Yoda's Lingerie, a Keeper's Challenge Reply

by Chat Noir

As the Indignant Holder of Yoda's Lingerie, I felt compelled to reply to Emu's challenge to do something with my possessions. God help me.

Author: Chat Noir

Archive: M_A, if you really want it

Catagory: Humor/Parody

Rating: Uh, PG?

Warnings/Spoilers: no

Summary: A racy story involving some jedi and some frilly undies

Feedback: Yeah or Nay both appreciated at Sithlawyer@aol.com

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me, I do not wish to offend.

Qui-Gon entered the quarters he shared with his padawan wearily. The council meeting had been long and tedious and for some reason that escaped the jedi master, his presence had been requested for the duration of it. Slowly he made his way into the small kitchen area, intent on obtaining a cup of tea and hopefully a moment's peace. As Qui-Gon plodded into the kitchen entryway, he stopped short. The tired man looked slowly around the room. He believed he had walked into the center of a hurricane. Counters, tabletops, appliances and chairs were covered with stacks upon piles upon heaps of clothing. But it was not just any clothing, mind you, but lingerie. Lacey, silky, satiny, feathery and puffy garments covered every inch of the small kitchen. And standing in the middle of it all was Qui-Gon's apprentice, smiling happily, his arms up to their elbows in a sudsy liquid filling the sink.

"Hello, Master," the grinning padawan greeted him as he delicately wrung out a pair of tiny undies. "How did the budget meeting go?"

"Long, Obi-Wan. And boring," he replied, stunned. "Obi-Wan? What are you doing?"

"Oh, sorry about the mess, Master. I told Master Yoda I'd wash his lingerie for him."

"You're washing his underwear? What on Coruscant for?" Qui-Gon asked his apprentice, amazed.

"Well, he didn't have time and I didn't have any pressing duties, what with you tied up in budget meetings all day, so I offered to help."

"Really, Padawan, while I admire your generous nature, you should guard against being taken advantage of," he advised his pupil.

"Oh, Master Yoda's repaying me. He won tickets to the Sny Snootles concert on a radio contest and he promised to take me," Obi-Wan assured him.

"Very well, then," Qui-Gon grudgingly allowed. He gave up on his quest for tea and decided instead on a relaxing bath. "I shall be soaking in the tub for a while, Obi-Wan. Could you please hold all my comm-calls?" he asked the padawan.

"Oh, um, actually, the bathroom's kind of a mess right now. I hung up the first batch of lingerie to dry in there," Obi-Wan hedged. Seeing his master's obvious displeasure, he decided on a swift change of plans, one geared towards both relaxing Qui-Gon and greatly improving his mood. Fighting back a wry grin he seriously addressed the elder jedi. "Why don't you sit down for a few moments, Master? I'll leave these to soak and fetch the laundry from the bathroom. It should be dry by now anyway. And then I can run our, I mean your, bath."

Grumbling an assent, Qui-Gon petulantly stomped into the other room and threw himself into a recliner. He heard the sound of rustling and running water emanating from the bathroom.

Several minutes later, he heard the woosh of a doorway and glanced over towards the open portal to the lavatory. Standing in the center of the door was Obi-Wan. Steam flowed out the doorway behind him, wrapping around his bare legs and snaking past his smooth, bare shoulders. He clutched a laundry basket in front of him, obscuring Qui-Gon's view of his torso. Negligently Obi-Wan tossed the basket to the floor with a thump, slinging pieces of lace and gauze in a circle at his feet. Qui-Gon's eyes protruded from his skull until he began to resemble a species of hoot owl. He tried vainly to recover his composure, but his voice faltered when he spoke. "Are you wearing Yoda's negligee?" he asked, dumbfounded. He could not help but stare at the bizarre sight in front of him. His padawan had struck a pose in the doorway, dressed only in a very short and very tight lacy frock.

"You like it?" Obi-Wan questioned him with a twinkling eye and a leer.

"I am stunned, Padawan," Qui-Gon choked out, wondering if the stress of the morning's activities had triggered some sort of mental breakdown.

"Want to see what's under my bloomers?" Obi-Wan pressed, approaching his shocked master.

Qui-Gon employed a jedi relaxation technique and was able to stifle his laughter. He began to formulate a naughty plan. "I think, Obi-Wan, that this situation requires the use of our toy box," he suggested, revealing a truly evil grin.

"Ooh, yes!" agreed Obi-Wan gleefully. "Do get the toy box, Qui-Gon."

As Obi-Wan waited hopefully, Qui-Gon headed into the bedroom and began to make rummaging noises. Moments later, he returned brandishing a small leather case. Obi-Wan's smile impossibly grew larger. Just as Qui-Gon neared his eager apprentice, alarm klaxons and siren bells began to ring and wail all over the jedi temple.

"What?" yelled Obi-Wan over the din.

"Fire alarm, Padawan! Quickly, we must exit the building," Qui-Gon informed his apprentice, shoving Obi-Wan toward the door.

"I can't go out there like this!" wailed Obi-Wan. "I'm wearing Yoda's knickers!"

"Safety first, Obi-Wan!" shouted Qui-Gon as he propelled the red faced young man into the hallway filled with racing jedi. "Get moving!"

Before dashing out the door himself, Qui-Gon was careful to retrieve the burned out matchsticks from where he had placed them under the smoke detector in the bedroom.

The End