Riding the Wheel of If: Episode Twenty-Three

by Rushlight (n_sanity75@hotmail.com)

Based on the idea by MrsHamill

Archive: By Master & Apprentice, my site, WWOMB and SithChicks

Pairing: O/Other, Q/Other, O/Q

Category: Alternate Universe

Rating: NC-17 for the series; this episode rated R

Disclaimer: Rushlight is not now nor has ever been George Lucas.

Warning: None

Summary: Still (!) on his quest to be with his beloved Master, Obi makes an offer to help in a reality he just might not be prepared for.

Notes: From Rushlight: I've been hooked on this series from the very first episode, and now I've been given the chance to feed my own addiction. Thanks, Terri, for creating such a wonderful playground!

From terri: As you no doubt know by now, I'm paying homage to the great SF author, L. Sprague DeCamp with this story. Rushlight has outdone herself with this story, capturing Our Hero's emotions and thoughts quite perfectly. Thanks, Rush!

The first thing Obi-Wan noticed when he opened his eyes was the profusion of green around him. Startled, he almost dropped his lightsaber, and he very carefully thumbed it off as his eyes swept to take in the vista around him.

He was in the Temple courtyard. He recognized the place immediately, even though it was filled with a scattering of dark green trees and bushes, immaculately cultivated as if nature were as much a part of this reality's Temple as the Force that swirled around it. Immediately, he found himself relaxing into the lull of the Living Force around him.

In the distance, he could see the Temple, but the building was subtly different than he remembered, rising like a silver spire against the darkening sky. Warm sunlight fell in muted shafts onto softly bubbling fountains, heavy with the weight of day's end. Small golden lights could just barely be glimpsed among the trees' branches, and Obi-Wan guessed that as night continued to fall, the courtyard would be lit by these soft illuminaries. Everything was arranged with a tender balance between beauty and a strength that was almost frightening in its simplicity, complementing and at the same time enhancing the touch of nature encased within.

After a moment's hesitation, Obi-Wan moved down the elegantly manicured path toward the Temple. There was nothing overtly threatening about the scene around him, but he was loath to trust its apparent tranquillity. Still, he decided it warranted an investigation. If nothing else, it was certainly pretty to look at.

"Knight Kenobi?"

The voice made him whirl in surprise, and Obi-Wan stared guardedly at the darkly uniformed man who stood behind him on the trail. There was a small blaster hanging at the man's side, along with a lightsaber, giving Obi-Wan the impression that he was a sentry of some kind.

"Yes?" Obi-Wan said after a moment, trying not to sound as lost as he felt.

The guard eyed him strangely, as if he hadn't been expecting to find him here. Or maybe as if he had been sent to find him here, where he wasn't supposed to be. "Master Windu is expecting you for dinner tonight. Perhaps you'd care to come with me?"

Obi-Wan frowned, hoping the Knight wouldn't notice his confusion. He was obviously being mistaken for this world's Obi-Wan. He didn't know enough yet to decide whether that was a good thing or not. "Ah. Dinner. Of course." He smiled weakly. "How could I have forgotten?"

The Knight gestured that Obi-Wan should precede him down the path toward the Temple. Sensing that he wasn't in any immediate danger, Obi- Wan obeyed.

There were three sentries stationed outside of the large front doors, an addition that Obi-Wan found not at all encouraging. There were also guards at regular intervals in the hallways. Whatever else the Jedi may be here, they were a militaristic bunch.

They emerged from an elevator onto an upper floor of the Temple. Obi- Wan's escort said not a word, and Obi-Wan followed in careful silence, not wanting to disturb the illusion that he was this world's Obi-Wan. Although he had seen nothing overtly threatening, he was hesitant to admit the truth behind his presence here.

He was taken to a large suite of rooms where he was left in the care of two Padawans who looked so much alike that they might have been twins. Their dark hair blended well with the silver-on-black coloring of their uniforms.

Again, there were no words spoken, and Obi-Wan began to feel as if he were in a dream as he was ushered silently into an adjoining bathing room and quickly divested of his garments. He made no protest at this action, sensing only a cool professionalism in the Padawans who serviced him, and then he was being led toward the bath that had already been drawn in anticipation of his arrival.

Obi-Wan sank into the dusky water with a sigh, feeling the warm liquid wrap him in a tender embrace. He was bathed efficiently and then wrapped in a large silver towel, and he found it within him to be bemused as well-trained hands dressed him in clinging silk. This was obviously a duty they had performed many times before.

