Resisting Temptations

by Keelywolfe ( )

Rating: NC-17

Archive: M&A, anyone else, ask.

Category: Romance, Drama, First-Time, POV: Obi-Wan

Feedback: I crave it like a drug, please help support my habit.

Summary: A little prank that Obi-Wan pulls on his master has unexpected consequences.

Disclaimer: A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away, George Lucas created Star Wars. And he looked at it and saw that it was good. And all was right in the world. But then, we saw that Obi-Wan doth look upon Qui-Gon with lust, and that Mr. Lucas was not likely to include that in the next movie, so we said screw it and wrote it ourselves, even though we do not make any money off of this. And all was right with the world

Note: As some of you know, I've been having problems with my wrists, so this story is going to be posted as I manage to write it. Many thanks go to Padawan D'Angel and Padawan Ana for an excellent beta! Enjoy!

Exhausted frustration was practically radiating from us, as we listened to the King of Hroka drone on about the gratitude that he and his people extended to us, the great Jedi of the Republic, whose insight and wisdom had prevented civil war amongst his people. And we, the Jedi in question, standing in a posture of utmost respect, were muddy, bloody, and wanted nothing more than a hot meal, a few hours of uninterrupted sleep and a fast ship back to Coruscant.

No one else in the room seemed to notice the subtle emissions from the Force that wavered around us and, were I not Jedi-trained, I wouldn't have noticed it either. It was a testament to how exhausting and stressful this mission had been, that I could feel such emotion from my master. Even a Jedi Master can get frayed nerves and at this moment ours were laid clean to the bone.

Outwardly my master looked as cool and composed as always, to the common eye at any rate. I, on the other hand, could almost hear his mental teeth grinding as the King began to reiterate yet again the many thanks of his people.

The Hrokian Court looked down at us, bowed respectfully to their king, with vapid smiles. They all seemed to be listening to him raptly, enthralled by the man. Why didn't that surprise me?

The Hrokian aristocracy seemed to me to often be self-indulgent buffoons, though I would never say such things aloud. And here we were, before the king of fools as he dared to thank us for preventing civil war on their planet.

Thanking us here, in their palace that they had lined with plush rugs and velvet, while their people starved. A short time ago the Hrokian people had finally had enough and had revolted against the extravagance of their leaders. In desperation the King had begged the Republic Senate for assistance and we had arrived just in time to prevent the peasants from executing all the Royalty on the planet.

For the past month Qui-Gon and I had been negotiating between the aristocracy and the common people, on a few occasions narrowly avoiding being executed ourselves, until a sort of peace had been arranged. And now we were in the palace, the King again sitting on his rightful throne as he relayed his thanks to us. All in all, I would have to say I would have preferred staying with the peasants. Every cell in my body rebelled at having to assist these self-indulgent prigs.

I kept that thought very tightly shielded. I had said something vaguely similar to Qui-Gon upon our arrival here and he had immediately lectured me on what he called narrow-mindedness. He pointed out that the fact that the Hrokian's had sought help meant that they were at least trying to adjust their perceptions.

I'm still skeptical. Perhaps it's unseemly for one who follows the ways of the Jedi, but in this case I'm sticking to the adage of believing it when I see it.

Forcibly I returned my attention to the King, who was apparently, finally, finishing his impromptu speech. Another bow as we both struggled to keep our relief hidden and we were, at last, off for a well deserved rest.

Qui-Gon used the facilities first, his right by rank and privilege. I stripped to my underclothes while I waited and sank to my knees in a near mockery of meditation. I was far too exhausted to focus on anything, rather I just let my mind drift, allowed my thoughts to settle on nothingness. The bone-deep exhaustion I'd been carrying for too long seeped out of me and I fell inward so deeply, so quickly that I almost didn't hear my Master calling me.

I opened my eyes and he was crouched in front of me, damp hair hanging in a fringe around his face. He smiled at my surprise and ruffled my hair lightly.

"Take a shower, Padawan, and then get some sleep. I do believe we both deserve it," he said, turning away to comb his hair into some semblance of order before contacting the Council.

I didn't need to be told twice. The hot water melted away the stiffness and tension that the meditation hadn't, and I stayed there far longer than was truly necessary. But as Qui-Gon had said, perhaps we both deserved a bit of pampering.

I finally forced myself out of the shower and into fresh clothes, taking just a moment to enjoy the feel of cloth that wasn't sweat- sticky and stained, before I finally wandered, barefoot, back into the main room.

One look at Qui-Gon's face told me that all was not well. I said nothing, settled myself on the floor to comb the long strands of hair behind my ear. Years of experience had taught me that if I simply waited, Qui-Gon would eventually tell me what was on his mind. Asking would just get me The Look, and perhaps even a short lecture on the rudeness of questioning a master, depending on his mood. And I myself was in no mood for a lecture, so I waited, neatly braiding the lock of hair as I had done perhaps hundreds of times before. I'd just fastened the last tie when he spoke.

"The Council wants us to stay a few more days, to make sure that this situation is settled." The tone was even and calm as ever, but I knew him far too well not to notice the resigned tone underneath the placid exterior.

I nearly wilted at his words. Another few days in the company of these overbearing, pampered... "Yes, Master," I said, belatedly, and I could have sworn there was a faint touch of amusement in those eyes. I decided not to pursue it and with a short bow I took my leave, settled with hedonistic delight into the softness of my borrowed bed and sank willingly towards the embrace of sleep.

I shouldn't worry so about our staying, not even to myself. It was only a few more days, after all. What could possibly go wrong?

"I am asking you to be my consort."

I nearly choked on the water I had been in the process of sipping. My Master and I had gone to the common hall for the morning meal and had hardly seated ourselves before the Viamcountess had joined us. The meal was a subdued affair. These people might want to pretend that all was well and had returned to what they felt was normal, but their posture stated otherwise. They would not soon forget what had so nearly caused all of their deaths. I hoped.

The Viamcountess, however, cheerfully acted as if my Master and I had been here for nothing more important than a party. The niece of the King, she had a certain amount of status on this planet and she flaunted it, had been flirting with me, trying to distract me since we'd landed on this planet. I had been able to ignore her, escaping into my duties until this moment, when manners forced me to be a captive audience. Qui-Gon, for his part, played the consummate guest, polite to the extreme, and I mimicked him to the best of my abilities. Until now. Until she'd asked that.

I looked directly at her and I nearly choked again at her expression. She was nearly preening, arrogance coloring the Force around her with a fine mist of yellow. Certainly she was a lovely woman, but did she really think that being asked to be her consort was such an honor? That I should collapse at her feet and smother her toes with kisses of gratitude? That I would give up all my training, everything I'd worked for, to be the disreputable lover of a woman I hardly knew?

I hesitated, looking for words to decline her offer in the politest way possible. Such a situation would require a delicate use of the tact and diplomacy that had been ingrained in me since I was a child.

Just as I was about to speak, my eyes caught my Master's and in those depths I saw barely disguised humor. A spark of annoyance lit within me. So he found this amusing? A plan formed in my head and I pulled up my shields around me, to disguise my intent.

"I am truly honored by your request, Your Grace. However, I already have a betrothed." So saying, I settle my hand over Qui-Gon's, which had been resting on the table, and squeezed lightly. Just as Qui-Gon had been drinking his own water and he -did- choke, ever so slightly. I patted him on the back, a little harder than necessary and he brushed me off with a faint frown. My lips didn't even twitch but I knew he could feel my amusement. Oh, I was going to pay for this little prank but good and I knew it. But I just couldn't resist, the temptation to wipe that smirk off his mind far to great.

When I returned my attention to the Viamcountess, the change within her was so staggering that I blinked. Gone was the pouty-lipped seductress who had been dogging my heels since our arrival. In her place was a seething she-bitch, the glare in her eyes reminiscent of the look that you'd expect to see in the eyes of a razor hound, not royalty. She graced us with a tight smile.

"Well, then. I wish you both much happiness." The venom in her tone belied her words and she turned and stalked away from us.

A glance at Qui-Gon revealed an all-too familiar expression and I winced inwardly. Ah well, it was well worth the price of any punishment to have seen the expression on his face when I called him my betrothed. I layered my humor underneath tight shields so that he could no longer feel it and continued my meal. The longer I ate, the longer he would have to wait to punish me.

The next day I wasn't as sure to the worth of pulling one over on my master, as the many aches and pains of the brutal training routines he had put me through would testify. Still, even that was a source of amusement to me today. I had known that he wouldn't say anything to me, and he hadn't. He wouldn't lower himself to chastising me for my cheekiness.

It wouldn't have worked anyway, that much he knew. Even as a child I had always dutifully acknowledged my wrongdoings while my eyes sparkled mischief up at him. No, it was far better, he had discovered, to make me regret my impudence in different ways, as well as exhausting me too much to think up any more schemes.

And so when we were again summoned to the throne room I could barely smother a groan as I forced myself to dress as quickly as possible. And I had to stifle a sour glare at Qui-Gon as he moved about with his usual grace, showing no trace of stiffness from yesterday's exertion.

We were led before the King, and again we bowed in unison before him. Privately I wondered what this was about. Our negotiations here, as much as the results had disgusted Qui-Gon and myself, were really quite finished. I felt a twinge of apprehension. The king looked far too pleased with himself. I definitely had a bad feeling about this.

"I am most pleased to see you both again! It has come to my attention that perhaps there is a way for me to repay you for your kindness to our people." He held up a hand when Qui-Gon would have protested. "Have no concern, Master Jedi, it is not a monetary reward. My gracious niece," he indicated the Viamcountess and I felt my stomach plummet. Oh, this could -not- be good. I pulled my attention back to what the king was saying. "She has told me that you are betrothed, and I thought that no reward I could give you would be better than for me to acknowledge your Bond myself."

For the briefest of moments, I actually thought I might faint. Dark spots wavered before my eyes and I swayed briefly before a strong hand caught my arm in a painfully tight grip, holding me upward. Qui-Gon. Yes, he would find a way out of this disaster. Surely there was a polite way to decline the offer. Qui-Gon bowed deeply, the hand on my arm taking me with him.

