Threshold III: End of the Line

by Cincoflex (

Category: Q/O Vampire

Rating: NC-17

Dedication: For Christy, who knows all about sharing a good thing.

Disclaimers: All Star Wars characters, with the exception of original creations, are the property of George Lucas and no copyright infringement is intended or implied.

The time has come for a bath.

Or at least a shower, a sprinkling of water across my brow and shoulders, perhaps even across the horizon, relieving the heat and dust of this dry little nothing backwater of a planet. Why Qui-Gon and I have been requested to come here is beyond me and I can't believe we've spent as much time on Sumax as we have. In all truth, if the Senate seriously thinks that a terrorist organization is based here, they are sadly mistaken--this planet has nothing to appeal to the criminal element--there are no trade routes nearby, no military or industrial centers, no obvious targets or sanctuaries of any sort. In the past three weeks, all we have found here are farmers struggling to pull harvests of Sweetgrass and Jalla melons from the apathetic land.

The few authorities we've encountered are kind enough, but ignorant of galactic politics in general and seem happy to stay that way. Qui-Gon finds it all amusing. I find it boring to the extreme. Now we are stuck at a little spaceport town, waiting for the next interplanetary shuttle to take us to yet a bigger spaceport town for the second leg of the trip back to Coruscant.

It doesn't help matters either, that I am feeling the return of my red appetite as well; a familiar craving is nudging my stomach every time I look at my master. If he senses it, he hides it well and says nothing. Qui-Gon and I both know that my feeding will have to wait until our return to the capitol and the privacy of our compartments. At the moment I am impatient, hot and tired. My master on the other hand, is fascinated by a yard full of reconstructed droids that we are passing by.

"Genuine Ba'alt servos . . . " he muses, prodding at a triangle of rusty green metal with a finger. "I haven't seen one of these in thirty years."

"A piece of junk," I peevishly snap. "I'm sure it can't even *move* anymore, let alone harvest." The back of my neck is sticky with sweat, and the hazy afternoon light is giving me a heat rash. I never minded the sunlight until after my death and subsequent change--now any extended exposure to it is unbearable. Qui-Gon doesn't seem to notice my discomfort, which annoys me further; he drops to his haunches and leans closer to the servo unit, studying it intently.

I sense a presence. Looking up I meet the wistful gaze of a young woman. She's several meters away, standing in the doorway of the workshop, watching the two of us and I'm struck by how completely still she is. Her long hair is hidden under a black gauze veil, and her wan pale face is petite, oval-shaped. Only her large amethyst eyes seem alive in this muggy heat and I nod to her, receiving a small smile in return.

"If you remember Ba'alt servos, then you are definitely off-worlders," she calls out. Qui-Gon looks up, slightly startled. The girl slowly crosses the yard to us, stepping around various 'bots and droids until she's right next to me. The faint scents of cinnamon and yeast cling to her hands and long skirt; even Qui-Gon smells the residue of her baking and smiles appreciatively as he stands up again.

"Poor old things. I charge them up once in a while and let them mow the lawn around the spaceport," she murmurs. "They were built with a work ethic you see, and cannot stand sitting around idle for very long."

Her voice has an old-fashioned inflection; she sounds like one of the senior senators. Before I can figure out which one, Qui-Gon holds out his hand to her. She takes it and shakes it, smiling shyly.

"I am Qui-Gon Jinn, and this is Obi-Wan Kenobi," my master introduces me. The girl extends her hand to mine, and her fingers are cool, her skin cobweb soft.

"Vossa Galleon."

As we shake hands I have the unsettling impression she knows not only who I am, but *what* I am. There is no fear in those light violet eyes, not a trace of it, and the response rising in me is an odd one of relief. Before I can ponder the meaning of it, her smile is wider.

"Come out of the heat, padawan Kenobi and rest yourself. The weather isn't doing you much good," she tells me. Qui-Gon shoots a concerned glance in the direction of the spaceport. Vossa nods. "I'm certain that there is enough time, Master Jinn. The shuttle won't be leaving for at least two hours."

