So Long As I Have My Revenge

by Tilt <>

Archive: master_apprentice

Category: Action/Adventure, Drama, Angst

Rating: PG-17

Series: It just keeps going and going and ....
The Storms and Fury Series is as follows:

1. Love Knoweth No Law
2. The Quiet Stars
3. An Unjust Peace
4. Storms and Fury
5. Perish the Universe
6. So Long As I Have My Revenge

Warnings: Obi has a bad ouchie during the Big Fight Scene.

Spoilers: More Xanatos than you can possibly imagine....(Altogether now! "I dunno, I can imagine quite a bit!")

Summary: Continues from "Perish the Universe". Xanatos' plans for invasion of the Republic by the Seng and vengeance on his former Master come to fruition. Reading "Perish the Universe" first reccommended.

Feedback: Gratefully accepted, thoughtfully considered, thanked-for profusely, and saved for later gloating.

Disclaimer: All hail the Great Prophet Lucas, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom filmed, thy will be done, on THX as it is in fandom. Give us this year our TPM, and forgive us our fanfic, as we forgive thee for inflicting Jar Jar upon us. For thine is the Emperor, the Qui-Gon and the Obi-Wan forever, Amen.

Qui-Gon's quote on the Seng warship ("Come follow me..."): Dante, _Purgatorio_ Canto 5

Obi-Wan's reply (the famous "Abandon all hope..."): Dante again, from _Inferno_

Xanatos' poem in the hologram: Thomas Watson

The title is the second half of a quote from Cyrano de Bergerac: "Perish the universe so long as I have my revenge."

Many many thanks to all who sent me medical info concerning Obi-Wan's big ouchie in the Big Fight Scene. Where's Bashir and McCoy and Crusher when you really need them, eh?

Brackets [ ] denote telepathy.

Find the chopsocky action hero reference and win a prize!

Obi-Wan stood serenely within the circle of his Master's arms, blushing only a little at the smiles and knowing glances he could sense all around them. The shuttle bay echoed slightly with the sounds of machinery as the two small short-range shuttles were lowered on the elevators down to the Engineering levels where they were maintained. The gray duralanium walls dully reflected the white glow of the lightstrips set at regular intervals along the walls and the blue glow of the shielded door opening to the freezing vacuum of space beyond. It was cold here and he was definitely grateful for the warmth of Qui-Gon surrounding him and touched by his bondmate's willingness to be affectionate in public.

After all, only a few hours ago they had thought one another dead.

[You've done very well, my heart,] Qui-Gon murmured softly in his mind.

[I've had an excellent teacher,] Obi-Wan sent back, teasing laughter in his mindvoice.

[Then my compliments to Aul'Khim, since I don't know the first thing about first contact diplomacy.]

Obi-Wan chuckled and leaned back against the broad shoulder behind him. [It is not Aul'Khim I have been following around for the last seven and a half years.]

[Mmm,] Qui-Gon replied. [For which I am eternally grateful.]

[I know. As am I, beloved.]

Another brief squeeze and Qui-Gon moved away reluctantly, but only to stand beside Obi-Wan as they caught sight of a Seng fighter craft coming into view before the force-shields. A blue sheet of energy began building up from the floor, sealing off the half of the shuttle bay between the massive door and the Jedi. As the Seng fighter hovered into view the force-shield that protected the great door flickered away and the Seng craft moved slowly into the shuttle bay. Once inside and settling to the floor, the force-shield flickered back into existence and the two Jedi could hear the whisper of air as the vacuum-voided section of the bay was represurized and the Seng was scanned for contaminants.

Obi-Wan took his translator from his belt and held it up to speak into it. "The beam is a contamination scanner. It will only take a moment." The translator's lightcoder flashed the message toward the Seng fighter.

"Understood, Kenobi," the translator spoke after a moment.

The red beams were just finishing their scans when the turbolift door opened behind the two Jedi and the Captain and Commander Fong and Aul'Khim joined them with nods of greeting.

As the Cyllian came into line of sight with the Seng fighter he stopped in surprise and the vocoder on his wrist let out an unintelligible squawk before he recovered himself. "Great stars! *Look at that!*"

"Problems, Fong?" Captain D'nel asked, turning to regard his sciences officer.

"No, Captain, I was just very surprised," Fong answered. "I've never seen anything like this! Incredible! The Seng are crawling with light and color, it's like watching a million maglev trains at night from orbit."

"Agreed, though I only see a blur of light around them," Aul'Khim said in his whispery voice. The alien telepath's huge slanted black eyes were trained on the Seng fighter craft with great interest.

"Translators, gentlemen," the Captain said as the inner force-field began retreating into the floor. "Padawan Kenobi, if you would introduce us?"

Blushing slightly at being asked to take the lead, Obi-Wan nodded and stepped forward a little and began indicating the two Fleet officers and the Psi-Corps telepath, naming them as he did so. There was still so much to learn of the Seng and he didn't yet know what procedures the liquid metal aliens wished for in introductions. As it was, simple indication and naming would have to do for now, and that's what he did.

"And this is my teacher, Qui-Gon," he indicated at last, returning to his bondmate's side and putting up a hand to touch Qui-Gon's arm.

The dark silver sphere was silent for a moment, then Obi-Wan's translator spoke again for the aliens. "Captain D'nel, Commander Fong, Aul'Khim, Qui-Gon." Obi-Wan suspected it was acknowledgement and greeting both. Then the Seng ship began to lose shape, the individual Seng that made up the small fighter craft beginning to break apart. In less than a minute the floor of the shuttle bay was covered in liquid metal blobs of various sizes that began squinching and rolling about the shuttle bay.

"Please do not eat anything on the _Praelis_ without asking first," Obi-Wan said into his translator, grinning a little as he saw the Captain's slightly worried expression. "If you will tell us what things you prefer to eat we will find it for you."

A pause, then, "Understood, Kenobi. Seng require metal ores."

A connection flashed through Obi-Wan's mind then, and suddenly he understood. The ravaged planetoid he'd seen some few hours before, where he'd seen a huge individual Seng in one of the craters before it rose from the planetoid and assumed it's true shape as a warship. "Captain, I think they'd be happy with the _Praelis_'s junk metals from your recycling system."

"Well, I guess I shouldn't have expected the normal diplomatic full-formal dinner," the Captain said ruefully. "But I've shared Silurian rock spiders with Vaikerians before so I guess it's not so much different." He called over one of the Engineering ensigns and explained what was needed as Obi-Wan began walking out into the crowd of metallic aliens, Qui-Gon a step behind. Commander Fong followed them hesitantly and Aul'Khim knelt as one of the smaller Seng rolled up to the telepath curiously.

"The Captain will give you metal to eat," Obi-Wan told the Seng as he knelt in the middle of the crowd. The Seng gathered around and began drawing themselves up into lumps and extending waving tendrils toward the Padawan as Qui-Gon knelt at his side carefully. [Wherever they go they leave trails of light, beloved. It's how they communicate, they send light pulses through the trails and they receive light pulses from the trails of other Seng. Commander Fong and Aul'Khim can probably see the trails, but we can't unless it's dark. They're very faint, at least to human eyes. Low power, I guess.]

[Fascinating,] Qui-Gon answered with a bemused smile as one of the Seng tendrils met his outstretched hand. One of the smaller Seng was wrapping itself around Obi-Wan's arm and he lifted it to show his bondmate. The mirror-chrome liquid metal was heavier than it might appear.

"They're...incredible," Fong's vocoder said. "I wonder if I could talk to them directly without a translator?"

"I've no doublt they can sense the ultraviolet you're using for your vocoder," Obi-Wan said, looking up at the Cyllian. The featureless slick black head was turning as the Cyllian looked all around him at the alien blobs littering the shuttle bay floor. "Maybe you can ask to transfer to a science ship if there's to be a cultural exchange."

"Commander, Master Jinn," the Captain said as he made his way to them. "Padawan Kenobi, can you convince your friends to follow us to the conference room? There is much to discuss and plans to be made, and not a lot of time to do it."

Obi-Wan nodded. "Yes, Captain." He turned back to the Seng and brought up his translator, the small Seng still wrapped around his arm. "Can you follow us?"

The Seng all around immediately turned toward the humans and Cyllian at that and with surprisingly swift movements began twining around arms and legs and inching up to drape about shoulders.

"This isn't what I had in mind," Obi-Wan muttered as one of the Seng wrapped itself around his neck and six others were wrapping themselves around his arms. One was curled around his right ankle.

[Beloved, there's one in your cloak hood too,] Qui-Gon sent, but his mindvoice was full of mischievous laughter.

[And there's one trying to burrow into your tunic,] Obi-Wan returned and reached over to gently tug the curious Seng out before it could wriggle inside his bondmate's clothes. *Out, blobs, this one's mine*.

"Maybe they didn't understand the word 'follow'," Fong volunteered as he peered at the three Seng who were coiled around his forearms, the deep blue of his Fleet flightsuit striped by the bright chrome of the aliens.

Obi-Wan chewed his lip for a moment, then said into his translator, "One Seng per humanoid."

A moment's thought, then several of the Seng dropped from their perches leaving only one for each Jedi or Fleet officer, usually a larger Seng.

"Commander, would it be possible to rig a lightcoder to flash down here in the shuttle bay?" Obi-Wan asked. "We could let the ones with us use the lightcoder to send messages down here to the others since they won't be able to follow each other's light trails."

"No problem," Fong answered as the Seng around his arm began squinching up to his shoulder.

"Acceptable," Obi-Wan's translator said unexpectedly. "Transmit to Seng beyond this vessel as well."

Obi-Wan blinked and glanced up at Qui-Gon with a slightly sheepish grin as he'd forgotten the translator would pick up words not directly spoken to it. "Yes," Obi-Wan answered the Seng. [Aul'Khim? What do you think?]

[Four first contact missions and it never ceases to amaze,] the alien telepath said from across the shuttle bay. Aul'Khim rose from where he knelt, one long thin arm held out stiffly in front of him, the huge black eyes studying the liquid metal form wrapped around his skeletal six-fingered hand. [They're nothing like my previous assignments. But we need to get back to business, Padawan Kenobi. Your predecessor probably won't be spending time in cultural exchanges.]

[Only too true,] Qui-Gon sent with a sigh.

"Let's get back to work, then," the Captain said as he turned for the turbolift. "Chief," he called to the shuttle bay petty officer. "You've all got translators down here? Good. If the Seng ask to go elsewhere on the ship, call me first for approval. We're having some of the recycling brought down here to feed them. If they go anywhere outside this bay, they're to be escorted."

"Yes, Captain," the stocky Corellian Chief said. "I don't know what we're supposed to do to make'm feel at home, but we'll do our best."

"Don't worry, Chief," Obi-Wan said with a grin. "I told them not to eat anything without asking first."