"Your Majesty, we would be honored to have you witness our bond."

Neither of them seemed to notice my rising panic. Qui-Gon's iron grip on my arm kept me silent even as I was mentally screaming my dismay. The Viamcountess flashed me what I would swear was a positively evil smile, I could sense satisfaction oozing from her in trickling waves.

The King beamed at us, "Excellent! I will make arrangements then. The ceremony will be tomorrow then, yes? You may go, please have no more concern for the state of our people, spend the day preparing for this most wondrous of occasions!"

With another bow, Qui-Gon turned and left, dragging me along behind him. He didn't say a word as we entered our rooms, and I couldn't even begin to think of what to say. I wet my suddenly dry lips, struggling for something, anything. This was entirely my fault, all my doing because of a stupid prank and then Qui-Gon released my arm, turning away from me and I could feel nothing of his emotions from our link, nothing at all.

Without conscious thought I dropped to my knees, bowing so that my forehead was pressed to the floor. "Master, I am so sorry. Please forgive me." Finally, an emotion leaked past Qui-Gon's iron control, the last emotion that I would have expected. Shock. He sank to his knees next to me, forcing me to sit up.

"Obi-Wan, I'm not angry, it's all right." He sighed then, "This isn't your fault, my Padawan," he smiled wryly, "At least not entirely." He rubbed his temples tiredly and my guilt level raised yet another notch. This mission had been difficult as it was without my adding on to it with my foolishness.

Another sigh and he shifted to lean against wall, pulling his knees up and tilted his head upward. I moved to sit next to him and we both studied the ceiling for a time, as if all the answers of the universe were written on the tiles. I was the one who finally broke the silence.

"Master," I hesitated briefly, then blurted out, "Why did you agree to the bonding?"

He shifted slightly, actually looking somewhat embarrassed. "It seemed to be the only thing to do at the time," a shrug, "If we refused the bond then the king would be offended. If we told them that it was a lie, that we are not betrothed, they would lose trust in us. If we go through with the bond..." He shook his head. I could see his point; all roads led down the same path.

Well, then we should take the path of lesser damage "We should go through with the bond then." It would be a lie, but while Jedi follow the light, its path and the path of truthfulness are not always the same, we are often forced to shade the truth, to manipulate others, to see things from a certain point of view. And we could always annul the bond later, with no harm done on either side.

His lips did not curve in the slightest but I could hear the repressed amusement in his voice. "I'm glad you approve, Padawan," he said ironically. He slapped his thighs lightly then and stood. "Well then! Since we have the day to ourselves, I am going to do some research on this bonding ritual. You," he said, pointing a long finger as he towered over me, "You are going to go to the gardens and go through Routines one through four."

I couldn't hold back a wince at that order. Routines one through four after all the training we did yesterday? Going through all of them would take me several hours at least. Not upset with me, he'd said. Yeah, right. I shot him a suspicious look to which he responded with the blandest of expressions, extending a hand to help me to my feet. I took it, suppressing a sigh that would only get me more work. I gathered up my lightsaber and left just as he sat down to read through the Hrokian files on bonding.

Well, let this be a lesson to me in listening to my instincts. I'd known I was going to be paying for that little prank, and I was, in muscle aches.

Stretching out the leftover stiffness from yesterday I went quickly through the warm-up exercises. The sun wasn't high yet and the gardens were still morning cool, for which I was grateful. I let my body take over, my mind completely focused on the task at hand as I moved into the first routine. I warmed quickly to the exercise, despite my grumbling I did truly enjoy the physical effort required by the routines, the absolute concentration and linking with the Force.

I was only a quarter of the way through the first routine when a blast of unmitigated shock slapped into my brain. It was a credit to my training that I didn't collapse to my knees, only faltered slightly, but I stopped a moment later when I realized that the emotion had filtered to me through the training bond I had with my Master.

I walked back to our rooms as quickly as propriety allowed, entering to find him still sitting at the monitor where I had left him.

"Master?" I asked, hesitantly. He started, blinking, as if he hadn't even noticed me enter to room. That oddity only increased my apprehension. I felt my brow crease. "Master, is there something wrong?"

To my complete and utter bewilderment Qui-Gon abruptly flushed red, his mouth opened as if he was going to speak but he stopped, mouth working but no words emerging. Finally, he just gestured towards the screen.

Curiosity was eating me alive, but I found myself strangely uneasy to see what had so unnerved my utterly composed master. I inched forward on suddenly weak legs until I could just read it.

....after the declaration, the representative blesses the union and he or she, as well as the others present, are responsible for witnessing the copulation to complete the ceremony...I blinked and let my eyes flick back to what I'd just read.

Copulation. Copulation? Copulation during the bonding ceremony? In front of -witnesses-?!? My knees finally gave up the battle and I collapsed weakly in a nearby chair, Qui-Gon watching me gravely.

I swallowed dryly, "We're supposed front of them?"

He nodded.

"Master, I don't think I can..." I gestured helplessly and he stood, quickly shaking his head.

"No, no, I would never ask you to, it's just..." A heavy sigh and he stood, again rubbing his temples and I understood without words. It's just it went back to the original problem. We didn't have another option. And aside from that, Qui-Gon was misunderstanding me, I could feel it.

"It's not you, Master." For some reason, I felt compelled to say it and it was true. Qui-Gon was a very attractive man, but, while I had experimented with men when I first came into my sexuality, I'd decided the experience paled in comparison to women.

Still, I could probably withstand it, but..."I just, I mean, in front of witnesses? I'm not sure I can..." But I would have to, I suddenly realized. I had caused this problem and so the burden should rest with me, any of our other choices would place shame on the Jedi order. I just couldn't see myself doing such an intimate thing in front of others, with all the fumbling awkwardness that comes with taking a new lover. And I knew my Master could sense my discomfort and the reason behind it, just as I could feel that he rather felt the same.

"Maybe we should practice?" I blurted out. Belatedly, my mouth clicked shut to stop the flow of words, so quickly that I narrowly avoided biting off my tongue. Did I just say what I thought I'd said?

I'm not sure if it is physically possible for embarrassment to make a human burst into spontaneous combustion, but I certainly gave a good go of it. And I almost wished that I would, if I were only a little cinder of leftover Padawan, it would certainly take care of the problem at hand.

But I was not to be so fortunate. I risked a glance upward at my Master's face and combustion threatened again as my embarrassment increased tenfold. Qui-Gon was looking at me as if I had ewoks crawling out of my ears.

Then his shocked expression turned to a thoughtful one, considering. I could almost hear him mentally ticking off the options in his head, as I had done earlier.

"Perhaps we should." His expression was one of a person who was striving for practicality, simply dealing with the situation as best he could. His voice, however, cracked like a first year Padawan's.

"Yes," I hastily agreed. "We're both adults, it's really not such big deal." Brave words of the condemned. "If we...then maybe front of them..."

"Yes, yes, then we could..." he gestured weakly and I nodded. "So we should..." Neither of us moved. At least, not towards each other. I fidgeted nervously in the chair until I noticed what I was doing and made myself stop and Qui-Gon seemed to suddenly take great interest in the floor of our quarters.

This definitely would not do. If we couldn't do this in the privacy of our quarters, how could we do anything in front of others? But even as I thought it, Qui-Gon straightened, drawing that ever-present dignity around him like a shield. He took a step towards me, reaching for me, and it took every ounce of discipline I had not to flinch away. This -had- been my idea. But all he did was take my hand and pull me gently to my feet.

"Come with me, Padawan. I have an idea." Still holding my hand, he led me to the bedroom. His bedroom. I trailed behind him, the butterflies in my stomach threatening to rise up and choke me.

Dropping my hand, he moved to rummage through his belongings. "Take off your tunic."

He turned back around, stopping when he noticed I hadn't complied. I just stood there, completely frozen as if all muscle control had deserted me. Qui-Gon's lips suddenly quirked upward and I got a vague impression in his mind of how young I looked, eyes wide and apprehensive, like a child. That shook me out of my paralysis, him thinking of me as a child was not going to help our situation. Determinedly, I stripped, folding my clothes neatly until I was bare to the waist. I stood there silently, waiting for the next command.

I didn't have to wait long. "Lie down," he said, gesturing at the mattress. Paralysis threatened again, but I doggedly pushed it aside and settled back on the mattress.

Qui-Gon shook his head. "Lie on your stomach."

Now this was too much. Every request had been more difficult than the last and I had done it without question, but this! I opened my mouth to protest but before I could say a word he held up what he had gotten from his bag. A small bottle of massage oil.

"I thought it might help us relax," he explained.

I felt a blush heat my cheeks as I remembered what I had been thinking he was going to do. Qui-Gon raised a questioning eyebrow, his expression knowing and I quickly rolled over, burying my face in the sheets and hiding my embarrassment. I flinched when I felt warm, slippery hands touch my bare back and forcibly I tamped down the reaction. This was Qui-Gon, I told myself sternly, and we had both given and received backrubs from the other many times in the past.

But not like this, a tiny voice whispered in the back of my head. I told it to shove off.

And then strong hands were kneading my oiled skin and I nearly melted into the blankets, all the soreness and stress from the past few weeks rubbed away. I sighed softly, settling deeper into the blankets as Qui- Gon's hands moved lower, squeezing softening muscles until his hands rested on the waistband of my pants. He hesitated there, fingers rubbing small circles on my skin.

"Obi-Wan?" he asked, softly. Without a word, I reached underneath to unfasten my pants, raising up slightly and allowing him to slide them off. I was suddenly very glad that I couldn't see his face, my own was hot with embarrassment and I buried it again in the cool pillows.

Hands slick with oil returned to my back, massaging away the returning tension before drifting down to my backside. Qui-Gon did nothing more than firmly rub the taut muscles there, keeping the touch impersonal and soothing. By the time he moved on to my legs, I was again boneless against the linens. When he touched my feet I almost jerked them away reflexively, stifling a giggle and I felt Qui-Gon's own suppressed laughter even as he rubbed harder to avoid tickling.

Finally, he was done, moving up to kneel next to me. I knew what was coming even before he said it, but I still shivered slightly when he spoke.

