The Waiting Game

by Keelywolfe (

Rating: PG

Archive: M&A, anyone else, ask.

Category: POV, AU

Feedback: Sure, why not?

Summary: Post-TPM, a short POV for Obi-Wan.

Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine. That said, I assure all that read this that I will return them when I am finished.

Note: This is just a really short one I came up with in between the other stories I'm working on.

And what does one do when the universe has suddenly gone insane?

I survived your death because I had to and for no other reason. Because you asked something of me and I shall always do as you ask, my love, no matter what the cost. Though it perhaps would have been better if I hadn't.

But who is to say? Who is to say that Anakin wouldn't have turned Regardless? Or if he hadn't that someone else wouldn't have taken his place?

I have yet to see you.

So much has happened that you did not see. Changes have come, wars have been fought and lost and the Jedi...the Jedi have lived. And died.

All this I have seen but I have yet to see you.

I watched my Padawan grow and I watched him fall. I was there when his son and daughter took their first breath and I watched Anakin's son grow as I had once watched him.

And I died by my own Padawan's hand.

Even then, I did not see you.

The world moved on without me as it must and now I could truly do nothing but watch. Anakin's own son dragged him back from the brink and he, the last Jedi, saved us from the last of the Sith.

And I watched it alone.

Where are you my love? How much longer must I wait to see you?

No one answers. No one knows.

And so I will wait, as I will always wait for you and I will watch the galaxy of my mind change and grow, never knowing that Coruscant lives on around me.

My body will remain still and silent in my catatonia, touched only by tubes and wires, and the occasional nurse as I watch the fantasy world behind my eyes, waiting, as I have from the moment you left me.
