Ties That Bind (continued)

by Angelica ( aharmon1@maine.rr.com )

continued from previous part

Part 4

"Obi-Wan? Obi-Wan, you need to wake up now, little one."

Finally the boy opened his eyes and stared up at Mace.

"Obi-Wan, you've been asleep a very long time. How do you feel?"

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Obi-Wan shook his head a little. "Fuzzy again. I don't feel very good."

Mace nodded and helped the boy to sit up and drink some water. "Better?" he asked, and was relieved to see Obi-Wan nod. "I need to go into town and talk to someone, but I can't bring you with me. I want you to stay in the ship, and don't touch anything. I'm going to lock everything up to make sure nobody can get in from the outside. Ok?"

"Ok. I'll be good, I promise."

"Thank you, Obi-Wan. I wish there was another way, but there isn't."

After making sure Obi-Wan was settled in with a game, Mace made his way out of the ship, securing the door behind him. After a few hours of checking with the few contacts he'd found through his research, the Jedi Master was led to a landing bay in the lower quadrant of the city.

"Can I help you?"

Mace turned to find the owner of the gruff voice: a rather portly man with grease stains on an already filthy shirt.

"I'm looking for Captain Malcolm. My name is Mace Windu."

The man looked the Master up and down, then snorted. "What can I do for you *Master* Windu?"

Obviously this man had no love for Jedi, Mace thought to himself. Yet he knew how to tell a Master from a Knight.

"I'm investigating the disappearance of Master Jinn. He was taken from your ship by raiders a few days ago."

"I know who he is, and I've already answered all your questions. Read the report," the captain replied as he turned to leave, and was abruptly stopped by a strong hand on his shoulder.

"I've read the report, several times in fact. *I* have questions for you now."

The man snarled. "Funny thing about that. Republic law says something about harassment of witnesses. I think you'd better take your hand off me before I report you."

The Master released his hold and smiled, keeping his voice low and calm as he spoke. "Captain Malcolm, I'm asking for your cooperation in this investigation. If you choose not to cooperate, that is certainly your choice. But I must warn you: I will find Master Jinn. If I find out, as I believe, that you had anything to do with his being taken...let's just say I will make your life less than pleasant."

"You threatening me now? Saviors of the Republic my arse. You walk around talking about laws, but don't follow them unless it suits you. Sure, just throw them out the window when you feel like it."

"Usually, Captain, I would try talking to you. I'd try to convince you that you should work with me, for your own benefit. It would take days, and you might agree to give me some little bit of information that really would do me almost no good in finding who I'm looking for," Mace paused, reaching out a hand to grab the man's throat. "But in this case, you've just happened to take someone I care about very much, who I promised a hurt little boy I'd find. So yes, in this case, the rules are going to be stretched a bit. In the end, I might get disciplined for it, but I'll have Master Jinn home where he belongs. So now, are you going to tell me what I need to know, or am I going to dig around in that head of yours until I find it?"

He had no intention of carrying through with the threat, of course, but just the thought of it had the man talking. The captain truly believed that Jedi would throw all they believed out the window so easily. A group calling themselves The Watchers had taken Qui-Gon. For years now they'd been monitoring Jedi activity throughout the Republic, cataloging fund transfers, missions, and anything else they could find out about. Their only purpose was to expose the Jedi to the Republic, showing everyone that the Order was manipulating the laws to their own purposes and desires. The Watchers honestly believed that the Jedi were more corrupt than any politician, and far more dangerous because of their Force abilities. A splinter group had formed within the last year, developing weapons that would be used to fight the Jedi. They were convinced that in the end it would take a war to get the Republic released from the Jedi's grasp, so they began making weapons that could only hurt the Jedi. Their scientists needed to test these weapons, of course, and so they captured Master Qui-Gon Jinn. What surprised Mace, more than all of this, was one of the names connected to all of this activity...Senator Boto Malikin of Matistare.

Six months ago, Senator Malikin had been part of the kidnapping of a ship-full of Jedi Initiates. While on a field trip the children's transport had been raided, and all aboard help hostage. Obi-Wan Kenobi had been a part of that class. In the end, Malikin had been captured, tried, and sent to the detention center on Bentha for the next twenty years.

