The Dress - Part Three (a) (Obi-Wan's Revenge)

by TC Regan ( and Alaric (

Series: The Dress Series

Archive to: M_A and the Nesting Place

Rating: NC-17

Summary: After being humilated in an embarrassing test, Obi-Wan gets his revenge

Author's Notes: After I wrote The Dress, I got a lot of feedback and one of them was Alaric telling me that I should let Obi-Wan get his revenge. I asked her to write it with me and between our combined efforts, we got Qui-Gon back. <eg>

Warning: Embarrassment for the dear, sweet Jedi Master

Many Thanks to: Kaiburr ( who threatened to take away my Star Wars toys unless I finished the last scene. Withour her, it might not be done. Chocolate covered Obi-Wans to you, love.

More thanks to: Alaric who really has something against Qui-Gon. <g> Kidding. Thanks for all the help. Chocolate covered Obi-Wans to you as well.

Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue. I have no money. George darling, they're all yours. I'm just playing with them.

Obi-Wan blinked, the morning sunlight was sharp in his eyes. Using the Force, he slid the curtains closed and rolled over. Memories of the day before came flooding into his head and he bit back a groan. His master, the man who he trusted his life with, had set up a quite embarrassing test of humility for him. He rolled over again, bumping into Qui-Gon's still sleeping form.

He propped up on an elbow, glanced down at the older man. He smiled evilly, remembering his plan. //A Jedi does not seek revenge// The teachings of his master echoed through his head. Revenge. Well, in a sense, it would be revenge, but it would be well worth it. His Master, he thought, should also revise his lessons in humility.

The Padawan climbed out of bed and wrapped a robe around his body. Stepping into the bathroom, he showered quickly then set to work on his plan of vengeance. He drained almost all the soap from the dispensers and let the thick liquid flow down the shower drain. Taking the towels from the closet, he tossed them out the window into a waiting mudpile. A gentle mind caress made sure that his master was still sleeping.

Continuing his reign of vengeance, Obi-Wan took his teacher's Jedi robe, which hung neatly in the closet, and slowly pulled out the thread around the sleeves. He left enough so that the sleeves would stay on, but any sudden movement, and they would drop off. Chuckling to himself, he tore a slight hole in the bottom of Qui-Gon trousers.

//There// he thought to himself //that should be enough... for now//

Satisfied with his plan so far, he occupied himself in making breakfast, an evil grin touching his face slightly.

About a half hour later, Qui-Gon awoke slowly. He stretched, yawned, then turned his head to the side to take in the view of his apprentice sitting at the table, staring at him intently. "Obi-Wan-" he began, as the memories of his test gone wrong came flooding back to him.

Obi-Wan smiled. "Do not think of yesterday, Master. I understand why you did it." He turned his back and smirked to himself. //And you should understand that I must have my revenge// he added silently.

Qui-Gon nodded, not suspecting anything out of the normal from his apprentice. He slowly moved off the bed, still naked from the night before. "I shall have my shower," he declared finally, after standing in thought for a moment.

Obi-Wan nodded and his master left the room. A few moments later the sound of falling water began, and Obi-Wan permitted himself a small grin. //Now it all begins// he thought. He sat and waited patiently until only a couple of minutes into his Master's shower, the water flow stopped. A few seconds later, Qui-Gon, completely naked and slightly covered in soapsuds, stepped into the room.

"Obi-Wan," he said calmly. "We seem to be out of soap, yet I'm sure a new supply was only delivered yesterday."

"I shall go search for some more," replied Obi-Wan. "I'm sure the supply room should hold some." He stood up and after giving his Master an appreciative look at his exposed body, he left.

Qui-Gon waited. Five minutes passed, then ten and Obi-Wan had still not returned. The supply closet was only at the end of the passage outside their door, so the young apprentice should have been back almost instantaneously.

Finally, Qui-Gon sighed and shivered, his naked, wet body starting to show the signs of feeling the slight chill the room held. He'd never noticed the cold in the room before. The internal heating system must be playing up, he thought. He wandered back to the showers in order to warm himself under the water, but as he turned the taps, no water appeared. He paused and then walked over to the tap of the sink and tried that. No luck. There was no water supply to the entire room.