The Captain's ready room had room for a dozen at the long ebonywood table and there were another dozen arranged in chairs around the walls of the room. The heads of each department and several sciences and engineering specialists were crammed into the room, edgy with curiosity about the Seng. Speculation ran rampant, fueled by the scant details of Obi-Wan's initial report. As the ready room door opened the Jedi and Fleet officers heard the buzz of conversation immediately quelled as those inside caught sight of the liquid metal aliens draped across the humanoids' shoulders and wrapped about their arms.

"Fong, the lightcoder for the Seng," the Captain said as he went to the chair left vacant at the head of the table.

"Aye, sir," Fong's vocoder said and the Cyllian ducked out of the room briefly to retrieve the device.

[Time to let your new friends take center stage, Padawan,] Qui-Gon sent to Obi-Wan as he moved to the edge of the table and held out an arm so that the Seng who rode on his shoulder could slither it's way down onto the ebonywood surface.

Obi-Wan nodded and began peeling off the Seng wrapped around his arm. "You can rest on the table," he said into his translator and the Seng immediately relaxed itself and dropped with a heavy splat. Qui-Gon's Seng untwined itself and flopped onto the table and Aul'Khim brought his over and allowed it to extricate itself from around his hand. The Captain watched with some trepidation as the one on his shoulder inched it's way off and pulled itself up onto the table to join it's fellows. Fong rejoined them then and the Seng around his forearm uncoiled and dropped to the table as the Cyllian set a small remote photosensor on the table amidst the Seng and connected it to a remote transmitter with a coiled cable. Two of the Seng immediately took interest in the devices and squinched over to shove at them lightly with small tendrils.

"Remember not to eat the lightcoder," Obi-Wan said into his translator.

"Understood, Kenobi. Contact will allow Seng to transmit communications."

[Perhaps they need to leave their light trails over the sensors to transmit their light pulses,] Qui-Gon suggested to his bondmate.

[Probably correct, Master Jinn,] Aul'Khim sent quietly.

"I know you have all read Padawan Kenobi's initial report," the Captain began as the Seng started moving about the table to investigate everyone sitting around it. "As he did not have a sensorcom he could only tell us what he saw with his own eyes and deduced from his observations. We do have Commander Fong's analysis of the Seng subspace drive and the sensor data we gathered when we met their ships at the border so we have some data as to mass and density of their ships. Let's keep in mind we're dealing with a totally alien species and culture. Don't assume anything. For instance, we just found out a few minutes ago that the Seng require metal ores, it's what they eat as food. And that unlike the warship Padawan Kenobi saw before, the smaller fighter-type craft are several small Seng amalgamated into one vessel."

"Correct," came the stilted voice of the translator that Fong had placed beside the lightcoder.

Small grins all around at this.

"Myree," the Captain said with a nod to his first mate, Commander Myree Ayala, "Update on the situation with the Seng warship?"

"Yes, Captain," the young Commander said and reached forward to key up a hologram at the small holoprojector in the middle of the table. As the hologram unfolded and begain moving the Seng drew themselves up slightly away from the holoprojector. The Seng warship that had flown past the _Praelis_ turned serenely before them, data collected from sensors and Fong's analysis scrolling above and below the holo of the flattened teardrop shape. "This is the warship that approached us from the Seng outpost system at the border between the Khamseng Empire and the Republic Rim territory. An hour after Padawan Kenobi was kidnapped we intercepted a transmission from somewhere further into the Empire and we were not able to track the precise origin point. However, the person in the holo transmitted has been identified positively as Master Jinn's former apprentice, Xanatos of Telos." Commander Ayala nodded slightly to Qui-Gon, who was at that moment watching two of the Seng on the conference table seemingly shove each other for some prime spot beside the lightcoder sensors. Commander Ayala continued after a quick glance at Obi-Wan who nodded once in reply. "With Commander Fong's analysis of the Seng subspace drive we have been able to project the probable destination of the warship carrying Xanatos. They are headed to Coruscant."

"Correct," the translator's vocoder said again. "Hologram transmission was made from planetoid Seng designate One Zero."

"One Zero?" Commander Ayala asked curiously. "Ten?"

"No, Myree," Fong said. "Binary. One Zero would be Two to us."

"Correct," the Seng said again through the translator. "Base Ten designate Two."

"Why Two?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Seng planet of origin was destroyed by asteroid strike two thousand five hundred Republic Standard years ago. At that time Seng established primary colony of origin on One Zero. Similar colonies have been established on One One and One Zero Zero."

"Three and Four, in our mathematical system," Fong said, nodding.

"Correct, Commander Fong."

"The Fleet has deployed three groups of ships along the most direct route between our current position and Coruscant," Commander Ayala continued and keyed for the hologram to change to a view of the spiral galaxy that contained the Republic. Midway between the white nimbus of the Core and the chain of scattered sparks that was the Rim was a blinking green dot: Coruscant. A blue triangle indicated the _Praelis_'s current position slightly counterclockwise from Coruscant's position and almost at the very edge of the Rim. Beyond was the Khamseng Empire. A red dotted line indicated the path the _Praelis_ had recorded as the Seng warship approached and then overshot the dreadnought and then the trail vanished as the warship went into subspace. Three separate groups of orange triangles arrayed at intervals between the _Praelis_ and Coruscant, indicating three groups of five ships each. "A group, nearest Coruscant in orbit around Yon Tyo, is under the command of Captain Skiba and the _Kh'Rhan_. B Group is waiting just beyond Aurelia, Captain Nok'tur and the _Aurora_. C Group is here near Eltanin, Commander Shazreen's scout ship _Hawkbat_ and his group of scouts and fast-attack ships."

"None of this may stop the Seng warship and Xanatos," Qui-Gon said quietly as Commander Ayala paused. "These deployments are based on our experience of hyperspace travel. Subspace travel is apparently somewhat different in nature and the normal routes we would take in hyperspace do not apply. It is quite possible that the Seng warship may not come out of subspace until it reaches Coruscant."

"Probable," the translator said for the Seng. "Emerging from subspace within the system boundaries of star system designate Coruscant Alpha ensures the element of surprise is maintained."

"In other words, you folks are sneaky bastards," Lieutenant Luhowiak said with a slight grin.

A pause, then, "Correct."

Obi-Wan looked down at the Seng on the table in front of him, trying to hide his own grin at this while others laughed.

"Gentlemen, let's not be fooled by appearances," the Captain said, gesturing to indicate the liquid metal aliens moving about on the table. "The Seng are very formidable fighters. Our own estimates of their sphere of influence indicate a territory roughly a quarter the size of the Republic and that's probably a very conservative estimate. They didn't acquire control of all that territory by asking nicely."

"Correct," the translator said for the Seng. "The Khamseng Empire contains within it five starfaring species: The Seng, the Lyrenasi collective of Lyrenasi, Ulowan and Galiar, and the Aoki."

"Those other ships I saw in your fleet," Obi-Wan began. "They weren't Seng ships. Who were they?"

"Lyrenasi collective ships designate Galiar."

[I still don't understand,] Obi-Wan sent to his bondmate and Aul'Khim.

[Hopefully there will be time to discover all of this,] Aul'Khim replied.

Obi-Wan suddenly realized that once the business with Xanatos was sorted out he and Qui-Gon would more than likely be reassigned to another mission by the Council. He wouldn't be able to stay and learn all he wanted about the Seng, and he realized he wanted to very much .

[I'm sure the Council could be persuaded to allow us to stay a few more days once this is over,] Qui-Gon reassured him softly. [It isn't every day we're invited to make first contact with an entirely new alien species. And you certainly have a rapport with them.]

Obi-Wan glanced quickly up at his Master and smiled a little.

"What kind of firepower do these warships put out?" Fong asked. "What kind of damage are they capable of?"

One of the Seng moved purposefully to the holoprojector and pulled itself up into a lump below the slowly spinning hologram of the warship, extended a short tendril toward the projection. "Primary Seng weaponry consists of compressed directed energy weapons and phased sonic wave projectors."

"Comparable to photon torpedos and Vaikerian disruptors," Fong said tentatively.

"Correct, Commander Fong. Power levels of weaponry are proportionate to the number of Seng incorporated into the given vessel."

"So the more of you there are in a ship, the more powerful your weapons," Obi-Wan said.

"Correct, Kenobi. Relative size of Seng individuals also increases power of weaponry."

"What about communications?" Luhowiak asked.

"Communications are projected through subspace. Real-space distance between transmitter and receiver is not a factor in communications through subspace."

"No delay time," Luhowiak said with faint astonishment.


There was a moment of stunned silence at this and then Qui-Gon stirred, straightening up in his chair. "How did Xanatos convince the Seng to carry out his wishes?"

"Xanatos provided galactic coordinates and instruction for entry into Republic space. Seng require information regarding technology and military capability of the Republic. Both goals could therefore be served."

[They gave him a ship for his own ends so they could have a scouting mission into the heart of the Republic,] Qui-Gon sent quietly.

[It seems that way, beloved,] Obi-Wan sent tentatively. [I'm sorry.]

The mental sigh was part frustrated anguish, part weary acceptance.

Obi-Wan decided maybe it was time to turn the talk to other, more productive areas. "The Seng need not resort to conflict to achieve your goals."

A moment's silence, then the Seng replied. "Possible."

"We know you eat metals. Is this all the Seng require?" Obi-Wan asked, keeping his voice carefully neutral.

"Technology and information exchange," the Seng answered.

"Exchange?" Obi-Wan asked. "A fair trade of technology and information is equal to both sides."

A long moment of silence, then, "Understood, Kenobi."

"In previous cases of first contacts with other species we have exchanged teams of scientists and engineers for a stated period of time," Aul'Khim said quietly. "A small group of Seng would come to a world of the Republic to study us and we would send a team of Republic scientists to the Khamseng Empire to study you. After a time we would send the Seng back and our scientists in the Khamseng Empire would return. The information would be shared freely by all."

"Acceptable, Aul'Khim."

"Once we've dealt with Xanatos we can speak of this in more detail," the Captain said. "Our orders are to wait here at the border until further notice, though that could change at any moment."

[I don't think we can ask the Seng to help us stop Xanatos,] Obi-Wan sent to his bondmate. [They're benefitting from his madness so why would they want to help us stop him?]

[True,] Qui-Gon sent back. [They've no reason to help us and in their view much to gain from this little raid of his. This is most confusing. Are they potential friends or enemies?]

[Are they so convinced of their superiority that it doesn't matter?] Aul'Khim chimed in.

[Are we?] Obi-Wan returned. [Their weaponry and technology is certainly equal to ours. Are we so certain we can win a fight with them that we don't care if they're friend or foe? ]

"Xanatos seems to be the key to this situation," Captain D'nel said, leaning forward to gesture at the Seng and the hologram of the warship. "If he could be separated from the Seng ship and ...dealt with, then the immediate threat would be ended and the Empire could deal with us through the normal means of cultural and technological exchange."

*And decide later if they want to conquer us,* Obi-Wan thought to himself.

Qui-Gon gave the Captain a long thoughtful look and nodded silently in understanding.