"Roll over."

And I did, exposing myself to him. He didn't stare, didn't even pause to study me. Instead, his hands went to my chest, calmly continuing the massage. I watched him for a moment before I again closed my eyes. It felt...strange, to be naked in front of him while he was fully clothed. Not exactly bad, but strange. Still, it was very relaxing and my nervousness drifted away as he continued. In a few moments I was on the verge of sleep. Until one of his fingers brushed my nipple.

My eyes flew open at that electric touch and all my nerves jumped to life as he repeated it, lightly stroking the dark circle with the tip of one finger, until it peaked, hardened under the touch. My eyes were locked on his face, watching him watch me, an intent expression on his face.

A light pinch and those teasing fingers trailed away, across my chest to toy with the other nipple until it too was hard. Another pinch and then both his hands were rubbing my stomach, testing the muscles there as one finger dipped into my navel. I squirmed slightly, the touch felt strangely intimate and grew more intimate still as his hands smoothed down my legs then back up, his thumbs delicately stroking the softer skin of my inner thighs.

I closed my eyes then, unable to watch as one finger touched the very tip of my erection. I was hard, how could I not be, the sensuous feel of those hands, the warmth of them burned away any embarrassment. Qui- Gon's finger traced a path down the length of my shaft as delicately as if he were caressing a butterfly, not trying for eroticism only a gentle exploration of unfamiliar territory.

Then a finger and thumb circled my cock and slid back up, still very lightly, hardly any pressure at all. They paused at the tip, and then slid back down, still slowly, just the tiniest bit more pressure. The loose skin at the tip slid downward with those fingers and the feel of it gliding across the head dragged a gasp from me. My fingers knotted into the sheets of their own will.

He released me then and my eyes flew open. They drifted closed again as he moved his hand lower, sifting through the tight curls there before cupping my balls in one large hand, hefting them gently as if testing their weight. My hips arched upward slightly before I caught myself and relaxed back down.

Then that touch retreated and I felt Qui-Gon shift, leaning away from me. I half-sat up, looking at him. He shivered faintly, once, the epitome of calm compared to my wild tremblings.

He wet his lips and my eyes caught on the tip of that pink tongue. I very nearly leaned forward and kissed him and would have if he hadn't chosen just that moment to speak.

"I believe," he said, clearing his throat, "That it is your turn."

My turn? I felt a smile creep up my face until it became a rather wicked grin. Oh, yes, it was definitely my turn.

Qui-Gon stripped off his tunic, folding it and setting it near mine before he stretched out on the bed. I shifted over to give him room and he settled on his stomach, resting his head on his folded arms. I studied the broad expanse of his back, the firm muscles, a few small scars and a larger scar down his shoulder.

Pouring a small amount of oil into my hand, I let it warm for a moment and then, with a deep breath, I began.

Tense, he was very tense, nervous perhaps? As I was? I rubbed his shoulders, massaging away the tightness. His skin was very soft, even to my oiled fingers. Strange how I'd never noticed it before. Of course, there had been no reason for me to notice or to notice how very enticing it was.

I swallowed, abruptly more aware of my nakedness than I had been a moment before and very glad the Qui-Gon was face down on the bed. My hands had moved on without me and were resting lightly on the waistband of Qui-Gon's pants. He unfastened them without me having to say a word, a mirror to my previous actions and I completed it, sliding his pants down and off before pausing to look at him.

I massaged my way down his body, barely aware that I was doing it. My awareness was focused on him. On the inordinately large amount of silky, warm skin that was before me. On the way the oil made his skin gleam as if he gave off some iridescent light all his own.

I had finished with his feet before I realized it and I cursed myself mentally for rushing it, because now all that was left was for him to roll over and for me to.... Ah, well, there was no escaping it now. And by now I didn't want to.

I had to swallow several times before I could speak and even then, my voice sounded husky to my ears. "Master, turn over."

He did, not speaking, just exposing himself as I had. Only I didn't seem to possess my master's self-discipline. I couldn't stop my eyes from roaming over him. They settled on his groin and I knew they went wide. Qui-Gon was not a small man, altogether nor in any of his parts and this part was certainly no exception, that much was certain.

My curiosity got the best of me and I skipped over a good section of the massage to settle my hand on Qui-Gon's erection. He gave a choked gasp, almost flinching away before he caught himself and stilled. I petted that hardness, gently exploring. I let my other hand drift down to the heavy sac underneath, cupping it as he had done, testing the weight, the softness of the skin, the heat.

I was suddenly far more interested than embarrassed. My youthful explorations were years behind me and none of those sticky fumblings could hold anything to being here with this man. It aroused me in a way that I had never expected, especially not with my master, none of my previous encounters had prepared me for this.

I glanced up at him, abruptly aware that I hadn't really had permission for this touch and my gaze caught his. His eyes were impossibly blue, watching me, waiting. Watching. I returned my attention to his cock, aware of it hardening further, now throbbing gently under my fingertips.

Again exploring I gently pushed his foreskin back, as he had done to me, exposing the crimson head that was leaking a thin line of clear fluid. It pooled at the tip like a thick, liquid jewel and I felt an overwhelming urge to lick that jewel away, to taste it.

So I did. The taste was both strange and arousing. I'd tasted myself before on the lips of others, knew the bitter-salt flavor but this was different, so very different.

Qui-Gon's reaction was most inspiring. He made a choked keening sound, arched his hips completely off the bed, his fingers digging into the mattress as if he was struggling to keep from grabbing me. Perhaps he was. The thought made me shiver, not unpleasantly.

The taste was fading from my mouth. Unwilling to let it go I leaned down and licked the moist head again, this time swirling my tongue over it, teasing the slit with the tip of my tongue. I took the shaft into my mouth, wanting more of that exotic liquor but Qui-Gon's hands on my shoulders stopped me, pulling me back.

"Wait, wait, Padawan, a moment, please." I opened my mouth to protest until I saw he was only shifting, moving so that we were lying on our sides, head to foot. Well, not foot exactly, and all my protests died unspoken as I realized why he was doing this. So that he could pleasure me too.

The moist, heated breath on my cock was going to slowly drive me insane as I forced myself not to move, to wait for him to touch me, but it was so hard. Very hard in fact. I didn't have to wait long, the wet heat of his mouth engulfed my cock and I forgot how to breathe, nearly forgot that I was supposed to be returning the favor.

It was more difficult than it looked, difficult not to take it too deep and choke, difficult to run my tongue over the thickness that was filling my mouth. Difficult to concentrate when someone else's mouth was on my cock, seeming determined to suck the very life from me.

I was still coherent enough to notice that Qui-Gon did not seem to be having any such trouble. Odd that in all our time together I had never given much thought to his sexual preferences. I wasn't going to now either, though it was obvious to me that he had at least done this before.

Difficult it was, but I managed, circling the base with my hand. I needed very much to share the sweet pleasure that was making my thighs tremble and my stomach twist and I took that thick cock as deeply as I could.

Teeth very lightly grazed the shaft of my cock; I gave a muffled groan at the mingling of pleasure and pain. I repeating the gesture on him and felt his pleasure translated as a vibrating groan against my erection.

Qui-Gon pulled back sucked hard on the tip of my cock. I could feel his tongue run along the soft ridge around the head and the pulse of pleasure that invaded my nerves at the touch made me shudder, helplessly. I mimicked him, determined to push him to the same knife- edge that I was straddling.

Harder, faster now, sucking hard, deeper, I copied his every move, he -was- my teacher and this lesson was far more pleasurable than some I had learned. He pulled my cock in very deeply then, surrounding me with wet, heated pressure as his fingers dug into my hips, forcing me to thrust inside and I came. Exquisite pleasure sparked through me and I dimly felt my cock straining, spurting into his waiting mouth even as I repeated it on him, felt his body go rigid and my mouth was flooded with the exotic, bitter flavor that I had tasted earlier.

I held the warm liquid in my mouth a moment, savoring it with unexpected relish before I swallowed, felt Qui-Gon doing the same around my softening member.

Pulling back I flopped backwards onto the mattress, struggling to settle my breathing. I draped one arm over my eyes, blocking out the light. And Qui-Gon. Forgotten embarrassment was resurfacing and now I wondered if I could ever look at the man again.


Damn. Not even a moment's reprieve. I took shelter in cowardice, not moving my arm. "Yes, master?"

"You do realize that we will have to do something even more...intimate... tomorrow?"

That moved my arm quickly and the rest of my body as well. Every cell within my body considered and unanimously rejected going through with what he was implying. Making love with a man was a new enough experience for me, I was not about to have my first experience with penetration be in front of an audience.

Even as I thought it though I remembered the other options, or more truthfully the fact that there weren't any other options. For the first time since this began my lingering discomfort turned into a trace of fear. Instantly I was pulled into an embrace, embarrassment forgotten as Qui-Gon held me, soothed me.

"Obi-Wan, don't be afraid, please. We will not do -anything- that you do not want. I would never hurt you, not for the greatest cause in the galaxy. Do you understand me?" He pulled back, his eyes searching my face.

I swallowed, pushing aside the touch of fear and replacing it with calm. "I understand, Master." I understood that this had to be done, regardless of my own doubts.

His eyes narrowed, apparently he could still feel my uncertainty, and he shook me slightly. "Obi-Wan, you don't have anything to be afraid of. I promise that this will not hurt you." He smiled then, very faintly, "After all, you'll be inside me."

The next day found me standing on a stool, my arms held straight out while one of the Royal servants knelt in front of me, adjusting the length of my robe.

Traditional Hrokian bonding clothes seemed to consist of a long robe of deep blue made of some kind of shiny, satiny material. And nothing else. Feet bare, everything under the robe, bare. It was a rather blatant reminder of what was going to happen very shortly.

Idly, I found my mind drifting back to the day before. After our little 'practice session', Qui-Gon and I had both returned to our duties. Now that I knew we could, in fact, do this, I found that I needed to step back a bit, gain a little distance. My master seemed to understand and allowed it.

