arranging to have Jedi's belongings taken to their rooms, Parin led the small group into the palace's living quarters. As they walked, the young Prince gave them an overview of the preparations that had already been made and the things that still needed to be done. He quickened his pace and directed Obi-Wan a few steps ahead of the others before whispering. "I've put together a list of possible entertainers and facilities for my brother's send off."

Obi-Wan couldn't hold back the bark of laughter that erupted from him. "I think it would be best if we keep my involvement in that endeavor just between us, Parin. It wouldn't do to have the stoic and serene reputation of the Jedi tainted."

"You are far too late on that note, Obi-Wan," Parin chuckled as he glanced back over his shoulder. "From what I heard from my Uncle Livat, the party that Master Qui threw for my father more than crushed any notion of Jedi being emotionless. It was the best send off in generations." The young prince winked and added, "I also heard that Master Qui was the life of the party."

Fighting the desire to look back to where his Master was talking softly with Lycianna, Obi-Wan strengthened his shields and asked. "Maybe you could arrange for me to meet with your Uncle. One never knows when such information could come in handy."

Qui-Gon had felt his padawan's shields strengthen and quickened his stride until he was standing beside the younger man. "There seems to be quite a bit of whispering going on up here, boys. Is there something being discussed that I should know about, Obi-Wan?"

"No, Master," Obi-Wan replied trying to keep his face expressionless. "Parin and I were just discussing the things we need to attend to to prepare for the bonding." Luckily, he earned a reprieve to his Master's questions as they had reached the Royal family's personal quarters.

A royal guard opened the door with a flourished bow and held it for the party to enter. Parin and Lycianna moved to the side to allow their guests to enter the room first. King Aidan was out of his seat and moving towards them before they had taken three steps into the room. "Welcome back to Varonat, my old friend," he said sincerely as he pulled Qui-Gon into a hearty embrace.

Qui-Gon returned the embrace as he greeted his friend in response. "It is wonderful to be here, especially for such a momentous occasion." As he stepped back, he noticed that Queen Cliaryn was approaching him at a much more sedate pace than her husband. Moving to stand before her, he bowed formally and placed a ceremonial kiss to the back of her hand. "Greetings, your Majesty. Thank you for inviting us to share in this wonderful ceremony and opening your home to us."

"A major family celebration would not be complete without your presence. You have been part of this family longer than I have, Qui-Gon Jinn," Cliaryn insisted as he hugged him. She stepped back from Qui-Gon and moved to stand in front of Obi-Wan. She looked the younger man up and down then smiled. "It seems time has not passed you by any more than it has my quickly growing children, Obi-Wan. When last time you stood in that spot I saw a boy; now I see a grown man and a handsome one at that. I am glad you are here."

Blushing lightly, Obi-Wan bowed formally in reply. "Thank you, your Majesty. At least this time you won't have to worry about Jian and I hot-wiring a speeder to sneak off to the vernal season bacchanal," he said, a smile warming his face at the memory.

King Aidan laughed as he draped an arm around Obi-Wan's shoulders. " Please don't give Parin any ideas, Obi-Wan. There were times when I wondered if Cliaryn and I would survive until Jian reached adulthood and, thinking back, the strongest times were when you were visiting."

Qui-Gon laughed along with his friend. "I too wondered if I would survive until Obi-Wan's adulthood." He looked affectionately at his apprentice and winked. "Though, the stresses of those years have depleted the last of my reserves and with Obi-Wan's knighting, my days of training padawans will be behind me."

"Cliaryn, did I hear that correctly?" the King asked his wife in an exaggerated tone. "Did Qui-Gon Jinn just admit that his advancing age would require him to relinquish a task? This from the man who claimed that he would never allow his age to affect his duties?"

Before the Queen respond, Qui-Gon stepped forward and handily changed the subject. "So where is the betrothed couple? I had expected to see them waiting here with you."

"They are attending their second session of the connubial seminar with Pater Luionad," Aidan replied. "Though, Jian did try unsuccessfully to convince the cleric that he and Nyastria were committed to each other and all the responsibilities they would face as royal heirs and did not need any further sessions."

"Like father, like son, I see," Qui-Gon teased his friend. He started to expound a bit but was quickly cut off.

"I do not think it is necessary that my children hear about that ancient history, Qui-Gon," Aidan countered. "Jian and Nyastria will be joining us for mid meal as soon as their session is over. Until then, let's relax and catch up on what's been going on in each other's lives."

The King led his guests further into their private quarters and they each took seats in the comfortable sitting area, separating into two groups by ages. The King, Queen and elder Jedi talked about the major events in their lives since Qui-Gon's last visit, which included the profound change in the pair's relationship. Although Qui-Gon had communicated the change to his oldest friend in their regular correspondence, it wasn't the same as sitting face to face and hearing the emotions behind the words. Aidan talked about the state of politics on Varonat and Cliaryn talked about the children.

Across the room, the younger group did the same. The Padawan told the two young royals about some of the more interesting, unclassified missions he and his Master had been on. When that topic was exhausted, Obi-Wan listened intently to the details of antics that young Parin had been involved in since his last visit. Lycianna's questions were more cosmopolitan. She wanted to know about the latest fashion and music trends in the Galactic Capitol. Obi-Wan chuckled at her predictability and told her he had a number of disks for her in his bag. Finally, Parin asked the question that the padawan had been expecting since they sat down.

"Is it true that you and Master Qui-Gon are now a pair?" Parin asked with a shy smile.

Deciding to tease his young friend a bit, he replied seriously, "We have been a pair for many years, Parin - a master and padawan pair. But you have always known that."

Lycianna came to her brother's defense. "Don't be dense, Obi-Wan. You know what he means. Father told us that you and Master Qui are a couple. Will you be bonding with him?"

A voice came from the direction of the doorway. "Don't you think that is a rather personal question to ask a guest, Lycianna?" Jian crossed the last two steps to where they were seated and pulled Obi-Wan to his feet. "I'm so glad you have finally arrived. Thank you for agreeing to stand witness for us," he said as he wrapped his friend in a welcoming hug.