Mace absorbed all the information, twisting it around in his head, trying to make sense of what he'd found out. If what this man had told his was true, and he believed it to be, this group was growing quickly, and had some very powerful supporters. Unfortunately, Malcolm only knew of Malikin's involvement because the Senator had been captured, and didn't have any information on who else might be funding and gathering information for the group.

Mace brought Captain Malcolm to the local authorities, explained the situation and was assured that the Captain would be held until another Jedi team arrived to transport him to Coruscant.

Returning to his small ship, Master Windu found Obi-Wan asleep on his bunk, a small game console beeping against his chest. The Jedi Master slipped the game out from under the boy's hand and turned it off, placing it on the nearby shelf.

"Master Windu?" Obi-Wan mumbled sleepily.

"Yes, Obi-Wan, it's me. Go back to sleep, little one."

"You've been gone a long time. Did you find the man?"

"Yes, I found him," Mace said, reaching down to brush a hand over the blonde hair. "We're going to find Qui-Gon now, and I'm going to need your help once we get there."

Obi-Wan sat up, smiling. "I can help," he said excitedly.

Mace smiled. "I know you can. I'm going to be relying on you a lot, once we get there. Obi-Wan, do you remember the planet you were on a while back? The one Qui-Gon and Staucha rescued you from?"

The boy nodded. "I remember. The man with the scar brought us there, and then Quigee came to rescue me, and I rescued him, and then you came to rescue all of us."

Mace held back the laugh that threatened to escape him and nodded. "We have to go back there. Are you going to be ok with that?"

"I guess so. Is that where Quigee is?"

"I think so, but you might be able to make sure." Reaching over he hefted Obi-Wan up and took him to the map-reader in the cockpit. "What I want you to do is clear your mind, like Qui-Gon has been showing you."

"Like when I meditate?"

It was said so matter-of-factly that Mace had to smile, a brow raised in curiosity. "Yes, exactly like that. You're going to mediate on Qui-Gon, and focus on the map here in front of you. If everything works right the Force should be able to show you where he is. It might look like one of the dots is glowing brighter than the others. If that happens, you need to tell me, ok?"

"Ok. This sounds like fun."

After several minutes, with no response from Obi-Wan, Mace began to worry that the meditation wasn't going to work. He was working with a child, after all. What could he expect? Almost an hour passed before Obi-Wan's squeal of delight filled the cockpit.

"I found him! Look! He's on that dot, right there." A little finger pointed at the map's screen, but the point glowed no brighter for Mace than the others.

"Good job, Obi-Wan. He's exactly where I thought he'd be. That little dot is the planet Harlisk."

"So now we rescue Quigee, just like Captain Maverick?"

"I hope so, Obi-Wan."


Qui-Gon woke screaming the name over and over. Fear, yes, he was feeling fear. Fear was good. Fear meant he could still feel something, anything. The large man took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around his drawn-up knees. He'd contacted Obi-Wan through their bond last night. It had felt so warm, so right. His Obi-Wan was safe and well, and he loved him. Love...the man sighed at the thought. Yes, he'd felt it. He loved that little boy with all his heart and soul, and it was returned. Obi-Wan's presence in his mind shone like beacon in a storm, eradicating the darkness that had enveloped him. But then they'd given him his next injection, and it was all taken away from him again. Now he had trouble remembering what it had felt like. Now it was just a memory of a feeling. His chest ached, and Qui-Gon found himself crying, his face buried in his knees.

That's how his captors found him a few hours later. When Salin came in with the needle, the Jedi froze, staring at the door. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"How do you feel, Master Jinn?" the voice asked calmly.

"Stop asking me that!" Qui-Gon screamed. "You ask me that every time, and it never changes. I can't feel. I only feel when you let me. I feel...angry...sad...confused. Why? Just tell me why? Who are you?"

"I'm the avenging angel, Master Jinn. I'm the one who's going to bring justice to the Jedi Order. Justice for all the children you've taken, crying, from their mother's breast. Justice for all the minds that have been altered, just because it suited you to do so. Justice for all those little Apprentices who are trained to become slaves to their Master's whims. And you, Master Jinn, are patient X. You're the one who will make it all possible. How does that make you feel?"

