Riding the Wheel of If: Episode Nineteen

by MrsHamill (thamill@mgfairfax.rr.com)

Archive: By Master & Apprentice, my site, WWOMB and SithChicks

Pairing: O/Other, Q/Other, O/Q

Category: Alternate Universe

Rating: NC-17 for the series; this episode rated PG-13

Disclaimer: Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Warning: Character death.

Summary: In his quest to be with his beloved Master again, Obi-Wan discovers what might have been after Qui-Gon's passing.

Notes: I'm paying homage to the great SF author, L. Sprague DeCamp with this story. Back in the 30's-40's he wrote the definitive AU novel called "The Wheels of If", which conceit I'm borrowing here. Thanks (as always) to Beta Readers Par Excellence Fox, HiperBunny and Emrin Alexander. Thank you, ladies, my cup runneth over with your support.

Yoda eyed Obi-Wan Kenobi shrewdly over his cup of tea. "More than your Master have you lost. Soul hurt you are."

Swallowing, Obi-Wan looked into his cup. "Yes. It's been... difficult to come to terms with that one reality."

It was late morning. Yoda's rooms were much as they had always been, furniture mostly sized for the diminutive Master and large pillows scattered about for visitors bigger than Yoda - as most visitors were. The two had been speaking for several hours, Obi-Wan explaining who he was and how he had come to be there, Yoda listening and absorbing with his customary intensity.

At first, Yoda had thought the young Knight at his door was the Obi-Wan Kenobi who lived a few doors down from him with his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker. Everything in this reality was the same as in Obi-Wan's reality... Qui-Gon had died at the hands of the Sith on Naboo and Obi-Wan had sliced said Sith in half. Qui-Gon had died, his last words instructions to his Padawan to train the boy, and Obi-Wan had been doing so. But Yoda was worried about Obi-Wan and now was worried about both Obi-Wans.

"Meditation you need, to purge your anger and guilt," Yoda said to Obi-Wan. "Help, you may be to Obi-Wan here. Much anger he has still. Fear for the boy I do."

Their conversation had been wide-ranging and not without a few surprises for Yoda. Palpatine had been one; the resurgence of the Sith had been another. But it was the reality where the Sith ruled the Temple that saddened Yoda the most. "Hurt you were, and badly too."

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan replied. "I-I'm coming to terms with it. It's probably going to take me a while longer yet." Sipping his tea, he continued. "I felt...I blamed the Force for what happened to me there. I was trapped, and at first I knew everything would be all right, I felt as though I would manage to win my freedom, eventually. But when... but when he - the dark one - when he came to me, and what he did to me... I still don't understand why the Force would have let me become so badly hurt." Obi-Wan rubbed at a soft spot on his tunic sleeve. "I lost the ability to meditate after a while, I was so angry at the Force. In a way, becoming a slave to Qui-Gon - giving myself to him rather than him taking it from me - seemed to help the most. But I still..." he trailed off.

Yoda sat still and simply examined the young Knight. Normally, Obi-Wan would have flinched and fidgeted under that penetrating gaze, but this time he was calm, wrapped in his own thoughts. The Force sang to him again, and he was gradually regaining his center and his serenity.

"Tell me why you are worried about your Obi-Wan," he asked, wanting to change the subject.

After another moment of silence, Yoda sighed and his ears drooped. "Much anger there is in him. Qui-Gon's passing he did not take well."

"Were they lovers, Master Yoda?" Obi-Wan asked.

"No," Yoda replied. "Love there was, but not from my Padawan. Undemonstrative was my Padawan. Hurt his Padawan, he did."

"How about Anakin? How is he doing?"

"Chosen one or not, strong the boy is. But worried I am about them both."

They spoke for a bit longer, Yoda obviously holding back on questions he wanted to ask Obi-Wan. After a while, Obi-Wan suggested he meet with this reality's Obi-Wan. "I've become quite adept at sensing the dark," he said wryly.

"Good plan this is," Yoda said slowly. "Eat lunch here, we will, then call Obi-Wan to me I will. Go you can to watch Anakin, then return here."

Nodding, Obi-Wan agreed.

