by Bronwyn (

DISCLAIMER: Any plot ideas that are recognisable as being George Lucas'(and probably a few that aren't) belong to said man. Star Wars characters: ditto. Story: Mine! The lifebond vows are from a song by Bubamoll, the title of which I can't spell or pronounce(and I probably spelt the artist name wrong too). I don't the words or song, they and their record company do.

SPOILERS: Slight spoilers for TPM and the JA books.

NOTE: This leads on directly from my previous story, 'Liberty'. It'll probably make more sense you read that story first. You can find it at the M&A archive or at my homepage, This story is also kind of a filler in story between part I and part II.

Also, this is my first real attempt at writing slash, not just implications of it. Please let me know if I did it right or stuffed it up big time!

ARCHIVE: M&A, if anyone else wants it, just drop me a line, so I can visit and feel happy. My homepage: in sig line.

RATING: NC-17, Drama, romance, smut, angst.

SUMMARY: Okay, folks, here(finally! ;-) ) is the sequel to 'Liberty.' While Obi-Wan heals from his injuries, Qui-Gon makes sure that they won't be separated again. Meanwhile, the Sith Lords continue their search for the Chosen One. Part II of a Trilogy.

THANKS: I just want to say to a word to those people who contacted me about the writing of this piece, to thank them for the support. I hope this piece is worth it! Now on to working on part three...(sigh). There is a lot more action in the next part, I promise. 8-)


Obi-Wan groaned as the headache made itself known. It started as a soft pulse in his temples, easily ignored at first, allowing him to remain in his floating dream state. But then it made its was to his forehead and it was there that the pain bloomed, a crimson surge.

His hands instinctively came up to cup his face, only to find another hand already there. Cautiously lifting one eyelid, Obi-Wan blinked.


He was shocked to find his own voice rough with exhaustion. He blinked again, wincing against the headache that rose with the resurgence of pain.

His Master's hand slid up from his cheek to his forehead, gently soothing away the pain, bringing it down to a tolerable level. Absently catching the hand and holding it in both his own, Obi-Wan studied his Master's features in surprise.

Qui-Gon was crying.

"What happened?" Obi-Wan managed through his parched throat.

In response, Qui-Gon used his free hand to bring over a glass of water, helping his padawan drink it. When Obi-Wan had had enough, he set the glass down on the bedside table, and sat down beside his padawan on the bed.

"You are in the temporary infirmary on Coruscant."

Obi-Wan stared at him blankly for a second, then suddenly stiffened.

"The Temple..."

His Master was forced to grab him and pin him down as Obi-Wan surged up off the bed.


"Bant is fine, Obi-Wan, she is in a better condition than you. You need to rest, you're weak, you've only just left the Bacta."

The concern in his Master's face and voice and the realisation that his body was indeed weak caused Obi to sink back down onto the bed.

"B...Bacta?" At Qui-Gon's nod, he frowned. " bad?"

Fresh tears sliding down Qui-Gon's face told him far more than words could. "We lost you for a moment, padawan. Thank the Force you decided to return to us. To me."

Obi-Wan lifted one hand, idly tracing the course of the tears. "I won't leave you, Master."

Qui-Gon's returning smile was genuine, if slightly watery. "Now that you are awake, we can go to Misharia." At his padawan's confused look, he clarified. "The Temple is utterly destroyed. Hundreds are dead. The new Temple is located on Misharia."

The Master paused, allowing Obi-Wan a moment of grief at that statement, knowing he would understand the significance of locating the new Temple on Misharia. His apprentice closed his eyes, squeezing Qui-Gon's hand fiercely. "Do they know who did it?"

Qui-Gon shook his head; then realising Obi's eyes were still closed, he reiterated the gesture with speech. "No. All that is known is that an explosive device was placed on the lower levels of the Temple. We have no idea who did it, or why. No one has claimed responsibility, but the matter is being thoroughly investigated."

Obi-Wan would have had no doubt of that, even without the iron in his Master's tone. Jedi had been killed. They would not let that go.

"The dead..."

"Have been interred."

At his padawan's anguished look at missing this, Qui-Gon smoothed his hair again. "You have been out for three weeks, my adored one." At Obi-Wan's shocked look, he tipped his chin so eyes met. "I told you we nearly lost you."

They sat in silence for a long moment, Obi-Wan caught in wonder at the anguish Qui-Gon's eyes contained when he remembered Obi's injuries. Qui-Gon gave his love space, allowing him to adjust. The last few weeks had been traumatic for all, let alone for Obi-Wan, who nearly died himself.

Qui-Gon shook himself, refusing to dwell for long on the near miss. His Obi-Wan was here, with him and be damned if he was going to let him go. //It is alright, my darling padawan. We are together. I will never leave you again//

He stood.

"Shift over, love," he told a startled padawan.

As Obi did so, the Jedi Master settled himself on the bed beside his beloved, folding his arms around him. Obi-Wan clung to him tightly, before long he was sobbing as the shock of events surged through his system. Qui-Gon just held him, revelling of the feeling of his love in his arms after so long, gently soothing his padawan.

Eventually, they both fell asleep.

"What is this!"

Mace Windu slammed his hand down on the table in his own quarters. Vaunted Jedi calm be damned, this was the Chosen One they were dealing with. He had gone to Yoda with his uncertainty and confusion based around the odd Force pulses during Obi-Wan Kenobi's rescue. Yoda's explanation had floored him.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was the Chosen One?

Yoda did not task him on his lack of control, the little being was fairly rattled himself.

"Are you certain that the Temple was destroyed to reach Obi-Wan?"

Yoda shook his head. "Evidence, I have not. Feelings, I do have and strong they are. Special, Obi-Wan is. Know this, the Sith may."

Windu wasn't convinced. "The Temple could have been destroyed by one who fears the Jedi, rather than the Sith. How can a group re- emerge when they were destroyed in their entirety long ago?"

In response, Yoda simply raised his ears. "Doubt my feelings, do you?"

The warm skinned Master sighed, scrubbing his face with his hands. "No. I...I just don't want to have this responsibility. It is too big. The fate of everything lies on this."

The third and final member present at this impromptu meeting pushed back the cowl of her small Jedi robe. "Whether we want this responsibility or not is irrelevant." The soft voice was vaguely scornful. "Responsibility we have, deal with it, we must."

Windu acquiesced, finally dropping down into a chair. "I know Yaddle, I just..."

"Panicked, you did."

"Yes." Drawing on years of training, Windu inhaled positive energy and released his fear into the Force. Opening his eyes again, the other Masters saw he was finally calm at last. "Alright. We have the Chosen One. In spite of my protestations, I know this. The second I touched Obi-Wan, to help heal him when he was trapped, I knew."

The two Dagobites nodded. Each had their own experiences with realising Obi-Wan's potential and identity. The power Obi-Wan oozed unknowingly was a beacon to those who knew what to look for. It was part of the reason Obi-Wan had been undetected before now. People had not identified him because they didn't know to look.

Windu spread his hands and raised his eyebrows. "What can we do? What do we do?"

The Councillors were silent for long moments, still trying to cope with the epiphany that had appeared amongst them. Finally, Yaddle spoke of the reason she had been brought into this meeting.

"What of the lifebond that Jinn and Kenobi have requested?"

Windu sighed again, peripherally aware that if he continued to do so, he would hyperventilate. "If the Force agrees with the bond, we cannot cease their joining. I was originally going to vote for their abstinence until Obi-Wan was knighted. But with what I know now..."

Yaddle frowned. "Why does it matter whether Kenobi is Chosen or not? Being Chosen, indicate he is prematurely ready for a lifebond it does not."

Yoda harrumphed. "No, it does not. But if Obi- Wan will bond to Qui-Gon, good this is. Use it, we can. Never join the dark side, Qui-Gon will. Not even for Obi-Wan. If bond Obi-Wan we do to one who is fully in the light, aid in keeping Obi-Wan in the light too, it will."

Mace rubbed his eyes again. "And if that is the case, and the Sith really are onto Obi- Wan's trail, the sooner we bond them both, the better. It will also be far easier to keep track of where Obi-Wan is through Qui-Gon. Perhaps this is a deliberate move of the Force."

Yaddle wiggled her ears curiously. "Does Jinn know what his padawan is?"

"Know, he does not. Know Obi-Wan does not. Tell them, we must not."