Qui-Gon did not turn as he felt Obi-Wan approach and drop to kneel beside him, mirroring the Jedi Master's meditation pose. In front of him the cold vitriglass of a viewport admitted the star-shot darkness of the universe. Closer than the unmoving stars, starlight glinted off the chromed hulls of the Seng armada. The alien fleet was far enough away that no more detail could be seen than the silver or gold color and the smaller fighters could be seen as only minute flickers of duller silver between the greater ships.

The quarters they'd been given were standard Fleet passenger quarters, comfortable, warm, efficient and practical as all things must be in space travel. Qui-Gon had long ago lost track of how much time he'd spent living in such quarters over the course of the seven years Obi-Wan had been his Padawan. And before that, the nearly thirteen years he'd spent with Xanatos had also been spent in a blur of ships, palaces, government residences...

[He looked well, beloved. Made some snide remarks about you going senile in your old age.]

Qui-Gon sighed wearily as Obi-Wan's hand closed about his own, the warmth chasing away the phantom chill of faint despair that always accompanied the memories of Xanatos. [You need not -- ]

[Yes I do. He left you. No matter how many times you tell yourself you're over what he did, you still wonder where he is and how he's doing,] Obi-Wan sent softly. [I know you do. And if all I can do to banish that fear is to tell you he looked healthy -- at least physically -- then I will.]

Qui-Gon turned then to look at his bondmate. Teal blue eyes, golden spiky hair, the elfin face, the long Padawan braid, the same ivory linen and silk tunics, the same rust-brown wool cloak. Yet such ancient understanding, such compassion, in those incredible eyes. *Too wise too young,* Qui-Gon thought. *Did our soulbond do this to him?*

Obi-Wan squeezed his hand and looked out at the stars and the Seng armada. [I will never expect you to completely forget the thirteen years you two had together. I would never ask you to banish happy memories. He never knew you like I know you, but loved him. You still do, despite what he did. I can never forgive him for what he did to you but I won't ask you to banish your feelings.]

Qui-Gon blinked in astonishment, but then he was reaching out and Obi-Wan was reaching for him as well, and they were clutching each other in desperate need for reassurance that they were alive and together.

[My soul --]

[My life --]

Obi-Wan wriggled out of his cloak and left it behind as he got to his feet and pulled Qui-Gon up with him, and their lips met as they held each other upright. His hands were tangled in Qui-Gon's hair, the warmth of his bondmate chased away the chill of remembered pain and fear. They were alive, they were together. The hunger for touch, for affirmation, was frighteningly intense.

[Lock the door,] Obi-Wan growled.

Qui-Gon didn't release him, just freed one hand from around his Padawan's waist and waved it in the general direction of the door. Obi-Wan felt a wave of the Force brush past him and heard the beep as the lock engaged.

[Bed.. Now,] Obi-Wan growled again. [Or I take you right here on the floor.]

In response, Qui-Gon just deepened the kiss for a moment, then pulled away a little to breathe as Obi-Wan took his hands and pulled him unresisting into the darkened bedroom. His eyes were dazed with need and wandered up to lock with the fierce shining hunger in Obi-Wan's.

And so this was life again come to wrap around him, Qui-Gon thought as Obi-Wan's hands pulled him down into an intoxicating, searing kiss. A life he himself had shaped, given form from the formlessness of childhood and youth. A mind and soul that had somehow, some way, in some moment of time he'd been oblivious to, surpassed him in wisdom.

[You amaze me, beloved,] he murmured into the soulbond as Obi-Wan's hands tugged his belt open and allowed it to drop to the floor, his lightsaber thunking softly on the carpet.

[No more so than you do me, Qui,] Obi-Wan answered softly. [No more thinking now. No more worrying. Be with me, love. Just be.]

[Yes,] Qui-Gon answered, then went silent as Obi-Wan's hands slipped inside his tunics seeking bare skin, and the linen and silks fell softly to the floor. Qui-Gon lowered his head to nuzzle at soft golden hair as Obi-Wan's attentions shifted to assault his neck with gentle nips and tiny kisses that sent shivers down the Master's spine. At Qui-Gon's wordless mental urging Obi-Wan impatiently unfastened his belt and allowed it to slide off along with his sash as he moved to the hollow of Qui-Gon's throat. He wriggled a little in encouragement as Qui-Gon ran his hands down the apprentice's back to banish his tunics to the floor. The soulbond sang between them, their minds and senses opened to each other in selfless trust, a willing abandonment of fears in the comfort of absolute faith. Leggings and boots fell away in that dim otherworld where the stars and the Seng armada and the _Praelis_ and Xanatos ordered time and action. Obi-Wan hooked a foot behind Qui-Gon's knee and pushed and the Jedi Master landed sprawled across the bed. Obi-Wan was on top of him instantly.

Obi-Wan covered his lover's form with his own, shifting until his legs fell to straddle the lean hips and thighs, the hot hardness of their erections trapped between them. He captured Qui-Gon's hands and held them away, stretching their arms out and clasping hands, pushing up with the combined strength of those hands and his own to take Qui-Gon's lips again in increasingly fierce kisses. Qui-Gon groaned deep in his throat and moved beneath him, thrusting his hips up and pushing against Obi-Wan's hands in his own, needing to feel that strength and weight and solidity surrounding him. Obi-Wan's braid fell to brush his chest and neck as the apprentice sat up and hissed, arching his back as their cocks ground together, riding the slow undulations. His head fell back and his eyes closed at the delicious friction. Then Qui-Gon's gentle mental warning and Obi-Wan released him and allowed the big hands to lower him to the bed.

He opened his eyes again as he felt the long body cover him, felt the soft warmth of hands caressing, felt the lips that began at his forehead and started a slow trail of trembling kisses. The silvered dark hair brushed over his face in silken, herb-scented warmth and that one touch totally unlocked the pent-up grief and fears he'd been forced to bind up within him since his return from the Seng ship. Tears began seeping silently out of his eyes and Qui-Gon was there instantly, moving back to cover him with the reality of his living presence and the heat of his body.

[I know, beloved,] Qui-Gon sent with simple, complete understanding. [I know.]

[Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate,] Obi-Wan chanted dutifully. [And I was so afraid and so alone.]

[I was too.] Qui-Gon kissed his forehead softly and then his lips, and the tears were brushed away with fingers callused and corrugated with ridges from the hilt of his lightsaber. [Now it's time to let it go.]

Obi-Wan nodded and relaxed again as Qui-Gon resumed his trailing kisses and the delicate, barely-there caresses. After a moment Obi-Wan was wriggling a little as teasing fingers brushed lightly down his chest and stomach and descended to skim over his cock. He tried to arch up into that touch instinctively but Qui-Gon had settled over his thighs and knees. Failing that, he unclenched his hands from the bedcovers and reached up to fondle Qui-Gon's hard length.

Qui-Gon caught his breath and swayed, letting his head fall back as the almost electric sensations flooded through him from his bondmate's hands. Obi-Wan gasped as he felt the caresses as well, shivered in the doubled sensory input.

[I love you,] Qui-Gon whispered, leaning back down and ghosting reverent fingers over the last of Obi-Wan's tears.

[And I love you. Forever,] Obi-Wan answered. Aquamarine eyes looked up into amethyst eyes, held, promised, returned that promise anew.

[Forever,] Qui-Gon sent, nodding once.

With that, Qui-Gon held out a hand and a small wave of the Force brought the Myalara oil to him, and Obi-Wan smiled as his lover began to spread the oil with practiced ease over his aching hard flesh. Obi-Wan reached up and Qui-Gon poured some of the oil into his hand and moaned as that oil was swirled and teased up his own cock, swayed, rocked with the rhythm of quick fingers and echoed sensation.

Obi-Wan growled impatiently in his mind, and Qui-Gon chuckled softly, moved up, and sank down onto his lover's cock in one smooth thrust.

They both cried out as the doubled sensations raced back and forth between them, shuddering up through nerves in cold tingles, centering them both on the point where flesh entered flesh. They went still for a long moment, then Obi-Wan caught Qui-Gon's hands and they began to move in harmony, eyes squeezed shut and backs arching as they surged in counterpoint. Obi-Wan moved their hands unerringly to Qui-Gon's cock and they both squeezed and stroked faster. The pleasure looped from one to the other, wearing away identity and thought in the waves of blinding ecstatic joy building higher with every insistent sweep of their joined hands and bodies.

[Now! Now beloved!]

The scream ripped from both of them, the orgasm that devastated them thrust their souls into the welcoming endless tide of the Force for some long timeless time. Consciousness drifted away unheeded and they had barely enough strength left to topple together to the side before sleep gathered them into the void.

Something was beeping. It was annoying and Obi-Wan flailed a hand in the general direction of the noise but was still too much asleep to make the gesture mean more than weak protest. The warm musky-smelling mass that half-covered him was much too comfortable to leave.

"Mrmph," said that warmth softly as it began to stir. "Obi. Your chrono..."

" 'S not my chrono," Obi-Wan mumbled. "Not wearing it."

Sudden stillness, then Qui-Gon shot up beside him to sit up abruptly. "It's the door chime!"

"Hells of the Sith!" Obi-Wan hissed and tumbled off the bed, began to scoop up their scattered clothing and tossed Qui-Gon his undertunic and leggings and sash as he disappeared into the bathroom.

Qui-Gon keyed for the intercom at the doorpanel. "Yes?"

"Master Jinn? It's Commander Ayala."

"Ah, yes, Commander, one moment." Qui-Gon said, hurriedly tugging on his clothes and retrieving his hair tie from the floor, pulled his hair back roughly and secured it out of his eyes. He rubbed his face hard with both hands, took a deep breath and keyed the lock off and opened the door.

Myree Ayala smiled faintly as the door opened and one very dissheveled Jedi Master peered at her blearily. The heady scent of Myalara still hung about the room and the Commander wrinkled her nose a little at the scent. The faint dusting of greenish spots on her yellowish skin darkened and the oversized webbed ears flipped and then settled back into her iridescent green hair. "Good morning, Master Jinn. The _Coronis_ and the _Tyrela_ have joined us here at the border and the Captain is requesting you and Padawan Kenobi to handle their introduction to the Seng. We're also expecting the sciences ship _Denerkti_ in about two hours, so you've got time for breakfast and catch-up on the latest on the cultural exchange."

"Ah, yes, I see, Commander," Qui-Gon said, trying to get his still-groggy brain to keep up with her words. The greater part of his mind was enjoying Obi-Wan's enjoyment of a stinging hot shower. "Is the Captain expecting us for breakfast?"

The Commander's eyes danced with laughter. "No sir, he's already on duty on the bridge. You'll have to make do with Chief Ryback's killer gumpta berry waffles."

Qui-Gon chuckled at the joke. "It can't be worse than Gthitri sea slugs."

Commander Ayala rolled her eyes. "Don't tell the Chief or he'll feel honorbound to come up with something even worse."

"Thank you, Commander, we'll be down to the common room shortly," Qui-Gon said with a grin.