I went back to the gardens and finished my routines, which I flubbed up spectacularly and Qui-Gon, I assume, finished reading up on the ceremony. He told me about it at our evening meal and that eased a few misgivings that I had had.

The ceremony would traditionally have about twelve witnesses, who would be there only to observe and would do nothing to distract or interfere. That relieved me more than I'd ever admit. I'd had horrifying mental images of the King running around us, eagerly snapping holo-images of the entire ordeal. And let's not get into what I thought of the Viamcountess.

All in all, the evening felt fairly normal, as if we hadn't spent the afternoon naked and sucking each other off in Qui-Gon's bedroom. I seized that feeling of normalcy gratefully. Until that night, when Qui- Gon insisted that we sleep together in the same bed.

I understood the reasoning behind it. For starters, we were supposed to be a betrothed couple, sleeping apart might seem odd to our hosts. And, more to the point, we didn't want to lose what little intimacy we'd managed to gain today.

I'd slept in the same bed as my master before more times than I could count and this was the first time I'd felt any apprehension. I hid it as best as I could, settled into the covers and let Qui-Gon spoon up behind me. I forced my tenseness to ease away and even snuggled closer to him, to prove that this did not make me uncomfortable in the least.

I don't think he was fooled.

But he didn't mention it, simply held me close and quickly fell asleep. And I slept that night in his arms. What little sleep I'd gotten anyway. I wonder how he would have reacted if he had known that my discomfort wasn't from embarrassment or shyness.

I was nervous because I was afraid he would feel my arousal. The moment the bed had come into my line of vision everything that had happened that afternoon came flooding back to me. Spending that night in Qui- Gon's arms was pure torture, my mind insisted on going back over the afternoon, picking at little details, replaying in over and over until I had an erection that a Hutt would have been proud of. Nothing could distract me from it, not meditation routines, not thinking of old, ugly women, not thinking of the King of Hroka, naked and dancing. Nothing.

My mind would always sneak back to the afternoon, especially to what Qui-Gon had said at the end, that I would be inside him. Something that only the day before I would have considered inconceivable was now something I was looking forward to, eagerly.

I drifted off a few hours from dawn, only to be awakened just after sunrise by the King's entourage, who had come to prepare us for the ceremony.

I had been dragged off by two young men, fed, bathed, and had sweet- smelling oils massaged into my bare skin. I was beginning to think that I didn't have much of a capacity for embarrassment left. They'd also tried to paint my face with some sort of make-up and that I had adamantly refused, much to their disappointment. I was already sacrificing what was left of my virtue for the wellbeing of these people. I wasn't going to surrender my dignity as well.

And now I was here, only a short time from the ceremony and I found myself strangely nervous. This wasn't real, what was I so worried about? Probably the fact that I was going to have to perform sexually in front of an audience, I decided.

My robes were finished, I was ready and shortly thereafter, it began.

I was led into a darkened room, fairly small, and the scent of some sort of incense was heavy in the air, something rich and musky. The room was lit by dozens of candles that threw flickering shadow images over the wall. And over the people already seated within. Not many, I counted ten people, all from the King's court, all seated on thick pillows surrounding a raised pallet of blankets and pillows in the center of the room.

I was led to stand before it, even as Qui-Gon came in from another entrance, dressed in his own robe, exactly like mine down to the line of ties that ran down the front, holding it closed. It swirled around his bare feet, his hair was loose and hanging softly around his face, which I was relieved to note was also unadorned by paint.

The king came up to us then, resplendent in his own finery, declaring himself the representative of The One Who Is, and that he was here to acknowledge and witness our Bonding.

I hardly heard a word he said. My attention was divided between the soft nest of blankets next to us, a small bottle of oil tucked discreetly into one corner, and on the man standing in front of me. Qui-Gon Jinn, my master, my friend, and all I could think of was that very soon I was going to be fucking him.

Gentler words didn't seem to fit. This was not an act of love but one of necessity, just one more thing that we would do for the sake of a mission and the code that we live by. It was just sex, nothing more.

So why did the idea excite me so much? So much so that I was nearly squirming where I stood, my skin seeming strangely sensitized by the silky material against it. Why did I want this so badly? Was it perhaps a sense of power that I would have over one who had always had power over me? I sincerely hoped not. I had to wonder though, how it was that I hadn't noticed just how beautiful Qui-Gon was until this time when I was forced to see it. How could I have missed the sensuous curve of his lips, how very blue his eyes were, eyes that were locked on mine, holding me prisoner before his quiet stare. Why hadn't I noticed?

I pushed those thoughts aside. I could meditate on them later. At this moment I had to concentrate on the now, and on the fact that the King had stopped speaking and had stepped back, seating himself on his own pillow and leaving myself and Qui-Gon to stand in front of the dais, alone.

We looked at each other, not moving for a moment before I took a deep breath and stepped forward. Qui-Gon did as well, meeting me halfway and as his head tilted down towards mine, it occurred to me that we had forgotten some very important details in our little 'practice session', we hadn't even kissed. And then I had no more time to fret over the lack as Qui-Gon's lips closed over mine.

It was a gentle, seeking kiss, strangely different than kissing a woman, not as soft, but no less arousing. His beard scraped lightly, but not unpleasantly and he held me almost chastely, hardly touching.

I was the one who deepened it, letting my tongue lightly trace his lips, probing, and he opened his mouth. The tip of his tongue touched mine and I shivered, the contact was electric. I slid my tongue past his teeth, into the darker recesses of his mouth, exploring the velvety lining. His tongue twined with mine, darting teasingly into my mouth before drawing back so that he could suck my lower lip gently.

Only the need for oxygen pulled me away, panting heavily from just that one kiss. I wasn't sure that I was going to survive this. Just as I would have leaned forward and captured his lips again, my eyes caught on one of the witnesses, who was watching avidly. Arousal seeped out of me and I felt my erection wilt. How was I supposed to do this with these people -staring- at me?

Qui-Gon must have felt how suddenly unnerved I was. He captured my chin in his hand, forcing me to look at him. He said nothing, only looked into my eyes, the grip on my chin turned into a caress as his hand shifted, slid up my cheek. I closed my eyes, leaned into the touch and I felt him move forward again. Expecting a kiss, I was startled by the feel of his lips on my ear.

"Don't look at them, Obi-Wan. Just look at me. Concentrate on me, love, just on me." A part of my brain caught that soft endearment and whisked it away to a secret place in the back of my head for safekeeping. And then my thoughts deserted me again when I felt the tip of his tongue against my ear, lightly tracing its way down the outer curve before dipping moistly inside, nibbling the soft lobe in a way that had me shivering.

A stifled cough from the other side of the room, and my eyes flew towards it. The soft nipping turned into a hard bite and I winced, returning my attention to the man before me.

He was scattering kisses all over my face, petal soft touches against my eyes, down my cheeks, my nose. I could feel the heat of his hands on my shoulders. The barrier of my robe cushioned the pressure of his fingertips, his hands moved easily over the slick material.

Again, his lips against mine, harder now, almost bruising pressure. He forced my mouth open with his tongue, thrusting deeply inside, insistently. Before I could do more than helplessly respond he was gone again, his mouth biting a trail down the line of my jaw to my neck where he was stopped by the collar of my robe.

Without asking permission or even hesitating, he unfastened the first tie, the one at my throat, pulling the end of the ribbon with his teeth. The satiny material gaped slightly and he pressed his face against the newly exposed flesh. I felt him inhale deeply against my skin, as if he was absorbing my scent, before he moved on to the next tie.

Eyes closed, I stood there, swaying on my feet as he flicked his tongue wetly against my skin, pushing the material aside so that he could reach my nipple. He bit it, hard enough to sting but I had barely flinched before he was soothing the abused flesh, sucking it gently, laving it with his tongue until it was a stiff wet peak. Soft, damp kisses trailed across my chest as he made his way to the other side, biting harder this time. I whimpered softly before I could help myself and instantly I was soothed, gentle sweeping licks teased away the brief flash of pain.

Another tie loosened, this time at my stomach and I dimly realized that Qui-Gon was on his knees before me. He licking the taut flesh of my abdomen, traced the lines of the muscles with his tongue. The last tie fell free, exposing the entire front of my body to him and to our witnesses, although that seemed to matter a great deal less as Qui-Gon rubbed his cheek against my erection. The coarse hair lightly abrading my sensitive flesh had every nerve in my body prickling. I discovered I had buried my fingers in the length of his hair only when he captured my wrists to stop my pulling.

Opening my eyes, I looked down at him on his knees before me, my wrists held loosely in his hands, he looked for all the world like a pleasure- slave instead of the Jedi master I knew him to be. He was still rubbing against the stiff length of my cock, like a cat, the roughness of his beard interspersed with the soft, yielding touch of his lips. And the caress of his eyes. Even as he touched me, his eyes were on my face, watching me.

Watching me watch him as he let his tongue run up my hard shaft, the soft underside of it slid against the head before he deliberately lapped at the tip, his lips shiny with the fluid that was steadily weeping from my cock.

I really did sway then, unsteadily, and he caught me, lowered me backwards until I was sprawled on softness of our prepared bed. He followed, kneeling between my legs, looking at me silently. Waiting and after a moment I realized why. I shifted upwards on my elbows, reaching for the ties of his robe.

My trembling fingers quickly made knots of the slender ribbons and I was close to breaking the damn things when his hand caught mine, helping me. His robe was an obstacle not to be borne and it was discarded far more hastily than mine was. Naked, finally, before me and now I could touch, taste and I wasted no time doing so.

I pushed him back until he was lying down, spread out in all his glory and my greedy eyes decided he had plenty of glory to see. His skin gleamed in the faint candlelight; his chest was lightly dusted with hair that narrowed into a line at his belly, trailing downward before it widened into a nest of dark curls. His cock was rising up from that soft hair, crimson and heavy, engorged with blood. And I wanted it all.

I shifted so that I was above him, lowering myself slowly and a groan escaped me as I felt the heat of his flesh against mine. I heard his breath hiss out from between his teeth as I shifted, moving so that my cock was pressed against his.