Windu stood and began pacing again. "I know Qui-Gon. While he has gone through the proper channels to request the bond, I know that if we refuse, he will do it nonetheless. And the last thing we need is to alienate him or Obi- Wan. I say that if the bond is valid, we let it go ahead. It can only work for us, not against us."

"Inform the rest of the Council, we do?"

Yoda twitched his ears sadly, but knew what was best. "No. Protect Obi-Wan better, we can, if only few know."

The little green Master rested his chin on his hands, folded carefully over his cane. He knew, despite their talk and their efforts to intervene, that the Force would take its own path. If the Jedi we doomed, they were doomed and their actions could not save them. But they had to try.

He knew he other's thoughts were parallel to his when Windu spoke. "But what will happen? Who will prevail? Jedi or Sith?" Mace's dark eyes glinted in the moonlight.

Yoda shook his head soberly. "Know I do not, no one does. Never happened before. Never will again. Our responsibility, it is, to make sure it is done right."

The deck vibrated gently under Obi-Wan's bed as he drifted towards consciousness once more. This time there was no confusion, he knew well where he was. He and Qui-Gon, along with a number of other recuperating Jedi, were on a transport to Misharia.

Qui-Gon must have set a sensor alarm in his mind to notify him when Obi-Wan awoke, for the door to the outer chamber of their quarters opened. The padawan squinted against the incoming light, then sighed happily as Qui- Gon's mass blocked most of it.

//How do you feel, my padawan?//

While the question was one naturally asked, Obi- Wan noted that Qui-Gon deliberately used mind communication. Perhaps a way for him to overcome the near loss of Obi-Wan in his life, by employing such intimacy.

For his part, mind communication was far easier than speech on a body that still insisted on sleep every few hours. Qui-Gon and the Healers had assured him that it would pass.

//Better, my Master. I think I will make it to Misharia before I need to rest again.//

He felt Qui-Gon's approval and pleased response, mirroring it with his own. In fact, Padawan Kenobi was feeling very content at the moment. He was healing, he was on his way to one of his favourite planets, one that sang with Force presence, and he was with his Master.

Deciding said Master was too far away, the apprentice held out a hand and Qui-Gon immediately came forward and took it. This time, Qui-Gon spoke.

"I prepared our quarters on Misharia, while you were still on Coruscant." Too warm and fuzzy to form a coherent thought as he lay in his lover's grasp, Obi-Wan simply projected curiosity.

Qui-Gon's smile was visible in the dim light pouring in through the still open doorway. "The ways of the Force are not so mysterious, Padawan. With Misharia so Force drenched, it is easy to use that energy to aid in constructing the new Temple. In fact, it is nearly complete. The Force can be thanked for that."

//Oh, yes, thank the Force// Obi-Wan sent the giggling thought.

Qui-Gon raised an eyebrow in dry humour. "I see you are well enough to make poor jokes. Are you up to speech?"

"Yes, Master. But it's easier to just mindlink." Obi-Wan's voice was still the rough, throaty rasp of someone recently pulled from the Bacta.

Qui-Gon laid a finger on Obi-Wan's mouth. "Then communicate however you feel best. You are still weak. It will be a few days before you can return to our usual schedule."

//Or walk a reasonable distance without fainting. Or stay awake for longer than four hours.// There was bitterness and frustration in Obi-Wan's thoughts, but it was directed at what he considered time wasted, not at his Master.

To distract him, Qui-Gon told him the decision he'd made while Obi-Wan was in the Bacta. "I must speak of something Obi-Wan, something you not find pleasant." He felt his padawan tense slightly in his arms before relaxing, trustingly accepting his Master's words.

The Jedi Master gathered his wits before he spoke. "When you were trapped," Obi-Wan tensed again immediately, "I was near insane with worry. I could not sense you, my beloved. It nearly broke my heart."

Obi-Wan gently pulled himself from the circle of Qui's arms, turning to kneel on the bed. Feeling his way, he softly wiped the tears that tracked down Qui-Gon's face away.

//Hush, my Qui. I am here, I will not leave you. And I know how to make sure that we won't be separated again. We go ahead with our lifebond//

Qui-Gon blinked at the realisation that Obi-Wan had come to this conclusion before himself. Sensing his train of thought, his padawan smiled wanly. //I had time to think while I was there, and regret that we hadn't done this sooner//

Qui-Gon didn't need to ask where 'there' was. //You still want this, then?//

In response, his padawan gently touched his lips to his Master's and quoted part of the lifebond vows. //I will follow you everywhere you go//

Emotion bounding through him, Qui-Gon could only hold his padawan for a time. They sat on the bed for long moments, entwined, gently sharing feelings and stray thoughts, not truly mindlinking. So open to each other, it wasn't long before Qui-Gon could sense an odd emotion from Obi-Wan.


//My Obi? What is it?//

The padawan shifted uncomfortably. //I fear the Council. What if they do not agree we must bond? I have never heard them allow a Master and padawan to link, or indeed two padawans to link. I thought that padawans were thought to young to be allowed to bond, no matter how strong the lifebond imperative was//

These facts had not stopped them from applying for their lifebond to be formalised.

Qui-Gon enfolded his padawan, happy to be holding him. //A lifebond is decreed by the Force, padawan. It chooses those who will be blessed with it and to whom they bond. The Council is not stupid enough to delay a lifebond, but they feel a padawan is usually too young and immature to handle the pressure of a full lifebond. That is why they make most wait. That is why Master Yoda was reluctant for us to bond. I have meditated on it extensively, and I belie he was refusing out of concern for your welfare. I cannot fault him for that//

The Master sighed. //What is also true, but rarely publicised, is the fact that the Council cannot stop a lifebond from being formed if both participants agree to go ahead with it, with or without Council endorsement. It is full and irreversible. That is why the Force chooses those to have it. If we were to choose who to seal our lives to, and then change our minds, I shudder to think of the consequences//

Obi-Wan understood. There were two ways of sealing yourself to a person. A heart bond, in which the participants created semi permanent links between each other's minds, was much like a marriage, though more spiritual. A lifebond, only possible with those specifically paired by the Force, was even deeper. Moreover, a heart bond was dissolvable. A lifebond was not.

When he was younger, Obi-Wan had been horrified by the idea that you could lifebond to a person, then grow to hate them for whatever reason. Unable to disband the bond, you were forever linked to someone you couldn't stand and possibly even hated. It was only when he was older that he understood that whatever drew lifebond mates together also ensured that they loved unconditionally. Like he and his Qui-Gon.

The padawan stared at his Master. He couldn't imagine waiting until he was knighted before bonding and his instincts cried out for him to lifebond as soon as possible. //Can we really do that? Override the Council in this, I mean?//

Qui-Gon looked gravely at his padawan lover. "If the Force sanctions our lifebond, they cannot stop us. I meant what I told you on Coruscant, Obi-Wan. I won't be separated from you again and the lifebond would ensure that. But it is not my only reason for wanting to do this. I love you. I want to be with you. And all I can hope is that you feel the same."

Obi-Wan closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the lids brimmed with tears. He forced his mouth to form words. "It seems I have waited half my life for those words."

Qui-Gon's joy was too great to be expressed verbally. It danced through the Master and Padawan link as well as their lover's bond. //Then, my Obi-Wan, upon our arrival at Misharia, we will put our petition before the Council. If they sanction the bond, that is good. If not, they cannot stop us//

Arms wrapped around each other, they indulged in a long kiss. Qui-Gon pulled away before it deepened. //We will await the bond. You are not fully healed and I will do nothing to make you more ill. I promise you, the reward will be worth the wait!//

Obi-Wan sent his agreement, though it was disgruntled. He didn't have time to attempt to sway his Master in his resolution as the pilot's voice came over the intercom.

"Approaching Misharia. Please prepare for deceleration from light speed."

Reluctantly, they split apart and headed for the main room to buckle themselves in their seats.

Palpatine strode back and forth in his office, dictating notes to his Toyndarian secretary.

"And I want you to bring the activities of the Trade Federation to Queen Amidala's notice...their activities, while entirely legal, are beginning to impinge on Naboo's economy, and we should be prepared lest the situation worsen."

