Riding the Wheel of If: Episode Eighteen

by MrsHamill (thamill@mgfairfax.rr.com)

Archive: By Master & Apprentice, my site, WWOMB and SithChicks

Pairing: O/Other, Q/Other, O/Q

Category: Alternate Universe

Rating: NC-17 for the series; this episode rated NC-17

Disclaimer: Rick McCallum would love this story, so we'll let HIM tell George about it.

Warning: None.

Summary: A still recovering Obi finds himself in a spot of trouble on his (apparently) never-ending quest to find his beloved Master again.

Notes: This fic is dedicated to Darth Fi...LET THE PLUSHIE GO, FI! As always, I'm paying homage to the great SF author, L. Sprague DeCamp with this story. Thanks (as always) to Beta Readers Par Excellence Fox, HiperBunny and Emrin Alexander, my dear friends without which this would be a poor series indeed.

It was a thin, haunted-looking Obi-Wan Kenobi who burst into the Temple garden at dawn, arriving with a bang of displaced air. Grim, gray-green eyes looked around from under his brown hood, and he clutched his unlit 'saber in one hand firmly while he extended his senses carefully.

Coruscant looked entirely normal, as did the Temple. No dark energies swirled and what few people he could feel appeared to be Jedi. He stood still for a while, as if warring with himself whether to continue exploring this Temple or to leave. Finally, cautiously, he entered the Temple, making his way towards the Main Concourse.

There were very few people about. He looked for a public terminal, but to his surprise, there were none in the usual place. Thinking briefly, he decided to check the library first, before merely going to Master Yoda's quarters. He didn't notice the tall Jedi in the dark blue tunics approach him until he was at the lifts.

"Hold there," a deep voice commanded, and he froze. His fingers reached for his 'saber unconsciously.

The Knight that approached him was unfamiliar, as was the Knight's uniform. The man was big and burly and regarded Obi-Wan with a level of suspicion that made the younger Knight twitchy. "Papers, please," the blue-clad Knight demanded brusquely.

Blinking, Obi-Wan said, "I beg your pardon?"

"Wait. Kenobi? Is that you?" The mysterious Knight's eyes narrowed. "What are you doing out of your rooms without your Master or your collar?"

"I-I'm sorry," Obi-Wan began, but the bigger man cut him off.

"You'd better hope your Master is in his quarters, or else you're going to be whipped again, boy," the man growled, grabbing his arm as the lift arrived. "C'mon. I can't believe you'd be this stupid three times in a row, Kenobi."

The hold the big Knight had on his arm prevented Obi-Wan from reaching his 'saber and his words set the young man to trembling. Misunderstanding the reaction, the man said gruffly, "You'd just better be glad it was me and not Bruck that found you. Bruck'd just have taken you to the post and whaled at you without a by-your-leave."

By then they were on the third level and Obi-Wan was being rapidly propelled down the hallway towards his old apartment. // No, no, I'm not ready, // Obi-Wan repeated frantically to himself, even as the Knight rang the chime and the door began to open. But it was too late: Qui-Gon stood in the door, looking at him in shock, and Obi-Wan froze.

Time stood still. Forcing his rebellious lungs to expand, Obi-Wan took a breath and then another, his face downcast and his eyes focused on light brown tunics. He could hear, as though coming from far away or from underwater, the Knight who stood by him speaking with Qui-Gon, and was aware of the violent trembling in his limbs, but he could not bring himself to look up into Qui-Gon's eyes, dreading what he might see.

"I think this one's yours, Master Jinn," the Knight was saying. "I told him he was damn lucky I was the one that found him, out without his collar and all."

"Ye-yes... thank you, Bordal. I don't know what could have come over him."

"He'll need punishment, but I'll leave that to you. Don't worry about the report, I'll take care of it."

"That's kind of you, Bordal. I appreciate the help."

"Leave you to it, then." Pushing Obi-Wan into the room, the Knight turned away, allowing the door to close automatically behind him, leaving Obi-Wan alone with Qui-Gon.

"What the hell happened, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon hissed. "What are you doing back? I saw you on that transport myself. What happened?" Grabbing his shoulder, Qui-Gon shook him hard, and Obi-Wan flinched back involuntarily. His hood dropped back, and he heard Qui-Gon's quick intake of breath. "You've been hurt. Obi-Wan.. what happened?"