He couldn't take it anymore. His control lost, Qui-Gon flew across the room, his face pressed to the small slit that allowed his captors to view him. Wild blue eyes sought and found green ones, so close.

"Temper, temper, Master Jinn. There is no emotion, remember? I'd think you'd be glad I was making it possible for you to live up to your vaunted serenity."

"I am hardly serene," the Master growled. "Incase you haven't noticed."

"Yes, that does seem to be a problem. We've altered your medication slightly, hoping to accommodate that fact. It seems that you're becoming more and more disturbed during your down periods. I'm considering having them increase your dosage. Less down periods: fewer problems. Wouldn't you agree?"

"No," he whispered, all the fight going out of him.

"Then I suggest you go back and sit down. The boy has your next injection ready."

Backing away from the door, Qui-Gon turned his head to see Salin standing nervously near the wall. He sat down next to the boy and held out his arm. As Salin moved closer with the needle Qui-Gon felt a sense of dread, and wanted desperately to flee from whatever was in the needle, but knew he didn't have a choice. He felt the pinch of the needle, and the immediate sense that the little boy was right, his insides were dying. If he listened very carefully he could almost hear them screaming.

Part 5

"Jedi? Jedi, wake up. You're making a lot of noise."

Qui-Gon woke with a start. His eyes focused on the small boy in front of him. Salin, yes, the one with the needle. He instinctively flinched from the boy's touch.

"Salin? Why are you awake?"

"Because you were yelling. Who's Obi-Wan?"

Qui-Gon took a deep breath. "He's the most important person in my life. He's the little boy I told you about."

"The one who'd be mad if you didn't come back?"

"Yes, that's him. He's a year or two younger than you are, and has hair the color of gold. His eyes are like the sky when a storm is coming: sometimes blue, sometimes gray, and every so often they even turn a shade of green that reminds me of the forests on Endor. That's usually only when he's feeling mischievous though."

"Are you his father?"

"Oh, no. But I was there when he was born. I was the very first person to ever see him. He didn't even cry; he just looked up at me and smiled."

"But you love him..."

"More than anything."

"But I thought you couldn't feel anything?"

The older man's brow furled. "I can't. It's hard to explain, Salin. I know what Obi-Wan means to me. I remember the feelings, I just can't feel them now. At least not after my injections.

The little boy nodded. "I think I get it. He'll be pretty happy to see you, I bet."

"Yes, I'm sure he will be. I have to get out of here first, though."

"They're coming to get you, I think."

"Why do you say that?"

The boy shrugged. "They were saying something about how the Captain got in trouble, and now your friends knew where to find you."

Qui-Gon sighed in relief. "Thank you, Salin. I hope you're right. I don't know how much more of this I can take."

"I understand, but I don't think it would be wise to bring him into unnecessary danger."

Mace had been arguing the point with the Council for almost a half hour, with no luck.

"How will you find Master Jinn when you get to Harlisk?"

"The same way I would find any other Jedi during a search and rescue. This is no different!"

"But you agree that it would be easier and undoubtedly faster to have Obi-Wan's assistance?"

"Yes, of course it would. But..."

"Then he must go with you. You must rescue Master Jinn as quickly as possible, before any more damage is done."

Mace released his frustration into the Force. "And if I refuse?"

The image of Eeth Koth shook head. "Then we will recall you from the mission and send someone in your place."

"Then I request that another Jedi be sent to help look after Obi-Wan. I cannot be expected to wield a lightsaber in one hand while holding a four-year-old in the other."

"You must make due, Mace. There is simply not enough time for another Jedi to reach you."

"Any suggestions? Should I give him a toy and send him to play with the blood-thirsty Jedi haters while I free his bondmate?" Mace raised his hand. "Never mind. I can see I'm not going to get anywhere. What about these Watchers? Have you found any information about them?"

