Something You Lose

by Quiara (

Category: Q/O, Angst, Obi-Wan's POV

Archive: MA, definitely, and anywhere else, just mail me

Rating: G

Feedback: I will love it and hug it and call it George. Please email it right to me, though.

Spoilers: All of TPM

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these people or what happens to them, and I'm penniless, and don't expect two cents from this writing. God bless George Lucas.

Notes: I finally went and saw it yesterday, and brought home a very upset version of Obi-Wan on my shoulder.

Summary: Obi-Wan's thoughts from different bits of TPM

He never hears what I mean, even though I know I'm saying it more loudly than the words I mouth. Is this Jedi insight, the ability not to hear your Padawan saying, "I love you"? I say it all the time, even though the syllables I use are "Yes, Master." Is it so hard to hear the meaning behind that? He knows me so well that he must know this, too, but he never acknowledges it. He just accepts the words and goes on teaching me. Surely Jedi are allowed to love. Some of the Masters are pairbonded. Not him, no, but others. My classmates fall in and out of love daily. I wish sometimes that I could do that, but he has my heart. It's been his so long that I barely remember when I started loving him so much. I try not to pine after him. I'm so lucky that I see him almost every day. It isn't even hard to hide my desire anymore. It only shows when I tell him I love him. I can wait for him to hear what I mean. I hope.

* *

The boy is so lonely. Everything he does around my Master says, "I love you, I need you, take care of me." And it is noticed, because the child is young and far from his mother. How long has it been since I saw my mother? How long since I was young in his eyes? He still looks at me as if I am a little boy with everything to learn.

The boy will make things harder between us. He is the Chosen One, or so my Master thinks. "He will restore the balance." Do we want the balance restored? It is in our favor such that there have never been more than two Sith in living memory, while our Order reaches across the Republic. If the balance is restored, what will that mean for us? An equal Order of Sith rising from the aether, Dark Masters with their Dark Padawans to combat us, or the Jedi destroyed until there are only two? How can either circumstance be good?

* *

He said that I am ready for my trials. But not because I am, because he needs to train the boy. That is obvious. And the Council refuses. Am I to be out on my ear, rejected for a boy whom no one else will have?

* *

This was why I was trained. This battle, with nothing between me and death but my own blade. I don't like fighting, really, but if it has a place in the universe, this is it. This duel between the Light and the Dark, for life or death.




We should not fight in anger, I remember that now that I have done it and killed him. I took forbidden revenge. Forgive me. Do not die, I love you. I cannot tell you so, even now, but that does not make it false. And you are not concerned with me. You are only worried about the boy. "Yes, Master." Even though I have betrayed what you taught me, I cannot deny you. Don't leave me alone.

* *

But I am alone. There is no one to love, for you are gone, Master, and you are dead, even though you taught me that there is no death. I have the boy safe, but what is he to me? He is the apprentice I never wanted. You would have thrust me from your life to have him safe by you. Instead, you are thrust from my life to have him safe by me. None of us are pleased. I must give him the teachings you would have given him. But I am afraid of him.

Take an apprentice in perfect love and perfect trust. I did. I made the vow to take him as my Padawan in perfect love and perfect trust. But I do not love him, I love you. I am afraid of him. I wish I had realized sooner that you were not always right, Master.

You were wrong this time. I know it, the Council knows it, and the boy knows it. I don't have you anymore, and the Council does not speak to me. I just have the boy, the burden I inherited from you. He is stronger than anyone, and I must train him so that he can break the power of the Order, the Council, my friends. Me. No one talks to me anymore; they think me haunted. They are right. They understand more than you did.

I cannot talk to the Council. If they knew what the boy was, they would not allow him to survive. But they must know. I am not the wisest man on the planet, any more than you were. I wish I could tell the whole Order so that they could save me from this burden, but I cannot, because that would break my vow to you. You don't know what you did to me.

What should you care of the future of the Jedi? You're dead. A real Master would never have done this to me. He would never have wanted me to train my assassin. But you didn't see. I trusted you with my heart and my future. Were you my Master when you died? My Master was perfect, infallible, immortal.

Qui-Gon Jinn is dead. I will carry his burden until the burden destroys me.