Finally, Obi-Wan was able to drag his reluctant eyes up to meet Qui-Gon's. Clenching his fists hard, so that his broken nails bit into his palms, he forced himself to look. His breath left him in a gasp of relief. Concerned, calm, deep blue eyes met his... Qui-Gon's eyes. Suddenly, he was able to talk again.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm not the Obi-Wan you think I am. I'm not from this reality," he said, watching the blue eyes go from concern to puzzlement and a little anger. "Please, allow me to explain. But I assure you I am not the Obi-Wan who lives here."

"That doesn't make any sense," Qui-Gon said.

"I know," Obi-Wan smiled slightly, ruefully. "But I assure you I can explain."

Frowning thunderously, Qui-Gon indicated a chair for the young Knight and sat in the sofa opposite. "All right. I'm listening."

Slowly at first, then more quickly as he grew more comfortable, Obi-Wan told Qui-Gon of his adventures, how he had come to be traveling between realities. Skeptical, Qui-Gon was totally astonished to be handed an exact copy of his lightsaber. He held the two 'sabers up against each other, incredulous. That won him over, even though Obi-Wan was careful to omit what he was searching the realities for and why.

Taking back the 'saber, Obi-Wan only briefly touched on travels, talking about the Sith and the worlds where the Sith had ruled. He also mentioned Palpatine, but Qui-Gon's gaze was blank. "There's no one by that name in the Senate," he said, "that I know of anyway. But we don't do a lot of work for the Senate."

"You don't?" Obi-Wan said, puzzled. "What are the Jedi in this reality then?"

Shrugging, Qui-Gon finally leaned back, still astonished but now willing to believe. "Traders, facilitators, negotiators. The Cadre do assassinations. The Scholars do investigative work. Why? What do the Jedi you're familiar with do?"

"We're negotiators, fighters, we keep the peace. We work for the Senate and go where we're needed," he explained.

"Doesn't sound like a very profitable venture then," Qui-Gon said shrewdly.

"Well, no. Jedi do not crave material things..." Obi-Wan replied pedantically. Qui-Gon laughed.

"I wouldn't be very happy there, then," he said. He examined Obi-Wan carefully. "You don't wear a braid, so you're not a Padawan. Did you manage to buy your freedom?"

"Freedom?" Obi-Wan repeated stupidly. "I was Knighted when - when my Master died, on Naboo," he explained.

"Knighted?" Qui-Gon said, surprised and puzzled. "You mean.. wait. Then you weren't ever a Padawan then? It's unlikely you were a slave if you're a full Knight now."

"A slave?" Obi-Wan squeaked.

"Well, yes," Qui-Gon said, equally surprised. "That's what the Padawans are. Bed slaves." In response to Obi-Wan's wide-eyed reaction, he raised one eyebrow and barked with laughter. "I think this is going to take some getting used to."

Over the course of the morning, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon talked, or rather Qui-Gon talked and Obi-Wan listened. It seemed that in this universe, 'Padawan' meant 'slave'... a Padawan was the personal body slave of his or her Master, and were not be allowed out alone in public without a collar and papers or the Master in attendance. Occasionally, Padawans were able to buy their freedom, and very, very rarely were allowed to join the ranks of the Jedi. More often they went into the pleasure worker field, or were occasionally hired as bodyguards.

Padawans were often orphans or children from poor families whose parents had no other options. As long as they were past puberty, physically sound and mentally able, they would be accepted into the Temple, trained and then assigned to a Master. Jedi Candidates came from the wealthier end of society and were trained separately, living in dorms until they could pass their trials, at which time they were generally supplied with a Padawan.

// Could be worse, // Obi-Wan thought, with the first humor he had felt in months. // They could emasculate the pleasure boys...// Aloud, he said, "I think I follow... but I'm still confused. If he's not allowed out of your sight, so to speak, where's your Obi-Wan?"

Qui-Gon reddened. Obi-Wan could tell he was working to keep back some sort of retort and wondered about it. Finally, the big man looked down at his hands. "I-I sent him away. In secret. I was supposed to join him, I was supposed to leave today, but now..."

"Let me guess," Obi-Wan said. "You're in love with him."

It was obvious Qui-Gon was angry at Obi-Wan's words and fighting to maintain control of that anger. "I-I don't think that's any of your business... and besides... you couldn't prove it..." he started.

Smiling slightly, Obi-Wan said, "In every reality I've been to, wherever there's been a Qui-Gon and an Obi-Wan, they've been... there's been an attraction, at least. It doesn't surprise me that you would feel that way." Studying the big man sitting across from him, Obi-Wan cocked his head. "I suppose such love is forbidden then," he guessed.