"Very little. It seems that the only people who have contact with Boto Malikin are his wife and young children. If he is still involved in the organization, it has to be through them. The rest of these Watchers are a mystery. They cover their tracks very well. In both instances of Jedi being taken, if the connection between bondmates had not been there, the captured party would not have been located. Other than the connection to Harlisk, we have not been able to find any known base of operations."

"The drug?"

"Without a sample, the Healer's say there isn't much more they can find out. They strongly suggest you try to bring back some of this drug, to be studied more closely."

"I'll see what I can do, in between fighting off hostiles, protecting myself and a toddler, and rescuing a fellow Jedi who can't access the Force. No problem."

"You should meditate on the situation. Allow the Force to guide you to a solution. Your emotions are not centered"

Mace could do no more than stare at the screen. Did they really just not get it? Was he like that when he sat in the Councilor's chair? "Thank you. I'll do that."

"May the Force be with you."

"And with you."

The call disconnected, and Mace was left with no more information or help than he had begun with.

He stood and stretched, feeling each muscle give thanks after being cramped in the control chair for so long. Entering the cabin, he found Obi-Wan staring out the window.

"What are you thinking?" he asked quietly.

"Just wonderin' if Quigee can see the stars like I can. When he's lonely he looks up and sees them and feels a lot better because he knows I can see them too."

Mace felt his throat constrict. "I don't know if he can see them right now, Obi-Wan, but I know he's thinking of you, and I know that you make him feel better."

"I guess so."

"Are you alright, little one?"

"I just miss him. He was really scared, and I have to hold on to him, but it's hard, and I don't want to mess up. I'm just little."

The Jedi Master sat down gently on the bunk.

"Obi-Wan, you might be little, but you have the heart of a great warrior. You've been very brave, and we're all very proud of you."

"I want Quigee to be ok."

Mace opened up his arms and Obi-Wan climbed in his lap. "We all do. There's a saying: Your focus determines your reality. It means that the more you want something, the more likely it is to happen."

Obi-Wan pondered that. "So if I want him to be ok, and want it really hard, then he will be?"

"If you want something enough you can make it happen, Obi-Wan."

The little boy nodded. "Ok. I'll want it really, really hard then."

As Obi-Wan dozed off, Mace thought more about the theory, and decided if anyone could make Qui-Gon's safety a reality it was the four-year-old in his arms.

//I want it a whole lot. More than anything. More than the new Captain Maverick game, even.//

Qui-Gon smiled and laid his head against the cold metal floor. The drugs were wearing off again. It had been much longer this time. But he could feel Obi-Wan's dreams. His little Imp had pulled him into their bond again, as he had before.

//What do you want so badly, my Obi-Wan?//

//You to be ok. Master Mace said if I want it enough it'll happen.//

//I believe you could, my Imp.//

//We found the man, and now we're coming to rescue you. You're on that planet that I was on before. I saw it on the map, and it glowed really bright when I thought about you.//

That piqued the Master's curiosity. //The planet you were brought to when Master Aronna was hurt?//

//Yeah. The one with the man with the scar that made you so upset.//

The pieces began to fall into place. He was on Harlisk, then. That was an interesting turn of events. Then these weren't just random attacks, they were connected.

Qui-Gon looked up as the slit in his cell door opened, and Salin took a needle from the large hand on the other side.

//Obi-Wan, I have to go now.//

//You're scared Quigee. It's ok, I'll wish for you really hard. It'll be ok. I'll hold onto you like you asked me to. I promise!// Obi-Wan sobbed through their link.

//Oh, my precious Obi-Wan. I need you to let me go for now. I'm afraid you'll be hurt by what's happening to me. Please, Obi-Wan.//

Salin was beside him now. "Salin, please, wait." The little boy gave him a confused look, but held off.

//Obi-Wan. Wake up. You need to let me go, just for a little while.//

//No. You'll go away again and it'll get fuzzy.//

"Give him the shot, boy." The voice from beyond the door. Malikin?

//Obi-Wan. Let go.//

Qui-Gon put out a hand, stopping Salin.

"Master Jedi, please! He'll hurt me if I don't!" Salin pleaded, his brown eyes filling with tears.

Qui-Gon tried to sever the connection, but without a grasp of the Force he was unable to control the bond.