"Thank you for asking me, Jian," Obi-Wan replied while still enclosed in his friend's embrace. "I wouldn't have missed sharing this day with you for anything. I would even have faced down the Council had it been necessary." He stepped out of Jian's arms and took the hand of the striking young woman who stood at his side. He bowed and kissed her hand gallantly, "the beautiful and enchanting Nyastria. It is wonderful to meet you at last." He tilted his head towards Jian and whispered, "Your description of your beloved did not do her justice."

Leaning forward, Nyastria kissed the young Jedi formally on each check. "You are being too kind, Obi-Wan Kenobi. It is my honor to finally meet Jian's closest friend." By the time she straightened, the elder group had crossed the room to join them.

Jian turned to face his parents and Qui-Gon. "Master Qui, may I present my betrothed, Nyastria Delaryn." Turning back, he continued, "Nyastria, this is my Bond-father, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn."

Qui-Gon duplicated his apprentice's previous gesture and kissed her hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Nyastria." Twisting to meet the Prince's gaze, he added, "It is my privilege to stand alongside your father as you celebrated this momentous step in your life, Jian."

"Thank you, Master Qui," Jian said sincerely. "The ceremony would not be complete without you and Obi here to share it with us."

Before anyone could say anything else, Parin piped in. "Now that all the formalities are out of the way, could we eat? I'm starving."

The King cuffed his youngest son gently and chuckled. "When is there a time that you aren't hungry, Parin? It's a wonder that you do not weigh over one hundred kilos by now." He gestured for everyone to follow him as he added, "We can continue this in the dining room. We wouldn't want Parin to faint from hunger."

The group laughed amiably as they moved into the family's private dining room. Servants brought in an assortment of delicacies to tempt every taste bud and the afternoon was spent enjoying a leisurely meal and pleasant company. Tales of misdeeds and misadventures involving a variety of participants were shared around the table. Qui-Gon told the story of his first visit to Varonat. He shared a few of the tamer episodes that he and Aidan participated in to the delight of the King's young heirs, stopping short of revealing the depth of their relationship. Obi-Wan shot him a wicked look and a mental reproach for that omission but his stoic Master's façade didn't waiver in the slightest.

Jian caught the glare that Obi-Wan gave his Master so he turned to address his friend. "Do you know something about Father and Master Qui's relationship that the rest of us should know about?"

Don't even think about it, Padawan. I do not think this an appropriate topic to be discussing in front of Parin and Lycianna. Qui-Gon reprimanded his apprentice mentally even as he easily changed the subject. "Maybe Obi-Wan and Jian could share some of their more memorable escapades."

"I'd love to hear some of those stories," Parin agreed. "Jian seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time on restricted privileges after Obi-Wan's visits."

"Just make sure you do not attempt to duplicate any of your brother's adventures, Parin or you will find yourself on restricted privileges as well," Aidan told him firmly.

"And you won't have a trained Jedi to keep you safe if things should get complicated or dangerous," Jian cautioned his younger brother.

So the conversation moved on from Qui-Gon and Aidan's tales to those of Obi-Wan and Jian. They told the story of the bacchanal that Obi-Wan had alluded to earlier, then told about time they had climbed down the trellis outside the Prince's bedroom to go to the most risqué night club in the city. But when Jian started to tell his brother about the time that they had borrowed racing swoops and entered a dangerous canyon race, Obi-Wan felt the surge of surprised coming from Jian's parents and his Master. He grabbed his friend's arm to try to stop the tale but his warning was way too late.

Scowling faces looked over at them and Obi-Wan tried to make light of it. "Jian, we managed to do that without anyone finding out, remember? At least until just now." He turned to Qui-Gon and gave him his most innocent smile. "It's a good thing we're now too old to be punished."

"I wouldn't count on that, Padawan" Qui-Gon corrected sternly.

Ignoring the glares that both his parents had fixed on him, Jian used duty to extricate himself from the situation and rose from his seat. "As much as I'm enjoying this, we need to go to collect one of Nyastria's attendants from the train station and get her settled. I should be back in a couple of hours."

"Come find me when you get back, Jian," Obi-Wan replied.

"Obi-Wan should be finished with his meditations on honesty by then," Qui-Gon commented in his driest tone.

After Nyastria and Jian left the room, King Aidan rose from his seat. "Parin will take you and Obi-Wan to your rooms, Qui-Gon, so that you can get settled. Cliaryn and I have a few things to attend to for this evening. The soiree before tonight's official betrothal dinner begins at 1900."

Lycianna left with her parents and Parin directed the Jedi pair to the suite that was always their home when they visited on Varonat. As they moved into the rooms, Qui-Gon was surprised to see that they had been redecorated since their last visit. "Parin?"

Even without the actual question being voiced, Parin knew what Qui-Gon was asking. These rooms had been reserved for the Jedi since his first visit to Varonat with Master Yoda. "Mother always enjoys redecorating so Father let her loose on your suite. He wanted to do something special to acknowledge the change in your relationship and make the quarters more comfortable for you. I think you will find the changes enjoyable," the young prince added with a wink.

Obi-Wan's mind was filled with rather decadent ideas as he caught sight of the large oval hot tub that filled a corner of what used to be his bedroom. He was trying to decide whether he should comment when Parin spoke again. "We really need to get things organized for Jian's party tomorrow night. I could go and get the information in my room and bring it back here if you want to work on it now."

"Just give me about fifteen minutes to get our things unpacked, Parin, and then we can work on it," Obi-Wan said with a twinge of regret. When the young prince nodded and left the rooms, he joined his Master in the large sleep chamber. The new four-post bed that sat in the center of the room was much larger than their bed back at Temple. It was piled high with blankets and pillows and when he reached it found that beneath those covers was a feather mattress over fifteen centimeters thick. He looked over at Qui-Gon in disbelief. "Four people could sleep comfortably in that thing."

"I wasn't planning on inviting anyone else to join us, Padawan. Where you?" Qui-Gon retorted dryly.

"Master, really," Obi-Wan replied in an affronted tone. He looked longingly from the bed to Qui-Gon and back again and sighed. "Maybe I should have checked out the rest of the changes before telling Parin to be back in fifteen minutes."

Qui-Gon took Obi-Wan into his arms and kissed him passionately. "There will be plenty of time for pleasurable activities, later. Right now you have a gathering to plan, Padawan."

"Maybe I should be looking to your expertise to plan that gathering," Obi-Wan said with a smirk. "According to Parin's uncle Livat, you have a knack for such things. It seems not a cycle goes by when I don't learn something new about you, my Master."

