PSH Series #4: Open Mouth, Insert ... Something

by Rogue(

Spoilers: Nada

Series: Padawan Story Hour

Rating: Strong PG, to a PG-13, or a mild NC-17. Take your pick. No descriptive stuff.

Archive: Master and Apprentice, yes; anyone else who wants it, go right head. Please leave my name on there. And drop me a line to let me know where it is, if you feel like it.

Category: Humor, smart-assishness

Summary: Fourth in the Padawan Story Hour series, Qui-Gon remembers an interesting conversation with his fourteen-year-old Padawan. Obi-Wan eventually sees the humor in it.

Disclaimer: My disclaimer has a first name, it's G-E-O-R-G-E; it has a last one, too, and it's spelled L-U-C-A-S! Put them both together and it spells .... a potential lawsuit if I don't own up to the fact that I don't own anything about these characters depicted in the story. What I do own, is probably not worth mentioning.

Author's Note: First off, this is based on a true life story which my maternal unit ever-so-graciously elected to share with me ... and five of our relatives and a couple of close friends. Also, to everyone who, about five months ago, wrote to my MSN account to praise the first of this series, thank you very much. I recently moved back home and finally got into said MSN account again. I read your messages, and I apologize for the lateness of this mass reply of "thanks!"

Feedback: (self's brain sludge: Gee, do I really need or want any feedback?) (self's common sense: Use the sense God gave gravel and don't ask stupid questions. *Hmph!* If I wasn't so *irritated,* I'd be *insulted.*)

Qui-Gon stood blearily in the shower, trying hard to pretend at waking up. Groaning slightly, he scrubbed at his face with his wet hands and knuckled at his eyes. He was still so tired that he didn't even flinch when a large, steaming mug floating down over the rim of the shower stall startled him. Numbly, he accepted it and found himself staring into a hot mug of Corellian coffee even as he heard in his mind: *Drink up, Master. I'm having one as well; we both need it. I know you prefer tea, but in this instance, we need the extra perk.*

The older man grimaced and took a long swallow of the beverage, making a face at the taste of the pure, unsweetened coffee. *_It's too early in the day for bad puns, Padawan. Have pity on me. Is breakfast ready yet?_*

*And why should I take pity on you? It was _your_ idea to seduce _me_ last night and then screw us both into oblivion,* was the teasing reply. *I'm surprised that neither of us is in a Bacta tank, never mind conscious. As for your question, breakfast will be ready when you are, so I respectfully request that you get your luscious ass in gear, my Master. I don't know about you, but I'm starving.*

Qui-Gon smiled, feeling himself slowly waking up as he drained the rest of his coffee. *_Luscious ass, hmm? I'd ask you to go into greater detail on that, but I'm too sore to go there right now._*

*Same here,* came the regretful tone. Then Obi-Wan's voice brightened. *I don't regret it, though. It's hard to regret something as wonderful as last night. Especially since you were involved in it.*

*_Only hard?_* Qui-Gon teased.

*Okay, okay, it's impossible. Happy now?*

*_Much. Catch._* He floated the mug back out of the shower stall and out of the bathroom to where Obi-Wan stood waiting in the common room. *_Thank you, love. That hit the spot._* He smiled at his lover's pleased reply, then got down to thoroughly cleaning himself, ignoring the twinges from certain abused areas. When he was done, he shut off the water and wrapped a towel around his waist, then left the bathroom and made his way to his and Obi-Wan's bedroom. It was actually the same room he'd previously had all to himself, but after they became lovers they had quickly decided they no longer wished to sleep apart and that Obi-Wan's former bed was too small to accommodate the added bulk of Qui-Gon's large body.

As the older man entered their bedroom, he grinned slightly to himself. He had felt Obi-Wan's presence in the kitchen, but the younger man had studiously made himself scarce. It had been proven on many occasions that they were both susceptible to the sight of their other half strolling around near naked and dripping wet, especially after a session of lovemaking. So to avoid any inconvenient temptation, Obi-Wan had remained where he could not see his almost nude lover.

