Wash n' Wax

by FireCracker (KLee624820@aol.com)

A/U Humor

Watch that first step...

Obi-Wan hated cleanup duty.

Humility. Give me a break.

"Yo, Obi!"

Obi-Wan turned. One of his best friends, Durbi, came his way. Wild hair the color of burnt orange tousled everywhere.

"Hey, Durbi. What's going on?"

The tall padawan grinned. "I was going to ask you the same thing. Why in the world are you buffing the conference room floor?"

"Didn't you hear? This is my 'penance' for misplacing those student reports" Obi-Wan sniffed indignantly. "Brother. You'd think I had stolen Yoda's arbac robes."

Durbi laughed. "They wouldn't let you plead your case?"

Obi-Wan made a face, slapping a heavy mop down. "What's this look like, brain surgery?"

His friend looked about. The floor was sparkling. Chairs were neatly folded on wall shelves. Elongated tables stood neatly in a far corner.

Durbi whistled. "No. Actually, this place hasn't looked this good in over a year."

Obi-Wan pointed in a wide circle. "I thought I'd never finish. At least polyether wax dries quickly."

Durbi stared down at his reflection. "You could bounce a laser beam off this floor. Got any special plans for later?"

Obi-Wan wiped his brow, slopping the mop in a pail. "A shower first. Why, what's going on?"

"Ha. There's a film fest going on over at the hall this evening."

Green eyes sparked with interest. "Oh? What's playing?"

Durbi winked with mischief. "Let's just say 'educational' films for the older padawans. Knights are invited if they don't squeal."

"Who the heck pulled this off? It's a miracle the Masters don't know."

"Anything you don't ask me, I can't tell you."

Obi-Wan snickered. "Are you trying to corrupt me, Durbi?"

His friend gave a wounded shrug. "Who, me?"

The hall was full of young adults. Padawans and knights alike buzzed in anticipation, swapping silly stories and gossip while they waited.

Obi-Wan and Durbi were engaged in a lively debate.

"I still say Dreams of Flora is a better movie!"

"Yeah? I know what parts you like!"

"Your mind is in the gutter."

"Only down there with yours!"

Other padawans gathered in a circle, joining the fray.

Meanwhile that beautiful floor set. And shone. The polyether wax hardened and smoothed as hours passed by.

Yoda decided to take a stroll and see how the conference area looked. He wasn't alone.

"Obi-Wan has done a wonderful job" Ooereth commented, smoothing her pale green hair. "I've never seen the conference room this sparkling."

Booralis nodded in agreement, heavy jowls shaking. "True. Marvelously done. The floor is so shiny I can see my reflection."

Qui-Gon stepped out on the open floorspace. "I can even see everything else reflected. One would think that....OOOOPPP!!!

The tall jedi went sliding across the floor. Ooereth moved to help.

"Qui-Gon, how clumsy can you - OOOFFFF!!" arms flailing, she went skidding as well.

Booralis laughed, pointing. "Yoda, I think some resident Jedi Masters need to work on balance and control. It's mighty poor, when...OOUMPFH!!

The heavy jedi master plopped to the floor. Now Yoda laughed, ears twitching in amusement.

"Ha ha. Funny, is. You were saying something about balance?"

Qui-Gon and Ooereth attempted in vain to regain their feet. Qui-Gon tapped the floor as they crawled.

"I have no idea what my padawan has used on this floor!"

Ooereth crawled alongside. "Force, this tile is like glass!"

Boralis flopped on his side. His feet repeatedly slipped out from underneath.

"This is ridiculous. Perhaps we should levitate-"

Yoda laughed once more before overbalancing himself, landing on his rump. A knarled cane went skittering over the polished surface.

Qui-Gon grinned. "How now, Yoda? It would seem you're having problems as well!"

Yoda huffed, rolling to a sitting position. As he lifted his hand, the cane flew to it immediately.

"Laugh at me now, do you?!" he struggled to stand, immediately falling down once more as stubby legs flew forward.

Now Ooereth chuckled, kneeling. "I suppose we'll have to levitate as Boralis suggested. That, or crawl around all day!"

Mace Windu entered through another doorway. "No one waited for me-" he stared, dark eyes wide in astonishment.

"What in force is wrong with all of you? Why are you lying on the floor?"

Boralis grinned. "Come here and find out!"

