Shapes of Clay

by Rachael Sabotini (

Archive: M/A. But if anyone else would like it, please ask.

Category: Very mild angst, Point of View, First Time

Rating: NC-17

Series: #5 in The Rubaiyat of Obi-Wan Kenobi series, following Ruby on the Vine. It's actually become important to have read the prior stories, since this is the last one I plan on writing, though it's not the last story in the series. Make sense?

Disclaimer: No money, no harm, not mine.

Summary: If it is not forbidden, is it allowed?

Feedback: Yes, please.

Thanks to elynross, Kim, and Sandy for beta-reading, and to Maygra for her support.

Extra kudos to elyn for being a lifesaver. I accidentally wrote over the finished version of this story with a bad copy, and she was able to piece most of the missing third together from snippets I'd sent her.

The titles in this series are:
1) Poet Laureate
2) Jedi and Roses
3) Wind and Rain
4) Ruby on the Vine
5) Shapes of Clay
6) Preferred Vintage (which was actually the first one written.)

Many of the titles in this series were variations on phases found in The Rubaiyat by Omar Khayyam:

I leaned back against the couch, turning slightly so that my book was in better light. Obi-Wan wiggled his way further down the cushions, his head resting on the rolled pillow at the end, his feet in my lap. We were comfortable here, he and I, held in a bubble of contentment that almost glowed, the reach of it defined by the resonance of my voice.

Evenings like this were magical. Anything seemed possible -- particularly with Obi-Wan beside me.

When I was a child in the crèche, we were encouraged to believe in magic. Toys were made of wood and stone, glass, metal, paper, everything from deep within the living Force. And each toy was magic, the only limitation our imaginations. There were no faces on the dolls, so that they could be anything. A chair was a spaceship was a tree was a throne; everything contained more potential than could be seen.

Just as it is with the Force.

We learned to see what was important, and to change the rules if we had reason to. For example, one of the games I loved had small wooden sticks, taken from trees on various planets, and we'd use them to build a tower. The child that knocked over the tower lost, and the sticks bounced and rolled across the table onto the floor, accompanied by squeals of delight.

I was the one who usually knocked the sticks apart. I was all elbows and knees, and it took me years to develop a true kinesthetic sense of my body in place and time. It would have been disheartening, except that sometimes we played by different rules, and I had a chance to win. But even so, I empathized when I heard that Obi-Wan had been called 'Oafy-Wan' when he was younger; I think I broke more glassware than any initiate in the temple's history.

Tonight I felt like the rules had been changed, and I finally had a chance to win. Everything around me seemed in such disarray, the old order destroyed; yet I wanted to laugh, feeling the new order coalesce in the Force around me. From the looks I was getting, I think my emotions confused poor Obi-Wan. His Master tends to be a sober man.

Yet here I was -- without drink, without drug, without any added enhancement -- far from sober.

Obi-Wan levered himself up a bit to look at me, his feet still lying in my lap. "Master?"

His eyes were wide, whether with shock or amazement, I couldn't tell, but it amused me. I might have held on to the image of him as a boy for far too long, and I could see that he'd taken the same tack with me. Somber and controlled as I am, I wondered if he had ever thought about what I'd been like when I was young.

I know I've thought about what he will look like when he grows old. How his face will change, and his skin line itself with worry and love. I bet his eyes will never lose the hint of mischief they always hold.

I imagine it in detail at times, because I know it is something I will never see.

But such thoughts were too maudlin for a night like this. I set the reader beside me, then picked up one of his feet in my hands and rubbed it. This time, I could tell he was shocked. This level of intimate comfort we'd left behind us with his early adolescence. But I didn't want to stop; I laughed, and then something within Obi-Wan changed. He looked puzzled, but not unhappy. Confused, yet accepting. Eager, maybe.

Perhaps he was seeing me at last. The thought was both wonderful and frightening, and I froze.

He prodded my hand with his toes again. "I was enjoying that."

Our eyes locked, and I was the one that had to turn away, the humor I'd felt replaced with slow burning heat. I picked up his neglected foot and began rubbing it, acutely aware of the feel of his skin against my hands. Which of us, I wondered, had really startled the other?

"Master, are you all right?"