He left the bathroom and wandered over to the towel cupboard and opened it in order to find a nice warm covering until his apprentice returned. His expression turned to one of confusion. There were no towels in the cupboard at all. He stood still for a moment to collect his thoughts. Obi-Wan was gone. He had no soap to finish his shower, and what was on him was now caked dry. There was not even any water to wash it off with. Furthermore, Obi-Wan had gone and not returned. The heating in the room had and was still dropping. Now the towels were gone.

He was going to have to leave the room and find his apprentice. Maybe something had happened of which he was unaware. He looked around the room and finally his eyes fell on the wardrobe containing his Jedi robes. They would suffice to cover him during his search for his apprentice, he thought. He slowly and uncomfortably dressed, the material sticking to his wet skin as he did so. He took at deep breath as he saw his disheveled appearance in the mirror and sighed. He turned around then, opened the door to their room, walked out and closed it behind him.

Obi-Wan couldn't help but snicker slightly at the sight of his master as he entered the meeting hall. He couldn't believe his luck in locating the temperature and water controls for the room so quickly. After he'd lowered the heat and shut off the water, Obi-Wan headed for the meeting they were scheduled for. Qui-Gon spotted him and raised a hand in greeting. Bad idea. The sleeve to the brown robe split under the arm and the seems continued to come undone when the Master Jedi lowered his arm. The sleeve slipped to the floor.

The Padawan could barely contain his laughter. Instead, he waved back, then turned to face away for fear of collapsing into giggles. He didn't want to give himself away too soon. He felt his Master's presence behind him. The older man had taken the robe off and folded it over his arm.


"Yes, Master?" He glanced up, and then stood.

"It is my understanding that you neglected to find any soap."

"I'm sorry, Master. I was in the hall and was stopped by one of the delegates. He pulled me in here for the meeting. You understand, I'm sure."

Qui-Gon nodded. "Quite alright. Let's just get on with the negotiations."

The Padawan waited for his master to sit. He bit back a laugh when a low ripping noise was heard. "Something wrong, Master?" he asked, viewing his teacher's expression.

Fighting to keep control of his embarrassment, Qui-Gon nodded slightly. "I seem to have torn a hole in my leggings." He stood. There was a large split up the backside of the pants. He cleared his throat. "Please tell the Sageran delegates that I will be unable to join them for this morning's negotiations," he managed with as much dignity as he could.

"Of course, Master," Obi-Wan answered, amusement clear in his voice.

Qui-Gon mumbled something, then left the meeting hall. The Padawan broke out into a fit of giggles.

Luckily for him, Qui-Gon was already halfway down the corridor and hurrying as fast as he could towards their chambers, so didn't hear his amusement. Unfortunately for Qui-Gon, though, Yoda appeared around a corner just as he had nearly reached his goal.

"Ah, Qui-Gon. Meeting there is. Attending you are not?"

Qui-Gon felt a blush rush to his cheeks as he noticed Yoda's obvious look of surprise and slight amusement at his appearance. Straightening his posture and collecting his thoughts, Qui-Gon answered, resigning to the fact that the truth would be the only words Yoda would accept.

"I' unsuitable apparel, Master Yoda," he replied. "I seem to have torn my robes and I am also, as you can see, covered in soap."

"That you are, Qui-Gon," observed Yoda. "But needed you are, at the meeting hall. Your appearance you will have to excuse. No time to change."

Qui-Gon took a deep breath as he tried to control his embarrassment and accept his fate. "Yes, Master Yoda." He reluctantly turned back around and followed Yoda to the meeting hall, and re-entered.

This time when he entered, all delegates turned to face them due to Yoda's presence. Looks of surprise and sounds of stifled laughter filled the room as Qui-Gon was noticed, and the poor Jedi Master blushed deep crimson under their gazes. Yet, he had his training to rely on, so he knew he must put his lessons in humility and control to use. He cleared his throat.

"I must apologize for my appearance," he declared to the room at large. "It is due to unforeseen circumstances, and I do sincerely hope that you all can forgive me."

The delegates all nodded politely, their diplomatic training causing them to act tactfully in this situation. Qui-Gon, though, could sense their amusement, regardless of the expressions they held. He quickly made his way to his seat at the central table, and bent to sit down. Unfortunately, another low ripping sound was heard, and virtually echoed around the room, as all attention was still on him. He heard Obi-Wan release a small chuckle next to him, and he desperately tried to keep his composure.