Finishing his discourse, he dismissed his aide, and as the Toyndarian fluttered in an approximation of a bow, the Senator began tidying his desk, pretending that he was preparing to leave for the day. He knew the aide would leave the office for the day as soon as the message was sent.

After his desktop terminal indicated that the Toyndarian had sent his message and logged off, Palpatine sent a discreet mental message.

//Maul, your presence is required. Let none see you come//

He paced the rich carpet, ideas swirling in his head as waited for his padawan to arrive. It was a scant few minutes before the doors silently slid open and Maul stood before him.

"Ahh, my padawan. I have a special mission for you as my plans proceed. The Trade Federation has set up its blockade and is slowly implementing it. Soon we will crush Naboo like an overripe peach."

Maul stood silent, knowing the penalty or interrupting his Master's rambling. He was the epitome of a Sith padawan, cruel and greedy, self serving and vicious. Palpatine was rather proud of him. The Zabrakian idly licked excess saliva from his snaggled teeth as his Master in his 'human' guise paced before him.

"What shall be my task, my Master?"

"There are two Jedi I want investigated. Padawans. Their names and all I have on them are on this datachip. I want you to track them and bring me all the information you can on them."

"May I ask why, my Master?"

"You may not!" The Sith Master moved instantly, clenching his fist. Maul reflexively clasped his throat, knees buckling as precious oxygen was withheld. Palpatine's gaze was cool. "You are nowhere near ready to challenge me, Maul. I would not advise you to try it."

The Sith apprentice exhaled sharply, managing a rough "Yes, my Master," before his throat was released.

Palpatine glared at him with vicious eyes. "You will do as you've been told, Maul. And I am aware that you're kata's are less than exemplary. Unless you wish to feel my wr ath, you will correct that oversight. I foresee a challenge with the Jedi in the future and your death would be..." the Sith Lord cocked his head. "Inconvenient." His tone was almost clinical.

He also did not specify who the death would be inconvenie nt for.

As the dark padawan rose from his unwillingly submissive position, he called the datachip to him from Palpatine's desk. He bowed his head submissively, even as his dark soul screamed against it.

"I will do as you command, my Master."

Pal patine sneered. "Of course you will. You don't have any other option. I want that information soon, Maul. Or your life will not be worth living."

The Sith apprentice bowed one last time before retreating from the room. A challenge with the Jedi! W ould the Sith reveal themselves at last? He hungered for it, almost as badly as he longed for Sidious' death.

Once Maul was gone, Palpatine sneered again as he brushed down his velvet Senatorial robes. The sooner he got rid of that one, the better. Maul was, despite Palpatine's assurances to the contrary, an exemplary apprentice. That was part of the problem. He was so exemplary that in a short time, he would probably attempt to destroy Palpatine. He would have to be killed before too long, but hopefully not before the current plan with Naboo transpired.

He was still needed for that.

Palpatine began to pace the carpets again, musing aloud to himself. It was a measure of his confidence in his security precautions that he felt secure enough to do so.

"So much to plan, so little time. The events with Naboo will move fast, but I cannot forget the other matter."

The Sith Lord felt a shudder slide through him as he thought of the second, far more important matter. The One that would eclipse the events on Naboo, no matter the results.

"The One is among us. Now all I need is for Maul to come up with more information on the two, information that might hint which is the One. The human boy or the Mon Calamari girl? One will lead us, me t o glory."

Palpatine turned in a swirl of his robe, idly rubbing his chin. "And Maul has got to go." The Senator sniggered. "Sorry, my dear boy, but I can only have one apprentice and this new one will be worth far more than you ever could be."

Imagining the expression on Maul's face as he died gave Palpatine a great thrill and he was still chuckling as he left his office for the day.

Maul hissed softly. He had made a practice, over the years, of listening to every conversation his Master had, either as the Senator or as the Sith Lord. While the Master was aware that his private home and quarters were bugged, the dark apprentice doubted that he knew his own Senatorial offices were similarly compromised. He probably couldn't believe that his apprentice would risk defying him to such an extent.

Maul sneered.

A weak Sith Lord, that's what he was. Of course the apprentice would defy, it was that or die. You kept what advantages you could from the opposition, whether it was Jedi, the innocent, or your own feeble Master.

No, there was no way that Palpatine would allow this information to reach Maul, given the propensity the Sith had for taking any idea and using it against one other. The Sith Master had to be very excited indeed to let slip in such a manner, but that was unimportant now.

The One walked among them, and Sidious had narrowed it down to one of two Jedi apprentices. He seemed willing to wait before taking action, but Maul was not. If the One was here now, he had to be 'acquired' as soon as possible. There was far too much at stake to let it all lie.

The multicoloured Sith apprentice tapped his chin with one claw-like fingernail. Perhaps there was a way to discover which of the two was the One. Sidious was not the only Sith who could disguise himself, Maul had his own methods of moving amongst the innocent and the Jedi undetected.

He would conduct his own investigation into who was the One. He would find them, turn them to the dark, and use them against Sidious. Smirking, Maul called up the recovered Temple records of the two padawans mentioned by Palpatine, easily hacking into the Jedi mainframe computer.

Surveying the files carefully, the Sith felt drawn to the record of one in particular, that of the human boy. As he read file after file about the boy's training and exploits, Maul felt a tingle begin in his horns. Aware that his own Force precognition was far stronger than that of Palpatine, he knew that there was something unusual about this one.

Perhaps a closer examination would help him understand what drew hiation, not to mention confirmation as to which Jedi bratling was actually the One.

His mind swirling with possible futures of the Republic, all of them dark, Maul began his self- set task.

Qui-Gon carefully dropped his cargo on the couch in his and Obi-Wan's quarters in the new Temple. He surveyed his preparations and nodded in satisfaction. Everything was ready and perfect for Obi-Wan's return.

He turned back to his cargo on the couch to find it smiling at him.

"You've been busy," Obi-Wan was looking around as well. "I think everything here is just like it was back on Coruscant."

The padawan turned back in time to see a shadow flit across his Master's face at the mention of Coruscant. Despite many years of happiness there, from now on, the first memories conjured by the name would be those of the Temple's destruction.

An event that had nearly cost Obi-Wan his life.

Unable to help it, he shivered in remembrance. Qui-Gon caught it. In a swift spin, he pulled Obi-Wan into his arms, holding the younger man tightly. Reassuring them both that Obi was still alive.

After a moment, Qui-Gon spoke, his voice uncertain, unsteady. "I just wanted to make it like you were coming home. If you don't like it -"

"No!" Obi-Wan hastened to reassure him. "I love it, it is just like coming home." His voice lowered. "I'm fine, Qui. You don't have to treat me like I'll disappear on you."

He deliberately used the shortened name, drawing familiarity between them. Time spun for a tense moment, then righted itself as Qui- Gon slowly released the tension in his shoulders.

"I'm sorry Obi. I won't let that happen again...I...I can't."

Obi-Wan stared up at his Master in disbelief even as his arms tightened around the padawan almost unbearably. "You can't think this was your fault! Qui-Gon -"

Qui-Gon sought to calm him. Obi-Wan was not fully healed and he would do nothing to damage his apprentice further. "Hush, it is nothing, we won't speak of it further."

"Yes we will!" Obi-Wan was furious, furious that someone had killed hundreds of his kind, friends and family, furious that he had lost so much of his training and would lose more while his body healed, and above all else, furious that his idiotic Master was stupid enough to believe all this was his fault.

"You think -! I was hurt because you-!" He was incoherent in his anger.

Qui-Gon became more and more anxious the more agitated Obi-Wan became. "Obi-Wan, please!"

"You idiot!" The apprentice finally managed to get out a complete sentence, of sorts. "I know you have a penchant for guilt, but this really -"

He stopped suddenly, the colour in his face fading past even his usual pale shade.

"Obi-Wan?!" Qui-Gon was frantic as his apprentice's knees buckled, he was only held upright due to Qui-Gon's grip on him.

"I...need to sit, please." The padawan looked like he was about to vomit.

Solving the problem, Qui-Gon bent and pulled Obi-Wan up, one arm curved around his back, the other holding him under the knees. He carefully carried his priceless gift into his room, depositing him gently on the large bed.

"I'm sorry, Obi-Wan. I shouldn't have acted like that, you're still weak -" Guilt welled up in his words. Guilt that turned into alarm as Obi-Wan rolled over, facing away from his Master, curling into a ball. "Obi-Wan?"

