The Seduction

by Nicole D'Annais (

Pairing: Q/X

Rating: NC-17

Category: Angst, Drama, Non-Q/O, Action/Adventure

Archive: Master and Apprentice--anyone else ask please

Summary: Qui-Gon learns a few lessons about passion and consequences.

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, much less these fine characters--although I own a couple of action figures of them, does that count? Probably not. Oh well, I refuse to make any money off them in any event, so please don't sue me.

Notes: This story consumed my life this past summer, and I very much appreciate the many, many people who let me talk out the plot, who read snippets (even when the thought of Q/X made them nauseous [g]), who listened to me whine, and who were very supportive the whole time--especially poor Cori, who had to listen practically every day all day [g]. Most of all, I want to get down on my knees and worship at the feet of Kimdy and Destina, two of the best beta readers the world has ever seen. If you see any mistakes in here, it's certainly not for lack of their trying to get me to see them. [g]

And to No Doubt, who recorded the song that led to me spending hours pondering what Qui-Gon was like when he was young and happier and open and hadn't been betrayed yet...I'm not sure if I should say thank you or damn you.... ;-)

Also...there's a short sequel to this story on my website, and a longer Q/O one in the works right now. Hope you enjoy!

Coarse, dark hair slid through tanned fingers. Bronzed hands traveled down a long, pale column of a neck, across a wider expanse of the creamy skin, down the back to rest on taut flanks as the two separate beings fused together....

Qui-Gon closed his eyes tightly as if that would stop the images that came unbidden to his mind; they were nothing more than a sign of his own lack of control. What his student was doing in his free time was the boy's own business and Qui-Gon knew he should be ashamed of himself for listening in.

He drove the desires from his mind, replacing them with a careful serenity that would not put him in danger of discovery should his padawan sense his thoughts. Of course, to do that, the boy would have to actually be home.

With a deep breath, Qui-Gon opened his eyes. He watched as the first rays of the sun rose over the spire at the northeast corner of the Jedi Temple. Morning was fast approaching and there was still no sign of his padawan.

Just as his unease was sliding into worry, Qui-Gon felt his padawan nearing their quarters. He turned toward the door as it opened, allowing his disapproval to show on his face.

Xanatos' smile faded somewhat as he faced his master. "You're up early," he commented calmly as he shed his robe.

"On the contrary, I am up quite late."

The robe landed in a careless heap on the chair. "And I thought I was past the age when you had to wait up for me," he joked as he sprawled gracefully onto the couch.

"As did I." Qui-Gon crossed his arms across his chest, his frown deepening into a scowl. "Where have you been?"

"Out with friends." Xanatos laid his head back into spooned hands, elbows sticking out, and smiled up at his master. "We agreed I was old enough to come and go as I pleased."

"That was when I assumed you were old enough to know when it was time to come home."

The smile disappeared from Xanatos' face. "I apologize Master. If you have a problem with my late hours you need only say so." The contrite tone was at odds with the relaxed, confident body language.

Qui-Gon sighed. "See that you're home at a decent hour from now on and we'll say no more about it," he said in a softer tone.

"Yes, Master." He hastily covered his yawn. "Are we sparring this morning, Master?"

After a moment's silence, Qui-Gon took pity on the boy. "We'll spar this afternoon; your morning is free."

"Thank you." Xanatos rolled off the couch, standing easily. With a quick bow, he headed for his room.

Qui-Gon watched him go without bothering to hide his affection. He wasn't sure he was tough enough on the boy at times. His padawan needed a strong hand guiding him.

The Jedi Master grimaced at the surge of need that arced through him as the images he'd 'seen' earlier played through his mind again, this time with his own hands gliding across the smooth skin of his Padawan's body. He forced his mind to go blank, locking that scene far away in his mind.

Unbidden, another memory resurfaced-- Xanatos lying on the couch moments ago, pale face bathed by the sun, dark blue eyes sparkling in the bright morning light.

How was he supposed to reprimand his apprentice while the boy lay there, clearly satiated, exuding sexual satisfaction from his nocturnal activities? Hiding his attraction to his padawan was playing with fire; if the Council found out, he could be removed as Xanatos' master. If his Padawan wasn't so close to knighthood....

But he was. Approval of his apprentice's elevation to the rank of knight was imminent. He had passed the initial tests with flying colors; now all that remained were his trials. Qui-Gon had already put in a request that the Council consider choosing a date for Xanatos' trials. In fact, he'd put in two requests, since his first had received no response.

At least he'd received no official response. Privately, however, Master Yoda had voiced his concerns about Xanatos. "Not ready for knighthood, is he. Too eager to follow paths quicker and more pleasurable." The pronouncement still echoed through Qui-Gon's mind, h aunting him. He was certain there was no cause for alarm. Yoda did not know Xanatos the way Qui-Gon did. There was no danger in enjoying life. Living in the moment was an important skill for a Jedi and if Xanatos lived each moment to the fullest he should be congratulated, not scolded. And judging from the fleeting images and more persistent feelings Xanatos transmitted through their bond, his Padawan was definitely living life to the fullest.

The boy simply needed to find the balance between recreation and duty, to see to it that he was not caught ill-prepared for any sudden missions because he'd been out until dawn having fun. Qui-Gon thought their talk today would take care of that problem. Then the Council would have no reason to keep Xanatos from his trials any longer.

A cloud passed in front of the sun, the sudden shift in light drawing Qui-Gon out of his reverie. He yawned as the sleepless night caught up with him. As he headed for his own room, he tried not to think of all the possibilities Xanatos' knighthood would bring about.

Qui-Gon was awakened mid-morning by a summons from his former master. He pulled a cloak of serenity around himself and buried his feelings for his padawan deep in his mind as he walked the distance to Yoda's quarters.

The timing of the request for a meeting was distressing . He could hide his feelings so well almost no one would be able to sense them.

Almost no one.

He had never had to shield something like this from his master--at least not since his padawan days. Now, of course, his shields were much stronger. But not necessarily strong enough to stop Master Yoda. As he arrived his master's door, Qui-Gon hoped the strength of his shields wouldn't be tested today. As usual, the diminutive master's expression was serene, with not even a hint as to why he had called Qui-Gon to his room.

"You wished to see me, Master?"

Yoda looked up at him, the movement deliberate and unhurried, as usual. "Saw your padawan returning this morning, Qui-Gon."

He waited, but his master said no more, an old trick Qui-Gon knew well and frequently used himself. "Yes?"

"Padawans are not generally allowed to come and go as they please," Yoda continued after a moment.

"No, they aren't," Qui-Gon agreed.

His master watched him for another moment, then sighed, putting his whole body into that one exhalation. "Asked again that Xanatos be knighted, you did."

"The Council has come to a decision, then?" Qui-Gon asked, knowing they had not. If the Council had decided, they'd be having this meeting in the Council's chambers.

"Decided they have not." Master Yoda waved his hand toward the floor. "Come down here you will." The words held a touch of impatience. Qui-Gon knelt on one knee to meet his master's eyes. "Know you my thoughts on this," Yoda continued.

"You don't believe Xanatos is ready to become a knight."

"Dangerous, he would be, if knighted now." Qui-Gon opened his mouth to argue, but his master silenced him with a gesture. "Final mission you must take the boy on."

"Final? Is this some sort of test?"

"Test it is not. Lesson it is. If learn what he needs to know Xanatos does, knighted he will be."

"And if the Council decides he has not learned his lesson?"

His master's head dipped forward slightly, eyes sliding into mere slits. "If lesson goes unlearned, all else will matter not."

Typical cryptic Yoda message--vague warnings of doom that could mean anything. Qui-Gon rose to leave.

"Wait. One more thing to tell you I have. " The old Master looked carefully into Qui-Gon's eyes. "Tell him about this conversation you cannot. Only to think this is a regular mission, he is."

Qui-Gon nodded and rose from the floor. "Where is the mission, Master?"


Xanatos' home world. A world where his father held much wealth and power. So it was a test, then, no matter what Yoda wanted to call it. The Council thought Xanatos would be tempted by wealth, but Qui-Gon knew better. The boy had his own kinds of pleasures, and money had never been part of them.

"Is that all?"

"So certain are you, then, that this will turn out as you wish?"

"I know my padawan."

Yoda frowned. "Mmmm. We shall see. Leave in the morning, you will. Sleep tonight, your padawan should."

"I will go prepare for the mission." At his master's nod, Qui-Gon bowed and left quickly, before he give anything away, if he hadn't already.

Qui-Gon returned to his quarters and began his research on the mission. Normally, Xanatos would help, but he needed to sleep. This mission would go well. Qui-Gon was determined to see that it did.

Halfway through his research, he reached out across their bond to see if the boy was still asleep. Contentment was the first feeling he sensed...contentment combined with arousal.

Qui-Gon tried to pull back from the bond, but he was assaulted with images from Xanatos' dream. He saw his naked apprentice, head thrown back, eyes closed in pleasure. Those eyes opened slowly, gazing fire down at Qui-Gon as Xanatos thrust into him over and over, whispering "Master" repeatedly, like a liturgy.

With a gasp, Qui-Gon wrenched himself free of the vision. While most students harbored such thoughts toward their masters at one time, Xanatos had never shown any sign of infatuation, and he was long past the age where such things were common.

So what were the boy's feelings, then? Boy? Qui-Gon laughed softly. He could think of Xanatos as a boy, but he was very much a man, and a desirable one at that. It was time Qui-Gon stopped running away from that fact and faced it.

The image from Xanatos' dream floated through his mind again, increasing his own arousal. Perhaps this was not quite the right time to face his feelings after all, if this was the effect a single image had on him. For now, he had to concentrate on the mission. Xanatos would be a knight. Once that happened, the rest would fall into place as the Force willed.

That decided, he put down his datapad and headed off to take a shower. A very cold shower. Then he could continue his research with a clear mind.

It was mid-afternoon before Xanatos surfaced, still dressing as he hurried out of his room. "Master, I apologize for oversleeping. You should have woken me."

Qui-Gon looked up from his datapad, cursing silently as his padawan's appearance--hair tousled, eyes half-lidded as he shook off the last signs of sleep--quickly undid the effect of the cold shower.

He hid the effect the boy had on him, conscious that Xanatos was staring at him oddly. "I let you sleep," Qui-Gon stopped to clear his throat, "because our plans have changed."

He waited, hoping his student hadn't sensed his thoughts. Xanatos' face cleared of confusion as he nodded at the datapad in Qui-Gon's hands. "We've a mission, then?"

Qui-Gon nodded, not trusting himself to speak as his apprentice came around behind him to read over his shoulder. Xanatos leaned over, his hands on his master's shoulders, his breath warming Qui-Gon's ear as he read.

Faster than Qui-Gon could think to stop it, the dream he'd witnessed slammed back into his mind. He fought it off, banishing it to a place deep in his mind, then held his breath, waiting.

The hands on his shoulders tightened their grip a bit; the breathing in his ear shallowed. Then Xanatos released him, moving away toward the kitchen. "So, we're going to Telos? It'll be wonderful to see my home world again as an adult."

Was that a reminder to his master that he was no longer a child? Qui-Gon shook his head. He was reading subtext into every word and action now. He had to gain control. Quicker than he would have liked, Xanatos reappeared, glass in hand. "Shall I go and pack for us while you finish preparing, Master?"

Master. Again the dream came back, the whispered caress Xanatos had made out of that word sending a sharp pang of desire straight to Qui-Gon's groin. "Yes, please, Padawan."

A brief pause, an almost startled glance, and then his apprentice disappeared back into his own room. Qui-Gon sighed in relief, then put down his datapad. He could finish reading in flight to Telos; right now he was more in need of meditation. He would conquer this. He would. Any other outcome was simply not acceptable.

If the few minutes after Xanatos had awakened had been difficult, the evening was turning out to be sheer torture. Given the upcoming mission and the reprimand he'd received that morning, Xanatos had chosen to stay in for the evening.

Trust his apprentice to choose the absolute worst time to be overly dutiful. Of course, it was exactly the right thing to do. Xanatos would be well-rested for the mission, and Master Yoda, who was no doubt keeping track of Xanatos' whereabouts, would perhaps be mollified by the boy's decision.

Unfortunately, neither of these things was helping Qui-Gon deal with his desire for his student. The errant thoughts he had when Xanatos wasn't around were difficult enough, especially combined with his knowledge of Xanatos' activities and now even his dreams.

None of that compared to having his padawan underfoot. How was he supposed to concentrate with Xanatos lounging on the couch, showing far too much skin and eating khana fruit?

Qui-Gon barely managed to suppress a groan as Xanatos finished the juicy piece of fruit and began licking his fingers one by one, silky pink tongue darting out across the tip of a finger, remaining in view longer to slide its way up the long length of each digit.

Just as Qui-Gon was considering crossing the room and ripping his student's clothes off, Xanatos rose and strode off into the kitchen, the tantalizing sway of his hips testing Qui-Gon's resolve once again. By the time Xanatos returned, still drying his hands on a towel, Qui-Gon had decided it was time for a hasty retreat to deal with his problem on his own.

He stood, quickly putting things away. "Is something wrong, Master?" Xanatos asked, changing course and coming to stand next to his teacher.

Qui-Gon took a step backwards, covering the action by reaching for a data chip on the shelf behind him. "Nothing is wrong," he answered as he stuffed the chip blindly into the pack. "I'm very tired, and I'll need to be well-rested for the mission, so I think I'll get some sleep now."

Even to his own ears he sounded like a babbling fool, but if Xanatos noticed, he said nothing about it. "Here. I'll finish packing this up. You go to bed."

The low, seductive voice, combined with the sizzle of heat as Xanatos' hand grazed his own as the young man took the pack from him, ripped away any protest Qui-Gon might have made, along with the last of his composure. "Thank you," he said huskily, then he hurried off to his room.

As his door shut behind him, he was stripping off his clothes. He locked strong shields firmly in place in his mind as he threw himself on the bed and reached for his erection. His hand wrapped tightly around the rock hard shaft and began pumping it mercilessly as he unlocked all his carefully hidden visions.

Xanatos, in the throes of passion, and a faceless man thrusting into him as his padawan moaned in ecstasy. That same man, now being thoroughly used by Xanatos as he uttered low words describing everything he wanted to do to his willing partner.

Another vision, this time of Xanatos receiving pleasure from one man while pleasuring another. The thought of so many others having had his Xanatos both angered Qui-Gon and aroused him at the same time.

His mind drifted to the newest images, those from Xanatos' dream that morning. Qui-Gon's hand sped up as he recalled the sheer bliss on Xanatos' face, the passion in the single word 'Master' whispered repeatedly.

Finally, his thoughts rested on the one erotic image that was real--Xanatos licking juice from his fingers moments ago. Qui-Gon replayed the slow glide of that tongue as it moved up each finger, leaving no part of it untouched.

He imagined that tongue trailing liquid fire up the length of his needy shaft. Would Xanatos be as thorough as he had been with his fingers? Would he taste every millimeter of skin there until Qui-Gon was mindless with need, coherent thought beyond him?

Or would he quickly cover the entire length, taking it deep inside his mouth, surrounding Qui-Gon in wet heat and then sucking his very life out of him through that one small opening in his body?

His climax took him by surprise, a hoarse shout escaping his mouth. Qui-Gon lay there for several moments, gasping for breath as the waves of pleasure slowly calmed.

When he finally felt he could stand without his knees crumbling beneath him, he rose from the bed and moved rather shakily toward the shower, hoping that release would be enough to see him through the mission. Force help them both if it wasn't.

He was going to die from the pleasure, he was sure of it. Qui-Gon shivered as he fell against the wall behind him, the cool durasteel supporting his back at odds with the intense heat in his body.

The heat was due to his padawan, who was currently focused on Qui-Gon's erection and doing everything he could to increase the temperature further. He laced his hands through Xanatos' close-cropped hair, holding him there, thrusting into his mouth, climbing closer and closer toward release.

Qui-Gon awoke with a start, gasping, his climax too close to stop now. He gripped his erection relentlessly, letting the dream play back through his mind as he slipped over the edge, release flowing through his body, easing the tension that had preceded it.

He threw his arm over his eyes, unwilling to face reality just yet. His heart rate and his breathing slowed as the sweat cooled on his body, and still he lay there, eyes covered. How could he go on this last mission and not reveal himself?

The answer came swiftly--because he must. Xanatos would be a Jedi Knight. And Qui-Gon would be his master until that happened. Whatever might happen after would have to be put out of mind until then.

He was a Jedi Master. He had the ability to control this. Now he had to find it--fast.

Suppressing a sigh, he threw back the covers back and slipped to the floor to meditate.

Morning dawned, and Qui-Gon found himself reluctant to leave the relative safety of his room. Yoda had found a pilot with a cargo ship full of droids who was willing to take them to Telos. Hopefully the ship would be large enough to keep some distance between himself and his padawan.

Living in close quarters with the young man was tough enough, even with outside distractions keeping them both occupied. Being stuck onboard a ship with him would prove to be a difficult challenge.

A knock at his bedroom door had him sliding into his robe even before he heard the soft voice on the other side. "Master, we must leave if we're going to meet the ship."

"Coming," Qui-Gon called. He winced at his choice of words. This would be a difficult journey indeed.

The ship was large enough, though not as large as Qui-Gon had hoped. The pilot, a humanoid who looked to be about Xanatos' age, met them at the hatch with a smile. "Stieg Wa," he said, nodding in response to their slight bows. "That's my name, by the way, not some kind of odd greeting or anything. Welcome aboard."

"I am Qui-Gon Jinn, and this is my apprentice, Xanatos."

"Right, the Jedi. " He laughed, a brash sound that echoed off the metal walls of the hallways he was guiding them through. "As if I'd be picking up any other kind of passenger at a Jedi Temple."

Qui-Gon ducked through one of the many doorways set at random intervals in the halls. "Do you pick up many passengers?" He hadn't been able to sense any other life forms on board.

Stieg Wa shook his head. "I usually carry cargo only--much safer than passengers. Cargo is predictable. Well, most of the time." He turned and grinned at them as he stopped. "This is your room. Sorry I only have one, but like I said, I don't usually have passengers. I owed Master Yoda, though, so here you are."

"One room will be fine," Qui-Gon said politely as the pilot moved away, calling over his shoulder for them to join him in the cockpit when they were settled.

Mentally, he cursed his former master as he followed Xanatos into the room. With an effort, he released his anger into the Force. He could feel the curious gaze of his padawan, but he refused to meet the younger man's eyes.

If it were possible, he would ignore Xanatos for the whole week it would take them to get to Telos. But he couldn't ignore his student. Even though he was ready to be a knight, there was still much for the young man to learn. And much he could teach his master as well.

Thoughts and sensations assailed him, vivid enough to stop him mid-stride. Xanatos' dream from the previous day was the most prevalent, having replayed itself so many times in Qui-Gon's mind he imagined he could feel each thrust of the young body into his.


Qui-Gon jolted back into reality. Xanatos was staring at him, blue eyes wide, lips parted slightly. Try as he might, Qui-Gon couldn't pull his focus away from those wet, inviting lips.

"Is something wrong, Master?" His voice was slightly breathless, and through their training bond, Qui-Gon could feel Xanatos' growing arousal, no doubt fed by his master's emotions.

Suddenly, Qui-Gon regained enough control to slam his shields back in place. Xanatos gasped as he was released from the assault of his Master's feelings.

"Master?" he said again. "What--?"

"Excuse me, Padawan, I must go find...." He stopped, unable to think of any excuse to leave beyond the truth--and that was the one thing he couldn't say. "I'll meet you in the cockpit in twenty minutes."

Ignoring the confusion on his student's face, Qui-Gon hurried out the door. He tried three of the doors around their room before he found one that was unlocked. He opened it, relieved to see it was the bathroom he'd sought.

He locked the door quickly behind himself, jerking his leggings down and grabbing his erection unmercifully. His mind recalled those soft, inviting lips, committing every crease in them to memory as he quickly brought himself to orgasm.

Gasping, Qui-Gon leaned back against the wall and slid down onto the cool floor. He tilted his head back and rested it against the wall, eyes closed. He was an adult, a Jedi Master, and he was jerking off in a bathroom like a teenager. He had to do something.

The trouble was, he was beginning to think there was only one cure. And he would not, could not even contemplate that action.

Once he had composed himself into the image of the calm Jedi Master, Qui-Gon made his way to the cockpit. As he approached, he could sense a growing irritation in his padawan.

Frowning, he slowed as he drew close enough to hear the conversation. "Well, kid, I don't know about that cushy Temple of yours, but out here in the real galaxy, we have to pay our way, and therefore we take the quickest route possible. So we fly through pirate territory."

"It only takes four more days to go around," Xanatos said in a sulky voice Qui-Gon barely recognized.

"And those four days add up to at least one less shipment I can make a month, not to mention the wasted fuel. I didn't get to be where I am by playing it safe. But don't worry, I'm not stupid either. We'll be fine."

"I know we will be," Xanatos snapped. "Just don't expect us to protect you!"

"Xanatos!" Qui-Gon took the last few steps into the room.

His apprentice's head whipped around, anger quickly replaced by shame. "Master!"

"Apologize to Stieg Wa." He waited while the younger Jedi made a suitably contrite apology, then continued, "Perhaps you should go finish unpacking." Given the few belongings they traveled with, that really wasn't necessary, but it would help his apprentice save face. Ordering him to his room would do nothing to help the situation.

"Yes, Master." Xanatos nodded to Stieg Wa, bowed to his master, and left.

Qui-Gon turned to the pilot. "He has been under a great deal of stress with his trials approaching."

"Trials? What'd he do, kill somebody for taking the long way around town?"

"These trials are the final test to become a Jedi Knight, something he's worked his whole life for." Qui-Gon forced the annoyance out of his voice. "It can be a difficult time."

The pilot shrugged. "Sure, whatever. No skin off my back if the kid gets a little testy. I was meaner than a rabid bantha the last week before I tested for my pilot's license. Just don't expect me to treat him any different."

"Of course. It will be a good lesson for him in holding his temper," Qui-Gon said with a smile. He watched as Stieg Wa began checking instruments on the wall panels. "Is something wrong?"

"Looks like everything's fine. Just checking it over." He pointed to a row of instruments. "These go to the cloaking device. And those," he said, indicating another row, "go to an alarm to warn me about approaching ships. We're going to need both of those things fully functional if we run across trouble."

Qui-Gon nodded. "It seems you have everything under control--not that I expected anything less--so if you don't mind, I'm going to go have a talk with my apprentice." The pilot waved a hand in dismissal, so Qui-Gon turned and left to seek out his padawan.

Qui-Gon paused at the door of their room, his hand above the entry keypad, and took a deep breath before entering the code. He stopped short just inside the door; his apprentice had done a thorough job of the task he had been assigned, he couldn't argue that. Clothing was scattered all over one of the two small beds. Xanatos sat in the middle of the mess, accusing eyes raised toward his master. "Is there another task you wish me to perform, Lord Master?"

Stunned, Qui-Gon bristled at the cold anger in his apprentice's voice. "That's quite enough, Padawan," he barked. "I'll not have you take that tone with me."

"You ordered me out of there! In front of that pilot! The man will be treating me like a nothing the rest of the trip--as if he wasn't rude enough to me before!"

"Padawan! That is quite enough." Qui-Gon stared in shock at the younger man. "The only one I saw being rude was you."

"I was simply informing the man that we could make it safely to Telos without flying right through the middle of pirate territory."

"You told him we would not protect him," Qui-Gon countered, crossing to stand over his student. "We are sworn to protect, Xanatos. I don't care what you think of Stieg Wa's decisions; if it becomes necessary, you will protect him."

"Of course I will, Master," Xanatos answered immediately. "I wouldn't really leave the fool to die. Not that he wouldn't deserve it for getting us into the mess in the first place."

Qui-Gon frowned down at him. "What has gotten into you?"

The harsh laugh he received in response drew Qui-Gon down to sit next to the young man. Dark blue eyes just inches from his own clouded with something other than the anger that had filled them moments earlier. "Really, Master, do you have to ask?"

Answers crowded Qui-Gon's mind, some of them too vivid for his own good, but he squelched them all, choosing to pretend ignorance. "If it's bothering you this much, then yes, I do."

