It's a twin thing...

by Sar (

Rating: G

Archive: MA

Category: humour, list in-joke

Summary: this bit of daftness came to me as the result of a recent discussion on the list (saying which one would spoil the fun)

Disclaimer: The stuff you recognize is George's. The other stuff is my fault.

Author's note: First in the series of Bill stories

Feedback: why not?

"Good afternoon, welcome to the Center for the Emotionally Confused, how may I help you?"

Obi-Wan winced at the receptionist's voice, which was the loudest and most grating he had ever heard in a living being. He was sure they could hear her on the other side of the planet. "Um, yes, my name's Kenobi...Master Yoda sent me?"

"Ah, yes, Mr. Kenobi. Have a seat out in the waiting area, and the therapist will be with you shortly."

Looking around, Obi-Wan saw a small alcove just off the reception area, with a low table, some chairs and a rather sickly looking potted tree of some kind. There was one man already seated, reading a book, leaving Obi-Wan with his pick of an ugly yellow plastic chair, or an equally ugly orange one. He slid down into the orange one, noting that it was indeed as uncomfortable as it looked.

"Don't count on it," the man said as Obi-Wan sat down.

"I beg your pardon?"

"The therapist being with you shortly. I was supposed to go in there a half hour ago. Sure don't envy the guy that's in there now, that's an awful lot of extra attention." The man looked at Obi-Wan briefly, before returning to his book.

Great thought Obi-Wan, just what I need, to be stuck here all afternoon. I don't know how I'm going to explain this to Master Qui-Gon. Trying to resign himself to the wait, he rummaged through the stack of magazines on the table. Gungan's Quarterly, some Reader's Digests that were almost as old as he was, and the swimsuit issue of Hutt's Illustrated. His stomach turned even at the thought of it. He left the magazines in their pile and settled back in his chair.

"First time here, right?" The man had lowered his book, and was looking sympathetically at Obi-Wan.

"How did you know?"

"After a few visits, you learn to bring your own entertainment to pass the time. Gum?"

Obi-Wan smiled and shook his head. "No, thank you." There was something about this guy that immediately put him at ease, although he couldn't quite figure out what it was.

"So what did they send a nice kid like you down here for?"

Obi-Wan blushed. "Conduct unbecoming a Jedi" he mumbled. Yoda's words came back to him. Your master he is. Mistaken, your feelings are. Professional help need you to search them. He still couldn't figure out how Master Yoda had known. He was sure he had managed to keep his feelings hidden from Qui-Gon, at least. ...Well, almost sure...

"Oh, you're one of the padawans...guess I should have figured that, what with the braid and the cloak, huh?" The man rolled his eyes, mocking himself. "So, been feeling a bit too devoted to your master, am I right?"

Obi-Wan could only stare at the man, who took one look at his face and sighed. He leaned in and motioned for Obi-Wan to do the same.

"Just between you and me, kid, that kind of thing happens way more than those Council types like to admit. I don't know why they don't just legalize the thing and have done with it, but who am I to tell the Jedis what to do? I'm a regular around here, and I've seen more Jedis come through with your exact problem - masters as well as the kids. I'm Bill, by the way," he finished, offering his hand to Obi-Wan.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi. Nice to meet you. You're here...often?"

The man smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm a twin," he said, as if that explained it all. Seeing Obi-Wan's blank look, he continued. "Well, you know the whole twin thing, right?"

Obi-Wan, completely lost, could only shake his head.

"Good grief, kid, what do they teach you over at that academy, anyway? With twins, it's always the same. There's a good twin, and an evil twin. Some people think that it's only identical twins, but it's not, it's fraternal ones, too. I'm a fraternal twin."

Obi-Wan opened his mouth, as an idea dawned on him, but closed it again, and looked at Bill, confused. "So you're here because you're...the...evil twin? You don't strike me as-"

"Well, that's the thing. My whole life people tell me I must be the evil twin, on account of my brother Bob being such a great man. When I tell them I don't feel like the evil twin, they say I'm in denial. That's why I'm here."

Obi-Wan studied the man for a moment. Hard to see, the dark side is echoed his own mental Yoda. But still...

"I know what you're thinking, kid. I don't blame you. My brother, he's got this way of, I don't know, of wrapping the whole universe around his little finger. Know what I mean? Public-spirited and all that. Me, I just like to stay home and work in the garden, read a few books, that kind of thing."

Obi-Wan smiled. "Well, maybe that's it then. You're not so much evil as just...more...laid-back."

Bill laughed. "Ha! Laid-back. I like that. I'll try running that by what's-his-face when I go in there. I like you, kid."

From their little alcove, Bill and Obi-Wan could hear a door opening, and the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. "Guess it's my turn." Bill leaned in, and put his hand on Obi-Wan's shoulder. "Tell you what kid - don't let them mess you up. I mean, who's heart is it, anyway?" He winked at Obi-Wan, who was blushing again, and walked out of the waiting area.

It wasn't long before Obi-Wan heard the receptionist's voice, loud and obnoxiously clear. "Mr. Palpatine, there you are! He'll see you now, second door on the left." He smiled, and looked absently at the chair where Bill had been sitting. His reverie was short-lived, however, as the next thing he overheard from the receptionist made him sit bolt upright in shock.

"Alright, now, for your follow-up, the earliest opening we have is...let me is the fourteenth, Mr. Jinn?"

The End.