At first he had been disturbed at the thought that the servants in this reality were Padawans, but he had seen enough of the braided figures moving through the halls carrying lightsabers of their own to deduce that they were not slaves. If anything, they seemed to be performing the menial tasks that Padawans were expected to perform in Obi-Wan's own reality, although in his experience, those tasks did not include bathing visitors to the Masters' suites.

When they were done with him, the Padawans passed Obi-Wan over into the care of the Knight who had brought him here. The silk shirt felt odd against his skin as Obi-Wan followed his escort through the hallways and into a towering dining hall. The ceiling stretched up into shadows, and muted candlelight cloaked the long dining table in a tender halo of soft, golden light. There was an artful arrangement of autumn flowers displayed at the table's center, spilling their multihued blossoms over the dark wood and filling the air with their fragrance.

Mace Windu was seated at the table's far end, his dark eyes observing Obi-Wan with an unreadable expression as he entered the room. Obi-Wan heard the door close behind him as his escort exited, and he moved forward hesitantly, noticing that the table was set for two.

"Please," Mace said with a languid gesture of his large hand. "Join me, Obi-Wan."

Feeling somewhat more confident, Obi-Wan obeyed. "Thank you, Master Windu."

One dark eyebrow quirked in amusement. "Formal tonight, aren't we?"

Obi-Wan said nothing in reply. His heart was hammering in his chest for some inexplicable reason, and he kept his gaze deliberately averted as he seated himself. The scents of the food in front of him were making his mouth water, and he realized suddenly how long it had been since he'd had the leisure to enjoy an elaborate meal.

Padawan servants appeared as if out of nowhere to serve them. Obi-Wan was surprised to discover that dinner consisted of his favorite dishes, and he wondered at the import of this as he began to eat. Windu carried the conversation easily, making it possible for Obi-Wan to interject only the occasional murmured acknowledgment. Obi-Wan began to relax as he realized that his identity as a doppelganger was not under suspicion. Windu had apparently accepted him completely as this world's Obi-Wan.

After the last of the dishes was cleared away, a servant appeared with a palm-sized plate of clear crystal, which he set wordlessly in front of Obi-Wan before vanishing again into the darkness outside the glow of the candlelight. On the plate was a small white bird made entirely of sugar, its body strung through the center of a simple silver ring inlaid with a single white stone. Obi-Wan glanced up at Windu and found the Councilor staring at him with an unreadable expression, dark eyes intent as they gauged the former Padawan's reaction to his offering.

Feeling self-conscious, not knowing what to do in this extremely odd situation, Obi-Wan reached for the ring and eased it over the wings of the sugar bird. Slipping the ring over his finger, he placed the candy into his mouth and felt it dissolve sweetly on his tongue.

Mace leaned back in his chair, the tension easing out of him with an almost palpable glow. His smile was one of self-satisfied pleasure as he rose up from the table and came slowly towards Obi-Wan, his long robes swishing softly against the floor.

Obi-Wan resisted the urge to shrink back as the tall Councilor came up beside him. Looking up into that unfathomable dark gaze, he moistened his lips nervously.

"I knew you would make the correct decision, Obi-Wan," Mace purred softly, one hand resting on the back of Obi-Wan's chair. The other hand reached to brush light fingers across the curve of the younger man's jaw. "Both of our houses will prosper by this union."

With slow-dawning horror, Obi-Wan began to piece together the subtle clues of the evening's activities. Had he just accepted a marriage proposal? The ring he wore felt suddenly cold around his finger, and he wondered exactly how upset this world's Obi-Wan was going to be with him when he discovered what he had just done.

Without warning, Mace's hand slipped around behind the back of Obi- Wan's neck, and then the older man was kissing him. Obi-Wan's instinctive reaction was to pull away, but the fingers around his neck tightened to near pain as Mace's lips closed over his. The shock of it stunned Obi-Wan to submission, and he held himself motionless as Mace's tongue moved lazily through his mouth, tasting deeply, exploring him as if he were a newly won possession that the Councilor was inspecting for flaws.

Finally, Mace released him. His eyes raked possessively over Obi-Wan's face, and a small smile curled his lips as he took in the younger man's slightly dazed expression. His fingers brushed lightly across Obi-Wan's swollen lips, and for a moment Obi-Wan dared to hope that the Councilor's obvious pleasure meant he had mistaken Obi-Wan's reaction for arousal instead of fear. But the predatory gleam in Mace's eyes belied that notion immediately.

"I have a Council meeting to attend," Mace said huskily. One finger pressed against the underside of Obi-Wan's chin, tipping the younger man's head up to look at him. "I'll expect you in my chambers by tenth hour." His other hand moved languidly over Obi-Wan's face, giving light brushes to neck, hair, cheek, jaw. Obi-Wan struggled not to shudder under that proprietary touch.