I looked over at him, but my eyes could not linger for long. He'd sprawled back against the cushion in a way that spoke to me more of sexuality than companionship; I breathed deeply and centered myself, pushing those thoughts aside. I had managed to contain that side of my desire for months now, since I had grown aware of him as a man. There was no need to give into the need at this moment, not when everything felt so magical. This brief flare of want would pass as quickly as it had begun.

"I am fine," I said, taking comfort in my own words. I gently brushed my hands across Obi-Wan's foot, feeling the soft skin on top and the hardened skin ridge at the beginning of the sole. The skin at the heel was dry; it probably needed some cream, but I would have to get up for that. "I was thinking about your knighting ceremony, when I will kneel before you to wash your feet." My hands wandered up the inside of his foot, and I stroked the pads of my thumbs across the arch and heard Obi-Wan's sharp gasp as I felt the knot there relax. I wasn't sure what I was saying anymore, my attention on the feel of Obi-Wan's feet in my hands and on the sounds of pleasure he made; I felt my mood fading as I rambled, the need to touch him even more intimately still strong.

I had to stop. I could feel my own desire building, and I was glad I had not gotten the cream; it would make this more tempting than it already was. I could see him out of the corner of my eye as my hands kneaded his flesh, the way he arched back when I touched a sensitive nerve, the way he sighed when the knots gave way. I wanted him too much.

I set his feet back in my lap, stilling my hands. "I hope that they will be in better shape then than they are now." I could not risk even that small touch, not now. He would have to understand.

He curled himself up and around so he could inspect his own feet. "I will remember to cut the nails before then," he said solemnly, "and get rid of the calluses, I would not want the other Masters to think poorly of your training." He grinned then, teasing me, his tone intimate, even flirtatious.

My mouth ran dry.

The reader lay next to me, and I hastily picked it back up, finding where I'd left off. Even though my giddiness faded, it was still good to sit next to him like this, to be reading aloud once again. I let myself project that emotion, let him feel it. "I am content."

Content was a good word for it, a Jedi word, full of understatement, commitment, and depth. Not satisfied, no; the need within me might never be satisfied. But this...companionship fulfilled most of my moods.

And when he left me, the memories of this would remain. The thought warmed my sudden chill. He would be a great Jedi. He would have a good life.

"Shall I brew some tea?" Obi-Wan's voice held a tone I couldn't remember hearing before, as if more than tea were offered. He stretched and stood, looking down at me, a fascinating change from our normal positions. If anything, his grin got worse, as if he understood some momentous joke.

Such foolishness. "Tea would be good right now. There's fresh green if you prefer."

"Back in a moment." He nodded, and I watched him walk into the kitchen.

If anything, the magic seemed stronger now, the hairs on the back of my arms tingling attentively. For long minutes I tried to center, to focus on the Force, but it escaped me. No matter how I tried, I couldn't read what was happening; I had to let it go. I was too scattered to--

"It's steeping, Master." Obi-Wan came in again, interrupting my thoughts. He'd also removed his robe at some point and was now bare-chested as well as barefoot. His braid lay against his skin, swinging slightly as he walked. His chest was a little red, and Obi-Wan noticed my gaze. His hand came up to rub at the red spot on his rib just under his nipple. "I spilled some of the water when I was pouring. It's nothing, but I decided I didn't want to wear a wet tunic."

He lay back down on the couch, his head on the pillow, feet on my lap, but the shy boy I'd seen earlier had gotten lost somewhere in the kitchen. The young man I watched now had nothing of the boy about him, all lean muscles and lazy sensuality, wearing a focused, predatory air.

I brought the reader up close to my face, turning away from the sight. He wasn't mine to have. He had a quick wit, a ready smile, and an easy-going nature, all wrapped in an elegant form, but those were gifts he'd give another. He owed me dedication, loyalty, a willingness to listen to my words and heed them as he made his own path, while I...I needed to do some meditation tonight.

Hands pulled the reader away from my face, and Obi-Wan slid down onto my lap. I swallowed hard as he looked at me, measuring me for what, I did not know. He simply laid his hand on my chest. "Kiss me."

I could not move, my mind and body frozen at his words, so Obi-Wan moved, instead. He leaned in, sliding his hands up and around me, his lips brushing softly on mine. "Live in the moment."

It was the wrong thing to say. A dozen doubts assailed me, and I couldn't think through the fury of their chatter. Obi-Wan's hands felt so good; I pressed into them, then pulled back. "Be mindful of the future." I held his wrists and stared into his eyes. "Would you mortgage your future for this?"

