The Willful Muse

by MJ (

Pairing: QG/OW
Category: Romance, Humor
Rating: PG - NC17
Archive: MA, any others interested. Just let me know.
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: How would you handle extreme sexual tension, hmmm? [g]
Feedback: Yes! Always! Any time! Any kind!
Disclaimer: George Lucas owns these characters, but not these scenes. I will never take money for doing this very fun stuff. :-)

"Obi-Wan, I sense you are restless of late. Care to share?"

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padawan to Master Qui-Gon Jinn, let the plates he was spinning dry whirl to a stop and slowly lowered himself down from the armoir. The clothes he'd been Force-folding settled gently on their appointed shelves, leg to leg, sleeve to sleeve.

"It's a peculiar thing, Master, but, of late, I've felt, well..., different." He picked up his personalized whisk broom and dustpan and proceeded to winnow the cracks along the floorboards for wayward particles. "Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I'll get the urge to..., to...," He sat back on his heels a moment and frowned. "...gosh, I don't know. It takes at least a good scrubbing of the bathroom floor to get me sleepy again." The young man sighed and went back to whisking.

Qui-Gon slipped the dustcap off of his fine locks before stashing the minivac away. "Somehow, Padawan, I understand what you mean. I, myself, have been feeling a tad unusual lately." A flick of his wrist called a delightful purple rag to his outstretched hand and he began buffing the arm of a fine korba wood chair. "Something I can't quite grasp." The rag had picked up speed and any upright scion of the dust world was surely long gone. "Something...out of reach..." Fairly flying now, the purple duster slid up and down the chosen arm like lightning.

Floorboards reamed, Obi-Wan packed broom and dustpan away and grabbed some freshly restuffed pillows, tossing them on the sofa. Glancing at his Master's busy industry, he decided it was high time to recheck the plumbing. Grabbing a spec wrench, he hotfooted it to the bathroom.

Out in the living room and out of polishing wax, Qui-Gon folded the dustrag and sent it flying in the direction of away. "Padawan?" Somewhat breathless, he blinked and eyed the chair. Did one arm seem just a bit thinner than the other? Must be the light. "Are you ready for Noonmeal? I seem to have a hankering for Gissi tubers." He headed for the kitchen, bound for cabinets and cutlery.

From the bathroom came the sound of a splash and a loud flush. "Sounds good to me, Master." The rosy, flushed figure bounded into the kitchen, spec wrench at the ready, and proceeded to Force-chop the stack of innocent veggies waiting on the counter. Five slams, six clatters and one whoomp! later, a fine meal was on the table and half-finished.

"Padawan." Qui-Gon nipped the tip of a well-browned tuber and sucked at the soft meat inside.

"Master...?" Obi-Wan was licking his plate. It was a lovely plate. Delicate sketches of fat pink callie plums, in pairs, all around the edges.

"I've been thinking." Qui-Gon slipped the tuber end into his mouth and let his bottom teeth pull gently at the tender outer skin. Delicious.

"Hmmmm?" Obi-Wan picked up a sanana, popped the end and started peeling the skin down with his teeth.

"Perhaps it's time to check where the direction our program of exercise, studies, performance, teaching, writing, lecturing, mediating, jogging, and dusting is heading." He watched, tuber stilled on his tongue, as Obi-Wan slowly slid the peeled pink sanana into his mouth. And out again. "I think..., I think some..., meditation and reflection would be...advisable." The sanana disappeared bite by bite. "Do you agree?"

Obi-Wan frowned around his forefinger and nodded. Pop... "As you say, perhaps it's time we reevaluate our schedule. I shall meditate and consult my Muse, Master."

"Excellent, Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon sent the dinner things tumbling to the sink. "We'll take care of those later." He strode widely across the room to the cloak rack, snagged his long brown raiment and leaned against the door lock. "I shall take this opportunity to promenade the ramparts and ponder the more extreme teachings of Yo Pah'lei. He was always good for at least one squick per ponder." With a whoosh, he was gone.

Out on the balcony, Obi-Wan settled onto his handknit knee pillow with a sigh. His vision was full of folded tunics and u-joints, but neither rhyme nor reason preceded or followed them. In mere moments, he was tuned in and, ohhmmms floating lightly in the afternoon sun, swaying gently in his own personal breeze.

At half-past dusk, Qui-Gon returned. There was a spring in his step, a wiggle in his stride that bespoke either great ponders or great squicks from his afternoon ramble.

The sight that greated him was...outstanding.

The room was lit by dozens of candles, their flickering light playfully roaming the angles and planes of the naked young body spread-eagled, long lashes brushing his sturdy pink cheeks, on a thick blanket in the middle of the floor. Roasted tubers and sanana skins whapping his brain, Qui-Gon inched around the wall toward his bedroom.



"My meditations have been most enlightening. And quite productive." He waved one lovely foot in a very fine gesture toward a pile of soft green cloth on yonder table. "I was able to finish hemming the curtains." His face filled with tender shadows, Obi-Wan wriggled his hips in a small circle. "Shall I report, Master?"

Qui-Gon was still inching. "Ohhhh...not just yet, Obi-Wan. I...uh...need to take care of...something. Won't be a moment." There was the sound of major rustlings from his bedroom.

"Okay." Obi-Wan scratched his nose, tickled his belly button and sneezed. "I think I used all the candles, Master."

"That's quite all right, Padawan." Feet padded slowly up behind his head. "Your Muse must have been in fine form." The voice was a tad breathless. "What did it say?"

Obi-Wan wiggled his outstretched fingers and sighed. "It said we should fuck, Master."

The muffled cough made way for a discreet snort.. "Direct and to the point, eh?"

Delicate lids still draped shut, Obi-Wan pointed with his big toe. "There's an empty spot for your clothes on the sofa, Master."


"If you use your very-quick Force Power, it should take you about four seconds."


"A Yoda-spin should get most of them off in the first second."


"I don't hear a single rustle, Master. Get busy!"


Mouth pursed, Obi-Wan thought a moment. Something, some tone, in the voice... Frowning, he opened his eyes. Very wide.


Viewing a naked Qui-Gon from upside down was quite an experience. Obi-Wan let his eyes travel up the long, muscular legs, watched as the far from delicate penis surged in salute, let his eyes continue their happy roam up the belly, through the brush of chest hair, and finally take in the expression on the face turned down to drink him in. He grinned around his little pug nose. "You knew."

Chuckling, Qui-Gon moved to kneel astride the wonderfully naked young body. "Ah, my Obi-Wan, I am strong in the ways of the Force, lest you have conveniently forgotten." He stroked warm hands across a pair of peaky nipples. "I suspect your Muse and mine have commiserated a long while on this." The hands meandered in a southerly direction, approaching the storm within the calm. "And Master Yo Pah'lei's favorite maxim reads: 'Dusting or fucking, your choice'. So." Slowly, he reclined beside the length of the well-muscled young man. "Tonight we make wild, passionate love." His voice was a sensuous growl. "Tomorrow, we hang those curtains."

"Oh, yes, Qui-Gon! Yes, yes, yes!"

The End