"I don't want to listen to you if you are going to be drowning in your own pity. I feel too bad to deal with that right now."

Undeniable hurt flowed through Qui-Gon at that, and not a little amount of shame. He sat on the bed beside his treasure, gently running a hand up his back, remembering a time, not too long ago, when his padawan lay under a steel bar, trapped and dying. Forcibly, he drove those thoughts away. Obi-Wan was fine.

"You are right, my padawan. Now is not the time for such arguments. I apologise. I just need time to dull the memories."

Obi-Wan rolled over, his young face pinched with fatigue. "But you still think you are at fault." The padawan pulled himself into a sitting position, wincing slightly. "I don't understand, Master. How could this possibly be your failing?"

Qui-Gon sighed. "I don't know. Perhaps it is as you said, my penchant for blaming myself. But I cannot lose the feeling that I should have know what was going to happe n."

Anger faded entirely as Obi-Wan frowned at his Master. Qui-Gon's precognition skills were great, there had to be something more to this to make him uneasy. "What else, Master?"

Qui-Gon smiled softly, one of the few smiles he had produced since the Temple's destruction. "You always were quick, padawan." His expression became grave. "I have the feeling that the reason for the Temple's destruction is related to you in some way."

Obi-Wan was more than a little baffled. "Me? Why? I'm only a padawan, no one important."

Qui-Gon caught him up fiercely, holding him close. "Never say that!" He pressed a kiss to Obi-Wan's forehead. "You are an excellent Jedi padawan and my lover. Moreover, you are Obi- Wan Kenobi. That makes you worth more than anything else on this planet or any other."

Obi-Wan turned his face away and down. "You still want me? Even after what I said, before?"

"I will lifebond with you, come hell or high water. I won't let anything block me from you again if I can prevent it."

Obi-Wan sighed, snuggling closer to Qui-Gon. "Now to convince the Council to let us lifebond."

"If we truly want to bond, and if the Force agrees that we are life matched, there is no way the Council can stop us." The Master's voice shone with conviction as he reiterated his point. "I will lifebond with you, my Obi- Wan. I will."

The possessiveness in Qui-Gon's tone made Obi- Wan feel like purring.

Maul squinted in the bright sunlight as he disembarked from his small vessel. It had been easy enough to gain clearance to land, the Jedi were still in disarray and had not yet set up the usual security measures.

The Sith padawan couldn't suppress a growl of frustration. The damned Jedi robes did not fit properly, but were the best he could do on short notice. Not to mention the fact that the colour was less than pleasing. He forcibly jumped mental tracks, cocooning layer upon layer on his shields. One slight slip and the Jedi would know who he was.

And if they didn't kill him, Sidious would.

As he headed toward the newly built Temple, Maul reviewed his planned deception. Unfortunately, the only Zabrakian at the Temple had been flattened when it fell. Pity, that. It would make him more obvious. He would have to keep his hood drawn, and try to fob off any questing minds with garbage about his 'Master's death.'

//I wish// he snarled. Entering the halls of the enemy would not be pleasant.

The apprentice had deliberately chosen the clothing of a padawan...after all, Sidious had taught him that the best place to hide was in the open and the best disguise was to pretend to be what you are. It did amuse him - the Jedi were so complacent that if he strolled into the Temple declaring himself Sith, they wouldn't believe him until he'd dismembered them all.

That cheery thought allowed him to gather his evil aura close to him and step over the Temple threshold. To his mild surprise, he didn't drop dead on the spot.

//Now, to find those two Jedi bratlings...//

The two padawans met outside training room four, having been advised by the healers and ordered by their Masters' to exercise to regain their form after what was commonly called amongst padawans 'the blow-out.'

Obi-Wan looked slightly apprehensive when Bant loped up only a few seconds late. As he opened the door to the reserved training room, she understood why.

"Geez, could they get a more carbon copy?" The Mon Calamarian was wide eyed. This was identical to the original training room four.

Obi-Wan could only shrug. "They rebuilt most of the Temple so it is identical. I guess it's true that Jedi have no originality."

Quickly dismissing unimportant details and focusing as only years of training could allow, the two padawan's slipped into their warm up katas. Both had orders to take it easy, and perform no katas over the fifth. They squared off to work separately.

Obi-Wan surfaced from his kata feeling completely relaxed for the first time since his injuries. As usual, the in depth communication with the Force reasserted his priorities and reassured him of his place. He opened his eyes to find Bant's blinking back at him.

"What is it?" He suddenly felt self-conscious.

"Your kata...which one were you doing?"

Obi-Wan was confused. "The fourth form. We learnt it when we were fifteen, Bant. You should be able to recognise it."

But the female was shaking her head vehemently. "It wasn't. I've never seen that one before."

"It was the fourth form," Obi-Wan insisted. "The one that starts like this." He lithely flowed into the opening position.

Bant still looked sceptical. "It looked kinda like the fourth form," she said dubiously. "But, I don't know, it's like you took the steps and rewrote them into a dance, or something. It was...more graceful, more beautiful than I've ever seen it."

Obi-Wan chewed the inside of his cheek while he thought. "Maybe it's because it's the first time in weeks I've been able to do this," he hazarded. "Or 'cause I finally got it right."

"Maybe..." Bant pursed her considerable lips. "Show me how you did it," she instructed. "I want to see if I can do it too."

The next hour was occupied with Obi trying to explain to Bant exactly how he felt when doing the kata. By the end of the session, the Calamarian was simultaneously aware that her attempts at the kata were greatly improved and that she still hadn't come close to doing them like Obi-Wan had.

However, she kept the knowledge to herself as she did the cool down stretches, absently noting the change in Obi-Wan since his accident. He had suffered a major trauma less than a month ago, and yet was breathing as if he'd been sitting down for the last few hours. he couldn't do that before the accident, why could he suddenly do it now?

The thought suddenly occurred to her that it may have something to do with that unusual Force surge that developed as they had freed Obi-Wan on Coruscant.

The female padawan had done some digging of her own, curious about this Force manifestation. She had encountered an unusual block. Her own Master had been present at the rescue, yet Master Averil had no recollection of the Force surge. Concerned, Bant had asked Master Windu, who had also been there. But the dark-skinned Master had also denied that such an event occurred. That would have been the end of it, Bant doubting she was correct, except for one thing.

She was positive Master Windu was lying. Something had happened down there, something to do with Obi-Wan, and her Master didn't remember it. Master Windu did, and was trying to hide it. The Calamarian's Force talents were strong in the direction or reading people, and she didn't doubt them for a second. Windu had lied to her.

Bant decided to ask Obi-Wan about it.

Obi-Wan was still musing on the information Bant had given him as he left the training room. He had decided to return to his and Qui- Gon's quarters to shower. His thoughts preoccupied, he didn't see the robe-swathed padawan until they ran into each other.

Their shoulders brushed and the resultant electricity was more than static.

The two men were thrown apart from the energy, rather than pushed, and Obi-Wan gaped at the hooded man facing him.

"By all the Force...are you okay?"

For a long moment - almost too long - Maul didn't answer. His entire body thrummed with the knowledge that the one stood before him. The boy was so innocent, had no idea of his potential, all he need do was take him now...

But no, that was foolish. There was no way he would be able to smuggle him from the Temple unseen and this boy was far too important to risk it. The Sith recovered quickly.

"I apologise," he soothed softly. "I recently lost my Master, and the grief often leads to distraction and a lessening in the strength of my shields. Forgive me if I caused you discomfort."

Obi-Wan's expression moved from of vague suspicion and confusion to that of deep empathy.

"I share your loss and I offer you all the support at my disposal."

The formality of the exchange did not arouse Obi-Wan's suspicion: those within the Temple tended to converse formally with one another, it was in private and with close friends that severity was relaxed.

Maul trembled with his knowledge, and fought to not show it. The proximity of Obi-Wan's untapped power was almost making him dizzy with delight and it was with great effort that he wrenched himself to focus on his task.

"I thank you for your concern...please, I feel I must meditate more on control."

The young padawan acquiesced gracefully. "May the Force be with you."

Maul dipped his head back. "Indeed. And with you, also."

Forcing calm into his steps, he proceeded down the corridor at a sedate pace. Carefully sending out a tendril of probing thought, he sensed Obi-Wan going in the opposite direction once more.