Qui-Gon tried to maintain an innocent expression but failed miserably. Finally, he just shrugged. "That was in my younger days, before I had impressionable padawans to worry about influencing." He grasped his apprentice's long braid and ran it through his fingers. "Force willing, some secrets will remain so until way beyond your knighting."

Tossing the bags onto the soft bed, Obi-Wan replied. "I will just have to consider it my greatest challenge to learn all of your mysteries before that day." He duplicated Qui-Gon's earlier probing kiss then reached to open the bags. "Now, I'd best get these things put away before Parin returns." He started pulling items from the bags and Qui-Gon moved quickly to assist him. Dress uniforms were smoothed out and hung in the large wardrobe and other clothing was placed neatly away. Toiletries were placed into the refresher with the exception of the bottles of massage oil and lube, which were placed conveniently at the bedside. They had just finished when a soft knock sounded on the door.

They returned to the common room and Obi-Wan opened the door to find not only Parin but also King Aidan standing there. "Your Majesty," Obi-Wan greeted formally. "This is an unexpected pleasure."

"Cliaryn found I was more of a hindrance then a help, so she shooed me off," Aidan declared with a smile. "So I thought I would come visit. Parin tells me you are going to work on Jian's send off. You should ask your Master for his assistance with that, young Obi-Wan."

"Yes, I hear he is rather an expert in that area, your Majesty", Obi-Wan replied.

Before Aidan could say anything else, Qui-Gon broke in. "Didn't you say something earlier about not dredging up ancient history? Now let's leave these two to their planning while we visit." He grabbed four bottles of Varonian dark ale off the wet bar and led the King towards the open balcony. He turned back to the younger men. "Call if you need anything."

"You really need to introduce me to your uncle at some point, Parin," Obi-Wan said. "This is becoming more intriguing by the moment. Now let's get down to business."

The two young men spent the better part of the next two hours going through all the materials that Parin had gathered, making endless comm calls, discussing options and the like. Finally they came to a decision on a location, food and entertainment and made the necessary calls to book everything. With all that settled, they rose from couch and Obi-Wan made his way to the balcony. "Your Majesty, my Master. It is safe to come back in now."

Taking Obi-Wan's hand in his, Qui-Gon pulled the younger man to stand beside him. "Everything arranged?"

"Yes, we booked a small club, a band, ordered food, gaming tables and dealers and found exotic dancers who look nothing like Nyastria. I think we covered everything," Obi-Wan stated.

King Aidan rose from his seat on the balcony and walked to stand beside his son. "Let's allow Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan some time to themselves before dinner, Parin. I'm sure your mother can find some things that are safe for us to assist with." Turning back to the Jedi Master, he added. "We will see you in the ballroom by 1900. The actual bestowal rite with Nyastria's father and kith will take place after dinner."

After seeing their hosts to the door, Qui-Gon turned back to see his young lover looking at him rather longingly. "What is it, Obi-Wan?"

"Even though I'm thrilled to be here for Jian and have no qualms about fulfilling the responsibilities of being his second witness, part of me wishes we could just hide in these rooms and spend our days focused only on each other," Obi-Wan said wistfully. "We have had so little private time between missions."

"We will make the most of the time we do have, my own," Qui-Gon replied softly. "And I know you will enjoy the time you get to spend with Jian." Walking to his lover, he took the younger man's hand. "Now, I think we may just have enough time to see how comfortable that bed really is."

They had barely made it into the doorway of the bedroom when they heard a knock at the door and a brief scan with the Force identified their caller. Pressing back his frustration, Obi-Wan opened the door to the smiling face of Prince Jian. He pushed into the rooms, pulling him into a hug then stepped back, speaking animatedly. "I'm so glad that you're here. What do you think of Nyastria, Obi? Isn't she everything that I said she was? She beautiful, intelligent, chic, energetic and ingenious and she loves me. Sometimes, I feel like it's a dream and I'll wake up to find it's not true."

"Nyastria is a very beautiful and charming young woman and it's easy to see that she loves you as much as you love her," Obi-Wan reassured his friend. "And I am looking forward to getting to know her better."

"There are so many things going on even before the actual bonding ceremony but I want us to spend as much time together as we can," Jian insisted. "Who knows when the next time I'll see you will be."

Although he had stood silently during the two younger men's exchange, Qui-Gon couldn't resist stepping in, "Just start having children regularly and the Council will have to let Obi-Wan come to visit."

Jian was blushing as he looked up to see the older man leaning against the doorjamb. "Master Qui, I didn't see you there." The import of Qui-Gon's words sunk in after a moment. "Although Nyastria and I plan on having children, I don't expect that we will be having them in sufficient quantities to account for all your visits."

Obi-Wan laughed at his friend's discomfort. "Leave to Qui-Gon to consider a large family as a means to visit."

Prince Jian walked over to the couch and sat back. "Let's go over the schedule for the next few days and see where we can fit in some time to do a few extra things."

Qui-Gon excused himself as the two younger men settled down to chat. He headed back onto the open balcony and dropped into a light meditative trance to the sound of the familiar voices from the common room.

By the time he and Jian had discussed everything they needed to do before the bonding ceremony, Obi-Wan realized that there would be little time for anything else for the next few days. With the exception of after tonight's dinner, the majority of their time would be fully occupied by responsibilities. Well, they would just have to make due.

Suddenly Jian jumped up from the couch. "I can't believe it's so late. I need to get changed for tonight. My mother will have my head if I'm not in the ballroom before the first guest arrives." He headed to the door. "See you later."

After Jian had left their suite, Obi-Wan headed onto the small balcony where his Master was meditating. Love flowed through him as he looked into Qui-Gon's relaxed face. Sometimes he felt a little like Jian had admitted to feeling. Like at some point he would wake up and the wonderful new aspect of their relationship would have just been a dream. It's real Obi-Wan, he heard in his mind as he watched the blue eyes open and gaze at him lovingly.

Qui-Gon rose to his feet and pulled his lover into his arms. "You are the best thing to ever happen to me, Obi-Wan." He tilted the cleft chin and pressed his lips firmly to his lover's. Force willing, we will have many years to live this dream, he sent warmly. Pulling back, he added. "But for now, it appears that we must get ready to attend the night's festivities."