"If you are sure . . ." he hesitates, giving her a strange look. Vossa makes an affirmative sound and leads the way to the workshop without looking back to see if we will follow. Her self-assurance is refreshing and unnerving; Qui-Gon is torn as to whether to take up her offer of hospitality or not. I have fewer qualms and a strong desire to get into the cool shade. I nudge his arm gently.

"Shall we?"

"Yes," Giving one last fond look at the ancient servo, Qui-Gon wipes his dusty hands on his trousered thighs and heads for the workshop door. I follow him, reaching the shadowy interior of the workshop just as he does, hoping that this little diversionary visit will make the time go faster. Vossa is attractive, and I have always known that Qui-Gon is a man of universal appeal--it will be interesting to see what happens.

The shop is surpassingly tidy and deliciously dim. Gleaming tools and devices hang neatly on hooks over the workbenches; the scents of machine oil and solder and ozone hang in the air, along with a stronger fragrance of freshly baked pastry. Qui-Gon's stomach growls. I hide my grin and look around the walls as he rumbles under his breath,

"It *has* been almost two days since I've eaten, young padawan--"

"--It's been weeks since you've eaten *this* young padawan--"


The sound of Vossa's soft shoes on the stone paved floor grows louder and she returns, waving us to the door connecting the shop to her home. Qui-Gon needs no urging this time, but I linger behind a moment, my attention distracted by the shop. Carefully I run my gaze over it again, and it suddenly strikes me that it is *too* clean for a working place of business. There is no dust, but there is no sense of accomplishment here either--it feels as if the owner has gone away on a trip and hasn't opened up again yet. This sense of unease prickles at the back of my neck, but dutifully I head for the door, tracing the sounds of voices to find the others.

In the kitchen, Vossa is setting a plate before Qui-Gon, who is unsuccessfully protesting. She gives me a look over his head, a matter-of-fact glance that makes my grin break out again.

"I know a stomach rumble when I hear it, Master Jinn. Now eat before that poor beast devours you from the inside out," she scolds. Qui-Gon surrenders, and meekly permits her to serve up hot cinnamon buns. I pull up a chair and watch him for a moment. A melancholy wish that I could join him in eating those fragrant, warm treats stabs through me and I look away before he sees it. Vossa hands me a wet cloth.

"For your face and neck . . ." she tells me in a gentle voice. Once again, the odd feeling that she understands my situation prevails. I take the cloth and run it across my features, letting the water kiss my skin, hoping it will carry away not only the dust on my face, but my concerns as well. Ahh--she's added mint to the water, and the chill of it is a delight. When I pull the cloth away from my face, both Qui-Gon and Vossa are smiling at me.

"So there *is* someone under all that dust," comes her soothing voice. She is sitting at the table now, elbows on it, looking intently at my face. If I could blush, I suppose I would, but she doesn't seem to notice, so I stare back at her, noting features I missed earlier.

Our hostess has glossy dark brown hair framing her face under the black scarf. The skin across her petite face is tight, revealing sharp cheekbones underneath. Her full lips are pale, her nose small and sprinkled with freckles. The hollows of her throat are deep, and I feel a sudden fantasy take over as mentally I sink fangs into the slender curve of her neck, just under the delicate shell of her ear. Her blood would be sweet, like honey mixed with spices. Vossa's lips twist into a wry smile and she breaks off our contest.

"Fair enough, young Jedi--I suppose I *was* staring," she admits. Qui-Gon glances at me for a second and speaks up. His question is casual, but I recognize the wariness behind his words.

"How did you know we're Jedi?"

"Well his braid, of course. The three principle elements of the universe," she recites. "The Force, the Individual, and the Choice. All padawans wear it, but I don't have to tell you what you know already. I've met quite a few Jedi in my many years, Master Jinn." She pushes another cinnamon bun at him. Absently he takes it and watching him, I listen to the beat of his pulse, which sounds loud and lonely to me in the quiet kitchen.

