
by RavenD <>

Archive: master_apprentice, World O' Pretty Boys, anyone else, pls. ask

Author's web page:

Category: Angst, POV

Rating: G

Warnings: The scene that didn't happen in TPM, happened.

Pairing: Q/O

Spoilers: none

Summary: Qui-Gon waits for Obi-Wan. A stand-alone sequel to "Closing My Eyes"

Notes: Thanks, as always, to Velma for the beta, the discussions, the endless nagging. Thanks to bat and MJ for the support. All mistakes are mine

Feedback: Waited for with bated breath.

Disclaimers: Lucas owns it all. I don't have enough money to pay attention.

I have watched you for ages, my Padawan. I have watched as you have battled against the Darkness. I have watched as the smooth fullness of your cheeks wrinkled against the constant erosion of the desert sands. I have watched as your humor died in agony and then rebuilt itself, a phoenix. I have watched your hair fade along with your hope.

I have watched every sleepless night that you reached for me, and every dream- filled night when your arms ached to be filled.

I have to believe you felt my touch, my heart, my tears as I reached for you. I have waited, spending endless nights running my hands along shoulders that could not feel me. I have watched, needing to comfort a heart that might not know of my presence.

Over and over again, I have ached to share my pride in you, for the determination with which you trained Anakin. I saw every moment, my Obi-Wan, every single failure, every single success. I could see that you cared for him, that you did not shortchange him. Did you know the tears you shed at his loss fell upon my face? You could not have made me more proud.

You have lived so long, so many years, alone. My Obi-Wan, who was once the bright center of a circle of fun-loving children, doggedly living the life of a hermit in the middle of desolation. You have sat watching as Anakin's son grew, preparing yourself to do the one thing your heart screams to never try again -- train this boy.

With patience and with that reborn humor, train him you did, with the time you had. Gathering that scared young man into the path the Force has opened for him. You left your home to the sand, your brother to the flames and your fears to the winds.

What did you take with you, beloved? Your sense of humor, your lightsaber and a ragged piece of cloth tucked into a pocket in your cloak.

On the smuggler's ship, you were calm, gently reassuring and comforting the young man who was being hurtled headlong into his destiny. As you left Luke to sleep, I was not surprised to see you pull that scrap of beige material out and spread it across your thin pillow. I could see the shimmer of your tears as you nestled against it. I heard you whisper, "Qui-Gon, my Qui-Gon."

My Padawan, my Obi-Wan, did you feel me? Did you sense me as I slid down next to you, holding you, wanting to soothe? Did you feel as I touched your hair, the silvery strands that in my memory will always by copper? I have to believe you know that I am with you, for even after all this time, you still call for me when you sleep.

There is a part of me that would take this all from you, this pain, this loss. Part of me says that to have left you in Bandomeer, left you to the Agri-Corps, would have been a kindness. I do know the Force does not have you suffer for naught. I know your tears have bought hope and time and, in some way, balance. The selfish part of me believes the light of our love was worth any amount of suffering. The few years we had together are an incandescence within me.

I am waiting for you, Padawan mine. Watching you now as I have watched you always. The remains of the body that once housed the soul of a good man are coming ever nearer. He will free you, uncage you from the pain of a body gone old, release you at long last into my care.

As you hurry towards your final confrontation, I move beside you. I can feel the tension building inside you, the concern "My Obi-Wan," I whisper. "Be at peace. Soon I will hold you in my arms again. Soon our minds will dance together through eternity."

For the first time I know without question that you hear me, feel my love surrounding you. Your face relaxes, tension easing, and you whisper, "Master."

As you battle with the Darkness, I feel your heart as it lightens, singing in harmony with mine. I can see the Force as it spins around us, the Light pulsating as the moment of your relief draws near. You wait, assuring yourself that you follow the will of the Force, and then you drop your guard.

I see you, standing before me, at once the coppery-haired youth I trained, the firm- jawed man I desired and the wearied Jedi I admired. Shimmering tears escape from your clenched eyelids and your fists are bunched within your robes. Leaning down, I take your hand, caressing it gently, feeling whole for the first time in decades as our bond flames into existence.

"You waited for me." Your voice is full of wonder.

"Did you ever doubt?" I feel your smile in my toes; your laughter is enormous, crashing over me.

"When I reached for you?" The memories of waiting are fading into ash as you twine your fingers with mine.

"I was there." Please my Obi-Wan, release yourself and come with me. Let the Force, which you have suffered for, comfort us.

Slowly, the eyelids began to open, the clouds within those green eyes gone forever. You move into my arms, your gaze never leaving my face. As I lean down to kiss you, to welcome you, to feel you, I hear you whisper,

"I no longer have the need to close my eyes."