That hollow laugh rang out again. "Which is the greater sin, Master, being rude, or lying?" When Qui-Gon could find no response, Xanatos leaned closer, lowering his voice to a near whisper. "Do not tell me to be the model of a perfect padawan while silently asking me to be anything but."

Qui-Gon swallowed painfully. His own forbidden desires were to blame for Xanatos' riotous emotions. The next seven days spread out before him, one long nightmare of trying to fight his own demons as well as quell the reactions they caused in his padawan.

The answer seemed so simple in that moment. He could lean forward, capture those lips taunting him so close to his own. Take what he wanted, what he now knew they both wanted, and the volatile emotions would calm.

Such an easy solution. Such a pleasurable solution. He leaned forward until his lips were almost there, savoring the sweet breath from the mouth so close, tasting it, anticipating the next taste he would have.

A knock at the door brought him back to his senses. He pulled back suddenly, scarcely able to believe what he'd been about to do.

"Midday meal will be served in my office, right next to the cockpit, in five minutes," Stieg Wa called through the door. "Be there, or be very hungry until evening meal."

The muted sound of the pilot's footsteps faded quickly, leaving the two Jedi in silence for a long moment. "Master, I--"

"We must go," Qui-Gon interrupted, hurrying to the door. "It wouldn't do to be late."

He waited, hand on the door controls, until he heard the rustle of fabrics as his apprentice rose from the bed. "Yes, Master." Qui-Gon ignored the sulky tone that once again laced the young man's voice. Considering that his own actions had put it there, there was little he could say that would help. He opened the door and turned down the hallway without looking back.

Midday meal was one of the most uncomfortable experiences Qui-Gon could remember. Stieg Wa told them a little about himself, the route they were traveling, and the ship. Qui-Gon listened with interest, or at least appeared to. The majority of his mind was still trying to come to terms with the scene with his padawan in their room.

Xanatos ate quickly, paying little attention to the pilot's chatter, but not going so far as to be openly rude. Even if Qui-Gon couldn't sense the young Jedi's emotions through their training bond, the tightness around the corners of his mouth and the barely-veiled anger in his eyes would have given them away. The two of them were going to have to have a talk. Just as soon as Qui-Gon figured out what to say.

Pushing those thoughts aside for now, Qui-Gon turned his attention back to Stieg Wa. "Of course, like every old ship, she has her drawbacks. I never had her fitted with sonics, since I prefer a nice, long soak in real hot water myself. I keep an extra tub in the 'guest' bathroom, just in case, so you can bathe. Water's short, though, so I'll be cutting back, and you'll only be able to fill it halfway once a day."

Qui-Gon felt a sharp rise in Xanatos' emotion, saw the look in his eyes, and decided it would be prudent to get his apprentice out of the room before another fight with the pilot ensued. "I'm sure we can make do," Qui-Gon told Stieg Wa. "Thank you for the meal. I hope you'll excuse us; it's time for our afternoon katas."

"Sure. Evening meal's in here as well. I'll hunt you down when it's ready."

The Jedi Master nodded absently, his attention on Xanatos, who clearly knew he was being handled and didn't like it. "Padawan, shall we?" After a moment's pause, Xanatos nodded curtly to the pilot and followed his master out of the room.

The two Jedi walked slowly to their room, footsteps echoing off metal in the silence. Neither seemed anxious to arrive at their destination. The near kiss from that afternoon hung over them like a heavy cloud. As they reached the door, Qui-Gon was still searching for a solution to their problem that didn't involve simply giving in, but the answer eluded him. How could he start the discussion when he didn't have the answers? He needed more perspective.

His mind made up, he turned to his padawan at the door. "I want you to go inside and meditate on your anger. Find the source and resolve it." He held up his hand when Xanatos would have spoken. "Stay here. I expect to see a vast improvement in your actions when I return." With that, Qui-Gon turned and strode off down the hallway, trusting his apprentice to go into the room and do as he was told.

He didn't stop until he reached a large cargo hold as far from his room and his apprentice as he could get. There was limited space in the hold, but it was enough to do some of the more restrictive katas if he didn't use his lightsaber.

Two hours later, Qui-Gon collapsed onto the floor in a sweaty heap. The familiar exercises had helped calm his mind, and he was ready to see if meditation could bring him the answers he sought. He shifted into a position more conducive to meditation, legs crossed, arms resting lightly on his thighs. Eyes closed, he let the Force flow through him as his mind drifted without conscious direction.

He wanted Xanatos. An obvious fact, but he needed a place to start, and the blunt admission was as good a place as any. Master/Padawan infatuations were not uncommon, from either side of the relationship. But they generally occurred earlier in the apprenticeship.

These feelings for his padawan were fairly new. Only a few months before, they had been working in a training room at the Temple. Qui-Gon had corrected a sloppy defense move by his student, and as the young man repeated the move, Qui-Gon's attention had been more on the ripple of young, strong muscles beneath pale, silky skin than the skill they were working on. He'd had to have Xanatos repeat the move three more times before he'd been able to pay enough attention to declare it passable.

That night, the dreams had begun. His subconscious seemed to be unable to stop seeking out Xanatos when the young man was engaged in his pleasurable pursuits. It was as if he was tuned directly into his apprentice's emotions, and the moment he sensed Xanatos was aroused, Qui-Gon couldn't stop himself from having a look.

He'd told himself it was a reaction to Xanatos' impending knighthood, an attempt to find a way to hold on to his student, that his physical reaction was just because it had been so long since he'd been intimate with another person. So he'd gone out and found a very accommodating man, and thought about Xanatos the whole time, no matter how hard he'd tried to keep his mind on the man beneath him. When that didn't stop him from obsessing, Qui-Gon tried sleeping with a woman, with the same results. Finally he'd had to face facts; he wanted Xanatos.

Which left him in the same place he'd started--enamored with his padawan and without and idea what to do about it., he could not give in, not even now that he knew Xanatos felt the same.

His thoughts went back again to the snippets of the dream he'd intercepted, focusing on the intense desire he'd sensed from the younger man as he'd dreamed of taking his master, and the answering desire it awakened in him.

All thought of meditating on a solution left him. He tried desperately to center himself as his fingers itched to grab his erection and relieve the pressure the mere thought of his apprentice created. His hands, however, seemed to have a mind of their own, creeping across his thighs, moving down--


Qui-Gon jerked out of his meditation, staring up into the clouded eyes of his apprentice. "Padawan! Did I not tell you to stay in our room?"

"Yes, Master." The words, the low voice, thick with an emotion Qui-Gon couldn't quite put his finger on, cut straight to the core of him. "But I felt something...a call...through the Force." The younger man knelt suddenly, his hand falling to Qui-Gon's thigh, nearly sending the Jedi Master running from the room. Xanatos' tongue snaked out, wetting his lips. " everything all right, Master?"

"I'm fine, Padawan." Qui-Gon paused to clear his throat, trying not to stare at the tempting mouth. "You should go back and finish your meditations."

Xanatos settled on his knees and tucked his legs beneath him. His hands rested more firmly on his master's thigh. "I have found the source of my turmoil, Master."

A raised eyebrow was Qui-Gon's only reply. He didn't trust his voice enough to speak. The warmth of Xanatos' hands had quickly spread to his now painful erection. "I wonder though, you feel it too? Is that the call I felt?"

Midnight blue eyes burned into his, not so much demanding the truth as daring him to lie. Qui-Gon stared wordlessly, losing himself as that look changed to one of certainty. He sat there, frozen, as Xanatos leaned closer, inviting pink lips moving in until they captured Qui-Gon's in a soft, probing kiss.

Hands that had been intent on stroking his own flesh now reached for his padawan. They slid up the young man's forearms to the muscular biceps, tracing every muscle he'd been responsible for forming.

He reached for Xanatos' neck to pull him closer, intent on dragging him down until they were lying on the floor together, until they could be pressed against each other from head to toe.

"Hey, Jedi!" Stieg Wa's voice rang out from the corridor outside the cargo hold.

Qui-Gon pushed his student away and jumped to his feet, shocked at his own behavior, but Xanatos smiled up at him, completely unashamed.

Stieg Wa entered the room. "Master Jinn, I've been looking for you all over the ship. There's a communication from Master Yoda."

"Thank you." Qui-Gon replied, sparing the pilot a glance. "I'll be right there."

Stieg Wa nodded and left. Qui-Gon turned his attention back to his student. "We'll talk about this later," he said quietly.

"Yes, Master." The smile on Xanatos' mouth widened.

"For now, stay here and run through some katas. Use the exercise to release your anger with Stieg Wa. I trust you will not let his barbs get to you again?"

Xanatos shook his head, still smiling. "No, Master."

"Good. Now, get to work."

"As it pleases you, Master," his apprentice replied as he stood, the proper phrase taking on volumes of meaning when combined with the look on his face.

Qui-Gon turned and left before the promise in those words could entice him to stay.

For the next two days, Xanatos was as good as his word. Stieg Wa's continuous teasing was met with a smile and silence, but no anger. Though Jedi were not supposed to feel pride, Qui-Gon took a certain amount of pleasure in the quick attitude change. He would make a fine knight soon.

It was the only pleasure the Jedi Master would allow himself. Despite Xanatos' obvious frustration, and his own slightly better hidden desires, he refused to give into what he wanted. What they both wanted. But it was getting more and more difficult.

On the third morning, Qui-Gon was running through katas in the cargo hold when he sensed a sudden spike of danger through the Force. He barely had time to get to the door before an explosion rocked the ship, sending crates of droids smashing to the ground, the broken boxes cluttering the space where he'd been exercising moments before. More blasts slammed into the ship as ran to the cockpit. Xanatos hovered just outside the control area, watching Stieg Wa intently. The pilot banged on controls on the wall for a moment, scowled, then jumped into his chair and began steering them in all different directions.

"What happened?" Qui-Gon asked, unable to stop himself, even if the pilot did need to concentrate.

"Pirates," Stieg Wa responded grimly.

"Pirates? I thought you turned the cloaking device on when we entered their space."

"I did."

Qui-Gon frowned. "Then how did they find us?"

"The cloaking device wasn't working. The indicators were on, but the device itself had been tampered with." He glared over his shoulder at Xanatos, making it clear who he thought had deactivated the system.

"I told you, I didn't touch your cloaking device!" the younger Jedi protested. "Or anything else on your ship! You know, if you'd just stop being so stubborn and surrender to them we might make it out of this alive."

Stieg Wa shot Xanatos a heated glare. "Listen, kid, the next time I want your advice--"

"Now is not the time to argue about this," Qui-Gon interrupted. "Can we help, Stieg Wa?"

"Just stay out of my way. That'll be help enough."

The two Jedi stood just outside the cockpit, hanging onto handles built into the wall for a moment before Qui-Gon stepped inside. Despite the ungracious reception of his offer to help, he couldn't help himself. "He's coming up on the starboard side."

There was only the briefest flicker of hesitation before Stieg Wa moved to counter the unseen ship. After another warning from the Jedi Master kept them from a close call, Stieg Wa grimly indicated the co-pilot's seat. Qui-Gon took the seat, careful to keep his hands off the stick and offer verbal comments only. Grabbing control from an unsuspecting pilot never accomplished anything.

Finally Stieg Wa managed to elude the pirates and sat back in his chair, surveying the panels in front of him. "We're going to need some repairs before we can go back to full power. I'm afraid you're going to be a little late getting to Telos."

"That can't be helped," Qui-Gon said immediately. "What can we do?"

"You're welcome to help me with the repairs," the pilot said, nodding at Qui-Gon. "But I want your student here to keep his hands off my ship. He's done enough damage already!"

"But I--"

Qui-Gon silenced his apprentice with a look. "Why don't you wait for me in our room?" After a pause, the young man nodded stiffly and stalked off. "What proof do you have that he sabotaged your ship?"

"Proof? Nothing beyond the fact that you two are the only other ones on here."

"Oh? Why him? Why not me?"

He laughed. "Because you didn't even notice when I told you the wrong panels for the cloak and the warning device. Both of them were tampered with--not from the cockpit--and by someone who knows a lot more about mechanics than you. I'm betting your apprentice knows a lot about them."

"He does. But that still doesn't mean he did it."

"Well unless we've got ghosts running around here that I don't know about...."

The Jedi master thought for a moment. "You say the tampering wasn't in the cockpit? Where was it?"

"Near the back of the ship. The source of power for both devices was rerouted so only power to the indicator lights worked."

"And you checked this before leaving port to pick us up?"

The pilot blinked. " I checked it when I docked at home because I was reading some power fluctuations. But I don't normally check that on a pre-flight unless the ship's been damaged. It's not something that goes wrong on a ship."

"So it could have been tampered with at any time since you last docked at your home port."

"In theory, yes. But--"

"I appreciate your hospitality, but I suggest you take great care before accusing Jedi--or anyone else for that matter--of acts of sabotage. I understand you and Xanatos don't get along, and that would make him your main suspect from your past experience. But I've known him all his life, and he would not do such a thing."

Their gazes clashed for long moments, then Stieg Wa nodded. "I will make sure I have more proof before I accuse anyone again." His eyes were shrouded, as if he was afraid to say more.

Qui-Gon excused himself and made his way to his room. Xanatos was sitting on the bed, but he jumped up as his master walked in. "Master, I would never be so foolish as to sabotage a ship I was on. Surely he must see that?"

"I know, Xanatos. It's all right. I believe the ship was tampered with before he left his home to pick us up."

The young man sighed in relief. "I was afraid he would convince you I was guilty."

"Do you think I know you so little? Have some faith in me."

"No, Master, it's just that lately...."

Qui-Gon closed his eyes for a moment. They did not have time to deal with this properly now. But he couldn't let it go. "Lately?"

", we have both been...not ourselves."

An understatement. "You're right. But now is not the time to talk about it. We need to help Stieg Wa."

Xanatos' lower lip slipped out further, testing Qui-Gon's resolve to put duty over desires yet again. "He will not let me help."

"I'm sure we can get him to find something for you to do. Let's go talk to him." He turned, his padawan falling in line beside him as they traced their way through the halls back to the cockpit.

Stieg Wa was reluctant to allow Xanatos to touch his ship, but after a little pushing on Qui-Gon's part, he relented.

"You can fix the wiring in cargo hold B. Part of the auxiliary power's been damaged--one of the blasts from the pirates hit it, but it's fixable."

Xanatos nodded and turned to leave. Stieg Wa placed a hand on his arm to stop him. "I'll be checking your work after you're through, so no funny business."

The young Jedi stiffened slightly, as he met the pilot's cool gaze with anger, then he gained control. No emotion showed on his face as he nodded again and left.

A small smile formed on Qui-Gon's face as he watched his apprentice's retreating form. Xanatos had learned much about controlling his anger on this journey. Perhaps that was the lesson Yoda had wanted him to learn.

He roused himself out of his musings and turned back to Stieg Wa. "What can I do to help?"

"The damage in the last cargo hold was more than just me losing some of my shipment." Both men began walking toward the back of the ship as he spoke. "The boxes are piled on a vent that needs to be clear to allow ventilation. If I go to full speed with that stuff lying there, the engine could eventually overheat, the boxes would catch on fire--you get the idea?"

"You need the boxes moved," Qui-Gon said dryly, summing up the long explanation.

"Right. There's a loader in the storage area, if you can get to it. I'm sorry I don't have any droids that can help you, but I never did trust those things much. They can be reprogrammed. I'll haul 'em, but I try to avoid using them. Besides," he added as they reached an intersection in the maze of hallways and stopped, "I kind of like doing the work myself."

"I understand. And don't worry, I think I can handle moving boxes."

Stieg Wa looked down at the floor, his cheeks tinged with pink. "I realize it's probably bad form to give a Jedi Master a menial task, but everything else that needs to be done is technical work, and you can't even tell one set of indicator lights from the other."

Qui-Gon smiled. "We frequently get handed 'menial work,'" he responded. "We serve the Force in whatever way is needed."

"Then I'll just say 'thank you' and let you get to work." The pilot returned Qui-Gon's smile and walked off, leaving Qui-Gon to head the opposite direction toward the cargo hold.

Qui-Gon moved unsteadily down the hall, exhaustion hampering his usual grace. He stumbled, and only a quick tug with the Force kept him from spilling the tray in his hands. The physical and mental exertion of moving the damaged materials in the cargo hold, combined with his lack of sleep over the past week, had him in a near sleep-walk state. He had to sleep before they arrived at Telos. Or the pirates came back. Or he fell over trying to walk.

Finally, he made it to the room he shared with his apprentice. He stopped outside the door to center himself, then went inside. Xanatos was there, sitting on his bed, staring at the wall. He started to get up, but Qui-Gon shook his head. "Stay where you are," Qui-Gon said as he sat the tray down on a small table at the foot of the bed, then settled onto the floor next to it. "Evening meal," he explained unnecessarily.

"The bed is far more comfortable than the floor, Master," Xanatos said as they both began to eat. "Will you not sit beside me?"

The corner of Qui-Gon's mouth quirked up as he waved a hand toward his own body. "The bed would be far less comfortable to sleep in if I were to transfer even a portion of all this dirt onto it." Even though he had used the Force to move the most of the rubble, dirt and dust had been everywhere, and the more objects he moved, the more clouded the air around him had become. "I've come through sandstorms cleaner than this."

Xanatos smiled. "Stieg Wa stopped by long enough to say we could use a full tub of water this evening. Shall I draw you a bath?"

"You go first. I fear the water will be completely unusable by the time I finish."

"Are you sure?" Qui-Gon nodded, trying to ignore the pang of desire that slid through him as he watched his apprentice gather his things and leave the room, the silent grace of the movements enough to affect him in his present state. How could he possibly control himself in the time it would take to complete this mission? He could barely manage half the trip to Telos!

He settled himself into a comfortable position and fell into a light meditative trance, hoping to find the answers he needed. Master/padawan relationships were frowned upon, but mostly ignored unless it caused problems in training. So what kept him from simply giving in? Was it his own perverse need to be the perfect Jedi? Even the detachment he had sought from the trance couldn't keep Qui-Gon from frowning at that. It was not his conscious wish to be perfect. Yet he strived for it daily without a second thought. But this hesitation was more than just that need to excel. Something inside of him balked at taking the final step. If only he could figure out what it was.

A knock at the door brought him out of the trance. "Enter."

Stieg Wa opened the door and stepped inside, leaning against the door jamb. "All of the repairs are done except for one. I need to go outside the ship to do it, and there's a meteor storm right now."

Qui-Gon could hear the occasional ping of meteors striking the hull of the ship. "Are we in danger?"

Stieg Wa shook his head. "They're not big enough to do any damage to the ship, but they'd rip a hole in a space suit in a heartbeat. Meteor storms are common in this sector and usually last for several hours; it'll be clear by morning, and I'll be able to finish. Then we'll hit full power and be out of this damned system."

"Very well," Qui-Gon nodded, only then noticing the stiffness in his neck. He checked the time and realized he'd been in his trance far longer than he'd thought. What was taking Xanatos so long? "We'll see you in the morning, then?" he said, returning his attention to Stieg Wa.

"Bright and early," the pilot responded with a grin. "Have a good sleep," he added as he left, closing the door behind him.

"It certainly would be a refreshing change," Qui-Gon muttered as he rose, his legs protesting the movement. He should go check on his padawan. Just a quick peek in the door to see if the young man was all right. Certainly he could handle that.

Resolve hardened and shields up tight, he left their room and went to the bathroom. The door was unlocked, so he opened it quietly and looked in. Xanatos was still in the bathtub, eyes closed, sound asleep. His hair was damp, black strands clinging to his forehead, such a contrast to the pale, almost translucent skin. One long leg hung over the side of the tub, as did a slender arm. How anyone could manage to look so elegant asleep in a bathtub was beyond Qui-Gon.

He swallowed hard before he cleared his throat. "Xanatos." The word came out in a hoarse whisper, despite his attempts to make his voice sound normal. "Xanatos," he said again, his voice stronger and clearer this time.

The young man stirred, dark lashes at the ends of white eyelids fluttering open to reveal deep blue eyes. "Master?" He shook his head and sat up, the leg disappearing back into the tub. "I'm sorry, I must have fallen asleep."

"It's all right, Padawan. We're both tired."

"Yes, Master." The words were emphatic, and Qui-Gon got the sense he meant more than just physically tired. Then Xanatos stood, and Qui-Gon lost the ability to speak. He'd seen that body in his dreams, in his apprentice's dreams, but it had been a while since he'd seen it in the flesh. He found himself instantly hard, his body on fire as he stared at the young man before him, watching the play of muscles beneath skin that begged to be touched, possessed, marked....

His arousal must have seeped through his shields and along the bond. Xanatos stopped in the middle of drying his hair and turned dark eyes smoldering with an answering flame toward his Master. Even if Qui-Gon hadn't seen the arousal in the younger man's eyes, and felt it through their bond, the thick shaft jutting out from his hips would have given his padawan away. Not that he seemed anxious to hide any of the signs. "I'll wait in the other room," Qui-Gon said quickly, rushing out the door before he could reach out and grab what he wanted.

Qui-Gon gathered his things quickly, ready to leave as soon as Xanatos was finished. When his apprentice returned to the room, Qui-Gon lowered his eyes as he brushed past the young man, glad of the clothing in his hands, certain he would not have been able to resist touching him if his hands had been free.

He made it to the bathroom before he allowed the full extent of Xanatos' affect on him hit him. His knees gave out, the door supporting his back as he sunk to the floor, eyes closed, breath coming fast. He was doomed. Not even Master Yoda's controls could withstand this kind of assault.

But he would fight it as long as he could. He opened his eyes and stood, stripping off the layers of clothes as he crossed the short distance to the tub. Surprise registered as he saw there was steam rising from the water. He thought back carefully and realized Xanatos had only had about half a tub of water. His padawan must have filled the tub the rest of the way before returning to their room, so his master would have hot water.

Affection for the young man grew inside him, mixing with the desire until it became almost impossible to resist the urge to go next door and claim what he knew would be his one day. But not yet. He pulled off the last of his clothing and sank into the water, sighing from pure physical pleasure as the heat instantly soothed the aches in his muscles from his earlier exertion. He drifted along for a while, neither asleep nor awake, just living in every moment with no thought to the next. He had no idea how long he had been in there when his padawan's presence disrupted his peace. His eyes opened, meeting the younger man's gaze instantly, fighting against the fire he found there.

Neither of them spoke for a long moment, then Xanatos slowly moved forward. "You were gone so long I thought you might have fallen asleep as well." The words were low and seductive, despite the innocent meaning.

"I...I was meditating." His padawan stood directly over the bathtub now, but Qui-Gon made no move to conceal himself. Xanatos' eyes moved down the length of his body, lingering on the obvious erection.

"Meditating on what exactly, Master?" There was amusement in the voice, and something else.


Qui-Gon took a deep breath as his padawan slipped off his tunic and reached for the drawstring on his pants, pulling the tie loose in a slow, mesmerizing motion. At that moment, he couldn't have moved if ten fleets of pirates had attacked the ship. He could only sit and watch, anticipation barely allowing him to keep from pulling the young man into the water, pants and all.

At last, the pants slid down the length of those beautiful white legs, past his line of sight. Xanatos stepped out of them, then moved to sit on the edge of the tub, bracing one hand on either side and leaning down, closer and closer to his target. "The time for running has passed, Qui-Gon," he whispered, his lips not quite touching those of his master.

With a groan, Qui-Gon reached up and pulled on the back of his apprentice's head, bringing those lips down to meet his own. His mouth was devoured as Xanatos invaded with his tongue, demanding complete surrender and finding it, kissing him with an almost brutal intensity. Qui-Gon heard himself whimper as Xanatos pulled away, but the younger man simply smiled as he rose enough to step into the water, settling himself with one leg on either side of his master.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes, biting his lip to keep himself from coming right then and there. Xanatos seemed to sense his need to gain control before continuing, waiting until Qui-Gon's eyes opened and he reached for his apprentice, pulling him down for another kiss.

Nothing, not any of the dreams he'd had, none of the situations he'd visited through Xanatos' eyes, had prepared him for the reality of that smooth skin sliding along his, the water easing the friction, and at the same time increasing the sensation. He could feel every hair, every goose bump, every skin cell wherever he touched his padawan. And he touched everywhere he could. His hands couldn't get enough of that skin, running down his padawan's back, across the tight cheeks down to the back of his legs and up again to move to his chest. The Jedi master circled one of the younger man's nipple with his finger, feeling it harden into a stiff peak. But he wanted more.

