Currently 3 stories in this category

Family Over Fate by Bren Antrim
Anakin chooses family over fate. Obi-Wan makes a few startling discoveries. Padme has fun. Babies are mentioned, but not dwelt upon.
Categories: Alternate-Universe, Romance, Obi/Ani, Obi/Other, Drama, MPreg
NC-17 - 66k - 27-Jun-2005

Prodigal by Cynical21
Dating from that infamous day in a Theed power station, paths diverge, promises are broken; then fate -- and deliberate mischief -- step in, and destiny thwarted takes its pound of flesh.
Categories: Action/Adventure, Qui/Obi, Angst, Obi/Other, Drama, MPreg
NC-17 - 50k - 22-Feb-2005

Shadows - The Calm Before the Storm by Dragon Myst
When one wants something, or someone, so badly, they will do anything to get it.
Categories: Alternate-Universe, Romance, Obi/Ani, Chan, MPreg
NC-17 - 24k - 08-Apr-2005

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