"Aye, sir," the Commander answered, winked knowingly, and turned to go.

The "cultural exchange" between the crew of the _Praelis_ and the Seng of the small fighter craft seemed to be proceeding at a rapid rate as the dreadnought and it's companion ships waited for word from within the Republic. Qui-Gon found himself taking a secondary role to his Padawan, a circumstance that clearly disturbed seven years of ingrained deference on Obi-Wan's part. But as Obi-Wan was the only human (or rather, the only trustworthy, accessible human at the moment) to have been aboard a Seng ship, he was in high demand.

Qui-Gon, meanwhile, was dealing with the sciences and engineering experts of all four ships as they worked to gather as much information on the Seng ships as they could. By lunchtime he was well into plans to escort a group over to one of the great golden chrome ships for an afternoon tour. The Seng seemed to have no sense of secrecy involving their technology and answered every question asked of them, no matter how technical or probing. At one point Qui-Gon found himself with an idle moment and a small Seng on the conference table before him and asked something he'd wondered about. "How is it you are able to understand our language and concepts? Until Xanatos the Seng had no contact with humans, and he surely cannot have taught you much."

"Correct, Qui-Gon. Kenobi provided a datapad for disassembly. The information contained within that device provided basis for initial knowledge base."

"You learned our language from a datapad?" Qui-Gon asked incredulously.

"Language, mathmatical system, mechanical and structural concepts, common chemical composites, linguistic structure, scientific theory. Information was gained through the process Kenobi refers to as 'eating' ."

"Ah, I see. You destroyed the datapad in the process of analyzing it," Qui-Gon said with sudden understanding. "Is it neccessary to eat something in order to analyze it?"

"No. Since arrival on the _Praelis_ Seng have carried out further analysis through sensory observation only."

*Look but don't touch,* Qui-Gon smiled to himself.

The Jedi Master noticed then that most of the scientists he had been dealing with were drifting out of the conference room on their way to find lunch or to return to their offices or laboratories. Three of the Seng remained on the conference table, the two who were not speaking to Qui-Gon shoving at each other in what looked like play. He got to his feet and went to the comm panel by the door and keyed for the bridge.


"Commander," Qui-Gon said as the officer answered. "I'm taking the three Seng who attended the planning meeting with me to lunch now. I know you're keeping track of their whereabouts."

"That's right, Master Jinn. Padawan Kenobi's just left the Captain and the officers from the other ships at the Captain's dining room, he said to inform you he would meet you in the crew mess hall."

Qui-Gon smiled at that, grateful the Fleet officer couldn't see it. "Then I'm on my way."

Turning back to the table, he saw the three Seng already drawn up into shining mirror lumps, waiting. The translators used in the conference rooms were designed to pick up all conversations in a room so the liquid metal aliens had heard his words to the Commander. He stepped forward and began gathering them up and they slithered up and around his arms and climbed to his shoulders. The smallest one climbed up and over his shoulder and slid into his cloak hood against his back.

The original group of Seng that had landed in the _Praelis_'s shuttle bay numbered some thirty-five individual Seng of various sizes. At any given time there were perhaps a dozen interacting with the human crew members of the dreadnought, usually in pairs or trios of Seng per group. Every few hours those involved in meetings or scientific discussions would inform the humans they were returning to their compatriots in the shuttle bay. If a crew member did not take them back they would just roll off the table and make their own way back to the shuttle bay on their own. Invariably another pair or trio of Seng would already be on the way to replace those who seemingly abandoned their human observers. The phenomenon reminded Qui-Gon of shift change at a factory, one set of workers going on duty as the previous shift's workers left off their work.

The turbolift doors opened and he walked out onto the recreation and crew mess hall deck. Obi-Wan's amused presence sang to him from beyond the double doors at the end of the short hallway and he smiled when he located his bondmate in the midst of a gathering of curious lower-rank technicians and engineers. Obi-Wan had brought one of the Seng to the mess hall as well and the metallic alien was the center of attention.

[Inciting riot, love?] Qui-Gon asked as he approached.

Obi-Wan looked up and around and smiled slightly as he caught sight of his bondmate. "Look, my Master's brought three more," he said to the group chatting animatedly as they watched the waving pseudopod of the Seng on the table. Qui-Gon was greeted with carefully polite respect and not a little awe. The three Seng clinging to him eagerly slithered off and dropped to the table and Qui-Gon recognized Lieutenant Noth, the chief weapons officer, sitting beside Obi-Wan at the table.

"Three more hungry blobs to feed," the stocky, swarthy Lieutenant said with a chuckle. "Good thing the first little guy didn't eat all the goodies."

Obi-Wan turned laughing eyes up to his Master as the weapons officer brought up a box from under the table and dug inside for a moment, bringing out a handful of metal scraps. The apprentice took his translator from his belt and informed the newly-arrived Seng that they could eat the scrap metals offered. Lieutenant Noth chuckled at the immediate interest shown by the three aliens. "Here, Master Jinn, we've all had our fun. Just count your fingers after they're done. They say they don't eat organics --"

One of the Seng shot out a tendril and wrapped it around the coil of silver solder dangling from the Lieutenant's hand and whipped it away, drawing the metal back and balling up around it. The odd rippling movements in the liquid metal form indicated the silver was being greedily absorbed.

"What did you say about counting fingers?" Obi-Wan said with a grin as he handed his bondmate a handful of scraps. Qui-Gon chose not to endanger his fingers and hurriedly dropped a few scraps onto the smallest Seng.

The weapons officer chuckled again just as his commlink beeped an incoming call. He excused himself and moved away a little to take the call as the group around the four Seng and the Jedi eagerly held out bits of metal to the hungry aliens.

"Master Jinn," Lieutenant Noth said as he rejoined the group and caught Qui-Gon's eye. "The Captain needs you and Padawan Kenobi up on the bridge right now, sir. Says that the orders have come in and he's got updates for you."

[Have you eaten yet, Padawan?] Qui-Gon asked as Obi-Wan extricated himself from the group.

[Yes Master.]

[Good. Then we can go.]

Obi-Wan opened his mouth to protest that Qui-Gon hadn't yet eaten, then relented as he realized it was Master Jinn who was speaking here and not Qui-Gon the bondmate. [As you wish, Master. Should we take the Seng with us?]

A brief chuckle at this. "Lieutenant Noth? Could you make sure the Seng get back to the shuttle bay once you've stuffed them full of aluminum and duralanium?"

The weapons officer laughed at this. "Sure, Master Jinn, I'm off duty until later tonight, I'll get'm back where they belong."

"Padawan," Qui-Gon said, nodding to the door, and Obi-Wan followed him to the turbolift.

[Master Jinn? Padawan Kenobi?]

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan turned toward the mental voice as they came onto the bridge and saw the gray-skinned form of Aul'Khim awaiting them, standing beside Commander Fong's science station.

[Aul'Khim?] Qui-Gon inquired as they neared the alien telepath. Aul'Khim's six-fingered hand raised to indicate the door to the captain's ready room just off the bridge and the Jedi followed the telepath inside.

As the door slid shut behind them, Aul'Khim sank down into one of the chairs at the ebonywood table and steepled his almost skeletal fingers, resting his elbows on the chair arms and his small pointed chin on his hands. The telepath regarded the two Jedi in silence for a long moment, the large slanted black eyes unreadable. [Captain D'nel has received some rather ... disturbing news.] The alien took a filedisk from the small pouch he wore at his waist and flipped it across the table to Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan saw it was a simple 2D video recording and went to plug the slim cartridge into the slot beside the wall screen. In a moment the flat black surface filled with images and sound.

It was newsvid footage. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon immediately recognized the angular skyline of Dubhar, the capital city of the planet Eltanin. The picture jounced and stuttered, going black and white for a moment before the color returned. The reporter appeared to be running down a street in the downtown area, surrounded by skyscrapers, the paving of the street torn and crumbled, shattered glass and structural supports scattered amidst piles of rubble. Obviously the newsvid had been made from a head-mounted vidcam, the sort used by roving or freelance reporters. Harsh, labored breathing and strident voices. Then the high-pitched whine of engines overhead and human screams...then explosions began to overwhelm the vidcam's audio pickup in rapid succession.

"This is Jareth Flifko, Galactic News Network, reporting from Dubhar, Eltanin. We are under attack, repeat, we are under attack! I don't recognize the ship, but there's only one, about the size of a small passenger transport...."

The newsvid went on, the increasingly frantic tone of the reporter's voice a counterpoint for the destruction taking place all around.

Qui-Gon dropped heavily into a chair and put a hand up to rub his forehead and eyes. But nothing could block out the sound. After a moment he pulled his hand away and looked up at Aul'Khim. "We thought Xanatos was going to Coruscant."

"Eltanin is on the way. Perhaps he's decided on a string of raids instead of just one," Aul'Khim said quietly. "I daresay he would make maximum use of any advantage he can gain."

Qui-Gon nodded slowly. Gentle hands descended onto his shoulders, pulled him back to relax in the chair. Obi-Wan's wordless tentative comfort washed over him in a small wave. Love and open willingness to share in his pain, but a firm denial of guilt in the matter.

[It is my fault, at least in part,] Qui-Gon sent to Obi-Wan softly. [I created this monster.]

[You did nothing of the sort,] Obi-Wan sent fiercely. [He created himself. He chose this of his own will.]

[I was the one taught him tactics and strategy,] Qui-Gon sent harshly. [I found him on Telos. I shaped his mind.]

[If you want to wallow in guilt, go ahead,] Obi-Wan snarled. [You sit here and scream and cry about it. I'm sure those people on Eltanin will understand. Assuming we can make the dead understand. You try explaining to Grandmaster Yoda why we did nothing when the Senate is -- ]

[You've made your point,] Qui-Gon sent coldly.

Silence from Obi-Wan for a moment, then the hands on his shoulders vanished and Obi-Wan was kneeling on the floor beside him, his head bowed in contrition and shame. [I'm sorry. I shouldn't speak to you like that. Forgive me, Master.]

Qui-Gon sighed and reached over to tug gently on Obi-Wan's braid. The apprentice looked up briefly then away. [Padawan, look at me.]

Obi-Wan swallowed, then lifted his eyes again to his Master's.

[You are right. I am wallowing in guilt. But as your Master I will not tolerate such a tone of voice or mind. Understand? You are still my Padawan. Remember that.]

Obi-Wan looked down and nodded.

"I'm sorry, Aul'Khim, but we are still trying to establish when to be Master and apprentice and when to be Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said in a weary voice. "The soulbond makes it difficult to respect the difference sometimes."

The alien telepath nodded once. "Commander Shazreen's scout group was stationed near Eltanin, and they responded to Eltanin's distress call. But by the time they got there the Seng ship was already gone. First assessment of the damage is that it is extensive but confined only to the immediate metro area of Dubhar. There was no sign of the Seng ship when the _Hawkbat_ arrived. Presumably they went back into subspace."

"I cannot fathom what he hopes to gain from this," Qui-Gon said, gesturing at the newsvid.