Qui-Gon pulled away from the kiss, lips moving down Xanatos' chin to nibble on his neck, taking small nips until he worked his way around to the juncture of the young man's neck and shoulder. There he stopped, sucking hard on the skin, determined to mark the paleness with his own dark brand, savoring the feeling as his apprentice arched against him, crying out with pleasure.

At last he pulled back and looked at the red patch, decided it would do, and continued his journey, raising his apprentice up higher onto his lap, intent on reaching those dark nipples with his mouth. Their erections slid against each other as Xanatos rose higher, tearing loud gasps from both of them. Qui-Gon found one nipple with his mouth and began to worship it with his tongue, tracing circles around it, teasing the hard nub there, worrying it with his lips.

Xanatos laced his fingers through Qui-Gon's hair, his hold so tight it hurt. The pain aroused Qui-Gon further, and he sought to return the favor, biting down on the tip of the nipple in his mouth and tugging gently, causing just enough pain to quicken the pace of Xanatos' hips as he rocked against his master, the motion shooting flames through Qui-Gon's entire body. He longed to sheath himself inside the willing body he held, to bury himself in that warmth.

His padawan caught the intent of that thought and smiled, reaching behind himself and inserting one finger in his own tight opening, closing his eyes in pleasure as he slid his own finger in and out. The shocking action pushed Qui-Gon beyond the point of no return, his lips capturing Xanatos' as he replaced the young man's finger with two of his own. He swallowed his apprentice's groan as two fingers became three and Xanatos pushed himself as far down on those fingers as he could. "More," he sighed against his master's lips.

Qui-Gon removed his fingers and lifted Xanatos up, positioning the young man over his master's shaft. He held onto the last thread of his control enough to look into his padawan's eyes, to be absolutely sure this was what he wanted. Xanatos' only answer was to lower himself onto Qui-Gon's erection, inching down slowly until they met skin to skin, Qui-Gon buried as far inside his apprentice as he could go.

They stayed that way for a long moment, not moving, committing this first time to memory. Then Xanatos whispered softly, "Oh, Master. Qui-Gon...." The words broke the spell, and they began to move as fast and as hard as they could, knocking half of the water out of the tub in their driving need for completion. Their mouths met in hard kisses, lips and tongues seeking to devour each other just as their bodies were doing below. Xanatos pulled out of the kiss and leaned back, arms supporting him from elbows to hands on the side of the tub, and shifted his position slightly, changing the angle of his master's erection inside him.

Both men cried out at the sensation, quickly returning to that hard, fast pace. Xanatos let go of the tub with one hand, reaching down to enclose his own erection with his hand, pulling and tugging at his shaft with as much energy as he could. He came quickly, the reflexive tightening of his muscles around Qui-Gon's erection bring the master over the brink as well. They rode the waves out together, hips slowly undulating after the initial overwhelming pleasure subsided, seeking to pull every last drop of feeling out of the moment.

Finally, Xanatos collapsed against his master's chest, lips nuzzling his neck weakly as they both let their breathing slow naturally, in no hurry to end this joining. After they had both calmed somewhat, Qui-Gon rubbed a finger over the mark of possession at the base of Xanatos' neck. "Mine," he whispered, not a question, not a claim, just a simple statement of fact.

Xanatos raised up enough to meet his eyes. "As you are mine."

He could feel the younger man's erection firming again as he pulled him forward, meeting his lips in a bruising kiss as they began all over again.

Eventually the water grew cold, and the hour late. Still, Qui-Gon roused his sleeping apprentice with reluctance, placing a kiss on the temple closest to him and whispering the young man's name.

Xanatos stirred, then settled more comfortably against his master's body. The movement brought Qui-Gon's desire rushing back full-force, but he held it in check. "The water is cold, Padawan. We need to go back to our room."

"But I'm comfortable here." Xanatos' lips moved against Qui-Gon's neck as he spoke, further fuel to the fire Qui-Gon was barely holding in check to begin with. "Besides," he added, raising his head to smile wickedly at his master, "we can keep each other warm."

Qui-Gon accepted one kiss before pushing his apprentice away. "Yes, we can. But not here. Up. Now."

Xanatos did as he was told, lower lip stuck out in silent protest. As soon as he stood he wrapped his arms around himself, shivering. "It's cold!"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you." Qui-Gon had pulled a large bath sheet around his back and was drying off, but Xanatos had other ideas. He took advantage of Qui-Gon's open arms to trace a line down the center of his chest before leaning in until their skin touched completely from shoulders to knees.

Qui-Gon put his arms around the young man, wrapping them both in the large sheet. "What are you doing?" he asked. His tone, however, failed to even hint at sternness, as Xanatos' chest slid along his own, creating almost unbearable friction.

"Getting warm," Xanatos replied with a wicked grin, rubbing against his master once more before leaning in for a kiss. His hand traveled down Qui-Gon's back, slipping between his cheeks to test the opening there.

Qui-Gon groaned, his arms dropping to his sides as he pulled away from the warm body. "Our room," he said softly, as he wrapped another bath sheet around his apprentice. "I'll be along in a minute."

"Come with me now," Xanatos requested, tugging at his master's arm.

"Stieg Wa could see us. It's too risky."

The pout turned into a frown. "You're ashamed. Of this--of us."

"No. I simply want this part of our lives to be for us. Not for the Jedi--at least until you are knighted." He caressed Xanatos' cheek. "I will not have your knighthood tainted by idle talk. You deserve better than that."

The quiet determination of those words seemed to reassure the young man. He nodded, wrapping the sheet tightly around himself, picked up his clothes, and left quickly. Qui-Gon emptied the tub, cleaned up what water hadn't drained into the grates in the floor, then gathered his own clothing and left.

He barely had time to shut the door to their room before Xanatos was on him, lips and hands demanding as he pulled Qui-Gon toward the nearest bed. The clothing fell from Qui-Gon's hands, then the sheet disappeared as well, leaving them both naked as they tumbled onto the bed, Xanatos writhing underneath his master, burning thin trails of fire down the older man's back with his nails.

"I want you," Xanatos gasped, in between tastes of Qui-Gon's shoulder and neck. "Want..." a pause to slide his hand down Qui-Gon's back to the small opening between his cheeks, "inside you." He thrust one finger into the opening, biting down on Qui-Gon's shoulder as the master arched up with a gasp. "Now. Please."

Qui-Gon groaned in response, pushing back against that finger, trying to take it as far inside himself as he could. "Yes," he breathed, thrusting harder as Xanatos inserted two fingers, then three. He shuddered as they touched a spot deep inside him that sent sharp arcs of pleasure coursing through him. His mind began to replay the dream he'd seen while his padawan slept back at the Temple. "Inside me," he growled, pulling away from that maddening touch with effort, and sliding onto the floor, dragging his apprentice with him.

For a moment Xanatos glared, angry to have lost the closeness of skin on skin, then he realized what his master intended. A wicked grin spread across his face. "Yes, Master." Qui-Gon rolled over onto his stomach, then raised himself up onto his knees and elbows, resting his forehead on the smooth durasteel floor, the coolness of the metal helping him to calm his heated body a little.

Xanatos' hands landed on his master's hips, causing the older man to shiver as they slid slowly up his sides, to his shoulders. A warm chest slowly lined the length of Qui-Gon's back, warming him again quickly as his apprentice resumed biting at his neck and shoulders. The younger man was moving his hips against his master's backside, his erection sliding teasingly in and out of the space between his cheeks. Qui-Gon reared his head back, offering more of his neck, but Xanatos moved his lips away, kissing his way down his master's spine until he reached the small of the man's back.

Slowly, Xanatos traced a wet line down between Qui-Gon's cheeks, parting them with his hands to gain better access. He thrust his tongue into the opening there, wetting his master to make the entry easier. Xanatos moved away suddenly but before Qui-Gon had time to protest, he was back, and Qui-Gon swallowed a whimper as his padawan's erection pushed at his opening, meeting the resistance with firm pressure.

A moment more, and then Xanatos won out, breaking the surface to rest just inside his master's tight channel. The burn of the invasion warred with the pleasure of finally having this man inside him. As his padawan began to slowly sink further into him, the burn began to fade, replaced more and more by the overwhelming satisfaction of being taken, and by the intense pleasure Xanatos was broadcasting through their bond.

Passion swirled around them and through them, increasing in waves as they fed off each other's desire. Qui-Gon could sense they were both about to reach the pinnacle, wanted to slow down and draw it out, but couldn't. He came with a hoarse shout, felt his padawan follow him into ecstasy, both of them riding out the wave of bliss before collapsing onto the floor.

As their breathing began to return to normal, Qui-Gon started to realize the floor was very cold and very hard. He smiled when he moved and Xanatos groaned in protest. "Not to sound redundant, Padawan, but it's cold down here."

Qui-Gon felt his apprentice smile against his back. "If you are cold, then perhaps I did not fulfill my end of this bargain," Xanatos said lazily.

"That was most definitely not the problem," he answered, then moved again. "The bed would be warmer, not to mention far more comfortable."

The younger man sighed. "I suppose you are right. But only if you plan on sleeping in the same bed as me. Otherwise I'm not letting you up."

"Well, it would definitely be warmer if we shared body heat."

"I'll show you body heat," Xanatos growled, writhing against his master.

"Padawan...bed. To sleep," he added, just in case he was misread.

Xanatos pouted, but he let his master up from the floor. "As long as I can sleep in your arms, that will have to do."

"I wouldn't have you anywhere else," Qui-Gon said immediately, leaning in for a long kiss before he turned off the lights. "Sleep," he reminded softly.

"Yes, Master." They climbed onto the bed, not bothering with clothing, and curled up together under the blanket. Qui-Gon listened as his padawan's breathing quickly fell into sleep patterns. He tried to follow the young man into slumber, but couldn't quite relax enough. The enormity of what they'd done, and what they'd have to do to keep it quiet, weighed down on him, heavy in the dark silence.

It was a long time before he slept.

He knew before he was fully awake. Before he remembered, without even opening his eyes, Qui-Gon was aware he was wrapped in his padawan. He could feel the young man's distinctive presence in the Force, could smell him with every breath, could feel the smooth skin of Xanatos' forehead against his chin and lips, his hair tickling Qui-Gon's nose. And he could feel warm skin touching his own all the way down his body--an arm wrapped around his chest, a side warming his stomach, a leg draped over both of his own, and the soft flesh between his apprentice's legs that began to harden as Qui-Gon moved against all that tempting skin.

Xanatos stirred, and Qui-Gon felt the young man smile against his shoulder, then place a quick kiss there. The master's eyes remained closed as lips were replaced by a tongue that traced a line of wet heat down to one nipple, as a deft hand made its way lazily down Qui-Gon's torso to his growing erection. The tongue followed the hand's path, stopping now and then to take little bites as it delved lower. Fingertips teased the master moments before his padawan's mouth engulfed him, sending him up in flames.

"Xan--" the word cut off with a groan as Xanatos sucked hard, reaching down to tease Qui-Gon's balls now as he worked his magic with his mouth. Qui-Gon threaded his fingers through his apprentice's short hair, barely managing to restrain himself from gripping the young man's head to the point of unbearable pain as he slowly began to thrust into that oh-so-talented mouth.

The knock at the door elicited a groan of a different kind. Qui-Gon's hips stilled, and his eyes flew open, but Xanatos refused to stop. "Yes?" Qui-Gon managed to choke out, hoping it was loud enough for Stieg Wa to hear, because he didn't think he could manage another word.

"Breakfast in twenty minutes. Then I'm going to get started on the last of the repairs."

"Thank--" A quick biting of his own lip kept Qui-Gon from shouting as Xanatos slipped two fingers inside him, even as the young man continued his work with his mouth. Somewhere in the distant real world, Qui-Gon heard Stieg Wa's footsteps grow fainter and fade, not that it mattered much. He couldn't have stopped himself from responding at this point if his life had depended on it.

He closed his eyes again, holding onto his sanity even as Xanatos tried to drive him crazy. His mind supplied the image he'd seen in the brief moments his eyes had been open. Xanatos, dark head between Qui-Gon's legs, pale skin spread out below, pink lips covering his erection, a look of sheer pleasure on his face. And one long look into the black eyes rimmed with deepest blue, a look of total possession. Of desire. Of ownership.

The wealth of passionate feeling behind that last emotion was enough to send Qui-Gon over the edge, as he arched his back and came, dimly aware of his padawan holding on for the ride. After, he lay there for several minutes, just breathing until he could think again. When he finally returned to some semblance of coherency, it was to find his apprentice stroking himself, face buried in Qui-Gon's hair, body alongside his master, touching every inch of the way.

Wordlessly, Qui-Gon slid down the young man's body and took his shaft all the way into his mouth, swallowing around the tip. Xanatos arched up, his hips inches off the bed as he climaxed with a shout of his master's name, then collapsed back onto the bed. Qui-Gon crawled back up next to him, gathering him in his arms.

Xanatos' breathing finally slowed enough to allow him to speak. "Good morning, Master."

Qui-Gon laughed. "That it is indeed."

They lay there for a few more minutes, Qui-Gon steadfastly refusing to think of consequences. The ramifications of this could stay in the back of his mind and needle him all they wanted; he wasn't bringing them out into the light of day. Not yet. There would be time for that later. "We must get up," he said at last, placing a kiss on his padawan's head and sitting up in the bed.

"Why?" The sulky tone was at odds with Xanatos' actions, as he followed his master's example and stood, reaching for his clothes.

"Because Stieg Wa has breakfast ready. And I've seen you when you're hungry."

Xanatos grinned then, a dangerous light in his eyes as he finished pulling on his pants. He stalked over to his master, wrapping his arms around the older man. "I'm hungry now," he growled as he fastened his lips to Qui-Gon's shoulder.

"For food, Padawan." The tone was forceful, but Qui-Gon was slow to push the young man away. He did finally extricate himself, and the two of them finished dressing and headed out to find Stieg Wa.

Breakfast was a quick affair, all of them anxious to be out of the Landor system and away from the pirates. Stieg Wa finished first, dumping his dirty dishes in the cleaning unit before the Jedi had finished half of their own meals. "I'm going to suit up and finish the repairs on the platform. We should be ready to leave shortly."

"Be careful," Qui-Gon said. Stieg Wa was an experienced pilot, and had no doubt done things like this numerous times, but any trip outside the ship in a space suit carried an extra risk. There was no such thing as too much caution.

The pilot grinned. "I always am."

As Qui-Gon finished his breakfast, he felt his padawan's gaze on him the whole time. He steadfastly refused to look at the young man, but after a few minutes of that intense scrutiny, he had to say something. "Padawan...."

"Yes, Master?" The polite words held a silky undercurrent of pure sex that sent Qui-Gon's pulse racing.

"You must control yourself," Qui-Gon admonished, finally meeting Xanatos' eyes. "Others will be looking for signs of our relationship. If we are to keep it secret until your knighthood, you must bury your feelings deep."

Xanatos' eyes narrowed to thin slits. "Am I not even allowed to look at you when we are alone?"

"When we are alone you may do as you please," the Jedi master answered, a shiver running through him at the thought of things that might please his padawan. "But Stieg Wa could return at any moment."

"Stieg Wa does not have any Force ability. He wouldn't be able to sense anything from me."

"He wouldn't need to. Anyone with eyes could figure out exactly what you were thinking just now."

Xanatos took a deep breath. "I will endeavor to be more careful in public in the future, my Master." His voice now held a sulky note, a sign of the willfulness the young man had never quite outgrown. In truth, Qui-Gon had not pushed him to subdue that trait nearly as much as the rest of the Order would have dictated. He had found from personal experience that sometimes a little willfulness was more of a help than a vice when it came to dealing with the Council.

"We'd best get this cleaned up and prepare to leave," Qui-Gon said, taking his dishes to the cleaner. "We'll need--"

A sharp blast to the side of the ship interrupted him, sent him flying across the room, almost into his apprentice's lap. "The pirates--Stieg Wa!" Qui-Gon yelled, already running for the door.

Xanatos was right behind him. "There's only one more suit where he is. I'll get one from the other hatch and meet you back there as soon as I can."

Qui-Gon nodded, turning down the hall toward the back of the ship as his padawan went the other way. He made it to a porthole close to the dorsal platform in time to see Stieg Wa, hurrying toward the door. Qui-Gon braced himself against the wall as another blast rocked the ship. He regained his balance and looked out the porthole again to see Stieg Wa clutching his arm, unable to cover the blaster hole in his suit. Pirates were already rocketing over to the ship, jet packs on the back of their space suits making it a quick journey.

Closing his eyes, Qui-Gon reached out with the Force, intending to fend off the pirates until Stieg Wa could get back to the door. When he looked again, however, the pirates had reached the ship unhindered. He frowned, then concentrated harder, but to no avail.

"Sith!" Qui-Gon put the Force problem aside to wonder about later. He looked around, found a space suit, and began the laborious task of putting it on as his apprentice rounded the corner.

"What are you doing?" Xanatos demanded. "Have you lost your mind?"

"I'm going out there to save him!"

Xanatos looked out the porthole. "You can't go out there! The pirates are already on their way--if you go out there they'll capture you too."

"I won't leave him to be captured!" Qui-Gon pulled the suit up and started sealing it shut.

Xanatos knocked his master's hands away, ripping the seals off. "You can't take them all! And I won't let them take you!"

Qui-Gon fought him, neither man able to accomplish anything while they battled. "Padawan! I will save him!" He managed to shove Xanatos off, but before he could get to the door, his apprentice had a firm grip on his arm.

"You can't! Look!" Xanatos jerked him roughly over to the window. "They have him! And if we don't leave they'll have us too. Do you know what Jedi go for on the black market?"

"I--" His training gnawed at him, urging him to stay and fight, but the pirates were closer to their own ship than Stieg Wa's, and he could not face all of them and the guns of their ship and hope to win.

"Master. Qui-Gon. We must go." He pulled on his master's arm, tugging him toward the escape pods. After a moment, Qui-Gon nodded. He took one last look at Stieg Wa, being carried back to the pirate ships by one man, while three more began opening the hatch that would lead them to the hallway the Jedi were standing in, then turned silently, following his padawan to the pods.

They made it there in seconds. Xanatos picked the first one, yanking the hatch open and dragging his master inside, almost as if he were afraid Qui-Gon would change his mind. Only when the hatch was sealed and the pod had jettisoned did Xanatos allow his grip on Qui-Gon's arm to loosen. Not that he let the older man go--instead he climbed onto him, facing him in the odd bench-like seat that tilted slightly, enabling the padawan to stare down at his master. "I thought I might lose you," he breathed.

"I'm still here," Qui-Gon reminded him with a shaky smile. Xanatos' answer was to kiss his master soundly.

After a few moments, Qui-Gon pushed him back. "We need to set the coordinates before we drift too far."

"They're already set. I set them myself after the first attack."

Qui-Gon frowned at him, a faint sliver of unease working into his mind. "Why would you do that?"

"Are you kidding? After we'd been attacked once and were sitting dead in pirate space? The odds were against us. And I always leave a back door, even when the odds are good."

A reasonable point in favor of the action. Qui-Gon shoved the unease away, focusing instead on the fact that they were now safe, even if the same could not be said for Stieg Wa. The pod had a homing beacon that they didn't dare turn on, but no com equipment. He would have to contact the Temple when they reached Telos and have knights sent to track Stieg Wa. The pilot had been captured serving the Jedi; he would not just be left to his fate. Not without a fight.

"Master," Xanatos sighed, tucking his face into the crook of Qui-Gon's neck. "Promise me you won't take risks like that again."

"I shall do what I must." He relented slightly as his padawan's arms tightened around him. "But I will promise to be careful."

Xanatos raised his head to look down at him. "Then I will hold you to that," he said earnestly. He lowered his lips to meet Qui-Gon's, placing a relieved kiss there, then looked over his own shoulder at the control panel. "We have two days till we reach Telos," he said, returning his attention to his master, a dangerous gleam in his eyes. "What shall we do to occupy ourselves in the meantime?"

"We shall meditate," Qui-Gon answered. He knew what his padawan was hinting at. He could feel the young man's growing erection against his own, sense Xanatos' relief at their escape and need to feel everything, to know they were both unharmed and quite alive. And he felt the same need growing inside himself.

However, they needed to conserve their strength, and be fully aware of everything around them. Sex with Xanatos, in any form, tended to shut out the rest of the galaxy. And Qui-Gon needed to meditate on the problem he'd had with the Force on the ship.

"Hm...perhaps we can meditate later?" the young man replied, rubbing his hips against Qui-Gon's.

The Jedi Master wavered, but his resolve held. "Padawan. We must keep our attention focused on our surroundings." He hated to see the hurt look in Xanatos' eyes as the rebuke hit home, but he had no choice. In normal situations, Xanatos was hard to deter when he wanted something. In this kind of situation, Qui-Gon knew he would be nearly impossible, but Jedi Master refused to waiver.

After a moment, Xanatos realized his pouting wasn't going to work. "Yes, Master," he growled, giving in, but not even pretending to be gracious about it. "But I'm not moving."

"Fine." They could meditate like this--there was precious little space to sit as it was. The pod was cramped and cold, meant for survival, not for comfort, and at least this way they would conserve heat. "But meditate," he commanded firmly. "Focus your attention outward, and be alert for danger."

"Yes, Master." The tone was even angrier, but Xanatos did as he was told, closing his eyes and curling into his master. Qui-Gon sensed him settling into a light trance, sending out tendrils of the Force, searching for possible problems.

Qui-Gon allowed himself one moment to breathe in his apprentice's scent before he settled into a trance himself, finding no problems with his Force connection, but putting the question of that earlier difficulty aside as he kept watch while they made their way to Telos.

Qui-Gon settled back on the bed with a sigh and closed his eyes. After two days cramped up in the escape pod, they'd made it to Telos, but he'd had to call the Council and deal with Stieg Wa's capture and the sticky questions it created. He'd managed to get away without having to answer too many directly. He still hadn't figured out what happened to his Force abilities on the ship, and he wasn't anxious to answer questions regarding his apprentice in any capacity.

He reached for his neck, kneading the muscles there, trying to relax them. Every muscle in his body ached--whoever designed those escape pods must have meant them for Ewoks. He could use a massage. A very long massage. Xanatos had gone off with his father as soon as they'd been rescued from the pod and brought back to Thani. The capital of Telos had much to offer in the way of entertainment, but Qui-Gon much preferred the solitude of his room. Or the company of his apprentice, if the young man ever showed up.

As if on cue, Xanatos walked in. Qui-Gon watched as he crossed quickly to the bed, flopping down on his stomach with his head propped on his fist, and studied his master. "Sore, Master?"

"Those pods aren't built for any person of normal height, much less two tall men."

Xanatos grimaced sympathetically, reaching out to rub Qui-Gon's shoulder. "I'm a bit sore myself. But I know what will fix that."

"Hmmm?" Qui-Gon responded, leaning into the soothing touch of his padawan's hand and closing his eyes again.

"The chau'baq."

His eyes opened again. "The what?"

"Chau'baq. It's a large tub, with hot water, and--well, I'll show you. Come on." He tugged on his master's arm, pulling him into a sitting position, then moving away from the bed. He crossed to Qui-Gon's pack and searched through it, then frowned. "I think there were some...just a minute." Qui-Gon stared after him, eyes fixed on the empty doorway until Xanatos returned. "Here," his apprentice said, dropping a garment on the bed. "Put that on and meet me in the lounge. Down the hall to the right, third door on the left."

The Jedi master eyed the flimsy garment warily. "Why?"

"Trust me, Master," Xanatos said, grinning. "You won't regret it."

"You're not going to wait for me?"

A gleam entered Xanatos' eyes. "If I stay in this room while you change, I suspect neither of us will be leaving for a while."

"There is that," Qui-Gon agreed softly, a smile finally crossing his lips. "I'll meet you in a few minutes."

Xanatos nodded and walked out, closing the door behind him, and leaving Qui-Gon to contemplate the rather small amount of fabric he'd been left with and just what he was getting himself into.

