Present Past

by Adalisa (

Archive: My site and the m_a archive. Anyone else, just ask. I won't say no.

Category: AU. Totally.

Rating: PG-13

Warning: Non Canon.

Spoilers: TPM, ANH. Some for the second book of JA.

Summary: Obi Wan fights against Vader and the Empire.

Disclaimer: Everything here belongs to George Lucas, who is god. And I'm not making any money out of this... so it would really be pointless to sue me for it.

Content: Q/O, O/Other

Feedback: I love it. It's inspiring... and if anyone would have time to detailed feedback, I would really appreciate it.

Notes: This is a really, really weird plot bunny that came to me as I was writing Hope to those who have not. It has been biting me ever since Hope pt. 2. It's a weird, really weird alternative universe, but since it's starting to block my ideas for Hope pt. 7, I decided I'd just start writing it too. Hope you like it :)

Obi-Wan instinctually closed his eyes as a burning pain coursed through his body and wondered how could he have miscalculated the door's cycle time by so much.

He and his Master were fighting the Sith Lord in Naboo, and it was a much harder fight than they had expected. His Master was tired, and he himself was shielding his feelings too tightly. Their coordination had been non-existent, and then the Sith Lord had thrown Obi- Wan off the platform, forcing him out of the fight.

He had run almost blindly, knowing too well that his Master would not be able to defeat the dark lord alone. It had been then when he was caught in the energy door.

Darkness claimed him, as he saw his Master kneeled form ready to fight the Sith.

Luke watched with horror as the red blade of Darth Vader's saber cut through Obi-Wan, as the body of the man he had just beginning to know disappeared and the brown cape fell, empty, to the floor. It was as if all his hopes shattered in that moment, when the man who had took him away from Tatooine died.

Then his horror turned to surprise as a blue lightning shone right in front of Vader, and a younger man appeared with a lightsaber activated. He was around Luke's age, his hair cut very short except for a small ponytail in the back and a longer braid dangling from his right ear. And he was dressed just as the old Ben had been, in a beige tunic with brown boots.

Vader stepped back, obviously surprised at this, but he didn't turn off his lightsaber.

It was then that Luke found his voice.

"Ben! Let's go!"

Obi-Wan blinked in surprise, as he saw the tall figure in front of him. It was a Sith Lord, of that the young Padawan had no doubt, the Dark Side was too strong around him, his presence almost overwhelming. But it was not the one that he had been fighting with his Master, and he was not in Naboo.

He reached out in their bond, only to find it oddly silent... As if Qui-Gon was there and not there at the same time.

"Ben! Let's go!" Obi-Wan turned to see the young man who was screaming at him, using the familiar nick-name that his brother used for him. A name that Obi-Wan had not hear in at least three years... There was something oddly familiar in that boy, but he wasn't sure of what it was. He had a blaster in his hand, and was shooting at what seemed to be an army of white armored soldiers as he shielded a wookie, two droids and a young woman who looked like an older Amidala who were trying to get to a extremely impressive Corellian battleship.

As the dark Lord seemed ready to fight, and Obi-Wan was not sure of what side he should take on it, he dashed towards the boy, trusting the Force to guide him as he jumped over the soldiers and their fire, lightsaber blocking the blasts shoot in his direction, and ran to the runner to board the ship.

"What's going on?" he asked to the boy, who was looking at him as if he had grown a second head.


"I hope he had time to disable the tractor-beam" A second man in the cockpit was saying, as the wookie sit at his side. They were obviously escaping, even if Obi-Wan had no idea of why, from whom and how he had ended up there.

"What tractor-beam?" The Padawan didn't had time to ask more, as the ship violently lifted off and escaped the base at an incredible speed.

"That was amazing, Ben!" The young man began saying, as the ship flew at light speed towards Yavin, under the not very kind instructions of the Amidala' look-alike. He had been busy before the ship engaged in lightspeed, as he and the pilot, a rude Corellian who seemed to have seen more about life than what his age would reveal, shoot their pursuers in a quite violent battle that rocked the ship constantly.