"No?" Aul'Khim said. "I should have thought it obvious, Master Jinn."

Qui-Gon merely raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"You, Master," Obi-Wan said softly. "And the chance to hurt you again." [But that in no way makes it your fault!] Obi-Wan added fiercely.

[But it does make it my responsibility,] Qui-Gon sent back calmly. [I have an idea. Will you help me?]

[Of course!] Obi-Wan sent, amazed his Master even needed to ask.

[Good. Up,] and Qui-Gon gave another small tug to Obi-Wan's braid and the apprentice got to his feet again as the Master rose beside him. [Aul'Khim, do you know the human saying, 'Fighting fire with fire'?]

[I've heard it, Master Jinn.]

[Good. Let's go try to convice the Captain and the rest of the Fleet.]

"I'm sorry, Master Jinn, but in light of the Seng warship's attack on Eltanin I cannot approve this plan." Captain D'nel turned his chair to look out the nearby viewport at the stars. The Captain's office was on the aft portion of the bridge and so the Seng armada could not be seen through the port. "In fact I am expecting Fleet Command will be sending orders any minute that I'm to put the Seng off the _Praelis_ altogether and inform them that we are at war."

"All the more reason that Obi-Wan and I request the Seng's help in this matter, Captain. They can track and follow Xanatos' ship. If Xanatos is intent on a string of raids then he will be delayed in reaching Coruscant. We should be able to beat them there and be ready when he arrives."

Captain D'nel looked up sharply at the Jedi Master at this. "Thus giving the Seng exactly what they want, a scouting mission into the heart of the Republic. Two of them, I might add, with Xanatos' ship."

Qui-Gon paced to the viewport, shoving his hands inside his cloak sleeves and taking a deep breath, allowed the Force to drain his tension and worries away. Only the moment. He felt Obi-Wan's answering surge of reassurance and love from Commander Fong's bridge station outside this office. Heartened, he continued. "Captain, which would you rather have? If we do as the Fleet commands we will more than likely be at a state of war with the Seng just as you say, perhaps within only hours. Against an enemy with ships we can track only imperfectly, against weaponry with the potential to overwhelm us, against sheer numbers that might be staggering. The Seng control an area a fourth to a third the size of the Republic with four other races under their dominion. The Seng could not tell me how many of them there are because they do not know themselves. But considering the sheer volume of space they control their numbers must be in the millions. Do you honestly believe the Fleet could prevail against possibly hundreds of thousands of ships intent on war?"

Qui-Gon let the silence settle for a few moments, still looking out at the stars. Then he continued.

"On the other hand, if we request their help in this, if we put aside the first immediate reaction to this attack, if we allow them in as partners to defeat Xanatos, it could provide a common history and cooperation that may avert the need for war. There is much that can be learned here, much that could be mutually beneficial. I am a Jedi, my first priority is peace. I would rather cooperate with the Seng as equals than watch the Republic overrun and conquered as inferiors. Their ambiguous attitude toward us right now is something we can turn to favorable results if we act quickly, decisively and positively. It is the only option I can see where both sides may remain relatively unscathed."

Captain D'nel looked at him somberly, considering the Jedi Master's words. Then both jumped as Captain's comlink beeped.

"Captain, incoming update from Fleet Command," Commander Ayala's voice said into the silence.

"I'll take it in here, Myree," the Captain acknowledged. "I understand your reasoning, Master Jinn, but I'll have to carry out whatever orders Fleet Command sends me."

"I understand, Captain. I will be sending my proposal to the Senate Military Commandery within the hour." He bowed to the Captain and turned to go.

"Master?" Obi-Wan said quietly as he joined his bondmate beside Commander Fong's station.

"Padawan," Qui-Gon answered serenely. [I fear the Captain may not be able to authorize my plan to take another Seng ship to capture Xanatos.]

Obi-Wan didn't reply, just watched the Cyllian monitoring the Seng's lightcoder transmissions to the armada. The translator was deciphering the Seng light pulses, and mathmatical calculations in binary were flashing across the screens at a continuous blur. Though the liquid metal aliens were being kept out of engineering and other militarily critical areas they were still amassing quite astonishing amounts of information about the humans and other beings they came in contact with. [Master, may I suggest something in case the Fleet doesn't go for your idea?]

Qui-Gon sighed as he felt the lingering contrition in his bondmate's mindvoice. [Obi-Wan, you are nearly twenty years old, we have long been past the stage where you needed permission to make suggestions during missions.]

Obi-Wan looked up at him briefly, then sent, [Perhaps. But this isn't exactly ethical and could get you in a great deal of trouble, if not executed for treason. I felt it prudent to ask first rather than just say, 'I think we ought to steal one of the Seng ships tonight when we take those scientists over on their tour.' ]

Qui-Gon's mouth quirked up into a slight grin. [Imp.]

[But it is an option. I just wanted you to know I'd go along with it if you wanted to do it.]

[Adventure, excitement, a Jedi craves not these things,] Qui-Gon reminded him sternly, but the affect was somewhat ruined by the look of challenge in the Master's eyes.

[Hey, we have to get out of bed *sometime,* y'know,] Obi-Wan sent teasingly.

[For treason, first contacts and chocolate,] Qui-Gon answered solemnly.

[Exactly,] Obi-Wan was grinning now and ducked his head to try to hide it.

[My beloved imp, you have a twisted sense of priorities.]

[Oh don't get me started,] Obi-Wan sent, rolling his eyes.

[I think I already did.]

The door to the Captain's office opened behind them and they turned.

"Myree, call the department heads to my ready room, twenty minutes," Captain D'nel said to his first officer as he came forward toward the Jedi. "Master Jinn, Padawan Kenobi, if I may have a word with you?"

"Of course, Captain," Qui-Gon said, nodding, as he and Obi-Wan followed the Captain back into his office. There was a new tension in the Fleet officer, a sense of anticipated conflict that Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon picked up on instantly as the Captain swung around his desk to begin calling up files.

"Master Jinn, we've received another report of an attack," D'nel said as the two Jedi stood calmly, hands inside their cloak sleeves, listening with more senses than merely physical. "This one from Auriel Station, a Fleet resupply base near Sardon Gamma. It's been completely destroyed. More than three thousand Fleet personnel and their families are dead."

Qui-Gon closed his eyes in silent grief and apology to the lost souls. He could feel Obi-Wan's frustrated grief as well.

"Whatever else Fleet Command may say or do, I think we've only got one chance for peace now, maybe only one chance to avert a war we might not be able to win. If Padawan Kenobi can convince the Seng to do as you wish, I'll tell anyone official who asks that you've been ordered on your way to another assignment. As of yet I haven't received orders that we're at war but they could come in at any moment. Go, Master Jinn, now. Before I'm ordered otherwise."

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan nodded and bowed simultaneously. "Thank you, Captain," Qui-gon murmured and in a swirl of brown wool they were out the door and headed for the turbolift and the shuttle bay.

Fifteen minutes later, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stood in the shuttle bay, surrounded by the Seng that had arrived only thirty-six hours before.

"I had no problems on the big golden ship," Obi-Wan said quietly as the Seng began to roll and inch toward the two Jedi. "They understand that humans need oxygen and air pressure and an environment temperature within twenty degrees plus or minus our body temperature."

"Can they carry us both?" Qui-Gon asked apprehensively.

Obi-Wan took his translator from his belt and asked the question of the Seng.

"Two passengers do not present difficulty, Kenobi. However, resulting shift in configuration will require elimination of offensive and defensive capability for the duration of the flight."

"That shouldn't be a problem," Obi-Wan said. "We're just going to the armada. Ready, Master?"

Qui-Gon pulled his cloak close about him and nodded. "Ready, Padawan."

"Go," Obi-Wan said into his translator, and the meandering migration of the Seng toward the two humans became a purposeful gathering.

The two Jedi watched with some amazement as the thirty-five individual Seng met around them and began flowing together into a thick circle, melding into each other like water or the quicksilver they so resembled. Then the circle extended upward, the mirrored chrome ring swirling upwards and arching over them, enclosing them. As the top shell of the Seng fighter closed above them they felt a fluctuation in gravity and floated up slightly from the floor, allowing the Seng to complete the spherical shape around them. Then the sensation of movement surrounded them, the liquid metal walls rippling slightly with the combined light of the Seng light trails in the enclosed sphere. A portion of the sphere wall in front of them swirled and irised to become a clear viewport showing the pinpricks of the stars in the void of space as they shot toward the Seng armada.

As the arrayed ships began to change from dimensionless points of light to recognizable vessels, half a dozen Seng fighter craft broke away from the edge of the vast fleet and lifted smoothly toward the intercept vector with their own ship. The ring of fighters turned along their path as they passed by and fell into formation and then as one the completed unit formation wheeled and turned back to face Republic space. In a moment they were reversed in their course and heading back toward the four Republic ships hanging motionless.

Abruptly there was a shiver in the gleaming mirror-like liquid metal around them and the soft thrum of power deepened to a bass rumble. But they never altered course or velocity. Then a change in air pressure and the spherical shape elongated and parted and they found themselves in a larger space aglow with the light trails of the Seng.

Obi-Wan instantly realized what had happened and Qui-Gon blinked and looked about wide-eyed as he caught the thoughts from his bondmate's mind. [The other fighter ships merged with ours to become a warship!]

"The coordinates, Padawan," Qui-Gon said, nodding at the walls around them.

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan answered and took his miniature holoprojector from a pouch on his belt. A loud splat from a wall behind them and they turned to see a small Seng rolling toward them. Obi-Wan knelt and put the little holoprojector on the floor.

A line of light appeared from the small crystal base and unfolded into an image in miniature of the spiral galaxy that contained the Republic. The Seng rolled up next to Obi-Wan and drew itself up expectantly, extending a pseudopod toward the slowly spinning hologram. A tiny blue spark at the edge of the spiral arm indicated the Seng armada and the _Praelis_ and the other Republic ships. Then a bright green line extended from the blue spark inwards, toward the Core, to stop some two-thirds of the way to the center and almost a third of the way around the spiral. The end of the glowing line became a point of bright amber-yellow and blinked insistently. Obi-Wan took his translator from his belt and gestured to the hologram. "That's Coruscant."

"Understood, Kenobi."

"Can you take us there so that we reach Coruscant before the ship carrying Xanatos arrives?" Obi-Wan asked.

A pause, then, "Affirmative. Subspace jump calculations initiated. Jump will initiate in forty-five seconds."

"Can you tell me where Xanatos' ship is now?" Obi-Wan asked.

Another pause, then, "Geosynchronous transpolar orbit, Republic world designate Aldhara Prime."

"Aldhara," Qui-Gon said, his voice grave and quiet.

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan said softly. He dared not look up and around to his bondmate. He didn't need to, the wash of anguish that swamped him suddenly before it was muted told him all he needed to know. "He seems to be picking planets that have high population and strategic importance. Eltanin, Aldhara, that Fleet resupply station."