Shutting the door, Qui-Gon toweled his hair almost dry, then quickly and neatly dressed for the day in his favorite pair of second-best tunics and pants, then pulled on his boots. Gathering his comb, brush, and hair-tie, he went back out into the common room to find his Padawan meditating peacefully, only half-dressed in his lounge pants. Smiling as he took a brief opportunity to visually adore his lover's beauty, Qui-Gon reflected that he was a very lucky man.

Obi-Wan's eyes opened and the younger man smiled brilliantly to see his lover standing a few feet in front of him, regarding him with a tender smile.

The Master's grin widened and he held up his hair accessories. "Would you indulge me, my Obi-Wan?"

The Padawan's grin turned warm and slightly wicked. "Always, my love. Go sit on the couch."

Qui-Gon sat and Obi-Wan stood behind him. He began combing the long, silky hair gently, carefully untangling snarls. Once all the tangles had been combed out, he picked up the brush and simply stroked the raspy bristles through Qui-Gon's hair, over and over as the silky strands dried further. From the contented humming emitting from the older man's throat, Obi-Wan smiled as he surmised his lover was enjoying the simple massage as he usually did.

Finally, he neatly tied back the top lock of hair into the style Qui-Gon usually wore and then leaned down to feather kisses all over the brow. "There," he purred. "All done."

Large hands reached up and held him in place, squeezing his arms slightly where they gripped. "Thank you, my Obi-Wan. You spoil me wonderfully. I shall have to think of someway to spoil you as well."

"You constantly do, my Qui-Gon, every time you tell me you love me," Obi-Wan laughed. He pressed another kiss on his lover's brow and then added, "Breakfast is waiting in the kitchen. Don't wait for me, I've already had a quick bite to eat. I need to get showered and dressed and then get to my Physics fine-tuning class."

"Ah, yes. Good luck today on your project presentation."

"Thanks. Hopefully, it won't blow up in my face."

Qui-Gon leaned his head back to grin up at his young lover. "It would be a definite shame if you were to somehow mar those pretty features of yours, my love, I must admit that."

Obi-Wan sighed, rolled his eyes as he shook his head, then tugged sharply on the tail of hair before pulling himself free. He couldn't resist one more quick kiss, then he was gone.

Chuckling, Qui-Gon wandered into the kitchen and helped himself to his breakfast. He finished and cleared everything up just as Obi-Wan came out of their bedroom, dressed and briskly toweling at his braid, then getting ready to take the comb to it. The Jedi Master intercepted his student, smiled, and stood patiently combing through the long, sandy-blonde locks, then deftly braided them together, placing the yellow tie in the middle and the red one at the end, as usual. He dropped a perfunctory kiss on Obi-Wan's mouth, then gently pushed his Padawan on his way.

Snickering, Obi-Wan gathered up his datapad and cloak where he'd left them by the door, bowed politely to his Master, and walked out.

Sighing, Qui-Gon stretched slightly, then gathered up his own cloak and set off to get his own list of things done.

Obi-Wan waved goodbye to his friends as he laughed at some joke Trisl'n had told, then thought for a moment. Class was long since over, he'd taken care of the few other things he'd been scheduled to help with, and there was now time enough for a late lunch. Grinning slightly to himself, he decided to surprise his master and show up suddenly and invite him to dine with his student.

Concentrating, he used the bond to orient on the older man and was led off toward a small, private atrium that was used by some of the masters as a lounge to gather in. It was where they could relax and talk shop and crack jokes and unwind without either disturbing anyone else or giving the wrong impression to the more impressionable students.

Still grinning, Obi-Wan dampened down his Force signature so that no one else could pick him up and neither could Qui-Gon receive anything other than his usual buzz through their bond, and moved quietly along the outer wall. Then he stopped dead when he heard Mace Windu speak up.

"So, Qui-Gon, have a time of it last night, did you?" the senior Councilor teased his friend.

"Now, what makes you think that, Mace?" the rich, deep brogue of Qui-Gon's voice replied, an answering grin coloring the words.

"You have all the energy of a half-baked womp rat, circles under your eyes, and you're sitting a little stiff. There's only one thing I can think of that would cause something like that."

"Yeah. I think its called Hot-Bangis Kenobius," called out another master, causing the others to laugh. "Completely incurable; no hope for it. You're a doomed man, Master Jinn."