During that time, as the woman was busy with the droids, a protocol droid and R2D2, the unit that had saved their lives in the trip to Tatooine and the only really familiar face for him, the Jedi hadn't been able to get any information about the situation. Much less a communicator to get Naboo or Coruscant. Still, he thought that Yavin was a good shoot too. The Jedi temple was new in that system, but there he would be able to contact the Council and find out what had happened to his Master. "I thought you had died when Vader struck you!"

"Vader? Is that the Sith Lord's name?" The blonde's eyes shone with confusion when Obi-Wan spoke. Great... the Jedi sighed Now we are both confused "Ben... are you feeling all right?"

"How do you know my name? I haven't been called Ben ever since I started training." Obi-Wan was aware that he was being rude with the blonde man, but his patience was growing short... Another reason why he was sure he was not ready to take the trials to knighthood. "What is going on here? Who are you?"

"I... well... come on, know all that..." the young man stammered, nervous. His anxiety broadcast all over. Obi-Wan could sense that the boy was strong with the Force, and had some very rudimentary training with it... But not enough to shield his very strong feelings. "...We left Tatooine together... I wouldn't have left it if the Empire hadn't killed my Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru..."

"Uncle Owen?" Obi-Wan Kenobi repeated, unbelief coloring all his thoughts.

"Owen Lars... he and Aunt Beru raised me... He said that he had known you when you were an..." Hesitation and fear emanated from the young man, and Obi-Wan sighed. What kind of fool had trained him? "... old... crazed hermit. I'm Luke Skywalker..."

Skywalker... Somehow it made sense. All the unthinkable things that had happened in his life in the past weeks had been around or because Anakin Skywalker. Being replaced by his master was just as bad as learning that his brother Owen and his new wife had somehow ended up dead on Tatooine. But it still could have a logical explanation. "Are you related in any way to Anakin Skywalker?" The Padawan asked, as he tried to regain a little of the calm he had lost ever since being caught in the energy doors.

Luke's face glommed upon hearing the name, and the blue bright eyes were casted down. "He was my father."

Shock overwhelmed Obi-Wan as he remembered the young, nine years old boy that he had meet mere days ago in Tatooine. Sure, Luke had the same hair, the same eyes... But... still... "Your father?!!"

"Your father?!! But... How? He cannot be your father... he's just a kid!" Obi-Wan looked at Luke, shock slowly dawning in his features. "I... I think the Force has done something to your memories, Ben... You knew my father when he was a pilot during the Clone Wars." Luke's voice, if still confused, was confident. He was convinced that he was telling the truth, which make even less sense to young Obi-Wan.

"Clone Wars? Clones have been forbidden by the Republic since... Oh... no... the Sith!"

"Yes, General Kenobi." The beautiful young woman walked inside the room, her face a mixture of hope, wonder and sadness. She looked very much like Queen Amidala, a young regal woman who had the weight of duty over her shoulders. "The Sith were responsible of the Fall of the Republic, and the Death of all Jedi. They helped the Emperor to kill my father, Senator Organa, and all the Emperor's enemies. That is why my father sent me to find you... for you fought at his side during the Clone Wars. Please, help us Obi Wan Kenobi. You're our only hope."

But Obi-Wan did not hear the last part of her plea. His mind, reeled of all the information, and the sudden and absolute silence in the Force... it simply shut down from the weight of the knowledge that all Jedi had been killed by the Sith Lords, and the young Padawan fainted, wishing, as the darkness closed around him, that he would awake to find himself at his Master's side.

"What's wrong with him?" Han asked as he left the cockpit. They were still days away from Yavin, even at lightspeed, and he wasn't looking forward to , making the journey with a sick old man... Even if said old man was looking even younger than himself at the moment.