The starfield outside the oval viewport blurred for a moment then vanished in a wash of swirling grayness. Qui-Gon put out a hand to steady himself on the nearest wall and swallowed convulsively, his eyes squeezing shut.

"Master?" [Beloved? What is it?] Obi-Wan came close and slipped in under Qui-Gon's arm and held him as he swayed a little.

"Nothing, love," Qui-Gon said as he straightened. "It is passing now, just disorientation. Most disconcerting."

"We've gone into subspace," Obi-Wan said, peering up at his Master's suddenly gray face. "That's all, beloved, just subspace."

Qui-Gon nodded, then leaned over to kiss Obi-Wan's forehead. "Just subspace to you, Padawan! Are you all right?"

Obi-Wan nodded. "I don't remember feeling anything like this when I went into subspace before, but then I was somewhat distracted."

"Hmm, yes, a breaking soulbond will do that," Qui-Gon said with a slight apologetic smile.

Obi-Wan gulped and shivered at the words and looked away, but when Qui-Gon drew him close and held him tight he burrowed into the comfort his Master offered.

[We are together again,] Qui-Gon sent softly, tucking Obi-Wan's head beneath his cheek as he opened his mind and heart to his bondmate in comfort far more effective than the physical warmth and strength of his arms. [I know I'll never again take you for granted, Obi. I'll never again just *assume* our soulbond is inviolate and unbreakable. My soul, my heart, I have wanted to ask you something since the moment you were returned to me. We are together in mind and heart and soul, yet ... Obi, after you are knighted, would you ...stay with me? I know you wanted to go out on your own, but...]

Obi-Wan pulled away slightly to look up at the serious blue-violet eyes of his lover, his eyes shining with happy tears that threatened to break free. [I made that decision for myself long since, Qui. You are my life and my soul. There is no life for me anywhere but at your side.] He put up one hand to caress the silvered beard and to twine a lock of the long brown hair in his fingers.

[But you wanted to go out with Jael, you've spoken of it often enough,] Qui-Gon sent, kissing the fingers that played with his hair. [What happened to the two Jedi who were going to change the universe?]

Obi-Wan chuckled at the reminder of his idealistic plans for the future, the skycastles he and his best friend had built in their infrequent times together. [Change the universe. Is that how we sounded?]

[That's how *all* young Knights sound,] Qui-Gon assured him. [And Padawans hurrying to grow up so they can join in the fun.]

Obi-Wan nodded slowly, then his eyes sought Qui-Gon's again. [As I said, my decision was made long since. I told Jael we'd soulbonded the day after it happened, Master. I sent him a holo and told him. He understands.] He smirked a little and rolled his eyes. [And you know Jael. He sent me a message right back suggesting a threesome.]

[Really?] Qui-Gon asked, mischief sparking in his eyes. [Think he's still interested?]

[You wouldn't!]

[No, probably not, but *you* might,] Qui-Gon returned with a faint devilish smile.

They snickered and giggled for a few moments, holding each other close as the roiling swirl of subspace rushed by the viewport and the light trails of the Seng rippled with faint light around them. Together they gathered silence and comfort around each other, preparing for the battles they were certain Xanatos would force upon them.

[I love you, Qui. When I am free to make the formal promises, I will,] Obi-Wan sent with quiet joy. [You are where I want to be, even if we'd never soulbonded.]

For a moment Qui-Gon couldn't reply. [As you say, Padawan. And I love you, with all my soul and all my heart.]

"Reversion to real-space," Obi-Wan's translator said suddenly from the floor where he'd left it.

"Already?" Qui-Gon asked in surprise. "From all the way out on the Rim to Coruscant in only these few minutes?"

"Correct, Qui-Gon. The phenomenon of time is a culturally ingrained constant with no basis in objective reality. Therefore, perception of time is subjective."

[You had to ask, did you?] Obi-Wan giggled.

Just then the roiling gray outside the viewport swirled again and vanished and the low deep thrum of the warship's engines throbbed once more around them. Stars became visible and a sense of movement. The wall in front of them moved and swirled open over a viewport and they were facing inward toward Coruscant Alpha, sweeping through the system along the ecliptic toward the capital of the Republic. Around them, ships appeared from hyperspace or glided up or over them, two veering away from the Seng warship abruptly as it appeared and sped toward the planet ahead.

[What now, beloved?] Obi-Wan asked.

In reply, Qui-Gon bent and scooped Obi-Wan's translator from the floor. "Is it possible to send a hologram transmission to Xanatos' ship?"

"Yes," replied the Seng. A bright blue line of light appeared from the shifting ceiling over Qui-Gon's head and flickered briefly over the Jedi Master's form, then two other lines of light shot from walls nearby and scanned him as well. All three beams continued to scan him as he drew himself up, pulled the hood of his cloak up and shoved his hands inside his cloak sleeves. "Begin, Qui-Gon."

Qui-Gon nodded and Obi-Wan caught his breath as his bondmate turned in an eyeblink into Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. "Xanatos. This ends now. There will be no further destruction. I will await you at the old Fleet shipwright station on Lysithea." A chilling five second glare and Qui-Gon nodded and stepped out of the light beams. "End message."

"Affirmative. Message confirmed received."

Qui-Gon sighed and nodded, then continued to the Seng, "There is a moon orbitting the eighth planet of this system. There is an abandoned underground installation near the southern pole. Can you take us there?"

"Yes." The warship abruptly banked and pulled upward and to the right, ascending toward the blue-green gas giant planet known as Coruscant 8. The tiny rocky moon of Lysithea had once been part of Coruscant's perimeter defense system, then when sensor and weapons technology had progressed to make it unneccessary it was bought by a starship construction company, then abandoned yet again when a meteor strike destroyed the primary factory and residential domes. The installation was abandoned now, considered too unsafe for use, and too vulnerable a target for further meteor strikes.

Many years ago, a much younger Qui-Gon had brought a much younger, far more innocent Xanatos to Lysithea for a survival test. He remembered his pride, watching Xanatos deal with cold and fear and dangers as they worked their way through the relatively undamaged portions of the old space base. He remembered a pale white face smiling at him serenely in the circle of blue-white light cast by a quartzlight, keeping watch. A soft cultured voice telling him to go back to sleep, it was just thermal shifting, no monsters here Master, all is well.

*Oh Xani, how could you do what you have done?*

[Beloved?] Obi-Wan sent softly.

Qui-Gon opened his eyes and broke out of his thoughts. Outside the viewports now hovered Lysithea, and to the left the darkside of Coruscant 8 blocked the light of the system's primary. The warship was skimming over the rocky lunar surface now, the iron gray dust and rock blurring by below, seeming to undulate over crater walls and low hills.

"There, to the left," Qui-Gon said into the translator. "The airlock."

But instead of doing as the Jedi Master asked, the warship overshot the airlock in question and pulled up and over the wall of the huge crater that had once held the primary factory dome. Shattered, blackened vitriglass flashed by the viewport, then the warship nosed down into the blasted and twisted machinery. The warship came to a hover and lowered slowly to the floor of the crater, and the Jedi heard the low throb of the engines change in tone as the ship settled.

"We cannot survive in vacuum," Qui-Gon explained to the Seng. "Nor in the cold of space. You must take us to the airlock I indicated."

"Sensors indicate an intact airlock beneath the debris of this location. Environmental factors beyond the airlock are within range for human life. The airlock previously indicated has been compromised by thermal shifting, producing numerous microscopic stress fractures in the inner and outer hatchways. Probability of explosive decompression, eight-two percent."

"Ah," Qui-Gon said. Then he smiled over at Obi-Wan as a section of the floor nearby began to ripple and iris open. *"Come follow me and let the world babble." *

Obi-Wan shook his head and rolled his eyes. *"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."*

Eyes twinkling with his laughter, Qui-Gon jumped down out of the hatchway. Obi-Wan followed him.

They found themselves beneath the Seng warship, the smooth mirror-chrome shape hovering above them without landing gear. Blue flickers of energy at the edges of the ship indicated a force-shield of some sort keeping the vacuum of space at bay. The frozen plascrete on the lunar surface was rapidly leeching away the heat from the thin air that had escaped from the Seng ship when the hatchway opened. And there was nothing beneath the ship but the plascrete, a perfect circle of cleared space beneath the warship, with the neatly cross-sectioned hulks of disused heavy equipment just at the edges of the force-shield.

[The ship absorbed the metals of the machinery as we landed,] Qui-Gon sent with some awe. [In only these few moments....]

Obi-Wan nodded as they moved hurriedly to the airlock hatchway a few steps away, pulling his cloak around him tightly as he knelt beside the lockpanel and quickly scanned the dead mechanism. [No power, Master. I'll have to use the manual release.] He grimaced at the keylock on the corner of the lockpanel, then took his lightsaber from his belt and dialed the blade length down to a needle-like beam. The tiny blade sprang to life in his hand and the lock was melted away in seconds. Readjusting his lightsaber back to it's usual meter-and-a-third length, he replaced it on his belt and popped open the manual release compartment, grabbed the orange metal ring inside and pulled hard. They could faintly feel the vibrations under their feet as the airlock mechanisms disengaged and Qui-Gon hurried to haul open the outer hatchway. They dropped down inside and pulled the hatch closed behind them.

"The lockwheel, Padawan," Qui-Gon said quietly in the pitch-black dark beside him and Obi-Wan's hands somehow managed to find the handle of the manual lock. He spun it quickly and they heard the airseals reseal above them. There was a long suffocating moment of claustrophobia when Obi-Wan's seeking hands encountered the walls of the airlock alarmingly close on every side, the ladder rungs welded onto one wall and the frozen metal of pipes along another. Then a light in the darkness as Qui-Gon brought a tiny marble-sized lightglobe from one of his beltpouches.

"It's not much, Padawan, but it's better than nothing," Qui-Gon said. "Quickly now. Xanatos' ship is probably already here and we must not be trapped in an airlock."

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan said and quickly found the manual release for the inner hatchway. Then they were descending into the dark chill of the abandoned moon base, the sounds of their passage echoing in the dank cold.

Xanatos looked out on the tiny moon Lysithea, a small distracted smile on his face, the silvery eyes almost glowing with repressed anticipation.

*Ah, Master, your gullibility and narrow-mindedness never fail to amuse me.*

"Land there," Xanatos said, pointing to an airlock tube in the shadow of a rocky overhang in the wall of the crater.

"The airlock indicated has been damaged by --"

"I said land!" Xanatos said menacingly and whirled from the viewport to rake his gaze around the shifting light patterns of the walls of the Seng warship. His lightsaber appeared in his hand as if conjured and he held it up to one of the walls, his fingers moving to cover the power switch. "Land or I'll cut my way out!"

The Seng warship slid into a hover over the airlock Xanatos had pointed out to them, sank slowly to cover the overhang and the airlock hatchway. Flickering blue light flashed from the hovering ship to the lunar regolith beneath and there was a brief hiss of equalizing pressure as the Seng ship generated oxygen to fill the shield-enclosed space beneath.