It was impossible to tell if suspicion had flared in the boy's mind at any of his actions, but Maul doubted it. He had succeeded in his mission. He now knew who the one was.

Now all he had to do was plan his capture.

Maul was not quite correct.

While Obi-Wan was not suspicious of their exchange in a certain sense, he did feel unease at the strange meeting. The flare of energy from the contact was not one from a laxity in maintaining shields, in either one of them.

Obi-Wan resolved to share this unusual occurrence with his Master. He had nothing more than the unease to go on, but the padawan trusted his instincts.

There was also the matter of the Force surge Bant told him about. Obi-Wan knew Bant was not lying, both on the strength of their friendship and the fact that she had no need to lie, nor would she gain from it. Bant believed that Master Windu was lying about it, and somehow her Master's mind had been clouded to forget the event, but Bant's had not. Coincidence was too great here. Obi-Wan would need to ask Qui- Gon about that surge.

Though these unusual occurrences had nothing to do with the exchange with the figure in the hallway, Obi-Wan felt that somehow, all this was related. He would need to speak to Bant again later, to discuss all this again.

Something wasn't right.

Absently rubbing his padawan braid between his fingers, Obi-Wan went to find his Master.

Obi-Wan never received the opportunity to ask his Master about Bant's observations, for as soon as he arrived at their quarters, Qui-Gon grabbed his arm and bundled him into the shower.

"Hurry, Obi-Wan. The Council wishes to see us to examine the strength of our bond. This meeting will determine whether or not they sanction our lifemating." He efficiently stripped his padawan and pushed him gently under the spray.

Despite the warm water and his Master's closeness, Obi-Wan shivered. //The Council will make or break us...//

Qui-Gon waited with a towel, and gently rubbed him dry with it. //Yes, beloved. Our moment of reckoning. But remember, what they tell us does not matter. We will bond. All the Council will tell us today is whether or not they will acknowledge it//

Obi-Wan sat cross-legged on the floor of the Council chamber, feeling self conscious as Yaddle gently placed her three fingered hands on either side of his head.

"Relax, padawan. This will hurt you not."

Obi-Wan dipped his head slightly in assent, careful not to dislodge her grip. His arrival at the Chambers had been hectic, Qui-Gon practically dragging him through the halls in his eagerness to hear a verdict from the Council. It was only when Obi reminded his Master of his recent injuries that the man slowed down.

The aforementioned Master sat next to him, his physical and mental presence calming and soothing.

Only three Councillors were present, Masters Windu, Yoda and Yaddle. Qui-Gon had warned him only a few would be there, lifebonds and the evaluation of them were mainly their domain, the Dagobites being skilled in revealing true feelings. The Council had agreed to let them handle heart and lifebonds, each had their own speciality. Master Billaba, for example, handled military matters, being extremely proficient in this area. Obi-Wan wondered briefly why Master Windu was there before Yaddle began and he tore his attention back to himself.

After a moment, a light buzzing began in Obi- Wan's head, growing progressively louder. His vision darkened as Yaddle carefully probed deep, but he focused in what she did. He unconsciously followed her link back to her mind, and found the diminutive Master far more cheery and light hearted than she let on. Her gravity was a mask behind which she watched and absorbed.

Yaddle withdrew and with a sudden swirl, he found himself back in his own body, but somehow the view had changed. With embarrassment, he realised he was lying in his Master's lap, apparently having fallen while Yaddle tested his mind.

//There is nothing to be ashamed of, my Obi- Wan. You have not had enough practice in mental probes. The bond will assure that this won't happen ever again//

//What about you?//

//They tested me even as they tested you//

//Oh// Cautiously sitting up, Obi-Wan returned to the traditional posture of obedience. He shoved thoughts of embarrassment aside as he concentrated on the Masters surrounding him.

"Examined you each, we have. Compare notes, we must. Wait outside you will."

"Yes, Master Yaddle."

Both retreated to the antechamber to await their verdict. Obi-Wan stared at the closed door, then looked at his Master.

"Now what?"

"We wait, my padawan. We wait."

Yaddle was pacing furiously almost before the soundproof door was shut.


She spun to look at Windu, her small features crinkled. "Yes. Lifemating urge there is. Lifebond there is. But too strong! Overwhelm Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan might, unknowingly and without intention. Dangerous this is to Qui-Gon."

Yoda waved his cane for silence. "Yes, bond there is, danger there always is. Always possibility that lifebond result in merging of minds so that no two partners, only one mind. But doubt this will happen to Qui-Gon, I do. Strong his mind is. And protect them, the Force will. So strong a bond is demanded for completion by the Force."

Windu nodded, agreeing with Yoda. But the final decision lay with Yaddle, this was her domain. Yet she seemed to be holding something back.

"Yaddle? Was there something else?" Yoda's bright eyes fixed on the female Council member as well.

She spoke slowly, reluctantly. "Reached out, he did, during the probe. Touched my inner mind."

Windu was shocked. "But your shields!"

"Lower them, I did not. Go through them like they did not exist he did."

"Did he intrude?" Windu barked sharply. Going through shields! That was...inconceivable.

"Intrude, he did not. More like curious child he was, exploring his surroundings. Take nothing he did, learn no secrets he did. Merely glanced and moved on."

Silence reigned for a length of time. In the end, Yoda spoke. "Have done all we can. Hope Qui-Gon can temper him, we must. Allow the lifebond to proceed."

The other Masters nodded, then scattered to do his bidding.

The pool of water was rather deep, almost deep enough for Obi-Wan to stand in it and be completely submerged. In fact, that was it's purpose and Obi-Wan stared into it, wondering what truths it would reveal.

His reflection was perfectly still in the water, no wind moving its surface and marring his likeness. Critically, he eyed it, taking in cropped hair and beaded plait, as well as the short ponytail that kept the long bits in the back from falling in his face. Not too shabby a face, either.

//A beautiful face//

//Master!// He whipped around, his own braid slapping against his face lightly. He let his joy reverberate through their training bond...knowing that the link between them would soon be far deeper and irrevocably permanent.

It was a necessary part of the lifebonding rite that each partner ritually cleansed themselves alone. That required being someplace private, a large amount of meditation and a bath in some strange liquid that the Council had provided. When she brought it to him, Yaddle had assured him(through mindspeech, partners were forbidden to speak to anyone verbally for twelve hours before the ceremony) that is was a conductor for Force energy, helping them 'ease' into their bond.

While there was no doubt in Yaddle's mind that this was some sort of mystical soul lubricant, Obi-Wan had Force tested it, and personally believed it to be some sort of bubble bath that had been included in the ceremony long ago and then it had been forgotten exactly why.


Qui-Gon's gentle reproval was laced with laughter, and Obi-Wan received the impression he believed the same thing and that Yoda did too. However, the exchange struck something deep within him.

//Not your padawan today//

//No, not today// Qui-Gon's thoughts were gentle and loving.

Finally dragging his eyes away from his own reflection - still perfect and unbroken in the water before him - Obi-Wan drank in the sight of his Master.

Qui-Gon was dressed in a dark green robe - the colour of moss that has just been replenished with water. Unlike moss, the robe was flecked with gold, that seeped across the fabric in wild and fantastic patterns.

Obi-Wan himself wore a robe much the same, a smaller size, of course. The robes were to aid the participants of the rite in feelings of calm and serenity. Later, after the rite, the two were free to walk through the corridors of the Temple still dressed in their robes, as close to a public announcement of the bond as they could get. Obi-Wan fully intended to make sure they did this.

The two were alone in the garden, to initiate the lifebond. There were no witnesses, none were needed. Unlike a heartbond, a lifebond was a deeply private affair. It was for them, and them alone.

Clasping hands, the two sank down into the soft grass, it mingling with the green on their robes. Unconsciously settling into meditation postures, the two breathed deeply.

Qui-Gon reached out briefly, checking that the protective shielding around the empty garden was intact. Both now, when they bonded and later, when they consummated the bond, they would release their shields entirely, allowing their thoughts to mingle. The shields ensured that none could interfere while they were defenceless.

Turning back to his padawan - no, his lover, he held the hands tightly. //Are you ready, Obi- Wan?//

//Need you ask?// The dry response was so typical of his youthful love that he almost laughed aloud for joy.