Qui-Gon made his way slowly down the hall, pausing to admire the statues that lined the marble floor. The hallway was just like the rest of the house--rich and impressive. And cold, he added as a draft blew by, causing him to pull his robe tighter. Unwilling to wander around in the skimpy short pants Xanatos had left him with, he'd opted to wear his robe as well.

Undoubtedly it was much warmer in this chau'baq Xanatos was luring him to. The thought of warmth and his padawan lured him down the hall and through the door. The room was indeed warmer, and held a pleasant scent Qui-Gon couldn't quite place. He followed the sound of quiet voices and a faint bubbling noise around a corner to find his padawan sitting in a large tub next to his father.

Xanatos turned as Qui-Gon approached the tub. "Master! I was beginning to think you were lost."

"I was admiring the statues in the hall. You have a lovely home, Crion."

"Thank you, Master Jinn. I have had much time alone to travel and collect art over the years."

"Won't you join us, Master?" Xanatos held his braid in his hand, sliding it through the water surrounding him. "The water is very soothing; I hardly feel any of the aches from being in that pod now."

His apprentice stretched, leaving Qui-Gon fighting both the memories of the last time he'd shared a tub of hot water with the young man, and the sight of all that glistening wet skin. The bubbling of the water was, thankfully, keeping everything below it from view. If he'd been faced with the entire form of his padawan at once...well, he would do what he needed to do to ensure that they were not discovered, but it would have strained him.

As he dropped his robe and stepped into the tub, Qui-Gon noticed Xanatos was the picture of composure. His father sat next to him with no idea of what was going through the young man's head. But any Force user would have been slammed with the emotions rolling from him in waves.

Qui-Gon frowned at his padawan as he sat down opposite him, a warning to strengthen his shields. Emotions released into the Force with such intensity could have side effects on anyone around them. Xanatos' mouth tightened and his eyes darkened, but the emotions eased until they were barely noticeable.

Admiring the ability it took to close such strong feelings off so quickly, Qui-Gon sent his padawan a smile, but it was met with a cool gaze. Before Qui-Gon could wonder about that look, it was gone, replaced by a cheerful smile as Xanatos talked to his father.

With a mental shrug, Qui-Gon leaned back and closed his eyes, pushing his hair onto the shelf behind him as he sank down until the hot water covered his shoulders up to his neck. The bubbles in the water were created by jets of air that shot out of various spots in the side of the tub. He leaned against four of them, letting them massage all of the knots out of his back. Jets near the bottom of the tub worked out the pains in his legs. Within minutes he was more relaxed than he'd been since...since his time in the bathtub with Xanatos.

He pushed those thoughts aside, concentrating on the moment, the soothing heat of the water, the pounding of the jets at his aching muscles, the foot trailing its way up his leg--

Sith! Only years of training kept Qui-Gon from jumping out of the water. If he didn't know better he'd swear Xanatos was trying to kill him! One of his eyes cracked open enough to look at his apprentice, whose attention was totally focused on his father. At least it appeared that way. And yet, one of his feet was slowly making its way up Qui-Gon's calf, across his knee and down the length of his thigh. It stopped at the barrier of the shorts, then one toe dipped under the fabric and ran along the edge, pressing against the skin.

That touch of skin on skin sensitized by the swirling water raised goose bumps all over Qui-Gon's body. He nearly gasped when the foot disappeared, but it quickly reappeared, tracing the outline of his erection through his shorts. He did gasp then, mouth opening just far enough for water to sneak in, and he coughed. Both men turned to him, almost identical expressions of curiosity on their faces. "Are you all right, Master?" Xanatos asked, tone solicitous and polite, even as that foot grew bolder, massaging the swollen flesh beneath the fabric.

"Fine." Somehow Qui-Gon managed to keep his voice even as he sat there, being brought nearly to an orgasm by his padawan--right in front of the young man's thankfully oblivious father. Just when he thought he would no longer be able to stop himself, the foot retreated, drawing itself back down his leg and away.

He breathed a quiet sigh of relief, focusing his energies on dispersing his lust without causing an orgy nearby. He managed to get his need down to a bearable level, to where he did not have to concentrate on controlling his breathing when he felt it again.

This time Xanatos let his toenails lightly scrape up the side of Qui-Gon's leg, all the way to the edge of the fabric. The young man shifted, a natural movement in the midst of his conversation, but a move that in reality gave him more reach. His entire leg drifted over Qui-Gon's for a moment before the foot grazed his renewing erection.

The foot slid downward, below his shaft to caress the opening behind it through the fabric. Qui-Gon couldn't suppress a shiver at that feeling, and at the memories that assailed him.

He couldn't take anymore. With a deep breath, Qui-Gon stood, stalking over to the stairs and stepping out of the chau'baq. "I feel much better," he said as he busied himself pulling on his robe, neatly avoiding Crion's eyes as he spoke. "I'm sorry to break up the reunion, but I need my Padawan for a few things. I'm sure you understand."

"Of course." Crion nodded to his son as the Xanatos rose and followed his master out of the room. Qui-Gon couldn't look at his padawan as he strode down the hall to his room, but he knew the young man was right behind him. He could feel him there, feel the heat pulsing between them.

Qui-Gon threw the door open, only to hear it slam shut just as quickly. His world spun, and he found himself shoved up against the door, the polished wood smooth against his cheek and his chest as his robe was yanked from his shoulders. His hair was shoved aside as teeth grazed at his neck, a wet braid slid along his back, and he heard a rip, followed by cool air on his hips. The shorts, he realized dazedly; Xanatos had ripped them off.

Then he lost coherent thought as one thumb made its way into his opening, working the muscle there easily. The thumb was replaced with a knuckle, the width of the bent finger stretching him further as he writhed against the door.

"Please..." Qui-Gon grated out, breathing hard as he thrust back onto those fingers, wanting more.

Xanatos stopped his assault on his master's neck long enough for two words. "Please what?"

"Inside Now!"

The young man laughed harshly, biting on Qui-Gon's neck. "It's not nice to demand," he murmured, lips moving against his master's skin. "But as it happens," he added, "I want to be in you."

He moved away long enough to remove his own shorts, and then he was inside his master in one quick thrust. Qui-Gon cried out, his hands sliding down the door to reach for his own erection, but Xanatos stopped him.

"Mine," the padawan grated out, still moving inside his master as he pinned both Qui-Gon's arms to the wall and held them there. Qui-Gon bit his lip as he was repeatedly pounded into the door, the sensation of his rock-hard erection sliding between the wood and his stomach just enough to leave him wanting more. Much more.

Over and over, the friction of the cool door and the heat of his own skin, the thickness sliding in and out of his body, the sensation of teeth, lips and tongue all over his shoulders and neck, and of hot, damp skin along the length of his back slowly drove him toward insanity. He tried to move his hands again, but Xanatos pushed them against the door even harder, keeping them there with a bruising grip. Finally Xanatos let go of his arms, reached down to his hips and pulled them away from the door leaving Qui-Gon to brace himself against the door or fall down. The Jedi Master howled as Xanatos thrust deeper into him at a new angle, stroking a place inside of him that set him on fire.

And then Xanatos' hands were on him, and that was the beginning of the end. He climaxed with such a force it shook him to the core, took him completely out of himself for what felt like forever, and at the same time not nearly long enough.

He was surprised to still be standing when it was over. His legs and arms held him up until Xanatos came inside him with a hoarse shout, his teeth sinking into Qui-Gon's shoulder. They both collapsed to the floor, Xanatos wrapped around his master, holding tightly as if he had no intention of ever letting go.

Eyes closed, savoring the moment, Qui-Gon felt lips moving against his neck. "Mine," his padawan breathed, tongue reaching out to slide along his nape.

"Yes," he responded softly, his arms tightening on the ones gripping his midsection. He could not deny that he was owned; to ignore the truth would be far too dangerous.

Lips moved on him again, tracing a lazy line down his shoulder before Xanatos stilled, nose pressed against his master's back, breathing deeply, drawing out the moment for as long as it could last.

Eventually, they separated, dressing for evening meal despite Xanatos' insistence that he'd really rather stay in the room. Privately, Qui-Gon agreed with him, but it wouldn't help matters to encourage his padawan to forsake duty for pleasure. He reminded the young man to calm himself inside and out, so that no outward signs of their deeper relationship would be detected--by Force users, or by Xanatos' father. The idea of explaining any of this to Crion was not high of Qui-Gon's list of things not to do.

As Qui-Gon pulled on his tunic, he realized that steeling himself not to show any signs of the last half hour was not going to be easy. The textured fabric grazed over the bruises and bites his padawan had left on his back and shoulders, a constant reminder that left him half-hard by the time he was finished getting dressed. He'd have to remember not to move much at the evening meal.

Owned. That thought slipped through his mind again. The marks of his ownership would be evident to anyone who saw him without his tunic. But he didn't need to see them. There were already much deeper marks on the inside.

"Master?" Xanatos stood at the door, the picture of calm. Qui-Gon felt the Force around his padawan, but could sense no trace of the young man's emotions.

"Let's go." As Qui-Gon brushed past him, Xanatos reached out, running a finger over a particularly sensitive mark on Qui-Gon's shoulder. The Jedi master barely suppressed a shiver, frowning at the young man, who grinned up at him.

The presence of a passing servant kept Qui-Gon from further action. He put the situation aside to deal with later. For now, he concentrated on controlling his own reactions and dealing with his duties.

Xanatos led the way to the dining hall, a cavernous room lined with holopaintings by some of the best artists in the galaxy. Qui-Gon recognized one gold-framed work that he had seen before, in the palace on D'vrai. Something about the way the shapes shifted had unsettled him then, and his reaction this time was no different.

Or perhaps it was just current circumstances that were unsettling.

Crion sat at the end of a table that could easily seat several dozen guests, beckoning the two Jedi to the chairs on either side of him. As he took his seat, Qui-Gon eyed the painting again. It had to have cost a small fortune. Telos seemed to be doing quite well financially--why would they need to renegotiate the terms of their contract with Nardir? He had no way of knowing, not until he visited the other planet and saw for himself what was going on in both places. He would have to make arrangements to visit Nardir soon.

A servant put a plate down in front of Qui-Gon and spread the Jedi Master's napkin across his lap. He picked up his spoon and tasted the soup before she could help him with that as well. "You have an excellent cook, Governor."

"Thank you, Master Jinn. I became so accustomed to fine food wherever I traveled that I confess I had to search far and wide for a cook who could match that quality. But I found one, and I pay him well to ensure he does not leave."

"I can see why. This is excellent."

Crion tasted the soup himself and smiled. "I would have thought as Jedi you would eat like kings wherever you go," he said, more to his son than to Qui-Gon.

"Hardly," Xanatos answered. A rueful smile curled his lips. "We do well occasionally, but for the most part it's either space rations, or our hosts assume we are minimalists who care nothing for comfort or good food, and we get bland, tasteless drivel."

"Padawan...." At the subtle rebuke, Xanatos looked down at his soup and began eating with great concentration. "So, your travels," Qui-Gon continued, returning his attention to Crion. "Are you away on official business a great deal?"

"Sometimes official business. And sometimes pleasure. I'm alone here, and there isn't much to do, even in a house as well-appointed as this one."

They ate in silence for several moments, the clink of forks on plates and scrape of glasses on the table the only sound in the quiet surrounding them. As the main course was being served, Qui-Gon brought up the subject he was most interested in. "So, when are the negotiations scheduled to start?"

"In a week," Crion answered, waving his hand in a dismissive gesture. "Unless they change their minds again. Four times they have moved the date."

"They are reluctant to negotiate?"

"They say the agreement is fair, and there is no need, but they will if they must. Still, they put it off. They are hoping to change my mind. They will not."

Qui-Gon looked around the room. "You seem to be doing well enough. Is the contract really that unprofitable?"

"It is not about profit. It is about fairness. The current contract was negotiated four generations ago. The scientists of Telos are giving up their vast knowledge for well below what it is worth, and as Governor, I won't allow it to continue."

Before Qui-Gon could respond, Xanatos stepped in. "Please. We just spent days cramped in an escape pod, we have a wonderful meal in front of us, and this is the first time I've seen my father in years. Couldn't we find something more pleasant to discuss?"

Crion turned a wide smile on his son. "Certainly. Business will wait. What would you like to talk about?"

As father and son talked about various things, Qui-Gon ate his meal in silence, listening for any sign that might tell him what made him uneasy about this situation. He would have to figure it out soon, he realized, with a worried look at his student. Faint stirrings of danger were whispering to him through the Force, and he had to know if they involved the negotiations, or something far more personal.

Or both.

Meditation brought Qui-Gon little comfort. After hours on his knees, he knew his unease centered on the budding relationship between Xanatos and his father. He'd had time to sift through the observations he'd made at dinner and paid close attention to the easy rapport between the two men. The family connection could account for that, and simple curiosity could be the only reason Xanatos was so fascinated by the stories of his ancestors, and even more enamored of stories of his father's wealth and travels.

So why did these things bother him so much?

For the twelfth time, Qui-Gon checked the windows in his room, looking for some sign of Xanatos. He wasn't in his room--Qui-Gon had checked several times. But he was fairly close, that much Qui-Gon could tell through their bond, he just didn't know where. And he wasn't about to go searching for his padawan like a befuddled master or a possessive lover.

The moon was full, lighting the courtyard and the gardens with a pale white light that gave an eerie quality to the landscape. There were flowers, trees, and shrubs, and beyond that a grove of trees, but no sign of his apprentice.

The younger man's actions at evening meal had left Qui-Gon with a choice. He could say nothing, and wait to see what developed, or he could attempt to divert Xanatos before he became too immersed in his father's world. His first instinct was to rein the young man in. Yoda should never have sent them on this mission; there was a reason Jedi barely knew their parents. The fact that Yoda sent them was the only thing to give him pause. Had this been what his own master had foreseen? Did the ancient Jedi realize what Xanatos would feel when he saw his father again? Had he foreseen Xanatos' desire for a father being more important than his dedication to the Jedi--and to his Master?

Jealousy surged through Qui-Gon, and he concentrated his efforts on it for a moment, sitting on the bed, cross-legged, feeding the emotion out into the Force. He had to make his decision with a clear mind, focus on what was best for his padawan. His own feelings could not affect his actions.

Right. And Yoda could have a sudden growth spurt tomorrow. It was nearly impossible for him to separate his own wants and desires from Xanatos' needs.

He knew his apprentice wanted him, but did the young man really need him? Xanatos was an adult, too old to need a father figure. And it wasn't as if he'd had any trouble finding sex before now, so, good as it was between the two of them, he didn't necessarily need his master for that. Crion could fill a place in Xanatos' life that Qui-Gon himself no longer occupied. He'd made that decision himself when he'd taken the young man into his bed--or rather his bath. But what about a father, one he'd never really known? Could Qui-Gon compete with that kind of blood tie?

So it was a competition now, was it? Qui-Gon stood and crossed to the window again, staring out at the moon. He did not need to compete with Crion. Xanatos needed no father; getting closer to his blood father would not stand in the way of his link with Qui-Gon. And yet in making a decision to get closer to his father, Xanatos would jeopardize so much. His relationship with Crion could not grow easily if Xanatos were traipsing around the galaxy doing the work of the Jedi--they would never see each other. Which would mean....

Qui-Gon closed his mind to that idea. No need to think that far ahead into improbable situations over the young man's simple curiosity about his family. Xanatos had worked his whole life to become a Jedi; he would not risk that on a whim.

The door opened, and the subject of his musing walked in. "Master! I thought you would be asleep by now."

One eyebrow cocked up. "And were you planning to wake me?"

"Well," the young man said silkily, shedding his cloak as he crossed to the window, "the thought had crossed my mind."

Xanatos leaned in for a kiss, which Qui-Gon gave before withdrawing reluctantly. He hated sounding like an inquisitor, but he felt the need to ask, "Where have you been?"

"With my father. He wanted to show me the stables after evening meal, and then we came back to his rooms and talked." Xanatos slipped out of his master's arms and began shedding clothing on the way to the bathroom. "He told me about my mother, and about Telos, family history...things I'd never known."

Qui-Gon followed. "And you were talking with him about family all this time?"

"Of course." Xanatos' face disappeared behind a tunic as it was raised over his head and then tossed to the ground. "You didn't think I was off having my way with someone else, did you?" He grinned as he took the few steps that brought him right up to his master, arms reaching out before he was quite there to draw Qui-Gon into an embrace. Another kiss, this one more serious. "I have what I want," he murmured, voice husky, before his lips sought his master's again. "Care to join me in the shower?"

"I shouldn't."

Xanatos stepped out of his leggings and tossed them across the bathroom with his foot, leaving Qui-Gon to stare at the expanse of pale skin, and the half-erect shaft in the center of it all. "You should," he said, stepping closer.

Qui-Gon backed away, reaching down to pick up his student's fallen clothing. "You've made a mess."

"Leave it," Xanatos said with a dismissive wave. "The servants will get it tomorrow."

"You're getting used to that rather quickly."

The young man shrugged, taking the tunic from his master. "If they're there, might as well make use of them. Otherwise they could be out of a job. And that would benefit no one."

"Don't get too used to them. We'll be gone soon enough, and it'll be back to space rations and cleaning up for ourselves."

"But not tonight," Xanatos said softly, tossing the tunic onto a nearby stool and running his fingers lightly down Qui-Gon's chest. "Tonight, we have a nice room, a comfortable bed, and a large shower with real hot water. Why waste it?"

Hands went around his side, as Xanatos stepped closer to run his hands up his master's back. Their erections touched briefly, eliciting a gasp from Qui-Gon, who crumbled under the assault of his own senses. He leaned down to lick his padawan's lips, tracing the entire mouth with his tongue, which snaked through the young man's lips into his mouth, finding its mate, chasing it around briefly before Xanatos stepped back. His fingers slid along his master's arm; he caught Qui-Gon's hand and pulled him backwards to the shower stall.

The shower took a moment to warm, but Qui-Gon didn't notice as he kissed his padawan with increasing passion. He ran his hands down the young man's back, lingering over the firm mounds below his hips before his hands traveled back up to twist into the soft, black hair. He used his hold to guide Xanatos back under the spray of water.

Qui-Gon ran his fingertips over his student's neck, his hand catching in the braid that he impatiently tossed aside on his way to his goal. His fingers stroked down the smooth chest, stopping to tease the nipples there into hard nubs. Desire surged through him at the sight of the young man's head tipped back under the water that ran over his face, plastered his hair back, emphasizing the fine, delicate bone structure covered in flawless skin. His face was like a statue, carved to perfection by a great artist.

Fascinated, Qui-Gon watched the rivulets run off the young man's cheeks. His tongue snaked out and interrupted the flow of water; he tasted minerals, and the essence of his lover. He followed the jaw line up to Xanatos' ear, tracing the outside before sucking on the lobe. A small bite, and then he kissed his way across his padawan's cheek down to his mouth. Their lips fused, blocking out the water, tongues meeting in a long, slow kiss.

Qui-Gon grappled for skin, trying to pull the young man closer. Finally, he turned them both around and drove his student against the wall, pressing Xanatos' body as close as he could. He reached down between them to find the young man's erection and stroked the length of it as he rubbed his own against Xanatos' thigh.

Hands grasped at Qui-Gon's back as Xanatos bucked against the firm pressure of Qui-Gon's body. Water pounded against his lower back as he released Xanatos' lips and fastened his mouth on the joint of neck and shoulder.

As Xanatos' fingertips dug into Qui-Gon's skin, a loud, hitching breath escaped the padawan's throat. He undulated his hips, causing his erection to slide hot and hard across his master's palm. Qui-Gon kissed his way down the younger man's chest, across his stomach, heedless of the water that poured into his hair as he knelt and fastened his lips over the head of his padawan's shaft. He took the tip in and swirled his tongue around the edges.

Xanatos whimpered when Qui-Gon released him, and again when Qui-Gon closed his lips around the straining erection once more. Qui-Gon slid his lips down to the wiry curls at the base of Xanatos' cock, then back until only the crown was encased in the wet heat of his mouth. His padawan gripped his head, urging him forward again, and Qui-Gon complied, taking him in and pulling back again and again, adding suction to the motion. Xanatos growled low in his throat, his hands almost painfully tight in his master's hair now, allowing no movement beyond the steady back and forth rhythm that was driving the younger man toward completion. He climaxed with a shout, thrusting deep into Qui-Gon's mouth and holding him in place until he was done.

Qui-Gon rose to give Xanatos a luxuriant kiss, so his padawan could taste his own essence on his master's tongue. Xanatos was heavy Qui-Gon's arms, sated from his own release, and easily turned in Qui-Gon's arms. He was pressed face first against the shower, his legs spread invitingly, water running down his back, into the crevice between his legs.

Force, but he was beautiful. Qui-Gon followed the path of the water with his tongue, pulling apart Xanatos' cheeks to lick at the water trapped there. At his padawan's sharp gasp, he licked again, and again, the soft moans he could hear above him as much of a rush as sex itself.

He tightened his grip on Xanatos' hips and slowly pushed his tongue into the small hole. Xanatos cried out, and his hips bucked back against Qui-Gon's mouth, pushing the tongue in further. Need urged Qui-Gon to move faster, so he rose and reached for the soap to lather his erection. He let himself revel in the sensation, but only briefly before he entered his padawan carefully until they were pressed flesh to flesh.

At the entry, Xanatos truly came alive, head turning, neck straining as he found his master's lips. He took one long kiss then drew his head away. He braced himself and thrust back, meeting Qui-Gon's hips with powerful force. Qui-Gon ran his hands across his padawan's chest, and touched his lips to Xanatos' shoulder. Exquisite pressure built inside him, filling his body until he thought he could no longer bear it. He came, holding Xanatos tight against the wall, release washing through him like a drug, leaving him a little intoxicated and already thinking about the next dose.

They stood there, locked together, for several moments, the only sound their ragged breathing and the patter of the shower against the wall. Finally Qui-Gon became aware that the water against his legs was turning cold, and he reluctantly pulled away from his padawan. He turned to stand under the spray, face tilted up as he let the liquid cascade down his body, cooling the last of the heat that was threatening to rise up again. He felt Xanatos' hands, on him, sliding slickly down his back and realized the young man was washing him. He leaned back against his apprentice, giving the young man access to his chest, but when Xanatos would have ventured further, Qui-Gon stopped him.

"We need sleep," he murmured, turning to face his padawan, giving him a soft kiss before maneuvering him under the water. Xanatos stood under the spray, eyes locked with his master's as Qui-Gon washed him. When he was done, they stepped out of the shower and dried off, tumbling into the bed soon after.

They moved around a little, adjusting their position until Xanatos' head lay on his master's chest, and settled down to sleep. Or so Qui-Gon thought.

"Master, how do we proceed with the negotiations only a week away?"

Qui-Gon shifted, enjoying the scrape of Xanatos' cheek against his skin. "We leave for Nardir in the morning, to get a feel for their side, then come back in a day or two to await the first meeting."

"Might it possible for me to stay here while you go to Nardir?"

"Stay here? Why?"

"I could monitor things from this end, get an idea for what the people of Telos think of this negotiation. And, I must confess," he looked up, dark eyes turned pure black in the faint moonlight from the window, "I would like a few days to get to know my father. I may never have this chance again."

For a long moment, Qui-Gon stared down at his padawan, his instincts at war. If Xanatos became too attached, he could decide to forsake his trials and remain on Telos. But the decision was his to make, not Qui-Gon's. And the desire to put him on the next transport off the planet was ridiculous. Yoda wanted Xanatos to make his own choice. So Qui-Gon would have to let him. "You may stay. Just keep in contact with me, and let me know anything you find that might be a problem."

"Thank you." Xanatos reached up to kiss him once on the lips, then snuggled back into his side and quickly fell asleep.

As Qui-Gon lay there in the bed, listening to Xanatos' slow, even breaths, he remembered sleepily that he had planned to talk to the young man about his attitude. Ah, well, it could wait. No use in waking him up for a conversation they could easily have when Qui-Gon got back from Nardir.

Decision made, he pulled Xanatos closer and fell asleep breathing in the scent of his padawan.

Qui-Gon left a sleeping Xanatos with a kiss early the next morning. He wandered the streets of Thani, observing the early morning crowds as they rushed off to work. According to the information supplied by the Council, eighty percent of the population worked in some kind of professional capacity--a curiously large number for any society. Any necessary manual labor, such as serving the Governor or waiting on tables, was limited to service staff and paid considerably well--more than in many other places he'd visited. Most of the servants he'd seen so far had been off-worlders.

