Nothing More

by Seraphena

Title: Nothing More
Author: Seraphena (
Archive: MA, my site Something Wicked, anyone else just ask.
Pairing: Q/O
Genre: AU, angst, hurt/comfort (I don't know pick one.)
Rating: PG-13 (no sex yet)
Summary: What would you give, what would you give up to protect the one you love.
Notes: This is a prequel to Five Years. A few people asked for it and the bunnies wouldn't leave me alone. There will be a sequel to five years.

/stuff/ thoughts #/ stuff /# telepathy.

Disclaimer: GL owns them. pity. I make no money.

The Force was a fickle thing eluding his grasp as he dashed down the hall. Before him red energies danced. It took his brain a few precious second to identify them. Energy screens, deadly. Skittering to a stop, he had to scramble to avoid crashing into them. Several sections ahead his master knelt in mediation and one screen before that the Sith paced.

Heart pounding he tried to center his mind. Things danced before his mind's eye. Blood and violence clashed as fear and hopelessness tried to erode his control. Obi-Wan found those golden eyes locked on him for a moment. The creature smiled amused. Tightening his mental shields, he shook the tendrils of darkness from his mind. He could not mediate like his Master. He paced instead. Movement was his meditation, the calm to his soul.

The gate between his master and the Sith opened and the deadly battle continued. Eyes focused on their every move Obi-Wan again tried to reach out to the Force but the chaotic swirl slithered away.

His gate opened and even running full out he knew he would never make it. Sliding to a stop he continued to watch the battle. The sith was well trained and his master was tiring quickly. Cut off from the Force neither Jedi could replenish their energy. Even the endurance of a Jedi Master had its limits.

A tiny slip, a slight mistake. The Sith struck quickly bashing his saber hilt into Qui-Gon's face. Lightning fast the saber pierced flesh and Obi-Wan screamed.

The door disappeared before him and he leaped into battle even as his master fell to the floor. Snarling the Sith met him attack for attack. The Force swirled and crashed around them as both called on it. Boxes, beams, pipes, anything they could grab became a kinetically charged missile. The Force came to his command to strike, to fight but nothing would give him a rest, a reserve to draw on. As he stumble the tattooed creature struck again, a powerful kick at sent Obi-Wan over the edge of the melting pit. Training alone made muscle work to grab the small nozzle on the side of the pit.

The Force howled in triumph as the padawan watch his lightsaber kick down the shaft with a sneer. Muscles screaming in protest he has to closed his eyes. Center Padawan. The memory of words rips through his mind. How can you control the Force if you can't control yourself.

He realized why the Force wouldn't come to him. Anger, Fear, aggression, Of the Darkside are they. A sob almost breaks through his control. /Master I've failed you./

Live in the Moment. A calming breath and Obi-Wan pushed aside his doubt, let go of his worry for his master. The creature braced and the lightstaff descended. Leaping Obi-Wan asked the Force and it came bearing him up above the deadly blades. His master's lightsaber came to his call. Striking through and down the halves of his opponent tumbled down the melting pit that was almost his own grave.

Qui-Gon lay still. Gathering the man in his arm, Obi-Wan kept the tears back with iron control.

Blue eyes fluttered open. A distant look growing vaguer, but just for a moment they focused on him and Obi-Wan felt the intensity of the gaze.

"Master! Master!" he almost sobbed smoothing back the long hair. " It is too late...It's..." Fading strength was wasted trying to form the words." "No!" The Force told him of the injuries. The damage was grave, too horrendous to contemplate.

"Obi-Wan promise" Those eyes lost focus for a moment and he could feel the determination, the raw stubbornness. "promise me you'll train the boy"

"Yes, Master..." Familiar pain rose in his chest, echoing his heart and soul.

" He is the chosen one...he will...bring balance...train him!" A large hand lifted, shaking to wipe the tears from his cheek. If fell as the last of the strength, the energy, the life that Obi-Wan had thought endless ran out.

"No Master please." He sobbed. His mind reached trying to find any sense any trace of his master's presence. Nothing. "Please, no." He laid his head on that chest not stopping the tears that flowed, shunting the his own pain, grief into the Force filling it with pleas and hopes.

#/His last word were not for you/# The whispered words shocked him from his immobility. Eyes, ears, and the Force sense searching, he found nothing. The entire room was silent and still. Too silent. Energy froze, gate open, close, some the cascade had solidified to red sheets hanging in midair caught in a moment. Nothing moved.

"Duty first is a Jedi's life..." He said softly.

#/Duty in all things. Duty to the Force, to the Council, to your Master, to the people, to yourself./# the voice finished the padawan's creed. #/But is that all there is, duty?/#

"There is love." Caressing the soft cheek he could not imaging what it would be like to live without this man's presence in his life.

#/Why should he live?/# Couldn't they understand. A gentle touch to sooth his mind. Looking up a faint figure before him, dressed in archaic Jedi Robes. She knelt beside him her form flickering, her dark brown hair cut close and the braid beside her right ear hung down to her chest.

"Because he is needed. Because without him the universe would be a darker place."

#/Is that all?/# She seemed amused. Lines were around her eyes now. The padawan cut grown out to long locks.

"Because I love him." A sob choked him.

#/What would you give?/#

"Anything. I would give up tomorrow..." He quoted softly.

#/Would you die for him?/# The padawan asked.


#/Would you live for him?/# The Knight asked.


#/Even though he would train his boy? Could you live without him, only knowing he is alive?/# The Master asked, her hair iron gray.

He looked up into eyes that seemed to be a field of stars. Hope welled.

"Please anything."

The ethereal hand pressed against the wound and the song of the force was overpowering. His senses reeling Obi-Wan could not hold onto the moment, this place or consciousness.

As darkness overwhelmed him he heard her again, faintly. #/With no more love than he has for you. With no place but that he chooses to give you. With nothing more, live you shall until the day you both die./#