After a moment's silence, Qui-Gon sighed. "Yes. And... and I have reason to believe that our relationship is suspect. I had planned on us leaving together, moving to Alderaan. I have a lot of money now, I've been saving in secret for years, and I sent most of it with Obi-Wan to get us set up. Then I was to have joined him; my transport was to have left today. I wouldn't mind leaving this place forever."

"What stopped you?" Obi-Wan asked, curious.

"Mace." Quirking a smile at the young Knight, Qui-Gon said, "Do you know... did you have a Master Windu?" At Obi-Wan's nod, he continued. "I think he suspects me, and since I'd be breaking my contract, I can't possibly make any announcement of my intentions." Another sigh. "He's called for a quarterly reception tonight, two weeks early, and has informed me that all leave was cancelled. I dare not show up at the spaceport, he'd have my hide. But the worst of it is that the dinner requires a Padawan in attendance, and Obi-Wan is not supposed to be off-planet."

Suddenly he looked up at Obi-Wan, his eyes calculating, and Obi-Wan involuntarily flinched. "But you... you're Obi-Wan! You could take his place tonight, and I could leave tomorrow. That's perfect." Ignoring the pale expression on the young Knight's face, Qui-Gon became more enthusiastic about the idea. "You don't have a braid of course, but we could get around that. And you've got that shiner... but we can come up with something for that too. Thank the Force you came today, my head might have been on a platter else."

Rubbing his hands together happily, Qui-Gon was completely oblivious to the consternation he was causing in Obi-Wan. "Yes, this will work. Strip for me, Obi-Wan, I need to see..."

"NO!" The shout was ripped from Obi-Wan's mouth before he could stop it. He shrank back into the chair in which he sat, trembling violently, avoiding eye contact again... withdrawing into himself. Qui-Gon stopped in mid-word, shocked at the outburst.

"What in the world is wrong with you?" he finally demanded.

In the midst of a panic attack, Obi-Wan could not answer. Qui-Gon stared at him curiously, sensing the Force eddies swirling around the young man, feeling his barely-checked terror and anguish. Reaching across the space that separated them, he touched Obi-Wan's leg and was startled at the reaction that innocent contact caused.

"I-I'm sorry," Qui-Gon said slowly, obviously unused to saying so. "I forget, you were not a Padawan..."

// Breathe, // Obi-Wan told himself. // He's not him. He's not. That one is gone and can't come back. Breathe. You are in a safe place now. Breathe. // Continuing deep breathing exercises to regain his control, Obi-Wan finally managed to speak, shakily. "No... no. It's all right. I-I had a - bad experience in one of the realities... I'm the one who should be sorry."

His concern and curiosity overriding his normal lack of interest, Qui-Gon asked, "What happened?"

Slowly getting himself back under control, Obi-Wan didn't answer for a few moments. // He's not evil. He's not the one. That one is gone. Breathe. // Finally, softly, he said, "I-I was captured. By the Sith. I was... tortured. And... other things."

Qui-Gon swallowed. It was evident that 'other things' involved abuse far beyond normal punishment for a body slave, far beyond what the Master truly wished to contemplate - especially to a man who looked much like the one he loved. "Ah." He seemed to be at a loss for words, but finally continued. "I don't suppose... I should probably not ask this of you then. To act as my body slave, to do this..."

"No." This negation was much softer than the previous one, and Obi-Wan managed a tremulous smile, but still could not meet the other man's eyes. "I-I'll help you. I think this might be good for me... to give over control rather than having it taken from me."

They sat silently for a while, Qui-Gon frowning, Obi-Wan concentrating on the hands he was twisting in his lap. With an effort, he stilled them, taking another deep, cleansing breath. // You are safe here. This is nothing compared to what you've been through. This man is not him. Breathe. //

"I can't say I wouldn't appreciate it," Qui-Gon finally said. "I'm not the least arrogant of men, Obi-Wan," he admitted wryly. "My Obi tells me that frequently. But I don't want to hurt you; it's pretty obvious you've been hurt badly already." Falling quiet for a moment again, he continued to study the man sitting across from him. "I won't fuck you. But you will need to act as though you want me to."

Drawing in another shaky breath, Obi-Wan nodded. "I-I can do that. I think. Let me help you. It... it just might help me."