Dipping my head, I tongued at the pliant flesh of his neck, tasting salt and sweat and perhaps the oils that had been rubbed into our skin. I sucked hard, leaving a mark on the pale flesh, wanting to brand him as mine without pausing to consider why. I couldn't consider anything, not with him arching beneath me, pressing his cock urgently against my stomach.

"Obi-Wan," he hissed, pushing at me and I went, sensing his agitation. I stared at him, uncomprehending, his eyes were widely dilated, only a thin rim of blue around a pool of inky blackness, his breaths coming in harsh gasps and I couldn't understand why he was pushing me away when he so obviously wanted more.

I leaned back in, but he persisted, pushing me back even as he raised his knees. I resurfaced a bit, the fog of desire lifting enough for comprehension to dawn. Oh yes. Copulation.

I darted a glance upward, at our nearly forgotten audience, my eyes meeting those of the witness closest to us. The Viamcountess.

I don't know what I expected to see in her eyes, amusement certainly, boredom perhaps. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. Disbelieving, I opened myself up to the Force, just a bit, and the emotions that assailed me from these people made me reel.

Not amusement, certainly not boredom, just the certainty that they were watching something very sacred and very beautiful. And very arousing, the amount of sheer lust in the room was like a blast of heat against my skin.

And now, oddly, knowing how they were seeing me, I wanted them to watch, wanted them to see me with this beautiful man, to see me claim him. I came back to myself, returning my focus to Qui-Gon and, looking into his eyes, I knew that he felt the same.

My lifted my hands to rest tentatively on Qui-Gon's knees. Much as I wanted this, I was still a bit nervous. This was not something I had done, with a man or a woman. Oh, I knew what to do, in theory, but I hadn't tested that theory before now.

Evading for just a moment longer, I leaning downward, giving in to an earlier temptation and following the line of hair down his belly with my lips, to his erection. I touched my lips to the wet tip, took the throbbing length into my mouth and felt more than heard the deep shuddering groan from my master.

"Obi-Wan, please'...I can't'...oh, please," whispered hoarsely and I pulled back. No more stalling, I knew. We were both pushed to our limits, our need heightened until it was almost painful. Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm myself just a bit, reaching over to pick up the small bottle of oil. My trembling fingers struggled briefly with the cap and when it popped open I spilled a small amount onto Qui-Gon's stomach.

He smiled, his lips just barely curving and he slid a hand down his chest to the small pool of liquid, spreading it over his chest and stomach, and lower, rubbing his slick hand up his cock. I watched, the bottle of oil forgotten, mesmerized at the sight of him stroking himself. The candlelight made his oiled skin gleam with a diffused glow. He shifted upward, his hand leaving his erection to instead capture mine, coating it with the slick oil.

I made a noise that was far closer to a squeak than I like to admit as he touched me, one finger lightly teasing my balls before he pulled back and lay back down, again waiting, always waiting. For me. It was a heady thought, as dizzying as a draught of strong liquor

I shook my head, trying to clear it somewhat. Pouring some of the oil into the palm of my hand, I used it to coat my fingers, and, pushing aside any lingering misgivings, I brought them down to the entrance of his body. The small opening there was tight, resisted my efforts to penetrate, but I persisted, finally pushing one finger past the tight, muscled ring. Qui-Gon made a soft sound, arching upwards and pushing my finger a bit deeper. His wanton display made blood rush straight to my cock and I throbbed painfully, wanting to be inside him with a need that bordered on desperation.

But not if it hurt my master. Carefully, I pushed my finger deeper, willing the muscles there to loosen. Almost as if he'd heard me, Qui- Gon relaxed, letting my finger slide deeper still. I twisted my finger slightly, working it in and out until the movement was easy and smooth.

Withdrawing, I oiled my fingers again, this time pressing two fingers in and this was a bit harder, I saw Qui-Gon's hands shift to the loose blankets beneath us, and knot into them. But he didn't protest, didn't ask me to stop, even tilted his hips up, silently asking for more. I pushed harder and again, his body opened for me, resistance easing as I worked at the muscle, waiting for him to relax, to accept and a handful of heartbeats later he did.

Again I withdrew, more oil and this time I spread it over my cock until it fairly dripped, slick and wet. I was ready, beyond ready. All hesitation burned away by need and I tugged on Qui-Gon's hips, urging him to wrap his legs around my waist. He did it instantly, and I leaned forward, steadying my cock with my hand, until the tip was pressed against Qui-Gon's anus.

I almost came right then from the soft pressure and it took every ounce of control I had left within me not to simple thrust inside. Instead, I pressed gently, leaning forward. Resistance, and I slid my hands down to Qui-Gon's hips, holding him as I pressed a little harder. The muscled ring finally gave, enclosed over just the head of my cock and I heard Qui-Gon suck in a sharp breath, his face tight.

Now I knew I was hurting him and I would have pulled back, but he refused to let me, holding me against him with his legs around my waist. And so I waited for the tension to leave him and surely not even the trials could be as difficult as this, to kneel here with just the very tip of my cock wrapped in tight heat.

Finally, an eternity or a heartbeat later, he relaxed, and I eased in a bit further, stopping at any hint of pain. I entered him in careful degrees until finally I was buried inside as deeply as I could go.

One deep breath, another, oh, I'd never dreamed this, couldn't have imagined it. It was nothing like being with a woman, this channel seemed to pull me in, almost painfully tight around me, Force, such heat, so exquisitely hot and tight.

I pulled back ever so slightly, pushed back in and Qui-Gon moaned, loudly, obviously not from pain and that uninhibited sound coming from my controlled master was the most erotic thing I had ever heard.

Again, in, out, and he clutched at the blankets, tightening his legs around me and I complied, thrusting in with a bit of force now, a bit faster. Sweat was sliding down my face, I could feel it dripping off me as I pulled out, savored the long, languid slide back in. Any thought that I might be hurting was banished as Qui-Gon clung to me desperately, arching up into each thrust. Moans had given way to almost unintelligible words and I closed my eyes, just listening to the passion-roughened voice below me.

"Yes..yes, oh gods, yes, Force yes, please, Obi-Wan, please, please, PLEASE!" the last was nearly a shout as I thrust in hard, my hand capturing his neglected erection, stroking it in time with my thrusts.

I could feel the swirl of emotions just past my mental shields and I let them ease down, opening myself up to the Force and felt all the emotion in the room rush in to fill me, heat, passion. I could feel the witnesses around us, I could feel Qui-Gon and my pleasure doubled, tripled. I was lost now, almost ramming into my master as all my control swirled away from me and into the red tendrils of Force that I could see in my mind's eye, filling the room like a mist, centering on me. No, on -us-.

Harder, deeper and if I could have crawled inside him at that moment I would have. I reveled in the feel of eyes upon me, their eyes, his eyes.

A sheer force of will opened my eyes and I looked down at my master, seeing him in this instant as I had never seen him before. His hair was in a wild disarray, clinging damply to his face and shoulders, his skin flushed, his hands clenched into fists as his body rocked slightly backward with every thrust of my hips. And nothing had ever seemed as beautiful to me as he seemed in that frozen moment of time.

My climax slammed into me as I slammed into him. A broken scream tore free from my lips as I poured into him, felt Qui-Gon's hands grab my arms, digging bruise-deep as his cock strained in my grasp and he came in a rush of liquid fire over my hand. I pushed as deeply inside as could, struggling to get deeper still and I screamed again, helpless in a rush of pure sensation that I couldn't have controlled even if I had wanted to. It seemed that it would never end that I would spill all that I was deep inside the haven around my cock.

And then it was over.

Dazed, I collapsed down into his arms, trembling with the aftershocks of a completely unexpected storm. I shifted slightly and my softening cock slid from Qui-Gon's body, we both made a soft sound at the feeling of it. Qui-Gon held me, gently petting my hair and when I felt as if I breathe without sobbing, I pulled back, to see him. And looking in his eyes, I thought I saw something then, something that I had never thought to see in him, certainly not directed at me.

I thought I saw fear.

But then he blinked and it was gone, leaving me to wonder if I had imagined it. I hadn't time to wonder long, Qui-Gon was already shifting, moving me to kneel before him and gathering our robes. We did, after all, have a Bonding ceremony to complete.

After the 'copulation' the rest of the ceremony was quite simple. We both managed to get our robes on with at least a couple of the ties fastened. When we were somewhat presentable, the king approached us and announced on behalf of all the witnesses that we were now a bonded couple.

Then he took a small jar that he had been holding, of some kind of darkly colored ointment, dipped his finger in it and drew a symbol on my forehead. I watched, suppressing a shaft of amusement, as Qui-Gon had to lean down to allow the king to repeat the gesture on him.

And that was it. The king clapped his hands and all the witnesses rose, the group of them leading us back to our rooms and ushered us inside. The door shut softly behind us and we were alone together.

For about ten seconds.

The door had barely clicked shut before Qui-Gon turned away and walked into the fresher, shutting the door behind him. I heard the shower start a moment later.

A brief flare of pique went through me that he was so eager to clean away every trace of me from his skin. It was followed immediately by horrified shame, what in the hells was I thinking? Of course he would want to shower, we were both sweaty and sticky. And could I blame him for wanting to wash away an encounter that neither of us had exactly wanted?

The enormity of what we had done was slowly sinking in and if I had thought I had used up my capacity for embarrassment I was sorely mistaken.

A meal had been laid out for us and I fixed a plate for myself, sitting down to pick at it. I managed to mangle the food sufficiently without eating a bite, keeping my mind carefully blank. I looked up as Qui-Gon walked out of the fresher, toweling his hair dry.

"You can take a shower now, Obi-Wan." He didn't look at me.

I felt a faint sense of deja vu, had it only been a few days earlier that he had said something very similar to me? And yet not similar at all. How was it that after what had just happened his voice could sound so distant?

I murmured some kind of appropriate response and walked toward the fresher just as he lowered the towel from his head and left us abruptly face to face.

He looked just as he had before. There was no outward change, no additional lines or marks of stress. Nothing but a dark smudge still on his forehead, left by the ointment and without thinking I reached up to wipe it away.

