Soaring Free

by Sheltiesong (

Category: Angst Ahoy!!

Rating: PG13

Spoilers: TPM

Summary: What happens to the one left behind?

Feedback: Please! Please! I'll even beg! *g*

Acknowledgements: Mega-thanks to JT for a great beta and title and Sheyen for making me raise this darn biting bunny!

WARNING!!!!! Character death. Bring your Kleenex.

The medic looked with great sadness at the haggard features of the unconscious man before her. The young Jedi was heavily sedated, tubes snaking out of his body, vidscreens monitoring his vital functions. As the medic watched him, she got the eerie sensation that her eyes beheld not a living being, but merely the empty husk that had been left behind.

Oh, his looks had nothing to do with it; he was stunningly beautiful. Thick, closely cropped hair of copper-brown; he had an aristocratic nose, and full, rosy lips, the thinnest of braids trailing down to his chest. His lithe body was compact and powerful, his fingers long and elegant. But somehow, there was something missing; some vital spark that should have been there even in uneasy slumber was gone.

It had been only hours since the young man had been found, sobbing uncontrollably as he cradled the body of his master in his arms. The boy had been incoherent in his grief; the guards who had encountered him had to forcibly separate him from the aged Jedi. Once they had managed to pull them apart, it was quickly evident that the apprentice, Obi-Wan, was incapable of getting back to palace by himself. Physically unhurt, so deep was his shock that his legs would not hold him. He shivered uncontrollably, and a never-ending river of tears flowed from his haunted eyes.

Heart aching with compassion, Captain Panaka himself picked up the boy in gentle arms, nodding to his men to follow with the body of the fallen Jedi Master. Slowly, mindful of the losses of the day, they returned to the relative sanctuary of the palace.

Obi-Wan had been taken immediately to the medics, his fiercely trembling body wrapped in warm blankets, while the medics attempted to provide solace. His cries never quieted; he thrashed to and fro as he reached blindly for one who was not there. He had to be sedated to prevent him from injuring himself, and then his body very gradually started to fail....

The medic turned as the communit beeped, not overly surprised to see the grave face of a member of the Jedi High Council. The dark skinned man looked at him passively, only his liquid eyes betraying the grief of his heart. Of course he would have been appraised of the death of one of his number.

"How is he?" the Councilor asked quietly.

"I cannot explain it, sir," the medic replied, face creased with worry. "He was unhurt when he arrived here; very distraught, numb with shock, but unhurt. Now he is showing signs of systemic failure. His body is ... shutting down." The Councilor looked unsurprised at the response.

"That is not unexpected. Healer, though it is little known outside the Order, Jedi have the ability to form bonds of great power. Such a bond did Obi-Wan Kenobi have to his master. It formed when he was an infant, days old. He can never remember a moment where he was alone in his own mind. He ..." and here the Jedi paused. "He may not be capable of surviving this loss." Mace Windu closed his eyes in pain as the sad truth passed his lips.

"Take care of him, Healer. Comfort him if you can. But if his soul is determined to follow its mate, do not bind him to this existence. To do so would only force him to endure a lifetime of pain and emptiness." Abruptly, the transmission ended.

The medic turned once more to the lone Jedi's desolate form. Heeding some unspoken call, he gently disengaged the tubing and wires that were tethering him to someplace he could no longer stand to dwell. He laid one hand on the lost one's chest, feeling for the heartbeat that gradually slowed ...and stopped.

The despair on the still face was replaced by peace in the last moment, as the soul once more soared free and became whole.