"Yes, Mace," Obi-Wan whispered, feeling his insides clench at the thought of it. Apparently he sounded submissive enough for Mace's tastes, because the Councilor nodded toward the door in a subtle invitation to dismissal.

Obi-Wan all but fled the room, feeling as if he were in need of another bath. Hastily, he made his way through the halls toward the room where he'd left his backpack. He had every intention of leaving this reality as soon as possible. There was something about the idea of being married to this universe's Mace that made his skin crawl.

To his surprise, there was a guard waiting for him at the end of the hall. This one was not dressed in the elegant silver and black raiment that Obi-Wan had come to associate with Mace's servants, but rather a somber mix of maroon and dark gold. It was a warm combination of colors that was somehow soothing in its simplicity.

"Knight Kenobi," the guard said in a tone of voice that was at once deferential and commanding. "If you'll come with me, please?"

Obi-Wan cast a despairing glance down the hall, his hand twitching at his side. "I just came from dinner with Master Windu," he said, hoping that casual use of the Councilor's name would grant him some degree of immunity to the obvious politics of this place.

"Yes, sir. If you'll come with me?"

It was not a request. Reluctantly, Obi-Wan moved to follow the larger man, well aware of the lightsaber that hung so casually from the man's hip. A Knight, then. What were the Jedi in this universe? He couldn't help but wonder.

They passed through a network of halls and corridors that bore little resemblance to the Temple that Obi-Wan had once known, despite the fact that their layout was identical to the Temple he had grown up in. The touch of elegance was everywhere, from the delicately patterned tiles of the floor to the expensive-looking paintings that hung on the walls. Apparently the Jedi of this universe had little concern about displaying material wealth.

Eventually they came to a large sitting room, and the Knight ushered him inside. Casting a last nervous glance at the man, Obi-Wan entered the room.

It almost wasn't a surprise to see Qui-Gon lounging carelessly on the large divan under the darkened window. Even so, Obi-Wan's stomach clenched in frantic rebuttal as he took in the sight of this coolly self-assured incarnation of his former Master, and he took an involuntary step backwards before memory of the guard at the door stopped him. His heart pounded a staccato rhythm in his chest as he stared, his mouth going dry. Was his first reaction upon seeing this man always to be fear? The world seemed to constrict to a point of roaring light around him, as his focus narrowed to the elegantly beautiful man sitting framed by stars on the window seat in front of him. Absently, Obi-Wan blotted his palms on the silken fall of the tunic that hung over his hips, hardly daring to breathe.

Qui-Gon rose smoothly from the settee and moved toward him, and Obi- Wan's breath left him in a deep sigh when he saw that those eyes were edged with curiosity and disbelief, but no real cruelty. This Qui-Gon was dressed in an almost medieval fashion, the full sleeves of his tunic accenting his lean, muscled frame, dark pants disappearing into the tops of high black boots. His silvered hair hung unrestrained around his shoulders. "Amazing," Qui-Gon breathed, reaching out to touch Obi-Wan's cheek. When Obi-Wan flinched away from his touch, he stopped and dropped his hand back to his side. "Who are you?"

Obi-Wan forced a tremulous smile. "Obi-Wan Kenobi," he said, relaxing slightly. He found himself captivated by the tender strength in those familiar blue eyes, even though a part of him still cringed in abject terror at the thought of being submissive to this man's whims.

"Interesting," a voice said from the other side of the room, startling him. "I rather thought that I was Obi-Wan Kenobi."

An unanticipated ache clutched at Obi-Wan's heart as he turned toward that cultured voice. The mirror image of himself that stepped forward out of the shadows at the side of the tall bookcase regarded him with barely restrained curiosity, touched with the faintest edge of wariness. Clearly, he did not know what to make of his doppelganger's sudden appearance here.

It was Obi-One. More than the familiar features, it was the openness of this other Obi-Wan's expression that made Obi-Wan recognize him. Obi- Wan couldn't help the small smile that touched his face as he drank in the sight of his twin, remembering all that they had shared in another reality. This version of himself was dressed similar to Qui-Gon, but without the flamboyance, and the colors of his clothing matched that of the guard at the door.

It took a while, but Obi-Wan was adept at telling the story of his journeys at this point and the relating of the events that had brought him here took almost no time to share. He left out most of the details of the other worlds he had been to, instead focusing on what he considered the highlights of his adventures. Strangely enough, the Sith seemed to be nonexistent here, and Palpatine either did not exist or had not found his way into the Senate. Obi-Wan was relieved that the Palpatine he had met (and who still haunted his dreams) had not found his way into this reality yet.