"I mortgage nothing, my Master. I remain your Padawan."

There was no guile in him, no deceitfulness, no...intent...other than what he suggested. I released his hands and reached out to stroke his cheek; he pressed a kiss into the palm of my hand. He offered friendship, companionship, and shared joy for the night. It was a better offer than I'd had in years.

But oh, how I wished that I'd seen love.

The magic faded as we sat there, each of us listening to the harmony of the Force, trying to read what it said; the only answer was silence. The humor in Obi-Wan's eyes faded, and he pulled away, gathering into himself

I let him, still confused at my own response.

"So the answer is no?" he asked carefully.

"I...." I swallowed and looked at him as he slid off my lap and stood. "I need time, Obi-Wan. I need to think."

"Yes, that is the Jedi way, isn't it?" He lifted his chin and looked at me, his arms folded protectively across his chest. "Take your time, Master. I will be here."

He bowed, leaving the common area for his own room. I barely heard the door close behind him as I listened to my own thoughts. Too much confusion, I finally decided. I needed to take a walk.

The problem was a simple one, and one that had plagued Jedi philosophers for centuries. If something is not forbidden, but it is not encouraged, is it still allowed?

Obi-Wan wanted me. That should have been enough, a secret matching my own desire for him. But it was not.

My footsteps echoed in the hallways of the temple, and I realized I was on my way to the western meditation gardens. I frowned as I stopped, gazing down the hall. I always went to the western gardens; they were the closest to my rooms. I knew every nook, plant, and rock in them as if I had placed them there myself.

I turned around and headed down a different corridor, one I traveled infrequently. I think I had not been down this corridor in quite a while, as I noticed that some remodeling had been done. Six months, I was sure, though it might have been more. A new entrance had been added to one of the inner apartments, a rounded door, wide enough for a Hutt and tall enough for a Wookie.

"Ah, Master Qui-Gon!" Footsteps behind me, and I turned to see who it was. Master Tallic grinned and waved at me, dropping to all fours to quicken his pace. I could not help but smile; Jedi robes had not been constructed with quadrupeds in mind. Fortunately, Master Tallic's robes had been modified so that he could easily walk on all fours when he wanted -- or swing by his tail, for that matter. His people lived in the rainforest canopy for most of their lives.

He stood up when he got nearer and soothed out the sparse covering of bright orange hair that framed most of his face. He glanced at the door I'd been looking at and back to me. "It's a maintenance storeroom. When Master J'anir died, no one wanted his rooms."

Ah, how could I have forgotten? J'anir had been an institution in the temple. He'd lost both an arm and his sight while on a mission right after his knighting; he'd stayed in the temple after that, specializing in strategy and tactics. I'd been so caught up in my own thoughts that I hadn't even noticed that J'anir's sadness still clung to these rooms, even though he had joined with the Force. No wonder no one had wanted them.

I turned back to Master Tallic, who was looking at me questioningly. "Yes?"

"I never see you in these corridors, Qui-Gon. Is Obi-Wan on a solo mission?"

"Not that I know of. He still has much to learn before I would feel comfortable releasing him for solo duty."

"Humph." Tallic's cheeks puffed up with air, and he puffed his exasperation. "I am not asking if he was knighted."

I was tired, and I wanted to be alone with my thoughts. "Then what are you asking?"

"No cares. I was just assigned a courier mission that I would prefer to pass along to another. " He patted the pouch that he carried with his tail. "And I just wondered if perhaps Obi-Wan was available to run such errands yet."

I think I must have looked astonished, and Tallic's words spilled out faster and faster as I listened. "I know it's a little soon, but he seems more than capable. And I've heard that you've split up on missions, leaving him to deal with the routine while you delve into something in more detail. So I thought that if he was around...." His voice drifted off, and his face contorted into a smile, which showed off too many teeth for my tastes. "I was headed in that direction anyway, and it will only add three days to my schedule. I'm sorry to have disturbed you, Qui-Gon."

"You didn't disturb me, Tallic. I was simply lost in other thoughts."

"Ah, in that case," he clapped his long-fingered hand on my arm, "live in the moment, Master."

Obi-Wan's words from Tallic's body. The Force was mocking me.

