Shades of Silence

by Keelywolfe

Rating: NC-17

Archive: M&A, anyone else, ask.

Summary: A sequel for To Remain Silent, this time from Obi-Wan's point of view.

Feedback: Yes, yes, yes! Remember, your compliments are the only thing we starving artists get paid.

Disclaimer: A long time ago in a Galaxy far far away, the mighty Force that is George Lucas created Star Wars. And he looked at it and saw that it was good. And all was right with the Universe. But then time went by, (as well as two other movies) and finally The Mighty Lucas came out with the first episode (which was actually fourth, but -he- created it and can do whatever the hell he wants). And we, the Mighty Fans, saw that Obi-Wan doth look upon Qui-Gon with lust. And we also saw that the Mighty Lucas was not likely to include this observation in the next movie. So we said screw it and wrote it ourselves, even though we don't make any money off of this. And all was right in the Universe. (Bloody long disclaimer, wasn't it?)

It is the chill in the air that wakes me. I pull my senses from the haziness of sleep to realize that my skin is bare to the early morning coolness of this planet. I drag the blankets from the floor and back onto the bed, wrap myself in their scratchy warmth. It is that moment that I glance up and my eyes catch on you on the sleep couch across from me.

Your own blankets are in disarray, a testament to a restless night, exposing swathes of skin to my eager eyes. I've seen you unclothed often enough, Jedi are not renowned for modesty where the body is concerned, but it is a rare occasion that I can see you without covertly hiding my glances. I devour you with my eyes, knowing that my eyes are the only part of me that will ever be allowed such liberty. No matter how much we both want it to be otherwise.

Do you really think that I don't know? You may think me young and perhaps a bit naïve, but I am not blind, just as you are not. We both know the truth and we dance around it in an elaborate pattern of steps and retreats.

We dance because we know the truth but we also know the consequence of that truth and neither of us are willing to pay so much to gain so little. A short, surely explosive, moment of utter sexual bliss compared to years of chaste companionship. To become lovers and be forcibly separated by the Council or to remain together as we are now. There is no question of the choice we would make, the choice we have -been- making.

But there are consequences of that choice as well. We pay the price of a certain tension that surrounds us, a tension that builds and builds until finally it must break free. Like it did last night.

It seemed so real! In my dream you touched me, you took me as I have wanted for what seems like an aeon. If it weren't for the betraying stickiness on my stomach, an all-too- familiar sensation, I would swear that it -had- been real. That you had spread my body across this uncomfortable sleep mat and poured everything that you are into me so that we were a single being locked together by ecstasy and love.

And oh such love, as I imagine only one such as you, someone with such fire in his spirit, could create. I thought for just a brief moment that I felt your love, a flame focused on me and I could have died contentedly in the embrace of that inferno. There -is- a part of me that would happily die, if only you would love me. And I think you know that. Yet another reason to keep the fires banked. Such passion is dangerous, especially to the Force-trained and must be contained.

But it -eats- at me, a gnawing ache, knowing that the only way I can feel your love is within the blur of dreams, dreams that slide from my frantic grasp at the coming of the dawn. Is that not dangerous as well? Is there not a chance that my longing will consume me?

Dreams. I look at you again, sprawled across the cushions, the lines of your face eased by slumber, and I wonder. What dreams disturbed you last night, to make you so unusually restless? I've often teased you that you sleep the way you do everything, with calm precision. The blankets neatly tucked around you at night stay that way until morning.

A blush heats my face as I realize that it may have been my own dream that disturbed you. We are bonded, you and I, if not how we want to be then at least how we should be, as master and apprentice, and my dreams could have easily leaked into yours. A lacking on my part to be sure, you would never deliberately...

Would you?

The very thought that you might intentionally invade my dream is somehow strangely...enticing, to have had a part of you inside me. And a part of me responds to that thought, blood rushing to lift and swell and in moments I have an achingly hard erection.

Do I dare? I probably only have minutes at best before you awaken and I can hardly think of anything more embarrassing than to be caught masturbating by you. Or more stimulating. The memory of last night's dream teases the edge of my consciousness.

It is that memory that sweeps away the last cobwebs of my misgivings and I wrap my hand tightly around my cock, stroking briskly. I press the fist of my other hand against my mouth, smothering the sounds of pleasure that threaten to escape.

I caress you with my eyes, stealing false touches of the skin that I will never be at liberty to touch in truth.

Faster now, reaching for the peak that is coming too rapidly and my eyes narrow as I struggle to keep them open, tracing the lines and angles of your body. From the charming disarray of the rough silk that is your hair to the thigh that is exposed through the sheets, lightly dusted with dark hair, the blankets cutting off my view at the most upper part of your leg, shielding your loins from me. Just as well.

The tight grip of my hand as well as the thrill of apprehension, the risk of discovery, all conspired to take me quickly to the edge of orgasm. The heavy pressure between my legs increases almost painfully and I arch helplessly against the sheets, struggling for silence. As the pleasure overtakes me I bite down hard on my fist, tasting copper warmth even as I stifle the cries that well up inside me.

Against my best efforts my eyes finally shut and I see you only in my mind now and is your hand on my erection, your fingers made damp by the heated fluid spurting from my cock and I -come- in a hard rush, an explosion of liquid heat and sensation.

I lie there, panting and trembling, and almost reflexively my still bleeding hand reaches out against my will, as if to touch you. It pauses, lingering there in the space between us while drops of my blood hang from my fingertips before falling, quivering crimson jewels suspended briefly in the air before splattering to the floor. In the end, my fingers pull back and curl into a fist, smearing scarlet over my hand. I rise quickly then, tearing my gaze from you and cleaning away all evidence of my loss of control.

I dress and settle into the corner to meditate, to heal my hand before you awaken and question me on it. Snapping my shields into place I am again the consummate Jedi, the perfect student with my emotions well in hand. Just as you taught me.

You will not speak of what lies between us, I know, and so neither shall I. Whatever choices I make for myself, I will not force a choice on you. Not now, not yet, this time I will fall back and let the battle lines remain where the are drawn. Still, I am a Jedi and I may retreat but I refuse to surrender.

The moment we are no longer master and apprentice, the moment that barrier drops, I'll make my feelings known to you, out loud, not with the veiled looks and half-hidden longing that surround us now, and we -will- speak of this.

No matter the consequences.
