Ordinary Pain

by Yinka Wills (yinkawills@hotmail.com)

Archive: Yes to M&A,anyone else, please ask

Category: Angst

Rating: R

Summary: Workers in Coruscant's oldest profession get an unexpected glimpse at what happens between two jedi when passion disturbs serenity

Notes: My thanks to betas cwolfe and flippant lizard who were patient and kind with their comments.

Disclaimer:I don't own them. George Lucas does. OK?

Feedback: Yes please particularly comments on plot, character, language, pacing etc to help my writing improve e-mail me at yinkawills@h...

Coruscant's oldest district, the Pleasure District, was quiet. Unlike other areas in the lower levels dedicated to the erotic arts, it had no vids, eroto-droids, holoporns, audio-sex booths. It's streetwalkers were all sentient beings, rather than the standard mixture of sentients, bots, droids, and sims. Its streets were winding and narrow with few aerial walkways, building were of a kind that had been long replaced with tall metal and plasteel. Made of local wood and stone from the days before the planet was entirely covered in buildings, the streets were cramped, the air - with relatively little artificial additions- smoky, the lighting fossil fuelled. The latter part was due to the local authorities shrewdly realising its tourist potential as a place that evoked a bygone era. Tourist could come and see the pleasure boys and girls - all licensed- seeking trade, visit the hundreds of establishments and rent rooms by the standard hour, glimpse what it must have been like centuries ago when times were wilder, grimier,riskier.

Tonight, the boys and girls were still waiting patiently for the passing trade to start appearing. A small group of them were huddled, bored, near one the countless funhouses.

"Fracking hell. It's dead tonight" a tall, green skinned R'uvisan waived one of his many arms irritably.

"Deader than that trick you had last night, R'urr" said a tall, violet-eye humanoid woman, leaning against the wall of the building. The others burst into good natured jeers and whistles, and the R'uvisan gave a mock growl in response.

"Yeah, it was bad, that one. Smelt like bantha poodoo! Nearly sent it over to you, Serna" more whoops, whilst Serna, pulled on a smoke-filled irstick, and pulled her very expensive xoxskin jumpsuit tighter around her body.

"Well, if things don't pick up, might have to go looking for it" Serna quipped, and her listeners, shook their heads, and shuffled their feet, muttering.

They all saw the young human male who came round the corner just then, and Serna straightened up expectantly. Business?

As he continued walking towards them, she eyed him expertly and quickly revised that opinion.

He was young -adult but young, maybe 25 standard years, and under the old lighting system that illuminated the streets, though his head was bare, it was hard to tell just what colour hair he had exactly.

His face was beautiful, all high cheekbones, square chin, aquiline nose, and his mouth had a sensual curve, that complimented the sensual walk that ensured all eyes stayed upon him. What they could see of his clothes under the dark cloak suggested garments cut tight enough to emphasize a slender, well-muscled body.

"Frack" Serna murmured. He was sex on legs. Even more so when she noted, as he drew nearer to her, the expression in his eyes. A kind of innocent knowingness. He didn't look like he was a tourist, looking for excitement. But he didn't look like an experienced pleasure worker either. What the frack was he doing here?

Somehow, he could sense that Serna was the one to talk to, because he walked up to her to pose the question.

"Um, excuse me. I want to stay out here, tonight. Would that cause a problem?"

Now that he was close, and his face caught the light from the front window of the nearby hotel, she could see his eyes. A kind of crystalline grey-green, as stunning as the rest of the package. And the voice!

"Why, are you looking for some fun?" that was Neffri, and Serna just knew that her next comment would probably be something crude enough to scare away what was obviously a virgin as regards their line of business. And a virgin could draw in a lot of trade on a quiet night like this. She moved swiftly to put the stranger at ease.

"You can stay with me. It won't be a problem. You won't have to do anything you don't want to do" she made her voice as reassuring as possible, which was quite something as she'd paid over five hundred credits for expensive sonic surgery to ensure she had a voice that could launch a thousand wet dreams.