Anakin had 'saber practice that afternoon. While Yoda had his meeting, Obi-Wan pulled his hood up and quietly went to the small arena to watch the boy who had been his Padawan - in his reality. Taking a seat high in the back of the bleachers, he focused on Anakin Skywalker as the boy sparred with a substitute teacher.

He was substantially the same as Obi-Wan remembered. Quick, bright, cheerful: the boy appeared to be making excellent progress in his 'saber skills. Obi-Wan had a pang of conscience as he thought about the Anakin he had left behind and wondered briefly how he was doing.

Then something strange happened. Momentarily distracted, Anakin missed a parry and allowed the Knight working with him inside his guard. The low-power 'sabers would cause no injury, but nonetheless, Anakin dropped his 'saber and immediately went into a protective crouch, as though expecting further blows. The Knight stopped, nonplused, and Obi-Wan could hear him ask what was wrong. After a moment, the boy straightened, his face red. He picked up his 'saber and they continued.

Obi-Wan sat still for a long while after that, not watching so much as thinking. He detected no real darkness in the child, but there was definitely something wrong with his Force aura, something subtly different from the boy he had known. Quietly, Obi-Wan climbed off the bleachers and slipped out of the arena.

Yoda had asked for over an hour before meeting again, so Obi-Wan turned his steps to the topiary garden near the center of the Temple. It was a quiet place and he felt in dire need of meditation, even as he wondered whether he would be able to ground himself sufficiently to achieve it.

He needn't have worried. Settling into lotus on a sunny patch of grass, he closed his eyes and evened out his breathing. Before he knew it, the Force was coursing strongly through him and he was settling into a light trance. He barely even had to work to fight off the harsh images that almost always plagued him whenever he closed his eyes, even for a moment. It was almost as if the Force was proud of him, he reflected wryly.

"The Force is proud of you, Padawan," a soft voice said. "I am too."

So centered and at peace was he that Obi-Wan didn't even flinch at the sound of that voice. Instead, he slowly opened his eyes and focused on what was before him... which was Qui-Gon, also in lotus, his face sad and body surrounded by a blue nimbus.

"Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan said softly. "I'm not the..."

"I know," Qui-Gon interrupted him gently. "I know who you are, and where you've come from, and what you've endured. Had I anything to say about it, I would have protected you. But I could not." His face grew even sadder. "You have been strong and brave, Padawan, and the Force is very proud of all that you've accomplished."

Closing his eyes again, Obi-Wan breathed. He allowed all the gibbering terror, the screaming frustration, the agonizing pain, the anger, depression and resentment he had felt at the Force, at Qui-Gon, at all of it, to bubble to the surface of his mind and pop, scattering it all to the wind of the Force. The Force accepted it, dispersed it, and sank into his mind like a balm, soothing him. He opened his eyes. It was not all gone, and would not be for some time yet, he understood. But it was better.

Still sitting before him, Qui-Gon's face was sadly tender, and sympathy shone in his face. "The Force has a reason for everything that happens, Obi-Wan," he said. "It may seem arbitrary to you, just as most terrible things seem arbitrary. But there is a reason, be assured of that. It will make sense to you, someday."

They sat in silence for a while, then Qui-Gon continued. "I've come with a warning, Obi-Wan. The Obi-Wan you'll find here is on the verge of turning. You, more than anyone else, know what will happen if that occurs. You have touched the dark, and it has touched you, invaded you. You and he are the same. The idea of turning to the dark..."

"Death would be preferable," Obi-Wan said simply.

"Yes. Your understanding is becoming more complete, more thorough." Qui-Gon smiled with pride.

"Who are you, really?" Obi-Wan asked, curious.

"I am Qui-Gon," the other man said simply. "I am one with the Force. Just as you are Obi-Wan, in a sense, all Obi-Wans and just you, I am all those Qui-Gons who have died and joined with the Force."

"Those that are of the light," Obi-Wan qualified softly.

"Yes. Those who are not... they will never know the peace of the Force. It is beyond their reach."

"Did you - did the Qui-Gon from this reality - love him?" Obi-Wan asked.