Why would the people of Telos need more money? The clothes they wore fit perfectly, and were made of fabrics he knew to be expensive. Most of them had flawless hair, well-kept bodies and faces, and the best material possessions available. The advertisements around the town were for shows and exhibits generally seen in places such as the more well to do areas of Coruscant. Even the street cleaners wore tailored uniforms. It was clear the citizens of Telos were benefiting from the current contract with Nardir.

He pondered that idea as he hired a small one-man craft to fly himself to Nardir. A borrowed ship flown by one of the Governor's pilots was not the best way to enter the planet opposing Telos--anything he said to the Nardirians would certainly be reported directly back to Crion. And after the little bit of Thani society he'd seen today, Qui-Gon wasn't sure he'd want his comments making their way back to Telos.

It was a relatively short trip from Thani to Sarta, the capital of Nardir. Qui-Gon docked his ship and made his way through the streets of the city, noting the differences between the midday crowds of Sarta and the citizens he'd observed that morning in Thani. The Nardirians were mostly working class people who supplied the labor, materials and factories to carry out the designs and ideas of the Telosians. A profitable relationship for both worlds, though the contract had been thought to favor the Telosians, a fact which made Crion's decision to renegotiate that much more surprising.

Now that he could see with his own eyes just how much the contract favored Telos, Qui-Gon wondered anew why Crion would think it needed to be changed. He must be making a fortune himself with the current situation. And it wasn't very likely the Governor was planning to call for a contract that was more fair to the Nardirians.

Qui-Gon looked around at the low buildings lining the main street. A variety of businesses had signs hanging over the doors or painted into windows, advertising goods, services, and more than a few eating establishments. No one was expecting him, so he had time to wander and eat before seeking out the official government representatives. He chose a busy little cafe for his midday meal.

Pleasant smells and loud conversations greeted him as he walked in. There were booths off to one side, all full, and a few tables spaced inches apart from one another. A long counter ran along the window. Qui-Gon took one of the few empty seats at the counter and listened to the conversations around him while he waited. Most of them revolved around families and work; he wondered if he would hear similar discussions in restaurants in Thani.

A server handed him a menu and hurried on her way to wait on others. He quickly made a selection and went back to eavesdropping until she arrived to take his order. While he waited for his food, the crowd began to thin out as people returned to work. By the time his food arrived, the restaurant was half-empty, and the server was moving much slower than before.

"Can I get you anything else?"

Qui-Gon shook his head. "This is fine, thank you." He looked around as another group headed for the door. "Does this place always clear out so fast?"

The server shrugged. "Midday meal is over. They all have to get back on time so they get all their hours in. Some of them barely make enough to get by as it is. Don't know what they'll do if those galactic bullies on the other planet end up taking even more money."

"Are you referring to the renegotiation of the contract between Telos and Nardir?"

"You call it renegotiation. I call it legal space pirating. But then you don't have to see these people come in here day after day and hear their problems."

Qui-Gon raised an eyebrow. "They don't make enough at the factories?"

"All I know is what I hear," the woman said hesitantly. "Beyond that, I really couldn't say."

Apparently she had decided she'd said too much. Or maybe she'd noticed the clothes and realized he was a Jedi. Qui-Gon let her off the hook as he tasted the food and smiled encouragingly. "This is very good."

"Thanks, I'll tell the cook. Let me know if you need anything else," she replied before hurrying off again.

The food was delicious, and Qui-Gon made quick work of it. After he paid, he wandered a little further down the street, but there was so little activity he didn't think he would learn much more out there. He decided to make a quick com call back to Xanatos before heading to the government complex. There was a booth on the next corner designed to allow com calls in relative privacy from the street, so he stepped inside and pulled out his comlink.

"Yes, Master?" Xanatos answered quickly, his voice husky across the comm.

"What have you been up to, Padawan?"

"Sleeping, Master. Apparently I was very tired after last night."

Qui-Gon smiled. "I wonder why."

"You left without waking me," Xanatos pouted.

"You were sleeping so soundly I couldn't bring myself to wake you. I'll be back soon enough."


"I'm not sure. Possibly tonight. I'll let you know after I've spoken with the local representatives."

"Fine, but if you're not back, I'm going to sleep in your bed."

At that, Qui-Gon laughed. "What's wrong with yours?"

"It doesn't smell like you."

"And mine does, even after the servants have been in to clean?"


He laughed again. "Very well, then. If I'm not back, you may sleep in there."

"Come back anyway."

"We'll see. I must go. Behave yourself until I return."

"Yes, Master."

Qui-Gon put the comlink away, still smiling as he pushed open the doors to the booth, welcoming the rush of air. The silence was helpful when talking on a comlink, but the glass booth was rather warm with the sun beating down on it.

He made his way to the government complex slowly, wandering through a park, enjoying the sounds of birds, the chatter of the people taking a day off, and even the occasional hum of a hovercraft as it sped toward a parking lot. He looked closely at the area around him. The trees and grass were much more natural in this park. In Thani, the parks were cultivated, carefully planned and trimmed to perfection; in Sarta grass grew seemingly at random, and the trees and bushes in the parks were round and full. Various and assorted forms of wildlife dashed around from one hiding place to another, sometimes stopping long enough to pick up a gift of food from one of the citizens having a late midday meal in the park.

The government complex was just on the other side of the park. It was the most impressive building Qui-Gon had seen in the city, yet it still managed to blend with the natural surroundings. He could see no intentional design for the area--everything seemed to be placed in some sort of haphazard manner, and yet it worked better than the designed city of Thani. And the Living Force was stronger here than it had been anywhere he'd visited on Telos.

He walked into the building, surprised at the lack of security. One lone guard sat at a desk just inside the main doors. She didn't bother to look up from her reader as Qui-Gon approached. "Can I help you?"

"I'm here to meet with the Governor."

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Not a specific one; however, he will see me."

At that she finally looked up, saw his clothes, and realized he was a Jedi. "Oh, the Governor's offices are down the hall and to the left," she said, straightening her uniform. "The suite at the end."

"Thank you," he replied with a brief nod. He found the offices, hesitating for the briefest of moments to focus on the task ahead before entering the door.

A petite humanoid woman sat behind the desk, staring intently at a computer terminal. When the door clicked shut, she looked up. "Hello. How can I help you?"

"I am Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. I'm here to see Governor Tashi."

"Oh, of course, Master Jinn. If you'd like to have a seat I'm sure the Governor will be out very soon." She pushed a button on a com unit and spoke quietly into a hand-held receiver, then turned back to Qui-Gon. "Is there anything I can get you while you wait?"

"No, thank you."

She nodded and went back to work at her terminal, the quiet click of the keys the only sound for several moments. Finally, a dark-haired man rushed into the reception from the back of the suite. "Master Jinn. I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Governor Tashi."

"I have only been here a short time, and I was not expected. It's good of you to see me on short notice."

"It is good of you to come." The Governor peered up at Qui-Gon. "If you'll follow me, we can talk in my office."

Qui-Gon followed the smaller man through a maze of hallways to a spacious office in the back of the suite. Once inside, the Governor closed the door and waved a hand at a seat in front of his desk. "Please, sit."

"Thank you." Qui-Gon took the seat and waited to see how Tashi would begin.

"So, you're here about the negotiations?" The governor leaned back in his chair. "Perhaps, then, you can tell me why Telos wishes to renegotiate the contract?"

The Jedi master shook his head. "I don't know, Governor. I am only an impartial observer, here to get the Nardirian side of the negotiation so that I have all the facts to help facilitate your negotiations."

"Which is the Jedi way of saying, 'I'm not going to tell you anything I've figured out.' Very well. My people were desperate when they signed the original contract with Telos. We had a planet rich in materials, but no way to convert those materials into goods we needed to survive. They agreed to the stipulation that only Telos could open renegotiations because they had to." He spread his hands out, palms up. "From my point of view, this could be a beneficial event."

"Some of your people seem to think differently."

The Governor sighed. "The people are convinced Telos would only open negotiations if it were to end up more profitable for Telos in the end. They are tired of working for years and having little to show for it, and now they think there will be even less when this contract is changed."

"But you don't share their views?"

"I am counting on the Jedi to ensure a fair arrangement."

Qui-Gon acknowledged the man's trust with a nod. "Thank you. But there is only so much we can do. We are merely facilitators."


"My apprentice is back on Telos. He will also be attending the negotiations." Qui-Gon thought it best not to bring up the real reasons for Xanatos staying behind. Best not to let these people know the young man was a Telosian, much less the son of the governor. "We thought we could work more efficiently gathering information separately for a day."

"Only a day? But surely you will stay for evening meal. And you must accept the hospitality of our governor's quarters for the night. The guest rooms are quite nice, even for a place that must seem like the back end of nowhere after being on Telos."

After a moment's hesitation, Qui-Gon nodded his acquiescence. Duty before personal desires. He had to remember that. It was only one night.

"I'm coming over there."

Qui-Gon sighed. "Padawan. You will stay where you are--out of sight of the Nardirians until the negotiations. There's less chance for them to realize you're Telosian before the meetings start if you are not seen until then."

"Then come home." The easy way Xanatos referred to Thani as "home" only served to make Qui-Gon more anxious to get back there. His apprentice needed reminders of who he was and whose agenda he served. Perhaps they could go to Dagobah before returning to Coruscant. Nowhere was the Living Force more prevalent than his own master's home world, and it offered few distractions. Qui-Gon would have to talk to Yoda about the side visit before he and Xanatos left Telos.

"I cannot. The Nardirians would never trust me if I spent less than a day here and spent a week on Telos. It's suspicious enough that you are not here with me."

"Then I will come there."

"No. Stay where you are. It's only for one night, Xanatos. One night, and then I'll be back."

A long silence stretched across the space between them, so long Qui-Gon wondered if his comlink was malfunctioning. "All right," Xanatos answered finally. "But I don't like it."

"Nor do I," Qui-Gon agreed. "I must go--there's an official function I have to attend. I will contact you again later."


"Promise." With that, he clicked off the com and stuffed it into one of the pockets of his robe before hurrying off to find the grand dining room.

After the rich, heavy food at the Governor's quarters, the Nardirian fare was a welcome change. Qui-Gon savored the tangy fish, concentrating on the taste to keep himself in the moment, and his thoughts from straying to his apprentice.

"So, you're the great Jedi come to save Nardir."

Qui-Gon turned to the councilman seated to his left. "Excuse me?"

The man waved a hand toward the head of the table. "Governor Tashi has told us all about how the Jedi would ensure the results of the negotiations would be in our favor."

"Oh?" Qui-Gon studied the man, wondering what kind of game he was playing. "And how am I to do that, Councilman Yo?"

"By forcing the Telosian government to adhere to the fairness that all self-respecting governments in the Republic strive for, thereby causing them to adjust the contract so that Nardir gets its fair share of the profit from our association," Yo recited. "Or so Tashi says."

"I'm afraid I am only here as a facilitator, Councilman. I cannot force anyone to do anything."

Yo snorted. "I suspected as much. Ever since Tashi cast off his bonded mate and took another into his home, he has touted this negotiation as his glory day, hoping to distract the public from his shame with thoughts of money."

"His shame?" The report given to him by the Jedi Council had mentioned the Governor of Nardir had recently dissolved a bond and then bonded with another, but no mention had been made of anything shameful. "There was a scandal?"

"Of course! One does not dissolve a bond. And to do so publicly, while leading the people...such a thing is unheard of on this planet. Nardirians mate for life, Jedi--did your preparation for this negotiation fail to mention that?"

It had, but Qui-Gon refrained from admitting it outright. "Most species mate for life, but even so a disolvement is not always such an unusual event."

"Perhaps elsewhere that is true. But here we take our bonds very seriously. I would never do such a thing to my wife, nor would any self-respecting Nardirian." Yo looked at Tashi again and laughed harshly. "The promise of a better contract now that he requested the Jedi is the only reason Tashi is still in his office." He studied his plate for a moment before casting a sidelong glance at Qui-Gon. "There are those who never believed him in the first place. His failure with these negotiations could be cause enough to remove him. By force, if necessary."

Qui-Gon acknowledged that statement with a brief nod before turning to the dessert that had just been placed in front of him. So the outcome of these negotiations could be the catalyst for a civil war on Nardir. Wonderful.

Certainly no pressure for everything to go perfectly.

After a fitful night's sleep and meetings with several government members the following morning, Qui-Gon found himself in his rented ship on his way back to Telos. As he walked back to the Governor's quarters, he was struck again by the perfect falseness of his surroundings. The contrast to Nardir was even more obvious after being surrounded by the natural beauty on Sarta.

A young man sitting at the bottom of the steps to the Governor's quarters reminded Qui-Gon of Xanatos and the resemblance speeded his step. As Qui-Gon drew closer, the young man looked up, saw him and stood. With a start, Qui-Gon realized it was Xanatos, dressed in a deep blue jacket and pants. White cuffs and a small white collar peeked out from the edges of the dark material, a color of blue that nearly matched the eyes that lit up as Qui-Gon stopped in front of him.

"Master!" Xanatos moved as if to embrace Qui-Gon, then stopped suddenly and bowed instead. "It is good to have you back."

"It is good to see you as well, Padawan." They turned as one, climbing the steps toward the main doors. "Though it has only been one day since I left."

Xanatos reached out, his fingers grazing his master's arm as he straightened his own sleeve. "A very long day."

"Yes, it was at that."

"So what was the situation on Nardir?"

"How do you mean?" Qui-Gon answered question with question, mindful of the openness of the hallway and who could be listening.

Xanatos clasped his hands behind his back. "Will the Nardirians be difficult during the negotiations?"

"I'm not sure what you mean by 'difficult,' Padawan. I imagine they will simply be looking out for their own interests, as will the Telosians."

"Ah, so we should plan for a nice, long stay while they argue, then?"

"We shall see." Qui-Gon responded as they reached his room. Xanatos followed him through the door and closed it behind them, waiting until the older man had put his bag down before spinning him around and trapping him against the bed. "I missed you, Master."

"And I you," Qui-Gon answered, allowing his student to lean in for one kiss before he turned toward the bed, pushing Xanatos back with his body. He felt the flash of anger and hurt shoot through his padawan.

"Is there a problem, Master?" Xanatos asked, his tone formal as he stepped back a few paces.

Qui-Gon finished unpacking the items in his travel bag and placing them on the bed beside it, each movement deliberate as he chose his words carefully. "You are out of uniform," he answered finally, turning to face his apprentice.

"My father bought these for me. We aren't on duty, so I thought--"

"We are on duty," Qui-Gon interrupted. "We're on a mission, and you are here to represent the Jedi, not the Governor of Telos. If you don't want to wear the Jedi uniform, you can always go home." Not that he really had any intention of sending Xanatos home, but the need to wear the Jedi uniform, to show their objectivity, should have been obvious to his apprentice.

Xanatos' eyes blazed with anger. "Home? This is my home!" The young man took a deep breath. "Or at least it was once."

Fear swelled inside Qui-Gon, the worries about Xanatos and his father returning in a rush. "You are too close to this situation," he said, voice tightly controlled. "Perhaps it would be best if you went back to Coruscant after all."

"Master, no!" Xanatos took the few steps forward that left him practically touching his master. "I wore the clothes because I thought they would please you. I'll be happy to change back into my robes." He reached out one hand, cupping Qui-Gon's cheek. "Just please don't send me away from you."

Qui-Gon searched the deep blue eyes, no longer certain when his apprentice was being completely honest--or entirely trusting of his own judgment in the matter. He found no signs of deception lurking in Xanatos' gaze.

Finally, Xanatos broke the silence. "You would send me away from you, separate us, over clothing?" The pleading in his voice was now combined with a fair amount of anger. "You would deprive us both of this?" He leaned in, licking at his master's lips for a moment before parting his mouth and delving inside, molding his lips to Qui-Gon's in a fierce kiss.

Qui-Gon shoved his travel bag and clothing out of the way, scrambling back onto the bed and dragging his padawan with him. Xanatos straddled his master's lap, his rear pressed against Qui-Gon's groin, and rocked slightly, drawing a growl from the older man, who grabbed his arms and pulled him down for another kiss.

Several moments later, Xanatos pulled back to remove his jacket and shirt. "I can stay, then?" he asked as he began removing Qui-Gon's tunics.

"You can stay," Qui-Gon agreed. "But I want you in Jedi robes from now on."

"Really, Master?" Xanatos replied with a grin. "I thought you wanted me wearing nothing right now."

The Jedi Master's eyes narrowed. "Xanatos...."

"Yes, Master," the young man answered dutifully, leaning down to tease one of Qui-Gon's nipples with his tongue. "Jedi robes. Understood." He bit down lightly, causing Qui-Gon to arch up and put more pressure on his suddenly hard shaft.

Qui-Gon rolled, turning Xanatos onto his back and pinning the young man beneath him. Maybe he should just keep him trapped like this until the negotiations. At least then he couldn't get into trouble. And no one needed to worry about what kind of clothes he was wearing.

Xanatos went to work on Qui-Gon's leggings, thoughts of clothing quickly forgotten as they stripped theirs away and put the outside world aside, lost in each other.

For the next few days, Qui-Gon kept a close eye on his padawan. Xanatos was on his best behavior--the model of a perfect padawan. Which only worried his master more.

At his best, Xanatos was never the perfect padawan. The perfect student as far as grades and learning, perhaps, but he was always a little too independent, a bit too amused by his own faade. Now...nothing. He acted the same, but the sense of amusement was gone. In public, he was almost detached. And in private he was more intense than ever. Qui-Gon had bruises that matched his padawan's fingers in several places from times in the past few days when the young man had held on to him as if he never intended to let go.

Teaching a padawan was not supposed to involve breaking his spirit, no matter what some of the masters at the Temple thought. It worried the Jedi Master that he might have broken his apprentice completely in the act of trying to keep him.

He looked back over his shoulder once more. Xanatos stood just behind him, face serene, dark blue eyes cool, surveying the hangar with detachment.

Qui-Gon checked the lists of arrivals. Still several minutes before the Nardirian contingent was due to arrive--enough time for a lesson. Perhaps it was time to shake his padawan up a bit. He concentrated on the previous night, building up a wave of lust inside himself, and then sent the emotion through their bond in a rush.

Xanatos' eyes widened, and his lips parted, tongue darting out to moisten them briefly. He threw a frustrated glance at his master before averting his eyes and exerting control over his feelings. A moment more, and he was the perfect padawan again--almost. A hint of a smile played at the corner of his lips, one that just barely reached his eyes.

With a smile of his own, Qui-Gon faced front to watch the Nardirian shuttle land. The situation was looking better already.

"It was a good start, wasn't it, Master?"

Qui-Gon paused in the middle of shedding his tunics. "What was?"

"Evening meal. My father and the Nardirians were getting along nicely. That bodes well for the negotiations, does it not?"

"Perhaps. We shall see how they get along when there is a contract on the table." Tunics and boots dealt with, Qui-Gon turned to Xanatos, who was sitting on the bed, still fully clothed. "You are wearing entirely too much clothing, my padawan."

The young man blinked out of his reverie and smiled up at his master. "Say that again."


"'My padawan.'" He reached up and caressed Qui-Gon's cheek. "I love the way your voice sounds when you say that here, with no one else around."

Qui-Gon sat next to him and leaned in, mouth close to Xanatos' ear. "My padawan," he said softly. He delighted in the shiver that raced through the young man's body. "My padawan," he growled again, tongue reaching out to trace the shell of his apprentice's ear. When he reached the lobe, he stopped to nibble at it while hastily removing the layered tunics Xanatos wore.

"My master," the young man breathed as he pulled at his boots until they came off. Their lips met as each man fumbled with the other's leggings, tugging and shoving until they were both naked. Qui-Gon fell back onto the bed, legs still dangling over the side, pulling Xanatos along without breaking the kiss.

Xanatos' tongue dipped into his master's mouth, mapping the textures there before withdrawing slowly to wander down Qui-Gon's chin, along the strong column of his neck, nipping at the muscle that strained as Qui-Gon arched up against him.

Xanatos circled one brown nipple slowly before sucking on the tip until it was hard. Qui-Gon writhed in pleasure beneath him as the second nipple was given the same treatment. Sparing a second for a grin up at his master, Xanatos continued his trip down his master's stomach, across his navel, lowering himself to his knees on the floor to make his way through the patch of dark curls below.

Without warning he took the length of the older man's shaft completely in his mouth, cheeks hollowing with the pressure of the suction he employed. Qui-Gon arched up violently, as he grabbed his padawan's head and held it in place as he thrust into Xanatos' mouth, lost in intense pleasure.

He came quickly, pumping his hips into the talented mouth until he could no longer move. Qui-Gon lay there, gasping for breath, his relaxed legs offering no resistance as Xanatos pulled them onto his shoulders and slipped a finger inside him, stretching the muscle in preparation for his entry.

There was a grin on his padawan's face as he watched his master writhing and bucking beneath him. Qui-Gon fought off the haze of passion enough to ask, "Something amuses you?"

"Only that it is somewhat of a novelty to do this in a bed, my Master." He looked down at his feet on the floor and added, "Or at least mostly in a bed."

Qui-Gon smiled. "We shall have to try it again sometime."

"Yes. But for now...." Xanatos entered him in one quick thrust, hitting a spot that sent lightening-quick pleasure arcing through him, and he lost himself again to the feelings churning inside.

The moment Qui-Gon woke the next morning, he realized something was wrong. A quick check assured him that all inside the room was well. The door was closed, his lightsaber was on the table next to him, and his padawan was asleep in his arms. So what was the problem?

Then he heard the raised voices in the hallway. He sat up, rousing Xanatos as he moved away to concentrate on the voices. He knew the loudest one--Crion's voice was unmistakable. The others were not familiar enough that he could make them out from here, but they were coming from the direction of the Nardirians' rooms.

"Master?" Xanatos asked, voice husky with the remnants of sleep. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure." Qui-Gon climbed out of bed and pulled on his leggings and boots and reached for his robe, pulling it closed tightly to hide his bare chest. "But we'd better go check it out."

Xanatos followed his master's example and threw on his leggings and boots. He was still pulling on his robe as Qui-Gon opened the door. The Nardirians were only a few doors down from the rooms the Jedi had been given, easily visible as soon as Qui-Gon walked out of the room. Crion was standing with the three representatives from Nardir and a half-dressed woman that Qui-Gon recognized as one of the servers from the dining room.

All of them fell silent as the Jedi approached, except for the woman, who was sobbing quietly into the blanket she held around her shoulders. "What happened?" Qui-Gon asked.

Councilman Yo stared at the ground. The other two Nardirians glanced at each other before Councilman Trar, the senior of the two, answered, "It is a matter for Nardirian justice, Master Jinn. Nothing you need to concern yourself over; however, I fear we are going to have to postpone the negotiations a few more days."

"Postpone again?" Crion bellowed. "These negotiations have been postponed three times already. The contract ends in one week--if there is no agreement, Telos will find its materials elsewhere."

The fact that it was a rather empty threat apparently made no difference to Yo. "I doubt that Telos will be able to find a contract that benefits them as greatly as this one does already!"

"That is not the point. The negotiations must go on as planned. You cannot postpone them just because one of your representatives slept with someone!"

"If I may interrupt," Qui-Gon interjected quickly, using the Force behind his voice to ensure their silence. "We were brought here to facilitate a smooth negotiation. If someone would explain what happened it is possible we could salvage something out of this predicament."

Crion sighed as he turned to face the Jedi Master. "When Councilman Yo did not show up for an early meeting with his colleagues, they came to check on him and found him in bed with Merlena. That is all that happened."

Qui-Gon turned to Yo, who was still staring at the ground. "Councilman Yo, what happened?"

"I do not know. The young lady knocked on my door to give me a drink and turn down the bed, as she did for my fellow councilmen. I remember nothing beyond that until they woke me this morning and she was there...." He shook his head, unable or unwilling to say more.

"Now they want to go home because of what he did," Crion complained. "He did it on purpose, I swear it!"

Qui-Gon studied the accused councilman. He sensed the Nardirian's confusion. And his shame. If he had indeed slept with the woman, it hadn't been with an ulterior motive. "Surely you do not all need to go back to Nardir for this? Could Councilman Yo return to your planet while the rest of you remain to work on the negotiations?"

