Pictures of Darkness and Light

by Leigh.

ARCHIVE: Yes. M_A only please.


RATING: NC13? Implied slash only

WARNINGS: None, apart from lack of hot monkey sex.

SPOILERS: Maybe for JA books.

FEEDBACK: Like I'm gonna say no!

SUMMARY: Someone is painting pictures of Obi-Wan.

Pictures had been hanging along the great corridor for as long as Obi-Wan could remember; as long as his Master could remember.

They varied greatly. Some where enormous and complicated paintings done in oil based colourings; others were the simplest wax scribbles from the initiates in the creche. No one owned the space; there were no rules or order to the presentations. It was a public forum for art of all kinds; anyone could display their work here for as long or short a period as they wished.

No one really remembered how or why it had started, it simply was.

Never being particularly artistically inclined, not with paints anyway...his art forms were the complicated katas of a warrior, at first Obi-Wan had rarely done more than pass an eye across them as he passed. That was until Bant had pointed out a particular painting to him shortly after his return to Coruscant after being accepted as Qui-Gon's padawan.

The painting was done in monotone, black on white, white on black, blending into greys and shadows. A lone figure stood on a practice mat in what could have been one of a hundred of the temple's training rooms, lightsaber in hand. The body was arched, head back, saber grasped firmly and Obi-Wan recognised the stance as well as the figure.

The artist had somehow managed to capture the image of him as he prepared to do a reverse flip during the 4th level defence kata. The briefest moment in time captured forever and brought to life with nothing more than dark versus light.

It could have been anyone of a million practice sessions except for one detail. The figure in the picture wore the braid of a Padawan Learner. As Obi-Wan had only been wearing his braid for little over 2 weeks whoever had drawn this image had done so recently.

At first he had been a little embarrassed and thought about asking the artist to remove it. When he discovered it was unsigned he thought briefly about removing it anyway. Knowing that would go against the unspoken principle of the wall he finally settled with his-self to leave it alone.

The picture remained on display for over a cycle and he found that actually came to appreciate its presence. Someone had taken the time to draw a moment of his life; he should be flattered not embarrassed. When he walked by one morning to find it gone he found he was sorry.

Over the following years other pictures from the same artist appeared on the wall. Obi-Wan would have been hard pressed to explain to anyone how he knew they were by the same person, but he did. They came in various mediums but they all had one thing in common, they were always snapshots of time inside the temple. Some were in bright life colours, some little more than outline drawings.

His were always in black and white. Darkness and Light.

No two pictures were alike. Some captured him in action, sparing with an opponent, running for a transport, competing in saber trials. Others reflected more sedate moments. Meditating in the water gardens beside his favourite water flow, bent over a data pad in a classroom or sitting on the sidelines of a combat lesson watching the other Padawans and Knights training. He could always tell how recent the paintings were from the length of his braid.

As he matured he came to appreciate each drawing and passed over the awkwardness of having something of his-self displayed to the bustling life of the Jedi temple.

He was often left with burning questions. How did the artist capture the moment so accurately? Why choose him as a subject? Why did they not sign their work? He was always left to channel his frustrations to the Force.

He had tried once, when he had been about 19, to track the artist down. He had sat late one night crossed leg in the great hall, his latest portrait in his hands, and attempted to do a life force reading. The signature had been there, but faint. He had spent most of the rest of his stay on Coruscant trying to match that Force signature to every Jedi that crossed his path. All to soon he had been called away with his Master for yet another mission and by the time he had returned the picture was gone and it no longer seemed so important.

Now he stood in the great hall staring at the wall once more. A Knight now, no longer a Padawan. Qui-Gon was no longer his Master but instead his lover. Obi-Wan had a Padawan of his own now. One circle completed; another just beginning.

His Knighting ceremony had been only two days ago yet somehow he knew that his secret artist would have a new offering for him and he had felt himself drawn here once more.

He had never expected this.

They were all there, every painting and drawing of him that had ever graced the wall was on display, but there was nothing new. He could trace the passage of his life not just in the growth of his body but by the length of his braid.

His fingers unconsciously reached up to the spot behind his right ear where the symbol of his apprenticeship had been severed.

A figure appeared beside him and he turned to find himself face to face with one of the civilian staff of the temple. She was of the same age as his Master...former Master he corrected himself, and wore the simple blue overalls of a cleansing technician. She smiled slightly and handed him a small canvas.

"This one is for your eyes only," she spoke.

His eyes flickered down to the painting and he felt his breath leave his body. It was a moment from his Knighting ceremony. Qui-Gon had been standing behind him as he had sliced the long braid of hair from Obi-Wan's head and announced to the crowd before them that Obi-Wan was now a Knight of the Jedi Order. Obi-Wan had turned to face his Master and their eyes had met. It had been that very instant that he had read everything in Qui-Gon's gaze that he had ever dared to wish for.

Qui-Gon wanted him, loved him with the same passion that Obi-Wan had his Master for longer than he could count. 'Now your are a Knight and I can love you' that look had said.

The moment was captured before him in its familiar light and dark, every unspoken emotion and thought laid bare before him. Anyone glancing at the picture would have seen the depth of the love between the two men.

"I..." He began looking up once more but he was alone.

Questions tumbled through his brain, quickly followed by answers as his mind finally fitted all the pieces of the jigsaw together.

His attempt to track down the mysterious artist had failed because he had foolish assumed that it was one of his fellow Jedi capturing the splinters of his life. Realisation of how narrow minded he had been hit him and he felt his shoulders sag slightly.

Hundreds, maybe thousands of people lived and worked in the temple, only half of that number was Jedi. Sanitation Technicians and Temple Engineers had access to as many areas as the Masters, Knights and Padawan's. Who better to see temple life in its truest form than those members of its community that were everywhere but never seen?

How many times had he been guilty of passing by a technician and seeing no more than a blue uniform?

He clutched the gift he'd been given tightly as he finally turned to make his way back to his living quarters. He had learnt a valuable lesson tonight, one he should have learnt a long time ago.

Never under estimate anyone, no matter how insignificant they seemed.