"I don't know..." Princess Leia was worried, a first since Han had met her. Up until that moment the woman had been a royal pain in the ass, giving orders and bossing her way around while they were risking their hides to save her. But now, as she cradled the fallen Jedi in her lap, softly caressing his forehead with a damp cloth provided by 3PO... well, her highness looked almost human. "He didn't seem to recognize anything at all..."

"Maybe it's an after-shock from... well... whatever happened after Vader struck him." Luke was still looking at the fallen man with adoring eyes. That had been a slight nuisance on the trip to Aldeeran, when that adoration had been directed at an old man, now that it's center was a young man... well, it made Han feel uneasy.

"Well, how do you know it's the old man? Sure, he appeared right in the moment Kenobi disappeared, but it could be a trick..." Han looked at the fallen form of 'Obi-Wan' with some reserve. Unconscious, the young man didn't look different from Luke or Han at all... And he sure didn't look like a legendary warrior.

"I have seen many holos of General Kenobi," Leia didn't even turn to look Han in the eyes. That was very unnerving. If Obi-Wan, Ben Kenobi, or whoever the young man was woke up and found himself in the arms of a Princess looking at him as if he were the main course in a meal, they weren't going to get many answers from him. "And R2 was under his service for a long time... No one could fool him."

As if to make the Princess' point even more clear, R2 beeped happily at Han's side.

"Very well, your highness." The Corellian pilot conceded, sure that he wouldn't be able to convince his passengers that perhaps the young man was nothing more than a young man. "It's not my trouble, anyway. I'll drop you at Yavin and get my reward. Just make sure he doesn't do anything funny."

Han sat down to watch Chewie have another match against R2, sure that no one had paid any attention to his warning.

Obi-Wan didn't really want to open his eyes, but as a Jedi, he had to face whatever came to him.

Even if that was sheer madness.

The first thing that came into focus was a female face- familiar but not by much- brown eyes looking down with worry, soft lips shut in a thin line of self-reproach.

"P...Padme?" The alias of the Naboo Queen was the first one to come to his mind, and he prayed to the Force that he was in Amidala's presence.

"No, General Kenobi...It is me, Leia Organa, Princess of Alderaan..."

"Why do you keep calling me 'General'?" Obi Wan struggled to rise to a seated position when he realized he was lying in the Princess' lap. "I've never been part of any army."

Her face lost a little regal confidence then, just as Queen Amidala's hadwhen she had realized that the Senate would not listen to her pleas, and Obi-Wan felt pity for her. Whatever that was happening, she was expecting someone to help her.

Someone that wasn't him.

But how to make her see that? How could he think clearly when all what he knew was destroyed or twisted?

"I am sorry, your highness," he began, his voice somewhat calm again. "but I cannot help you. I barely knew your father... and I do not remember any Empire destroying the Republic, or the death of all Jedi." He rose to his feet, bowing in front of her. "I fear that I will not be able to help you until I can understand what has happened to me."

"Y...yes..." Leia's voice didn't hide her confusion. But that was to be expected. "I understand, Gene... Jedi Kenobi. When we reach Yavin, and I have finish my mission, I am sure we will find someone who can help you."

"Thank you, your highness." He bowed once again, and left the room. He wasn't very sure of where he was going in the vast ship, but he wanted to be away from both Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker. He didn't need hear someone talking to him as if he was aware of all what was going on. What he needed was some quiet time to think.

After finishing his routinely check on the route, Han Solo decided that it was time to see how his 'cargo' was doing.

Against his own judgement, he had grown curious about the weird group that the Millenium Falcon carried.

Luke was watching how Leia was sitting in her bulk, talking with R2. She looked as beautiful as the holographic image he first had seen of her, before his life had so radically changed. And he still thought that she was the most beautiful woman who he had ever seen. Especially now that he had seen her without her cold Princess mask.

"She let him go?" Han asked, as he walked to his side, his face showing a mocking grin. "That Princess of yours is really something."

"Han... Do you think that a Princess like her and a guy like me could...?" The young Tatooine farmer's voice was full of hope, and Han had to contain a bitter laugh.