//Obi-Wan...my beloved Obi-Wan. Please.//

With the connection firmly in place and active, Qui-Gon watched as Salin slipped the needle into his arm. He heard his bondmate's screams echo through his mind as he succumbed to the psychic backlash and the darkness that sought him.

Part 6

Qui-Gon squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out the brightness overhead. His head was throbbing, and the light only made it worse. Opening them slowly, his eyes adjusted, and he looked down to find Salin. The little boy was curled up on the Master's chest. That would certainly explain the difficulty breathing. He began to sit up, but stopped when Salin stirred. The boy's eyes met his, and then looked down.

"I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't want to. I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter, Salin. Don't worry, I can't be angry with you," the Jedi said impassively.

"You slept a long time this time."

"Yes. Obi-Wan was hurt. He was in my mind. I felt his pain, and it was too much. I'm already too weak, I don't think I'll be able to handle this much longer. I know they don't mean to kill me, but they will, at least at this rate."

Salin's eyes widened. "Obi-Wan got hurt? Oh ... I'm sorry. But you can't die, he needs you! Remember?"

"Yes, I remember. But ... it doesn't matter. Nothing matters. I'm dying. All I can do now is hope that he will overcome my death."

"No!" Salin yelled, jumping to his feet. "You're not going to die. You promised if I helped you'd take me with you. And I helped you. You have to be ok!"

"I'm sorry Salin. If I knew what they were doing, what they were giving me ... "

"I can find out. I'll ask one of the nurses. She likes me. I think she feels sorry for me. If I ask her she might tell me. Then you'll be ok?"

"Probably not, but there is a chance."

"Ok then. I'll ask her. You just need to hold on a little while."

"I'll try, Salin. If not for me, then for Obi-Wan."

"What do you mean his midi-chlorians are dying?"

"Exactly what I said, Mace. We've rechecked his counts three times. They're not just being neutralized, like in a Force-Inhibitor, they're being destroyed." The Master healer's voice remained calm, but his face showed that he was as confused as anyone at the moment.

"Will he regain them?"

The older man shook his head sadly. "There's no way of telling. We need a physical sample of his blood, and we can't get that until you return."

"And Qui-Gon?"

"If this is the result to the partner, I don't want to imagine what the actual recipient is facing."

"Try. I need to know what *I'm* facing T'kel."

The healer took a deep breath and ran a hand over his eyes. The small holo-figure looked tired, Mace thought. "It's possible that Master Jinn is facing the complete destruction of his midi-chlorians. He's probably dealing with fatigue, emotional instability, and in the long- run a complete loss of any Force ability. Mace," the healer paused to let the ramifications set in. "We need to find him and get him back here, as soon as possible. If you can get a sample of what he's been given, all the better. We might be able to find a way to heal his midi-chlorians if we have a pure sample."

The Master nodded gravely. "I'll do all I can, of course. What about Obi-Wan?"

"Keep him from accessing the bond. It's likely the bond that is causing this. There is a cascade effect happening, from what we can tell. It's like a virus that transfers from person to person through their bond."

"I understand. I suppose we should be glad he's cut off from the Force then."

The Healer nodded. "Not that he'd have access for too long, if the destruction keeps happening."

"I understand. Thank you, Tkel. Keep me informed."

Turning off the screen, Mace stood and moved to Obi-Wan's bunk. He sat down gently. Obi-Wan had fallen asleep last night curled in his arms and had never woken. Sometime in the night he heard him cry out, and then a piercing scream was torn from his body. The Jedi shuddered, remembering how he woken to see Obi-Wan writhing in pain, screaming out his agony and terror. Nothing he did had calmed the boy, but finally his small body passed out from exhaustion.

His thoughts turned to Qui-Gon, the man he'd loved once, not so long ago. No mission was ever safe, all Jedi knew that. But who would ever expect to be facing the imminent destruction of the very thing that made you a Jedi? If Qui-Gon lost his connection to the Force ...

No, he wouldn't think on that now. Qui-Gon had a chance, if he could reach him in time. And if he failed, it was possible that he would doom the entire Jedi Order in the process.