"All right." Qui-Gon stood, pretending not to notice how Obi-Wan shrank back from him as he did so. "It's rather late in the morning, but I haven't broken my fast. Would you care to join me?"

Nodding hesitantly, Obi-Wan also rose. "I'd like that. It would be a blessing to eat hot food again."

Over a quick but hearty breakfast, Qui-Gon began talking about his Obi-Wan. He was obviously besotted, and Obi-Wan smiled as he ate to hear the big man talk. But Qui-Gon was also apparently used to considering Obi-Wan as his property, as a thing to be owned rather than a person, and the young Knight couldn't help but wonder how much longer his doppelganger would put up with that.

For himself, Qui-Gon was intensely curious about the young Jedi who shared his lover's face. He was so clearly soul-wounded and abused that the Master Jedi wondered if he had had a chance to come to terms with it. Although he speculated on the extent of the damage, he respected the Knight's reluctance to talk about it.

After clearing the dishes, Qui-Gon took a seat again and said gently, "I will need to see you, Obi-Wan. Can you strip down to your leggings? Which, by the way, look a little worn. Obi-Wan left some clothing here; he won't be needing it again, why don't you take it with you when you go tomorrow?"

Slowly undressing, Obi-Wan appreciated Qui-Gon's attempt to distract him. "I-I would appreciate that. Will I be wearing tunics to the dinner tonight?"

"Well, not those," Qui-Gon said, laughing. "Not at a function like this. Obi-Wan left some harem pants I'm sure. We'll find something. And the collar, of course, and decorative chains, perhaps a cock-sleeve. Obi-Wan took his link cuffs with him." Qui-Gon's smile grew far away and appreciative. "He looks like a dream in them. They attach to his ankles and wrists and there are soft, sparkling chains..."

By this time, Obi-Wan was naked to his waist and Qui-Gon had to bite back a comment at the injuries across the young man's chest and back. "I-I can reduce those cuts for you, if you'd like," he murmured, managing to suppress his wince of sympathy. "And you'll need the nipple ring... oh, and I think I've got an extra cock ring. I can help you with them, if you'd like."

Obi-Wan looked down at himself, at the webwork of half-healed cuts on his chest. "I would appreciate it," he answered quietly. "I had to focus on the worst of the injuries; it left me a bit tired. And it's been... difficult... to concentrate lately."

Rising very slowly, doing his best not to frighten the skittish Jedi, Qui-Gon approached him and gently touched one of the sores. A whisper of Force and it healed, faded. "This is probably going to take a while," he said gently. "Perhaps it would be best if you lie down. And I can do the nipple ring while I help you." He indicated the other bedroom. "Why don't you go into Obi-Wan's room and lay on the bed. I'll go fetch the rings."

Nervous, but doing his best to suppress it, Obi-Wan went into the other room. It had obviously not been used in a while, but there were still linens on the bed and the closet still held some tunics. There was also a pair of boots, and Obi-Wan resolved to ask Qui-Gon for them when he left... the only boots he had left to his name were the short half-boots that were not very comfortable.

After a moment of reflection and breathing, he shucked out of his pants and underwear, then lay down on the bed, on top of the bedspread. Folding his hands over his stomach, he closed his eyes and worked at centering himself, breathing deeply and allowing the Force to enter him and soothe him. It took no small amount of effort, as it had been a while since he felt enough at ease to do it.

Coming into the room, Qui-Gon was caught by the sight before him. The young Knight lay nude and supine on the bed, in a light meditative trance. The Force sang through him, visible to the Master as a rich glow. Then Qui-Gon noticed the scars, covering his entire body, extending all the way to his feet. Even the young man's genitals were affected. His knees and ankles were also very swollen and painful-looking, and from the looks of it, there were other joints that had been injured somehow. Swallowing, he spoke as soothingly as he could, approaching the bed slowly.

"I found the nipple ring and have a spare cock ring. We'll have to cook up some weird excuse about the link cuffs, maybe they're broken or something." Kneeling, he gently touched the young man's folded hands. "Can you put your hands down to your sides? It'll make it easier for me to work."

Obi-Wan didn't open his eyes, but complied. Shortly, he felt the whisper of Force energy closing, healing and erasing the wounds. Qui-Gon worked quickly, but with frequent breaks so he wouldn't become over-tired. On one of the breaks, he commented on Obi-Wan's Force acuity.

"The Force and I haven't exactly been on speaking terms of late," Obi-Wan murmured. "It rather surprises me that I can commune with it at all."

