Payback's A Gungan

by Boots (

Pairing: Q/O

Rating: NC-17 for smutty talk

Categories: Humor/Parody

Archive: M_A please

Disclaimer: Lucas is THE master, no infringements intended, no money made, no money 'nyways

Summary: Obi-wan discovers Qui Gon's squick

Spoilers: TPM the movie

Author's Notes: So there we were, in bed, talking about squicks, Smeg goes "Jar Jar!". I go "really?" She shudders and I get this bunny...its a funny relationship *g*

Feedback: Yes *please* and it'd be extra fun if you can do it in Gungan speak!

Obi-wan dragged himself out of the mud pit and began to run for his master. Dodging deadly blasters and panting from exhaustion, he would not seek rest and cover until he was certain Qui Gon got off the droid ships safely. In his chest two hearts were beating rapidly, his own and what he felt of Qui Gon's through the training bond. Double images of the Naboo forest hovered before his eyes, he heard his master's ragged breath and then a small flare of anxiety. An odd looking creature, standing steadfast like a Gungan caught in the headlights.

Wait, it was a Gungan, the most pathetic creatures in the texts he had studied for the mission. Obi-wan frowned even as his pace slowed down a fraction without notice. Qui Gon's way was blocked by the young male amphibian, he had no way to go...he clasped the Gungan to his bosom and pressed him to the ground. The droid ship hovered over their head, energy motors frizzing the master's hair. Obi-wan's eyes narrowed with understanding, Qui Gon was protecting the native with his thick frame. With a surge of new found energy Obi-wan picked up his pace.

"If they find us," Obi-wan lifted his head and stared into the wobbly eyes.

"They will crush us..." he said mashing his teeth together, hip swaying.

"...grind us into a thousand pieces and blast us into oblivion!" Obi-wan stepped further into the Gungan's personal space.

And that's for rolling in the meadows with my master. The Gungan did its fishy pout, twisted his head prettily and tried to swat Obi-wan in the face with his ears. Obi-wan ducked and shot the Padawan Look Of Death at Qui Gon.

"I will remember to switch it off next time, Master," Obi-wan apologized. Qui Gon's hand trembled at the way Obi-wan's gaze was moving up and down the lightsaber he offered. What was wrong with his Padawan now days? He was feisty and reckless, quite rude towards Jar Jar and worst of all, showed not a hint of interest in Queen Amidala. A blush threatened to creep into Qui Gon's face as Obi-wan's hungry gaze traced up his hand and to his neck, and what exactly is wrong with me too, he wondered.

"Padawan, where is Jar Jar?" Qui Gon asked.

"With the ship's droids," Obi-wan murmured, not taking his eyes off the task at hand.

"That's all the way at the back of the ship, how am I supposed to ask him about Naboo's water systems?" Qui Gon was somewhat annoyed. "And why have you moved your bed to block the door? I need to use the bathroom."

"I sense it also Master," Obi-wan said, unable to pull his gaze away as Qui Gon's sinuous limbs moved to put on the gray toga he had stayed up all night stitching. "Please take me along with you, what can you do with that Jar Jar creature anyway?"

"Jar Jar is a native of these lands," Qui Gon began to say.

"Jar Jar lives underwater!" Obi-wan almost shouted, stretching his arms, swinging the spanner in his hand, he mimicked the breaststroke motion.

"You need to stay here and look after the ship, Obi-wan," Qui Gon's voice was stern as he turned to leave.

"Well," Obi-wan huffed. "Just remember to call me on the com!"

A year later, that thing that didn't happen, didn't happen.

Obi-wan stood shocked as he accidentally walked in on Qui Gon's mediation. The master had his hair down, strands clinging to his neck and cheeks with sweat. He was kneeling in a meditative posture, chest bare and gleaming with effort. His legs were bent and parted, an oiled and red penis jutting out over the slack waistline of his leggings.

"Oh love," Qui Gon cried out and came. "Obi-wan!"

Without a thought, Obi-wan rushed up, pushing his head between the twitching legs. Qui Gon gasped with shock and tried to push him away only to be met with loud objections through their bond "You came for me. Mine!"

His bondmate smiled down at him, blue eyes full of lust. Obi-wan grinned back wickedly.