Windu shook his head, stalking forward. "I fail to see...WAOOFFFPF!!" down he flopped. In shock he glared at the shiny surface as he sat.

"What insanity is this? I can't even get a foothold!"

Qui-Gon carefully propped to a knee. "My padawan is behind this, I'm afraid. He was to polish the floor-"

Ooereth looked towards another corridor. "Do I hear voices?"

Boralis pushed himself along the slick surface. "The creche! Their play session is over."

Qui-Gon shook his head. "They can't use this as a shortcut-"

Too late. An avalanche of small footsteps headed their way.

"This is insane!" Windu shouted. He stood abruptly then flipped forward on his belly, sliding into Ooereth.

She wasn't amused. "Watch where you're sliding, you klutz!"

Obi-Wan and his pal Durbi laughed as they left the impromptu film fest.

"That was some movie, eh, Obi?"

Snicker. "What was that, fifteen positions in fifteen minutes?!"

Durbi ran a hand through burnt orange shocks. "Whew. Wore me out, that's for sure. If the Masters find out we'll being doing some serious penance, that's for sure."

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. "Please. No more penance. I've had enough as it is with that conference floor!"

The two talked as they strolled the main complex. Knights and soon to be knights milled about. There was a burst of noise down a nearby hallway, dozens of loud voices.

Obi-Wan and Durbi stared in the direction of the commotion. Other Jedi skittered about, some running in the direction of the noise.

"What's going on, Obi?"

"Why ask me? Let's go find out!"

The two young men barrelled down the corridor. They weren't alone. Others raced alongside, curiosity getting the better of them.

"This way, everybody. The conference room!" A young woman shouted, braids flipping as she ran.

"Sounds like chaos in there, Rikki!" Durbi yelled.

"No kidding. Oh, sith, look at that!" she pointed as they burst into the conference room.

It was chaos and then some. Jedi of all ages and sizes, slipping and sliding, crashing into each other. The creche made it a game as the adults attempted to corral them, in vain.

"What the???" Durbi gawked.

"They'll need our help" Rikki bolted out onto the floor.

"No, wait!!" Obi- Wan shouted. Too late. The slim brunette went sailing, sliding on one leg before banging into Ooereth. They both disappeared into a pile of children.

"Does everyone have to run into me?!" a frustrated Ooereth complained, her voice nearly drowned out in noise.

The other Jedi that moved to assist suffered a similar fate, finding themselves doing pratfalls. Yoda levitated above the mess, floating towards the hallway.

Boralis was no lightweight at nearly three hundred pounds. The thickset Jedi Master skooted twenty feet, arms flapping like a windmill before he fell down yet again.

Part of Obi-Wan wanted to laugh at the calamity. It wasn't often Jedi were seen in such an embarrassing display. Masters, knights and padawans alike continued to collide as they sought purchase on the hard floor.

The children had the better of it, possessing shorter legs. They slipped and skidded with glee between pursuing adults who hopelessly toppled with each lunge. Some took off their shoes so they could 'slide' on their socks.

Durbi barely suppressed a chuckle himself. "We've got to do something."

Obi-Wan grinned. "Well, the kids seem to be enjoying it!"

Across the calamity Qui-Gon spied his padawan. When I get you home...

The lapse in concentration was costly. A chunky boy dashed against his leg, toppling him backwards over a knight. The room was full of delighted squeals and shouting adults.

Boralis had enough. Like Yoda, he levitated above the melee. Windu spied him.

"Where are you going?!" he shouted up, struggling to hold two small padawans.

The heavyset Master waved a hand. "Have fun, Mace! I leave the children in your tender hands" and with that he floated towards the hallway.

A few knights took the cue. Grabbing children they took to the air as well.

"Hey, no fair!"

"I wanna slide some more!"

"Can we play again?"

Small voices continued to protest as they were carried up. In about fifteen minutes, the huge floorspace was clear.

The remaining Masters were frazzled. Ooereths' hair stood literally on end from her scuffling. Windu and Qui-Gon both were completely disheveled, their robes crumpled. Qui-Gon could barely see, his mane loose everywhere and in his eyes.

Obi-Wan and Durbi couldn't suppress a laugh. Durbi nudged his friend. "I think we'd better go while-"

From the air itself Yoda appeared in front of them. "Go nowhere, both of you."

The two young men were instantly subdued. "Ah, Master Yoda-" Durbi began.