"What do you mean?" Qui-Gon asked quietly, preparing to heal another section.

It was with great effort that Obi-Wan managed to speak. "I couldn't... I couldn't escape. I couldn't change anything. Four months, four months out of my life... and nothing changed." Obi-Wan's voice was still soft but there were tears in it. "I-I still don't understand why I was sent there by the Force. Why I was forced to endure..."

"You believe the Force sends you to these realities?"

"I think so. Sometimes, I can do things, help things, like I'm doing with you. But others..."

Falling silent again, Obi-Wan re-centered himself and waited for more healing. After a moment, Qui-Gon continued.

It took several hours, but eventually they were done. Qui-Gon elected not to heal some of the marks on his back, saying they looked enough like whip marks to be considered such. He didn't see Obi-Wan's wince of anguish at his words.

While the young man was on his stomach, Qui-Gon extended his Force sense deep and could feel the damage in Obi-Wan's rectum. He sent a gentle, soothing pulse of energy there, trying his best to reduce the swelling and minor infection he could feel, before moving on to the rest of the cuts and the joint damage. The extent of injury was such that Qui-Gon could not fix it all, and knowing what Obi-Wan had said earlier... that he had had to concentrate on the 'worst' of it... gave him pause.

By late that afternoon, the work was done. While Obi-Wan showered, Qui-Gon hungrily ate a sandwich to restore his energy. Obi-Wan stood for a long time under the hot pulse of spray, letting the heat sink into his bones and wash away some of the worst of the memories. Stepping from the shower stall, he was caught by his reflection in the full-length mirror.

Pale and gaunt, he had yet to replace a lot of the muscle tone he had lost while in captivity. His eyes looked horrible even to him; sad, gray pebbles set in a white face. One of his eyes was still swollen partially shut; he remembered healing it; there had been a fracture to the orbital lobe and it took him several days to knit the bone properly. The ring Qui-Gon had pierced him with winked from his left nipple, and the cock ring shone from a penis that he thought might never get hard again. His hair was ragged and in parts it was falling out. Despite Qui-Gon's best efforts, if he looked closely he could still see the fine lines criss-crossing his skin.

He sighed. For so long, he had lived with the hope that one of the realities would hold his Qui-Gon, his home. But now... now he wondered - not only whether he would find his home, but whether he would be able to accept his Qui-Gon if he did. And whether his Qui-Gon would be able to accept him: the scarred, battered, embittered Knight he had become.

He heard Qui-Gon in the other room. "I've found an old pair of pants Obi left. They'll do. I don't think you need the cock-sleeve. And here's a vest that Obi used to wear all the time, before the link cuffs. It should hide some of your thinness." He laid the clothing on the bed. "Now, let's see your hair. Hmmm..."

While Obi-Wan dressed in the filmy, see-through pants that clung to his rear and left nothing to the imagination, Qui-Gon studied his head. "All right. I've got some hair gel. Let's just slick it back and if anyone asks about your braid..."

"Perhaps you ripped it out accidentally?" Obi-Wan asked, grinning wryly.

To his surprise, Qui-Gon took him seriously. "That'll work. It was a punishment. Mace will accept that."

// Alllll right...// Obi-Wan thought to himself, making a mental note to play extra subservient. Aloud, he said, "What can I expect tonight? Should I eat first or will I be expected to serve you and eat with you...?"

"Ah, yes. You wouldn't know." Rapidly, Qui-Gon filled him in on the proper protocol. "You'll be at my feet at all times. You'll serve me... make sure you DON'T give me any challa, I hate it and Mace loves it. You'll be expected to be completely under my thrall, and to behave as a pleasure slave. Do not speak unless spoken to, and always call me Master, nothing else. Never look me or any of the other Masters in the eye. I'll try to send you a signal if I see you're doing something questionable..."

"Nudge me with your left foot," Obi-Wan suggested, and Qui-Gon nodded.

"All right. Stay on my left then. Obi... My Obi always touches me. Always. Can you do that?"

Obi-Wan looked down and nodded. "There's one more thing," Qui-Gon said. "Obi-Wan has a very, ah... distinctive walk. He-he glides." To Obi-Wan's amusement, Qui-Gon blushed. "That's the only way I can describe it. Master Oochowa once called it a hungry stalk. Let me see you walk away from me."

Taking a deep breath to center himself, Obi-Wan relaxed his muscles and tried to saunter across the room. He was very glad that Qui-Gon had helped heal the damaged joints in his legs or he might not have accomplished it.