By the time Obi-Wan finished his story, they were all seated next to each other on the divan by the window, with Qui-Gon in the middle. Disbelief slowly turned into amazement as Obi-Wan's tale unfolded, and then acceptance. Obi-Wan was heartened that they would believe him so utterly.

When he got to the part about being mistaken for Obi-One and brought in for dinner with Mace, Qui-Gon and Obi-One shared a dark glance. "Tell me exactly what happened," Qui-Gon said softly.

Obi-Wan did, relaying the details of his encounter with the Councilor as accurately as he was able. When he had finished, Obi-One all but launched himself off of the sofa in agitation.

"I knew it," he said hotly, pacing with barely concealed rage in front of the window seat. "I *knew* he was going to ask for a marriage alliance."

Qui-Gon's expression was subdued. "This changes everything," he said with obvious reluctance.

Obi-Wan looked from one to the other, feeling lost. "I don't understand. Why does Master Windu want to marry Obi?"

"You have to understand something about the Jedi in this reality, Obi- Wan," Qui-Gon said, his voice heavy. "It's all politics more than anything else. Perhaps we started out as a peacekeeping force, at some point in the distant past, but now we hire ourselves out on missions of personal protection. Not to mention the occasional unsanctioned assassination." He sounded disapproving of this.

Obi-Wan stared. "You're mercenaries."

One corner of Qui-Gon's mouth quirked up at that. "And highly expensive mercenaries, at that. There are no better-trained fighters in the entire galaxy, and none that trains in use of the Force. There are few who can afford our services. Mostly we cater to planetary systems and trade alliances, but occasionally we'll find business with the odd overlord or monarch who happens to come into riches through some means or other. Sometimes there is a lively auction while both sides of a conflict seek to barter for exclusive rights to Temple assistance."

For a moment, Obi-Wan could not grasp it. The Jedi, hiring out their services to the highest bidder? It seemed impossible to believe.

"Mace Windu is head of the Temple," Qui-Gon continued. "His power here on Coruscant is absolute. He already commands full military authority in this sector."

"My brother holds a seat on the Senate," Obi-One explained, coming back to perch on the edge of the couch next to Qui-Gon. He looked too agitated to relax entirely. "If Windu marries me, he'll gain a vote, as well. It'll be the first step towards consolidating his political power. Obviously, holding a monopoly over the military forces in this sector isn't enough for him." His voice was bitter.

"Not to mention that as my former Padawan, you carry a certain power within the Guard as well," Qui-Gon mused. "And that's the one element of the Temple's hierarchy that he doesn't have direct control over."

Obi-Wan thought about the Windu he'd seen holding a position of such power, and shuddered. "I'm sorry," he whispered, suddenly uncomfortable in the silver-on-black clothes that he had been given to wear, signifying his supposed allegiance to Windu's household.

"It's not your fault, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon was quick to assure him. "You couldn't have done things any differently. If you had, it would not have gone well for you. Mace Windu does not take kindly to being refused."

Obi-One turned solemn eyes on his twin, one hand snaking out to clasp Qui-Gon's. "I don't think it should be any surprise to you to know that Qui-Gon and I have fallen in love," he said. "We'd planned to leave Coruscant together tonight. There's a freighter waiting to take us to Mallastare, and from there we can find passage to anywhere in the galaxy we want to go. The Jedi be damned." His voice was fierce.

Obi-Wan felt a coil of dread slide into his stomach. "Windu wants to see you at tenth hour tonight," he said. "After the Council meeting."

He was not prepared for the flash of protective rage that sparked in Qui-Gon's eyes. "No," the Jedi Master said sharply, in a tone that brooked no room for argument. His fingers tightened around Obi-One's hand. "That man has been lusting after you for years," he said to his former apprentice. "I won't let him put his hands on you."

Obi-One's eyes were sad as they met his lover's gaze. "I have to go to him, Qui-Gon. If I don't, he'll know immediately what we have planned, and he'll lock down all the spaceports so that we'll never get off this planet. He already suspects; he'll be waiting for us to make some effort at escape tonight."

"No," Qui-Gon said again, his expression grieved.

"It'll buy us time," Obi-One said smoothly, although the shadow of fear in his eyes belied his calm.

A lump caught in Obi-Wan's throat as he heard the courage in his twin's voice. He thought about the last time they had lain together, back in the reality that he still carried around as a lodestone in the deepest part of his heart, and he knew without question that he could not let this happen. Just the memory of the way Windu had seemed to enjoy his fear when he kissed him made him shudder.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he said, "I'll go."