"Qui Gon, do you know how I realized I was in love with you?" Obi-wan said slurringly, kissing his lover's fevered lips in between each word.

// No love // Qui Gon moaned as Obi's sweet soft lips pecked on his jaw.

// When I found out you were boinking Jar Jar, I was so jealous! // Obi giggled rather un-Jedi like as Qui Gon stiffened.

"I never!!!!" A rush of revoltion came along the bond.

"Youssa bin wantin messa bad" Obi slurped his tongue over Qui Gon's shoulder. // Admit it love //

"That is," Qui Gon gritted his teeth, trying not to moan from the touch. "so" pant "so" groan "so perverted!"

Obi-wan merely laughed and straddled Qui Gon's hips. // Put up with it or no nookie for this master tonight //

// You're cruel love // Qui Gon whimpered helplessly // and what do you hope to achieve?! //

// The satisfaction that I can make you come at Jar Jar's voice, proving I am right and that I am the most amazing lover in the galaxy // Obi-wan smiled slyly as his oh so silky hands played over Qui Gon's sensitive flanks.

// Sith! // Qui Gon shuddered at the idea but could not bring himself to stop the pleasuring hands.

"Wu bigge Jidi!" Obi-wan's touch caressed Qui Gon's stomach and chests, softly bouncing on the mattress to rub against Qui Gon's parted inner thighs.

The cultured voice mimicking the inconsistent accent was driving Qui Gon crazy, and Obi-wan watched with amusement as looks of resentment and pleasure passed over the strained features.

"Please. stop. that." Qui Gon moaned.

"Ex-queeze me?!" Obi-wan lowered his head and sunk his teeth into a nipple, whilst looking up with an eyebrow quirked in challenge. His hand squeezing Qui Gon's sacs.

The bigger Jedi arched and his now burning penis poked into his lover's soft stomach. The texture made Qui Gon's head spin, if only Obi-wan would stop being silly.

"Silly am I? When nine hundred years..." Obi-wan began.

"No! NO!!" Qui Gon panted and pushed Obi-wan's mouth to his other neglected nipple. "Oh Jar Jar, keep sucking Jar Jar, just please don't turn into Yoda!"

Qui Gon shielded his curse this time as he felt Obi-wan grin triumphantly against his abdomen, and still grinning as he got lower and lower. The slow friction of the hot cheeks snuggled into his stomach was heavenly and Obi's wide eyed, open mouthed appreciation for Qui Gon's formidable member was very flattering indeed.

"Yee gods! Whatsa messa waz sayin?!" well, until Obi-wan recollected himself and said that.

"Yes love," Qui Gon tugged at the padawan braid hoping to get his lover to shut up and swallow his cock.

Obi-wan chuckled wide mouthed at the needy look on Qui Gon's face, feeling his heart melt.

"Messa lickin youssa lightsaber now okieday?"

Qui Gon could do nothing but pray to the force.

Then the hot velvety mouth descended on him and flashes of pleasure ran over Qui Gon's skin, his hands reflexively clutched Obi-wan's head and felt it yield sweetly, swallowing him. Obi-wan relaxed his throat muscles eagerly, timing his master's response. There, that slow roll of the eyes, the head thrown back and the tightening of Qui Gon's balls.

"Oh love, I'm going to..." Qui Gon whispered hoarsely.

// How Lewd!!! // Obi-wan sent and Qui Gon screamed with frustration and release, pumping semen into Obi-wan's mouth.

"Oh force!" Qui Gon gasped and collapsed back onto the bed, pulling Obi-wan down with him.

Obi-wan laughed and snuggled closer, humor dancing in his lush green eyes as he looked at his sated lover. Qui Gon panted for a few seconds, staring into the ceiling as the explosion inside his head receded. Then slowly he turned and fixed his burning gaze on Obi-wan's face "You.are.SO.skewered...Love..."

"Do your worst, love," Obi-wan chuckled and laid flat on his stomach, displaying his weeping cock which was stunningly beautiful and hard.

Qui Gon traced along the throbbing vein in the member and slowly asked "Are you a Jedi too?"

Obi-wan's face contorted and he screamed inwardly as Qui Gon squealed in an unbearably cheerful voice "It works! It WORKS!!!"