Part 7

Qui-Gon looked up into the large brown eyes of his would-be savior. Salin had been increasingly worried about the Jedi Master's condition, and had taken to watching him sleep.

"Salin? What is it?"

"I talked to the nurse, the woman I told you about? I didn't understand everything she said, but I overheard her talking to someone about middleorians, and how they were killing them. Does that make sense?"

Qui-Gon sat up, put a hand on each of the boy's shoulders. "Midichlorians? Are you sure of this?"

Salin nodded. "They said that they were going to take off your collar soon, and begin the final phase. I don't get it. Why would they take off your collar?"

"If they're killing my midichlorians I won't need the collar, I won't be able to access the Force."

"So you won't be able to do Jedi stuff anymore?"

Qui-Gon shook his head, releasing his grasp on the boy. "There has to be more to this. Salin, do you know a man named Boto Malikin?"

Salin seemed to think on that, then his eyes went wide. "That's the man who gives me the needle, the one I put in you. You know him?!"

"Yes." Qui-Gon stared at the door, wondering what Malikin was up to this time.

"They don't call him that. One guy did, but he got in trouble. They call him Orlin. I can't call him anything, I'm not supposed to even talk to him."

That raised another question. "Salin, how did you come to be here?"

The little boy sat down and stared at his feet. "My mom got captured, when I was still inside her, I think. I'm not really sure. She gave me a name though, not that anybody uses it except you. She died when I was little. I do the stuff they don't want to do, like giving you the needle, and I clean lots of stuff too. They can be really messy sometimes. You're still going to take me with you when your friends rescue you, right?"

"Yes, Salin. A promise is a promise. I won't leave you behind." Qui-Gon ran a hand gently over the boy's dark curly hair and gave him a forced smile.

Mace looked up from packing a few extra supplies into his belt pouches and found Obi-Wan wiping at his eyes. The boy looked exhausted, more than any child ever should.

"You should be resting, Obi-Wan. We're almost there."

"Can't rest. Not tired."

"Well, then, help me pack some of this. Put these ration bars into those pouches for me?"

Obi-Wan nodded and sat on the floor in front of the Jedi, his little fingers working at the pouch's opening.

"Obi-Wan, once we arrive we're going to have to be very quiet and very careful. I'll need you to use your bond to find Qui-Gon so we can get to him quickly."

"I thought I couldn't use the bond?" Obi-Wan asked, looking up from his work.

"You can't, but for this we don't have a choice. You're the only one that can find him."

"Ok. I'll find him."

Mace smiled. "Thank you. Remember what I said, if I have to fight them I want you to stay hidden until I tell you it's safe."

"Then we'll sneak through, rescue Quigee, and go back home."

"Right. Don't take any risks. Stay with me, and do exactly as I tell you. No questions or arguments. That's very important, Obi-Wan."

"I know," Obi-Wan said, rather indignantly. "That's why you told me three times already."

The sound of a warning alarm brought Mace to his feet in an instant, heading towards the cockpit. They had come out of hyperdrive, and were approaching Harlisk. With no ruling government, Harlisk had nobody monitoring planetary defenses, the one saving grace of the mission to date. Mace maneuvered the ship into orbit and sent the sensors to alert him to any other ships in the area.

"Obi-Wan?" Mace called out to the boy in the next room. "I need you to come up here."

"Are we there?"

"Yes, little one. Now sit here beside me and see if you can find Qui-Gon for me. Here's a map of the planet. Take your time, and concentrate."

"Ok." Obi-Wan closed his eyes and opened himself to the bond he shared with Qui-Gon. It had been several days since he's used the bond, and it felt thin and weak, almost as if it could snap at any moment. But he knew it wouldn't. No matter how thin it became, his bond with Qui-Gon would always be there.

When he was sure he had as strong a hold on the bond as he was going to get, Obi-Wan cast out through it, trying to feel his bondmate's presence in the Force. There was nothing there. Over and over he searched, reaching further and further, but still there was nothing.