They both turned to stare at him, as if they'd forgotten for a moment that he was there. Then Qui-Gon reached to trail the backs of his knuckles down the side of Obi-Wan's face. "I can't let you do that, either," he said with a small smile.

Obi-Wan leaned into the caress, his eyelids drooping in pleasure at the contact. "But I have to," he murmured, clinging to the memory of the last time the three of them had been together. "I can't let this happen to you, Obi."

"There's no guarantee you'd ever escape from him," Obi-One objected, his eyes intent as they stared avidly into his twin's face. "Qui-Gon is the Captain of the Temple Guard. With him here to help me, I could get away at some point. On your own, you wouldn't have a chance."

Obi-Wan shook his head slightly, nuzzling deeper into the curve of Qui- Gon's hand, inhaling the rich scent of the man's skin, his breath tickling along the curve of the wrist in front of him. "I have my 'saber," he insisted. "All I have to do is throw the switch and I'm out of here."

He could feel Qui-Gon's eyes on him, as those delicate fingers traced the lines of his face. He wondered suddenly if Qui-Gon were noticing the faint scars of the abuse Obi-Wan had suffered, which were almost healed but still visible to an observant eye. Still, Qui-Gon made no comment, only stroked tenderly over the skin under his fingers as if he sought to soothe the soul that lay within.

Obi-One was still reluctant. "I can't let you do this, Obi." His voice was desperate. "Why don't you come with us? If we leave now, the three of us can reach the spaceport in under an hour. We might be able to-"

"No," Qui-Gon said quietly, his eyes never leaving Obi-Wan's face. "We won't."

"Then I'll have to stay." Obi-One was firm. "There's no way I can ask him to-"

"You didn't ask me," Obi-Wan reminded him. Tearing his eyes away from Qui-Gon's, he met his twin's anguished gaze and said, "You don't know what it's like to be taken against your will." And then, even more quietly, "I want it to stay that way."

There was silence for a moment, then Qui-Gon bent to brush his lips lightly across Obi-Wan's. Obi-Wan tensed slightly despite himself, but Qui-Gon made no attempt to deepen the kiss. "You have been harshly used," Qui-Gon whispered softly against Obi-Wan's lips, "but you are every bit the Obi-Wan I fell in love with as my own former Padawan. I don't know what happened to you, but I thank the Force you were brought to us."

"Me, too," Obi-Wan said sincerely. His eyes met Qui-Gon's, and held them. "Let me do this for you. It's the only way the two of you are going to be able to get out of here."

Qui-Gon leaned down to touch his forehead briefly to Obi-Wan's. Then he stood and crossed the room, returning after a moment with a com-link that he pressed into Obi-Wan's palm. "I'll signal you when we clear Coruscant's atmosphere, so you'll know it's safe to leave." He toggled a switch on the com-link that he held in his own hand, causing a dull red light to blink softly from the one he had given to Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan nodded, holding the proffered com-link close to his chest. "Thank you."

There was really nothing more to be said after that. Obi-One went to retrieve a long, dark cloak with a deep hood that would hide his face, and Obi-Wan smiled encouragingly at him as his twin shrugged into its heavy folds. Obi-One held his gaze levelly for a moment, then stepped forward to kiss him lightly on the cheek. "Thank you," he whispered, nuzzling against Obi-Wan's face for a moment before stepping away. His large blue eyes held a wealth of admiration and gratitude.

Obi-Wan smiled, feeling a rush of warmth at this small gesture. "You're welcome," he said, meaning it. "Now get out of here. You two have a flight to catch."

Qui-Gon quickly gathered together the small satchel of supplies that had already been packed in preparation for their departure, and Obi-One deftly took it from him to hook the thick strap over his shoulder. With his hood pulled up, only his eyes were visible, shining with a curious mixture of fear and excitement.

"You're sure you're all right with this?" Qui-Gon asked, pausing in front of Obi-Wan and looking searchingly into the younger man's face. He was obviously reluctant to be leaving Obi-Wan in this position.

Obi-Wan nodded. "Positive." He was rather proud that his voice didn't shake when he said it.

Qui-Gon's eyes narrowed, but he seemed to realize that there was nothing more to be gained by discussing the matter. "The Knight outside this door is named Bordal. You can trust him implicitly. I'm leaving him in command of the Guard when I leave."

Obi-Wan appreciated Qui-Gon's attempt to give him some measure of security. Forcing a brave smile, he ushered the two of them out the door, urging them as calmly as he could to hurry. Obi-One nodded, gave him a last grateful smile from deep within his hood, and then they were gone.

Obi-Wan's steps were heavy as he made his way back to the elevator that would bring him to the level of the Temple where Mace Windu's chambers were located. Bordal could only accompany him this far, but Obi-Wan appreciated the escort nonetheless.

