Vengeance Is Mine

by Ruth Gifford (

(c) 2000

Rating: R for creepiness and mention of rough sex

Category: Uh . . . AU, Angst? Dark?

Archive: M_A And my eventual SW page

Warning: weirdness abounds

Disclaimers: All belong to George and Ewan on this one.

Notes: I had that pic of Ewan in Black leather: up and atara said "he looks so young and innocent" and I was thinking EvilClone!Obi (cause of the outfit) and I went on a tear on this seeming contradiction when I was supposed to be going to bed (I'm not crying although I still want that snuggle). This is more a portrait than a real story; anyone who likes to is welcome to tell the rest of the story. The cloning part is all mine; oh sure, you can't grow a clone in a matter of a year or so, but I say if you have enough money in the SW universe, anything can be done.

For atara, because she started me off (on slash in general and this one in particular), and Amber who wanted a story for the pic. May not be what you wanted, Amber, but life is sometimes like that.

He had swiftly grown to full growth in the vat, fed vast amounts of knowledge and muscular training by the almost miraculous machines his Master had paid huge sums for. A week after he was decanted, he was an assassin worth every datarie Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had spent on him.

A body like a young god, the reflexes beyond any a Jedi could even dream of, and a face that could seduce a sworn celibate in ten seconds made him ideal. As did the excruciatingly high pain threshold, the body trained as much in the wiles of sex as it was in the art of killing and a mind that worshipped his Master.

"You are everything Maul was not," his Master said, his voice thick with gloating, "and everything your progenitor could have been if Jinn hadn't made him a good little Jedi. But Maul killed that boy and then . . ."

"Jinn killed Maul," that lovely voice crooned. "Oh, my Master, I will avenge your former apprentice and together we will see the death of Jedi Master Jinn." The beautiful one slid out of the bed of pain he'd been writhing on in ecstasy ten minutes earlier and knelt, bowing his head to the floor. "I swear I will kill Jinn for you and capture the boy. I swear it, by all the Lords of the Dark."

"How will you do it, my beautiful Darth Venge?"

"The only way possible, my Master. The way you intended when you created me." There was a sunny smile and then the young man continued. "The next time he takes the boy on a mission, I'll come into Jinn's dreams at night and be everything he wanted but couldn't have from Kenobi." He fairly spat the name, hatred twisting his features. "He'll become addicted to me and the drugs I'll feed him and then, when he is weak with love and need and caring, I'll kill him in the Temple. In full view of the Council. They'll be too shocked to miss the boy right away. Of course you'll need someone to take the boy out."

And you?" Sidious asked, amazed at the scope of his creation's vision.

"They'll try to kill me and it will hurt so much I'll die of ecstasy, and you'll have your new apprentice. Do it subtly enough and he can remain a Jedi for years and join you in destroying them."

"And if he can't."

"Simple, my Master and Maker. You'll decant a new me and I'll help you do it." The clone suddenly had another thought. "Work on that Jinn template I know you have. They were a good team for the light; imagine what they could do for you and the Dark."

"Does this mean anything to you?" Sidious asked in a rare moment of contemplation.

That sunny smile again, the same innocent one shown when neural whips pushed the young man's flesh almost past life or when Corescant's best courtesans refined his ingrown knowledge of the pleasures of the flesh.

"It's all just a game, my Master. Isn't it?"

The End

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