The Dark Side Runs in the Family

by Alex Brown ( )

Pairing: X/O

Warnings: non Q/O, incest!!, dark, Sith!Obi. AU

Summary: Jedi Master Jinn is hunting two Sith. He's in for a shock.

Notes: This story has been bugging me for a long time. Finally I post it, I used incest in this story to get X and O as close as possible and they, being evil and all, would they actually care about right or wrong.

Disclaimer: Not mine, not mine. They belong to Lucas

Archive: If you want it go ahead.

Feedback: Please

Part 1

Qui-Gon Jinn felt uncomfortable, but that was to be expected when one was hunting a Sith Lord and his apprentice. As all Jedi, the Master had believed the Sith had gone extinct. They weren't seen for a long time. Even Master Yoda had never seen a Sith in all his years. To a lot of people they had become part of myth. But now the myth had proven true.

The Dark Ones were seen on Rakha for the first time a month ago. Since then an awful lot had happened there. The government had fallen and chaos had erupted.

The Sith hadn't move on after this. They stayed on Rakha. Probably enjoying the obvious distress of the remaining locals. Many Rakhans had left the planet, but not all were able to book passage on one of the leaving planes.

Before last month the two men had been spotted on several planets where they had caused a lot of unrest, but there hadn't been any proof they were Sith. However three weeks ago the Jedi Council had received some holo's of two hooded men. They were sparring with lightsabers. The beams of the sabers were red. It was all the proof they needed.

The Sith had returned.

The Council had decided to send a team to seek them out. Master Jinn and Knight Sundal were chosen. Both of them were superior swordsmen, a trait they would need in a possible battle.

It had been strange for Qui-Gon to work in a team again, but he warmed quickly to the presence of the younger man. Sundal's demise last week had touched him deeply.

They had been searching an old hideout of the Sith to see if there were any clues as to where they had gone. They hadn't really expected to find anything, especially not the minefield around it. The Knight had stepped on one of the mines and got blown away by the explosion. He died burned beyond recognition.

The look in Sundal's eyes took the Jedi Master four years back.

They had been fighting when he lost sight of his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Suddenly he only felt distress and then pain flowing through the bond he shared with his Padawan.

As soon as he possible could, he made his way back to his Obi-Wan. The boy was still holding on to life. Qui-Gon knew that wouldn't be the case for much longer. There was blood everywhere. One knife was buried in his abdomen, a second in the boy's leg. All he could do was embrace the seventeen year old. Then the light in the eyes died.

The Sith were going to pay...

He had spent the last week hoping, and dreading, that the Sith were still on Rakha. If they were still around, he might be able to capture at least one of them.

He wasn't comfortable at all. It was dark in the dense forest that covered most of the planet, even in daytime. There wasn't a moment not to be cautious. There were many dangers lurking from behind the trees. Besides searching for the Dark Ones, he also had to watch out for wild creatures and even the plants. He could still feel the sting of the beautiful and seemingly harmless blue-flowered vine. He was deceived by it three days ago.

Suddenly he felt a familiar tug on his mind. There was another force-sensitive around. Before he could look for the source of the tug, it had vanished. It had left no trace. The forest kept its secrets to itself. He kept going.

An hour later he once again felt the presence in his mind. It was vaguely familiar. It disappeared again, but not before it was accompanied by another tug. There were two force-sensitives close by.

The Sith...

The Jedi Master stiffened. It couldn't be them. Yesterday there had been quite a distance between them. He could never be this close already. Were they waiting for him?

He discarded the notion. If the Sith were that close, he should have felt them earlier. He would have sensed danger. He would have had, as his last Padawan had called it, a "bad feeling".

As he stopped to eat a light meal consisting of a ration bar and some water his thoughts returned to his third Padawan. After a rocky start, he and Obi-Wan had been a great team. Obi-Wan had been a promising student. He would have made a great Jedi Knight.

Four years ago that dream had ended.

They had been sent to Luttan to stop a war. Obi-Wan had complained about a bad feeling during the trip, but Qui-Gon had dismissed it as just being nerves.

But his Padawan had been right.

He shook his head. There was no point in lamenting the young one's death. He had to go on.