The elevator hummed almost subliminally around him as it made its ascent, and Obi-Wan kept his mind studiously blank, his fists clenching in unconscious agitation at his sides. He was not surprised to find a silver-cloaked guard waiting for him when the mirrored doors slid silently open.

At Obi-Wan's insistence, he was allowed back into the room where he had bathed earlier. To his immense relief, his backpack was right where he had left it, and a cursory examination showed him that his motley collection of lightsabers was safely tucked away inside, nestled in between the bottles of root beer.

"Knight Kenobi?" The guard's voice outside the door was polite, but there was a definite edge of command to it. Mace's consort or no, Obi- Wan's status was clearly apparent here.

Drawing in a deep breath, Obi-Wan carefully centered himself and stepped back out into the corridor. He refused to meet the guard's eyes as he was ushered further down the hall. His heart beat a frantic rhythm inside his chest, but the Knight made no mention of the backpack he now carried. That was both reassuring and slightly disquieting.

His courage almost failed him when they passed beyond the guest suites and servants' quarters into the heart of Mace's stronghold. There were tall, fancifully engraved doors at the end of the hall, and Obi-Wan knew immediately where they led. His pace slowed unconsciously as he drew nearer to them, but the Knight who led him opened the doors and gestured that he should enter.

"Master Windu will be here shortly," the Knight said, with absolutely no emotion in his voice whatsoever.

Obi-Wan wondered suddenly how many Knights and Padawans had been ushered through these doors under precisely these circumstances, and the thought caused a slow shudder of revulsion to pass through him as he obediently moved to enter the room. How many others had been made subject to the Councilor's lusts over the years? He very much doubted that Mace's licentious habits would have started with his new fiance.

The doors closed silently behind him, leaving him alone to explore the suite he now found himself in. As he had expected, the lavishness evident here was almost repulsive in its decadence. Apparently Mace Windu was a man who enjoyed his luxuries.

Dropping his backpack in a corner next to one of the interior doors, Obi-Wan carefully set the com-link Qui-Gon had given him on a table beside an elegant flower arrangement. He would be able to see it from just about anywhere in the room, but its presence was not blatantly obvious unless one knew where to look for it. Satisfied, he moved across the sitting room to stand before the large window overlooking the gardens below. Despite the darkness of the night, the height was dizzying.

Entering into a light meditative trance, he called on the Force to center himself. It was remarkably easy, despite the fear that pulsed through him. For a while, he had doubted if he would ever be able to connect with the Force again. It felt good, like immersing himself in cool water on a hot day, and it lifted some of his uncertainties from him. He knew without a doubt that this was the right thing to do, that he was doing good with his presence here.

He felt more than heard Mace enter the room. An involuntary tension rose in his shoulders, but Obi-Wan held himself motionless as he stared out the window, watching the pattern his heated breath made as it passed over the chilled glass. *This is for Qui-Gon,* he reminded himself firmly. *For Qui-Gon and Obi-One.*

The silence deepened behind him, and there was a heavy, appraising quality to it that made Obi-Wan distinctly uncomfortable. Finally, Mace's voice said, "I must admit that I half-expected you to try to leave the Temple tonight."

Obi-Wan's breath caught for a moment, but then he forced himself to say, "There's no sense in prolonging the inevitable."

"True." There was the sound of soft footsteps across lush carpeting, and then large hands fell lightly onto Obi-Wan's shoulders from behind. "But I truly didn't expect you to give in so easily. I was rather looking forward to the challenge of subduing you." Warm breath wafted across Obi-Wan's ear as Mace leaned in close to whisper, "Do you have any idea how long I've wanted you?"

Obi-Wan tried to control the frantic shudders that wanted to wrack through his body and was only partially successful. Shivering, he steeled himself not to cringe away from Mace's touch and pressed one palm against the window in front of him, letting the chill of the glass seep into his skin.

Obi-One had said that it would take less than an hour for them to reach the spaceport. They had to be well on their way already, and Obi-Wan counted down the minutes in his mind. Glancing to one side, his eyes fell on the com-link that was just barely visible at the other end of the room.

Mace's quiet chuckle was a soft breath of air against his cheek. "I see you found your knapsack right where you left it. Curious, isn't it, how it seems to have been packed in anticipation of a hasty departure?"

Obi-Wan's heart seemed to skip a beat, but then he realized what assumption Mace must have come to. "That's why you thought I was planning to leave the Temple tonight."

