To Qui-Gon
by Triskell (
Category: Poetry, POV
Summary: Obi's thoughts after the ending of Ep I
Series/Spoilers: nope/Episode I
Archive: M-A please, my website
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this poem belong to
George Lucas, the creator of the Star Wars Universe, bet you
didn't guess! No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Notes: Great big thank you to Dark~Angel for the
beta...any residual faults can safely be attributed to me
Feedback's greatly appreciated!
Words may not come, obscured by grief and anger,
Anger I must not feel, can barely hide and scarce
Keep from acknowledging. Betrayed by love, a
Life I cherished more than mine so easily torn
From my side. A master, never wavering in his intent,
His students part of every - even of his last - request.
Those years, so full of memories, yet bare
Wanting the light that only shone when our
Love flared up, burning our bodies and souls
In its wake. Aftermaths of passion we shared as
Willingly as our hearts, our lives and duties.
Who remains close enough to comfort me?
A little boy the only cause to fight for every dawn,
Will myself to survive till dusk, to bear the lonely
Chill of dreams that promise me your warmth, your
Kisses and embrace and tear your form away before I
Even get to say your name. I suffer, anguish steps
In line behind the turmoil of my feelings, all
Those I lost with you and those that I wish I could
Calm, a raging Dark that beckons me with every step
I take. If I could only scream it out I might find
Peace for one short night; serenity is gone - it
Can't return, for you were all serenity I knew and
Owned, I called you lover, friend, my Master -
A cherished picture singing in my soul - a promise
Deep down in my mind that I may join you again in
Time, when my toil has finally been done with and
I die, content to know I have fulfilled a student's duty
And eventually be all and nothing - your lover and your life.