I shook my head as he scampered away. There was just something about Tallic; he always seemed to push the edges of propriety. It wasn't unknown for a Master to ask an older Padawan to take on a low-risk assignment, thus freeing the Master to work on other matters, but that was usually a matter left to the Council's discretion.

Or to the Master that was teaching him.

It was true, though. Obi-Wan had already acted in my stead on a few occasions; in another year or two, he would begin taking on low level missions for the Council. And a few years after that, he would be knighted and on his own. He was already far more mature than most young men his age.

Many things could happen on those missions. It was not unheard of for someone as simple as a document courier to find himself in the midst of a war. Usually the council screened well enough that those incidents were few and far between, but it did happen.

I glanced back at the new door and shuddered. Obi-Wan could end up like Master J'anir, an old man who always seemed to mourn what might have been. Would being with me be something Obi-Wan mourned? Or would it be something he could warm himself with, alone on a bitter night?

Others already saw the Jedi Obi-Wan would become in a few years time, and they were already expecting him to take on the missions of an older Padawan. Perhaps I was the one being hasty, assuming that I knew Obi-Wan's mind.

Perhaps it wasn't what I thought it was at all.

I considered and thought, staring at the door to what used to be J'anir's flat, and finally came to the conclusion that I would mourn not being Obi-Wan's lover.

To that, the Force responded, 'Yes.'

Live in the moment, indeed. I turned and walked back to our apartment, my pace much brighter than before.

He was waiting for me when I arrived. I was barely inside the door before he came out of his room and met me in the hall; this time he was fully clothed, but still barefoot.

"Master, I am sorry for my behavior earlier. It was forward and impolite." He bowed formally, keeping his distance from me, the very picture of a perfectly contrite Padawan.

"Obi-Wan...." I had no idea where to begin, but I knew I didn't want a perfectly contrite Padawan at the moment. Something akin to what he'd been wearing -- or not wearing -- earlier was more on my mind. And to that end, I needed to make him feel comfortable. I removed my outer robe and hung it up in the hall. "There is no need to apologize. You were honest. I took no offense."

"No?" The anxiety I'd seen when I'd entered melted out of him, his relief evident in his more relaxed stance, but still too formal for my tastes. Obi-Wan watched as I carefully took off my boots and set them next to his. "Then what happened?"

"I decided you were right. It is time to live in the moment."

Amusement sparkled in his eyes; Obi-Wan was grinning now. "And which moment would that be? The moment before or after the kiss?"

"The moment before." I tilted my head and looked down at him, letting him see the desire I kept veiled within me.

He shivered, staring at me, as if he had discovered a need of his own.

Feral, his hunger written in the lines of his body, Obi-Wan stalked me. His lean grace tore into my body, rending it, leaving me open and bleeding, dying from a painful, unsatisfied thirst. I leaned back against the wall to hide my inadvertent trembling and waited, letting him take control. He threaded his hands into my hair and wrapped his fingers around the back of my neck, pulling me down against his lips.

"Kiss me," he said again, his lips brushing mine as he softly spoke.

I didn't think to resist.

Our lips met and parted, and I flicked my tongue across Obi-Wan's mouth; he did the same to mine, mirroring my movements. I exhaled slowly, Obi-Wan breathing in, setting up a rhythm between us. Languid and lazy, we fed each other kisses, exploring each other in lush detail. Heady, like strong wine, I could feel the passion building with in me, could feel it as Obi-Wan grew aroused.

There was nothing unusual in the way he smelled, his hair neither more thick nor more fine than anyone else's. His body felt firm and strong in my arms, but not so defined that it drew notice. In all things, he seemed ordinary.

Yet he was not. I was consumed by an abnormal hunger for him, a limitless passion that most pulsed with Force life. I could not stop devouring him, my hands clutching his body, molding it to mine, as if I could force him closer. He was panting now, his breath harsh in my ear, the press of his groin against my thigh proof of his desire. I nipped at his earlobe and the base of his neck; he thrust hard against me, as if he could find a foothold somehow and climb me, reaching for some nexus that centered at my groin.

Through it all, Obi-Wan whispered to me, words not appropriate to our normal conversation. I had dreamed of him saying those things, and each word he spoke was like a gust of air against a flame, making my desire flicker and re-kindle itself to a brighter heat.