The young man nodded, barely noticing the attempted audio seduction, his eyes moving around the streets as if searching for something. As he moved to fall in with her, she wondered just why he was there. Runaway? Lover's tiff? Somehow, he didn't have the air of someone looking for kicks.

/Frack!/ she thought /If he was mine, I'd chain him to the bed before I let him out without me. He's a walking invitation, this one/ She put out her hand, cautiously, to touch his arm. To her surprise, she felt muscle under the cloak, as he tensed slightly.

"I'm Serna.

He hesitated slightly, before responding, voice low "I-I'm Ben. You can call me Ben"

/Uh-huh/ Serna thought. Right. *Ben*. "Well,..Ben, you're welcome to spend as long as you want. Play, don't play, watch...your choice"

He flashed her a smile, and she could have sworn her body temperature rose two degrees in response.

/Oh yes,/ Serna thought, as she took her new friend's arm, and drew him gently over to introduce him to the others, this one should be very good for business. Very good.

By the 25th Hour, the streets had been transformed.

Serna's instincts were correct. As if from nowhere, clients started appearing. From round the corner. From the top of the street. In a small, but steady stream.

Most of them approached Ben, where he stood against the wall,one leg bent, cloak over one shoulder. His gentle refusal then steered them toward the others, and there was much good natured banter from the likes of R'urr, Neffri and Vix as they took over. Serna herself became very busy indeed. And the clients seemed in a generous mood as well.

It was turning out into an altogether profitable evening, and Serna would have been quite content, if her seeing ahead senses didn't tell her that things were not to remain as uneventful as they had been. Ben seemed tense. As if he was waiting for something, or someone.

When that someone finally arrived it was late. About the 28th hour.

There was a lull, so most of them were looking when the tall figure appeared from around the corner, and began walking in their direction.

The man was big, very big. And powerfully built. Serna could see the wide shoulders under the long dark cloak that he wore. He moved lightly for a man of his size though - his approach was noiseless despite the tall boots - and he had a flowing mane of hair that fell over his shoulders. Something about him was disturbing. His face was still in shadow, but something about his aura spelt danger.

Serna instinctively glanced at Ben and saw that he had moved to stand upright, and was looking in the direction that the stranger was heading from. The tension in the young man's body was apparent even from some distance away.

/What the frack is going on here?/ Serna wondered, and then, as the man moved closer and she got a good look at him from the streetlight, she froze. He was beautiful.

Noble forehead, heavy brows, a square jaw covered in a close beard. His nose had been broken at some time, that was apparent, and his mouth was firm. The eyes were blue, deep, piercing, the kind that laid a soul bare. They swept over her R'urr, Neffri, Vix and the others as if looking for someone. And stopped dead when they reached Ben.

Serna saw the big man's hands - huge, powerful looking - clench and unclench once. And then he swept past her, to stop in front of the youth. "What are you doing here?" the big man's voice was deep, a low rumble from a massive chest. The question was addressed to Ben, and Serna was nonplussed to see the formerly courteous face harden into a taunting insolence, as the young man leant back against the wall casually, bending one leg to proper himself up.

"You said I was behaving like a whore. Well, who am I to argue?"

The big man's huge fists clenched and unclenched at his sides again, whilst he stood, legs apart in front of the youth.

A hush had settled over the workers on the street. Most of them were too far away to hear the exchange, but the chill atmosphere generated by the two made it clear something was wrong. Vix was shuffling from one foot to the other, the red crest on his head starting to raise and stiffen, a sign of tension. Serna decided it was time she took charge of the situation.

"Looking for something, Ser?" she used the honorific carefully. Something was definitely not right. Unlike Ben, the big man's face was impassive, but the tense way he held his body, and her looking ahead senses told her he was anything but calm.

Ignoring her, he spoke again to Ben.

