A Trip To The Zoo

by The Rose (rosarocaminis@yahoo.com)

Title: A Trip To The Zoo
Author: The Rose
Archive: M/A and my web site, http://www.sockiipress.org/~rose
Rating: R
Category: Humor
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Feedback: *waves hand slowly in air* You WILL send feedback. Ah, come on! You know you want to!
Summary: Just what the title says.

"Master! Look at the penguins!"

"Those aren't penguins, Obi-Wan. They're Nerbinian Tuxedo Birds."

"They sure look like penguins." *leans forward for a closer look* "Master, what are those two doing?"

"Padawan, did we never have 'The Talk'?"

*blushing* "Actually, no, we didn't, Master. And, I know what they're doing, I just don't know why."

*clearing throat, stepping into "teacher" mode* "Reproduction is a basic drive of all living . . . "

"Master!" *exasperated* "Look closer! They're both males. See? You can see both their . . ."

"Um, yes, I see that." *clears throat again, although this time it sounds embarrassed* "Well, Padawan, sometimes beings have an attraction for their own gender, and . . ."

*eyebrows raising* "You mean, boys can do it with boys?"

*cheeks reddening slightly* "Yes, well, it does happen."

"Wow." *staring hard at the tuxedo birds* "Do you suppose it feels good?"

*averting eyes* "Apparently, although . . ."

"Look!" *pointing, moving excitedly closer as both birds go into trembling convulsions* "Look, Master! I think they're both having orgasms!"

*looking anywhere but at the birds, folding hands to hide growing erection* "Yes, Padawan, it would appear so. Shall we move on? There is a lot more to see."

"No, Master! This is fascinating!" *watching as birds sag, spent, then snuggle tightly together* "Oh, Master, how sweet! Look, they're cuddling!"

"Yes, that's very nice." *begins to move toward the next exhibit* "Let's see what other animals are . . ."

"Master! Come back! I think they're going to do it again!"

*not slowing down* "Come along, Padawan. I'm sure they'd like some privacy."

"Wait, Master! I still think I don't understand how this works. You're my teacher - teach me!"

*mumbles something incomprehensible while still walking away*

*watching the departing Master with a well-concealed evil grin, then quietly, to self* "Gotcha!"

The End