"But of course." Mace's hands moved slowly down over Obi-Wan's shoulders to smooth over the lengths of the younger man's arms, his palms warm against Obi-Wan's skin. The thin material of Obi-Wan's silken tunic was no barrier at all against the other man's touch. "I'm wondering what reaction Qui-Gon will have when he hears of our engagement. Or did you tell him already? I have trouble believing he would have let you come to me tonight if he knew." Another low laugh, slightly breathless. "I can't wait to see the expression on his face when he finds out that you've given yourself to me."

The coy amusement in the Councilor's voice caused Obi-Wan to feel a stirring of anger, and he stiffened slightly. Mace responded by pressing his lips against the nape of Obi-Wan's neck, his hands moving down across the younger man's body with a possessiveness that was almost frightening. Obi-Wan arched against him, feeling a flash of panic as he was restrained against his will, but then he twisted around in Mace's grasp and met the taller man's startled gaze with what he hoped was a fair approximation of a sultry smile.

"There's no reason to rush this, is there?" he asked softly, trailing one finger across Mace's dark-skinned cheek. The heat from Mace's body was like a furnace in front of him, but he did his best to ignore it. "Like you said, there is much to be gained from this alliance, for both of us. And we have all the time in the world to share together." Greatly daring, he leaned forward to press a light kiss against the underside of the Councilor's jaw. "Perhaps some wine would be in order?"

Mace's breath hitched at the kiss, and there was a moment of heavy silence as he considered. Obi-Wan could practically feel the suspicion wafting off of the man, and his heart raced for a moment as he thought that Mace would actually prefer to hard-fuck his unwilling fiance, than spend an evening with a wantonly agreeable lover.

Finally, some of the tension left Mace's form, and he stepped away from Obi-Wan with a darkly amused glint in his eyes. Apparently he was willing enough to play Obi-Wan's game, even though he didn't quite believe that Obi-Wan was as willing as he seemed. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Obi-Wan moved slowly towards the liquor cabinet against the far wall and pulled out two glasses. Choosing a drink at random, he poured, not liking the way his hands shook when he did so.

He turned to find Mace seated on the low couch across from the window, one arm thrown back across the top edge of the sofa. His eyes were on Obi-Wan as the younger man came back across the room, and there was a fine edge of appreciation in his stare. Obi-Wan was suddenly very self-conscious of the way his clothes clung to the curves of his body, and he blushed lightly as he handed Mace his glass.

He sat without a word, sipping at his drink reflexively as his eyes sought the view outside the window. He jumped slightly when Mace's fingers brushed across his shoulder.

"Why are you doing this, Obi-Wan?" Mace asked quietly, leaning in to brush wine-scented lips across his young fiance's ear. His fingers continued to stroke lightly against Obi-Wan's shoulder, moving to fondle the back of his neck. "I don't mean the engagement. That much is obvious. But why are you here tonight?"

"Y-you don't honestly think I would disobey you, do you?" Obi-Wan returned, feeling a rush of fear. Mace was too clever by far, even in his own reality. To have that cool intelligence set against him was suddenly a daunting prospect.

"Honestly?" Mace's lips moved further down, nuzzling against the underside of Obi-Wan's jaw. "Yes. I don't believe you'd have any qualms about disobeying me in this, no matter what the consequences. Unless..." He nudged Obi-Wan's chin up slightly with his nose, lapping lightly at the hollow under the younger man's throat. Obi-Wan drew in his breath sharply, his fingers tightening around his glass. "Unless you'd had some other plan tonight, that you didn't want me to know about. Plans that your unwillingness to obey would bring out blindingly into the open."

Obi-Wan felt his heart clench. Obi-One had been right. Mace did know about his relationship with Qui-Gon, and he knew that they'd been planning to leave tonight. If Obi-One had stayed, even with the hopes of being able to escape sometime in the future, he would have been trapped here quite possibly for the rest of his life. Because Mace would never have let him go.

Mace chuckled, mistaking Obi-Wan's silence for acquiescence. His fingers pulled at the laces holding Obi-Wan's tunic shut, lazily tracing patterns across the younger man's pale skin. "You're mine," he growled softly, pressing his tongue against Obi-Wan's nipple, moistening it through the thin fabric of his shirt. "Not Qui-Gon's. Not anymore."

Obi-Wan let his head fall against the back of the couch, panting lightly as he fought to keep himself under control. Everything in him screamed that he should fight off Mace's touch, but he knew that Mace was anticipating such a reaction. He wasn't near ready yet for this kind of intimacy, and especially not with someone who viewed him as little more than an object to be used, but he forced himself not to fight it. His mind was filled with images of those dark hands, and he pictured them moving over his body, claiming him, owning him, that large body pinning him to the floor as he rose up onto his knees underneath it and offered himself all unwilling to the one who sought to take him.