Mace watched Obi-Wan carefully from the pilot's chair. This had to work. Harlisk was too large to search normally. Though he hated to concede the point, if they were to rescue Qui-Gon in time to help him, Obi-Wan was the only hope they had. But he wouldn't risk the boy's life. After a few minutes he saw tears roll down the child's pale cheeks. He could feel the frustration Obi-Wan was radiating, and knew the boy was having a much more difficult time locating Qui-Gon than the last time they'd tried this.

Obi-Wan knew he couldn't give up, and could feel Master Windu beside him, sending him his support. He had to keep going. He had to find Quigee. Finally, he felt the faintest brush along the bond. Reaching out with his mind he grasped a hold of it tightly. He wouldn't let go again, not for anything. Opening his eyes he looked at the map. The planet turned slowly, and as it made its pass, Obi-Wan saw a pale glow. He put his finger on it.

"There," he said quietly.

Mace looked and entered the coordinates into the navi-computer. "Good job, Obi-Wan. You can relax now."

But Obi-Wan didn't relax. Something inside of him told him that if he let go now, he'd let go forever.


The blonde hair fell in front of his eyes as he shook his head. "I won't let go. Can't."

"Obi-Wan, this is not the time. Remember, we talked about this? You need to do as I say, now." Mace's heart was beating faster. He couldn't let Obi-Wan be hurt. Qui-Gon would have his head. This boy was his responsibility now, and he'd be damned if he let anything happen to him.

"I'll lose him. I can't lose him again." Obi-Wan began crying in earnest now, tears streaming down his face, his cheeks becoming red.

Mace turned his chair to face Obi-Wan and wiped the tears away, taking a deep breath. "We'll find him another way. I can't risk you doing this. It's too dangerous, Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon wouldn't want this."

Sensing that he would get nowhere with the boy, Mace released the fear that hovered around his mind, waiting for him to give in. If Obi-Wan was intent on doing this, they'd just have to be more careful. If they removed the Force inhibitor from Qui-Gon, and the bond was active, Obi-Wan would feel the full brunt of this "virus". Everyone who shared a bond with the boy would be affected, and it would go on and on throughout the Order until all were infected.

"Alright, Obi-Wan. We'll do this your way. Just calm down." Mace leaned over and wiped the tears off the boy's face. "You hold on to Qui-Gon. We'll just have to work a little faster, that's all."

Obi-Wan looked up at him then, gray-blue eyes glistening and rimmed with red. He sniffled and wiped his arm across his nose in response. "Really? 'Cause I'm not letting go, no matter what."

"Really. You're as stubborn as Qui-Gon, and twice as cute. Now I know why you get away with so much." Mace gave a wry smile, and looked back at the screen. They were almost there. "I want you to go and put on the clothes I brought for you. If you need help, I'll be in directly."

Obi-Wan slid off the chair, moving into the adjoining room.

Closing his eyes briefly, Mace punched in the communications code for the Jedi Council Chambers on Coruscant and waited.

They're coming. Every part of Qui-Gon's soul cried it out over and over again. Obi-Wan was coming. Mace was bringing him here, to this place. Malikin was here, waiting. Something Salin had said several days ago screamed out to him.

*'They were saying something about how the Captain got in trouble, and now your friends knew where to find you'*

Malikin knew that there were Jedi on the way to Harlisk. He'd known for days. He was allowing the Jedi to come to Harlisk. He knew the planet was under his control, and he had people who would die for their cause. All he had to do was sit back and wait for his next test subjects to arrive.

"No," Qui-Gon whispered at the thought of Obi-Wan being held captive by that man again. He could feel his bondmate's presence, in the back of his mind. He couldn't reach out and touch it as he once could. He couldn't wrap himself in the love he always felt from the little boy. It was there though, and that was what kept him going, kept him fighting. Malikin had chosen poorly for his experiment. Perhaps another Jedi would have given in to the loss of emotions, the Force deprivation, but not this Jedi. His bond to Obi-Wan kept him sane and whole.

Looking around the room, Qui-Gon moved to the door and began a thorough investigation. When it opened next, he would be the one who was ready. He would be the one who was waiting to spring the trap. Force help whoever was on the other side, because he wouldn't be stopped this time.

concluded in next part