Qui-Gon appeared to think. "I-I don't know. I closed off that part of my heart years ago, and it atrophied, just withered away. Perhaps had I been able to express how I felt more openly..." Qui-Gon looked down at his hands, which rested, relaxed, on his knees. "I blame myself for his damage, Obi-Wan. I was harsh and judgmental, and would not allow myself to bend."

Smiling gently, Obi-Wan said, "A wise man once told me that there's no sense in crying over lost chances. I will be vigilant here, Qui-Gon."

"That's all I - and the Force - can ask." He smiled again at Obi-Wan. "You will heal, you know. Inside and out. And your time is coming... it is closer than you think." He began to fade, but before he disappeared, Obi-Wan felt a soft touch against his cheek and heard the whispered words, "The Force is with you always."

Obi-Wan let his eyes sag shut again and breathed, thinking about the words of the Force ghost. Rather than struggling with his demons, he allowed calm acceptance to flower in his head. Rather than struggling with his past, he lived in the moment again, and let the peace of the light flow through him.

Soon, his time was up, and he rose to seek Master Yoda once more.

As Yoda let him into the apartment, he gave the young Knight a sharp, penetrating look, but said nothing. Obi-Wan maintained the peace he had found in the garden, and it was lucky he did so, for meeting his doppelganger was anything but peaceful. The young man who wore his face stood to greet him, his own face the expected mask of shock; but the wave of dark emotion that swirled from him fair bid to stagger Obi-Wan.

"It's true..." the other Knight whispered. "Yoda told me... it's so hard to believe..."

Obi-Wan smiled and waved the other man back to his seat. "Believe me, you are reacting much the same as I did the first time I met up with myself." He chuckled. "I need a whole new set of adjectives and adverbs for this. To avoid confusion... just call me Ben, all right? No sense in driving ourselves mad with this."

"A-all right, Ben," Obi-Wan stuttered, his face still shocked.

"I was watching Anakin at his drills," Obi-Wan/Ben said casually. "To be honest, it reminded me of home... I find I miss Ani. He seems to be doing well."

There was a ruthlessly suppressed wave of anger/jealousy/revulsion from the other man when Obi-Wan/Ben said the child's name. "Yes, he's doing all right. Still needs a lot of work, though."

"Well, he's young. He's a good-hearted child, though." Examining the other man through narrowed eyes, he continued. "I often feel bad that I had to leave Ani behind in my travels. After all, he misses Qui-Gon as much as I."

"I find that hard to believe," Obi-Wan said coldly, looking away from the man opposite him. After a moment, he continued. "Yoda tells me that you've seen Master... I mean, Qui-Gon. Is this... is this true? There are other realities where he lived?"

"Yes," 'Ben' replied. Another wave of emotion cascaded over him, this one hope/despair/triumph, with an underlying anger. Shooting a glance at Yoda, who was watching the byplay carefully, 'Ben' continued. "There are realities where he lived and I-we didn't. And realities where we never existed at all."

"How-how do you manage this? This...transfer between realities?" Obi-Wan asked, trying to hide his eagerness and not succeeding.

After a moment of reflection, Obi-Wan/Ben pulled out Qui-Gon's old 'saber, which was hooked to the front of his belt. "Somehow, repairing my Master's old 'saber changed it. Whenever I turn it on... bang. I'm somewhere... someIF else."

The hunger in Obi-Wan's eyes was not pretty as he stared at the 'saber in his alter-ego's hands. After a few moments, 'Ben' said softly, "Your shielding could use some work, you know."

Obi-Wan looked up quickly, his face flushing. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"I'm sure it's just me... I've found I can communicate on a much deeper level with the other 'mes' of every reality," 'Ben' said, dismissively. "But your emotions are careering all over the place. Would you like to go somewhere quiet and share meditation? I could tell you something of my travels."

Shields slammed up, cutting the flow of emotion down to a trickle as Obi-Wan fought to get himself under control. He stared at the exact replica of himself that sat across from him, at ease, under control, more peaceful than he had been in months. But he hungered, and that hunger would not allow him to leave the sight of this strange man, so he acquiesced. "That might be helpful," he finally said. "And I would like to know of your travels."