"What madness is this? You will return to our quarters at once" Serna could hear the sibilant noise that Neffri made when she was alarmed, and her fight or flight response was starting to kick in, she could feel the uneasy stares the others were exchanging between themselves, but all her attention was focussed on the two men, and the drama being played out between them.

A father come to drag an errant son back home? She wondered. "This is my night off. And we're not at the Temple now. I'm on my own time, and I'm staying here." Ben's voice was insolent. His tone and body language said Frack You!

/Temple?/ Serna thought, confused. She'd never see any priests remotely like these two.

Even as she wondered, the big man moved towards Ben until he was standing only a handsbreath away. His whole stance was menacing. His voice, when he spoke, even more so.

"You.Will.Do.As.I.Say." each word, carefully enunciated sent a chill up Serna's spine. The big man was scary. He looked like he wanted to do Ben some serious damage, even as his face remained expressionless. The contrast between the menacing air, and expressionless face was more frightening than if he'just shouted.

"Hey, Ser," Serna pitched her voice at its most soothing and seductive. "No need for any trouble" even as she spoke, she made hand signals, letting R'urr, Neffri and Vix know that there might be trouble, and they started moving forward.

Suddenly, the big man turned his head, glancing at Serna very briefly then flung out one hand in a negatory gesture.

Serna, Vix, Neffri and R'urr froze, unable to move, it was as if invisible bands had clamped down on them.

"What the frack!-" R'urr howled, whilst Vix' crest was fully raised now. Neffri's hissing was pure snake.

Only Serna remained silent whilst angry, excited voices exclaimed around her. As the big man's hand had moved, his cloak had fallen open for a few seconds, and she'd glimpsed the weapon hanging at his waist. There was only one set of beings who carried weapons like that, on Coruscant or anywhere else, and who could use unseen forces to freeze them in their tracks, and if he was one of those, trying to take him down was pointless.

"Please, Ser.." Serna put her best voice forward. Ordinarily, most beings with audio capacity would have responded favourably without even understanding why, but this one barely noticed.

"Making a choice like this will not solve the problem" the big man's voice was harsh, and Serna saw Ben's head whip back in response.

"Surely, according to you, I am the problem?" the sarcasm was enough to make all those in immediate earshot wince.

The two men were facing each other, breathing accelerated. Tense enough for matters to explode into violence, by the way their bodies were braced. The big man had the deadly air of a seasoned warrior, and Ben despite his youth and tight fashionable garb had unconsciously fallen into a posture that indicated he would not be a pushover in any fight.

"This foolish attempt at rebellion ends now. Your petulant manner could have caused grave offence to our hosts-"

"Except that one of our hosts was too busy trying to get you into her bed to notice anything I happened to say or do."

Serna saw the big man stiffen at the words, and the audience of watching pleasureworkers all drew a collective mental breath.


The older man growled out a response.

"What foolishness is this? You've attended enough of these affairs to understand the importance of appearing to be sociable." The tone was scornful, Serna felt her own spirit quail at it, so what effect it would have on Ben she could only imagine.

The youth's voice was low, causing everyone to strain to hear it. "I saw you with the diplomatic attache. She was flirting with you"

"She was asking me questions. About the Order. About our work"

"It looked like she wanted a personal demonstration"

"And you thought I was going to provide one?" the big man's voice was soft, but there was still steel underneath.

"You looked as if you weren't averse to the idea" Ben moved his arms as if to wrap them around his body for comfort.

Again, the watchers - with no choice but to be spectators at what should have been a very private encounter, drew a collective mental breath.


The big man actually did draw a deep breath, as if steadying himself. Serna's senses felt the anger and another undefinable emotion radiating off him like heat, even as his expression remained impassive.

"This- fancy of yours Obi-Wan is absurd. I would not compromise our work that way. And she is not my type."