Suddenly I'm on my feet, lightsaber up and flashing, slicing through the tablecloth as I realize the cold truth:

She's a Demon.

Qui-Gon too, is already at the draw as we stand back to back, lightsabers parallel, ready to fight. Wisps of smoke from the burning tablecloth fill the air. The deadly hum of our weapons reverberates throughout the room. Vossa hasn't moved. She sits, looking up at us with those huge eyes; I falter for a moment.

"Please stop," the low lullaby of her voice requests. "I am no threat to you."

In the long pause that follows, I feel my fangs distend in an instinctive reaction.

"How can you prove that?" Qui-Gon demands tightly. Now I can hear his elevated heart rate, and feel the tension racing through in his body as his back presses to mine. I sense his desire to protect me at all costs and a reciprocal urge flushes through me.

"You have shared the hospitality of my table without harm," she reminds us, and her voice still carries that old-fashioned inflection that makes me think of years past. I look at Qui-Gon; he is my master and I must follow his judgement.

Swiftly, he flicks the blade off and resheathes the handle on the belthook under his cloak. Anger darkens his face and I know he feels as betrayed as I do. Vossa sighs and pinches out a smoking ember on the edge of the tablecloth, her pale fingers picking up soot as she does so.

"Don't you remember that fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to the Dark Side of the Force, Master Jedi?" An odd look crosses Qui-Gon's face; he wants to laugh and frown at the same time. Vossa points her sooty finger at him.

"Impulsive you are, dangerous this is--tell me, does Master Yoda still spout those stupid little truisms with that smug smile of his?"

A long pause follows.

Qui-Gon does laugh, and I find myself joining him; her mimicry of the old Jedi Master is nearly perfect, and despite the obvious danger of our situation, it does feel good to let some of the tension go. Vossa smiles, pleased with herself and motions for us both to sit down again.

"Yoda--I haven't thought of him in nearly a century, but he was one of the first Jedi I ever met."

"How old are you, anyway?" I blurt out, unable to restrain myself. She looks to be in her early twenties, but when she turns those amethyst eyes to me, I suddenly see the mysterious facets of centuries in them. She sighs once again.

"Lad, I was born in the third year of the Republic."

Qui-Gon and I share a shocked glance. Vossa closes her eyes and stretches her fingers out over the table. She speaks quickly and sadly, as if this old familiar story is burned into her memory and listening to her, I suspect it is.

And such a tale! Losing her life to a demon in the sands of Talanaria, rising a day later to begin hunting. Years of fear, hate and blood as she drained life from hundreds of beings, moving from world to world, century to century, life to life. Vossa speaks of meeting the builders of Coruscant, of working for the First of the Hutts. She describes the horrors and delights of her life with equal gravity, leaving Qui-Gon and myself listening in rapt silence. I look on her white face and wonder how anyone could stay sane through all that.

I wonder if I will stay sane should I survive as long as she has.

She looks up, and smiles, as if sensing my thoughts, and reaches out one of those small hands to mine. The pressure of her touch is light.

"You will, Obi. From the very beginning, you drank what was freely given, and that makes all the difference."

The confused expression on my face makes her laugh in a very knowing way; even Qui-Gon is looking amused at my expense, and my annoyance comes through loud and clear.

"I don't see any difference. When I drink, it's all a matter of feeding my hunger for the moment, and moving on."

"That's where you're wrong, padawan. Try drinking from an unwilling, terrified, unaroused victim sometime," she snaps back at me. Through her grip on my fingers I sense a flood of anger and fatigue coursing through her system, washing from her to me. I sense something else too--a hollow aching pain from some unhealed wound.

"How long has it been since *you've* fed, Vossa Galleon?"

She stiffens, and pulls her hand away, but some little mean spirit in me won't let her have the last word, even if she is centuries older than I am. I know Qui-Gon is getting annoyed with me; I can hear him clearing his throat warningly, but I refuse to back down.

"How long?"