"Silence. Obi-Wan, do this, did you?"

Obi-Wan swallowed. "Yes, Master. But it was unintentional. I was assigned-"

"-Know your assignment I do. Explain this nonsense!"

Obi-Wan paused as Windu, Ooereth, and Qui-Gon floated down alongside Yoda. They were not amused.

Cough. "Well...I just wanted to do a good job on the floor."

"You did a good job on us" Windu replied. "What in force did you use?!"

"A combination of ethylide polymer extracts with a coefficient friction factor of-"

"In layman's terms, padawan!"

"Polyether wax, Master Windu. I thought it would be best for a high traffic area" Obi-Wan managed a straight face.

Snort. "Indeed."

Qui-Gon. "Padawan, later we will discuss this. Meanwhile, I will consider another penance assignment for you."

Emerald eyes went wide. "But...why? I had no idea the floor would be so slick!"

The tall Jedi Master wasn't moved by the outburst. "You do now. More importantly, your choice of product was a safety hazard."

"True, is" Yoda agreed. "In your hands, this is" he waved at Qui-Gon before exiting.

The other Masters nodded as well as they funelled out. Ooereth was still desperately trying to arrange her hair in a semblance of order. Boralis fumbled with his robes in the hallway.

Qui-Gon watched them go. Obi-Wan and Durbi stood dutifully silent. Once they were alone, Qui-Gon spoke again.

"Now then. Since you've had a day of amusement putting down this wax, you'll find even greater joy removing it."

Both young men protested.

Durbi. "But I didn't have anything to do with this!"

"True. But friends help friends. A lesson in loyalty."

Obi-Wan. "I didn't intentionally try to cause harm!"

"I know. But one must correct mistakes. A lesson in humility."

Hours later the two young men were scrubbing away. On their knees and exhausted from their efforts, they had barely cleaned the central floor. Workpants were dirty and rolled back. Heavy cloth shirts clung with sweat and grime.

"Oh, shut up!!"

"Jam it yourself. Quit whining!"

Unknown to them both, Qui-Gon and Windu stood nearby in force disguise, cloaking their appearance.

Windu grinned. //Your padawan is quite determined. I'm amazed they're still going at it.//

Qui-Gon. //He's most energetic. However, I think this task will tax even his considerable strength. Durbi looks most ready to keel over.//

As if on cue, Durbi sat back on his heels. "Obi-Wan. Is there any way we can finish this tomorrow?"

His friend wiped his brow. "I don't know. We've made a lot of headway, but-"

To their startled amazement, two Jedi masters suddenly appeared.

The young men frowned. "You were spying on us" Durbi concluded.

"A Jedi Master spy, Durbi?" Windu gave an innocent expression. "Perhaps we just wanted to say...take a break."

Obi-Wan blinked. "You mean that?!"

"But of course. Go home, both of you."

"Thank force" Durbi rolled his eyes in gratitude. "I was about to collapse. I'm a jedi, not a floor stripper."

Qui-Gon couldn't help but smile at his padawan. Coated with grime, dirt, and wax he looked very young in his expression of astonishment.

Gentle smile. "And what are you looking at, padawan?"

Big grin. "Nothing" Obi-Wan bounded to his side.

Qui-Gon stretched lazily under the covers. It had been an eventful day. He listened to sounds of rushing water nearby.

//Poor Obi. I hope he gets all the dirt off.//

Heavy eyelids drooped at the soothing sounds of the shower. Qui-Gon drifted off, his mind full of pleasant dreams.

Quiet footsteps traced down the hall. A silouetted figure stood in the door, watching him.


Qui-Gon blinked sleepily. "Obi-Wan?"

The shaded form stood inside. "What is my other penance in place of cleaning the floor? You never mentioned it at dinner."

Qui-Gon sat up slowly, focusing his eyes. A smile curved his lips.

"Climb in this bed and I will tell thee."

Obi-Wan laughed softly, sliding out of his robe. The bed creaked with his weight as he slipped in. Qui-Gon held him tightly, inhaling the clean skin. He buried his nose in the spiky hair, a peppery scent. Curved muscles molded against his own.

Blissfull sigh. "You feel wonderful, Obi."

"When is my new penance done, Master?" Obi-Wan teased, green eyes glowing in the low light.

Soft lips kissed under the covers. //Tomorrow, lovely one.//