Carefully, slowly, so as not to overwhelm, each began to draw back the shields in their minds. It was time consuming and slightly difficult - each had spent their lives building them up to let none in, yet now had to release them to let the lifebond occur. Obi-Wan dropped his entirely first, being younger and not as strong at shielding. But Qui-Gon's trust and eagerness ensured he was not far behind.

Both felt oddly naked, sitting there with their minds bared. Each paused for a moment, rearranging thoughts and preparing themselves. Then they reached for each others minds.

The contact was explosive.

Two entire lives merged, were shared. A thousand memories were witnessed. The lifemated saw Obi-Wan's childhood, watched Xanatos fall, felt Obi-Wan's anguish on Bandomeer followed by boundless joy at being chosen, sensed Qui-Gon's heart swell with contentment at last. All their memories, billions of moments, trivial or important, anguished or joyful, flashed though each mind.

Faces danced by, Yoda, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Xanatos, Bant, Yaddle, Mace, other Council members, family members, friends, enemies, brief acquaintances. And through it all, the two lifemates screamed their love and joy.

Somehow in the rush and pull of their minds melding forever, they heard a voice. It was neither one nor the other's, rather the voice one hears in one's own head when one reads. It was a blend of both their tongues.

//I will follow you, everywhere you go. And I'll be with you till the end.//

The lifebond vows, spoken and sealed.


It was odd, really, Obi-Wan reflected as he and Qui-Gon returned to their quarters for their 'consummation'. Despite the fact that they had been lovers for nearly two years, they were almost shy as they reached their rooms.

They had sat for nearly half an hour in the garden after the surge had died down, feeling through their bond and revelling in it. No thoughts could be hidden from one another now, all memories shared and experiences doubled. Obi-Wan knew that his training would be different from now on, he had not only his own but also Qui-Gon's to draw upon. It made them both stronger, to give and share so much. To stop their thoughts projecting all over the Temple, Master Yoda was shielding them until they could rebuild their shields to accommodate the bond.

It almost made Obi-Wan feel giddy as he reached to palm the door lock, ignoring those that were staring at the robes that indicated what they now were. He was with his Master forever now that was all that mattered.

Qui-Gon hesitated just inside the door, causing Obi to turn to see why his Master - his new lifemate - didn't follow. For a horribly eternal moment, he thought his Master was having second thoughts, impossible as that was.

Then Qui-Gon met his eyes.

In that second, their lifebond, slightly muted, surged into fullness again, sending both men staggering. Each man's mind was flooded with the images, feelings, senses of the other's. Thoughts melded and memories meshed, two lives twirled and twined into one another. As their minds danced in complete and final union, Obi- Wan saw Qui-Gon's reluctance for what it truly was.

His lifemate was afraid of hurting him. After coming so close to losing Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon was terrified of doing anything to cause a relapse. It gave Obi-Wan pause for a full second. How could he prove to Qui-Gon that he was nothing but vibrantly alive? A grin trickled cross his face, and the padawan took action.

Before Qui-Gon could fully regain equilibrium, he found himself face up on the floor, a voracious padawan straddling him.

"I promise I won't break, Qui-Gon," he breathed, "as long as you promise not to treat me like I will."

Robes flying in billows of brown, Obi-Wan took full control in seconds. He gleefully drove his tongue deep into Qui's mouth, thoroughly licking him in the process. As Qui-Gon moaned beneath him, Obi-Wan allowed himself a small grin.

Humour was quickly forgotten as their newly sealed lifebond twisted into life again, demanding the double joining of flesh and mind. Clothing discarded and the flesh revealed caressed, they stumbled to prove you are well? Then do so, my heart's desire. Prove I am not asleep and you are not a phantom dream."

Eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed in hungry lust. Obi-Wan tipped his head to one side, considering, before a lunge from his lifemate nearly bundled the two of them off the bed.

He had almost regained his balance when Qui-Gon yanked his pants off, causing him to tumble back across the bed.

Both entirely naked, they came together like two halves of a mould, lips meeting in a lover's duelling dance.

"You want proof I'm alive?" Obi-Wan managed, despite the arousal surging through them both. Qui-Gon replied in the nonverbal, his wordless confirmation coming across the bond.

//Then let me take control// he sent, also beyond speech.

He felt Qui-Gon's ecstatic agreement, and, keeping their flesh pressed together as much as possible, began to manoeuvre. He felt Qui- Gon's delight as he comprehended the purpose of Obi's actions, and cooperated enthusiastically.

Angling Qui-Gon to be positioned on his lap, straddled across him, Obi-Wan called on the Force to augment limited muscles, to help them sustain this position. Gentle shifting, and they were ready. Qui-Gon reached out, softly tracing Obi's face with his fingers before indulging in a devouring kiss.

Arms bent tight around the older man's back, Obi-Wan pulled him as close as he could and still longing for closer. Qui-Gon also burrowed nearer, his knees folded outside Obi- Wan's. The kiss deepened in a long moment.

Preparation unnecessary due to the complete level of trust between them, Obi-Wan entangled his mental fingers with those of his mate before he glided into Qui-Gon's waiting body.

He hesitated, half in, wanting to savour the moment, make it last forever, feeling the echo of agreement along the bond from his mate. Silently praising whoever installed Force shielding on their quarters, Obi-Wan paused to draw nibbling kisses from his mate's mouth, allowing his shields to disintegrate, feeling Qui-Gon do the same.

Vaguely aware that later they would have to learn how to rebuild their shields so it didn't interfere with the lifebond, Obi-Wan gently bit and sucked his way down Qui-Gon's neck, releasing a ragged gasp as Qui-Gon returned the favour, passion singing in the fully unshielded bond between them.

Feeling both their bodies straining for physical completion, the Master shifted, sending a throb of bliss between them as the movement both rubbed his erection across Obi- Wan's stomach and drove Obi-Wan deeper inside him. The motion made Obi-Wan forget the savouring of the moment, opting instead for completion.

Both men shouted in unison as Obi-Wan sheathed himself fully into the hilt that felt as though it had been made for him. He halted again, fighting against releasing now. Their lifebond intensified each man's feelings, doubling and tripling them, reflecting them back in an almost painfully pleasuring wave, enough to make him lose control.

As the strong passion slid back down to a level he could manage - barely - he felt Qui-Gon trailing hands along his face, kissing him gently. His lover slid his hands up over Obi- Wan's shoulder, delicately tracing the outline of his blades before moving lower to caress the dip of his lower back. He trailed his way back up, detailing each of the vertebrae in his mate's spine as Obi-Wan rested his head in the hollow of Qui-Gon's neck, finally wrestling his libido into a semblance of control.

Drawing back slightly, hearing the whimper of protest at the reduction in contact from Qui- Gon, Obi drew his eyes to those of his lifemate. Conveying almost a lifetime of love and feeling with his own luminous orbs, feeling it returned a hundredfold, Obi-Wan finally allowed himself to drive upwards.

A strangled scream of pure joy tore from Qui's strained throat. His own hoarse resounding gasp barely registering, Obi-Wan began to thrust. Each lunge pushed him deep into the warmth of his lover, he could feel the hot body tighten and flex around him.

Neither ever knew how long they remained like that, arms wound hard around each other, each muscle standing out, gleaming with sweat. Their movements concerted, unified, immersed deeply in their lifebond.

Obi-Wan knew that he couldn't hold out forever. His bucking became more fevered, desperate, one hand straying from holding Qui-Gon to clasp his neglected member. As his fingers played up and down, gently stroking and rolling, Qui-Gon whimpered, trying to push himself down more, to force Obi-Wan deeper.

A few more thrusts, a final lunge, and his back arched to the point of snapping, his Master's body in unison with his. Spasm after spasm shuddered through them both. Caught in the uprush, the ecstasy, bodies frozen tight in this final stage of coupling, both men were incapable of anything other than losing themselves in the sensation and each other.

For long moments, they stayed that way, Obi-Wan cradling his Master's shivering form in his lap, still mentally enmeshed with him. He felt Qui-Gon kiss his forehead and lifted his head so he could meet his lips. Slick skin sliding against slick skin, their exhausted bodies compelled them to move.