Finally she pushes herself away from the table and rises, with all the dignity of a queen going to her execution. Vossa motions to the back door and walks through it. Curious now, both Qui-Gon and I stand then follow her, stepping out into the fields behind the house. The sickly yellow light of the sky tells me that a storm is coming tonight, and a hot, dry wind is desperately whipping the grass at our feet. I am dimly aware that we have missed out shuttle, but it doesn't matter now--Vossa is leading us to a pyramid marker in the distance.

I am feeling ashamed at having goaded her, but it is too late to turn back. Impulsiveness isn't generally a quality in my nature--most who know me would agree to that assessment--but something about this Demon is bringing it out in me. Finding another person who shares my affliction is fortuitous. Finding one who can teach me about living with it is nothing short of amazing. From the look on Qui-Gon's face I see he's thinking along the same lines and without a word spoken between us, the decision is made; we will stay, at least for the night. I hurry to catch up to Vossa intending to apologize. She has reached the pyramid.

It is a man's tombstone, with dates marking an eighty-year span. The grass around it is neatly trimmed, and flowers adorn the base.

"Ky?", she calls.

The pyramid hums and from it rises the ghostly image of a hologram. The man is lanky, with straight black hair nearly waist long, and a trimmed beard. His smile is a generous grin. Vossa reaches out a hand, letting it pass through his shoulder; she isn't crying, but I can hear tears in her voice.

"Ky Galleon, my mate. He died of a fever last year," she murmurs. "I haven't fed since that day."

I stare at her, stunned by the enormity of her grief. I tremble. A year without feeding--no wonder she's so pale and moves so slowly. I cannot grasp the concept of choosing to starve to death, to wear that voracious red hunger day in and day out, like a shroud. Qui-Gon moves behind her, gripping her thin shoulders in comforting support. She continues to gaze at the hologram.

"We had sixty good years between the two of us. Ky gave me the soul I never thought I could regain."

"No, Vossa. He merely cultivated and nourished the one that was always within you," Qui-Gon tells her. She smiles, bleakly, and turns away from the pyramid. The wind is whipping at her widow's scarf; I desperately want to say the right thing, and nothing comes to mind. Suddenly I feel petty, selfish, and very, very young.

The storm has arrived. Outside the wind is moaning like a wounded animal and the rain pounds steadily on the windows. We are in the main room of the house, a warm dry den. I'm cleaning boots, wiping mud and grass off of them as I ponder how to approach Vossa. Certainly she has much she could teach me, and I may never have another chance to learn from a kindred being. But I am unsure how to ask her, and my behavior earlier doesn't give me any courage. My hunger is getting more insistent as well. It sparks a question, and I turn to Vossa, who is tending the blaze in the fireplace.

"If you don't eat food, why did you bake cinnamon rolls?"

She looks over at me, a slightly blank expression shifting to surprise. One hand dusts dirt off the other as she replies.

"Habits die hard. I usually bake once a week, and take the rolls to the cantina near the spaceport. Give me something to do, and keeps me in practice I suppose. Besides, I like the smell--reminds me of better times."

"Ah." I sound like a pompous idiot.

There is a silence that follows this; Qui-Gon is in a corner of the room, disassembling his lightsaber and cleaning the crystals in it. He is humming to himself, softly. Vossa smiles at the sound and seems to come to a decision as she glides over to me. She bends down to grip my wrists and says,

"Set the boots down. I want to show you something, Obi."

There is something teasing and light in her voice, something flirtatious. Slowly I set the footwear aside and rise, wiping my hands on the edge of my tunic to buy time. She's small; I'm easily a good head taller than she is and Qui-Gon will positively tower over her, I realize. Vossa turns around and backs up to me, pressing her spine against my chest and abdomen. Her hands reach for mine, pulling them around her waist as if she's tying a belt. I suppose the confused expression on my face *does* look silly because Qui-Gon is gravely amused, watching us.

