Not Now

by Amy Fortuna ( )

Rating: PG

Category: Angst, POV, Q/O

Disclaimer: I don't own the Jedi, and I don't make a dime.

Archive: master_apprentice, SWAL; anywhere else, just ask, I won't say no.

Spoilers: Yes, for TPM.

Summary: A scene beside a pyre.

Feedback: Does Obi want his master?

Love was not meant to be spoken
Whisper-soft in the night just before
A pyre is lit, but in days of light.
When laughter's embraces could turn to lovers'-
Or when silver light cast glamour on our faces-
Then I would have told you, but was too shy.
Love was meant for days of Light-
That is why I will not tell you I love you.
Not here, not now-
Standing in the quiet dark
Alone where you will soon be ashes.