"That's close... try for looser when you walk. It'll just have to do." Turning to the desk, he picked up a heavy, ornate gold collar, which he tossed to the young Knight. "This is Obi's. I was going to bring it with me when I met him. I'll get the leash."

// Leash? // Wondering for the umpteenth time just what he had gotten himself into, Obi-Wan gingerly hefted the collar. It wasn't as heavy as it looked, and he could tell right off that the lock had been filed off so that it could be easily removed by the wearer. Carefully, he fitted it to his neck and closed it; with a soft snick the latch engaged. Qui-Gon came out of his bedroom at that moment.

"Do you see how to open it?" At Obi-Wan's nod, he said, "Good. Hold on to this, please. I need to go get changed, then we'll leave. I'm hoping I can get us out of there early... I dread these affairs. Mace is such a pretentious asshole."

That earned him a weak chuckle as he disappeared back into his bedroom. Wandering into the kitchen, Obi-Wan assembled a sandwich and poured himself some juice. Apparently he was not going to be able to eat tonight and he thought he should keep his strength up.

Shortly, Qui-Gon returned, dressed in formal whites. He saw Obi-Wan eating and nodded. "Good idea. Finish up and we'll go."

As he fastened the leash to the collar, Qui-Gon chuckled. "When you first walked in the door, once I figured out who you were anyway, I wondered how I could have ever mistaken you for my Obi. Now, though... you really do look just like him. It's eerie."

Smiling uncomfortably, Obi-Wan lifted his chin and waited until the leash was secure. "Well, in a sense, I am him, you know."

"Intellectually, I understand that. Emotionally..." Finished with the leash, he rested his hand on the younger man's shoulder. "I-I know you've been badly hurt. And I do appreciate this that you're doing for me. I... wanted you to know."

Obi-Wan forced another small smile. "You're welcome. We'd better do this now before I lose my nerve."

"All right." Qui-Gon gave a gentle tug on the leash. "Remember the walk."

It took Obi-Wan only a short time to determine that this Temple consisted of only humans or human-looking people - and mostly males, to boot. The "reception" consisted of the council members and senior Masters sitting or lounging around a lavishly appointed buffet, eating, chatting, and being outstandingly, stupefyingly boring. Each Master had a scantily-clad Padawan in constant attendance. Most, Obi-Wan was gratified to note, looked well-fed and well-cared-for. Some however - including Master Windu's Padawan, who seemed young but that might have been the fear on the boy's face - bore the mark of lashes or other punishment.

Qui-Gon entered the room as if he owned it, gently tugging a self-consciously swaggering Obi-Wan behind him. The young Knight kept his eyes downcast and allowed himself to fall into a semi-trance state, the better to cope with this tense situation. Taking a seat on a comfortable-looking overstuffed divan, Qui-Gon made sure as Obi-Wan settled at his feet that his left foot was at the young man's lower back.

Settling himself on the floor, Obi-Wan leaned against Qui-Gon's leg and rubbed his cheek against the older man's knee, while looking around the room from under lowered lashes. He listened carefully to all the talk around him, easily sorting through the various voices. Remembering how his Master had taught him to read the nuances of a crowded room, he concentrated on figuring out the hierarchy of the room. The exercise was oddly soothing and allowed him to forget his unease.

One thing became abundantly clear within a few moments: Mace Windu was in control of the Temple. Everyone in the room deferred to him. Gentle ribbing, small talk, jokes and gossip were shared among the other Masters but none of it was aimed at Windu. And Windu was not happy to see Obi-Wan.

It didn't take long for Obi-Wan to figure out his place and his duties. Copying the other Padawans in serving his Master was the work of a few moments, and he brought dishes of delicacies to Qui-Gon, serving him deftly. At one point, Qui-Gon's left foot nudged him gently and when Obi-Wan looked up, he heard Qui-Gon murmur, "White wine." Gracefully he gained his feet and fetched a large goblet for Qui-Gon, dropping to his knees between Qui-Gon's spread legs and serving him, eyes downcast. Qui-Gon was appreciative and caressed Obi-Wan's head, smiling.

"Where is your Padawan's braid, Qui-Gon?" Mace asked abruptly. Obi-Wan glanced at the dark Council member and immediately looked away... the man had his Padawan's head in both hands and was holding the boy at his crotch. The boy's shoulders were slumped in despair.