It wasn't that he himself had wondered about it when he had first meet the Princess, but as a pilot, Han knew about those things. Leia was a Princess, she would never let herself to be involved with a Tatooine farmer. Or with a smuggler like himself.

Still, after the struggling in the garbage bin, Han had allowed himself to think that maybe Leia wasn't as unattainable as she wanted them to believe. That his charms had a chance with her.

Not anymore.

Now her Royal Highness had found a living legend; her Knight with a shining sword had appeared.

"Not a chance, kid. You better forget it."

As the Millenium Falcon approached Yavin, Han Solo got more and more annoyed with Luke and Princess Leia.

Even when they were leaving Obi-Wan alone, he was all what they talked about. Luke had a thousand theories as to why Obi-Wan didn't remember them or the Empire, each more ridiculous than the one before, while Leia continually enumerated the great General Kenobi's actions during the Clone War.

All of it seemed impressively boring to the pirate.

So he really didn't blame Obi-Wan for staying as far away as he could from his fan-group. In fact, he needed a little time away from them too.

He wasn't really looking for Obi-Wan when he found the young man sitting in one of the quad lasers' gun turret, looking out into space with an extreme sadness on his face.

One that Han had seen many times in the pilots forced to stay on planet, unable to fly away to the stars.

"Aren't you enjoying the view?" he asked out loud, and smiled when he saw the other man jump a little. Maybe Obi-Wan was really some sort of mystical knight of legend, but he wasn't above being surprised.

"I was thinking on how different the stars look now... As if many years had passed since the last time I saw them." Obi Wan turned to see him, his greenish-gray eyes locking with Han's. "Is there anything I can help you with, Captain Solo?"

"I was just doing my usual check on the Falcon - don't worry."

"It's a truly impressive ship, Captain." Obi-Wan let out a small smile, the first since all the madness had begun. "You must be very proud of her."

Han lifted his eyebrows, surprised. Even though he was convinced that the Millenium Falcon was the best ship of her class, even though he was immensely proud of her speed and body, he rarely encountered anyone who shared his opinion. Even Chewie called her 'a piece of junk' when he was particularly frustrated with one or two repairs. But there was no sarcasm in the young Kenobi's voice. What Han could hear was sincere awe. "Yeah. She's great. The only ship to finish the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs."

"Really? You must be some pilot!" Obi-Wan's eyes widened with wonder, loosing the solemn serenity he had been trying to maintain ever since waking up in Princess Leia's arms.

"I wasn't on board back then." Han confessed, with a chuckle, as he sat at Obi-Wan's side. "She was owned by a friend of mine then. She makes point five past lightspeed now... I've made a lot of special modifications myself."

"What are you going to do when we arrive at Yavin?" Obi-Wan ventured, encouraged by Han's smile. " You don't seem to be part of the Rebellion like Princess Leia..."

"I'll return to Tatooine. I've got some unfinished business there. After that, I don't know... Keep away from the Empire for a while, get down with business. The usual." The smuggler shrugged and turned to look at the stars, smiling.

A comfortable silence fell between them, and it stayed until Han had to go and begin the procedures to land on Yavin.

Obi-Wan knelt in front of what had been the entrance to the inner gardens of the Jedi Temple on Yavin. It was the only part left of the Temple that still was as Obi-Wan remembered... or at least, enough to be recognized. The rest of the planet, which had been heavily populated in his own time, was totally covered with a dense jungle.

It hadn't been until he saw the long abandoned Temple, now used as a rebel base, that Obi-Wan believed what had happened to him.

Right after the Millenium Falcon landed, Princess Leia had taken him and R2 to the leaders of the Rebellion, who supposedly would be able to help him. They all had been shocked to see him, and after a few moments of listening to them, he knew why.

For some unknown reason he had traveled almost 50 years into the future. All that he knew, all that he held dear, had been destroyed in that lapse of time.