Heaving a frustrated sigh, Obi-Wan headed to the bedroom. He prepared their formal uniforms while his Master showered then stepped in to quickly wash himself. When he came back into the room, Qui-Gon was dressed in the black leggings and inner tunic, drying his hair, a small ornate wooden box sitting open before him on the dressing table. A smile warmed his lips as he looked upon the contents of the box. Two long oval beads sat nestled into the soft fabric. The first was a deep blue, the color of Qui-Gon's eyes with a flourished letter J etched into the surface and the second was styled in the same manner in the gray-green of Obi-Wan's eyes and engraved with the letter K. The set had been a gift to them from Master Windu shortly after they had requested Council approval to deepen their relationship. The beads were symbolic of a couple's betrothal commitment on Mace's home world. Usually the gems were secured into a piece of jewelry like a necklace or a ring but since Jedi wore very few adornments, he thought that hair beads would create a more discrete symbol. Although the gift had been cherished, they had yet to attend a formal event that would allow them to be worn. Until now.

Reaching down, Obi-Wan ran a fingertip reverently along the blue bead. "Thank you for bringing these. I was so overwhelmed with all this trip entailed, I never even thought about them." He reached for the brush and the silver clasp that lay beside it. "May I?"

"Please," Qui-Gon said softly. He sat back and relaxed as Obi-Wan brushed his hair until it shone then separated out the sections he would pull back. The hair was smoothed then secured against the back of his scalp with the silver clasp. He felt the deft fingers divide the clinched hair into three sections and begin to plait it. After a moment, Obi-Wan reached into the box for the green bead. He caught the younger man's wrist and brought the fingers holding the bauble to his lips. Kissing the gem reverently, he whispered, "You are my heart, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan leaned forward and dropped a kiss to the top of his Master's head. "As you are mine, Qui-Gon," he replied emotionally. When his wrist was released, he threaded the bead through the middle section of the braided hair. After it was adjusted to his satisfaction, he plaited the rest of the strands and tied off the braid with the silver cord that lay on the table. He moved away from the table and pulled on his leggings and under tunic before returning to kneel before his Master. "Will you weave your bead into my braid?"

"It would be my honor and my pleasure, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said as he reached for the reddish blond plait. He removed the tie and the two beads that represented his apprentice's accomplishments then ran the brush through the loosened strands. Fingers moving in a familiar pattern quickly rebraided the sections adding in the yellow bead then twisting a few more turns until he reached for the blue bead.

Obi-Wan copied his Master's earlier movements, grasping his hand and bringing the gem to his lips. "Yours for all time, my love."

"Into the eternity of the Force, my own," Qui-Gon replied as he bound the blue bead into the strands of his padawan's braid. After setting it securely, he continued to plait the hair adding the red bead before securing it with another silver cord.

Rising from the floor, Obi-Wan leaned in to kiss Qui-Gon then moved away so they could finish dressing. Knee high, shiny black leather dress boots were pulled on and outer tunics were arranged over broad shoulders without the slightest crease. Tabards were placed over shoulders and secured with sashes wrapped around waists. Smooth black leather belts replaced worn brown ones and lightsabers were attached onto silver clips.

Qui-Gon leaned against the wall and watched his apprentice adjust the belt around his waist. Though Obi-Wan looked good in almost anything, in that form fitting formal uniform he was absolutely breathtaking. "If we didn't need to be at that reception in five minutes, I would rip those blacks you have so beautifully arranged right off your body," he said with a lust-filled sneer.

Knowing just how to get a reaction, Obi-Wan twirled around in a slow circle before Qui-Gon, swaying his hips provocatively as he turned. "Promises, promises." He stalked slowly over to his Master and ran him palm appreciatively along the front of the older man's body. "You are looking pretty handsome yourself. I have a feeling I will be defending you from unwanted suitors before the night is over," he teased.

"I fear it is I who will be protecting you," Qui-Gon responded in a like tone. He reached out and clasped Obi-Wan's hand firmly in his own. "Shall we?" Eschewing formal cloaks, as they would not be leaving the palace, the men left their quarters heading for the main ballroom.

More than a few sets of eyes took in the handsome forms of the two Jedi as they walked down the hallways. Polite nods and formal greetings were exchanged with guests that they passed until they stood in the arched doorway of the formal ballroom. Elegant decorations embellished the refined room. Flowers, streamers and feathers were arranged artistically over walls, ceilings and tables. Ice sculptures adorned the bountiful refreshment tables and blue tinted sparkling wine flowed from ornate table fountains. A small orchestra played soothing music from behind the royal receiving line set up to formally greet arriving guests. Resplendent in their regal finery, King Aidan and his family awaited the early arrivals.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan moved into the room and strode directly to the receiving line. Beginning with the youngest heir, they formally greeted their hosts. As Obi-Wan bowed to Prince Parin, he teased. "You should have more than your share of admirers tonight."

Princess Lyrianna chuckled a soft reply. "With you and Master Qui in the room, I don't expect the guests will be looking at any of the other men."

"My Master for sure but not me," Obi-Wan insisted, rolling his eyes.

Catching this little exchange, Qui-Gon admonished his padawan mentally. You have no idea how devastatingly handsome you are, do you love? The mental retort came back a second later. You're a bit biased, don't you think?

The mental exchange ended as Obi-Wan reached Jian. After bowing formally, he reached out to place a reassuring hand on his friend's shoulder. "You seem a bit nervous, Jian."

"I'm beginning to wish that Nyastria and I had eloped," Jian lamented. "But having you standing beside me will help," he added as he created a space between himself and his sister.

Smiling warmly, Obi-Wan squeezed the shoulder he held. He had never expected to be using the Force to help keep Jian calm. "Let me greet your parents then I'll be at your side for however long you need." He moved forward to kiss Queen Cliaryn's hand. By the time he bowed to the King, his Master had taken his place at the ruler's side. His familiar voice echoed in his head. The Force is very useful, Padawan, whether it's used to calm diplomats, warring factions or nervous bridegrooms.

Fighting not to allow his face to show signs of this mental conversation, Obi-Wan responded the same way. Sounds like you have experience in this venue, my Master.

Qui-Gon's eyes flashed with humor as he replied. King Aidan wasn't always the calm and collected man that you have always seen.