This caused Ben, to raise his head abruptly. Even if Serna had not been able to see his expression, the taut line of his body spoke volumes as to his feelings. "And who exactly is your type, Master? Why not tell me once and for all, put me out of my misery-"

"Do.Not.Push.Me." the man he had addressed as his Master, spoke in a tone of deadly quiet, and Vix, Neffri and R'urr made soft whimpering noises of distress as the air turned heavy with the charged emotions radiating from the two men.


Serna had one of those Moments, when time appeared elastic, when her seeing ahead sense brought images into her mind.

In her mind, like a holopic, she saw the two men, a very fleeting image. Naked bodies entwined,the big man laying over Ben, hair falling over both of them like a curtain, sweaty, long limbs entangled, faces contorted in the agony of passion. Very intense. Very real. Yet her professional senses, looking at the two men before her in the here and now told her that no such intimacy had occurred.

An idea came to her.

Sometimes, she could reach out to people with her mind. To their emotions.It was part of what made her so good at her job. With jedi, of course, it wouldn't ordinarily work, but these two were so off balance... Shutting her eyes, she reached tentatively for the younger one, Ben. A slight touch...


Ben's taut posture relaxed slightly, his breathing gentled. When he spoke, the tone was husky, wistful.

"I..can't cope with things as they are any more, Master.I...don't know if I can wait till my trials. I don't know if I can go on pretending to be this perfect, passionless, robot" Ben's voice was anguished.

The big man stepped closer. So close that they were nearly touching. So close that it was as intimate as touching. But he didn't touch Ben. Merely looked down at him from his great height.

"You don't have to pretend, Padawan. Not with me. Never with me" The words were a caress, and their audience blinked, the sudden reduction in tension confusing.

Again, Ben wrapped his arms around his body, as if for comfort. The big man stopped him by the simple method of clasping the younger man's hands in his huge ones.

"Obi-Wan. It is as hard for me as it is for you. Harder, in fact. You have no idea how long I've wanted-" he stopped abruptly.

Bent the leonine head, so that the unbound hair fell forward. Closed his eyes, as if meditating.

Serna felt some kind of movement in the atmosphere, that her seeing-ahead senses told her meant that the two were in a form of mind communication. She had heard tales of the jedi and telepathy. Watching the two men, she could well believe it, especially as Ben's eyes opened wide.

Behind her, Serna could sense Vix, Neffri and R'urr moving slightly, and noticed that the invisible constraints holding her back seemed to have vanished. They could all have just taken off, at that point. Got out of a weird situation, that definitely wasn't any good for business, as a quick glance up the street informed her. But instead, they remained, a spellbound audience to the drama being played out before them.

"I didn't realise." Ben's voice was wondering. "I didn't know that all those years you were-"

"Wanting you. Yes." So much suppressed emotion in the deep voice.

The smile that broke out over Ben's face made Serna's heart contract, with it's beauty, and light.

"Then, Qui-Gon, if you can endure, I can." He reached up and touched the big man's cheek gently.

Vix, Neffri and R'urr gave an unconscious little groan at the gesture - so innocent, yet so erotic.

Obviously the big man, Qui-Gon, thought so too, as Serna saw him shudder at the contact, and then turn his head until his lips rested against the fingers touching him.

"My heart" the endearment was quiet, and then the huge hands reached out again, and grasped Ben's face between their palms.

He bent his head until both their foreheads were touching. They remained like that for a few seconds, breathing deeply, both with their eyes closed.

Again, Serna had that sense of movement in the atmosphere, and both men stiffened as if struck by an invisible hand, and Serna felt for a split second, a powerful, ecstatic wave of.. something, energy, light, she couldn't describe it later, only know that it made her feel giddy and breathless with happiness.

Obviously the others felt it too.

R'urr gave that little yelp that signalled feelings of pleasure, whilst Vix's crest flattened, and Serna knew that if it was daytime, she would be able to see it changing colour.

"What? What was that?" Ben's voice was bewildered as both he and the big man, Qui-Gon raised their heads to look into each other's eyes again.