It was only through a great exercise in control that he had been able to stay calm and focused during the Leaders' meeting, mostly because they all urged him to get up to date as soon as possible so he could join the Rebellion. Most of the older members saw him as some sort of sign of their triumph, the Last Jedi Knight in all his prime leading them against Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader.

Hearing the Emperor's name made Obi-Wan pale and his stomach rebel. The memory of Senator Palpatine's grinning face was still too fresh in his mind, and it seemed hard to believe that the man could have gathered enough power to overcome the Republic without the Senate discovering him.

But it had happened.

What was even more disturbing were the few things he had learned about the Fall of the Jedi, at the hands of one of their own, a rouge Knight named Vader. By putting together what the Rebellion leaders told him and what Luke had said... There was something wrong there... Obi-Wan couldn't exactly put it in words, but he could sense it.

He had a bad feeling about this.

After politely leaving the leaders' meeting chamber, explaining that he would need time to understand all the changes that had been made since his own time, he searched for the Temple Archives, only to find them decimated. There was nothing there that could help him.

But he couldn't bring himself to believe that he was the last Jedi... Not when he was just a Padawan, not even ready to take the trails... alone without a Master.

Alone without his Master.

He closed his eyes and let his thoughts fly and his awareness flow with the Living Force, trying to reach something past his silent bond with his Master, letting calm wash over him as he repeated the mantra of the Code.

There is no Passion, there is Serenity.

Suddenly, his surroundings blurred, and he could see the garden as it had been in the past - the past, where he belonged.

He saw Master Mace Windu, lightsaber ready in hand, facing a dark figure.

A dark figure with a shining red lightsaber in his own black-clad hand.

The duel was furious and fast... and more than once it seemed as if Master Windu could have won. But in the end it was the red lightsaber which struck the deadly blow, and Obi-Wan watched in his mind as his Master's oldest and dearest friend fell to the ground.

"You..." Master Windu began saying, but the air deserted his lungs and he died before finishing his last words. He had recognized his assailant, but Obi-Wan could not see his face.

"You should have heeded your own council, old man." The dark figure said, and Obi-Wan could almost taste the hate and pride mixed with the young tone. "I promised myself long ago that you would be the first to fall." He could almost identify it, sure that he had heard it before.

But he could not remember where.

Then there came a blur of images, not all of them clear, and he witnessed the death of all the Jedi in the Yavin temple. Some at the hands of this Dark Figure, some at the hands of imperial soldiers.

With a gasp, he opened his eyes, to face the cruel reality of the ruined Temple that confirmed his vision.

And amidst the almost forgotten gardens of the Jedi Temple, Obi-Wan Kenobi cried for them, feeling utterly and completely lost.

Han was hastily loading his reward in the Millenium Falcon, when he saw Obi-Wan walking towards him. The young Jedi Knight was now wearing a long brown cape like the one that had been worn by his older self, and Han could see the similarities now - if not at all in face, then in movements.

Even though he was still unconvinced of the whole Force and Mystical Order stuff, the pirate had to admit that Obi-Wan did look the part.

"You got your reward, Captain Solo." Obi-Wan observed, once again using a proper tone. "I assume you will return to Tatooine now."

"You got that right. These fools think they can direct an attack on the Death Star and I don't want to be even one parsec near this system when the Empire wipes them out!" Han signaled to the rest of the hangar, where pilots and their R2 units were rushing to combat. "If I were you, I would do the same."

"Ben! " Obi-Wan opened his mouth to say something when Luke interrupted him, running toward the Falcon. He was dressed like all the other pilots, in an orange and gray uniform. It was obvious that he was one of the 'fools' Han had been referring too. "Will you convince Han to join the battle? We really could use his experience."

"I'm not going to risk my life, kid. I already told you that." Han insisted, and Obi-Wan smiled slightly.

"Captain Solo will return to Tatooine. Hopefully, he will accept me as a passenger again." The young Padawan said, and as soon as the words left his mouth, he could see Luke's eyes break with disappointment, as well as Han's surprised smile.