With a slight touch to his Master's hand in thanks for his support, Obi-Wan returned to Jian's side. The first guests were just beginning to enter the ballroom and make their way to the receiving line. Schooling his expression to the well practiced one of a multitude of diplomatic receptions, Obi-Wan readied himself for the extended period of introductions and polite conversation.

Obi-Wan smiled as he greeted numerous people, many political leaders of Varonat and the surrounding systems as well as friends and family members. He was glad to renew acquaintances with some of Jian's close friends as well as some of the younger members of the House of Kintyre that he had met on previous visits. He knew that he would see more of these people over the next few days. He was talking to one of Jian's cousins when he heard Parin speak his name to someone. He looked up to see the youngest prince talking to a gentleman about his Master's age then glancing over at him with a smirk. After taking a moment to press a kiss to Lyrianna's cheek, the man moved to stand before him and held out his hand.

"Jedi Kenobi, I am Duke Livat of House Kintyre," the man said formally. "I hear that you have expressed an interest in meeting me."

A flush of excitement washed through Obi-Wan as he grasped the hand of the man before him. "I am honored to meet you, your Excellency. I hope we get the chance to have a conversation during my visit." He lowered his voice a bit and smiled. "I would love to hear the details of the gathering that my Master arranged prior to King Aidan's bonding to Queen Cliaryn."

Livat leaned forward a bit so that his words would only be heard by Obi-Wan. "Yes, that was an interesting evening and I would love to share those details with you. Though I expect that you will arrange a gathering for Prince Jian that at least equals your Master's, young Obi-Wan."

"I look forward to our discussion, your Excellency," Obi-Wan replied with a bow before moving on to greet the next guest. He was talking to another of Jian's friends when he heard his name again and felt a flash of annoyance coming from his Master. Sparing a moment to glance that direction, he saw Qui-Gon talking to Duke Livat. He fought the urge to enhance his hearing to catch the conversation. The frustration coming from Qui-Gon told him all he needed to know. The events of that gathering must hold some interesting secrets indeed.

It took a few minutes for the last group of invited guests to come through the reception line but finally they were all inside the ballroom. King Aidan nodded to the ceremonial guard that was standing beside the archway and the man motioned to someone standing out of sight. Within a few minutes, Nyastria and the members of her family stood poised to enter the room. All conversation ceased as the guests caught sight of the betrothed. Her attendants and siblings entered first, walking to the royal family and greeting each member formally, one at a time. Then came her mother and her kith, her family's equivalent of a bond-father and they did the same. They all stood a few steps beyond the receiving line and waited. Finally, walking regally on her father's arm, the young woman strode slowly to stand before her beloved.

Jian bowed formally to Ser Delaryn then took Nyastria's hand and kissed it. She curtsied in response then moved on to formally greet the King and Queen. When the greetings were complete, King Aidan took his place on Nyastria's other side, placed her hand through his arm and, gathering the remainder of her family, moved them into the open space in the center of the ballroom. "Honored guests, may I present the family Delaryn."

Polite applause followed the declaration, continuing until King Aidan placed a chaste kiss on Nyastria's cheek then stepped back. With all the necessary formalities completed for now, conversation resumed and guests moved about to socialize with friends and family.

After gathering a small plate of food and a glass of sparkling wine, Obi-Wan set about to find Duke Livat but was thwarted at every turn. Parin pulled him aside to point out a young woman he was interested in and Queen Cliaryn called him over to talk to her elder sister. A few of the minor political figures who couldn't break through the circle of dignitaries that surrounded his Master, came to him to discuss this or that matter of galactic politics. The hour of informal mingling was over way too soon and he still had not had the opportunity to speak to Duke Livat.

Releasing his frustration to the Force, Obi-Wan joined Jian and followed his friend into the formal dining room. Seating at the tables was all prearranged and he took his placed between Jian and Lycianna, with Parin seated at his brother's right. Qui-Gon was seated across the table with the King and Queen. Nyastria was seated at the next table with her attendants flanking her on either side and her parents and her kith directly across from her.

Pleasant conversation flowed among those at their table though Obi-Wan could see that Jian would have preferred to be sitting with Nyastria. Servants came and went, bringing each food course and then picking up empty dishes with practiced efficiency. Sparkling wine glasses were refilled automatically and by the time the dessert course was served more than a few in the room were slightly inebriated.

As the last of the dessert dishes were taken away, King Aidan rose from the table and directed Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Prince Jian to do the same. The four men moved slowly onto a small dais set behind the head tables. After they were in place, Nyastria's father mirrored the King's movements and with his daughter and her kith moved forward until they were standing directly opposite the other party.

"Prince Jian, you have formally requested the presence of myself and my daughter before you. What is the intention of this summons?" Ser Delaryn queried in the traditional words.

Jian smiled at his intended then turned to face her father. "I stand before you to request the hand of your first-born daughter. I seek your sanction to bond Nyastria to me until the day I draw my final breath."

"Does your family stand behind you in this request? Will my daughter be welcomed into their home as one of their own?" Ser Delaryn asked seriously.

"I am honored to accepted your daughter into House Kintyre and pledge to grant her every honor and privilege that accompanies her place," King Aidan replied ceremoniously.

"Who comes forth to insure the authenticity of this pledge?" Ser Delaryn demanded.

"On my vows as a Jedi Master, I affirm that the honor of the House of Kintyre is above reproach," Qui-Gon declared.

"Who will stand ready to protect my daughter and her heirs should the House of Kintyre come under siege?" Ser Delaryn queried.

"I vow to safeguard Nyastria and her children from any threat within the Royal House, on my honor as a Jedi," Obi-Wan pledged.

Ser Delaryn looked intently at Jian then turned to face Nyastria. "Is this your wish, my daughter? To leave the home in which you have grown from infancy to cleave yourself to this man's side. To leave your mother and I to take a place among the ruling family of House Kintyre."

"It is my desire to share my life with Jian, Father, on whatever path that life may lead us," Nyastria affirmed.

After placing a ceremonial kiss on each of his daughter's cheeks, Ser Delaryn took Nyastria's right hand in his and turned back to face Jian. He extended his left hand, grasped the Prince's right and brought it to lie over his daughter's. "I sanction the impending union of my daughter, Nyastria Delaryn and Prince Jian of House Kintyre. May they be blessed with a blissful and fruitful life together."