Qui-Gon laughed and said, "If so, Drix, I am happy in my destiny. This is one bug that I never want to get rid of. We plan to life bond when he becomes a Knight."

"Sith, he's that good? Spotty widgets, maybe you'll let me-"

"Absolutely not." The tone of Qui-Gon's voice, while still playful, also had a definite note of 'don't even think about it.'

There was more laughter and apparently they all gave up on that tactic. However, that did not mean that others were not open for consideration.

"So, Qui-Gon, answer the question. Is he really that good?"

"Take a look at me, Mace, and tell me what you think," Qui-Gon countered amiably.

"How can I tell by looking at you? You could simply have low stamina, old man." There came a yelp of laughter and the sound of robes swishing as something was thrown, then the sound of that something thunking into the wall against which Obi-Wan stood behind. "Come on, Qui-Gon, give! At least let us know what we're missing, now that you're monopolizing everything about him."

Qui-Gon snickered and Obi-Wan's eyebrows climbed high as he listened. It had never occurred to him that a master other than his own would consider him in such a way. After all, he'd never had any offers, nor even the slightest hint that it was so.

"Well ... okay, yes, he is that good. Great moons of Mark'ren! That smile, those eyes, that body ... and can he use it! And it isn't only the fact that I'm undeniably, irrevocably, non-regretfully and totally in love with him that makes me say that. The lad is a living, breathing, writhing altar of carnality and I offer myself onto that altar willingly."

There were heartfelt groans of good-natured lust and appreciation. All the while, Obi-Wan stood in the shadows of the wall, grinning idiotically.

"And what he can do with his mouth...! I have never known such pleasure before in my life," Qui-Gon added. "Although, you wouldn't know it by when he was younger."

Obi-Wan frowned as Mace's voice asked cautiously, "What do you mean, Qui-Gon?"

"Don't get me wrong, Mace. I waited for him to grow up. The very evening of his eighteenth birthday, I gave in to my own cravings, but I wouldn't let myself do that until he was of age. No, my friend, I never once approached him until it was halfway legal for me to do so, and don't even get started on the other half of the legalities, because I'm not in the mood to argue."

"Me? Argue? Hah!"

"The two of you are born arguments; I think you hatched that way," another master declared amidst laughter. "Now be quiet, Mace, and let the man finish. I'm curious now."

There was a rude noise that suggested an even ruder gesture had been made, but nothing was said by anyone else as Qui-Gon continued his story.

"It was rather funny, actually. It was when my Obi-Wan was fourteen and..."

Obi-Wan's eyes widened. *Oh, no, please, he's not going to tell that! He's not.*

He did.

Qui-Gon blinked, then leveled a puzzled glance on his apprentice. Obi-Wan had walked past him in the hallway with his class and that class's teacher. The young apprentice had bowed correctly and politely at his master when they passed, but he had also avoided his master's eyes, giving the older man a strange, sidelong glance as he continued on down the hallway with his peers, all of whom were regarding Obi-Wan with slight awe at this public acknowledgement of the great Qui-Gon Jinn as his master.

*_I wonder what the boy's got in his head now,_* the master thought to himself as he turned to resume wandering down the hallway. *_Knowing him, it could be just about anything,_* he added with an amused chuckle.

He adored his apprentice, especially after the rocky start in their relationship as teacher and student. That whole mess of him not wanting the boy in the first place, then that really screwy mess involving Melida/Daan, Obi-Wan's subsequent leaving, Bruck's betrayal, and Xanatos' attempted schemes. But after working their way through that, they had cemented their bond and worked together very well. Especially after that first month, when Qui-Gon had taken the boy back under his wing, and had noticed that Obi-Wan hardly dared breathe around him and was miserable as well.

Taking him aside one evening, Jinn had gotten straight to the point of the whole matter. He faced Obi-Wan in their common room and simply opened his arms wide, inviting the young apprentice into his embrace. A stunned look of disbelief and confusion had flickered across Obi-Wan's features, and then the boy had lunged into his arms, burrowing against the tall, strong body of his master. Wrapping those long arms around his apprentice, Qui-Gon had bent until he could press his lips to Obi-Wan's hair. "It is all right, Obi-Wan," he had murmured, stroking the boy's back gently, hugging him firmly. "It is all right. You are my apprentice, and I shall not give you up. I want you, my Padawan. I want to teach you, and call you as my own. I will not abandon you. Fear not, my Obi-Wan."