"Tighter. Hold me as if I were the dearest, most precious thing in your life," she commands. I take a breath out of habit and assess the situation quickly: a sweet-smelling and very pretty woman is molded to my body, urging me to wrap myself around her. It's strange. It's exciting. It's not in any Jedi teaching or lesson I've ever had and suddenly I am torn. Although my love for Qui-Gon is strong, a flush of lust for Vossa surges up, leaving me ashamed and aroused. I dare not look at my master as my arms quickly encircle her tiny waist.

"Wonderful, You're certain you have me now?" she breathlessly murmurs over her shoulder. I can barely nod, wondering what in the seven hells she's trying to do, and hoping that whatever it is, it will feel even better. The swell of her rounded bottom pressing against me is creating a splendid sensation. Her dark hair smells of warm sweetgrass. My fangs sprout of their own accord, reacting as quickly and urgently as the rest of my body does as I try to tighten my grip on her--

She's gone. Thin filaments of mist rise up from my clasped arms, lazily drifting around me in a lacy pattern of white smoke, leaving me with an armful of empty dress. Startled and bewildered, I drop the garment, brush away the haze and glance around the room, trying to figure out this conjure trick. A soft laugh floats in the room. Even Qui-Gon looks unsettled as he watches me whirl about, looking for Vossa.

"Transfiguration. I've heard of it, but never have seen it happen before, " my master rumbles. I reach for the mist, letting my hand pass through it as I call out,


"Here . . ." the faint whisper answers. " . . . And here . . . " the gossamer strands of our hostess drift towards Qui-Gon to wrap around his shoulders and ribs. He glances at the smoky strands caressing him, and a sensual expression passes over his features; a hooded look of smoldering desire.

I growl. Jealousy's lightning strikes me and I fly across the room as Vossa shimmers back into substantiality, her slender bare arms cradling my master's form. I seize her throat in my hand, clenching tightly enough to choke the unlife out of her if need be.

She vapors out again, leaving me with a fistful of wispy fog and her voice echoes in the room once more, cutting through my rage. Qui-Gon returns to the pieces of his lightsaber, his expression carefully neutral although I can sense the disapproval coming off him in waves.

"Temper temper--I never intended to poach, young Obi-Wan."

"I don't believe you," comes my curt reply. How I hate the ugly sound of my voice, thick with jealousy and hunger, and how easily I have let the veneer of civility be torn from me! I feel pressure against my back.

She's there, naked, looking fragile and sad, her little fingers toying with my braid, her full breasts pressing on my shoulderblade. It takes me a moment to control myself and cut off the flood of conflicting sensations in me. Vossa speaks first, her lips tantalizingly close to my ear. She lets one delicate catlike fang touch it.

"If I had truly wanted your master, he would have been mine before he even finished crossing my doorway this afternoon, lad. I don't deny he's powerfully attractive, brimming with the sort of sexual vitality that could keep me well fed for a few decades," she breathes. "But thine he is, and thine he shall stay. I merely wanted to show you the changing I can do. Have you a talent for it?"

"I-I-I don't think so, " I stammer after a moment's pleasure of her touch. I cannot believe the intensity of her seductive power, affecting me even through my anger and suspicion. Truly this is a demon to be reckoned with. Mingling trepidation and lust, I turn to her, looking down into those lavender eyes, wondering if she can read my mind before I speak. She refuses to help me, and stands waiting for me to say something. I am acutely aware of her body, of the curves and hollows and scents that are so different from Qui-Gon's and yet in this moment, just as alluring.

"Why are you choosing to starve to death?" I demand, my hands longing to touch her. Even Qui-Gon is listening closely for the answer, his expression alert and curious. I enjoy the way the firelight gleams off his silky hair as he looks up.

"Because I am too old, too tired and too sad to find a lover, Obi-Wan," she replies, touching my temple with a gentle finger stroke. "To search out someone who is willing to give me succor with blood and soul is very hard to do and right now I am so weak that I doubt I will exist beyond the next phase of the moons."