He recoiled as if he thought I was going to strike him. Something twisted in my stomach, a pinprick of hurt, as I watched him catch himself, forced himself to endure my touch. I quickly wiped away the stain and turned away, going into the fresher before I caused him any more pain. I had already caused quite enough damage already, that much was obvious.

I stood under the spray of hot water, let it pummel away sweat and tension. It was going to be all right, I chanted silently, everything was going to be fine. We just needed some time that was all. The memory was too fresh, too new. Just time and then everything would go back to normal.

But when I was clean and dry and I walked out into the common room to find that Qui-Gon had already gone to his bedroom, his door shut, that pinprick of pain sharpened to a knife blade.

Feeling strangely rejected, I went into my room, sinking onto the silky sheets and burying my face gratefully into the cool pillows.

Time, I told myself, and then things would return to the way that they were, the way they were supposed to be.

I spent the rest of the night trying to convince myself that it was true.

The next morning when I awoke, Qui-Gon was already up and dressed. I pulled on my own clothes silently, going over to the door. I hung back in the shadows, watching him as he moved around the room, gathering up what few things we had brought with us and packing them away. I remembered belatedly that we were to return to Coruscant today.

It was just too damn bad that today was one day too late. I blinked, appalled at the bitterness of that thought. I made myself take a deep breath, releasing the emotion. Time, I reminded myself.

"Obi-Wan, don't hover in the doorway."

I jumped slightly at the sound of his voice and then grimaced inwardly. Stupid of me to think he wouldn't notice. With great reluctance I moved into the room.

"I'm almost finished packing, Obi-Wan," he continued, "And our ship doesn't leave for several hours yet. You may have the day to yourself."

It didn't take a force-sensitive to hear the dismissal in his tone and I snatched up the opportunity gratefully. I all but fled from the room, pausing at the door to give him a quick bow before I left.

The memories of what had happened yesterday were still too close to the surface for him as well it would seem. And I desperately needed a little distance, some time to learn how to deal with this. It had gone much farther than either of us had meant, I believe, both of us had gotten carried away by the rush of sex, done things we hadn't intended.

I was halfway down the hall before a stray thought assaulted me. I couldn't remember the last time he had called me Padawan. The word was almost more of an affectionate nickname than a title, truly I hadn't heard him use my given name as much as he had lately since before I'd been apprenticed to him.

The twisting pain flared to life again and I ruthlessly pushed it aside. Time, I repeated doggedly. Everything was going to be fine.

I hoped.

I wandered aimlessly through the palace and found myself in the gardens. I walked slowly through them, half-heartedly looking for a place to meditate, although it wasn't meditation that I really wanted.

I wanted to stop hurting.

And I couldn't forget that this was entirely my fault, that I had started this. I sighed, rubbing my temples to ward off the headache that was forming. Could things get any worse?

"Jedi Kenobi?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin at the soft voice behind me. Damn and damn again, I was going to die of heart failure before my next birthday if people didn't stop startling me! I turned to see that the owner of the voice was the Viamcountess.

Had I actually thought things couldn't get worse? I should know better by now.

"Jedi Kenobi, may I speak with you for a moment?"

I was in no mood to deal with her shenanigans today and I had to bite back harsh words. Jedi diplomacy and her strange quietness were all that held me back. I gave her a short nod of assent.

She came directly to the point, "I owe you an apology, Jedi, sir, to you and your lover both. It was very rude of me to suggest to my uncle that a bonding ceremony would be a good way to repay you. I knew that you would both be uncomfortable with it and that you would have no choice but to allow the ceremony. I apologize for my actions, then and before." She bowed low to me.

I gaped at her lower head for several seconds, only realizing I was doing it when she spoke again, her voice sad. "I understand if you cannot forgive me, I only wanted the opportunity to tell you of my regrets. Thank you for that." She bowed a fraction lower before standing straight again and turning to walk away.

I found my voice quickly, "Wait! Wait, your Grace, a moment." She paused, looking at me warily. I searched desperately for words, "I don't understand," I said, finally, "Why are you telling me this? Why did you even ask me to be your consort, you had to know that I would say no...even if I wasn't betrothed," I added hastily.

She looked down again, seemed to struggle for words. "When the revolt happened, I..I couldn't believe that such a thing could occur! We were always so safe here in the castle. And then we were all going to die and I had never been so afraid in my life." She looked up at me again and for the first time since our arrival, when she had started to pester me, I really saw her.

Despite her clothes and attitude, I abruptly realized that she was actually much younger than I was and surely had less life experience to fall back on. To tumble suddenly from grace and into your own impending death would inspire terror in anyone, especially one so young, less in years than in maturity. I dragged my attention back to what she was saying.

"And then you came and saved us and I thought...I thought that if you stayed that you could keep us safe." Her earnestly spoken words and bright eyes sent a new sensation to churn in my stomach: guilt.

Her eyes lowered again and she twisted her fingers together as she continued. "And when you refused me I just felt helpless! And I just wanted to hurt someone. But then, when I watched your Bonding ceremony and it was so obvious to me how much you loved each other. I saw then how wrong I was, to take my anger out on you." She surreptitiously wiped her eyes on her sleeve. "I have witnessed before but I can truly say that I have never seen such depth of emotion between a couple. It was most beautiful and I will treasure the memory of it."

That I could go from feeling ill-used by this woman to feeling like a jackass in such a short span of time had to be some kind of record. Hadn't my master warned me not to judge people so harshly? I had done this woman a great disservice in not looking past the artifice of her flirting and seeing how truly frightened she really was.

And aside from that I felt like the worst kind of liar. When my master and I left this planet, we would be leaving behind the bond that she admired so. We'd be leaving it all behind. I felt a strange hollowness in my chest at the thought and I rubbed it absently, trying to ease the ache. I should have eaten before I took off wandering.

Bowing low to the young woman, I accepted her apology as best I could. "I thank you for your honesty, your Grace, let me assure you that I hold no anger towards you."

She nodded again and smiled, looking twice as beautiful in her sincerity than she had in the deception of her seduction.

"Thank you for you time, Jedi Kenobi," she responded.

"Obi-Wan. My name is Obi-Wan," I said impulsively and was rewarded with a brighter smile.

"Obi-Wan," she repeated, "I wish you and your love much happiness." Another quick bow and she left, disappearing into the gardens.

Whatever else I had lost on this planet, at least I was coming away with a friend. And at the reminder of losses, I thought again of leaving this planet and of all that Qui-Gon and I would leave here with it. Leaving our false bond. Somehow, the thought felt empty.

The three days that it took for us to get to Coruscant were easily the longest of my life. Instead of things getting better once we left Hroka, they seemed worse than ever.

Not the Qui-Gon was cruel to me or ignored me. He was, as ever, the consummate teacher, assigning me lessons, working on the training exorcises that had been neglected during our mission. He wasn't rude or snide. He just...was. It was as if all the warmth had been bled out of him. And I was at a loss as to how I could change that. I was quickly losing something that I'd never even known I had until it was taken from me.

When I looked at him and saw no kindness, no gentle humor, none of those things that were such a part of my master, guilt rose up in me until I thought I would choke. My doing, all of this and I didn't know how to change it.

And so I did nothing, concentrating on fulfilling my duties as best as I possible could. It was only at night, as I lay awake on my pallet listening to him breath from across the room, that I let myself think about it, wondering about the stranger who was wearing my master's face.

Our ship had landed and we were getting ready to disembark when Qui-Gon finally spoke to me about something other than my lessons. We were in our shared quarters, gathering the last of our possessions.

"You can take your things back to your quarters, Obi-Wan. I need to report to the Council," he said, the same bland, even tone he had used for the past days.

I'm your Padawan, my mind screamed, why won't you call me that!

All that past my lips was a soft, "Yes, Master."

"Obi-Wan." He hesitated, setting down his satchel and turning to look at me fully. I saw him struggle briefly with something, the wall that had formed between us wavered, but his next words slammed it back in place instantly.

"Obi-Wan, I think it would be best if we were separated for a time. It would help us to deal better with..." he faltered slightly, "things."

No. No, no, oh please, no, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen, no, no, nononono...

"Whatever you think is best, Master." I was faintly surprised that he heard me, my voice had all but died away and I couldn't hear it over the rush of blood in my ears.

His eyes rested on me for a moment longer before they flicked away. He looked down as he cleared his throat.

"Yes, well, you needn't worry about your training," he added hurriedly, "it will do you some good to train with some of the other masters for a time."

My training, of course, I thought dully, mustn't forget my training. For the first time in my life, I could have cared less if I ever trained again. The galaxy was crumbling down around me and all I could do was stand here and stare at the man who was causing it, trying to memorize ever line of his face before it was gone.

He hesitated again, raising his eyes to mine and I saw a glimpse of my master behind the stranger he had become.

"It will be all right, Obi-Wan," he said softly, one hand reaching up as if to touch me. It dropped back suddenly, as if he had caught himself and he straightened visibly, picking up his satchel.

"Well then, I need to speak with the Council." He bowed slightly and I returned it out of reflex more than anything. And then without another word he walked out the door and he was gone.

Everything that I was holding fell from my hands as darkness wavered before my eyes. I stumbled backwards until I hit the wall, sliding down it to the floor. I pulled my knees up, curled into myself as tightly as I could.

I couldn't breath, I was suffocating and I struggled to pull air into my lungs. I couldn't hold all this in, hadn't believed that this kind of pain could even exist.

And it was my fault, all of it, all because of a miserable, foolish little joke. Gods, how could I have been so stupid, why hadn't I thought of consequences? With one thoughtless action I'd lost the most important person in my life.

And I had nothing to blame but my own idiocy. I press my fist against my mouth, bit it until I tasted the bitterness of blood. I had to or I else I was going to start screaming and I wasn't sure I would be able to stop. That faint sense of emptiness was turning into a gaping void that threatened to consume me.


I lifted my head, pulling my hand away. No, I was not going to let this happen, I was not going to simply cower here on the cold floor and let my life be ripped apart. I would find away to make amends for this. I would.

By strength of will alone I got to my feet, grimacing at the ribbon of blood trailing down my hand. There had to be a way for me to fix this and I was going to find it.

No matter what the cost.

