
by Gail Riordan (

In honor of Ruth's new story (which I am saving to read as a bedtime story :-)) I am hereby posting the significantly *revised* version of "Thorns" and hopefully it will make rather more sense this time.

Sockii - please replace the archive version with this one. Thank you muchly!

Custodian in Residence of Qui-Gon's Library of Poetry

Summary: The meaning in a haircut - Shakespearian sonnet.

Pairing: Q/O

Rating: PG

Archive: Master_Apprentice, JAOA, GiffStein Productions. Anyone else, please ask.

Spoilers: None

Category: Poetry

Warning: Angst

Feedback: Yes, please!

Note: This will probably make more sense if you have read the JAOA stories (my own 'Adjustments' in particular), and Ruth & Atara's 'I Have a Bad Feeling About This'. Working on the first story gave rise to the core image. Ruth's story made me pick it up, shake it out & take it to a quite different place than I thought it was going to go. I don't need to footnote the references, do I? Nah.

Well, just one - the title is a reference to both the Norse rune 'thurisaz' (thorn, control over the forces of chaos (ie the hammer of Thor), masculine creative energy and protection are *some* of the meanings contained in the symbol) and the thorns on the Steel Rose.

Disclaimers: All things TPM belong to George Lucas. This poem belongs to me, but I'm not making any money off it. (c) 26 October 1999


Rose-gold or bronze alike in sacrifice --
(Godiva armored rode in but her hair)
A nakedness revealed: will love suffice
To clothe the soul thus chastized and laid bare?
Sif was betrayed by Loki, sheared and shorn,
Restored by dwarven skill. So give Need voice:
Intention alters what is symbol-worn
And mastery submission knows by choice.
Is it Rapunzel's path that now you take,
To flee the past, the future only hold,
Or Samson's lot - that blade may spirit break,
Or something else, containing new and old?
  A strange Delilah this that cuts that length
  Not to make weak, but to engender strength.
Gail Riordan
26 October 1999