"But--" Although I despise my condition at times, the thought of deliberately ending it rarely occurs to me, and certainly not in the fashion Vossa has chosen. Out of the corner of my eye, I see that Qui-Gon has finished reassembling the lightsaber.

"I wait for my final dissolution into the Force, " Vossa sighs. "Perhaps to rejoin Ky at last."

"Ah, but consider how wasteful that will be," Qui-Gon breaks in. He flicks the blade on and swings it around, testing it absently as he thinks aloud. "You have strength and wisdom borne of the centuries. Think of the good you might still accomplish with it." As his comment ends, he pauses before the two of us, looking down from one face to the other. I sense a whisper of despair in him battling with the hope that Vossa might be talked out of her suicide. He clicks the lightsaber off, and the bumblebee hum of it dies away.

For one second, a bright gleam of hope sparks in her eyes, only to fade as she drops her gaze. Ah the incongruity of our situation! Two Jedi arguing philosophy with a naked girl--Mace Windu would blush; Yoda would shake his head and sigh. Only Qui-Gon makes it seem like a normal course of events. It's not as if his body is unaware of her--I smell the light sweat of excitement on his skin--but as with so many other circumstances, my master is able to keep things in balance.

And I instantaneously weigh the options before us as Qui-Gon bends down to scoop up the abandoned dress and hand it to Vossa.

I could ask Qui-Gon to seduce her. Surely if he offered himself, Vossa would be compelled to drink as they made love. It's an exciting, jealousy-tainted image in my mind, picturing the two of them locked in the throes of passion.

I could seduce her myself. Not with empty veins as I have now, but after taking my fill of Qui-Gon's blood, I could slip into her bed and bare my throat to her. To lock my arms around her again, and luxuriate in the grateful sensuality of another demon--

I start, realizing the truth in a quick flash of insight: it will take both of us, Qui-Gon and me, to keep her from true death. Although sexual enticement is not a widely taught or practiced Jedi activity, I know from my experiences with my master that his compassion and sensuality find their recipients with unerring accuracy. I look at him.

Qui-Gon has the dress in his hand; instead of giving it to Vossa, he brings it up to his face and draws in a deep breath. She gives him a startled look; he sighs, a slow smile spreading across his face.

"Vossa, you wear the sweet smells of rain and grass, yeast and cinnamon, repairmans' oil and woodsmoke." he tells her in a low voice. I want to laugh--not because his remark is funny, but because he has obviously come to the same conclusion I have. Qui-Gon's penchant for strays is legendary, and if this is the start of his seduction, then I have but to follow. A niggling doubt about my ability to share my master comes to mind and I shove the thought away--better to concentrate on the moment and let the Force draw us together.

Slowly I shift until I am behind Vossa, and look up past her dark hair to Qui-Gon's glittering blue stare. His eyes touch mine briefly; a half smile confirms my suspicion. I give a slow nod; Qui-Gon would not need my permission, only my approval. Between us, Vossa stands still as a statue, apprehension radiating from her lithe form. The age old response of fight or flight is evident in her stance.

"As a Jedi, I am bound by a moral code, and I cannot let you die without offering you whatever is needed to sustain you," he rumbles, one large hand reaching out, palm up. Deliberately, he draws somet the softness of her skin. She gives a whimper of pleasure, and I whisper,

"Take it, Vossa. Take it and live on. There is still so much that only you can teach me . . ."

"But Ky . . ." comes her protest, heartfelt and torn. I sense Qui-Gon moving closer, trapping her in between us. I'm hoping she's too confused to think of transforming away so I run my hands up the sides of her arms and continue kissing her shoulder, losing myself in the lovely taste of her skin.

As I do this, my mind is conflicted, divided into smaller fragments, each grappling with a different consideration. A part of me is still struggling with jealousy, hating the very thought of sharing Qui-Gon's liquid soul with this interloper. Another part is madly excited at the thought of bedding Vossa, experiencing all the new delights of a partner in blood. Yet another fragment of my mind is caught up with sheer sensory input: the marble coolness of her shoulder, the soft scent of herbs in her hair, the sound of Qui-Gon's quick breathing as he waits for her to answer my plea.