"How about the topiary garden then," 'Ben' said. "I was just there and as usual it's deserted. Would that suit?"

"Certainly." Obi-Wan stood, careful to not look directly at either of the two beings in the room. "I need to seek out my Padawan, or at least leave him a note. Shall I meet you there in a few minutes?"

"Sounds good. I'll wait for you." Smiling, he watched Obi-Wan leave the room. As the door shut behind him, 'Ben' turned to the diminutive Master. "You felt that?'

Nodding, Yoda's ears drooped. "Felt it I did."

"Please stay close, but don't let him sense you. I'll do my best."

"Understood, that is. Help I will get. Force be with you."

"Oh, in this it is, Master Yoda," 'Ben' chuckled, without much mirth. "I can pretty much guarantee that."

By the time Obi-Wan had seen to leaving a note for Anakin and had made his way to the topiary garden, a little less than half an hour had passed. Obi-Wan/Ben sat in lotus waiting for him, radiating the Force. Swallowing, Obi-Wan fought back his eagerness and anger, locking them behind the tightest shields he could forge, then entered the garden and sank into lotus opposite his alter-ego.

Rather than trying to force the young man into meditation, 'Ben' instead began telling him of his travels, talking about the many things he had seen and done. Obi-Wan's interest grew over the course of the tale, but 'Ben' noted that the conversation was always dragged back to those realities where Qui-Gon had been. While laughing over those realities where one or both of them had been female, the subject was always quickly changed back to the male Qui-Gon, the Master. The young man's questions were avid and intense, aiming for only one thing.

'Ben' was careful to edit his tales, not admitting that he had been intimate with Qui-Gon, for he sensed the anger and resentment building. He still wasn't entirely sure where that anger came from, but having seen Anakin's reaction in the practice hall he was fairly sure what outlet Obi-Wan was using for it. And the many questions about Qui-Gon were something of an indication as well, for every time that name was mentioned, 'Ben' could feel a spike of some emotion, swiftly squashed, from the other man.

Eventually, 'Ben' found himself talking about his happy time with Qui-Gon and 'Obi-One', and described that reality with fond regret. "...So when I left, they were a Master-Knight pair, and ready for Naboo. As ready as I could make them, anyway," he finished, somewhat sadly. Obi-Wan was quiet as 'Ben' wound down.

"They hadn't been to Naboo?" He asked, his eyes narrowing. "I thought you said it was always the same time whenever you popped in?"

"It is," 'Ben' explained. "But apparently there's a bit of leeway in the timing of significant events, and Naboo is one hell of a significant event."

Swallowing, Obi-Wan tightened his shields and tried to keep his voice casual. "So... if you had shown up here a few months earlier, you would have been able to keep Qui-Gon alive. Here."

'Ben' replied carefully to that, watching his doppelganger intently. "I suppose it's possible. But..."

"No buts. He would have been alive if you had hurried a bit faster."

"There are a few things I'm not telling you, Obi-Wan," 'Ben' started to say, but Obi-Wan cut him off.

"Oh, I heard those things," he sneered, his chin quivering with rage and despair. "Those things you're 'not telling me.' I can understand what you' re saying. You've been with him. You've slept with him, haven't you."

After a moment, 'Ben' gently replied, "On occasion, yes. I was also raped by him."

Obi-Wan rocked back. "Wha..?"

"There was a world...a reality where the Sith ruled the Temple. And he ruled the Sith. I-I was captured and brutalized." Taking a deep breath to regain his center, 'Ben' continued. "Is that what you wanted to hear?"

But Obi-Wan didn't hear that last phrase; his brain was too busy churning. 'Ben' could practically see the wheels turning, hear the man dart from conclusion to incorrect conclusion. "A Sith. He was a Sith! Now I understand. Not always... no. It wasn't my fault! Should have... I should have..."

"Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan!" Obi-Wan/Ben nearly shouted at the other man, reaching out to touch his leg. "Stop. I know how much anger you have at him..."

