
by elfin

George Lucas owns everything!

Permission to archive granted.

PG - set in TPM-A/U

'I must leave him soon, but how do I tell him?

This afternoon, deep in the forest, we sparred as we have done since the beginning. I surprised him, knocked his lightsaber from his grip and held the beam of mine at his neck. Round One to me.

As I handed him his lightsaber, plucked from the wet ground, he looked at me with his particular brand of innocence. And I knew I would not be able to tell him of the darkness that I have seen. We've been together for so long, his presence is as familiar to me as breathing, his voice more recognisable than my own. I tell myself that he knows our path is a perilous one, fraught with danger from threats seen and unseen. I tell myself that he knows I will one day be gone from his side and he will be alone, until he in his turn seeks a Padawan.

I wish I could read that knowledge in his gaze when he looks at me. I don't, to my own undoing. I read respect, happiness, a deep love for his master. And underlying everything was the light that shone from his soul, his glowing spirit, the Force was so strong with him it showed. It had always been.'

Qui-Gon paused in his writings, looking up just as a knock at his door made him smile. "Come, Obi-Wan." He leaned back in his chair to grant his Padawan his full attention.

"Master, the Council request your presence in chambers."

"Thank you." Qui-Gon rose, affording his young student a radiant smile of promise as he passed by. He hesitated inside the doorway. "Do you wish to join me later?"

For a moment, the mask of duty and rank slipped from Obi-Wan's face, and his eyes glinted in the harsh corridor lights. "I will wait for you in the gardens."

Of all the pairs - master and apprentice - of their generation, none were closer than Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his would-be Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kanobe. They alone worked as one. They moved together, each mirroring the other's moves, each knowing where and when to be through the thoughts of the other. The dark shadow around Qui-Gon's thoughts had not been lost to his apprentice. Closing himself from the Force, Obi-Wan stepped into his Master's room and took up the open journal from the chair. Minutes later, he turned and ran from the room.

They all felt it, but none as keenly as Qui-Gon. Yoda raised his head abruptly. His own apprentice was watching him from the centre of the room, his whole being asking to be excused.

"He knows."

Yoda nodded. "Go to him, you must."

The gardens were large and private, part of the academy. Apprentices and Masters alike used the tranquil calm they offered as a background to meditation. Obi-Wan had his favourite place in those gardens. An area of shade offered by surrounding trees far into the woodland the surrounded the open expanses of grass and flowers. Qui-Gon found his Padawan easily. Not for one moment did he think that he was supposed to.

Obi-Wan was ready. He had reached out, following his Master from the chambers through the academy buildings to the garden. He had gathered the Force around him, waiting for the moment Qui-Gon would round the corner into this place, and he could strike out.

Their eyes met, locked. And Obi-Wan saw what had remained hidden from him.

Qui-Gon's anger at the intimate intrusion melted as he watched his beloved Padawan collapse forward with a heart-wrenching sob. The Master sank to his knees before his student, gathering the trembling form into his arms, enfolding him in his cloak.

//I won't let you die.//

//We have no choice//

Obi-Wan's head lifted, his face close to his masters, his tear-filled eyes glistening with determination and resolve. "We do. We don't have to accept the hand that fate deals us, you taught me that."

"We are not immortal, Padawan. I cannot be with you forever."

"I'm not asking for forever. I'm asking for now."

And so it was that by the time they faced Darth Maul on Naboo, Obi-Wan's mind was made up. He fought with ease, and waited for the moment that would spark his memories.

He stood before the energy fields, his eyes never leaving his master's waiting form, nor the living nightmare that stood impatiently with Qui-Gon. The instant the lasers turned to open, Qui-Gon swept his lightsaber through the air, forcing his opponent further into the open walkway beyond.

There simply wasn't enough time, Obi-Wan knew. He ran. For his life and his heart depended on it. As the final barrier closed to lock him from his Master, Obi-Wan jumped. For a single instant, his back and the deadly beam occupied the same space. His scream was of agony, rage, and a stark determination that fate would not come between him and his teacher. He landed a foot in front of his Master and swung his lightsaber through the neck of the sith standing before him. As Darth Maul's head flew off and down, his body collapsed. And Obi-Wan caught the double-edge lightsaber that fell from his grasp.

Then he himself fell back into the dark of unconsciousness as it claimed him.

"Changed history, he has."

Yoda stroked his backs of his small fingers over the forehead of the sleeping Padawan. He was healing now, quickly. Qui-Gon had not left his side, and would not for the summoning of the Council or the tears of young Anakin.

"Uncertain now is the future." There was a smile in the knowing voice. "Uncertain should it always be."

fade out