The texture of her skin reminds me of cream, cool and fragrant as I nibble my way up the back of her neck, lifting her heavy glossy hair out of the way. I realize that I am on the right track as she shivers. I hide a predatory smile that flashes across my features--it's always a secret delight to seduce successfully.

There is a slow shift of her stance, the weightless twist of waist and shoulder and neck that bring her face to within inches of mine. Neither of us breathe, but in the space where our exhalations would have mingled there is a newborn awareness of each other.

One glance at Qui-Gon and I can see that he is serenely aware of his part in all this. He has loosened his robe, revealing his throat and neck, quietly offering them to us. Both Vossa and I can feel the thrumming vibration of his pulse through the air. She is weakening, melting at the sight of this full-blooded male sacrifice. I whisper into her ear.

"Live, Vossa. Through us, live . . ."

She raises her face to the ceiling, lips parting, a soft mewling sound escaping her throat. Qui-Gon steps closer, sensing that the moment is right; he reaches out a hand to cup the side of her face, his thumb rubbing her lower lip almost teasingly. The sight fires my hunger; my own hands slide down and around Vossa's form to cup her breasts. She presses back against me, grinding against the trousers that barely restrain my cock. My gasp makes her smile. Qui-Gon's hand is stroking the side of her throat now, his other hand stretching past her to caress my shoulder. The fact that he has reached for me as well is such a comforting reassurance that I look at him, unable to stop my emotions from showing on my face. He locks on my gaze, his stare smoldering with lust.

Vossa impatiently plucks at Qui-Gon's robe, unable to focus properly on the task of stripping him. My hands are teasing her nipples now, pinching them lightly, rolling them between my fingertips. The sweet heft of her chest is a marvelous sensation, and I want to bury my face there. Unhurriedly my master pulls away from Vossa and shrugs off his clothes, casting them aside easily. The firelight gleams off his skin, highlighting his raw-boned physique in golden hues. Vossa and I sprout our fangs at the same time, but Qui-Gon shows no fear. The thick length of his cock shifts as he reaches both hands back to untie his hair. Vossa squirms in my grasp, the Force rolling off her in hot desperate waves while I let one hand slide down her stomach to cup between her thighs, gliding my fingers through the incredibly soft triangle of fur there.

I am so hard I ache.

I struggle remembering that I must submit to Vossa and I fight my own desire to take her right here and now. I slow the pace of my touch, letting Qui-Gon step forward and drop a kiss to the girl's forehead as he presses his body to hers. The pleasure that surges through Vossa reaches me too in one jolting current. Her sigh echoes between the three of us.

She turns her head and whispers to me,

"I ask your leave to feed, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Give me but one part, and I will feed *you* a ten times over."

I have no idea what she means by the latter of her words, but I nod my assent and feel her slip out of my grip and into Qui-Gon's. He cradles his powerful hands around the satiny flesh of her bottom and lifts her to him easily. His cock slides up and beyond her flesh, jutting out between her buttocks towards me. Vossa brushes his hair away from his neck, and I can see Qui-Gon's lips tighten in anticipation as she runs a tongue over the side of his throat. He lifts her higher, freeing his cock from the weight of her.

She bites delicately, gently, like a cat. Qui-Gon shudders; I can feel his cock throbbing into thicker harder dimensions as stroke it in my hands. Vossa drinks. One, two, three deep swallows and she lifts her head, a long low moan of satisfaction soaring out of her. I am amazed--three gulps? After nearly a year of starvation, all she takes are three gulps?

Qui Gon's breathing is harsh and heavy. I drop to my knees and eagerly take him into my mouth, nearly choking on the impatient length of him. Velvet hardness thrusts down my throat. Blindly I cup his heavy balls, feeling them tighten as his climax begins to overtake him. Qui-Gon gives a deep animal groan, clutching Vossa tightly as he spurts across the back of my tongue. I drink him down, but the taste of him only sharpens my hunger to a keen blade of red desire. I rise, blindly shoving forward, but cool hands grip my shoulders.