Part 2

The Sith had known the Jedi had been following them. It was not something they could overlook even without their contacts in the Senate and even in the Jedi Temple. And it was only logical for the Jedi to be interested in the sudden chaos on Rakha. The planet had been known for its political stability.

They had no intention of leaving Rakha as of yet. The green lush planet had still too much too offer. The Jedi probably had no idea what it was that made the planet so special. The Sith knew.

It was here that the best focusing crystals were found. The best for the Sith. An user of the Light Side wouldn't know how to handle the blood red crystals and probably saw them as flawed. That was if they could get close enough, most Jedi wouldn't even want to be near them.

The two Dark Ones hadn't been too interested in the Jedi send after them. There were only two. They didn't know if they had to be relieved, not that they feared the Jedi, or insulted. The Jedi couldn't possibly think two Jedi were enough to bring them in.

There was one Knight, but he was unfamiliar to the Sith, and easily disposed of. The identity of the other Jedi brought out a nasty smile on both faces. An old 'friend' and an old enemy. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. He, unlike his former companion, would not die quickly; he would suffer.

They moved from hide-out to hide-out. Tiring rather quickly of their little game, they had decided to change the rules a week ago. The minefield had been an idea of the Sith Master. He had always been fond of explosives. The Jedi Knight died, leaving only Jinn.

The Jedi Master hadn't spotted them yet, even if they kept in close range to him. They hid their presence in the Force very well. The Sith Apprentice however became more impatient as days passed. He couldn't resist reaching out. It was just a quick touch, nothing substantial. Jinn would know someone was nearby, but he wouldn't be able to sense who and where exactly. The young Sith however knew exactly where the Jedi Master was.

His Master and he slowly approached the Jedi. Once again he touched Jinn's mind, this time his Master followed his lead. The older Sith only did it as a warning to Jinn to be alert, to scare him.

A while later they found him sitting on a fallen tree, deeply in thought. The Master whispered his instructions to his follower., who slinked even closer to the Jedi. In his right hand he held a syringe containing a sedative. It would work fast and ensure that the Jedi would not fight them.

Qui-Gon Jinn had been so deep in thought that he didn't notice the young man sneaking up on him until it was too late. As he turned to defend himself, he already felt the needle penetrate his skin. Within seconds he lost consciousness.

Part 3

Qui-Gon woke with a headache. Slowly the fog in his mind cleared. He wanted to lift his hand, but discovered he was bound. Then he remembered what happened. The Sith.

"Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn."

He had thought he would never hear that voice again. It belonged to his last apprentice. The last time he heard it was four years ago.

Slowly he turned his head to the speaker. /This can't be! /

Qui-Gon had trouble breathing. He couldn't believe his eyes. Qui-Gon knew his Padawan had died on Luttan, when he was seventeen. He hadn't been able to sense him in the Force for years. He had hoped for a short time that he would be able to find Obi-Wan's force-ghost. But he found nothing. . It had been like Obi-Wan had never existed. Now it was clear to Qui-Gon that Obi-Wan really didn't exist anymore. He had stopped being his Obi-Wan when he had turned to the Dark Side.

If he still had been standing he would have fallen. But he was already sitting down. Tied tightly to an uncomfortable steel chair. He recognised the knots as made by Obi-Wan. He knew he didn't have much of a chance to escape from them.

Obi-Wan had been leaning against the wall, knife in his hand. He proved he was still capable of reading his former Master's mind or he was merely expecting Jinn's confusion. "Why can't it be, 'Master'?" The young man asked mockingly. "Is it because you let me die when I was seventeen?"

"I didn't let you die, you died on me. But yes, Obi-Wan Kenobi is dead. You can't be him."

"But I am. It's amazing what cloning can do for you." He chuckled.


"The boy dying in your arms on Luttan, it wasn't me. It was a clone. It was rather interesting killing my image. Best looking corpse I've ever seen."

"You killed him?" He didn't understand. The young man had to be lying. If anything this person in front of him was the clone, the original was dead. His Obi-Wan would never have done this. Obi-Wan had been the ultimate Jedi, at least in his opinion. The boy was caring and courageous. He was willing to die while protecting the weak and innocent. His Obi-Wan wasn't a killer.