"Has the armada begun the attack?" Xanatos asked as he swirled his black cloak around himself and replaced his lightsaber on his belt.

"Yes," replied the Seng.

"Good." The ex-Jedi turned to the figure of Darth Maul leaning against the wall in the shadows of the warship's viewports. "Well?"

Maul's yellow eyes turned to the former Jedi and the cold contempt washed over Xanatos. A black-gloved hand flickered once and Xanatos caught the filedisk that was tossed. "The information you requested. And the account numbers."

"Excellent," Xanatos said with a feral grin and tucked the slim black cartridge into a beltpouch. "So good to work with people who know how to honor a deal." He turned as a section of floor began to ripple and thin, then open to reveal the gray-black lunar dust and gravel some twenty feet below. " 'Til our next endeavor, then," Xanatos said in farewell, and dropped out of the hole in the Seng warship's lower hull.

Contrary to popular belief, abandoned moon bases were rarely silent. Thermal shifting caused structural elements to squeak or tick with stress as the tiny moon whirled on it's axis and around the planet, from nightside to dayside, several times a day. Water trapped in lunar ice responded to this constant heating and cooling by beating staccato rhythms of droplets from roughly-excavated ceilings and walls. The erratic hum of power as solar arrays embedded in the crater walls transmuted the faint light of Coruscant Alpha into electrical power and the occassional snap and spark of shorting circuitry. Meteorites sometimes impacted on the surface of the small moon and the resulting seismic vibrations could trigger weakened tunnels to collapse. What little air remained in the moonbase was stale with time and clammy cold.

Through this unquiet world ghosted two shadows, carefully making their way through the debris and darkness. The Force guided their steps for the darkness was nearly complete, only occassionally broken by some faint erratic reddish glow from emergency lights or the greenish phosporescent gleam of illumitape on walls or floors.

[He's here,] Qui-Gon sent, stopping abruptly. Somewhere ahead of them the uneasy blade-sharp presence of Xanatos colored the flow of the Force.

[Yes.] Obi-Wan moved forward and his hand found his bondmate's. [Steady, love.]

[Yes,] Qui-Gon answered. [Split up. I'll call you if I need you.]

A moment's hesitation, then, [As you wish, Master. But be careful.]

Qui-Gon sent a wordless reassurance and watched as the indistinct outline of his apprentice moved away in silence down the corridor and disappeared into another corridor some distance away. Free now to move swiftly, the Jedi Master took his lightsaber from his belt and closed his eyes. The Force came at his silent call and he began walking quickly, guided by that familiar tainted presence, the Darkness flowing like blood in the waters of a clear rushing stream. Darkness, of sight and spirit both, pressed about him in the echoes of water dripping from the walls.

Obi-Wan pulled his cloak close about him and moved into the concealment behind the bulk of a heavy cargoloader as the discordant thrum of Xanatos' presence colored the Force around him. He felt the wariness, the focus, the leashed anticipation, the excitement of a goal within reach. And the Darkness, the craving for pain and chaos however it could be engendered, physical, mental, spiritual. Greed. The lust for power. The satisfaction of knowing that even at this moment the Republic was starting on that long slow slide down into anarchy and oblivion.

He drew the Force around him in a gentle surge, trying to shield his presence in what he hoped Xanatos would mistake for a simple natural ripple of the power.

Movement, swift and certain, answered that thought. The lithe form in black leaped silently through the darkness and red light erupted with the snap-hiss-hum of a lightsaber activating. The red blade screamed through the iron and steel of the cargoloader and the giant humanoid-shaped powersuit collapsed to the side in a useless heap with a deafening crash. As it fell, Obi-Wan jumped up and over the destruction, the red scintillant blade, and the elfin black-clad figure below. His own lightsaber came to life as he landed and whirled, and the battle was joined.

[Master, I've found him,] Obi-Wan sent calmly as he went to the ready, looking only up into the silvery eyes glittering in almost feverish delight a few yards away, glinting with the angry fire of his blade.

Xanatos laughed and freed one hand from his lightsaber to shrug out of his cloak, and a moment later Obi-Wan did the same, their eyes never flickering or faltering as they pinned each other with assessing glares. In the peripheral light of the blue-white and red blades, Obi-Wan could see in the corners of his eyes the vague shadows of the heavy equipment and abandoned cargo crates all around him. Something large enough to be a starship to the left, the deeper darkness of a square hole where a cargo elevator's platform should have been. The small huddled form of a deactivated droid nearby. And deep impenetrable gloom outside the small fitful circle of light and life that was Jedi and ex-Jedi Padawans leading each other through the steps of a deadly dance.

"So you escaped from the Seng," Xanatos said with a smirk, circling to the left. Obi-Wan automatically moved to the left as well, adjusting after a moment into the rhythms of a left-handed opponent. But the elder ex-Jedi saw the minute hesitations and his eyes danced with mirth. "Exactly as I predicted. Did your job, did your duty, despite terrible odds and a broken soulbond. Proud of yourself?" A lunge, a flurry of slash and parry and answering lunge and parry, and abruptly disengaging to circle again. Xanatos shook his head to toss his long loose hair back and moved with easy grace to the left. Obi-Wan followed silently, breathing deep of the clammy stale air, his blue-white blade an icy glare at the corner of his vision.

Far above them and some distance away across the cargo bay, Qui-Gon rushed out onto the catwalk balcony. The faint droning, shifting hum of lightsabers was a low harmony with the roiling disturbances of the Force thrown off by the two fighting on the cargo bay floor below. He felt the instant glad recognition of his presence from his bondmate and the satisfied, cynical amusement from the familiar cat-like figure in black. But the two didn't even miss a beat of the eyes-locked circling.

*Xani!* The daggerlike stab of emotional and spiritual pain staggered the Jedi Master as he watched his Padawan and former Padawan silently snarl at each other like hunting cats vying for dominance.

"So here he is at last. Slowing down in his advanced years, isn't he?" Xanatos said with a soft laugh, jerking his head in indication of where Qui-Gon was watching them in stunned silence.

Obi-Wan didn't even blink.

Xanatos shifted again and the Force abruptly surged at the ex-Jedi's call. The droid carcass nearby flew up in a blur of motion toward Obi-Wan. The Padawan jerked himself out of the way, jumped and flipped aside, the blue lightsaber blade looping and leaving white trails in the air as it spun. As he landed Xanatos leapt forward with a lightning-like lunge and slash. The impact of the red blade on his own knocked Obi-Wan off balance and he fell to the floor, instantly rolling aside as Xanatos sent the growling red blade toward his head. Rolling to his feet again, Obi-Wan backed away to gain space as the ex-Jedi rushed across the intervening distance to engage again.

Dimly, with the few small corners of his mind not taken up in keeping himself in one piece, Obi-Wan could feel the echo of swift movement as Qui-Gon ran along the catwalk looking for stairs or a ramp down to the floor of the cargo bay.

"* 'A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack,' *" Xanatos quoted with a mocking tone of voice. "I can still hear that old frog now, quoting all his rules and platitudes and endless, mindless, *useless* wisdom!" The lithe form flowed into the first position of the Second of Water kata, the red lightsaber held level at the throat, parallel to the floor, the easy control of two decades of practice evident as the former Padawan moved through the first four positions of the ancient kata. "They give you the keys to all that power, then chain you with the Code. Why? Restrictions are made from fear, rules are attempts to control, and why? What do they fear? If they fear the power, why give it to you? And why do you let them control you if no night lasts forever?" A flush of satisfaction rippled through the Force as Xanatos saw the impact of his words in the shadow that turned Obi-Wan's eyes to darkened emerald. "If all is balance, then why do they fear the Dark? We are not immortal. And survival of the fittest is the way of the Force."

[Beloved, I cannot find a way down -- I'll have to jump...]

Obi-Wan felt the jolt through their bond, felt the Force flowing through him toward Qui-Gon as the Jedi Master called on the power to slow his fall. Xanatos chuckled softly and leapt forward as he saw Obi-Wan flinch, and the point of the ruby-colored blade flashed across his vision. The wind of it's passing and the sizzle of the energy made him cry out and stumble backwards, blinded by the near-miss.

Xanatos' hand connected with his jaw as the ex-Jedi backhanded him brutally and Obi-Wan felt the Force surge up around and inside him as he fell backwards from the blow, and he tripped over something unseen and fell...and fell...

The scream of rage and pain he heard was mental and physical, and he knew it was his Master but then the hard duralanium of the cargo elevator's platform rushed up to meet him. He could feel the solidity of metal below him though the Force, knew he was falling, could seemingly feel each individual air molecule as it impacted with the skin of his face and hands. He retained just enough instinctual awareness to allow the Force to wrap around him and slow his fall, just enough so that when he landed he only dislocated his shoulder rather than breaking every bone in his body from the hundred-meter fall.

Dazed, he lay there unable to move. Oddly, the first thing that registered was that there was something hard digging into his back and that about halfway up the cargo elevator shaft was the deeper darkness of the level below the cargo bay where it opened to the elevator. And that there were faint sounds somewhere far above like echoes in a deep cave, low humming, strident voices...

[Master!] The odd detachment as he lay there stunned snapped suddenly and he began scrambling to his feet, crying out with the sudden pain as his shoulder seemed to explode with white-hot shards. He managed to get to his knees and held his dangling, useless right arm to his chest, swaying as he felt the horrible pain radiating through his body, threatening to turn to nausea. Damn. Damn damn damn. He'd dislocated his shoulder. He'd done it before during training, and always before his Master had been there to ease it back into place with gentle hands and the Force. He'd have to do it himself this time before the swelling and pain got too bad. Biting his lip against the agonizing neccessity, he staggered to his feet and stumbled to the metal wall nearby, leaned against it and forced himself to breath deep. Commanded himself to breathe, relax, accept the pain, let it flow through and out into the endless tide and flow of the Force, damn it Kenobi, *let it go.* Centered on the pain, on the flow of it out, commanded his mind and soul to allow the Force to work through the natural drawing-in of both in instinctual reaction to wounding. * Open up. Let it go. *

Then, when he was as calm as he could manage and despite the pain he was breathing deep and slow, he drew himself up and with one hard twist of his body shoved the dislocated shoulder back into place.

He might have screamed then, and when the red haze cleared from his vision he tasted blood in his mouth. He found himself kneeling on the floor against the wall and his shoulder still hurt like the hells of the Sith. *Breathe. Again. Keep breathing.* Once again commanding himself to stillness, he pulled the Force around him again and sent it in a healing surge through his arm and shoulder and the pain receded to a dull ache as the warm waves of energy washed through abused tendons and ligaments. It would heal. He could do no more himself at the moment save keep the Force flowing through it to push the healing along as best he could. With a flicker of thought the Force brought his lightsaber flying to his hand and he looked up the elevator shaft and sighted on the open bay door halfway up and let the power carry him upward. Another jump from there and he flew out of the cargo elevator to the floor of the cargo bay.

And arrived on a scene of fury and chaos.