Vossa has freed herself from Qui-Gon's embrace; behind her, my master slumps to the clothes-strewn floor, resting, recovering. Vossa slips one hand around the back of my neck, and the other around my turgid cock. I stifle a groan.

"Feed on *me* little one . . ." she tenderly commands, and I resist no longer. Clutching her tightly, I carry her to the ground next to Qui-Gon and press my fangs to the pearl whiteness of her throat. Vossa arches her head back, and her hands, her amazing hands are guiding me forward as I plunge into both slick wetnesses at the same moment--

There are no words to properly convey the sensation. One taste, one sip at the scarlet from her neck and I am filled with flavors I thought lost to me in my affliction: Sun-warmed peaches, rich lamb stew, bread, chocolate, wine. My body thrusts forward, ploughing into the tight wetness between Vossa's thighs. She thrusts back, legs wrapping around me, pulling me in deeper and harder. Rising up from her throat, I loom over her small frame, my body now joined with with hers in the oldest dance known. Pleasure sears through me, scalding my spirit as I gasp, and pour myself into her.

I float away for long moments, gliding on white afterglow, feeling the Force re-align within me. A different sort of lassitude settles over my frame; if I had to define it, I suppose it would be a reconciliation of my soul and body. Vossa presses a kiss to my forehead, laughing a low sweet chuckle.

"Rich is the bloodmemory of our kind, Obi-Wan. You will carry my legacy now, and never lose its taste. Qui-Gon's offerings will carry a new sweetness for you."

I gently slip from her, trying to keep our skin touching; both of us are faintly warm, and might pass for the living.

"I . . . thank you," is all I can mutter. Sleep is falling over me like a quilt. Qui-Gon reaches over and pulls me to him, tucking me against his ribs, under his arm. Vossa curls on his other side, the three of us intertwined in a lover's knot of arms and legs.

I sleep deeply.

After a few hours I am aware of Qui-Gon shifting, and I know he is turning to Vossa, reaching for her. My heart is calm, my mind at peace, and I keep my eyes closed, letting them make love in slow tender rhythms. Vossa is not drinking him, but loving him, giving back to the living man the only gift she can. I am grateful for her consideration of him as more than just a food source.

Qui-Gon's moans are baritone grunts in a counter rhythm to Vossa's sighs. I smile into the darkness, suddenly awash in the merging of their lust, aware that they are both a part of me now, as much under my skin as my muscles or my veins. My body tingles with a shallow echo of my master's climax, the pellucid sweetness like the memory of sugar on the tongue.

In the morning, she is gone. Neither Qui-Gon nor I are suprised; we speak without words, sharing the loss in glances filled with understanding. On the table are fragrant rolls for Qui-Gon. A small holo-projector sits near them, and I activate it to see Vossa once more, her face, her lustrous hair now loose and free.

"Jedi", she bows with courtly ghostly grace. "Your precious gift is far beyond my means to ever repay. Qui-Gon Jinn, I take with me your words and your generosity of spirit--your padawan is blessed beyond his knowledge to have you."

Her phantom pauses and turns to address me, a crooked smile across her features.

"Obi-Wan, I know our paths will cross again and leave you with reluctance--we are of Blood now, and are linked until True Death. Know this--the Dark Side will seek you out. Fight it, my love. Walk your own way in the Force and be guided by the goodness within you." She lifts her chin and mouths a soft kiss in my direction as the hologram fades.

Crimson tears prickle at my eyes, but I refuse to shed any of Vossa's blood, fighting to keep it within me. Qui-Gon's hand rests on my shoulder in rough comfort and I look to him gratefully.

"Flesh may die, beloved, but some bonds go beyond the grave," he reassures me with the serene smile I have come to rely on. Stuffing the last of the rolls into an inner pocket, he leads me out into the cool sunrise. The rain has washed the dust out of the air.

For once, the light brings me no pain.