Padawan Kisses

by Augusta Pembrooke (

Archive: MA, the Rising Force; all others, please ask

Category: Romance, smarm

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: none

Summary: Gentle fluff. A Very Tiny Tale, in the After Bandomeer universe.

Author's Note: The After Bandomeer stories appear to be presenting themselves to me completely out of order, the naughty little bunnies... The sequence as currently envisioned:

After Bandomeer (in MA archives)

Returning a Padawan (in production)

Padawan Kisses <---- you are here

Master Attachment (planned)

Sleeping Arrangements (in MA archives)

Mace Windu made his move and then sat back to wait for Qui-Gon's countermove. He was rather amazed that he'd gotten so far this time. The first game they'd played that evening had been won rather handily by Qui-Gon in an embarrassingly short match. Mace had fought the second match to a draw, and now it appeared that if he could force his enclosure a little tighter, he may actually win one.

He thought he would relish his presumptive victory a little more if he could be sure that his opponent's attention was on the game, but he could tell that Qui-Gon was growing increasingly preoccupied with something that was not present on the board.

Qui-Gon moved one of his lancers forward to engage the queen's guard; a not entirely haphazard move, but one that showed he completely overlooked the danger that Mace's footsoldiers were posing. Mace made the move that would show Qui-Gon his error, and said, "You're off somewhere else, Master. What's the trouble?"

"Oh, no trouble really," Qui-Gon said, as he recognized the trap he'd walked into. "Just Obi-Wan... he's having another bad dream."

Obi-Wan had retired over an hour ago; as a self-styled 'man of action', the fourteen-year-old apprentice had a very short attention span for Kings, and when Mace and Qui-Gon had one of their marathon gaming sessions, he quickly decamped.

Qui-Gon moved one of his archers forward in a desperation move, and went on, "I'm going to have to go rescue him in a minute if he can't get out of it. We have a sort of mutual aid agreement when it comes to bad dreams."

"He been having a lot of bad dreams?" Mace asked.

"Oh, no more than most boys his age, I expect," Qui-Gon said. "He just takes them so personally."

"You still having bad dreams?" Mace pursued.

"Not as many as I was," Qui-Gon told him, smiling. "And I think knowing I've got 'back-up' makes them not seem so bad, when I do have them."

Several moves later, Qui-Gon was conceding defeat and pushing his chair back.

"I'll put these away," Mace told him; as a former resident of these rooms, he was intimately familiar with where everything went. "You go quiet Obi-Wan." For he could tell that his erstwhile master was anxious to do just that.

Mace put each carved piece into its fitted niche in the foam-board that protected them, and closed the board-table back into its case, before walking down the hall to say good-night to his host.

He paused in the doorway to Obi-Wan's room, and smiled at the attractive picture the master and apprentice made. Qui-Gon was seated on the single bed with his back against the headboard. Obi-Wan lay sprawled across his lap, with his head on Qui-Gon's chest, sleeping peacefully. Qui-Gon was gently stroking Obi-Wan's face, and as Mace watched, he leaned down and pressed a tiny kiss on Obi-Wan's eyelid.

You look like a pair of lovers, Mace thought to his master.

Qui-Gon looked up at that and raised one quizzical eyebrow.

Dream gone? Mace asked.

I had to turn it, he heard Qui-Gon reply. He wasn't able to get out of it.

Any chance he's dreaming the future? Mace asked. Some Jedi could access visions of the future in their sleep; it wasn't yet known whether or not Obi-Wan was one of their number.

Force, I hope not, and Mace could feel Qui-Gon's mental shudder.

That bad?

Pretty damned bad... He was walking through the Temple. It was in total ruins. Bodies were everywhere, most mutilated as well as killed... But he wasn't looking for my body - He knew I'd been dead for years. It was... fairly gruesome. Qui-Gon kissed Obi-Wan's temple at that.

Has he had that one before? Mace wanted to know.

Not that I know of - I think it's a new one. He usually has the standard teenage-coping-with-mortality ones. My death, mostly. And he usually is somehow constrained to watch me die, without being able to assist me... Those dreams leave him fairly upset, and Qui-Gon stroked Obi-Wan's lax cheek with one finger.