"Hold on. How do I know YOU are not the clone, raised by the Sith to kill your progenitor."

The lips of the Sith curled slightly up, forming an unpleasant smile. "Ask me anything you want. A clone would never know all of my life with you. He wouldn't know about all of our missions, our 'successes' and 'losses'. Although those might not mean the same to me as they do to you."

Trying to judge if the young man was who he claimed to be he checked him over. The gangling boy of four years ago had grown into a handsome young man. Nothing like Qui-Gon had expected Obi-Wan to look at twenty-one. He had imagined short hair, Jedi robed. Now he saw shoulder length hair and he was certain the Jedi Council would never have approved of neither the tight fitting black leather clothing or the two silver earrings in his left ear.

Then suddenly he saw IT. He was surprised he hadn't seen it before. Not that it was that obvious, but it was definitely there. On the right cheek there was a print of a broken circle. Xanatos.

It was only then that he noticed the other Sith standing a little further away. He had been a silent spectator. The Sith pulled his hood back showing his long raven black locks.

This was even more confusing to the Jedi Master. How did Xanatos and Obi-Wan meet? And since when did Obi-Wan get along with him. When the boy was younger Xanatos had tried to kill him several times.


Hearing his captive spit out his name, Xanatos stepped closer until he stood with his front pressed to the younger Sith's back.

Even seeing Xanatos didn't convince him it was Obi-Wan. He wasn't able to get it. Nobody, not Qui-Gon, Yoda or MW had ever thought of the possibility of young Obi-Wan Kenobi turning. And everyone knew Master Windu had quite a talent for seeing the Dark Side in the young Jedi hopefuls. It simply couldn't happen to such a bright, loving boy. Yes, he had a temper and was headstrong, but turning? But now it seemed it was possible and it had happened. //How could this happen? //

"At Luttan my father finally came for me. I had been waiting for him for years. I didn't have much of a choice then. I had to join him and my brother. Yes, that's right, Master. My father. He's a feared Sith Master. And I see you noticed my new Master. I knew you would recognise Xan. I know I always made out I didn't know him, but in fact he's my older brother. I guess turning runs in the family." A nasty smile followed that comment.

//This is impossible. It can't be. I refuse to believe this. They can't be brothers. The whole story is a lie. A lie. It must be a lie. // He just couldn't believe it. Them? Brothers?

"That's impossible. Xanatos is from Telos. I know his father, Crion. He died years ago. And you are from Tattooine. Those planets are far apart. Above all you have nothing in common."

"Force, Qui-Gon! You are a fool! A man can travel from planet to planet, like you yourself have done on many occasions. Secondly, Crion and my so-called father, Tenah Lars, are not our real fathers. My real father slept with their wives, our mothers, under disguise. He is very good at disguising himself. Nobody ever saw him coming. If our mothers ever knew of our father they never let on. But I have always known it, just like Xan did."

He stayed silent for a moment. "For a while I thought you were on to me, when you didn't take me on as your Padawan. But father had explicitly said I had to be apprenticed by you and most Masters knew something was off, but didn't know what. Thankfully I could charm them enough not to investigate further. But the lure didn't work as well on you as it did on the rest. We thought you were getting away from us, but Xanatos's little plan on Bandomeer proved to be very convenient. Here I could show you who Obi-Wan was, the good, loyal, obedient Padawan he wanted to be. Pffm, Obi-Whine. You know at times I really thought I was going too far, that I was overacting and you would see through the whole act. But fortunately you are a fool." A cool smile spread over his face.

"During our missions I had my own little missions. You remember that 'disaster' mission to Tarlisin where the Queen died in my arms after I wasn't able to stop the murderer, because he had stabbed me in my saberarm. Well, I wasn't in shock exactly or devastated. I was thrilled. My mission was accomplished. I was fourteen and I killed my first victim off Coruscant. After I killed her I stabbed myself. I could have laughed my head off. It felt so good." His eyes turned misty, thinking back. "Other times I could accomplish my real mission without being so crude. That made it easier to cover them up. It would be a bit hard to explain all our 'failures' otherwise."