As they tumbled back down across the bed, gasping, Obi-Wan finally allowed Qui-Gon to take some measure of control. He felt his lifemate's arms slide around him and rolled, turning into the embrace. With closed eyes, he felt Qui-Gon kiss his hair tenderly again and in response he gently stroked his hands up and down Qui-Gon's sweat soaked back. Neither spoke, what was the need? Their minds and souls finally linked the way their hearts had been for years, Master and Padawan drifted into a deep and shared sleep.

Yoda stared out into the endless, star strewn Misharia skies.

By now, it would be done. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan would be lifebonded, finally and irrevocably. While the lifebond did not mean that if one member died, the other did automatically, the outcome was the same. The surviving member either died from the shock of the loss of contact, or went insane, eventually taking their own life. That was the possible fate that faced Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.

It was odd, the little Jedi Master mused, that the Chosen One had just been linked with another powerfully Force-strong being, yet there was no indication of that union within the Force. In the creation of a lifebond, all the energy created was directed inwards, into forging and strengthening the new lifebond. With all the energy those two were capable of creating, the bond would be strong indeed.

But that wasn't what Yoda needed to think about now.

Obi-Wan was becoming suspicious, and the efforts of the three Masters to keep him in the dark seemed to be failing. Yoda was aware the padawan was uncertain why he had been allowed to bond to Qui-Gon though he was a padawan, doubtless he also knew that it had never been allowed before. It would only be a short while before he would ask exactly why the bond had been allowed.

Mace had also reported Bant's suspicious questions about the Force surge that saved Obi- Wan's life. Both Masters' knew that Bant would have told Obi-Wan what she knew, though the information that neither Qui-Gon nor Averil remembered the energy storm was interesting. The intervention of the Force, perhaps?

"Need to send on the mission we do. Soon. Distract the mind so it cannot ask such worrying questions."

Yoda turned at Yaddle's voice, ears sliding back as he surveyed the only member of the Temple he could look in the eye without straining his neck.

"Worried I am," he sighed. "Obi-Wan, so aware he is, while Qui-Gon remains ignorant."

"A mission is needed," insisted Yaddle. "There is nothing we can do, though like the situation we do not. Distraction is the only tool we have. Protected Obi-Wan as much as we can, we have. It is for the Force to decide, what action we take next."

The two small creatures gazed sightlessly into the night, each dwelling on their own thoughts, though the content was the same.

"New mission there is," Yoda spoke at last. "Came through a few hours ago, it did. A negotiator is needed. Do the job well, Qui-Gon could. Solve problem for now, it could."

"A problem delayed is not solved," Yaddle reproved. "However, ill equipped to deal with this we are. Send them on the mission. While they are gone, learn all we can about the Chosen One. The Force will guide us."

Yoda slowly pried himself off his perch, drawing his robe around him. "Hmmph. Force guidance. Very well. Send them to Naboo we will. Perhaps there we will find the answers we seek."

Those creche teachers who hadn't been away with the children when the Temple collapsed had been killed. Until new teachers were found, various Masters volunteered to care for the children. Qui-Gon was doing so today.

//You don't mind, do you love?// asked Qui-Gon for the umpteenth time.

//No. Well, not too much. If I asked you to stay, we'd be here forever// The padawan unashamedly projected an image of what he wanted to do.

Qui-Gon swallowed hard, then glared at his padawan. //Recalcitrant//

//You love it//


A quick kiss, then a much longer one and twenty minutes later, Qui-Gon reluctantly left for the creche. Obi-Wan himself was scheduled to visit the Healers again to see how his healing was going - he had persuaded Qui-Gon not to come with him through promises of sexual gratification and a full report later.

They had no need for a 'honeymoon' to cement their lifebond, they were intertwined completely. But, Obi-Wan thought with a shrug, it would be fun to be allowed to lock yourself in a room with your lover - lifemate - for a week or two. But there was no time for it, not at this point. If the Temple hadn't fallen, maybe things would be different. But such speculation was pointless.

With a sigh, Obi-Wan headed for the infirmary.

Carefully drawing his hood down to conceal his face, Darth Maul schooled himself for patience. The One had a Healers appointment shortly, and he had to come this way to reach the infirmary.

The Sith fingered the delicate device in his palm, rolling it gently between his fingers. This device was his ticket. Once he had planted this on Kenobi, it would be easy to trace the brat. He would never do anything without Maul's knowledge. //And as they say, knowledge is power// the apprentice thought in glee.

The sense of a presence approaching drew his awareness back to his task. There was no sound, as all Force sensitives tended to walk quietly. That coupled with the intensive Jedi training resulted in a perfectly silent tread. But that didn't count when one was Force sensitive.

Sending out a shielded enquiry revealed his quarry heading his way. Arranging himself into position, Darth Maul pounced.

Obi-Wan didn't even get the chance to attempt defence as a hard fist connected with the side of his head, sending him reeling. As he tried to pull himself up from his knees, shaking his head, an iron grip caught him around the throat, cutting off any noise.

Well, almost any noise.

//QUI-GON!!!// Obi-Wan screamed down their lifebond, feeling a brief surge of relief at a response before being jerked back hard.

The pressure around his throat eased a little, but even as he tried to take advantage of the loosened hold, a searing pain drilled into the back of his neck.

Even as the agony dimmed and faded, Obi-Wan found himself face to face with the floor as his attacker dropped him. He heard running feet and then hands were on him again. The padawan fought furiously before he realised it was Qui-Gon, then gasped and permitted his lifemate to hold him.

//Are you alright, Obi-Wan?// His Master's mind voice was frightened and held more than a little fury.

//I..I think so. I don't know what hit me...// He allowed his Master to pull him to his feet.

He felt another presence through the Force, one that every Jedi knew. He cracked open an eye to see Master Yoda straining his neck to peer up at him.

"See who it was, young one?" asked Yoda, not bothering to enquire about his health, knowing Qui-Gon would have done it already.

Obi-Wan shook his head. "No, Master Yoda. I didn't get a look. They attacked me from behind."

"Take him to the Healers you must, Qui-Gon. Make sure he is alright."

Qui-Gon nodded, pulling his apprentice to his feet. Obi-Wan winced, rubbing the back of his head. "Ouch!"

He pulled his hand from the back of his neck with a start. At his Master's questioning look, he said, "I think there's something on my neck. The person who attacked me, I don't know what they did, but my neck was agony before you came."

His Master carefully pulled his hand away, positioning Obi-Wan in front of his so he could see. Obi-Wan heard his shocked gasp clearly, as did Yoda. The gnomic Master looked up sharply.

"What have you found?" He was too upset to couch his speech in its usual linguistic riddles.

Obi-Wan felt his Master brace one hand on his neck before whispering into his mind. //This will hurt, Obi, but not for long, I promise//

A second later, Qui-Gon jerked something out of his neck. The padawan let out a strangled scream at the brief resurgence of agony, but then it faded and Qui-Gon was holding him, stroking his hair, sending healing energy down their lifebond.

As Obi-Wan fought to control his breathing again, he saw Qui-Gon extend a hand to Yoda. In his palm lay a small round electronic chip, with a sharp barb on on end. //Where it was stuck in me// Obi-Wan thought.

"Tracker chip." Qui-Gon's voice held barely concealed fury. Someone had dared to do this to his lifemate! He looked back down at the chip in his hand, fighting down nausea at the small pool of blood from its removal. He raised his hand to throw it, but Yoda stopped him.

"Examine this we must. Try to understand who did this."

Qui-Gon pulled Obi-Wan into his arms, holding him tightly. He nodded roughly. "Why Obi- Wan?" He sent gentle healing tendrils of Force into Obi-Wan's neck, repairing the damage the tracker made. His padawan leaned back against him gratefully.

Yoda, meanwhile, raced for evasion. There was no point in telling them the truth at this time, moreover, he was afraid too. He blurted out the first thing that came to him.

"Perhaps not after Obi-Wan in particular. Perhaps after any Jedi. Waylaid you were, Obi- Wan, when alone?"

The padawan agreed reluctantly. "I was."

"Hmm. Perhaps just looking for Jedi alone to attack. Unknown why."

Qui-Gon looked dubious. "Are you sure it wasn't Obi-Wan they were after?" His expression told of hell to pay if they were.

Yoda presented his best 'innocently confused' expression and prayed that it would work on his former padawan for once. "Know for certain it was Obi-Wan they wanted, I do not. But what reason to be after Obi-Wan is there?"