"We have been witnesses to a serious offense, Master Jinn; we must go back and give testimony. To sleep with a woman out of wedlock is bad enough; to sleep with one when already bonded is a crime." Trar moved to Yo's side. "Gather your belongings. We leave for Nardir at once."

After he watched Yo go into his room, Qui-Gon turned back to Trar. "What will happen to him?"

"He will return to Nardir to stand trial. If he is found guilty, he will be sentenced accordingly. And as witnesses, it is the duty of Natni and myself to return with him. Suitable replacements will be sent for the negotiations in a few days, when they have had time to fully prepare."

"Days? This is ridiculous." Crion turned to the Jedi. "Qui-Gon, tell them to stay."

"I have no authority over them, Governor. If they feel they must return, I cannot stop them."

For a moment, Crion looked as if he would argue, but he relented. "Fine. Go if you must."

Trar cleared his throat. "There is one other thing. We would like to take the girl with us. She has committed an offense--"

"No!" Crion answered quickly. "She is a Telosian citizen under my employ. If there is to be any kind of punishment, I will deal with it. But you will not take her. It is out of the question!"

"Very well," Trar answered reluctantly as Yo returned with his bag. "We will leave at once, and be in touch about our replacements."

They watched the Nardirians leave in silence. When they were completely out of sight, Crion turned to the shaking woman. "There will be no punishment. You will be demoted, however. You knew how important these negotiations were to our people, and yet your sense of duty failed you."

The woman stared at the floor, her voice barely above a whisper as she responded, "I am sorry, Governor."

"I know. Go on now. You'll report to the kitchens later this morning."

"Thank you sir." She bowed quickly and ran off toward the servants' quarters.

As Crion watched the woman go, Qui-Gon sensed an air of satisfaction about the man that was at odds with his proclaimed upset at the postponement of the negotiations. Before he could think on it further, Crion turned back to face him, taking in his appearance. Then he turned to his son, who had been standing silently beside Qui-Gon all along, and noticed his state of undress under his robes. His eyes flickered to the open doorway of the one room they'd both emerged from. Qui-Gon's room.

Qui-Gon watched with apprehension as understanding dawned on Crion's face. He fixed the Jedi Master with a furious stare then stalked off without a word, leaving Qui-Gon to wonder just what the man would do with the information. If he called the Council and asked for new negotiators because of his newfound knowledge, it could be the end of Xanatos' chance to be a Knight. Which would leave the young man here, on Telos, where Qui-Gon had no doubt Crion wanted him.

"Master?" Xanatos placed a hand on Qui-Gon's arm, pulling him toward the room. "We should finish getting dressed."

"Of course." They returned to the room in silence. As they were dressing, Qui-Gon decided to bring it out into the open. "He knows."

Xanatos didn't even pretend not to know what he meant. "Leave him to me. I can handle him."

"What do you mean, 'handle'?"

"He wants me to be happy. When he realizes that you and the Jedi are what make me happy, he will not stand in the way. You have nothing to fear from him."

Qui-Gon let it go at that for the time being. Any action would only serve to make them look guilty. But he resolved to be very careful. And very watchful.

For the rest of the day, Qui-Gon again kept a close eye on his padawan. He watched as Xanatos teased his father out of his bad mood at breakfast. He watched the young man joke with a few of the servants, listened as they called him "Young Master Xanatos" and he didn't correct them. Technically the title was still his due as the son of the Governor, but Xanatos' easy acceptance of it was troubling.

They sparred that afternoon. Xanatos gave it his full effort, drawing on the Force as easily as he breathed and making it difficult for his master to beat him, but Qui-Gon sensed it was more about winning the game than it was about using the Force for defense. There was a fierceness in Xanatos' fighting and an enjoyment in every little victory that was not appropriate for a Jedi.

As they finished sparring, one of the servants came in and informed them that Crion was about to deliver a message to the Telosian people in the holo room, if they cared to watch. Qui-Gon glanced questioningly at Xanatos.

"He said nothing to me this morning about an announcement," Xanatos said with a shrug.

Qui-Gon nodded to the servant, who led them both to a large office, with a desk and various adornments that seemed to serve only to make the person who sat there look important. Several holo recorders sat at the other end of the office, trained on the desk.

Crion joined them, giving Qui-Gon a cool look. "Master Jinn, it is good of you to be here. I am about to let my people know why the negotiations have stalled. They are anxiously awaiting the outcome of the negotiations, and I fear if I do not tell them something they will grow quite angry."

"Then perhaps you should tell them something that will ease their worries," Qui-Gon agreed.

"Yes. Please, have a seat." He gestured toward a row of chairs to one side, out of view of the holo recorders, but near the desk. "We begin in just a moment."

The two Jedi sat as Crion situated himself behind the desk, checking his appearance in a mirror and going over his notes one last time before he clicked a button on his desk. Bright lights flicked on from the camera area, and after a moment to adjust to the glare, the Governor hit another switch, and the holo recorders began to whir.

"My fellow Telosians, I bring you news that may be unsettling. The negotiations have again been stalled. The representatives sent by the government of Nardir encountered a problem this morning that forced them to return home. They promise to contact us in a few days with the names of replacement negotiators."

He paused for effect, schooling his features in a stern manner. "I assure you, the negotiations will go on in a few days. There is nothing to be concerned about. We will have the contract we deserve. Thank you."

The switches were turned off, and the room was once more silent and relatively dark after the harsh glare of the lights. "This will hopefully keep the people from any acts of aggression toward Nardirians who are on planet," Crion said as he made his way to the chairs.

"That was broadcast into every home?"

"Yes, and into the areas with public screens. The news programs will replay it as well." He frowned at Qui-Gon as if daring him to question anything. "My people are very well informed."

"I can imagine," Qui-Gon said dryly.

Crion turned toward the door. "It is time for the evening meal. Let us adjourn to the dining hall."

Xanatos followed immediately, leaving Qui-Gon to trail behind. This promised to be one of the most uncomfortable meals he'd ever been through--he was certainly in no hurry to get to it.

The evening meal was followed by a musical concert. Normally Qui-Gon loved music, but he found he could not concentrate. His mind was preoccupied with all that had happened. There was still something off about the Nardirian scandal from that morning.

He found it hard to believe that the man who so honestly scorned Governor Tashi for treating his bond so casually would suddenly find a serving girl so irresistible that he was willing to go against his own code, as well as his country's law. Perhaps the woman herself would have a few answers. He would have to track her down and see if she could be of some help. One way or another, he was determined to get to the heart of what had happened.

Xanatos leaned over to whisper, "Is something wrong, Master? Would you prefer to leave?"

Qui-Gon shook his head. "I'm fine," he whispered back. "Let's stay and listen."

His apprentice said no more, but Qui-Gon noticed Xanatos was now watching him as much as Qui-Gon had been watching the young man all day. The Jedi Master released his anxiety into the Force and willed himself into a state of calm. After a few minutes, Xanatos relaxed and turned his attention back to the music, leaving Qui-Gon no choice but to do the same.

"Padawan...are you happy being a Jedi?"

Xanatos looked up from the chair, the boot he had just pulled off his foot dangling from his hand in mid-air. "Of course, Master. Why wouldn't I be?"

Qui-Gon sat down on the bed, the doubts he'd had during the day first in his mind. "I've watched you today, and you seem so much happier here than you have been in recent months. It made me wonder if you were questioning your decision to be a Jedi."

"I never decided to be a Jedi; I have simply always been one. It is who I am," he replied, removing the other boot and joining his master on the bed. "If I am happier here, then it is because of you. Our new relationship gives me a peace that I have never known before."

"You're sure that is all it is?"

Xanatos smiled. "Shall I convince you?" he asked as he leaned in to kiss his master deeply. Qui-Gon gave in and let himself be distracted, but as he lay there in the dark, long after Xanatos had fallen asleep, he realized that he may have been seduced, but he was still not convinced.

It was a long time before he managed to find sleep.

All through the morning meal, Qui-Gon listened to the easy conversation between Crion and Xanatos without really hearing the words. The tone was enough, and if it hadn't been, the similarities in the voices, combined with the thickening of Xanatos' accent would have been telling all on their own.

The young man fit in without an effort here. He was accepted, admired, waited on. It would be so easy for him to give up everything he'd worked for and stay.


Qui-Gon shook himself out of his thoughts. "Yes, Padawan?"

"Father was asking if I would like to see my mother's hometown, as it's not far from here. We'd only be gone a couple of hours. May I go?"

"Certainly. I'll see you both at the midday meal then?"

"Yes, of course. Thank you." Xanatos stood as his father did, bowed to his master, and they left.

Qui-Gon stared down at the mostly uneaten food on his plate. He was being foolish. He could do nothing to alter Xanatos' path. It was his padawan's choice, and Qui-Gon could not choose for him. If he decided to leave the Jedi, then so be it.

Best to focus on something he could affect. That thought in mind, he left the table in search of the kitchens, and the servant he thought might know more than she was telling.

A few questions in the kitchen had him more concerned about the incident. Merlena had never been assigned there. One of the other kitchen workers said she'd been assigned to a kitchen at one of the offices in the middle of the city.

More curious than ever, Qui-Gon strolled the streets, careful to appear as though he was any other visitor to the city. He was convinced Crion was behind the incident, and if he was right, the Governor would likely have him followed.

He quickly identified his two watchers and lost them before making his way to the office building where Merlena was supposed to be working. It was easy enough to get into the kitchen; he'd made a habit of using kitchens as his entry to buildings. They were busy and generally had numerous entrances, which made slipping in unnoticed a simple feat.

Once inside, he quickly located the woman was standing over an oven, her face flushed. She looked less than happy. He stepped up to her, looking around for anyone who might be paying too much attention to them. When he found no one, he called out her name.

She turned, startled, then bowed. "Master Jinn! I did not expect to see you again. What brings you to this place?"

"I was looking for you. After what happened yesterday, I was concerned. Are you all right?"

She held out her hands, palms up, glanced down at her sweat-dampened dress, and lifted her limp hair. "Do I look all right?"

"Then you are not happy here?"

Merlena laughed. "Only a fool would be happy here. No, I am not happy, sir, and I have my own stupidity to thank for it. I should have known better."

"So you did know what your actions would do to the negotiations if you were caught?"

"Of course. But he put me up to it. Came to my room that afternoon and told me it was my duty to Telos, and that there'd be a big, fat promotion in it if I just went in there and played my part. And then when it was over, the Governor banished me to this place."

"The Governor talked you into framing the Councilman?"

She laughed again, the sound more harsh this time. "The Governor, be seen talking to a servant in her room? Ha! No, sir, it was his son that came to me about it."

"His son?" Qui-Gon barely managed to force the words out. "Xanatos?"

She nodded. "Yes, sir," she said, then held up her arm, pointing at four fading bruises. "Shook me so hard he left these as a reminder to keep my mouth shut. And I would have, if he'd done as he'd promised."

"You're sure it was Xanatos?"

"No one in that household could mistake anyone else for that one. His arrival was heralded as some kind of miracle. The entire staff was ordered to treat him like royalty."

She'd lied the morning before. Was she lying now? The idea that Xanatos....

"Who knows about this?"

"Nobody. I haven't been allowed to talk to any of my friends, and I don't trust the people around here not to turn me in. But you, you might be able to help me. The Jedi are known for helping people, that no-good son of the Governor aside, and I don't want to spend the rest of my life working in this place."

He ignored her comment about Xanatos for the moment. He had to think, to see if he even believed it could be possible. "I'll see what I can do. Thank you for telling me."

"I'll testify, if you want--if you can get me off the planet after."

"I don't think it will come to that." He wasn't anxious for her accusations to become public, true or not. "Thank you again."

Qui-Gon slipped out of the kitchen as easily as he'd slipped in. He wandered the streets, ending up on a bench in one of the perfectly planned parks Thani was known for. He'd known Xanatos was getting along with his father, but could Crion really have talked him into doing this?

How badly would Xanatos have to want his father's approval, to be driven to cooperating in such a nasty scheme? It would mean he'd gone against the code, against his training, lied to his master....

It couldn't be true. The woman was lying; it was that simple. He would go back to the Governor's quarters, tell his padawan about it, and they would uncover the real truth together. Xanatos would open his eyes and see his father for what he really was--a greedy, power-hungry manipulator. And then they could turn this mission over to someone else and leave.

His mind made up, Qui-Gon rose and headed for the Governor's quarters.

Qui-Gon checked his room first, but Xanatos wasn't there. He wandered through the maze of hallways toward the exercise room, when he passed by the door to Crion's study. The door was slightly open, and he could hear Crion speaking. Perhaps the governor knew where Xanatos was.

He reached the door and raised his hand to knock, but the next words he heard stopped him. "We'll have to bide our time until the army arrives." That was definitely Crion. But who was he talking to? Qui-Gon pulled out his comlink and flicked the setting to record. It was usually used for notes on a report, but it would work for this as well. "It'll be a close call, but I think we can manage."

"When does the army arrive?" Xanatos. Qui-Gon nearly dropped the comlink. So it was true. The logical part of his mind accepted the fact, even as the rest of him rejected it. It made sense--he was taken by his father and his father's power, and he'd been led astray. There was still hope for him.

With a strength he hadn't known he possessed, Qui-Gon shoved his emotional reactions to the revelation aside and paid attention to the conversation again.

"That was the soonest they could be here," Crion said.

"You should have hired someone closer."

Something was slammed down on wood. "Perhaps you would have liked to handle that little arrangement as well? You handled everything else so nicely. With the exception of your 'master'."


"Jinn is suspicious."

"He knows nothing. Just leave that to me. Now, do you think your announcement will make the people angry enough for war?"

Qui-Gon stifled a sigh that was more of a half-sob. His padawan was in there, calmly discussing a war he was in the middle of instigating. This couldn't be real. He would have known before now if it were really happening. It had to be a dream.

"...announcement on camera. Once I do that, the people will be straining to go to war. Telos will have the science, the resources, and the factories, and the people will be rich. The fools will love me for it, and they'll never realize how much wealth I gain from it."

"We gain, Father. We."

"Of course. Assuming your master doesn't mess this up."

"I told you to leave him to me. I can handle him. I've handled him so far, haven't I?"

Handled? Now Qui-Gon was past upset and he could feel the anger building up inside. He struggled to keep his mind clear of the muddying power of the anger as he listened to Crion respond. "You never mentioned that 'handling' him involved sleeping with him."

At least that hadn't been part of the plan. Or not a part ordered by Crion at any rate. Satisfaction coursed through him at the hurt he could hear in the Governor's voice. The man was upset that his son had been sleeping with his master. Good.

"Whatever it takes," Xanatos answered coldly. "Speaking of which, I should go find him."

Footsteps grew louder as Xanatos headed toward the door. Qui-Gon turned off the recorder on the comlink and ducked into the nearest room, waiting until the footsteps faded away down the hall before he ventured out.

So, Xanatos was in league with his father. Qui-Gon could try to deny it all he liked, he could reason, rationalize, make excuses, but in the end, the result was the same. The young man had given into the lure of power and money. It might not be possible to save him.

But he had to try.

He would play along, pretend like nothing happened, and then tomorrow, during the broadcast, he would strike. Qui-Gon glanced down at the comlink, still in his hand, and put it away carefully. The words it contained would ensure that Crion damned himself in front of his own people tomorrow. Until then, all he could do was wait. And shut himself off from emotion. The slightest hint that he knew what was going on and there was no telling what would happen.

It was going to be a long day.

With the use of Force-enhanced speed, Qui-Gon just managed to beat Xanatos to the bedroom. He hurried into the bathroom, only to came right back out as his apprentice entered. "Good afternoon, Padawan." The normal, even tones of his own voice surprised him.

"Good afternoon, Master," Xanatos replied with a bow. "Did you enjoy your walk?"

"It was certainly interesting." He met his padawan in the center of the room, leaning down for a kiss. "How was your trip with your father?"

"It was wonderful! I feel like I have more of a sense of my history now. I've always had the tradition of the Jedi to ground me, but adding this to it is almost like having a whole new life."

Or exactly like it. Qui-Gon wondered if they'd really even gone to his mother's birthplace. More likely they'd gone off somewhere to plan their war. Anger and betrayal threatened to overtake his sense of duty, but he ruthlessly squashed them. Time enough later to feel the pain, plenty of time when he was either helping Xanatos break away from the dark, or....

No. He wouldn't consider the alternatives. For now, he had to act his part. And if he'd learned anything as a Jedi, it was how to act. The skill had come in handy often on missions. If he pulled this one off, he should get an award.

"Master?" Is something wrong?"

"Oh, no. I was just thinking about midday meal. I haven't eaten today." Nor did he want to, but he had to keep up appearances.

"Neither have I. Shall we see if we can raid the kitchen?"

Qui-Gon forced a smile. "Excellent idea."

They ate together at a table in the kitchen, discussing the differences between Telos and some of the other planets they'd been to. Qui-Gon could almost believe the conversation he'd heard earlier was a sick dream, and that this was any other mission. Xanatos acted as if nothing had changed. Of course, to him, nothing had changed. To him, Qui-Gon was still a fool, following along wherever his apprentice chose to lead him.

Once again, he shoved those thoughts out of his mind. He couldn't afford the distraction and pain they would cause. Xanatos would sense his emotions, and it was imperative that Xanatos not realize his master knew his plans. Or at least part of them.

"Do you know if Crion has heard from Nardir?"

"He has not, and it worries him," Xanatos answered. "He thinks they are stalling in hopes that he will call the negotiations off." A hard note entered his voice as he added, "If they are, they'll be disappointed."

"Padawan..." Qui-Gon reprimanded. The young man's feelings came as no surprise, but the fact that he'd allowed them to show indicated just how confident he was he'd fooled his master. However, under normal circumstances, he would chastise his apprentice for such a comment, so he had to say something.

The young man frowned. "I am simply commenting on my father's actions, Master."

"It is not the words I have a problem with, but the tone. We are supposed to be neutral parties here."

"He's my father. Do you really think the Nardirians will believe I'm completely neutral if they find out?"

With a sigh, Qui-Gon rose from the table. "If they find out you are his son, we will deal with it. I'm sure Master Yoda thought about that before he sent us here." Privately, he wondered if his master had thought any of this out. If he'd known what was going to happen, why hadn't he at least said something?

Again he pushed the questions aside. If his plan failed--not that he had any intention of letting that happen--then this would be the last day he would spend with his padawan. That thought was quickly buried. If all went as he intended, then he would need a strong relationship with Xanatos to get through to him and help him back to the right path.

With that in mind, he resolved to spend the rest of the afternoon with his padawan. It would be a solid memory for the two of them to build on afterwards.

And he could keep an eye on the young man.


Qui-Gon shook his head faintly. He needed a switch to turn off his emotions. "I was just thinking about what we should do for the rest of the day."

"Well, I was hoping to show you something later, but not until after evening meal."

Suspicion reared its ugly head, but this time he distanced himself from his emotions enough to keep from feeling anything his apprentice would notice. He examined the possibilities. It was doubtful Xanatos would give him advance notice if he were planning to spring some sort of trap. Whatever plan the young man had for the evening was probably relatively harmless.

Not that he intended to let his guard down for a moment.

"Perhaps we should spar a while then?" Qui-Gon suggested. Xanatos relied a great deal on his connection through the Force to his master when they sparred, using it when possible to gain advantages by reading Qui-Gon's moves ahead of time. The connection that method required between them often made his apprentice easier to read; perhaps he could learn more about Xanatos' plans.

"I like that idea." A smile lit up Xanatos' face. Qui-Gon noticed how quickly his apprentice could smile when the sentiment didn't reach his eyes. Only the smiles that emerged slowly seemed to be genuine.

Assuming, of course, that any smile Xanatos gave him was real.

Qui-Gon began gathering up his empty plates and cups, raising an eyebrow at Xanatos when he did not follow suit. The young man sighed, but picked up his mess and took it to the sink before following his master out of the kitchen.

They went back to Qui-Gon's room and changed before heading to the exercise room. The spacious room held only a few pieces of equipment that were easily moved aside to leave them plenty of space to maneuver.

After defeating Xanatos twice, Qui-Gon realized he was not going to learn anything more from his apprentice's mind. When had the young man's shields become so strong? How much had he been hiding from his master--and for how long?

Fine, so he couldn't learn anything about the plans. He could still learn, however, and prepare himself for possibilities he wouldn't have even considered just a day earlier. He had to prepare himself for any eventuality. So he studied Xanatos' fighting style, looking for weaknesses, and further distanced himself from the pain such precautions would have caused if he'd allowed himself to feel it.

Two more matches, one of the victories nearly going to Xanatos as Qui-Gon intentionally gave the young man openings. It allowed him to see how his apprentice would react to various approaches, and at the same time it gave the young man more confidence, a false sense of security that could work to Qui-Gon's advantage if, Force forbid, he had to face his padawan in a real fight.

"Enough," Qui-Gon panted as he helped his apprentice up from his narrow defeat.

"Afraid I will defeat you if we spar again?" The teasing comment held a note of pride.

"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate--"

"--hate leads to suffering. I know, Master. Still, I've found that sometimes a little fear is a good thing; it makes you careful. Under the right circumstances, it can keep you alive."

Qui-Gon reached for a towel and wiped his face. "Perhaps." Another piece of insight to file away for the future. "There is such a thing as being too careful, however. Sometimes you have to take a few risks to achieve your objectives."

"You can't achieve anything if you're dead."

"There is no death, there is only the Force." It was a debate they'd had more than once since Xanatos had stopped deferring to everything his master said and begun expressing his own point of view. Given his new view of his apprentice, however, the argument took on new layers of meaning. "Your thoughts on the subject have some merit. On the other hand, sometimes death is the only way to achieve your goal. What then?"

"Then I'd say it depends on whose death achieves the goal."

The comment was callous, something a master should definitely take his apprentice to task for, but Qui-Gon didn't particularly care to do so. Still, appearances must be kept. "I think we both need time to meditate," he said sharply. "You should think about your feelings on that subject, and how they fit into the Jedi code."

"Yes, Master." A stiff bow followed the reluctant response. "Shall we meditate here?"

"Have you a better place in mind?"

"The gardens. I don't believe you've seen much of them since our arrival. They're very beautiful."

Qui-Gon nodded, fairly certain Xanatos wouldn't try anything in the gardens in broad daylight, despite the new confidence he now noticed. "Very well, the gardens it is."

The gardens were indeed beautiful, a mass of riotous colors that probably made orderly designs when viewed from the air. Viewed from the ground, however, the perfection of design was less obvious here than in the other parks of Thani. The flowers made nothing more than a jumble of color, as if someone had thrown various paints on the greenery. The smell they created was overpowering.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes and breathed deeply, pushing aside the cloying smell and opening himself up to the Force. It was strong here amidst so much life; perhaps if he had come here sooner to meditate he would have felt the warnings from the Force about his apprentice's plans.

No, it would do him no good to agonize over everything he had missed, and how he had almost failed his student and the Jedi order. He hadn't missed it entirely, and there was still time to stop what had not yet occurred.

He reached out through the Force for his padawan's presence, sensed the calm contentment the young man was projecting as he meditated beside his master. Was he truly feeling that way in his meditation, or had he progressed so far in his control of the Force that he could project any feeling he desired? Either ability only served to underline his strength in the Force. Xanatos was more than ready to be a knight, if Force ability were the only requirement. There were areas in which he actually surpassed his own master.

However, Xanatos lacked that which mattered most in many situations--experience. Mastery of the Force mattered very little if you did not know when and how to use it to your best advantage. Qui-Gon knew his student's weaknesses, had seen many of them reinforced when they'd sparred earlier. Unless, of course, Xanatos had been holding back, giving a deliberately inferior performance to lull his master into a false sense of security.

All right, so Qui-Gon would have to go into whatever happened expecting Xanatos to be weaker, but not counting on it. He could make that adjustment in his plans. He could do just about anything if it meant stopping Crion's plans and saving his padawan.

Enough thinking. He deepened his breathing more and let go of conscious thought, drifting along in the Force, recharging himself for whatever lay ahead. He would need all his strength.

He only hoped all his strength would be enough.