Mace's breath was hot as flame against his ear, and sharp teeth nipped at the skin of Obi-Wan's neck, drawing a gasp out of him. "You are exquisite," Mace said with a breathless chuckle, hand smoothing down over Obi-Wan's chest. Obi-Wan trembled with revulsion, knowing that the Councilor was referring to the fear that thrummed through him with barely restrained tremors. Hot, hungry kisses pressed against his throat, his mouth, as if trying to draw out his very essence. "Exquisite, and beautiful, and mine."

"Yours," Obi-Wan replied, almost sobbing. *Bought and paid for,* he couldn't help but add silently, feeling the weight of the ring on his finger. A marriage alliance in exchange for his body. This was harder than he'd believed it would be, to give in to being used this way. Inside, he rebelled against the notion that anyone could ever own him. He was worth more than that, worth more than anyone could ever hope to give in exchange for his services.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a flicker of red. Immediately, Obi-Wan's attention narrowed to the com-link that sat forgotten on the table across the room.

The com-link that was even now pulsing with a soft red light.

Fighting back the wave of euphoria that rose in him, Obi-Wan forced a low moan and relaxed into Mace's touch. Feeling an unexpected chill clutch his heart, Obi-Wan realized that before he could leave, he had to distract Mace enough to allow him to get across the room to where his lightsaber was stashed. He successfully fought down the twinge of revulsion that rose in him at the thought of it, and leaned into Mace's kiss with an abandon that surprised even him.

Mace pulled away slightly, startled at Obi-Wan's sudden submission, and met Obi-Wan's gaze quizzically. Obi-Wan moistened his lips with a languid smile. Carefully disentangling himself from Mace's arms, he slid down off the couch and onto his knees, never taking his eyes from Mace's hungry gaze.

Mace's breath caught, and his eyes darkened with sudden lust as his gaze raked over Obi-Wan's flushed face. He nodded, settling back against the couch and spreading his knees to give Obi-Wan better access. Obi-Wan eased forward, pressing a tremulous kiss to the inside of Mace's thigh.

From somewhere in his memory, he could hear this man's voice speaking to him - *"Didn't you like my taste, boy?"* - and he shook as he smoothed his hands over the thick muscles of Mace's thighs. He really was turning into the universe's reality-jumping whore, now wasn't he? The thought brought a spasm of giddy laughter to his throat, which he hastily swallowed down.

"Wait right here," he whispered, giving a teasing caress to the achingly hard flesh in between Mace's legs. Nipping sharply at the inside of the larger man's knee, he smiled at the loud gasp this caused and slid sinuously back away from the couch. "Wait for me. I'll be right back."

Mace watched him with slitted eyes as he backed away from the couch. Trying to ignore the fierce thudding of his heart in his chest, Obi-Wan turned his back on the Councilor and moved toward his backpack with measured strides. If anything, Mace seemed intensely curious. *Please,* Obi-Wan begged silently as he crossed the room, moving with the measured tread of one who expects to get a knife in the back at any moment. *Please be so intrigued that you don't question what I'm doing.* Dropping to his knees beside the backpack, he plunged his hand inside.

He was almost daring to believe that it would be as easy as this when Mace's fingers closed around his wrist. Startled, he looked up into thunderously dark eyes.

"Do you truly take me for such a fool?" Mace demanded, his voice soft and dangerous as his fingers tightened painfully around Obi-Wan's wrist. "Do you think I don't know that you're carrying weapons in there?"

Obi-Wan clenched his teeth, tightening his grip around the lightsaber hilt in his hand and trying to ignore the crushing pressure of the bigger man's grip. "No," he replied, his breath hitching as Mace's other hand smoothed over the curve of his rear. "I don't think you're a fool." His mind was racing. Which lightsaber had he grabbed? He couldn't tell by the feel of it, not with the circulation in his wrist being cut off by the strength of Mace's vicious grip.

Mace leaned down to murmur in his ear. "I'm going to enjoy punishing you for this, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan shivered. "Not likely," he whispered, and with a supreme effort, he threw Mace off of him. Without stopping to think, he wrenched the lightsaber out of the knapsack and grabbed the bag's straps tightly. He caught a fevered glimpse of Mace's furious eyes, and then he depressed the trigger on the 'saber in his hand. He didn't have to be prescient to know that this was the only chance at escape that the Force would give him.

He almost sobbed in relief when the world bled into white light around him. He could very nearly hear the bang of displaced air that his departure left behind.

His only regret was that he couldn't stay long enough to see the expression on Mace's face when he watched him disappear.