"Why didn't Mace sense it from you? You spoke of a lure. Did it work on him as well? "

"Ah yes, dear Mace." He appeared to be thinking. "You never wondered why he was so good at sensing the Dark Side? He's married to my sister. My father didn't bring her to the Jedi. She would be too obvious. So your Mace Windu is actually our brother-in-law. He knew all about me. I didn't need a lure for him. He was in on the plan. That's why he kept pushing me to you. He arranged for us to go to Bandomeer. Not Yoda as you thought for years. Mace just convinced the little green troll into thinking it was his own plan."

"Why me? Did I do something to this so-called Sith Lord?"

Obi-Wan began to laugh. "Oh no, it's nothing personal. You're just being a helpful Jedi. Too blind to see if your Padawan has turned. Mace couldn't train me, while being on the Council. And we needed him there. Other Masters would have found out. Maybe not right away, but surely in the first year or the second. You wouldn't, not while still feeling guilty about rejecting poor little me before.

"But your rejection did make it even easier for me to use you. It hurt!" The rather cold look in his eyes was replaced by fire. "You were supposed to accept me! I tried hard enough! With the lure and everything!" Qui-Gon flinched as Obi-Wan practically stalked towards him.

Xanatos slipped behind him. "Calm down, my Apprentice." Then he bowed his head so he could kiss his brother in his neck. The younger man turned his head bringing their lips together. He parted his lips, allowing the other tongue to enter.

//Abomination. This cannot be happening. This can't be Obi-Wan. It can't// In contrast to what he thought seeing the two of them, he asked: "Why should he calm? You Sith use anger, don't you." He was rather proud of his ability to hide the disgust he was feeling.

"My dear Benjamin is too full of passion. It would go too fast. We want you to suffer." He licked the column of Obi-Wan's throat, whose fingers were running through the black hair of his brother, all the way up to his left ear. Here the pink tongue swirled around the two silver loops.

Qui-Gon was quite used to these things from Xanatos. But now Obi-Wan was involved. It unsettled him. Most times when Xanatos wanted revenge Obi-Wan had helped to stop him. He had thought after Xanatos had betrayed him, he would easier spot the signs in another.

Obi-Wan turned around and swung an in black leather dressed leg around Xanatos's hip, pulling him closer to him. He still addressed Qui-Gon, "You didn't make it too difficult to hide the true me, my 'Master'. Always gone on missions, I didn't have to work hard to maintain that 'perfect Padawan' shell I was posing as. And as for you, I did not have to shield too tightly, you did the hard work for me."

"Well, it's time for revenge, now." Xanatos interrupted his apprentice's speech.

Part 4

"Xan, may I go first." There was a distinct sound of longing to be heard in the young man's voice.

"No, my dear Ben. I go first. I've hated him longer. You must have patience."

Ben couldn't help but murmur "It's the same on every side of the Force 'Patience'. Well I don't want to be patient." He frowned, clearly not happy with the decision his Master had made.

Xanatos was rather amused by his lover's behaviour. He kissed him on the nose before adding "You'll get him after me. After that we could go hunting. All right, Ben?"

That last part seemed to cheer Ben up. It was a rare treat. "Can I choose our target?" He pouted a bit, trying to persuade his Master to giving in.

"It's your call, Ben." Xanatos smiled broadly. "Now I will spend some time with a Jedi Master."

Entering the room Xanatos walked past Qui-Goon towards a chest in the far corner of the room. From this he took a long black whip, which battered looks proved it was used quite often.

After about two hours of torture, which to Jinn had seemed an eternity the door opened.

Xanatos turned away from his captive to face his apprentice. His voice was a little strained, as he didn't like being disturbed while he was having fun. "Yes, Ben?"

"I wondered how long you would take. I want my turn as well. And I want him still able to respond to me." Seeing his brother slowly frown at the rebelling Ben pulled back. "Can I at least watch?"

Even the Sith Lord could not resist the doleful looks of Benjamin, when the young man wanted something. "Of course, I love an audience. Especially if it's you."

For a split second Ben licked his lips. Happy with the permission to enter the room the apprentice leaned casually against the wall in such a manner he had excellent view on both men.