By the time they finished their meditations, Qui-Gon and Xanatos had to rush to the evening meal. Crion was already seated when they arrived in the dining hall, barely glancing up from his first course as they sat down on either side of him. As Qui-Gon dipped a spoon into the soup, he felt eyes on him, raised his head to see the anger in Crion's accusing gaze. He met the other man's eyes calmly, refusing to feel the slightest bit of guilt. Let the old man think what he pleased; any influence Qui-Gon had ever had on Xanatos could only be better than what Crion's manipulation had done to him in the short time they'd been on Telos.

He forced himself to keep the anger out of his own eyes and waited until Crion realized he would get no reaction. The older man finally turned his attention back to his meal, leaving Qui-Gon to eat in peace. Or as close to peace as he could get after all he'd learned during the course of the day. Crion spent the rest of the meal talking to his son, ignoring Qui-Gon as if he wasn't even there.

At the end of the meal, Crion stood up. "Feel up to a walk, son?"

"Sorry, father, I have other plans." Xanatos gave his master a slight smile, one that hinted at further amusement behind it. Crion spared one last glare for Qui-Gon before he shrugged and grumbled something to his son about seeing him in the morning.

After Crion left, Qui-Gon turned to his apprentice. "Well? What are these plans you've been teasing me with all day?"

"If I told you now it would ruin the surprise." The smile on his face broke into a wide grin as he stood and moved around the table to hold out his hand to his master. "Come. Let me show you instead."

The rich, seductive tone of Xanatos' voice sent an involuntary shiver through Qui-Gon's body. If only he could just ignore everything else but the promise in his padawan's slow, sensuous movements, the guarantee of pleasure he could read in the young man's eyes. If only they could go back in time and refuse this mission.

If only he didn't have to choose between duty and his padawan.

All the wishing in the world wouldn't change reality. Focus on the present; that was all he could control. That thought in mind, he took his padawan's hand and followed him out of the house.

Xanatos led him back through the gardens to a path that took them to a thick patch of drooping trees. He'd never seen this area of the grounds before.

"This spot has always been reserved for the governor, his family, and special guests. My father showed it to me not long after we arrived." He parted the leaves and branches and walked through, holding the branches aside until Qui-Gon joined him on the other side. "It was just after dusk, and all I could think was that I had to bring you here. But at night, when it would be perfect."

The trees surrounding the area appeared wilted at first glance, but as Qui-Gon reached out through the Force he felt the strong sense of life thrumming from them, as well as from the grass surrounding the centerpiece of the whole site--a small lake, just barely too large to call a pond. He closed his eyes, drinking in the sensation of the living Force, and with it the smells of life everywhere. The trees--some of which held a blooming flower that smelled sweet, almost like honey--the sharp scent of the grass, and the faint smell of the water all combined to shut out the over-processed world outside and create an illusion that they were isolated from anyone or anything.

As he opened his eyes again, he almost kept himself from wishing that were the case. "This place is truly beautiful," he said softly, unwilling to break the mood by speaking too loudly.

"You haven't seen the best part," Xanatos whispered back. He reached over with two fingers and tipped his master's head up by his chin until the older man could see the sky.

Qui-Gon blinked at the beauty of the stars, brighter here than anywhere he'd seen on Telos or Nardir. "They're amazing," he breathed.

"Aircraft are carefully diverted from this section of airspace, and lighting in the city has been designed to keep the glow here to a minimum," Xanatos murmured as he circled behind his master. His hand slid down the older man's check to rest on his neck. "The intent was to create a place rulers could go to shut out the world and be alone with their thoughts." His mouth was close to Qui-Gon's ear now, lips moving against the lobe, sending fine tremors down the Jedi Master's spine. "Somewhere they could think on their decisions with no distractions, and commune with nature when the pressures of people become too much."

Hands tugged off Qui-Gon's robe. He twisted his neck, seeking his padawan's eyes over his shoulder, but before he could say a word, fingers touched his lips. "Shhh," Xanatos urged. "Don't speak. Don't think. Just feel."

His outer tunic disappeared, followed by the under tunic, fingers touching his bare skin as the clothing slid off, creating tiny bumps all over, and then he was bare to the waist. Xanatos' chest pressed against his master's back as his hands slid slowly around Qui-Gon's sides, up his chest and back down to rest at his waistband, fingering the tie there, but making no move to loosen it.

Just as Qui-Gon was about to speak again, lips fastened on his neck. He gasped in surprise, back arching automatically, pushing his hips back against the younger man's erection, obvious even through both of their leggings. Where lips had robbed the Jedi master of speech, teeth momentarily robbed him of coherent thought. His hands reached up to thread through the dark hair of the younger man, the fingers of his right hand latching onto the padawan braid, looping it around his forefinger as he held his apprentice's head in place, urging him to continue.

Xanatos' lips and teeth moved down Qui-Gon's shoulder, meeting with little resistance as he loosened his hold enough to allow the movement. The braid slipped through his fingers, but he was too lost in sensation to bother to chase it. As long as those magical lips and teeth continued their work, he would not protest anything.

After a moment, Xanatos moved around in front of his master, kissing his way across his master's shoulder, licking a line down to one nipple. He tugged at the tip with his teeth, tongue flicking across it lightly before he released it and moved quickly to the other one. Once the young man had teased there, he tasted his way down the middle of Qui-Gon's chest, stopping to loosen the ties of his leggings and drag them down to the tops of his boots.

The boots were removed carefully, with a light caress across the bottom of each foot that sent twin lightning bolts of pleasure straight to Qui-Gon's hardening shaft. He gripped his padawan's head again, this time to keep from falling over from sheer pleasure as Xanatos licked along the underside of his erection.

A strangled sound escaped his throat as Xanatos stood, but before Qui-Gon could protest further, his lips were captured in a searing kiss. He pulled at his padawan's clothes, wanting the sensation of skin against skin, needing to touch every inch of the younger man.

Boots and clothes discarded, Xanatos slid his fingertips down his master's arms, and grasped his hands to pull the older man toward the lake, his gaze locked on Qui-Gon's face. They continued into the water until it reached chest level, then Xanatos stopped.


Again Qui-Gon's mouth was covered. "Shhh. No talking, remember?" He gave his master no time to disobey, replacing his hand with his lips, devouring the older man's mouth with his own.

Qui-Gon stopped fighting his instincts and gave in. If this was all he was to have.... That thought was enough to drive him to tighten his arms around Xanatos' body, pulling him as close as he could get. Their erections rubbed together in the water, the slick wetness minimizing the friction, keeping the movement from giving him the sensation he craved.

He reached down to wrap his hand around both shafts, but Xanatos stopped him. "No."

Words denied him, Qui-Gon tried to turn his padawan around, but Xanatos shook his head and held his ground. "Follow me." He backed up a few more steps, pulling his master with him, then stopped suddenly. Qui-Gon felt behind the younger man and realized there was a large rock behind him, one that nearly reached the top of the water.

He lifted Xanatos up onto the edge of the rock in one swift movement, their lips meeting again in a frenetic kiss as Qui-Gon impatiently tried to prepare the younger man for his entry. Xanatos refused to wait, pushing his master's hands away and pulling his hips closer, a silent plea.

With one last look into his padawan's eyes, Qui-Gon entered him slowly. Xanatos leaned into his thrusts, speeding them, lips and tongue meeting Qui-Gon's with a sense of urgency. The Jedi Master's hands gripped his student's hips, as he fastened his teeth on the younger man's shoulder, marking him with a reminder that would last for days.

Their pace increased until they could move no faster. Xanatos kissed his master deeply, then stretched back across the rock, his body arching as Qui-Gon drove all the way into him, burying himself to the hilt. Dimly, he felt the bruising pressure of Xanatos fingers as they dug into his forearms, anchoring him to meet each thrust with his own strength. The water moved around them, the splashing the only sound save harsh breaths and incoherent mumblings as the two Jedi drove toward completion.

One final thrust and Qui-Gon froze, spilling himself inside his padawan, concentrating on the immense pleasure, drawing it out as long as he could. Finally spent, he collapsed along the length of his padawan's upper body for a moment, breaths coming in gasps as he calmed himself.

He realized after a moment that Xanatos was still hard beneath him, writhing against Qui-Gon's chest in an attempt to bring about his own release. Qui-Gon smiled and kissed his way down his padawan's chest to his shaft, taking the younger man all the way into his mouth, sucking hard as he worked his head up and down, bringing him over the edge in moments.

Qui-Gon covered his padawan's body with his own for a long moment, his head on Xanatos' chest, breathing in the scent of the young man. The water lapped at them in waves, cooling their heated bodies as reality slowly intruded. Qui-Gon wondered just what truth really beat in the heart he could hear pounding beneath his ear. Part of him wished never to find out. If only they could just live in this one moment in time, it could be perfect.

Another second passed, and the moment was gone. Xanatos stirred beneath him, pushing lightly to get his master to move so he could stand up. His body slid against the older man's as he rose from the rock, pausing for a last kiss before the young man sidestepped and moved toward the shore. He kept hold of Qui-Gon's hand, pulling him along. "We should go inside," he said, handing Qui-Gon his leggings before reaching for his own clothes.

"Yes. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." A mastery of understatement if ever there was one. It would be the biggest day of his life. He would either win the battle, or lose the war. And if he lost the war, with it went everything he'd cared about for the last ten years.

It was a long, silent walk back to the main house.

Consciousness came slowly the next morning, beckoning like a beacon of light through the dark haze of his dreams. As Qui-Gon became more aware of his surroundings, he realized he was alone in the big bed. The spot beside him was still warm, so his padawan hadn't been gone long.

Just as he was about to get up and go search for the young man, the door opened, and Xanatos walked in. "Good morning, Master."

Qui-Gon raised his eyebrows as he saw the tray in his apprentice's hands. "You brought breakfast?"

"You don't have to sound so surprised. It's not as if I cooked it myself. I just brought it up from the kitchen."

"Isn't that what the servants are for?" Qui-Gon asked, teasing as the young man placed the tray carefully on the bed and sat down.

Xanatos grinned. "I admit I've been a bit casual about accepting such an easy lifestyle, including my taking the servants for granted. However, I have not forgotten how to take care of my master," he added, leaning in for a kiss.

"You certainly have managed to take care of me." He suppressed a shiver at the thought of just how far Xanatos might have gone 'taking care' of him if he hadn't discovered Crion's plan.

"An easy and rewarding job, I assure you." A longer kiss then, before Xanatos rose from the bed. "Father is going on camera to talk to the people again in just a little while, and he's invited us to watch if we like."

"I would like that." In reality, he would have preferred to use the Force to make his apprentice sleep and drag him off the planet. But he did not have that option.

"Excellent! I'm going to take a shower while you eat. If you eat fast, you're welcome to join me."

Qui-Gon watched the young man as he disappeared into the bathroom, banishing the images of their previous joint shower from his mind. He focused on his food, not hungry, not tasting anything, but forcing himself to eat nonetheless. Without a doubt, he would need his strength on this day more than ever before.

He ate slowly, anxious to have a good reason for not joining his padawan in the shower. As tempting as it was, he'd told himself at the lake the night before that that part of their life ended there. It would forever stay behind at that lake, cut off from the rest of the galaxy, where he would not have to deal with the memories or the desires.

Unless, of course, things went well, and he left the planet with Xanatos in tow.

Shaking his head, he rose to dress. He could not think of success or failure, and what either would mean. The fight would end however it ended, and he had little control over that. The Force would guide him, and things would happen as the Force dictated.

Belief in a higher power certainly had its advantages.

Once dressed, Qui-Gon placed most of his belongings in his pack, leaving just enough lying around that Xanatos wouldn't notice. He could easily throw those few things into the pack and make a quick escape if that became necessary. He also made sure the recording from the previous day on his comlink was at just the right point in Crion's speech. Then there was nothing left to do but wait.

When his apprentice came out of the bathroom, Qui-Gon was ready and sitting calmly on the bed. "You did not feel like joining me?"

"Later," he said with a smile, kissing the younger man lightly on the lips. "When we have time for a proper shower." He hoped, as Xanatos smiled and turned for the door, that they would actually have that option.

Crion was waiting for them in his study, the lights already turned up for the holo recorders, the desk tidy and presentable, no hint of chaos anywhere--a perfectly respectable scene. The governor spared a quick glare for Qui-Gon before smiling at his son in greeting. Xanatos nodded to his father as he joined Qui-Gon in the seats near the desk, just out of reach of the recorders.

As they waited for the introduction to finish and the holo recorders to start carrying across the country, Qui-Gon felt an urge to fidget unlike any he'd had since his padawan days. He kept his hands still only with a supreme effort, and his feet managed to tap impatiently no matter how much he tried to control them. Xanatos glanced at him, raising his eyebrows at the uncharacteristic impatience, but Qui-Gon gave him a blank look, and projected just enough lust through the bond to give the younger man the idea that his impatience had nothing to do with the matter at hand.

Finally, the holo recorders began to whir. Crion smiled into the main lens, then began to read his carefully prepared speech from the scrolling screen just to the left of the recorder. "My fellow Telosians, despite my many efforts to negotiate a fair contract with the people of Nardir, they have once again stalled the discussions and made no move toward another talk. Given the games they have played with us over the last few months, and their obvious desire to hang onto a contract where they are the main beneficiaries as opposed to negotiating one that is fair, I see no other course of action except to take what is ours by force. I come before you today to announce that if contract negotiations do not begin by the end of the day, Telos will be instituting military action against Nardir."

A slight pause to allow the gravity of the situation to sink into the minds of the people, then Crion continued. "I realize many of you have friends on Nardir, and I hope, should we be forced to take action, that no one will be harmed. I wish this could be different; however, given the circumstances, the time has come where we have no choice."

The time had indeed come. Qui-Gon jumped up, pulling his lightsaber from his belt and using Force-enhanced speed to make it to Crion's side before Xanatos could react. As he used the Force to pin Crion to his chair, he held the 'saber at the ready, his thumb on the switch, and spoke to the holo recorder. "People of Telos, I am Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Your governor lies. He has been the true cause of the delays in negotiations. The contract with Nardir is more than fair; in fact, it benefits Telos far more than your neighboring country. The governor, however, seeks to force the people of Nardir to submit to his own will and create more wealth for himself in the process. But don't believe me--listen to him."

Qui-Gon flicked the comlink on and held it up to the microphone. Crion's voice poured out into the room. "The people already believe Nardir is to blame for the delays. Tomorrow, I will tell them we have no other choice, and declare war through an announcement on camera. Once I do that, the people will be straining to go to war. Telos will have the science, the resources, and the factories, and the people will be rich. The fools will love me for it, and they'll never realize how much wealth I gain from it."

He turned off the comlink. "I call upon you to vote to remove your governor from office and elect an official who has the best interests of Telos at heart instead of his own." With that statement, Qui-Gon ignited his 'saber and severed the cords to the recorders and the sound system, cutting off Crion's only way of attempting to sway public opinion in his favor.

Crion immediately began sputtering, careful not to move too close to the Jedi Master, but beyond monitoring his movement somewhere in his mind, Qui-Gon gave him little attention. His eyes met those of his apprentice, who was looking at him with hurt and bewilderment. "Master, what has gotten into you? I don't know how you could have come by such a horrible recording, but I assure you--"

Qui-Gon resumed the playback on the comlink. "We gain, Father. We."

"Of course. Assuming your master doesn't mess this up."

"I told you to leave him to me. I can handle him. I've handled him so far, haven't I?"

He switched the sound off again, eyes never leaving his padawan's. Slowly, the innocent look faded, and the anger burning in the midnight blue gaze was nearly enough to convince him then and there that the young man was beyond saving. "You lied to me," Xanatos growled.

"Oh, and you were truthful to me?"

"An eye for an eye has never been the Jedi way."

"Nor has deception. Or lies. Or violence. Or personal gain. I could go on."

Xanatos' eyes narrowed to mere slits. "I wouldn't if I were you." He pulled out his own lightsaber, powering up the blade and aiming it in Qui-Gon's direction. "You have five minutes to get out of the palace."

For a long moment, Qui-Gon stared at the young man. "Come with me," he whispered hoarsely at last, eyes pleading with his padawan to make the right choice.

The young man laughed harshly. "Come with you? Back to a life of servitude, of bowing to the Council's will and going wherever they deem necessary for the rest of my days with no real home or family?" He laughed again, then took a step forward, all traces of amusement gone. "You have four and a half minutes," he said, the corners of his mouth quirking up. "Better run."

One last look, and Qui-Gon moved backwards out of the room, protecting himself from the front, feeling out with the Force to ensure he did not need protection from behind. He ran to his room, put the rest of his things in his pack, and hurried out of the residence in two minutes, not trusting Xanatos to give him a full five minutes before coming after him. He could no longer believe anything the young man said.

Perhaps he never should have believed anything Xanatos had said. If he hadn't been so blind, it was possible none of this would have had to happen.

He pushed his own feelings aside, living purely in each moment, duty sustaining him when emotion would have ripped him apart. Time enough to deal with everything that had happened later, when he, Telos and Nardir were safe. Until then, Xanatos was just another evil in the galaxy. And Qui-Gon was alone, with no one to cover his back.

Or perhaps he was not completely alone after all. He rounded a corner a block from the governor's quarters and ran into a large group of citizens. The anger from the group was rippling through the Force in waves, something he would have noticed sooner if he had not been so wrapped up in his own thoughts. The people stopped when they saw him. "Master Jedi," a young blonde man began, "we wish to thank you for opening our eyes to what has been going on for the last few months."

"Somehow I doubt you all came down here just to thank me. Especially not with weapons."

The man's mouth tightened. "No. We're going to take care of the governor ourselves."

"You're going to take care of him?" Qui-Gon counted the group. "There aren't even thirty of you, and you're not trained. The guards outside the governor's residence would defeat you before you ever made it to the inner regions of the building."

"Maybe. Maybe not. But we have sat back and allowed him to do as he pleases for too long, and we will be complacent no longer."

"And a lot of good it will do your families during your funerals." Qui-Gon closed his eyes for a moment, thinking quickly. This was his fault in so many ways. He had not paid attention, and he had let things get out of hand. While he wasn't the one to blame for the event, he was partly responsible for the severity at this point. His eyes opened again, and he knew what he had to do. "I will help you."

The man nodded. "You'll come with us then?"

"You can't storm in there like this. That hasn't changed. Even my help would not be enough. You need to gather more forces and plan."

"Every moment we waste he gets closer to gathering his army and becoming unstoppable."

"I overheard his plans yesterday. The army is not due in until tomorrow. Even a few hours will make all the difference to you if you plan well."

After a long look at the other members of the group, the leader nodded. "We will wait and plan. But only for a few hours."

"Agreed. Do you have a place we can use as a headquarters?" The man nodded. "Then let's go."

With Qui-Gon's help, it took only a few hours for the group of citizens to come up with a plan to get into the residence and get to the governor. Qui-Gon was fairly certain that Crion would be in his study when they attacked; however small groups were being dispatched to a few other key locations, just in case he was elsewhere.

In the time it had taken to plan, their ranks had grown to over sixty Telosians.

The blonde man who had first spoken to Qui-Gon had become the leader by default, as he'd explained while they walked to the makeshift headquarters. Denis had been a member of the volunteer peacekeeping force as part of the mandatory country service all Telosian citizens were required to perform. He and four other men joined Qui-Gon at the rough map he'd drawn of the governor's quarters.

"These are a few of my buddies from my peacekeeper days."

Qui-Gon glanced up at the group. "You were all peacekeepers?" At their nods, he turned to Denis, "Good. Send one with each detachment breaking off to find the governor." Denis agreed and began explaining the mission as they walked off, leaving Qui-Gon alone.

He took one last look at the map of the building he knew by memory. They were ready. Or as read as they could be. So why did he still feel so concerned?

Perhaps because he was sending over sixty mostly untrained citizens into a battle. Or at least aiding them in the fight. The fact that they would have gone anyway--and with fewer numbers and less preparation--was irrelevant. He had helped with the plan. Not to mention that his padawan was now one of Crion's greatest strengths.

"Master Jinn?"

Qui-Gon turned to see Denis heading toward him. "Yes?"

"It's time."

The entire group was looking at him as if waiting for something. He realized they were expecting him to say a few words before the battle. He'd heard leaders rally their troops on several worlds when he'd been sent in peace and war had broken out despite his best efforts, but he'd never had to do such a thing. Jedi were trained warriors, true, but taught to use that training in defense, not to lead attacks. But now...he had no choice, at least none that his conscience would allow. He was their best chance.

"One of the tenants the Jedi live by is peace over anger. I ask only that you keep that ideal in mind as we go into this. We are working for peace--do not allow your anger to rule you, or you become what you fight." He paused to let his words sink in. "May the Force be with us."

The rebels made it through the first line of defense on the outer perimeter of the residence without difficulty. Two of the search teams broke off to sneak in during the commotion the main group would make fighting their way into the front entrance. It was a good, sound plan based on what they knew of the governor's quarters and Crion's plans. It would have been nearly perfect.

If only Crion's hired army hadn't arrived ahead of schedule.

Qui-Gon had managed to subdue two guards when he looked up and realized there were suddenly far more defenders than there should have been. And they were wearing the wrong uniforms. One visual sweep was enough to tell him the odds were not in the favor of the rebels.

He found Denis fighting a member of the regular guard and grabbed him, knocking the guard out before pulling Denis away. "We have to pull back!"


"The hired army has arrived; we're outnumbered. We cannot win."

"Yes, we can!"

He tried to pull away, but Qui-Gon held his arm tightly. "No, we can't. Look!" The Jedi Master pointed at more reinforcements entering the front lawn. "We have to leave!"

After a moment, Denis relented. "Fine. I'll go after the groups that broke off. You get everyone else to safety." Before Qui-Gon could protest, Denis was running around the corner. To try to stop him would only call attention to his movements.

With a sigh, Qui-Gon began gathering the other rebels and ordering them back to the headquarters. As he found the last member in sight, Denis rejoined him. One quick look at the blonde man's face told Qui-Gon all he needed to know. "Come on," he said, clasping Denis' shoulder. "We have to go."

As they ran away, Qui-Gon looked back over his shoulder. A flash in one of the windows caught his eye. With a shock, he realized it was Xanatos, watching. And smiling.

He turned and ran without looking back again.

//It was bliss. No, it was better than bliss. There were no words to describe the intense pleasure he felt as his padawan rose up and down above him, surrounding his hardened shaft in tight heat. Xanatos laughed, and Qui-Gon looked up to meet his padawan's eyes, surprised to see nothing there but coldness.


"You're a fool," he said, still laughing, his words completely at odds with his actions as he continued to ride his master. "You didn't listen. They tried to warn you, but you never see the future for your concentration on the present. And now they will all pay for your nearsightedness. He will pay. Now and in the future, and it will all be your fault. Take that to your death."

Before he could even raise a question, Xanatos' hands wrapped around his neck, cutting off his air. He struggled, but his padawan was too strong. He could feel his consciousness fading--//

"Master Jinn!"

Qui-Gon awoke with a jerk. He jumped up from his chair, nearly knocking over the table as he yanked his shoulder away from Denis' touch. "Sorry...I must have been dreaming."

"Must have been a bad one. I wasn't completely sure you weren't dying for a moment."

"That makes two of us."

"Excuse me?"

He shook his head as he sat down again. "Never mind. Has anyone else come back?"

"Three more. I think that's the last of them."

"Forty-four people. We lost twenty-one." The loss staggered him. So many...all his fault. With an effort, he banished the idea of blame. There was no use in blaming anyone. Blame only served to hinder rational thought and action. He had to live in the moment. Focus on the here and now.

//' never see the future for your concentration on the present.'//

"How are you?" Qui-Gon asked, needing to concentrate on something other than his own subconscious. Denis had been subdued since they had returned to the headquarters. Not that such a reaction was a surprise. It was one thing to storm off to attack in the heat of rage; seeing the result of a battle was something else entirely.

"I'm hanging in there." Denis took the seat next to him. "It's strange...I wanted to take back my country. But it worth the cost? So what if the governor gets rich? Telos gets rich right along with him. Is that such a bad thing?"

For a moment, Qui-Gon studied him. "Is that really how you feel?"

"No. Yes. I don't know." He ran his hand through his hair, eyes lowered to the table. "When I found the first group, I couldn't make myself believe it. They were lying there, and there was blood, and it was horrible. I thought nothing could be worse."