Maybe Yoda should talk to him about this latest one, then, if it's out of the blue, Mace suggested.

I'll suggest it to Obi-Wan, but he doesn't take too kindly to being asked to take his dreams seriously, Qui-Gon thought.

Mace stood for a moment propping one shoulder against the doorjamb, then thought You two are certainly more physically affectionate than you and I were, Master.

Qui-Gon looked up at him and smiled. You were always so suspicious of hugs and kisses, my Padawan.

An unfortunate legacy of my homeworld's culture, Mace smiled ruefully. Love and comfort were expressed in words, physical displays were for sex.

It made it difficult when you were my padawan, Qui-Gon was nostalgic. All the things that are so easy to say with a hug - like 'you'll do better next time', or 'thank you for your kindness'... I had to find words for. Not exactly my strength.

Yeah, well, how do you think Deracia felt? Mace was referring here to the Knight with whom he enjoyed his first long-term relationship. It took her quite a while to train me that hugs weren't ALWAYS foreplay.

Qui-Gon pressed another soft kiss on Obi-Wan's eyelid, which caused Mace to comment, Still, I don't think it's entirely my upbringing that raises my eyebrows whenever you do THAT.

Do what?

Masters kiss their apprentices on the forehead or cheek, Mace was grinning. Lovers kiss eyelids.

You're implying that lovers have exclusive rights to eyelids? I don't believe it. Qui-Gon's mental voice was mock-outrage.

Ask anyone, Mace laughed. I don't think it's just me.

In the name of masters everywhere, Qui-Gon mentally intoned, I reclaim my padawan's eyelids. And he kissed Obi-Wan again.

Why don't you reclaim his lips while you're at it? Mace was sardonic.

I'll have you know I can name at least three humanoid cultures in which kissing on the lips is a form of greeting. Qui-Gon was pedantic.

I know, I know... my first posting was to one of them. The first month there, I thought I'd die of embarrassment, and practically HID in the embassy... Mace was suddenly suspicious. Master, YOU didn't have anything to do with my first posting, did you?

Qui-Gon made an innocent face with wide eyes. Me? Oh, Padawan, you over-rate my influence.

Dammit, I should have KNOWN you had something to do with that, Mace groaned. And I'm years overdue in finding an appropriate payback, too.

I have every confidence in your managing to think of just the thing, Qui-Gon told him, and a companionable silence fell between the two men for some moments.

Then Mace thought, You're in for a hell of a time when this one falls in love with you.

Qui-Gon looked alarmed. He's fourteen, Mace. Don't rush him!

I think I wasn't much older than that when I decided that the goal of my life was to die bravely for you, Mace told him.

You always were a romantic, Qui-Gon thought. But you had a thirty-year-old master, remember. I expect Obi-Wan will find someone a little younger and more dashing than his decrepit fifty-year-old master on which to exercise his hormonal yearnings.

You really are in for a surprise, Mace was smiling fondly. Since I don't get the opportunity very often, I hope you won't mind when I remind you of this conversation and say 'I told you so' in the reasonably near future.

Oh, go home and go to bed, Mace, Qui-Gon told him gruffly.

Yes, Master, Mace said meekly, and complied.

Qui-Gon sat for a while looking down at his apprentice's sleeping face, more troubled than he had let on. He hoped Mace was wrong, or at least that he had misjudged the timeframe; once Obi-Wan evinced a strong romantic attachment to his master, if ever, it would become necessary for the master to put some distance, both physical and emotional, between the two of them. And Qui-Gon was not looking forward to having to do that.

Damn Mace, anyway, for putting ideas into my head, Qui-Gon thought as he stroked his padawan's cheek. He probed gently to assess Obi-Wan's sleep state, and was pleased to find him in a deep-sleep, dreams far away.

Then he yielded to the impulse, and leaned down to softly press his lips to his padawan's. And then he did it again. After all, who knows how long he still had to enjoy his padawan's kisses?