"I apologize, again," he muttered to the room, keeping his eyes firmly glued to the table. He could tell that that most recent rip might just have caused some serious, irreversible damage to his pants. He desperately hoped that was not the case.

//What a morning!// he thought, as the delegates took their seats. //No water, no clothes, one disaster after another, and I'm still freezing!// The hole in his pants was not helping the latter case at all.

Suddenly, just as he thought he could safely stay in his seat for the duration of the meetings, the head delegate, Lady Ga'rah, entered, and all rose from their seats out of respect and custom.

Qui-Gon automatically followed suit, and bowed. There was a chorus of shocked gasps and exclamations around the room. Qui-Gon slowly stood up, sensing all attention was on him. He looked at the Lady, who was staring in shock and, to Obi-Wan's amusement, interest, at his lower body. He turned his head and looked around the room. All else were mimicking the Lady's reaction. Qui-Gon slowly looked down at himself.


He was standing in the middle of the meeting hall with all his lower garments down around his ankles. And, to make matters worse, the cold temperature he was currently experiencing, was causing some extremely embarrassing...shrinkage...issues.

With as much dignity as he could muster, Qui-Gon bent down and retrieved the fallen garments, holding them in place around his waist. Despite his Jedi training, he could feel himself blush. He glanced quickly to his apprentice who was having a lot of trouble holding in laughter. He continued his glance around the table and his eyes stopped on Lady Ga'rah.

"Master Qui-Gon," she began, "I understand you're having... difficulties with your attire this morning."

He waved one hand nonchalantly. "It's nothing, your Grace. I'm sure--"

The Lady interrupted him. "Go and clothe yourself properly. And please wash that soap off yourself."

Qui-Gon nodded and was about to bow, but stopped himself. He glanced once more at his Padawan. The young man was fidgeting in his seat, a huge grin on his face. "Your Highness, if I may..."

"Yes, Master Qui-Gon?"

"I'd like to bring my Padawan as well." He could feel Obi-Wan's amusement drop into something akin to nervousness.

Lady Ga'rah merely waved her hand. She had already started the negotiations. Qui-Gon thanked her quietly and grabbed his student's arm, almost dragging him out of the hall.

The walk to the room was uneventful and Obi-Wan was sure to stay quiet. He could feel waves of discontent flow from his master. They reached the room and when the door slid open, a blast of cold air greeted them. Quickly and without words, the younger of the two hurried down the hall to adjust the temperature and turn the water back on. He took his time going back though, praying that he had not taken his revenge too far.

Taking a breath, Obi-Wan entered the chambers. It was still chilly, but he stepped in anyway. Qui-Gon's clothing were strewn across the floor in pieces. He winced. The water running in the other room told him that his master was readying a bath for himself. He tentatively headed into the bathroom.

"Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon was standing naked, waiting for the tub to fill as he noticed his apprentice enter. Obi-Wan stared at his feet and began fidgeting. "You did this," stated Qui-Gon.

"Yes Master," Obi-Wan said after a pause, his voice low and soft.

"Stop fidgeting."

"Yes, Master."

"Why did you do this?"

Obi-Wan paused. He knew Qui-Gon would only accept the truth. He knew he did it for revenge, but he was also well aware that revenge was strictly against the teachings of the Jedi. Qui-Gon would be gravely disappointed in him if he realised that that was the sole reason for his actions.

"Obi-Wan." His Master's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Why did you do this?" Obi-Wan eyes bore a hole in the floor at his master's feet as he struggled to think of how to reply. "Look me in the eye, Padawan," commanded Qui-Gon, using his student's formal title for emphasis of his mood. "To stare anywhere else means you do not wish to take responsibility for your actions," he finished in a critical tone.

"Yes, Master," mumbled Obi-Wan, as he rose his head to meet Qui-Gon's eyes with difficulty.

"Answer me, Padawan. Why did you do this?" Qui-Gon ordered for the third time.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath and steadied himself. "Revenge, Master, for what you did to me yesterday," he answered in almost a whisper.

Silence filled the room for an unbearable amount of time, until finally Qui-Gon spoke. "Revenge." he said simply, his voice carefully monotone.

Obi-Wan could stand it no longer. He fell to his knees and hugged his Master's ankles in groveling submission. "I'm so sorry, Master!" he gushed out. "I didn't mean for it to go that far!"