"Captain Solo will return to Tatooine. Hopefully, he will accept me as a passenger again." The young Padawan said, and as soon as the words left his mouth, he could see Luke's eyes break with disappointment, as well as Han's surprised smile.

"But... but... you're a Jedi Knight! You're supposed to protect Peace and Justice!!" Luke's words were not aimed to hurt, but they still opened a very sore wound in Obi-Wan's heart.

"I am just a Padawan..." he whispered, but it was loud enough for the young pilot to hear.

"What is a Padawan?"

"An apprentice. I... I haven't passed my trials to knighthood." He had to bite down on the thought that remind him that if he was really the last Jedi then he would probably never pass the trials. "I cannot do this alone. I have to know why I traveled in time, and if it is true that I am the last Jedi because of it. I'm sorry, Luke."

"You're sorry!?" Shock turned to anger, an anger so strong that it almost hurt Obi-Wan physically. "My life was turned upside down because of you!! If the droids hadn't been looking for you, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru would still be alive!!... I thought you were a great warrior, Ben... but you're just a coward!!" He seemed to have more to say, but instead Luke just turned away and disappeared amidst the pilots who were still in the hangar.

Obi-Wan couldn't say anything to defend himself, as Luke's words echoed in his mind. It was not only that he was alone, he had also been the cause of his brother's death... It had to be true, Luke had no reason to lie.

But how could he hope that young Skywalker could understand what he was going through? The loneliness that was now filling Obi-Wan's mind?

//Master... I need you...//

"He'll get over it." Han walked behind him, placing a sympathetic hand on the Padawan's shoulder. "Now, let's go."

They walked together into the Millenium Falcon, without breaking the small contact between them.

Lord Vader was meditating in his room, while every soldier in the Death Star prepared for battle.

Even though the battle would surely bring triumph to the Empire, the Sith Lord was worried.

There was a disturbance in the Force that he could not pinpoint. It had begun when his Old Master had chosen to board the Death Star, but in that moment Vader had been able to feel his bond with Kenobi, the almost forgotten Master- Padawan bond that neither of thre unwelcome.

That was what bothered the Sith Lord. When the young Kenobi appeared, the constant link was still in Vader's mind, but it didn't seem to reach the rejuvenated Jedi. It was as if his call were just received by the Living Force.

Kenobi had to die.

Before, it had been just a matter of principle, as all Jedi were to fall under the Emperor's reign. Now, it was more urgent. Because a Jedi Knight in all his prime within the Rebellion ranks would only bring new hope to those who tried to oppose the Empire.

And the memories kept drilling on his head.

Obi-Wan looked barely older than when he had passed his knight trials... How could a deadly wound cause the old knight to regain his youth, his full strength? Vader still could remember the times when he had admired Obi-Wan... when they had been friends.

However he was not going to dwell on those times. Not until Kenobi died. He was sure that his former Master would be helping the Rebels, and now that his energy was back, it wouldn't be from the sidelines. No, Kenobi would fight in the battle... In a ship. Because the Jedi had always been an excellent pilot in his time - he even taught Anakin some tricks of astro-navigation...

Darth Vader rose and walked to the door of his chamber. The battle on Yavin would start soon, and the Rebels would be annihilated. All of them, including Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Han was finishing the calculations for the hyper-space jump that would get them back to Tatooine. But he felt guilty over it... a feeling that did not go well with the pirate. After all, it wasn't as if the Empire had really affected him in his business, or as if he cared for the Republic...

By all means, he should not be worrying over the fact that most of the pilots he had seen on Yavin were now flying to their deaths.

He caught Chewie's eyes, and could read the question in them.

"We're going to Tatooine, Chewie! It's not our trouble if those fools have a Death Wish!"

Now he had to convince himself.

Obi Wan was standing outside the cockpit of the Millenium Falcon, feeling a turmoil of emotions in his mind and heart. He had tried to find his center, focus on the peace of the Code, only to find Luke's words echoing in his mind, piercing his heart with redoubled strength.