"Well, that's a rather long story, Mace," Qui-Gon said easily, stroking Obi-Wan like an exotic pet. "He was rather disobedient the last couple of days. I was... a little overzealous in my punishment. Isn't that right, dear?"

Keeping his eyes down, Obi-Wan projected an aura of whipped dog. "Yes, Master," he said softly.

A Master seated across from them laughed shortly. "I thought he was walking a little funny! You should be more careful, Qui-Gon."

Reddening slightly, Qui-Gon snorted. "He won't break. And he needed the lesson."

Mace was staring at them speculatively, ignoring how his own Padawan was licking and nuzzling his half-hard member. A glance around the room confirmed to Obi-Wan that most of the Padawans were servicing their Masters, either by hand or mouth. Two Padawans were in a classic '69' position, under the watchful gaze of their approving Masters. Tentatively, he reached up and began gently massaging Qui-Gon's upper thighs, trying to swallow his revulsion and fear over the idea of seeing the huge phallus again. Qui-Gon looked down at him, approval and sympathy in his eyes.

"I've been thinking how we should reinstitute the practice of Padawan switching," Mace suddenly drawled. "Give the Padawans a better experience level under different Masters. What say you all?"

There was silence in the room for a while, then the Master across the room - who had laughed earlier and who was presently enjoying the oral ministrations of his own Padawan - spoke. "I don't see where that's completely necessary, Mace," he said slowly. "What would you hope to accomplish?"

Another Master, who Obi-Wan had pegged to be a 'yes-man' of Mace Windu's, spoke up, belligerently defending the Council member. A debate sprang up, hindered by the fact that several of the Masters were near climax.

Obi-Wan paid only peripheral attention to the argument. // I can do this, // he thought firmly to himself, reaching to unfasten Qui-Gon's pants. // It means nothing. He's not forcing me. I can do this. He will not force me. // Qui-Gon was, however, watching him avidly, even as he made interjections into the argument. Slowly, gently, Obi-Wan reached into the formal white pants and pulled out the hot, heavy erection, the same one that had ripped inside him as he screamed in anguish and fear...

// NOT the same one, // he thought firmly, beating down the gibbering terror. // That one is gone. This is just Qui-Gon. You know what he likes. Give it to him and get it over with. He won't force you. You are helping him. // Tentatively, he leaned forward and dragged his tongue along the big cock in front of him, swirling around the head gently.

Qui-Gon gave a muffled gasp and his hips arched, ever so slightly. For some reason, that relaxed the young Knight, calmed the horrifying fears that were trying to overcome him. This was not the golden-eyed monster who tried to destroy his soul. He could do this. Blanking his mind, he plunged his mouth down over the phallus, deep-throating it and sucking strongly. His Master moaned.

Listening to the debate wind down with half his mind, Obi-Wan concentrated on sucking and bringing Qui-Gon to orgasm as fast as he was able. His ministrations seemed to be having the desired result, for Qui-Gon sat panting, with his head back, one hand lightly on Obi-Wan's head as the younger man bobbed between his legs. Abruptly the hand on his head tightened and Qui-Gon began to grunt slightly. Bitter semen flooded Obi-Wan's mouth and he swallowed convulsively.

Laving the softening penis in his mouth, Obi-Wan was aware of Qui-Gon's hand stroking his head. After a moment, he tucked the big man's cock away, and patted his groin. A glance upwards showed that his Master was most gratified.

"Pah. Away," Windu said, shoving his young Padawan from himself. The boy fell over backwards and curled into a ball, shivering while Windu glared at him. Glancing around the room, his eyes lit on Qui-Gon. "You seem happy, Qui-Gon," he said sourly. "This helpless idiot couldn't suck cock if it was the only food he had. Send Obi-Wan over. Let me see what a talented mouth can do."

Both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon froze for a minute, and Obi-Wan remembered Qui-Gon's words about Windu suspecting him. Before Qui-Gon could speak, Obi-Wan murmured "As my Master wishes," and squeezed the big man's left leg.

Qui-Gon was desperate for it to be all right with Obi-Wan, and so took the signal as best he could, hoping the young Knight could carry it off. "Surely, Mace," he said, trying for languorous pleasure in his voice, "my Obi-Wan could bring a stick off." Looking down, he said roughly, "You heard Master Windu! Go on now."

