No Trumpets?!?

by kalypso (

Rating: PG

Category: Humor/Parody, First-Time?

Feedback: Preferably off-list

Archive: MA, my own. Others please ask (although I'll probably say yesÑI'm easy.)

Disclaimer: Everything equals George. Enough said.

Notes: This was inspired by never hearing trumpets when I'm suppose to (like the last final of my college career, after the presentation of my thesis, etc.) Thanks to Danni for the suggestions.

Summary: Where are the trumpets?!?

"Master, where are the trumpets?"

"Pardon me, padawan?"

"Where are the trumpets?"

"Sorry, Obi-Wan, but I'm not following you."

"I just fulfilled my greatest fantasy with you--and did things that I didn't even know were humanly possibly--and there isn't any music."

"Aah, padawan, you see, George Lucas didn't order this scene into existence, so he didn't hire John Williams to write a sweeping score for it."

"Oh," Obi-Wan said disappointedly. "So there really isn't a soundtrack just for my life?"

"Just the one in your head, Padawan."

Obi-Wan smiled, leered, then asked, "Care to guess what's playing right now?"