"Do you? I doubt it," Obi-Wan said quickly, snapping the words out. "You might have at the beginning, but since then... you've seen him. You've lain with him! But mine... oh no. He was not the noble warrior. 'Promise me you 'll train the boy'... the boy be damned to seven levels of Sith hell! Sith! Yes. That's what he was... that's what he is in all of them!"

"No, Obi-Wan," 'Ben' said sadly, gripping the other man's knee hard. "No. He's not. Not in all of them... not even in most of them. I admit I had doubts after that last one...but he's good. He's a good, strong man, worthy of the love you felt for him. As you were worthy of the love..."

In full cry now, Obi-Wan was barely capable of hearing, not at all of understanding. "Worthy?! I think not. I-I loved him! I wanted him, I begged him to love me, to have me, in any way. He rejected me. Rejected me! No. He was not worthy."

Obi-Wan was radiating emotions now, which were turbulent, dangerous; fully out of control. Obi-Wan/Ben tried to soothe him by blanketing him with Force peace, but it was to no avail. And there was something else, a presence of some kind, someone who had influenced the other Knight... Becoming more agitated, Obi-Wan leapt to his feet and began to pace, still talking disjointedly.

"I see it now. I see it now. All I wanted... I wanted to tell him I'm sorry... but no, it was him... he should have been... I see it now. It all makes sense!"

"Master!" A cry from across the garden and Anakin was hurrying towards them. Obi-Wan/Ben mentally cursed; the roiling emotions from the Master must have been pouring across the bond with the Padawan, making the boy believe his Master was in danger or trouble. Naturally the child would want to come to his aid.

Whirling, Obi-Wan faced Anakin, pointed and shouted, stopping the boy in his tracks. Anakin's face went pale. "YOU! This is all YOUR fault! If he hadn't found you... he rejected me because of YOU!"

Leaping to his feet, 'Ben' grabbed Obi-Wan's shoulders, shaking him. "Don't do this, Obi-Wan," he said firmly. "Don't take it out on Anakin like you've been doing. It's not fair to him. He had nothing to do with it, and you know it."

Anakin looked between the two men, who both seemed to be his Master, confusion, unhappiness, even terror evident on his face. "Master?" he whimpered, backing away a step.

"Run, Anakin," Obi-Wan/Ben said urgently. "Get out of the garden. Now." Obeying the 'Master tone' of voice automatically, Anakin turned and ran to the door of the garden, but he could not leave. He began crying, the emotions pouring into him from a foreign source taking their toll.

Obi-Wan whirled on the foreign Obi-Wan. "How dare you," he hissed. "Anakin is MY Padawan. You are nothing but a-an intruder. You don't even know what to do. You don't even know what you're SUPPOSED to do." Obi-Wan/Ben's eyes sagged shut as he felt the waves of darkness pour off his alter-ego.

// I'm sorry, Qui-Gon, // he thought sadly to himself. It appeared as though Obi-Wan was giving up and giving in, and he couldn't let that happen.

Desperately trying one more time, he shook the man he held again. "Listen to me. Do you feel it? Coming out of yourself. Darkness. You are giving in to it. Fight it. You can do it. Please... don't do this."

"Giving in?" Obi-Wan was reduced to a snarl. "Maybe. Maybe that's what HE did. I understand it now. What he was saying. I didn't want to believe... but I understand it now. It's true. And I'm going to hunt all of them down and kill them all. All of them."

Twisting out of Obi-Wan/Ben's hands, the other man reached for Qui-Gon's 'saber clipped to the other man's belt. Dancing out of the way, 'Ben' kept talking, kept trying to break through the darkness he felt pouring off his other self. The emotions were literally overwhelming him with fear and nausea, mostly caused by the memory flashbacks, and he wasn't too sure how much longer he could hold out.

"Come on, Obi-Wan," he said, barely aware of the tears running down his face, "Please. Fight it. Try. Qui-Gon is not your enemy..."

"YES he IS!" the other man shrieked, drawing his 'saber and igniting it. He charged 'Ben', who managed to dodge at the last minute, drawing Qui-Gon's 'saber, but not igniting it. "Give me that 'saber!" screamed Obi-Wan, charging again.