In his own time, he would have rationalized that Jedi were not to interfere in any war situation without the consent of the Council... but if he was the only Jedi in this era, what was he supposed to do? Could he really turn his back on people who needed him just for a Code that most likely didn't exist anymore?

Hadn't Qui-Gon more than once defied the Council in similar situations?

"I'm sorry, Captain Solo..." he began, as he entered the cockpit hoping that he would not have to use the Force to convince the Pirate. "...I'm afraid I made a mistake... I have to return to Yavin."

To his surprise, Han Solo smiled when he turned to meet his gaze. It was a knowing smile that eased Obi-Wan's worries.

"Strap yourself in, Obi-Wan, we're going back!"

The battle was progressing just as Darth Vader had envisioned, with the final victory of the Empire over the Rebellion.

And he had Obi-Wan in his sight.

It hadn't been hard to guess where his former Master was hiding. Even if Kenobi wasn't using the Force in combat, probably because he believed that it was not honorable, it shone around an X-Wing, marking it for Vader's weapons.

Red-5 was heading to the lone weak spot in the Death Star, while the other members of his squadron were falling under the Empire's fire. It had to be Kenobi's ship.

But just as he was going to fire the killing shot, one of his guard's Fighters was shoot down by another ship, distracting him.

Because even if there was an unusual concentration of the Force around Red-5, there was a greater control coming from the Corellian Fighter that had just joined the fight, the same ship that had been used by Kenobi to save Princess Leia.

The ship that now was clearing Red-5's path to the destruction of the Death Star.

Luke was scared.

For the first time in his life, he was seeing people around him die, people that he had talked to, people that he had called friends.

And he was being tailed by the Imperial Fighter that had caused most of those deaths.

But suddenly, a shot fired very close to his X-Wing, and from the corner of his eyes he could see one of the TIEs behind him crash. Someone had saved him.

"Yee-Haa!!!" Han's voice came to him through the radio, and suddenly Luke felt much better. His friends hadn't really deserted him.


"You're free to attack, Kid..."

"We will keep the Empire away from you." Obi-Wan's voice was as calm as it had been when he announced that he would not be helping the Rebellion, but the change of words was enough to ease Luke's fear. "Trust your feelings, Luke."

Sure that his friends would keep their word, Luke restored his course. It was an almost impossible shot, one that he had been sure that one of the most experienced pilots would have a hard time making... he had seen the others fail... and now he was the only one that could try it.

But how?

//Use the Force Luke//

"Ben?" He got no answer, the radio was silent. But it hadn't been the same voice that had told him to trust his feelings... The voice sounded older; it was the voice of the Old Ben he had met in Tatooine.

There was no time to question it. Luke shut down his monitor, not listening to Artoo's complaints. He closed his eyes, remembering Ben's lessons on the Millenium Falcon.

And when he felt ready, he fired.

After Leia handed Luke, Obi-Wan and Han their medals, the Rebel Alliance cheered their saviors. Everybody was able to relax and let down their guards a little to enjoy a frugal, but none the less emotive, banquet. All of them, except for one. The legendary knight that had return from the past to guide them into a New Hope.

Because he didn't felt the same way.

He had many things on his mind, and he did not want to face the young Skywalker until he had sorted them.

They had arrived to the hangar between cheers of happiness and relief. As soon as he and Han walked out of the Millenium Falcon, Luke rushed to hug them.

"I knew you would convince him to come back!" The young pilot said to Obi-Wan, but the Jedi shook his head.

"I did not convinced him, Luke. We both decided to come back... you were right, I was a coward." It was hard for Obi-Wan to say those words, as he had spend all his life trying to prove his worth. It was even harder to say them to the son of the one who had taken his place at Qui-Gon's side. Trying to change the subject, he looked at the doors of the hangar, where they could still see the light from the explosion. "You did a great job up there."

"I couldn't have done it without you." Luke answered, blushing a little. "You told me to use the Force... but it was a little weird to hear you in my mind."

