Archive: MA . . . Any one else just let me know.
Rating: PG
Pairing: Q/O
Category: A/U, POV
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Feedback: Welcomed. Encouraged. Craved.
Summary: This is the third point of view.
Disclaimers: Lucas owns Star Wars. I own my laptop.
Notes: I have gotten to the third point of view. One more POV to go. I still haven't decided how this will end. Keep in mind: One of these days I will write a nice love story->>>>EVIL SITH GRIN, today ain't it.
Journal: Anakin Skywalker
He's gone. He'll be back.
It's time to tell him.
I know he has some feelings for me, but I want more. I could make him happy.
I have been a Padawan for ten years. I'll be a Knight soon. I had hoped to wait till then, but my Master is in danger of losing Obi-Wan.
It's time for my chance.
I am worried about him going to Bandomeer.
Master doesn't know Obi-Wan has been tracking all Xanatos' movements. I am not sure what the reason for this. Obi doesn't know that I found out. I don't want this obsession getting him killed. If Master had treated him better he wouldn't be doing this, going there.
If he doesn't come back whole and healthy, I will make my Master pay.