A terrific shudder had trembled through the slight frame and he had felt hot, silent tears dampen his tunic front. Qui-Gon offered unconditional love and support through their bond, then smiled when he felt a fierce re-affirmation through their bond from Obi-Wan, along with a great lifting of the boy's spirit as relief swept through the young man.

From then on, the two had become quite close and so now, Qui-Gon was puzzled at this somewhat shy response from his student. He had no choice but to wait until later to address it, however, as a minor problem quickly popped up.

Later that evening, he and Obi-Wan sat at their communal table, as was their custom. They were silent as they each worked on their respective projects, Obi-Wan usually doing his assigned schoolwork while Qui-Gon puttered with something or read and wrote reports.

The Master could feel a mild disturbance in Obi-Wan, but didn't bother to address it. He felt that the boy would either tell his master whatever was bugging him in his own time, or he'd meditate on it, as he'd been taught. Probing at the teenager now would likely result in a defensive coolness, which would get Qui-Gon nowhere. He remembered what it had been like, being a teenager. Not with any great fondness, true, but he remembered it, and would act accordingly.

Finally, Obi-Wan looked up from his datapad and said nonchalantly, "Oh, by the way, Master, I know what a blow-job is."

*Total silence.*

Qui-Gon didn't even dare look at the boy. He wasn't quite sure yet exactly how he would react to such a statement, and he had no desire to offend or humiliate his student.

*_Well, this is certainly ... something. Okay. I want him to feel that he can talk to me about anything, so let's just see where this goes. Keep that stoic Jedi Master cool about you, Jinn, and start talking,_* he ordered himself. Looking up, assuming a casual, if neutral expression, he gazed at his apprentice and said, "Alright, Obi-Wan, what is it?"

Quite seriously, the boy looked at him, then propped his chin in his hand and replied, "It's something like sex, only you do it in mud."

Two seconds later, Obi-Wan was peering down at the floor and his laughing master with horrified concern and embarrassed confusion. Qui-Gon would have tried to soothe the boy's emotions, but he was too busy howling out his hilarity to really notice.

"Master, what? What did I say? Was I wrong?" Obi-Wan asked, then bit his lip as the laughter escalated in pitch and intensity. "Um, Master, shouldn't you come up for air now?"

It only made Qui-Gon laugh harder, even as he fought to control himself. *_Sweet Force! Of all the things ... I can't tell him! No, wait, I can, I probably should, but how...?!_*

Finally, he got himself under control and he hauled himself back up into his chair, wiping at his eyes as he gasped out the last of his giggles. A few moments later, he composed himself as much as he could and faced his student. "Well, Padawan, that was one of the more ... interesting ... descriptions, I've ever heard for it. However, I feel that I must prepare you by giving you the truth, therefore you won't be quite so confused should you ever run across mention of it again, as teenage boys are apt to do."

Obi-Wan had his best diplomatic look on his face, but inside, he was getting a bad feeling about this. The still-evident amusement in his master's eyes and quirking at the corners of his mouth didn't help to abate that feeling any. "Alright, my Master. Ready when you are."

Qui-Gon swallowed a new round of giggles that were threatening, cleared his throat, and began. "Okay, Obi-Wan. A blowjob is one of the terms used to describe fellatio, which is a sexual act between partners. It is when a man's penis is taken into his partner's mouth and given pleasure by that partner's mouth. As to whether mud is involved or not, is entirely up to the people in that position and species. Most humans, however, elect not to be in an environment with quite that much texture to it." He stopped and glanced at his student.

Obi-Wan had gone scarlet, an expression of mortification on his face as he stared at the tabletop. He raised his eyes to his master, then let out a low groan and hid his face in his arms.

Laughing quietly, Qui-Gon had reached over and tugged his Padawan out of his chair and pulled the half-resisting body so that the young man sat sideways on his lap. He hugged the boy close and chuckled. "Don't worry, my Padawan. At least it was only me you told, and not anyone else, true?"

