Only the Force

by Jayel Fox (

Archive: M_A, others - ask and ye shall receive

Category: Angst, POV (Obi-Wan)

Rating: G

Warning: No Qui-Gon :-(

Spoilers: If you're on this list, you should expect them. ;-)

Summary: Obi-Wan in turmoil, sometime around Ep III/19 years or so before Ep I

Feedback: Anything is welcome, from 'cool' to 'it sux!' I live off responses. L

Notes: I'm not exactly sure what's going on in this piece, but it happens sometime after Darth Vader appears. The more I think about it, the more I believe this isn't Q/O, and Obi-dear isn't elaborating, but it's about him so I thought I'd share it with y'all anyways. shrug

He's dead. As I stare out the window into the depths of space, the thought flits into my mind. It isn't mine, but it might as well be. The woman sitting beside me appears to be in control of herself, but I can feel the disturbance in the Force around her. I don't dare glance at her. One of the strongest people I've ever met, leader of her planet, and my dear friend, is dying. Oh, physically, there is nothing wrong with her. Emotionally... I have nothing to say to her, no words of comfort or sympathy. I can't lie to her or promise that things will get better. They won't.

My friend, my dead. The thoughts might as well be mine. My friend, my lover, my Master, my Apprentice. All dead now. Become one with the Force. Only I am left to survive them, an existence which is far from heartfelt, to be sure. More than walking wounded, but slightly less than dead. Only sheer determination and responsibility keeps me alive and that is beginning to fail me. Yet again.

Why? I long to scream out her question, but discipline keeps me silent. No anger. No fear or hate...or love. There is only peace. There is only the Force. But does the Force warm my bed on cold nights? Does it wrap me in its embrace and whisper tender endearments or comfort me when I am ill? It speaks to me but I do not like what it has to say so I closed my ears, only to have them forced open by recent events. I still cannot hardly believe it...

Why?! Indeed. 'Why?' Why was I so blind? So stubborn? So slow? If I had only run faster, my Master would not have died and I would not have failed us all. If only I had been stronger in my control, in my grasp of the Force, my Padawan would not have died. If I had not been blinded, he would not have been reborn in evil. And the woman beside me... I must not think. I must exist. Be one with the Force. Protect what small hopes we have, not destroy them with the past, with my wants and needs...

I want... A Jedi does not want. He does not need. He simply is. touch you... He does not desire. There is no desire. There is only the Force. last time... There is only the Force.