All the guests raised their glasses in honor of the betrothed couple. "To Prince Jian and Nyastria, may the sun shine upon them always," the united voices of all in the room toasted cordially. The small group on the dais each took a glass from the proffered tray.

Jian and Nyastria lifted their glasses to the room and he spoke from his heart. "Thank you all for your warm wishes and for sharing this important time with us." Then they brought their glasses to their lips and within seconds everyone in the room followed their lead.

With dinner and the sanctioning ceremony completed, people began leaving their tables and milling about in small groups. After a few minutes, these clusters of people began migrating into the open area of the ballroom. Sparkling wine fountains had been refilled and the orchestra was now playing music more suitable for leisurely dancing. A few couples moved onto the dance floor but most people visited with friends or other members of their extended families.

Jian and Nyastria made their rounds through the room, introducing Obi-Wan to friends and family as they went. Luckily his years of diplomatic training allowed him to speak easily with all these new acquaintances and file names and information about them in his memory. He watched across the room as Qui-Gon toured with King Aidan, seemingly being taken through a duplicate series of introductions. Though it was as if the fates were conspiring against them as they never seemed to get closer than 10 meters apart. They shared a few longing looks and mental caresses but otherwise spent two hours on opposite sides of the massive ballroom.

Obi-Wan was wondering how much longer this gathering would go on when Lyrianna pulled him aside. "Real party started in the small ballroom five minutes ago. Get my brother and Nyastria and meet us in there as soon as you can slip away." With a mischievous smile, the princess left him and disappeared through a rather inconspicuous door behind the refreshment tables.

Looking into the faces of the guests in the large ballroom, Obi-Wan was surprised to see that the age mix of the room had changed drastically. There were a few younger guests, in their early teens and a large number of people over thirty but people whose ages fell in the middle were noticeably absent. After the couple had finished their conversation with one of Nyastria's elderly relatives, he directed them towards the refreshment table. "Your sister just informed me that your presence is required in the small ballroom. If you both would follow me."

Jian turned to look at his parents across the room. "My parents will kill me if we disappear."

"I'm sure your sister handled it but let me tell Qui-Gon where we will be," Obi-Wan said reassuringly. He extended over the bond with his Master and when he finished speaking, sent his mental message. Master, it seems Lyrianna has arranged another gathering for Jian's contemporaries. Could you please let King Aidan know that we have retired to the small ballroom. Barely a few seconds passed before he had his reply. So the young have finally had their fill of these sedate surroundings. I will relay the message. Enjoy yourself, Obi-Wan.

The Prince watched as his friend's attention turned inwards as he conversed with his Master. Sometimes he envied the connection that the two closely bonded Jedi could achieve but other times he wondered if he could handle the knowledge that with the bond thoughts and feelings could never truly be private. He was pulled from his thoughts by Obi-Wan's voice.

"All set. Let's Go." Obi-Wan led the couple though the same door Lyrianna had exited through and found himself in a narrow hallway. Looking around he saw another door a few meters down the hall and directed his friends toward it. Opening it, he motioned with his arm, "after you."

The room they entered was brightly decorated, with balloons and streamers in bright colors and wall hangings and ceiling decorations in colorful geometric designs. A dark wood dance floor had been created in the center of the room and a loud band that could have easily been contracted at one of Coruscant's more trendy clubs was set up at the head of it. Sparkling wine fountains had been replaced by kegs of local ale and a bar that was covered with the largest variety of liquor and mild intoxicants that Obi-Wan had ever seen.

"It's about time you got them in here," a man yelled in his ear.

Obi-Wan turned to get a better look at the speaker and found himself face to face with Jian's cousin, Da'nark. A few years older than Jian, Da'nark was the eldest son of Queen Cliaryn's sister, Vio'la. He had spent time in the company of the other man during many of his visits to Varonat and had always found him to be somewhat pompous and overbearing. Wanting to extricate himself from the man's company as painlessly as possible, he chuckled. "You know how long winded some people can be. But they're here now and that's all that matters."

Catching sight of Lyrianna standing beside the well stocked bar, Obi-Wan excused himself and went to speak with her. "Was all of this your doing?" he asked with a smirk.

"Well, I couldn't let you and Parin have all the fun," Lyrianna replied. Picking up a tall glass filled with a vibrant orange liquid with steam wafting from it, she pressed it into Obi-Wan's hand with a wink. "The official functions are done for tonight so now it's time for everyone to let loose and have some fun."

"Would it be impossible to convince you that Jedi aren't allowed to have any fun?" Obi-Wan asked with what was mostly a blank expression.

Lyrianna rolled her eyes and punched Obi-Wan on the arm. "Not unless you plan on using a Force suggestion to get me to believe it," she chuckled, "and a rather powerful one at that."

"My Master would probably frown on that method of persuasion so I guess I'll just have to make do," Obi-Wan replied. He took a long sip of the rather unusual liquid in his glass and fought not show a reaction on his face as the liquor burnt a path down his throat. "What is this stuff?"

"We call it Da'nark's revenge," Lyrianna answered. "He concocted it during a party a few years ago. I have no idea what's in it but it sure packs a wallop."

"I should have guessed," Obi-Wan mumbled before taking a much smaller sip. Before he could decide whether this one had burnt any less, the drink's creator was at his side.

"So are you enjoying my creation?" Da'nark asked.

"It is interesting," Obi-Wan replied diplomatically. "Though I don't think I will need to consume another."

"Come on, Kenobi," Da'nark taunted. "I never thought that Jedi could be such lightweights." He tossed his arm over Obi-Wan's shoulder then added. "A few more of these and maybe you'll give up that stoic façade and have some fun." He leaned closer to the other man, let his hand slide from Obi-Wan's shoulder to his ass and whispered. "And there is a lot of fun to be had tonight if you get my drift."

It took less than a second for Obi-Wan to spin around and twist that hand that had so casually infringed on his personal space tightly behind Da'nark's back. "Unless you want this arm broken, I would suggest that you get a person's permission before touching them so intimately." The look on his face as he spoke would have been enough to freeze molten lava. With a final painful twist, he released the offending hand.

Da'nark pulled back with an affronted look. "Well, sorry. What, are you Jedi too good to associate with us lesser beings?"