Glancing towards Jinn he saw the man's eyes hadn't refocused on Xanatos, but were still on him. He could see Qui-Gon still could not belief what happened. He slowly kneeled and took the knife out of its sheath in his right boot and began to twirl it between his fingers. Then he blew Qui-Gon a kiss. For a short while he concentrated on his former Master. He loved the sense of fear rolling of the Jedi.

Then he shifted his focus to a much more interesting man: his current Master.

Obi-Wan loved to just watch Xanatos whipping people, his muscles rippling just below the skin with every flick.

His Master's breathing became heavy. Obi-Wan had heard that rhythm many a time. Usually when they were fucking each other's brains out. It made him wonder if he could persuade Xanatos to use that same whip on him later that night. He certainly liked that idea.

The Jedi had fallen unconscious and Xanatos turned away from him. He put his arm around his lover and pulled him with him. "Let's eat."

Ben had other plans. Plan A had been torturing his Jedi Master, but that wasn't an option for now. There wasn't much fun to be had when the subject was out of it. Plan B was also one of action, but now between his Sith Master and him. Lunch would be very interesting indeed.

"Obi-Wan, please don't do it." After Xanatos's treatment, his revenge, he couldn't quite ban the fear and the begging out of his voice. The Sith Lord had gotten to him good. And he had the feeling Obi-Wan was going to be even worse.

"I'm not Obi-Wan. Do you never listen? The name is Ben. Obi-Wan was a fictive character put up for the Jedi. He was the perfect, obedient Jedi apprentice. I however am a Sith. So I'm just plain old Ben again." He chuckled, knowing he would never be 'plain old Ben.'

Once again the young Sith had a knife in his hand. He slowly approached the Jedi Master and slashed his arm. "That was the queen of Tarlisin. There will follow a lot more slashes and killings, but it's as good a place to start as anywhere."

A long list of names followed, some familiar, some not. There was blood flowing from several cuts on both arms and legs.

"Now come the more important ones. The ones closer to home"

A few cuts on the chest. "Garen, Reeft. Petr, the philosophy teacher."

He was afraid to ask, but had to, "And what about Bant, she was your friend. Did you.?

"Friend, ha. Fish face, well, she was easily manipulated. She believed everything I told her. No, I didn't kill her. I was rather angry about the whole thing." His voice gained volume. "I didn't want to lose her."

Jinn wondered about the vehemence in his capturer's voice. Did he mean that? Had the Sith actually cared for her as they'd thought Obi-Wan did.

" I lost my loyal puppet much too soon. She could have been of more use later on."

Of course the boy hadn't cared about the Mon Calamari.

Epilogue He turned away from Qui-Gon, who was on the floor bleeding and softly weeping. The once proud Jedi Master didn't exist anymore. All there was left was a miserable heap of man. Then he took his last breath. A smile formed on the younger man's face as he looked down on his former Master. He sensually stepped to his recent Master, his true Master. "That's done. Can we go hunt now?"

The look in his lover's eyes told Xanatos he was right in giving that as a reward. "Yes, you've earned it. What will we hunt today? Where will we hunt?"

Ben's smile grew wider. It's a rare treat indeed when he was allowed to choose. "I still have one enemy as Obi-Wan on Coruscant. He is an old friend of yours I believe. Bruck Chun. I want him to pay and show him the real me. Although he was right about calling Obi-Wan weak, it made me angry and I couldn't even act on it. It was so unnatural."

"All right then Coruscant it is. Let the hunt begin."

They turned around and Xanatos threw his arm around his younger brother as they walked to the luxury spaceship they owned.

Xanatos slid behind the controls. For a moment Ben's smile vanished, but it grew back as he thought about the coming hunt. He draped himself around Xanatos and decided to show his gratitude. He started with some slow, sweet kisses on the cheek, and then he moved downward to his lover's throat, which he attacked with licks and bites.

"Benjamin, no. I'm trying to pilot here."

But Ben was not to be deterred. "Use the auto pilot."

"You know it can't start the ship. Just wait until we're flying. Then we will play."

"Hurry then."

"Of course my love. I'm all yours."