The sandy-blonde head nodded against his shoulder and he could feel the heat from Obi-Wan's flaming face against the skin of his neck. Smiling, he simply held on and stroked the soft, spiky hair, rocking and humming a soft, silly tune, giving his apprentice a moment to recover himself.

The masters were chuckling, now that they'd finally finished howling out their amusement. Obi-Wan's face was as red as it had been on that long-ago day as he stood behind the wall.

"Good gods! I've heard it called lots of things, but mud?!" one of the masters laughed.

"My Obi-Wan has always been highly creative, even when he's not trying to be," Qui-Gon replied, pride laced with the amusement in his tone.

"Well, here's congrats to you, Qui-Gon, and to your Padawan, that he evidently learned the lesson well, as there isn't any mud to be seen on you!" Mace laughed.

"Thank you, Master Windu."

Everyone froze and looked to the doorway. Qui-Gon mentally groaned as he saw his Padawan and lover standing there, his face set, still as stone, but the blue-gray eyes glinting brightly. And the tips of his ears were red, leftover traces of extreme embarrassment.

Qui-Gon opened his mouth to say something, but closed it when he received a quelling glare from his young lover. A moment later, Obi-Wan gave a polite bow to the masters assembled in the room at large and departed in a quick, graceful whirl of robes and was gone.

The silence became fidgety and awkward after a few moments and then Qui-Gon sighed. "No mud, Mace, except for the stuff on my face. I'd better go catch up with him."

"True, my friend, or you'll be living the sex life of a Sereinedi Monk forever and a day," Mace agreed.

Nodding to his peers, Qui-Gon walked out of the atrium after his indignant lover and Padawan.

The older man caught up with Obi-Wan in the smaller, private garden Obi-Wan preferred for meditating in if out and about in the Temple and not close to their quarters. When he reached for the stiff shoulders, the younger man whirled around, his braid whipping through the air with a sibilant hiss. "Don't!"

Qui-Gon sighed. "Obi-Wan, I apologize for embarrassing you, but I would like to point out that I believe you're being irrational in the light of the fact that I didn't know you were there."

"Or what? You wouldn't have said anything? You would have waited until I was elsewhere before embarrassing me behind my back?!" the Padawan fumed.

"Yes. Despite what you may think, young Padawan, most of the masters in the Temple are ordinary human men, despite our training. We talk about our students and relate funny stories, even the ones that are embarrassing to a particular student. We take care, however, to try not to humiliate our apprentices by keeping such stories amongst ourselves, or perhaps editing them slightly in order to provide a lesson for another student. It was simply unfortunate that you happened to walk in on that one."

Obi-Wan was silent for a moment, then snapped, "Funny story? Is that what it was? I was totally embarrassed, both then and now!"

Qui-Gon grinned, ignoring the storm clouds gathering in the blue-gray eyes, and chuckled. "Yes, my Obi-Wan, it was funny. Come on, admit it, what would you have done if you had a young apprentice who suddenly drops information on you like a Force bomb, then be forced to correct that information?"

Obi-Wan opened his mouth to reply, then blinked. Slowly, he closed his mouth as he thought about it. A moment later, his lips curved into a reluctant grin and a moment after that, he was laughing as well. "Yeah, okay, I guess I see your point. You're right, the description I gave was rather funny, wasn't it? Although, I don't know how I'm ever going to look those masters in the face for a few days and keep my own face straight at the same time."

"Just think of it as excellent diplomacy training, my Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon replied.

The younger man rolled his eyes. "Trust you to turn it into a lesson," he groused.

The Master merely grinned, then began to remove his robe, followed by belt, sash, and tunics. He bent to undo his boots as his lover's voice said, "Qui-Gon? What are you doing?"

Straightening up, Jinn gave his lover a roguish grin and replied, "This garden received a rain shower recently. It seems a shame to let all this fine mud go to waste, my love."

Obi-Wan blinked, incredulous, then began to laugh, low and wickedly, and set about divesting himself of his own garments.

Qui-Gon chuckled, then reached for his love.