Before Obi-Wan could say anything, Lyrianna pushed her cousin away. "That's enough, Da'nark. Why don't you go talk to some of your friends?" Then she turned to the Jedi padawan and apologized. "I'm sorry, Obi-Wan. Da'nark tends to say and do things without thinking about their consequences."

"I don't hold you responsible for the behavior of your less than well-mannered cousin," Obi-Wan replied. After taking a moment to drink the remaining orange fluid in his glass, he turned and took the princess' hand. "Would you do me the honor of joining me on the dance floor?" She smiled her reply and they went to join the growing crowd of people grinding and swaying to the heavy beat.

Years of katas and various trainings made Obi-Wan's movements fluid and graceful even as he moved to the pounding beat of the band's music. He soon became the partner of choice to the numerous young women in the room. As each number ended, his partner was pushed aside and another one stood before him. It became almost a game among the group of Jian and Nyastria's female friends and family to see which of them could get to him first. A well trained diplomat, Obi-Wan could flirt and mingle effortlessly and had each of his partners thrilled at the personal attention and flattery.

Finally in an attempt to stop the playful rivalry, Obi-Wan called into the group. "There's plenty of room out here for everyone." He grabbed the hands of the two people nearest to him and asked them to do the same. Soon, the dance floor was a mass of wall-to-wall bodies, moving and shaking to the rocking tones of the band. With the close quarters and the fact that most of the guests had ingested substantial amounts of alcohol or intoxicants, it was inevitable that people were bumping into each other. But everyone took it in stride, automatically reaching out to steady anyone in their immediate area who was slightly less than stable.

Obi-Wan was attempting to speak to the person nearest him over the din of the music when he felt a bump from behind him. Jedi reflexes kept him from even having to take a steadying step and he continued his conversation without interruption. Twice more he was bumped from behind, with each contact lasting a little bit longer. Then he felt the other body leaning against him, buttocks rubbing somewhat sensually against his. Turning, he wasn't surprised to see that Da'nark was the person behind him.

"So you Jedi aren't the tranquil, serene and emotionless creatures that you try to make yourselves out to be," Da'nark goaded. "You sure you wouldn't like to explore your newfound fervor."

Trying to contain his quickly growing anger at the man's arrogant pursuit, Obi-Wan said. "I am not interested in exploring anything with you, Da'nark."

"Afraid you won't be able to keep up, Kenobi?" Da'nark taunted.

"Not that it is any of your business, Da'nark, but I am in a relationship," Obi-Wan almost growled. "Now if you would just find someone else to bother, I would be most grateful."

"How grateful, Kenobi?" Da'nark leered. "You're light years from home; no one will ever know."

Before Obi-Wan could reply to the last remark, the music stopped and the bandleader spoke. "We'll be back after a short break. Please be sure to partake in some refreshments so that you can be back out on the dance floor when we return."

As the crowd thinned, Obi-Wan glared at the man beside him. "This night is for Jian and Nyastria and because they are important to me, I will ignore your inappropriate behavior. But if you persist along this course, I can't guarantee that I will continue to be so generous."

While Da'nark was considering how to reply to this statement, a person walking towards them caught his attention.

"You two seem to be involved in a rather serious conversation. Is there something I can be of assistance with, young man?" Qui-Gon inquired politely.

Da'nark was not drunk enough to ignoring the imposing presence of a Jedi Master looming over him. "No thank you, Master Jinn. Obi-Wan and I were just renewing our acquaintance." Glancing between the men, he forced a smile. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I see someone I need to speak to."

After watching Da'nark walk away, Qui-Gon turned back to his apprentice. "What was that all about, if you don't mind my asking? I could feel your irritation rolling over the bond."

"Sorry, I should have shielded my annoyance better," Obi-Wan began but was cut off with a stern shake of his Master's head.

"Nonsense, that's not why I came in here," Qui-Gon admonished in a low tone. "You were truly upset by something during a time when you should have only been concentrating on having fun and that concerned me." Switching to mental conversation he added, both as your Master and your lover.

"Da'nark was pursuing the opportunity for a more personal association with me and was having a difficult time taking no for an answer," Obi-Wan explained. "Even after I told him that I was involved in a relationship." He could almost guess Qui-Gon's next statement so he said it for him. "I know, I have fended off unwelcome advances from people much more consequential than Da'nark without allowing it to affect me but there is something about the man that grates on me."

"Well he does tend to be a bit brash and condescending," Qui-Gon replied. He turned to see that Da'nark was still watching them, albeit surreptitiously, so he directed Obi-Wan towards the door to the room. "Maybe I can do something about that," he said for Obi-Wan's ears only then raised his voice just a bit. "I just wanted to let you know that I will be retiring for the evening. Stay and enjoy yourself and I will be waiting for you in our quarters when you return." That said, he placed his hand behind Obi-Wan's neck and pulled him in for a rather possessive kiss.

Shock flowed through Obi-Wan at his very private lover's public display of affection but he soon lost himself in the feeling of Qui-Gon's lips against his own. An amused, I think this will help solve the issue, my Obi-Wan, came across the bond just before their lips parted. He reached up and caressed the bearded chin with his fingertips and whispered, "I think it just might," as he realized all eyes in the room were now focused on the two of them. So much for Jedi decorum, he sent with a twinkle in his eyes and received in reply. It's not as if the people of Varonat haven't seen the Jedi do uncharacteristic things before.

With a smile for the betrothed couple and gentle caress against his lover's neck, Qui-Gon strode from the room with all the stately poise that made him the formidable Jedi Master that he was.

As Obi-Wan watched Qui-Gon leave the room, Jian moved swiftly to his side. "I assume that was for Da'nark's benefit. I noticed he seemed to be making a pest of himself and was just coming over to you when Master Qui came in." The smile on his face widened as he added, "Though I don't think anything I could have said would have been quite as effective as Master Qui's actions."

Obi-Wan fought to control the blush rising at his friend's words. "It seems Varonat brings out a side of my Master that is rarely seen in customary situations." He sent a wash of love across the bond before directing them back to where Nyastria was waiting. "You two seem to be enjoying the party. Nyastria, I'm rather surprised that you have managed to keep Jian on the dance floor for a good portion of the evening. In his younger days, he was never much of a dancer."