A week later I wasn't as sure to my ability to make amends. How was I to make things right if I couldn't even find Qui-Gon to talk to him? Apparently, all the masters without a padawan had decided it was their duty to see to my training and I had gone through so many exercises that I was still doing them in my dreams.

Today, I'd managed to sneak out of my quarters before another master with good intentions could capture me for the day.

I had to speak to Qui-Gon. He was still on Coruscant, I could tell that much through our bond but he was so shielded against me, I could feel little else. And investigating where he might have gone on my own had been useless.

I wasn't giving up yet. There was at least one person that I knew could tell me where my master was. I only hoped that he would speak to me, especially if he was aware of what had happened.

His face was startled when he opened the door to find me standing at the threshold, but not upset, thank the Force, considering the hour of morning. He ushered me inside and sat me down with a cup of tea before I'd had a chance to do more than bow in greeting.

"Well, then, Padawan Kenobi, what is it that I can do for you?" he asked, settling in the chair opposite of me with his own cup. I considered my words carefully. I knew that Master Windu was an old friend of Qui-Gon's and would surely know where he was hiding away. But he was also a Council member and I wasn't sure exactly what my master had told them. Much as I wanted to find Qui-Gon, I didn't to get him into any trouble.

Almost as if he was reading my thoughts, and there was a decent chance that he was, he sat his cup down and laid a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"It's all right, Obi-Wan, you can talk with me about anything," he said kindly, "If it eases you, nothing that we speak of will leave this room."

That certainly answered the question of what he knew. I sat there a moment longer, tea forgotten as I looked for the best way the phrase my words.

"I need to speak with my Master," I finally blurted out. Well, those words would do. "I was hoping that perhaps you could tell me where he is, I've been looking for him..." My voice trailed off at the look on his face. He looked startled, no, more than that he looked shocked.

"Do you mean that no one has told you?" I felt a ripple of uneasiness go through me at his tone.

"Told me what?" I asked warily. I really had a bad feeling about this.

His expression changed to one of utter sympathy, immeasurable sadness; the compassion on his face turned my unease into nausea. No, this could not be good.

"Obi-Wan," he reached over and took one of my suddenly cold hands into his before very gently saying, "I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you. He went into the Tower Gardens yesterday."

Unthinkingly, I shook my head, hardly realizing I was doing it. My composure was a thin veneer over panic that was welling up from deep inside, gibbering and screaming just below the surface.

"No," I whispered. It was almost as if I was in a trance. Master Windu's face blurred before my eyes and I felt strangely detached, like I was only a watcher in this.

I watched with distant bemusement as Master Windu touched my face lightly. I felt it as if through a layer of cushioning.

"...I thought he would talk to you...would have told you myself...this isn't..." I could hear fragments of words making their way through the distance around me. I could not accept this. It was impossible.

The Tower Gardens. A place set aside for those who were full Knights or Masters. A place of calm and serenity. And also a place for those Jedi who had touched Darkness. Not a place for my master, not for Qui-Gon.

I'd heard nothing more about them than rumors, stories that children whispered about. The gardens provided complete solitude for those who were troubled to meditate and think. And to decide. Many of those who entered the gardens did not return, preferring to return their life energy to the Force rather than turn to darkness. It was a place of last resort.

I was on my feet and walking out of the room before I'd thought about it, ignoring Master Windu's concerned questions as I left. All of my manners were burned away in a rush of determination. This, I was not going to allow, this was -not- going to happen and there was only one person who could help me now.

"I just need to speak with him," I said patiently, for the hundredth time. Master Yoda was pacing in front of me, his walking stick making a fairly annoying clicking sound and I fought the urge to fidget.

I had told him everything, sparing only the most intimate details. Master Yoda was silent throughout my entire confession, unreadable. I'm not sure what exactly my master had told him, if anything. I desperately hoped that I wasn't making matters worse with this, but there was no lying to Master Yoda. He would feel it instantly, and if I wanted his help then I had to offer him the complete truth. As the Senior Council member, he could allow me to go into the gardens and speak to Qui-Gon. He was also my last chance.

He stopped pacing, turned to face me and my heart leapt into my throat, my nerves twanging as I waited for his answer. He studied me, searching for he only knew what, before finally speaking.

"What is it you think to say, to change his mind?"

"I..." I fell silent, my mind totally blank. I hadn't even thought about what I was going to say to him. What could I say? For that matter, did I even have the right?

Yoda tapped his cane on the floor, snapping my attention back to him. "Insistent you are to see him, Padawan. There is something you need to tell him, yes?"

I hesitated again, stammering, "I...I just want to talk to him...I have to...I..." My voice deserted me and all I could do was look at Master Yoda with a growing sense of despair.

I had no idea what to say to him. All I knew was that I felt an aching emptiness inside me, a void, where something, someone, should be. Someone...


Oh. Oh, how could I have been so blind! Why had it taken something like this to open my eyes? How long had I been hiding from this? I hadn't noticed how beautiful he was, how much I needed him, how he filled a place inside me. And I certainly hadn't noticed how I...

I looked back at Master Yoda. He was watching me expectantly, actually smiling faintly and I abruptly realized how neatly he had trapped me. It might have been amusing under different circumstances. Now all I felt was an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

"I have to tell him that I love him," I said softly, finally saying aloud words that I hadn't even allowed myself to think.

Master Yoda nodded, once. "Enter the gardens, you may."

I followed Master Yoda through the Temple halls, trying to quell my rising impatience as I matched my pace to his. If I could have, I would have run ahead and left him to his own devices, but not only did I not know where the gardens were, I didn't even know where we were now.

Already Master Yoda had had to stop at several doors and key in his entry code so that we could pass. I had known that the Temple was large but I hadn't realized how large until just this moment, when we walked for what seemed like hours down corridors that I didn't recognize.

Finally, after an eternity, we stopped at yet another door. It was unremarkable, to say the least, as plain as the door of my quarters. But I knew without a doubt that my master was beyond it. I could feel it in a part of my soul that I had only just begun to recognize. Master Yoda said not a word. He simply keyed open the door and then turned to leave. I waited, watching him hobble away until he was out of sight, before I, with great trepidation, pushed open the door.

Every expectation that I had ever had of the Tower gardens was swept away when I took my first step inside. Just the thought of these gardens was so ominous to me that I imagined some great, dark place where the souls of the damned came to wail their atonement. Perhaps a few bones of sentient life-forms thrown around for good measure.

Nothing could have been further from the truth. It was large, that was certain, but there was no darkness here. Sunlight streamed in from the ceiling, which was one clear sheet of, perhaps glass? I could hear running water from somewhere but it was the garden itself that caught most of my attention.

Never, in all the planets we had visited, had I seen such sheer beauty as I did in this garden. Not just from the plants, although their variety certainly added to it. It was a sense of purity that arose here, so rich in life and light that it was difficult to believe that darkness could even exist. Never had I felt so close to the living Force as I did just then, standing just inside the door of a place I had thought to be made up of ugliness.

Stupid of me and really this stupidity was getting to be something of a habit. What better place for those touched by darkness than a place that could make you forget that it existed?

I shook off the giddiness that clung to me from standing here in this much lifeforce, remembering why I was here. It didn't take so much as a tendril of Force to find him. He was the only thing in this garden that was not completely embraced in light.

I walked toward him, carefully, one step at a time, making my way through the plants, following that beacon of misery. I didn't bother to disguise my presence. He would have known the moment I stepped inside the door.

"Why are you here?"

Felt my presence indeed. I followed his voice as much as I followed my sense of him. "I need to speak with you."

"Obi-Wan, we are supposed to be separated for a time."

This is your idea of being separated for a time?! "I don't want to be separated from you," I said. Another step. "Master, I..."

"Don't call me that!"

My heart rose into my throat at his words. I knew that there was a very real possibility that my love for him would not be returned. That this had all just been a lead up to him finally rejecting me as his Padawan. But even as much as the thought hurt, ripped new wounds into my already aching spirit, I knew I had to tell him how I felt. I had not come this far to just simply slink away in defeat. I'd been trained far too well for that. A deep breath and another step closer then, "Why not?"

"I'm not worthy of the title." That stopped me right quickly. Of all the things he could have said, this was not something I had anticipated. My voice was almost indignant as I answered him. "Master, that isn't true."

A laugh then, and I cringed to hear the bitterness in it, a sound I would never have believed could come from my master. "Truth! What do you know of truth?" Again, that laugh. The sound of it made my skin crawl. "Do you really want to hear truth? Let me tell you truth."

His voice changed, sounding as if it were wrapped in silk. "Did you really think that I could not have found another way to stop that bonding ceremony? Do you? I didn't even try! The very second the king suggested it, I nearly leapt at the opportunity! I..."

His bitter laughter seemed to melt away, turning instead to something like a sob and my whole being ached to hear it. "I told myself it was for the good of the mission, that we had to go through with this bonding and then when I read what the ceremony entailed...I should have stopped it! I should have...but I just...I wanted..."

Silence, broken by a soft choking sound. Then, so faintly that I had to strain to hear it, "By the Force, how could I have done that to you? How could I have used you like that?"

Another step and I saw him then, sitting on the ground in a small clearing, his knees drawn up and his forehead resting on them. He looked so small; nothing of the strong disciplined Jedi showed in him at this moment. He looked like a man, only a man, who had been broken down by the weight of the universe on his shoulders. And looking at him, so hurt and lost, I felt such love within. If I had had any doubts about my feelings they were erased in the wash of emotion inside me, that it was this -man- that I loved, with every particle of my being.

"Qui-Gon," I murmured, saw his entire body tense, although he didn't look at me. "Qui-Gon, I said, louder, sharply and I went to him, touched his shoulder. He flinched away from me. I dropped to a crouch next to him, speaking urgently, "Qui-Gon, did -you- really think that if I hadn't been at least subconsciously agreeable to the bonding that I would have gone through with it? Without looking for loopholes of my own?" Even as I said the words, I knew that they were true.