Only his years of training to conceal his true feelings helped Obi-Wan to mask his surprise after hearing that. He hadn't tried to link with Luke, because he was fully aware that he could not teach anyone until he finished his own training and that his mind had to be focused on returning to his own time. But if Luke had heard a voice... who had been guiding the young boy? "It wasn't me, Luke." he said, and eased Luke's surprise with a smile. "It was your victory, and your shot. You don't need to thank me for anything."

After that, things had been a little awkward. The surviving pilots and those who had been in the control room during the battle surrounded them with questions and praises. Luke seemed a little flustered by all of it, while Han was mostly unaffected and took them all with irony, sarcasm and an undeniable charm. Obi-Wan envied the pirate and the easiness with which he handled the Ceremony.

Inspired by Han, Obi-Wan managed to stay and smile during the full Ceremony, but at the banquet he could not sustain that false cheerfulness. After the main course he politely smiled and excused himself, explaining to Princess Leia that he needed to meditate upon his future actions.

The Princess' eyes had beamed with admiration... something that Obi-Wan still had trouble accepting.

His steps took him back to the meditating garden where he had seen the terrible vision of Mace Windu's death. Now in the aftermath of the victory, the garden seemed a little more alive. Although no one had took proper care of it in at least 40 years, the handwork of thousand of Jedi was still palpable.

But that was all. If he reached out with his mind, the only thing he received were echoes of their deaths, and not their presence. So who had been the one who had guided Luke? Or had it been just wishful thinking from the pilot? He had too many questions, and the ones he could turn for answers only managed to confuse him further.

//I cannot do this alone, Master...//

"You plan to stay here a long time?" Han walked inside the garden looking at the puzzled Padawan.

"You should be at the Banquet, Captain Solo. It is in your honor."

"Our honor." The pirate smiled, as if there was nothing Obi-Wan could say to that. "I got bored, so I left... What about you? This doesn't look like meditating to me."

Seeing the seriousness in Han's face, Obi-Wan couldn't repress a chuckle. It was very easy to relax a little of his control around the pirate, as he was the only one who didn't look up at him as if he were some kind of miracle alive. In his own time Jedi were respected, sometimes feared... but never worshipped, and thus, it was only around Han where Obi-Wan could feel a little more like himself.

Where he didn't had to pretend or live up to some glorious myth.

"I am not accustomed to be treated like a hero." He finally confessed. "Whenever we got invited to a banquet, I could find my way out of it quickly. It was my Master the one who had to sit through all the boring ceremonies."

"Master? I thought Jedi were against slavery..." Han frowned. It was very clear that the pirate tried to appear to everyone as an amoral man, but had a deep morality.

"It's the title of my mentor, Qui-Gon Jinn..." then Obi-Wan smiled, and the memories lighted his eyes. "It has been a while since someone mistook the meaning of the word."

"If you walked behind a man calling him 'Master', it surprises me that it wasn't the cause of many misunderstandings." Without any ceremony, Han sat in a nearby rock, smiling again. In that moment Obi-Wan discovered that he liked the pirate smile... it suited him much better than the frown.

"What will you do now, Captain Solo?" he asked, sitting on a stump. "You're a hero now."

"I'll ask you to stop calling me Captain Solo, or I'll start calling you 'Padawan Kenobi'" Again, Obi-Wan could see the gleam between threat and enjoyment in the man's eyes. For some strange reason, it made him feel better. "The Empire will be after me for sure; the Falcon is hard to miss. I guess I can stay for a while... after I finish my business on Tatooine. Care to join me?"

"I'll be glad to, Cap... Han." Obi-Wan smile was very natural and truthful. He still wanted to see where he would live his last days, see if he could find a reason for his own death. But he had suspected that the Rebellion would appoint him a pilot that would 'respect' the Jedi, not that he would make the trip to Tatooine in the company of the only man in that strange era that he could call a friend. "I really look forward to it."

And in the abandoned garden of the Temple, the two men let the silence surround them, celebrating their victory and their own newfound friendship away from everyone else.

The End.