My neck reminded me that I'd been curved in one position for far too long, my back braced against the wall, Obi-Wan pressed hard against me. I pressed back, levering myself away from my position, and realized how unsteady I felt on my feet.

Obi-Wan looked dazed, as if his brain had not yet processed that I'd moved. His lips were swollen with kisses, and at the dip of his throat I could see a small mark just beginning to bruise. "Come here," I said, sliding my hand into his. "The couch is close and not so hard."

His grip was strong, and his voice wicked with desire. "I like it hard." He tugged me to him, leading me to the couch, his words an almost incomprehensible language to me. "I like it hard and fast, and I like it slow."

Dazed by the hunger in his words, I hit the edge of the couch as I passed, and the sting broke though the fog in my mind. Obi-Wan's words were clear now, his tone low and demanding as his hands worked the fastening of my sash.

"I like it wet, too, slick from your mouth -- or whatever's at hand."

Released, the cloth fell to the floor as I gripped Obi-Wan's shoulder and kissed him, not the soft, decadent kisses of the entryway, but hard kisses, demanding response.

I think I surprised him, as if he had not expected me to move. I heard him groan and sigh, his hands sliding up my shirt, stroking bare skin, teasing me, as his words stroked my need. "I want to feel you, I want to eat you." He paused as he got the tunic off and his gaze met mine, locking together with the power of a light saber. "I want to do you."

Fire ignited through me at the thought, the image of Obi-Wan thrusting into me searing the synapses of my nerves, branding me with desire. No less powerful was a whipcord reaction to that thought, the image of Obi-Wan beneath me, moaning as I thrust into him.

I had no time for pleasantries anymore. "Strip," I demanded, nearly growling the word in my lust.

Obi-Wan's eyes grew wide and dark as he hastily unfastened his sash and tugged his own shirt off.

I stepped forward and cupped my hand under his chin, tilting it up. "You wanted it hard, Obi-Wan?"

"Yes, Master." He swallowed once, his eyes never leaving mine.

"And wet."


"Then I want you to make sure it's very, very wet." I kissed him and rubbed my thumb across his slightly parted lips. "Kneel."

I don't think he'd ever been that obedient in his life. I laughed, startled at the sound in the room.

Obi-Wan looked up at me, a wicked light in his eyes. "Taking advantage of me?" He reached out and tugged on the fastenings of my leggings, ignoring them utterly as the cloth slid to the floor, my erection revealed. "Fine by me, " he whispered, reaching up to pull me in tight, taking my cock down his throat.

I threw my head back and groaned, my fingers reflexively grabbing onto his head, and Obi-Wan eagerly swallowed me, his mouth sliding over my shaft, his tongue dancing across the underside and swirling around the tip. He played with me as if I were some cherished toy he'd re-discovered, guttural sounds of pleasure issuing from behind his closed lips.

I glanced down at his face once while I fucked his mouth and saw how intent he was, his eyes half-slitted with delight.

Force, I'm not sure who was enjoying it more at that moment, Obi-Wan or myself. I moaned and thrust, and Obi-Wan let me, relaxing into it as I stroked into him. I was vaguely aware of his hands fumbling with the fastening to his own leggings, freeing his own cock so he could stroke it.

As his movements grew more obvious, I realized this wasn't quite how I wanted it, and I forced myself to slow down and pull back. Obi-Wan looked dazed, his mouth swollen and red; I leaned over and kissed him, tasting some of my own fluids on his lips.

The couch was behind me, so I eased myself down on it and pulled him into my lap. "You wanted to fuck me," I said, noticing as sanity returned to his eyes, watching as it was driven away again at my words.

"Maybe later," he mumbled, stripping off his pants and straddling me like he had earlier. "I think this would be much better for now." He held my cock in one hand and positioned himself so I could feel myself pressing against his entrance.

"Obi-Wan--" I gasped.

"It's okay," he said, sighing as I felt myself pushing against the ring. "This isn't...." he swallowed and visibly forced himself to relax, "!" he gasped as I breached the barrier and drove into him.

I felt a flare of unreasoned jealousy at his words and quickly released it into the Force, my body interested in other, more important things. He was right, I was wet enough, and he was relaxed enough, and Oh, Force, I didn't think anything could feel better than this.