"I know. It's never easy."

"I knew those people! They were my friends!" He took a deep breath. "And I sent them in there to die."

Qui-Gon put his hand over the other man's on the table. "They went in there of their own choosing. You did not choose for them."

"Then why does it feel like I did?" He didn't wait for an answer before he continued. "I thought that was the worst thing I'd ever see. And then I found the others. And they weren't all dead. Yet."

Denis met Qui-Gon's eyes, and the Jedi Master felt the hollow emptiness of that gaze down to his soul. "This guy came at them with a sword like yours. He sliced the two who were left down like they were nothing.

A sick feeling settled in Qui-Gon's stomach, one he doubted he'd ever be free of again. "What did he look like?"

"Black hair, pale. Like something out of a nightmare, or a vengeance play. He was pure evil, I can tell you that." Denis truly looked at Qui-Gon then. "Now you look like you've seen a ghost."

"Close enough. I know the man you saw. His name is Xanatos."

"Gone up against him before?"

"No. He was my student until yesterday." He didn't dare mention anything else about their relationship.

A frown settled on Denis' face. "You taught him...?"

"Not to be that way, if that's what you're thinking. He's also the son of the governor."

"I didn't even know the governor had a son."

"I took him away when he was just a baby."

Denis shook his head. "No offense, but I don't think whatever you've been teaching him all these years did a lot of good."

"I am aware of that." Qui-Gon softened his tone as he picked at an imaginary flaw on the table. "He wasn't always like this. Or maybe he was and I just didn't see it. I'm not sure anymore."

"Either way, he's going to be tough to beat now. Do you think you can do it?" It was clear Denis was doubting more than just ability.

"I will do what I must." He could do whatever needed to be done, if it came to that. But he hadn't given up all hope just yet. No matter what Denis had seen. "We should finish packing up," Qui-Gon said at last, getting up from the table. "We'll need to be out of here and heading for new headquarters in the next hour now that everyone's arrived."

The two of them headed towards the others, discussing the move, the revelation of Xanatos' origins buried, but not forgotten.

A month. Days and then weeks of fighting, of going up against Crion's hired army and being beaten every time. And now they'd reached the milestone no one had thought possible. A full month of fighting, and they were no closer to winning than they had been the first day.

Qui-Gon's eyes passed over the beds where wounded rebels lay, some healing, some dying. He knew there were several more rooms just like this one spread out in various planning facilities they'd set up in the outlying areas just beyond Thani, and it pained him; pained him more still to think of the graves they'd dug, the pyres they'd built, and the bodies they hadn't been able to get to in order to do either.

Thousands had died. And he'd sent them all to their deaths. Not because he was the leader--after that first battle he'd refused to lead, leaving Denis to take over those duties. But he'd stayed, despite Yoda and the Council attempting by every means short of a direct order to get him back to Coruscant. He'd stayed because it was his fault. He couldn't lead them, but he could help.

And his help had been so much good to them so far. He'd given such great assistance that there were fewer rebels now than ever, and less chance of them winning--if they'd really had a chance to begin with. But still he stayed. They all assumed it was because he wanted to help, and he truly did, but the look he often saw in Denis' eyes wouldn't let him forget the more compelling reason he'd stayed.


Whether he was still trying to save the young man, or just wanted to see his mistakes through to the bitter end, even he didn't know. He only knew that he had brought this on, or at least had been partly responsible, through his blindness, and through his training of his apprentice, so he had to stay and do what he could to correct his mistakes. Xanatos' shielding abilities were better than he'd realized--or better than his apprentice had led him to believe--but he could still sense him sometimes, a fact that could lead to a tactical advantage for the rebels.

"Qui-Gon?" Denis laid a hand on his shoulder. "We're going out in full force at dusk."

He looked at the man who'd been so eager to fight a month before. Now...he just looked tired. And old. "The chances are not good, you know."

"Maybe," he said, his face tightening. "But if we don't win, then we'll die trying."

"Is that what they'd say if you asked them?" Qui-Gon challenged, jerking his thumb over his shoulder at the wounded.

"No one is here by force. Anyone can leave whenever they like."

He started to argue then realized there was no point. "I'll be ready by dusk."

Denis nodded and took a step back as it to leave, but then stopped. "You understand why we have to do this, don't you?"

Qui-Gon nodded without looking up from the table. "But that doesn't make it any easier to watch people die in a futile effort I've seen far too many times on far too many worlds."

"It may not be so futile. You can't actually see the future, can you?"


"Then you never know. One man can make the difference against an entire empire if he just has the right weapon."

The corner of Qui-Gon's mouth lifted slightly. "I've seen that too," he admitted. A soft chuckle was Denis' only answer before his footsteps faded away.

The rebels met at dusk, leaving their various hideouts to join forces just on the outskirts of Thani, as close to the governor's quarters as they could gather without being discovered. Qui-Gon looked out at the assembled group, a smaller group than any they'd had since the first week. Many had died; others had fled back to their homes, the reality of war too different from the idea they'd joined up with for them to handle.

In truth, he was surprised at how many had stayed. These people were mostly scientists and management types, not trained soldiers, or even laborers. Their dedication to their country was admirable. That dedication, however, was killing them off at a rapid pace. He doubted that had been in Crion's plans, but he also knew the man wouldn't mind much. Less people to oppose him, and less people to share the wealth with after it was all over, for there was little doubt that Crion would win.

Unless someone got to him first.

Denis finished giving out orders and rejoined Qui-Gon at the front of the group. "Are you ready?"

"As ready as the Force has made me," Qui-Gon gave his standard reply, then added, "Let's finish this."

He received a quizzical look from Denis, but the leader said nothing, just gave the silent command to move forward.

They were spotted as they neared the residence, as usual, and met soon after by the hired army. It was always the same; only the direction of their arrival and the number of people fighting changed.

It was soon obvious the outcome would be the same this time as well. Qui-Gon fought the anger that rose up inside him at the futile efforts.

And then he saw Xanatos. His apprentice was standing with one of the generals of the hired army, giving orders. The young man stopped suddenly, head turning in Qui-Gon's direction as if he knew he was being watched.

Qui-Gon had shut down his side of the bond as much as possible, but he did not try to hide from his apprentice's view. After a moment Xanatos smiled, then turned to the general and said a few more words before turning away. He walked off toward the residence without another look back.

Once the young man was gone, Qui-Gon looked again at what he could see of the battle. There was no other way to handle this.

With a deep breath, he began to work his way around to the side of the battle, intent on making his way into the governor's quarters without being detected. This would end today. He would see to it.

With the battle raging on behind him, Qui-Gon hurried carefully around the edge of the outer perimeter of the governor's quarters. He knew exactly how close he could get before he was spotted, and he skirted the edge of that perimeter around to the back of the grounds. As he'd suspected, there were few guards in the back, only four posted lookouts. He evaded those easily as he made his way to the building.

During his first days at the residence, Qui-Gon had gone for a walk and come across a door that was mostly grown over with weeds. He'd later found the room the door led to from the inside to find that it opened, with a little pressure. At the time he'd assumed it was an old, forgotten entrance to the cellar, and hadn't bothered to ask about it. Now he hoped he was right.

With a careful adjustment of the lock mechanism, he was able to push the door open. He sensed no one on the other side, but he was cautious nonetheless, never sure just how well Xanatos could shield himself. The cellar was as dark and dusty as he remembered, the only light from a dirty window near the ceiling on the far side of the room. He waited a moment, but he could neither see nor sense anyone in the room, so he continued on to the stairway.

The door at the top of the stairs presented a new problem. Qui-Gon knew it would squeak when he tried to open it, and while it was in a remote part of the residence, there was no way to be certain someone nearby wouldn't hear it. He reached out with the Force, but the area seemed empty.

Trusting the Force to alert him to any danger, he pushed on the door, holding his breath for a moment when the expected squeak sounded. When it passed, and no footsteps came running down the hallway, he breathed a sigh of relief and continued on.

With the battle going on outside, Crion would most likely be making plans in his study. Since he trusted so few people, there was only one other person likely to be in the room.

No matter. If Xanatos was there, Qui-Gon would deal with it. Crion had to be stopped, no matter what it took. Preferably without bloodshed--no matter how he felt about that--but one way or another, this had to end.

After close calls with two guards, Qui-Gon made it to the study. The door was closed, but not latched, so he pushed it open silently. There was no one at the desk, or at the large map that had been hung on the far wall, presumably to plot strategy since the war had broken out.

"I expected you here much sooner."

Qui-Gon stiffened as the silky voice reached him from his left. He took a few steps forward to clear the door and turned his head. Xanatos was lounging on the low couch along the wall behind the door. The sight of the padawan braid, still hanging from behind the young man's right ear, surprised him, but after a moment, he recovered. "And I expected your father to be in here with you."

Xanatos laughed. "Of course you did. That's why you snuck in the cellar and up the stairs and all the way into the middle of the residence to his study, just to kill him."

"No! To arrest him." Killing Crion was not something he would allow himself to anticipate, even if he had single-handedly taken Xanatos away.

"You knew I wouldn't let that happen."

Qui-Gon took a step toward the couch. "I didn't know that. I was hoping to reason with you. If you would just listen--"

"Reason? Listen?" The harsh laugh rang out again as Xanatos rose gracefully and advanced on his master. "And why should I? You left me here; didn't you want me to stay and be my father's son?"


"It seems fairly obvious," he growled, hands on hips. "I wasn't good enough to be your apprentice after all, so you saw your way out of having to tell me that, and you left me here."

Qui-Gon stared at the young man. "Left you here? I asked you to come with me. You threatened me and told me to get out."

"And you left! You were my master!" He took a step forward, his face inches away from Qui-Gon, eyes glittering like dark sapphite jewels. "It was your job to stay with me!"

"Not like this!" Qui-Gon grabbed his apprentice's arm. "Not to help you destroy two worlds!" He paused for a ragged breath, scrubbing his free hand across the top of his head. After a moment, he continued in a quieter, if no less intense, voice. "Come with me this time."

Xanatos stared for a moment, features set, just long enough to make Qui-Gon wonder if he was truly considering the request. Then, slowly, he shook his head. "I can't. I have to stay and see this through."

Qui-Gon closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened them again to look down at the man who'd been his student, his friend, and his lover. "Then you've made your choice, and there is nothing I can do."

He turned to go, but Xanatos' next words froze him. "Stay with me."

Stay? He couldn't. He knew that he couldn't. He had duties, and even if that weren't the case, the path his padawan had chosen was wrong. Xanatos would only get worse.

Unless Qui-Gon stayed and kept him under control.

His eyes closed again. The idea was so tempting. Memories assailed him, threatened to overwhelm him, but reality won out in the end. He hadn't been able to control the young man before this; now it would be impossible. Xanatos had set his own path to destruction, and there was nothing Qui-Gon could do to stop him now. That time was long past.

"No," he said, eyes open and clear for the first time in what seemed like forever. He turned to face his apprentice--no, former apprentice--again. "You have chosen this for yourself, and I will not stay here and be destroyed along with you."

"Destroy me?" Xanatos laughed. "You think this pitiful group of rebels can destroy me? They are nothing!" His smile turned into a sneer as he leaned closer, his nose almost touching Qui-Gon's. " might have had that power once. But not now. "

Before Qui-Gon could react, Xanatos grabbed the older man's head and pulled him into a brutal kiss, crushing his lips against his teeth. He fought until the young man lessened the pressure slightly, pulling Qui-Gon's lower-lip between his teeth and biting before letting him go with one last, soft kiss.

Xanatos grinned, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He looked at the scarlet streak left behind, then at the cut on his former master's lip. Eyes locked with the older man's, he licked the blood off slowly, deliberately. "Go on then, back to the Jedi," he said finally, voice low and heated. "Back to no money, no power, no home--no thanks! But be sure to think of what you could have had here."

"There is nothing here that tempts me," Qui-Gon said levelly before turning toward the door.

"Oh really?" Xanatos responded, chuckling. "I suppose that was my imagination, then, your reaction to me projecting my activities night after night, back on Coruscant? And my dreams?"

Qui-Gon stopped, only steps away from the door. He needed to leave.

But he had to find out the rest first.

"I see I have your attention now," Xanatos gloated. "You never considered that maybe you found it so easy to read my desires because I was sending them your direction?" He laughed. "You're more of a blind fool than I thought."

"It changes nothing." He took another step toward the door.

"Perhaps not. But what about your inability to save Stieg Wa?"

Again he stopped. "What does that have to do with this?"

"Ever seen a pocket Force inhibitor? Handy little toy. Picked it up off a man who tried to use it against me in a seedier part of Coruscant--one of those areas you wouldn't be caught dead in. Or is that anything other than dead in?"

"Force inhibitors are illegal."

"So is murder, but then the poor man didn't seem to see them on the same level in the moment before I ran him through with my 'saber."

The walls Qui-Gon had built around his emotions shook, threatened to crumble, but he held firm. Later, when there was nothing else on the line, he could examine how he'd been so blind about someone he'd thought he knew so well. Now he had to leave. One step at a time. He put his left foot in front of his right.

"Pity about Stieg Wa. I hear the Jedi found him in a brothel on Tranine."

Right foot in front of the left.

"Though I suppose that's not as important to you as your failure as a master, being led around by the cock by a mere padawan."

Left foot in front of the right, and he was at the door. Xanatos' laughter followed him through the doorway and down the hall.

Long after he could no longer hear it, the laughter echoed in his mind.

Qui-Gon made his way to the front door, intent on nothing more than leaving. The guards wouldn't think him dangerous if he was leaving the residence, and if they did, he'd take care of them one by one. In preparation for that possibility, he ignited his lightsaber as he reached the final stretch of the hallway.

Two steps into the large entrance hall, he skidded to a halt. Crion stood in the middle of the room, blaster in hand, blocking the exit. "Where do you think you're going?"

"We both know you won't win this fight. Give up now and save us both the trouble."

Crion laughed. "Give up? Why would I want to do that?"

"You had your chance." Qui-Gon raised his left hand, holding his saber out defensively. With his right hand, he reached for the Force to pull the weapon out of the governor's hand, but nothing happened. He frowned and tried again, but still nothing.

"Oh, did I forget to tell you that my son loaned me his Force inhibitor? He thought I might need it."

Only then did he notice the strangeness, the absence of the Force like a thick silence around him. "It seems Xanatos has thought of everything."

Crion's eyebrows rose. "What, now you call him by the name I gave him? No 'My padawan, my apprentice' titles? No, I suppose you wouldn't want him to belong to you now, would you?"

"You put those ideas into his head, didn't you?"

"I didn't have to put anything into his head, Master Jinn. I just didn't lie and tell him he was imagining any of it--your possessiveness, the ridiculous traditions, the clothing--none of it has anything to do with his abilities. It's all to control him."

"It's to help him control himself. We are given this power so we may serve. Everything else is secondary to that."

The older man laughed. "Well now he's serving himself, and not you. Get over it."

"Fine. He can serve whomever he likes. He is no longer my concern." A lie, but he'd learned that lies had their uses inn the right situations. He tightened his grip on his 'saber, ready to attack if necessary. "Just let me pass." Not that he had any intention of leaving without dispatching of Crion, one way or another, but the other man didn't know that.

"Just like that? You'll just leave and let us alone?" Crion laughed loudly. "Forgive me if I have a hard time believing that."

"Believe what you like, but I'm leaving."

Qui-Gon took three steps forward before the governor fired, sending a blaster bolt right into the lightsaber. It bounced harmlessly off the 'saber and burned a black mark into the wall just over Crion's left shoulder. "You won't be able to stop them all, not without your precious Force."

"Try me." Qui-Gon's mouth tightened. "I'm not your son."

"That is one thing I am well aware of." He fired again, three quick blasts that Qui-Gon was able to fend off as he ran forward, slicing the blaster in half and putting an end to its usefulness. He held his 'saber inches from Crion's neck. "Turn off the dampener and give it to me."

The governor swallowed carefully. "Very well." He dropped what was left of his blaster and reached slowly into his pocket. Qui-Gon tuned his ears into the sounds around him, listening for any sign of Xanatos, since the Force would be of no help until the dampener was disengaged. A sound like a footstep caught his attention a second before Crion's hand came out of his pocket.

It barely registered in his mind that the governor held not a dampener, but a vibroshiv, before Qui-Gon sliced downward with his lightsaber as he jumped back, narrowly avoiding the humming blade of the vibroshiv as it thrust upward toward his chest. His 'saber sliced through the bottom of Crion's neck and down his chest before cutting the vibroshiv, along with the governor's hand and his ring, into two pieces.

The vibroshiv and the ring clattered to the ground as Crion fell dead at his feet. His wounds had cauterized instantly, a clean kill, but the smell of burning flesh from the slice of the 'saber was overpowering and growing stronger as the vibroshiv blade set the rug on fire, and it burned into the flesh of Crion's hand. Qui-Gon fought back the nausea even as he heard an inhuman screech behind him.

"What have you done?" Xanatos screamed, igniting his own lightsaber and rushing forward, charging at his former master.

Qui-Gon turned, meeting the downward swing of the younger man's 'saber with his own weapon, blocking with a standard move. "I defended myself," he answered quietly, guiding the fight away from Crion's body while still allowing Xanatos to be the attacker.

"Defense? A Jedi Master against one old man holding a blaster, and you call killing him defending yourself?" Xanatos backed him against the wall and their 'sabers locked, humming as his former padawan glared at him through the crossed blades of green and red light. "I'll see you dead for what you've done." Anger threaded through his voice and turned his dark blue eyes black.

"You won't find that as easy as you might think."

"Really?" Xanatos looked around wildly. "Feel that? Or rather, do you not feel it? The Force inhibitor is still on. We are on even ground now, Master." He made the word into an insult.

Faster than thought, Qui-Gon shoved the younger man, sending him backwards onto the floor with such a force he slid several feet. The slide brought him into view of his father. After a shaky breath, Xanatos crawled over to where the man had fallen.

He picked up the larger portion of Crion's ring out of the fire, held it in front of him despite the faint hiss of the glowing metal in his fingers. He stared at it for a moment before turning to Qui-Gon. Without a word, Xanatos held the ring up to his face and pressed it into his cheek, eyes full of cold fury as the metal sizzled against his skin. "This is my mark, an outward symbol to remind me. Every time I look into a mirror, I will remember how you betrayed me."

"I betrayed you?"

"You took my father from me! Twice! I was denied the right to know him as a child, and when I tried to know him as an adult, you took that from me as well. All so you could put a leash on me." He grabbed the vibroshiv, heedless of the fire, and quickly severed his padawan braid, throwing it on the floor. It skidded to a stop near Qui-Gon's feet as Xanatos rose, advancing on Qui-Gon, 'saber first. "Pity my mother is dead; you could've killed her too!"

Qui-Gon was familiar with his former apprentice's fighting style, but rage made him less predictable. The master had to rely on split-second decisions based on body language to stay one-step ahead of his former apprentice. On and on they fought, locked in a deadly dance, the scene a bizarre imitation of past sparring sessions. Only this time, there were no holds barred.

Finally, when they'd both gone past the point of exhaustion, Qui-Gon gained a slight advantage. Before Xanatos knew what was happening, his lightsaber was on the ground, and he followed. The green blade of Qui-Gon's saber gave the younger man's face an eerie glow as it hovered just off his chin. "Go ahead," Xanatos taunted. "Do it. You know you want to. We're such a bad family; don't you want to finish off the line? What if I was to procreate?"

It would be so easy. One small thrust with the 'saber, or maybe a quick slice. Xanatos had turned. He must be stopped, or he would only cause pain to everyone he met. The path was clear--there was only one way left to deal with it.

Moments passed, but Qui-Gon couldn't force himself to deal the final blow. Xanatos began to laugh, a wild sound Qui-Gon had never heard before. "You can't do it, can you?" He laughed harder. "Big Jedi Master, and you can't kill me. Why? Because you fancy yourself in love with me? Or just because it would be too much failure for your poor ego to take?"

Qui-Gon pressed the blade of the 'saber a little closer, near enough to the skin now to be uncomfortable, but Xanatos didn't flinch. And still, he hesitated. All he had to do was kill the young man and be done with it.

No use. He couldn't do it. With a sigh, Qui-Gon pulled the blade back. "Get up."

"What, I'm not to be killed?"

"Not by me. You'll go back to the temple and stand trial."

The young man pushed himself up off the ground, dusting off his leggings. "For what? Failing to live up to the great Master Jinn's standards? Or not being good enough in his bed?"

"For murder," Qui-Gon replied, ignoring the barb. "Along with a few other crimes."

"We have courts on Telos."

Courts that he could bribe, Qui-Gon was sure. "You are...were a Jedi. You'll stand trial as one."

"Well...when you put it that way...."

Before Qui-Gon could stop him, Xanatos lashed out with his fist, catching the older man on the jaw. He fell backward, jumping up quickly, but not fast enough to stop his former student. He ran to the door, but saw no sign of the young man, so he checked the hallways. Still nothing. He searched half the residence before he realized the truth and gave up.

Xanatos was gone.

"And you searched the entire residence?"

Qui-Gon met Mace Windu's eyes without flinching. "I searched the entire city with help from some of the rebels. There was no sign of my--of Xanatos. And the treasury was missing as well. He must have had an escape route planned, just in case."

The seemingly permanent frown on Windu's face deepened, but he said nothing else, so Qui-Gon continued. "I told the general of the hired army that his employer was dead, so they left."

"Chosen a new governor, they have?"

"Yes, my master. The rebels nominated their leader, Denis, and he was elected within days. As soon as their governor was in place, I returned to the Temple." Where he had immediately been called into the Council chambers, despite the fact that he'd barely slept since the last battle, but he refrained from mentioning that part.

"Very well," Windu said at last. "It is clear that there was nothing you could have done to foresee these events, and you did everything you could to make restitution once your padawan turned."

Master Yoda clicked his walking stick against the floor, more as a hint to Windu than for any practical reason, Qui-Gon suspected, since Yoda was in his chair. "Sorry, we are, about your Padawan, Qui-Gon. Difficult, this is for you."

"Thank you, Master," Qui-Gon replied with a small bow. "I am dealing with the situation."

"Nevertheless, a rest you need."

"I wish to resume my duties, Master. I'm sure the Jedi are in need of an experienced warrior somewhere." After all, they always were.

Yoda's eyes narrowed, small moss-green slits in his wide face. "Time, you require. Not all wounds heal as quickly as physical ones."

Qui-Gon knew it was useless to argue, so he bowed again. "If that is all...?"

"You are free to go," Mace Windu answered. He bowed yet again and left the chamber, finally making his way to his rooms for the first time since they'd left for the mission.

It was only once he was in the room that it hit him. Xanatos was truly gone, lost to him forever, as a padawan, as well as everything else. He glanced over at the closed door to the young man's room, thinking that the room would need to be emptied. Perhaps he would have droids do it for him. He had no desire to go through his former padawan's belongings, now or ever.

The doorbell chimed, and Qui-Gon called out the entry command as he sat down, too well-trained in politeness to not answer the door. His master shuffled into the room, the door closing behind him. "How feel you?" Yoda asked as he reached Qui-Gon's chair.

"I am fine."

"Lie to your master, you should not."

Qui-Gon snorted. "Apparently that's not a lesson easily learned by our line."

"Xanatos' lies, not your fault. Forgive yourself, you must."

"And if I can't?" The words came out before he could stop them.

"Think you you cannot?"

He shook his head. "I don't know." The next words were harder, but he had to finish. "When I found him in the residence, before the fight...he asked me to stay. And I thought about it. Part of me wanted to stay."

"Wanted and did - same thing, they are not. Right thing, you did, regardless of the cost." He laid his hand on Qui-Gon's knee. "Jedi, you are, my padawan. Jedi, always, you will be."

"But not a very good one. Not lately. He was my student. He could not have controlled me if I hadn't wanted it, at least on some level."

Yoda sighed. "Perhaps. Powerful and seductive is the Dark. Know better next time, you will.

"There won't be a next time."

"So sure, are you? We shall see. Much to teach, have you."

Qui-Gon nodded, but only out of habit. He was not convinced he had anything at all to teach that should truly be learned. As Yoda turned to leave, there was only one thing Qui-Gon was truly convinced of.

He would never take a padawan again.