Qui-Gon looked unconvinced, but was distracted when Obi-Wan winced again. He chose to forego arguments in favour of making sure his lifemate was alright.

As they conversed silently, Yoda allowed himself to shudder. Sith here in the Temple! There was no doubt in Yoda's mind that the attack was deliberate and engineered by the Sith. He could almost taste the evil aura in the air. What's more, they had attempted to 'tag' Obi-Wan like an animal. To be able to find and trace him. This did not bode well.

Two attacks now, the old Temple destroyed, protagonist still unidentified, and now an attack in the new Temple. Both involving Obi- Wan. This did not bode well at all.

Yaddle was right. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon would have to be sent on a mission as soon as possible. The small Dagobite could only pray that the mission would not push them into the Sith's clutches.

"Jedi!" Maul swore.

His plan would have been perfect, was perfect, but for that damn Master! Maul didn't know exactly when the lifemating had taken place, but he was furious that he hadn't known. His plan had been ruined because of it. And the tracker chip lost too! All the effort for nought.

The Sith padawan paced like a caged panther, muttering to himself in his native tongue. It sounded much like a Rancor growling. That damn lifebond! It would make capturing the boy difficult. Not impossible, but very, very difficult.

Turning on his heel, the apprentice stopped, considering. "Perhaps the lifebond can be used after all." Maul was aware that the death of one lifemate drove the other insane - to the point of suicide. If he could destroy the old man, kill him somehow, the take the apprentice.

Maul began to pace again, ides swirling through his head. Yes. He could kill the Master and take the padawan. The boy would be in psychic shock after the severance of the lifebond, making him extremely susceptible. Pliable. Perfect. He only had to stop the boy killing himself, which shouldn't be too hard.

Maul nearly leapt out of his multi-hued skin as the comm unit behind him chirped. A quick check on the identity of the caller revealed it to be Palpatine, on a secure line from his office. Not a call that could be ignored. Not if he wanted to live through the next meeting with his Master.

He thumbed the activator switch, bowing low before the image when it coalesced before him. "I await your instructions, my Master."

The Sith Master was adorned in full Senatorial livery and waved aside Maul's obeisance impatiently.

"Things are moving quickly, now. We must strike while the iron is hot. Join me on Naboo as soon as possible. Once I have appraised you of the situation, I must return to Coruscant."

The Sith apprentice paused. "What of my other mission, my Master? That of researching the Jedi bratlings?"

Palpatine swore. "You have sent me all the information you have?"

"Yes. my Master." //Except the bit you were looking for, you weak slug// his mind snarled. He kept his mental shields as strong as he could and his face blank. If one whiff of what he knew escaped to Sidious, he would get more than just the fuzzy end of the lollipop.

The Sith Lord looked frustrated. "Did you find anything unusual about them? Anything?"

//Desperate, are we?// thought Maul, keeping his face impassive as he replied, "No, my Master."

Palpatine swore again. "There is no help for it. I need you on Naboo now. The other can wait." Though it was clear from the Lord's tone that the other matter waited only at his extreme reluctance.

Maul bowed low to the image of the dominant Sith Lord. "Yes, my Master."

Qui-Gon cursed their luck as he and his padawan headed for the Council chambers. Yoda had sounded very apologetic as he informed them that they were required to attend a mission, but that wasn't enough to assuage the Jedi Master's anger.

By rights, they should be allowed at least a week to settle their lifebond and work on their shielding, and most definitely NOT be called on a mission. But the Council claimed a skilled negotiator was needed and more than simple pride told Qui-Gon he had to go.

Obi-Wan seemed to be taking it better than him as they swept into the Council chamber. His padawan lover was impassive and restrained, though Qui-Gon did catch the occasional unsavoury thought about several Council members. On the single good note the day had presented, Obi-Wan's healing was progressing rapidly, which the Healers attributed to the lifebond.

The bowed low before the Council, ready to accept their new mission.

Mace Windu loomed above them in his Council seat, seemingly a god about to pass judgment on the doomed.

"You are to go to the planet of Naboo, where a disagreement between the government and the Trade Federation is taking place. You're task is to mediate between the two groups and find a solution that suits the interest of all. The Senator of Naboo awaits to apprise you of the current situation. You will leave immediately."

As he and his Master bowed gracefully before retreating from the Council Chamber, Obi-Wan could not shake the feeling that this mission was the beginning of the storm.

And he found himself afraid.

The feeling clung to the padawan during the all too short flight to Coruscant to see the Senator. A self styled man of action, Obi-Wan couldn't understand his reticement on this mission, but kept it to himself. The last thing he wanted to do was worry Qui-Gon.

He trailed his Master unhappily through the corridors of the enormous Republic Senate office building, only forcing himself into a posture of serenity as an attendant droid led the way into the Naboo offices.

"Senator Palpatine, these are the two ambassadors selected to go to your planet by the Senate." The attendance droid's voice was soft.

With a swirl of his robe, Palpatine turned to greet them. He raised an eyebrow in surprise when he saw just who the ambassadors were.

"I'm am honoured above words that the Jedi see our plight as great enough to warrant their attention," he bowed deeply to the two Jedi before him. "Especially considering the recent tragedy amongst your ranks."

The taller of the two Jedi bowed in response, mimicked by his smaller counterpart. Both were swathed in voluminous robes, only their faces visible. The smaller man was no doubt much younger, and something about his presence strummed a nerve deep inside Palpatine, in a place that belonged entirely to Darth Sidious. This was one of the two padawans he had been watching very closely, one of the two suspected to be the One who would eradicate either light or dark forever. The Senator tamped down the feeling and concentrated on making sure the Jedi suspected nothing.

The tall Jedi spoke. "I am Qui-Gon Jinn, and this is Obi-Wan Kenobi. You have no need to fear that the Senate will treat your planet's troubles lightly, Senator, my padawan and I will do all that we can to assist you and your people. As for the Jedi, while we feel deeply the loss of so many of our number, it would tarnish their memories if we did not continue our work."

Palpatine raised his eyebrow again. "Padawan? You are a Master then, Jedi Jinn?" Jinn nodded gracefully, and Palpatine extended his hand. "I am more than grateful for your assistance, Master Jedi, and I pray that you can help resolve our difficulties quickly."

Jinn nodded as he withdrew his hand and his padawan came forward to shake the Senator's hand as well. His voice was cultured and sweet. "I pray that we can also."

As Palpatine's and the Jedi apprentice's hands touched, both felt a surge of power between them. Startled, the apprentice released his hand and stepped back. Palpatine recovered quickly, speaking even as the Jedi Master came forward, an inquiry on his lips.

"I apologise if I just caused you discomfit, Padawan Kenobi, but my robe has just been cleaned, and when it has it has a tendency to give others I touch static electricity shocks."

The boy's eyes were dark for a second, and Palpatine held his breath. Then the confused look left the apprentice's eyes and he smiled. "I'm fine, Senator, just a little startled, that's all. Will you be joining us on our journey to Naboo?"

"I am afraid not. The Queen has asked me to remain here to exert my small amount of influence on the Senate in an attempt to produce a favourable income. I fear I have much work ahead of me, as Naboo's troubles are small compared to some others within the Republic."

The Jedi Master nodded understandingly. "Then we shall leave you to your work, Senator. I promise you that we will do all that we can to aid your people."

"Thank you," Palpatine and the Jedi bowed once more before the two Force-sensitives left the room.

Had the Master suspected anything? Palpatine thought not. He was finding it difficult to concentrate on the greater threat of the Jedi Master, as his attention kept wandering towards thoughts of the boy. The wave of Force that came from him when their hands had touched had been formidable.

He was the One.

A smile spread across the Sith Lord's lips. He now knew the identity of the One who would change the Force forever, and he was the only one to know. The Jedi, and the boy himself, were ignorant.

Palpatine was a strong believer in the tenet that the Force would guide. And it had. It had lead this boy right towards him, placing him in a position where Palpatine could take him easily. The boy, this Obi-Wan Kenobi, would be taken, and made an instrument of the dark.

It was obvious that the boy and his master were in a relationship, but that was a minor complication. The Master could be killed, indeed, it would aid in turning Kenobi to the dark.

Now he must wait for the Force to guide him to the right moment to strike.


to be continued in Trilogy III: Fear.

The next one is gonna be a looooooong one, folks!