Complex reasoning failed, and all I could do was thrust, my arms wrapped around him, taking his weight as much as I could, bracing us both as we lunged and shook and rubbed against each other, matching each other passion for passion, seeking a mutual oblivion.

I don't think I was ever more aware of him than I was at that moment, our bodies intertwined with each other's, my attention locked on Obi-Wan and his on me. For one single instant, it was as if we shared a single mind, a single set of thoughts. And instead of oblivion, I became intimately aware of who I was, not only as myself, but as someone important to Obi-Wan.

That connection was a priceless gift, even though it lasted an instant.

I think I fell first, the shudders reverberating in me as I spilled into Obi-Wan, but I had not yet completely reconnected with my body before I felt him splash across my chest, his small cry of delight like an electric charge across me. Fumbling, I pulled him around so I could wrap my arms around him and hold him as he shook, trying to keep some measure of closeness between us.

We'd spent years in each other's company, working through a hundred crises, and selfishly, I didn't want to let go. I stroked his hair as he leaned down on me, sweaty and sticky from our exertions. I could feel his heart pounding through his chest, felt the tickle of his breath against my neck.

I could not freeze this moment; I could not keep him. As a Jedi, it was my responsibility to let go. I released my grip, giving both of us a little room, chilling where the air spilled between our damp skins. I looked at him, felt the sweat running down my face and plastering my hair across my brow; Obi-Wan's braid was frayed and falling apart. It felt awkward to be human again, to be separate and within my own body. It had all happened so quickly. I had no words to fill the silence between us. "Well...."

"Yes," he said, panting slightly, "well."

He was as lost for words as I was. Our gaze locked. He smiled, and I mirrored it, then he laughed and collapsed across my chest, moving such that I felt myself slide out from within him. "So, what happens now?" he asked softly, not looking at me, his fingers gently stroking my arm as if something we shared would shatter if we moved too fast or too hard. "I never thought about--"

"What would happen next?" I answered, stroking his hair. "Neither did I." I could feel my eyes crinkle as I smiled at the irony. "I lived in the moment."

"Is it that much of a problem?"


He snuggled in closer to me. "What is the proper procedure for something like this? Must we report it to the Council?" He kissed the hollow at the base of my neck, licking away the salt. "I'm assuming that something like this has happened at least once in the history of the order."

I thought back a moment, sifting through my own experiences and what I knew of the written history of the Jedi --and the unwritten history, which was a hobby of mine. "It has, many times."

"So there's nothing to worry about."

"Not officially, no. There is nothing that forbids a Master from lying with his Padawan."

"What about a Padawan with his Master?"

"I don't think they ever considered that possibility. It would be the Master's duty to resist." I shifted him so his weight wasn't pressing so hard against my chest, making it easier to breathe. "In the beginning, such relationships were encouraged, as a way of releasing tension. During the war with the Sith, however, such pairings were discouraged, and Masters and Padawans separated for fear that the emotional connection would lead them to the dark side."

"Will we be separated?"

I kissed his ear. "I don't believe so. The end of the Sith wars wrought many changes in the order. Today we are more concerned with possible abuse." I leaned my head on his shoulder so I could whisper in his ear, delighting in the shiver it produced. "Have you been abused?"

"Not as much as I would like." I could feel the smile as he said it, and he arched his neck so I could kiss it.

I shook my head. "You will be the death of me, you know." Nevertheless, I kissed him, enjoying the feel of his skin as I nipped gently at it.

"You just need more practice." The humor in his voice melted, and the brash young man I'd been holding seemed to fold in on himself. He turned away, not looking at me, and I wondered what he was thinking. "Would you...spend the night with me?" he whispered.

The question obviously meant more to him than I'd assumed; he was not talking about friendship or companionship any longer. I answered as serenely as I could, given that I wanted to shout with joy. "I would be honored."

Obi-Wan looked at me then, his eyes filled with the need for reassurance, his words tumbling out of his mouth in haste. "I am still your Padawan."

"Always." I said, stroking my hand across his cheek, reconnecting us. "You will always be mine."

I kissed him then, and we each rolled off the couch and picked up our clothes, moving in harmony together. I stopped to rinse the teapot and put it away, while Obi-Wan put away the clean cups and the tea. Working together felt so right, I had to stop and experience the moment, so good, so sweet. I could feel the magic around us again, and this time, I could feel the threads of Force running through it.

It felt like poetry.

The End