Not bothering to stand, Obi-Wan slithered across the floor to the dark Council member. His penis was lying, still only half-hard, outside his pants, and Obi-Wan lifted it gently, opening the man's pants further so that his entire cock and balls were exposed. Performing for Mace Windu bothered Obi-Wan not at all, for the dark-eyed Councilor was not the man whose face Obi-Wan saw every time he closed his eyes.

Using both hands as well as his mouth, Obi-Wan worked the phallus before him, fondling the heavy ball-sac, and soon had the man to full hardness. Though Windu tried for a mask of nonchalance, from the corner of one eye Obi-Wan could see his hand curling into a fist and feel Windu's elevated breathing.

There was a soft cry from next to them, and Obi-Wan could just see another Master vigorously fucking his Padawan over the edge of his chair. Windu saw it as well, and a grunt escaped his rigid control just as he exploded in Obi-Wan's mouth. He rapidly went soft and Obi-Wan carefully replaced his genitals into his pants.

Quickly, Obi-Wan slid back across the floor to Qui-Gon, once again settling at the big man's feet and rubbing against his legs. Several of the Padawans were being fucked by this time, and it caused a slight trembling in his limbs that he worked hard to hide. He was aware of Windu's eyes on him still.

"Now that's interesting," Windu said, once he had regained his breath. "Your Padawan didn't even get hard. Didn't you like my taste, boy?"

Before Obi-Wan could think of an answer, Qui-Gon laughed. "He'd better not get hard! That's part of his punishment. He's not allowed to get off for a while. Got to do something to keep these boys in line."

That seemed to satisfy Windu. After a few more moments of listening to the soft grunts and cries that filled the room, Qui-Gon yawned noisily. "It's been a long day for me. I'm for bed, I think... if it's all right with you, Mace?"

Windu was still staring at them, brooding. He had his Padawan across his lap and was fondling the boy's genitals roughly. "I suppose," he finally growled. "Trade with me tonight, Qui-Gon. This boy could use a bit of stretching, and you've got the biggest cock in the Order. I've a taste for Obi-Wan tonight."

"No, Mace," Qui-Gon said quietly, standing and pulling Obi-Wan to his feet next to him. "Not tonight. I told you, he's still on punishment, not allowed to have any pleasure. And nothing brings off my Obi-Wan like a good hard fuck."

Narrowed eyes stared at him suspiciously. "Tomorrow then. Surely you won't extend the punishment past a day."

Pretending to think, Qui-Gon finally nodded. "All right. That boy of yours does look tasty. Tomorrow then, for, say, two nights?"

Mollified, Windu nodded and waved them off. Trying not to hurry, they left the reception.

Qui-Gon was ecstatic as they prepared for bed. "He bought it! You were magnificent. I can't thank you enough, Obi-Wan."

Still shaking a bit in reaction, Obi-Wan smiled weakly. Not noticing, Qui-Gon continued, undressing as he spoke. "I've changed my transport to first thing tomorrow. I've got papers for you, and you've got the collar, so you can just leave in your own good time then. Does that suit you?"

"Yes," Obi-Wan answered quietly. He stood in the middle of the room, still wearing the collar with the leash trailing down his chest.

"Obi-Wan left several pairs of tunics, help yourself. And boots... you look like you could use some." By this time, Qui-Gon was nude and slipping into some sleep pants. He turned towards Obi-Wan and hesitated. "Would... would you like to share my bed tonight? I know you probably don't want to be fucked, but I could give you pleasure..."

Taking a deep breath, Obi-Wan looked into Qui-Gon's eyes. "No. That's all right. If you don't mind, I'll sleep in the other room."

Searching the younger man's face, Qui-Gon merely said, "Suit yourself." After a moment of standing in silence, he drew a breath as if to speak again, paused, and seemed to come to a decision. "Never mind. Good night. I'll wake you so that you can accompany me to the port in the morning."

"Good night," Obi-Wan echoed, then made his way to his solitary bed, to sleep. And to dream.

And in the morning, Qui-Gon woke him, early. He followed the Master to the port and saw him off on the ship, like the dutiful Padawan he was pretending to be, wearing his collar and holding his papers. Although he pretended not to be, he was quite aware of the fact that they were followed, and that he was followed back to his quarters. By a spy for Windu, he felt certain.

Just a little later that morning, he made his quiet way to the garden to leave. He wasn't followed on that occasion, and he made his escape from the reality quickly and thankfully, but still pleased that he had made a difference. At least, he hoped he had made a difference.

Or maybe it was that the reality had made a difference in him.