by Lynne Dhenson (
Archive: On m_a, please.
Categories: Poetry, Point of View, Drama
Rating: PG
Spoilers: TPM
Summary: Sometimes it's hardest on the ones left behind.
Feedback: Welcomed and appreciated.
Disclaimer: SW:TPM's characters are George Lucas', and very
emphatically not mine.
Before the roiling dark begins to rise,
can I find in myself some untouched space
that still can reach the daybreak of your eyes,
that still recalls the beauty of your face?
I am grown bitter--surely you must know;
the fight has left me--save to reach your shore;
if not for sake of duty, I would go.
The light may leave me, now you are no more.
My heart's beat only echoes the dread knell;
I have been blinded by my blood-drowned sight,
and caught between the double blades of hell:
this rising Darkness, and this falling Light.