"Yes you did," replied Qui-Gon matter-of-factly. "And you found it humorous to the end."

Obi-Wan could feel the heat rising to his cheeks. "I apologize, Master," he said quietly.

Qui-Gon stood looking down at his prostrate apprentice for a moment, considering his next course of action. He sighed deeply. "Stand up, my Padawan," he said, his tone less harsh. Obi-Wan obediently rose to his feet. "Do you believe you have your revenge now?" he asked carefully.

Obi-Wan winced. "I didn't me-"

"Yes or no, Padawan," interjected Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan took another deep breath. "Yes," he replied quietly. "Yes I do."

Slowly a small smile broke out on Qui-Gon's face. "Then I suppose that we are even, Obi-Wan," he admitted. "You have taught me a well deserved lesson in humility, and I should thank you."

Obi-Wan looked at him in surprise. "Are you not angry, Master?" he exclaimed. "Do you not wish to punish me for my disobedience?"

Qui-Gon almost chuckled. "Why, Obi-Wan, you seem almost disappointed."

Obi-Wan blushed slightly. "I didn't me-" Obi-Wan began, but was interrupted by a slap on his backside.

"I could indulge you if you think you deserve it, my Padawan," said Qui-Gon with a twinkle in his eye. In one swift movement he grabbed hold of his young apprentice and pulled him down into the bath, falling on top of the boy in the process. Obi-Wan squealed as his Master began ripping his robes off until finally the elder Jedi had successfully bent and pinned a drenched Obi-Wan over the side of the tub.

"Master!" exclaimed Obi-Wan, as he strained against Qui-Gon's hold. His Master just grinned.

"A lesson to the wise, Obi-Wan," he said. "We have now both had lessons in humiliation inflicted upon us. Yet, it is I, the Master, who has learnt the fastest how to forgive, accept, and above all, give a much more satisfying show of revenge than you could ever think of."

To emphasize his meaning, he reached over his struggling apprentice to grab hold of the lube that they conveniently kept close at hand. Before Obi-Wan could protest, he pressed his lips roughly to the younger man's, pushing his tongue past soft lips. As he continued to explore his student's mouth, he opened the bottle of lube and generously coated his fingers with it.

Making sure that the water didn't wash it off his fingers, he pressed them gently to Obi-Wan's opening. The young man moaned into the kiss and Qui-Gon pulled his fingers out. He nearly melted as he gazed into his Padawan's lust-filled eyes.

"Don't stop," Obi-Wan whispered, pushing up toward the fingers.

Qui-Gon pushed inside slowly and was generously rewarded when the writhing body underneath him arched up. A moan escaped his student's dry lips and Qui-Gon leaned up to kiss him, but then he stopped.

"Master, please." Obi-Wan grabbed Qui-Gon's hand and pushed it further into him. "Ohhhh, Qui-Gon. Please."

His Master sat up slightly and observed the beautiful creature beneath him. He leaned down and began placing soft kisses along the arched neck, continuing lower until he reached a nipple. Obi-Wan sighed gently when his Master began teasing it with his tongue; gasped when he grazed it with his teeth.


Qui-Gon continued his path of kisses until he reached his student's throbbing erection. "You're beautiful." He pressed his fingers deeper into Obi-Wan's body and kissed the head of his penis, tasting the salty precum. The younger man arched up, driving himself deeper into his master's mouth.

He could hear his student moan from somewhere above him, but resolved to concentrate on the task at hand (and mouth). He swirled his tongue around, bringing his lover to points beyond ecstasy. Qui-Gon swallowed and that was it for the younger man. With a loud cry, he came, spilling his passion into his master's mouth. Qui-Gon slid easily through the water and kissed Obi-Wan gently.

"Master." The voice was soft; spent. "Master..." He reached down lazily, brushing Qui-Gon's erection gently.

The Jedi Master caught Obi-Wan's hand, brought it to his lips and kissed the fingers gently. "Don't worry about that now, love." Qui-Gon watched his Padawan's lips curve into a smile, then his eyes fluttered closed and he was asleep.

With a bit of help from the Force, Qui-Gon carried his lover to bed and tucked him in. After making sure Obi-Wan was alright, he took a cold shower, then crawled in bed next to him. He nuzzled the younger man's neck gently, then dropped off to sleep.