Nyastria looked lovingly at Jian before turning back with a smile. "Jian has been more than willing to indulge my penchant for dancing even though it's not his favorite activity."

"Love has a way of bringing out the willingness to concede and compromise," Obi-Wan said.

The smile widened as Nyastria added, "For all of us it seems." She stepped closer to him and her tone changed to one with a hint of petulance. "Though I am a bit upset with you, Obi-Wan. I have yet to have the opportunity to be your dance partner."

Bowing with a flourish, Obi-Wan took the young woman's hand and kissed it formally. "I will have to rectify that omission as soon as the band returns."

Obi-Wan kept his promise and pulled Nyastria onto the dance floor with him as soon as the music began. By the time three songs had been played, the people were shoulder to shoulder and almost everyone was dancing. The rest of the night passed enjoyably as Da'nark seemed to have gotten Qui-Gon's message and stayed a safe distance away from Obi-Wan.

It was well into the early hours of morning when this secondary party finally broke up. Obi-Wan walked with Jian and Nyastria until they reached the hallway leading to the wing that housed her family. Wanting to give the couple privacy for their goodnights, he took his leave of them politely and headed to his own quarters.

Opening the door to the suite of rooms he shared with his Master, Obi-Wan observed that all the interior lights had been extinguished. Navigating by the weak light coming in through the floor to ceiling transparisteel, he moved quietly through the common room and into their bedroom, taking care not to do anything that would wake his sleeping Master. He and Qui-Gon could manage on very little sleep, as usually their times away from the Temple were fraught with danger and intrigue, which did not coincide with restful sleep. But this was a vacation, not a dangerous mission, so sleep was something that they could luxuriate in.

After pulling off his boots, Obi-Wan removed his dress blacks and hung them carefully in the wardrobe. He completed a quick trip to the refresher then slid carefully beneath the covers to lie beside his lover. All his stealth was for naught when the older man rolled over and opened his eyes. "Did you enjoy yourself, love?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Very much but I didn't mean to wake you," Obi-Wan replied. "It's not often you get an uninterrupted night's sleep outside of our quarters."

"Nonsense. I got more sleep before you came in than I've gotten in a week's time on some of our recent missions," Qui-Gon chided. "Now, tell me about the party."

Obi-Wan spent the next few minutes relaying the evening events to his Master. As he spoke, his hands began to roam over Qui-Gon's skin, caressing the length of an arm, the curve of a hip and the firm expanse of chest. His caresses were reciprocated and soon all conversation ended as their mouths met in a hungry kiss. Tongues probed and explored as their hands continued to stroke over each other's skin.

Using his size to his advantage, Qui-Gon rolled Obi-Wan onto his back as he tossed the blankets to the foot of the bed. With a gentle nip at his lover's lower lip, he released the enticing mouth and began a slow path along his throat and chest. He sucked a passion mark at the base of Obi-Wan's throat and felt more than heard the passionate moan that his actions caused. He slid further down, covering a bronze nipple with his lips and teasing it to a taunt peak. The writhing body beneath him spurred him on and he shifted until his nose rested in the nest of ginger curls framing the rigid penis. He raised his head to meet Obi-Wan's gaze then swallowed the silken shaft to the root.

The sensation of warm wetness surrounding him was almost overwhelming and Obi-Wan fought to keep from thrusting into Qui-Gon's mouth. He felt the talented tongue stroking over his length and knew that within moments he would lose his battle for control. Reaching down, he tangled his fingers into the chestnut silk of his lover's hair and pulled gently. When Qui-Gon looked up, Obi-Wan said in a husky tone. "Unless you plan on allowing me time for a leisurely exploration of your body while I recover, please stop. I don't want to come until you're inside me."

With a last kiss to the leaking tip, Qui-Gon released the swollen flesh and settled on his knees between Obi-Wan's legs. "As enticing as that offer sounds, it is almost 0400 and you need to get at least a few hours of sleep." He opened the bottle of oil that his young lover pressed into his hand and, using the slick fluid, prepared the body for his invasion.

By the time he had carefully stretched and coated the ring of muscle, Obi-Wan was almost begging. "Please, I'm ready, take me now."

Taking pity on his panting lover, Qui-Gon pulled the lithe body forward until slim hips rested on his thighs. He coated his throbbing shaft with the oil remaining on his palm then positioned it against the entrance to Obi-Wan's body. He pressed forward, sheathing himself in one long but excruciatingly slow stroke.

The combination of him working Obi-Wan into a bundle of frenzied need and his own evening of anticipating his lover's return made Qui-Gon give up any semblance of control and immediately he began thrusting urgently into the satin heat surrounding him. Obi-Wan's penis jutted between them and he enclosed the needy flesh in his slick palm, matching the pace of his strokes with his thrusts.

It didn't take long before Obi-Wan was crying out his name and ropes of creamy fluid were spurting over his fist. The power of his lover's inner muscles constricting around his shaft was all that it took and Qui-Gon was following his lover into climax, pulsing his release deep within Obi-Wan's body.

Qui-Gon rested on his heels as his breathing slowly returned to something a little calmer than heavy panting. He looked down at the sated body sprawled over his lap and the bed and couldn't hold back a smile. Eyes closed, head thrown back, splashes on semen on his stomach and thighs, Obi-Wan was a wanton picture of sexual gratification. He ran a fingertip through a spot of fluid on the washboard abdomen and felt the muscle beneath his finger quiver. He knew it wouldn't take much to reawaken his lover's interest or his own but also knew that Obi-Wan needed sleep. Reaching for the towel he had placed on the nightstand in anticipation of this moment, he slid back until his flesh separated from Obi-Wan's then gently wiped his lover's skin and his own hand clean.

"Why did you move? I was enjoying having you still inside me," Obi-Wan protested desultorily.

"You need to sleep, Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon rolled so that he was lying beside his lover and pulled the sated body into his arms. Nestling their bodies together, chest to chest, he felt Obi-Wan insinuate a thigh between his own as he struggled to get closer. He grasped the covers he had tossed aside earlier and pulled them over their still intertwining forms. When there was no longer any space between them, he kissed the top of the sweaty head. "Now sleep, love." He felt Obi-Wan's breathing slow even more and heard a mumbled, "night" against his chest. He was sure the smile he could feel on his lips would remain even after he had fallen asleep himself.

On to the next part...