Managing to dodge one last time, 'Ben' tried to speak calmly, his voice thick with tears. "Listen to me, please. You know I'm right. Fight it Obi-Wan... you can. I can help you."

"No, you can't," the other man sobbed, nearly doubling over, resting his hands on his knees. "No one can help me. He told me... I'm all alone now. All alone." Suddenly looking up, his face was twisted into feral rage. "And if I can't have him, no one will!" He charged again, bringing his 'saber up for a slashing blow.

'Ben' ignited Qui-Gon's 'saber and brought it up to parry the killing stroke. His eyes growing wide, Obi-Wan looked at the 'saber and back up at his own face, staring at him over the crossed, glowing blades. "You LIED. You said it was this 'saber. You lying BASTARD! You're just like HIM!"

He lost all reason then; his mind simply snapped. Behind them 'Ben' could hear Anakin screaming "Master!" in a broken voice, and could feel Yoda coming to the boy's aid as the training bond disintegrated under the onslaught of darkness. But he had his hands full with his doppelganger, who was incoherently shrieking in his need to kill.

Reluctantly, the young Knight fought with the man who was him... and not him. Not him any longer. The remnant of what had once been a Jedi Knight fought with a searing, dark energy that reminded Obi-Wan/Ben of nothing so much as the Sith warrior he had killed back at the pit on Naboo, Maul. But the light was shining strongly through 'Ben', and the Force sang to him in this fight. Almost before it had begun, it was over, and the man once known as Obi-Wan Kenobi was impaled on his erstwhile Master's 'saber.

Powering off the weapon, the young Knight caught the other man gently, lowering him to the ground. Anakin twisted out of Yoda's grip and raced up to the two men, instinctively knowing which man was which by the shattered bond bleeding in his head. "Master, Master!" he wailed, cradling Obi-Wan's head.

Obi-Wan/Ben knelt by the boy and gently took him into his arms. "I'm sorry, Ani," he whispered.

"You killed him, you killed him," the boy wept, reaching to touch his Master.

"No..." the whispered word came from below them. Not quite dead but fading rapidly, Obi-Wan's eyes finally lost their madness as his body died. "No... Ani. Died...I died when Qui-Gon... died. Sorry. So sorry. Forgive... me?"

Not letting go of the boy, 'Ben' helped him kneel at his Master's side. Anakin took the dying man's hand and held it tightly. "I forgive you Master. I do. And Master Qui-Gon does too."

His Master didn't hear him; he was already dead. Anakin buried his face in the living man's tunics and sobbed. Turning his head, Obi-Wan, now the only living Obi-Wan in the garden, looked up at Yoda, anguish clear on his face. "I-I ..."

Laying one hoary old claw on his head, Yoda said, "No. To the Force he has gone, his decision it was." He sighed. "With Master is he now. To pyre will we give him."

Anakin lifted his tear streaked face. "My Master is dead! My Master is dead! Who will train me now? Master Yoda, I don't want to be a slave again!"

"My Padawan you will be," Yoda answered decisively. "Slave you are not. Jedi you will be, if what you want that is."

"Yes," Anakin answered slowly. Both Obi-Wan and Yoda poured soothing thoughts and healing energies into the traumatized boy, relaxing him somewhat. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Ani looked down at his dead Master. "I do. I want to make Master Obi-Wan proud of me."

"He is, Anakin," Obi-Wan answered, continuing his healing efforts.. "He is very proud of you. The Force is too. You will be a great Jedi Knight some day, and don't you doubt it."

His chin still quivering, Anakin looked up at the man holding him. "You aren't Master Obi-Wan, but you look like him. Why...?"

"It's a long story. Let's get your Master settled, and I'll tell it all to you."



"Okay." Tenderly, Anakin laid the hand he was still holding on the dead man 's chest, raising the other to meet it. They covered the hole in his chest so that he looked to be only sleeping. "Rest in the Force, Master," he said, his voice thick with tears again. "I hope... I hope you find Master Qui-Gon."

"He will, Anakin. He will."

The three Jedi slowly made their way out of the garden as the healers entered with a stretcher to bear the body of the fallen one out.