Sometimes It's Better Not Knowing

by Ruth Gifford (

Rating: R

Pairing: Obi-Wan/Dex Jettster

Archive: Yes

Feedback: Yes

Warning: not quite a parody, but not quite serious.

Disclaimers: If George insists on denying it, that's his business. But we know their luv is true.

Notes: Emu wanted an Obi/Dex fisting fic so much she said she'd dance naked for it. Here it is, proving that I will whore myself for BNFs (Birds Naked Frolicking). I have *no* shame left. Short notice beta and printing thanks to my darling Padawan. The only way I could write this was to conform to the challenge on "contrelamontre" an LJ community in which a weekly theme and time limit is posted and then people write slash that fits. The challenge I wrote for was as follows: Write a story from the point of view of someone who's neither part of the pairing, nor in love with one or more parts of the pairing. Up to sixty minutes.

If there was one thing Anakin Skywalker hated, it was not knowing something.

He wasn't too fond of sneaking around following his master either, but Master Kenobi had refused to let him know what was going on. And so, when Obi-Wan had explained that he would get the information they needed for their mission to the Outer Rim from a "informal source," Anakin had followed the older Jedi out of the Temple and into the bitter Coruscant night..

The trail had led him here, to this strange diner in the midlevels. Anakin hadn't dared to follow Obi-Wan into the place which was fairly open and well-lit, so he skulked outside, shivering a little in the late night wind.

Obi-Wan and some strange, huge, four armed creature exchanged hugs and then sat at a table, heads bent together as they talked. Anakin wasn't sure why Obi-Wan felt he had to keep this a secret from his Padawan. After all, the Jedi Master had any number of "informal sources;" why should this one be any different from that Nemoidian bookie, or Senator Organa's criminally young boyfriend, or the owner of the Temple laundry franchise.

Master Obi-Wan and the big creature stood up and Anakin prepared to duck back into the shadows. He would catch an airtaxi back to the Temple and catch up with a couple of his friends, so that, if asked he could honestly say he'd spent time playing sabaac with several other Padawans.

But no, Obi-Wan wasn't coming out of the diner. Instead he was following the informant into the restaurant's kitchen. Anakin moved to a different set of windows to get a better view, wondering, as he eased into place, just why his calm urbane master was grabbing a can of solid cooking grease and a pair of towels as he moved further into the kitchen.

A few minutes later Anakin Skywalker had the answers to that and a good number of other questions, and suddenly not knowing looked pretty damn good. He didn't really want to watch this, and couldn't really understand why he felt as if he were riveted to the ground like some kind of ground traffic control droid. But he watched, and, because his vantage point was a good one, he listened.

It seemingly took forever -- although later Anakin realized that maybe only twenty minutes had gone by -- but finally it was over. A little while later, as Master Obi-Wan slung his cloak on, his face betryaing nothing of the strange goings on Anakin had witnessed, Anakin overheard the final exchange between his master and the grotesque diner owner.

"Thanks Obi."

"Any time Dex, any time."

There was a pause, and then the being -- Dex -- sighed a little as he let Obi-wan out the back door. "Nothin' personal, old buddy, but ... yer Master's hands were bigger."

Anakin had to bite back a curse at that bit of information. It was one thing to see Obi-Wan with half his arm buried in the restaurateur's body, but to think of Master Qui-Gon doing it? Impossible.

As boggled as he was, Anakin almost missed his master's reply.

"I know Dex, trust me, I know."

The Jedi master raised his hood to cover his face, but not before Anakin saw the brief look of pain, longing and regret flicker across Obi-Wan's handsome, bearded face.

Obi-wan was halfway down the street, when he turned and looked unerringly to the shadowed corner Anakin still couched in.

"Come along, Padawan; our transport leaves early in the morning."

When the abashed teenager fell into place at his master's back, Obi-Wan continued walking. After several minutes of uncomfortable silence, Anakin finally spoke.

"The things a Jedi has to do for information," he said, trying to make light of the situation.

"And what makes you think that had anything to do with information, my young padawan?" Obi-Wan answered softly.

They were silent all the way to the Temple and in the morning it was a very subdued padawan who boarded the transport with his master.