Emerald and ruby light wove in violent counterpoint, throwing harsh neon glow into the vast clammy darkness of the cargo bay. Qui-Gon was growling in rage, hammering with sheer strength against Xanatos' red blade, beating the ex-Jedi away a step backward with each overpowering strike, his eyes wild and his mind all but incoherent. Xanatos was backpedalling smoothly, a strange small smile flickering through the strain of effort on his face, white hands and face aglow with the light thrown from their blades. The two howling lightsabers rasped against each other at every strike, Xanatos' wrists bending with the force of Qui-Gon's blows as the Jedi Master pressed him backward.

[Master!] Obi-Wan gasped into their bond, his mindvoice edged with pain from his shoulder, dulled with fatigue. Qui-Gon didn't reply. [Master?!]

The Jedi Master snarled one last time and one hand freed itself from the emerald blade and Obi-Wan felt the Force lurch and wrench around him as Xanatos was flung several dozen yards away. But as he flew they felt the ex-Jedi twist the wave of the Force sent against him and tumble out of the path of the power, letting it flow past him as he flipped and landed neatly on his feet again.

"Look at him!" Xanatos cried out triumphantly to Obi-Wan, flinging out an accusing hand pointing at Qui-Gon. "*Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to Suffering!* You see it all right here before you, the great Master Qui-Gon Jinn, losing all control, giving in to hate and anger, giving in to fear and weakness!" The cat-like circling again as Xanatos moved swiftly toward the two Jedi, an almost feral delight in the silvery eyes. "Look at him, boy! Our precious Master, using his powers to attack! Where is your vaunted serenity and balance *now,* Master? What good all your teaching, all the hours spent on aching knees meditating, begging and pleading for the Force to erase all those emotions and fears and desires? *It was all a lie, Master! Every word is a lie and you knew it all along!*"

"*Enough!*" Obi-Wan screamed and flung himself at the hateful black-clad figure, his lightsaber coming to life in his hand, his body aching from the fall, his shoulder afire with pain, all balance within him skewed by Xanatos' hate and rage coloring the Force around them, by Qui-Gon's incoherent fury. And the ex-Jedi was ready for his attack and sidestepped easily, slipping aside as Obi-Wan rushed him and slamming his fist into Obi-Wan's injured shoulder as he passed. Obi-Wan screamed with the pain and stumbled and fell, his vision blurring and going red as he hit the cold plascrete.

A hand jerked his head up by the hair and he felt the weight as Xanatos knelt on his back, and the voice soft by his ear. The strain on his shoulder wrung a cry of anguish from him, each movement and shift of Xanatos' weight on his back screaming through his body like plasma fire along every nerve. "*There is no passion, there is serenity*. You've done this to him, brat! Was he like this before you soulbonded? Feel all that hatred and rage and power in his mind? You did this! He's turning to the Dark Side and it's *all your fault.*"

The loud droning hum of a lightsaber and Obi-Wan could see the shadows thrown by the emerald blade's light as the blade swept around to hover over Xanatos' shoulder, poised at the side of the ex-Jedi's neck menacingly. Obi-Wan nearly cried out in relief as he heard the beloved voice grate out, "Xani, get off of him *right now.*"

A soft chuckle and the hand still clutching Obi-Wan's hair let go, the slim fingers relaxing into what was almost a caress as the ex-Jedi sat back slowly. Xanatos turned slightly and slanted a look up at his former Master out of sly, knowing silver eyes. "As my ...*beloved* Master commands."

The weight left Obi-Wan's sprawled form altogether and the Padawan caught back the sob of pain, pushed himself up shakily with his good arm and turned as he got to his feet, called his lightsaber back to his hand. He moved stiffly to Qui-Gon's side as the Jedi Master kept Xanatos at the point of his blade, his focus never wavering from the ex-Padawan's eyes even as the cat-like circling began again.

[I'm...all right, beloved,] Obi-Wan sent softly to his bondmate.

[No you aren't,] Qui-Gon answered with a terse snap in his mindvoice, the anger still strong in the undercurrents of his mind.

[Calmly, Master, calmly,] Obi-Wan murmured to him. [He's playing us like synthars. We must be calm and we must watch...]

[Has he gone mad entirely or is this a special occassion?] Qui-Gon sent flippantly.

Obi-Wan's mouth flickered briefly in a half-smile at the exasperated levity. [Let it go, beloved. Let *him* go. He's not the boy you found on Telos. It's time to end this, one way or another. But let the Force have it now. His fate isn't ours to decide. We're not jury and executioners.]

The calm words, even overlaid with pain and fatigue, were cool water over the rage remaining in the Jedi Master's mind and soul. With a sigh he released the corresponding tensions and negative emotions into the Force and calmness was left behind once more. The humming green blade stopped trembling with the force of Qui-Gon's grip on the hilt.

"Oh, very good," Xanatos said mockingly. "Pulled yourself back from the abyss did you? And with the help of your new toy, no doubt." Xanatos smirked and tossed his hair back over his shoulders, then peered over at Obi-Wan again. "Bit old for your tastes, isn't he, Master?"

"And how would you know?" Obi-Wan said in a quiet, nearly expressionless voice.

A moment of silence, then Xanatos laughed merrily and twirled the crimson blade casually around and came to guard position again. He smirked up at Qui-Gon then slid that mocking glance to Obi-Wan. "Nice try, brat, but I was pulling those tricks my second year as our Master's shadow."

"Kind of sad that's all you've amounted to. A shadow, that is," Obi-Wan said in a nonchalant, conversational tone of voice.

[Padawan, don't lower yourself to his level by using his tricks,] Qui-Gon cautioned, turning with Xanatos' movements to always keep himself and his lightsaber between the ex-Jedi and Obi-Wan.

[You just keep him moving, don't worry about me,] Obi-Wan flashed back hurriedly. [We may have only one shot -- he's such an egotistical, arrogant bastard -- ]

"A shadow!" Xanatos laughed. "I'm so much more than that, boy. So much you'll never know so long as you let *him* keep you chained." Xanatos' eyes met Qui-Gon's across the length of their lightsabers and the silver swirled with both red and green blade light. "You taught me to think, but only in straight lines. You told me no knowledge was forbidden then would not answer when I questioned." The elfin face hardened and tension flooded the tall willowy frame. "You told me you loved me, then turned your back when I followed my own heart."

Qui-Gon froze, and then the emerald blade dropped away, retracting with a hiss.

Obi-Wan choked and moved the two steps to catch Qui-Gon's free hand, clutched it fiercely as he felt utter black despair and guilt wash through the bond, flooding mind and soul and heart. Qui-Gon didn't react, didn't acknowledge his wordless frantic query. And then the Master dropped to his knees in surrender, his eyes empty and distant.

"As you will, Xani. Get it over with. Whatever you may believe, I did love you." He straightened and closed his eyes. "Get on with it."

"No..." Obi-Wan heard his own voice whispering that one weak protest.

[It is the only way. I'm sorry, my beloved, but...remember me.]


But there was only silence from Xanatos and Obi-Wan tore his eyes from his soulmate's kneeling form to the ex-Jedi.

So many, many emotions flowed across that elfin, pale face, shimmered in silvery eyes. Incredulity. Delirious triumph. Suspicion. Contempt. Disgust. Confusion.

Sorrow. Fear. Denial.

Obi-Wan sank down slowly behind his Master and hid his face in the warm dark wool of his cloak, burying his face in the fall of silvered brown hair, resting his cheek in the hollow between Qui-Gon's shoulderblades. Beneath his ear, faintly, he heard the steady pulse of his soulmate's heart. [I will not be parted from you again. Where you go, my soul, I will follow.]

The broad shoulder beneath his cheek trembled for a moment, then stilled, and Obi-Wan reached with his good hand for his bondmate's, and their fingers twined.

But the fatal blow did not fall.

Long moments passed as the two waited for Xanatos to strike, holding each other. The humming of the ruby blade was still loud in their ears and finally Qui-Gon opened weary eyes and looked up.

Xanatos stood motionless save for the slight tremble of the red lightsaber as his hand clenched on the black hilt. The pale face was awash in a conflict of sorrow and hate and disbelief. Silvery eyes stared down into Qui-Gon's, and then finally something broke within the former Padawan. In one blur of movement the crimson lightsaber retracted and disappeared, Xanatos whirled in the sudden absolute dark and they heard running footsteps echoing in retreat as he fled.

Master and Padawan were left in the darkness, holding each other, both afire with pain, stunned to be alive.

Until lights began appearing in the corridors at the end of the cargo bay and voices echoed in the stillness. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon looked up at last into the frantic eyes of Jael Sinthara and Mace Windu as the two raced up to them out of the dark, pulling them back from the crumbling edge of despair and grief.

"Grandmaster...they are on Lysithea. Tell my Master..." A pause, and Xanatos looked down and swallowed, and his hair fell forward to shadow his face before he straightened again and looked up. "Tell him this."

*"Love is a sour delight, a sugar'd grief,
A living death, and ever-dying life;
A breach of Reason's law, a secret thief,
A sea of tears, an everlasting strife;
A bait for fools, a scourge of noble wits,
A deadly wound, a shot that ever hits."*

Xanatos looked up again into the holocam, then nodded, bowed slightly, and the hologram winked out.

In the half-light of the shuttle, Qui-Gon closed his eyes and ran a hand over his face wearily. Then he turned back to help Obi-Wan out of his tunics as Windu searched through the medipack for painkillers and anti-inflamatory drugs. Obi-Wan bit his lip and hissed with pain at every movement, then sighed in relief as the drugs began to sooth the burning away in waves of numbing coolness.

[Sleep, beloved,] Qui-Gon sent softly, [All will be well.]

[But Master -- ]

Qui-Gon looked down into dazed aquamarine eyes and straightened the Padawan braid with gentle fingers. [All will be well,] he repeated, trying to dredge up a smile. [Sleep now.] He put one hand on Obi-Wan's forehead and a brush of the Force dropped the apprentice into deep healing sleep.

Sighing, he turned away, stumbled a few feet to the nearest blastchair and fell into it, his own resources at an end.

In the cockpit just up the narrow corridor, Jael turned to look back as he heard the Jedi Master's ungraceful fall into the blastchair, saw the grief and pain scrawled across the leonine face. Windu came up the corridor and sank down into the co-pilot's chair as the younger Knight turned back to his piloting.

"Did you tell them?" he asked softly.

"No. Let them get some sleep first. You called the Temple?" Windu asked.

Jael nodded. "The Healers will be waiting."


Silence then as they merged with the traffic patterns surrounding Coruscant, the usual chaos that surrounded the capitol of the Republic. But both Jedi knew, as their exhausted companions in the shuttle's passenger cabin did not, that nothing was usual about it anymore. The three dozen dreadnoughts now englobed Coruscant, the security checks as they passed the scouts on perimeter duty just inside the orbit of the fifth planet.

The Republic had been at war with the Khamseng Empire for almost two hours.

The End ...for the moment...