"I don't know" Qui-Gon shook his head once, as if to clear it, eyes narrowing as if listening for something.

"I think..... I think we've just bonded."

Whatever that meant, Serna thought, it could only be a good thing, judging by the way Ben moved to lean against his master's body, arms wrapped tightly around him, and the wide smile that transformed the other's face.

"Gods! How? We havent -"

Qui-Gon silenced him unexpectedly by leaning down and placing his mouth over Ben's, claiming him with a searing, devouring kiss.

"FRACK!" Neffri moaned, and Serna echoed the sentiment. If someone didn't break things up pretty soon, it looked like the two jedi would do it in the street right then and there, and she didn't think that she or her friends could survive the excitement, if the heat generated in all of them just from watching the kissing was anything to go by.

Clearing her throat noisily, Serna stepped forward slowly, taking command of the situation. "Ser" she addressed the big jedi, who had broken off the kiss (just as well, before Neffri fainted) but was staring silently into the smaller man's eyes.

With a visible effort, the big man turned his head. "Yes?"

Their eyes met, and Serna felt a jolt go through her. Frack, he was beautiful! What wouldn't she give for a night with him. But obviously, he was very much taken. "Time to take him home, don't you think?"

There was a pause, for a long beat. Ben -who was plastered against the big man, arms tight around his waist sighed, as his master (Serna wish she had a master that hot) stroked his hair gently, continuing to watch the pleasureworker gravely.

Then, with obvious reluctance, he dropped his arms, and moved away from Ben. "Madam. I thank you for your very wise advice. And I apologise to you and your colleagues for any alarm I may have caused."

He ended the words with a small bow, as if she were royalty. As if they were all ...special.

"'S okay"

"No complaints"

"What alarm? Everything's fine" this last from Neffri, who was making purring noise deep in her throat.

"Master." Ben - no, Obi-Wan the big man had called him, spoke up softly. His master turned his head towards him, and the tenderness in his expression made Serna's breath hitch. "I just need to say goodbye to my..friend" The jedi called Qui-Gon stepped back, as Ben/Obi-Wan walked, no, slinked towards her.

"Alright now kid?" Serna put on her toughest, most seen-it-all voice, but the young man wasn't fooled.

Reaching out, he gave her a quick hug, causing Serna to frantically issue a mental command to her xoxskin suit, to reduce her suddenly raised body temperature.

Damn jedi! Whatever it was they had, it should be fracking well made illegal! They could put a girl out of business.

She could tell he must have caught her thought, because the grin he gave her, as he stepped back, loosening his grip, was wicked.

"Thank you." He whispered in her ear. He glided back to the big man, who wrapped one arm around his shoulder, holding him close to his side.

All the pleasureworkers watching, hardened cynics by the very nature of their profession, hopeless romantics in the secret depths of their much abused hearts, caught their collective breaths.

"It looks like the Force has made the decision for us, Padawan. Let's go home" The big man dropped a quick kiss on the young one's nose, and Serna sent a vicious mental instruction to her toes to fracking well uncurl right now. As the two jedi walked off, the pleasureworkers stood silent, watching them, the last parts of their conversation drifting back over the silent streets.

"What happens now? Will the Council separate us?"

"Not if it's the kind of bond I think it is, Obi-Wan. And if they try to - well, this will not be the first time I have defied them and won."

"No, indeed." the younger man's chuckle hinted at many acts of defiance.

Serna and the others watched the two jedi until their silhouetttes faded under the street lamps, then sighing, went back to work. There were, after all, credits to be made, though for some reason, everyone seemed to feel that little bit...lighter.

Sometime later, about the 29th hour, whilst taking a short rest in between clients, Serna felt again, that incrediable burst of ecstatic emotion. Smiling, she pulled her xoxskin suit tighter around her.

"Give him one for me too, Ben" she murmured wistfully. Then, with a little shake, she went back to work.