That got his attention and he raised his head to look at me then and I ached to see the weariness in his eyes, the shadows beneath them. I smiled gently, warmly, cupped his cheeks in my palms and relished the coarse feel of his beard against my palms. And before he could pull back I leaned forward and brushed my lips against his in a quick caress.

"My love, I follow you, but not blindly. Have you ever known me to obey you in something I don't believe in without questioning you? Have you?"

He shuddered again, closing his eyes. "Don't call me that. Please," he begged.

"Why not? You have been everything to me, my teacher, my friend, my lover. And I love you." I pressed soft kisses over his face, tasted the salt of tears.

He flung himself away from me then, skittering backwards, crushing plants beneath him until he was pressed against the base of a large tree. He stared at me with wild eyes, breathing heavily, his hands out in front of him as if to ward me off. "Don't -say- that!"

I stood and walked towards him, pushing aside his hands to kneel before him. I took his face in my hands again, lightly stroked his temples with my thumbs. "Why not? Is my love for you so wrong then?" I asked softly.

"No," he whispered hoarsely, "No, not wrong. But I can't..." I silenced him with my lips, could feel his control slipping, feel the battle within as he struggled not to respond.

Gently, gently, so as not to startle him away again, I let just the tip of my tongue tease his lips. I felt him shudder, his hands moving to my shoulders to push me away. He shook his head, holding me away from him.

"Obi-Wan, this is wrong. I can't..."

I felt tears of my own burning in my eyes and I blinked hard, trying to hold them back, but they came anyway, leaving hot trails down my face. "I'm your Padawan, why won't you call me that anymore?"

His eyes darkened to that impossible shade of blue that I remembered far too well and that memory sent fresh agony to throb through my heart. I closed my eyes to block it out, but I saw them anyway, looking at me through my memories. I felt gentle fingers touch my cheeks, trying to brush the tears away but more simply fell down from beneath my closed lids.

"Don't. Obi-Wan...Padawan...don't please...I didn't mean..."

Fresh tears pricked my eyes at the sound of that long-cherished word leaving his lips. I struggled for air, trying to speak. "You promised me that you would never hurt me. So why do I feel as if you are killing me now?"

I heard him draw in a sharp breath and I managed to open my eyes, to look at him through the crystal shadowing of tears. His hand trembled against my cheek before curling into a fist, still pressed against my temple until with an anguished sound he suddenly pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me as he clung to me, pressing desperate kisses to my cheeks, kissing away the tears and the pain.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I never meant to..." he pressed his lips to mine, cutting off his own words. Kissed me frantically, his tongue invading my mouth and I let him in, eagerly. My entire body went hot with a wave of desire so strong that I shook as I jerked open Qui-Gon's tunic, exposing his chest to my anxious fingers. He gasped against my mouth, pulling back a bit without releasing me.

"Obi-Wan, not here," whispered against my lips, even as his mouth trailed down my neck.

"Yes, here!" I insisted. I needed this, needed it to be here, to let the lightness of this garden to wash away the loss, the aching emptiness that had plagued me since he'd left. I paused at that thought, pulled back to look at him uncertainly. "If you don't want..."

His lips silenced me, his hands as frantic as mine as he stripped me of my belt and sash before practically ripping off my tunic. I heard the seams of his tunic strain as I tugged it off, ignored the sound. He pushed me back on the haphazard pile of our clothing, his mouth devouring mine. I wrapped my legs around the backs of his, holding him as close as possible as I arched upward, rubbing my erection against the hardness that I could feel through the thin barrier of his trousers.

He was gasping, making soft sounds of pleasure against my lips and suddenly it wasn't enough, I needed more than this, I needed everything.

I pushed him back and off of me, ignored his cry of protest. I was already turning, kneeling in front of him as I fumbled with the fastenings of my trousers, yanking them down. I heard him go completely still behind me as he realized the implications of what I was doing.

Warm hands lightly touched my naked hips. "Obi-Wan, we can't do this, not here."

Oh yes we could. "Master, I want this, please!" I felt hesitant kisses along my spine and I groaned, arching backwards, Force knew I wanted this, I needed it. I wanted him to possess me. I wanted him to touch me as deeply as I had touched him.

I flashed a look at him from over my shoulder. He was kneeling behind me, his hands still resting on my hips. "I want you to do this." He shook his head, but I could feel his hands shaking, his control slipping. "I need to feel you inside me, Qui-Gon, please!"

A muttered curse and I felt his mouth on my back again, sliding lower, to the cleft of my ass. What the...oh! Oh, oh, gods, oh Force, he was kissing me -there- and gods the feeling of it! His tongue slid wetly against my anus, circling it before sliding lower, lapping gently at my balls before moving back up. I'd never imagined this, this feeling, the scrape of his beard against my ass as he wet the entrance of my body generously.

One of his hands slid down from my hip to my cock, I arched against it but all he did was stroke his fingers against the tip, slicking them with the fluid that was leaking there before pulling back. I felt the pressure against my anus as he pushed one finger inside me, stretching me, opening me and I pressed against it, willing my body to relax, to accept. That single digit worked its way in and out of my body and it wasn't enough! I whimpered my frustration as one finger became two. I wanted more than his fingers, couldn't understand why he wasn't inside me already.

Finally, finally, I felt the press of something much larger stretching me open, the wet tip of his cock pushing against me. Hard, harder until I felt my muscles give and allow a tiny bit of access. My breath hissed out of me from the pain of his entry. It burned, the stretching of a virgin passage, but I also understood, then, why Qui-Gon hadn't let me stop during our bonding. It hurt, but I wanted it anyway, wanted that strange mixture of pain and ecstasy as he pressed deeper. His hands gripped my hips hard, holding me still even as I had been unaware that I was moving, my hips arching against him, trying to force him deeper.

Stilted thrusts inside me, as he edged his way deeper, deeper still, until I could feel the heat of his stomach on my backside. I heard him groan, a deep sound of utter pleasure, and he leaned forward to press his forehead against my back.

Motionless, we knelt there, surrounded by the light of the garden and as he pulled away and gently thrust back inside me I felt something else as well, the light of -him- of Qui-Gon, of my master, as he loved me. Loved. Words that he hadn't spoken seemed to be totally unnecessary now as he moved inside me and opened himself to me, his mental shields falling away like rustling leaves, inviting me inside.

And I went, engulfed myself in the his presence, which I had been denied this past week. It was like the bonding ceremony and nothing like it. I didn't just sense his pleasure, I felt it. Felt how excruciatingly tight my body was, bordering on painful as he thrust inside, felt our hands dig into my hips. Knew he was feeling the vague burn of pain inside me as he pushed harder and deeper still and he knew that the pleasure I felt made the pain seem a galaxy away.

Harder now, almost slamming inside me, his grip on my hips pulling me back against him as our control was dragged away in the sweet roil of pleasure that was boiling up inside us. I managed to drag one of my hands down to my erection, rubbing in time to the thrust inside me. He stopped suddenly, hesitating, pulled back and thrust in -hard- and I felt his entire body shaking as he came, his moans of pleasure almost yells and the flood of his orgasm swept over my senses, forcing my own climax and I dimly heard someone screaming. I only just had the time to realize it was me before it surged again and we were both screaming, ripples of pleasure echoing back and forth between us.

My knees gave out and we both sprawled in the soft grass that made up the floor of the garden. Qui-Gon made as if to move and I made a soft sound of protest, wanting his weight against me for just a bit longer. He complied, sagging back downward and we both lay there, panting harshly until my body demanded that we move. He shifted off of me and I turned over, wincing at the discomfort of muscles unaccustomed to such exercise.

My master had flopped on his back, an arm slung over his eyes as his breathing evened out. A bubble of laughter escaped me at the sight of us, both of us with our boots still on and our trousers bunched around our knees. Qui-Gon peeked at me from under his arm, one eyebrow arched as if he was vaguely curious about the state of my sanity and I lost it completely.

I collapsed on my back, howling with laughter as the stress of the last week finally melted away. I watched, still giggling helplessly as Qui-Gon shifted to his knees, tugged up his pants before crawling over to me and silencing my laughter with warm kisses and silent promises of love.

The meditation gardens were not as beautiful as the Tower gardens, although they certainly exuded their own brand of lightness. And it seemed more so today, especially to me, with a few dozen Jedi, from padawans to masters, watching us with indulgent smiles.

Nervous didn't even begin to describe how I felt. I was practically shaking by the time it began. But the moment he took my hands in his the uneasiness melted away and I smiled up at him.

I hardly heard what Master Mace said to us. All my attention was focused on the man before me, dressed neatly in the traditional white tunic and trousers, as was I. His hair was loose and hanging around his face. Just how I'd asked him to wear it, a touch of reminiscence. And his eyes, those eyes of the most impossible shade of blue were looking at nothing but me.

"You are now a Bonded couple. You may embrace." It took a moment for Master Windu's words to register to me, long enough for my master to press a fairly chaste kiss against my lips. That light pressure helped me to recover my senses, enough that I managed to grab him and give him a real kiss. His lips parted as he surrendered to me and I vaguely felt the amusement of those around us. The rest of my senses were totally taken up with him. Qui-Gon.

He pulled back slightly, rested his cheek against mine. I felt his breath, warm and moist, against my ear.

"I do love you, Obi-Wan Kenobi." Whispered, very softly and then he kissed me again, ignoring the swelling amusement of our guests.

And I love you. I let my tongue lightly touch his before he pulled back and we turned, a newly Bonded couple, to face our friends, our family. Qui-Gon was half a pace behind me, his hand resting lightly on my back.

"And just so you know, I actually thought it was a pretty good joke." Murmured very softly and I whirled, gave him a suspicious look. His expression was utterly innocent as he smiled out at our guests, not looking at me.

I sighed inwardly. My sense of humor had gotten us into enough trouble without adding in his, even though I certainly couldn't complain about the outcome. Still, I thought, as I kissed my newly bonded mate again, just because I could. We did have the rest of our lives to deal with it. I was quite sure that we could find some more trouble to get into, somewhere. But not too soon.


That's it. As they say, for good or for bad, it's over. And I must say I had a lot of fun with this one, I hope everyone else enjoyed it too! Comments, naked Jedi wrapped in cellophane to