The Nature of Love

by Wolfe

Archive : Yes...MA, QJEB

Category : POV (QJ & OW), First Time, Angst (a bit)

Rating : R to NC17 (I guess)

Warnings : None

Spoilers : None

Summary : Obi-Wan reacts badly to Qui-Gon refusing a sexual/romantic relationship between them.

Feedback : Yes please.

Disclaimers : We all know I don't own them and who does. No money is changing hands here.

"If you insist on having casual sex, you might as well have it with me. At least I care for you Padawan."

Six weeks earlier things had been so different.


It was after the celebration of the bonding of two Knights that I hardly knew. Every Jedi on Coruscant had been at the Temple for the celebration which was held in the main courtyard. It was a glorious balmy night and everyone had made the most of it, even Qui-Gon had relaxed and I had spent most of the evening watching him in this rare mood. He looked so happy, those wonderful eyes smiling down at everyone and his seductive voice slipping into its natural brogue. By the end of the evening I wanted nothing more than to be held in his arms and kissed until I couldn't think straight. Well...perhaps I wanted a little more than that but the romantic mood of the evening was working its way with me. Unfortunately my Master felt differently as I discovered when I gathered my courage back in our quarters.

"We have had this conversation before Padawan."

"Yes Master but that was when I was sixteen...eight years ago. Then you said it was normal for a padawan to have a crush on his master and that it would go away." I made myself hold his gaze bringing every ounce of my strength to bear to maintain my calm. "But it hasn't Master, it's stronger than ever."

His eyes held sorrow and regret and I knew then that this conversation was going to end the same way the other had all those years ago. Desperate to convince him of my sincerity I reached out, "Let me show you," and lowered all my shields.

For a moment I thought he was going to refuse then I felt the gentle wash of his consciousness over mine. I closed my eyes and let myself simply experience the emotions; trust, security, affection...the things I'd felt from the first time I saw him and determined to be accepted as his Padawan; love, loyalty, respect...the feelings that had burgeoned with each day at his side; desire, devotion, passion...the inevitable outcome of our extraordinarily close bond. He had been right eight years ago. What I felt then was a pale shadow of the emotions I lived with today. Then it had been the awe of hero worship, now I recognised his frailties as well as his strengths and loved him for both, loved the man in all his moods, knew him as well as I knew myself and desired him with every fibre of my being.

I felt him withdraw and opened my eyes, waiting for him to speak. I searched for the answer in his face and was dismayed to see pain and sad understanding. Briefly I contemplated escaping his presence then I felt his hand against my cheek. He lowered his shields and I accepted the invitation even though I was afraid of what I would learn. He let me in as deeply as I had him and I saw the reflection of all my emotions; the trust, the loyalty, the affection, the respect, even the desire; all of my emotions except love. Oh, there was love there; the love of a friend, of a companion, even of a peer but not that of a lover, entirely missing was the passion.

He felt my realisation and took hold of me, mentally and physically, before I could flee. I shuddered in this arms as he comforted me the way he had when I was a child woken by nightmares. I responded as I had all those years ago, clasping him as though he was my only link to reality and burying my face in his shoulder. At long last I stilled, bringing my despair under control and tried to move away from him but he kept a firm hold of me and drew me down to sit by him.

"Obi-Wan I'm so sorry, I hoped this issue would not arise again until you were a Knight yourself. I didn't realise the depth of your feelings for me. I am honoured and flattered that you feel this way."

"But you don't return my feelings." I said it flatly. There was no mistaking what I had seen. I raised my hand to stop his reply, "It's all right Master, I have live with it this long, I will cope." The effort required to keep my voice steady nearly choked me. "Please don't let this change our training relationship, that means more to me than anything." That wasn't quite true but if I couldn't be his lover, I had to remain his Padawan.

His eyes were full of sympathy and concern and it was all I could do to restrain the tears especially when he spoke, the soft voice rough with an emotion I didn't want to name. "Obi-Wan....Padawan, never would I punish you for feeling deeply. I am only concerned for your pain. I wish I could help you but in the face of a passion like that offering sex without an equivalent love would be an insult. Eventually you would hate me and yourself."

I turned away from him, squeezing my eyes tight, unable to stifle the bitter laugh. He was silent but his hands were warm as they gently moved over my back. I wanted to say something that would show him that I understood and agreed with him but I was only capable of a subdued, "Yes Master." As I pulled away from him I felt a light kiss against my hair and only just made it into my room before the tears flowed down my face.

The next few days were agony. Qui-Gon behaved as though nothing had changed, treating me with the same grave affection as always, never shying from touching me, never showing the slightest embarrassment or withdrawal. I was grateful to him but perversely I resented his ease as well. When I realised that he had rearranged our schedule so I would have more time with my friends and more opportunity to socialise I wanted to rage at him, wanted to tell him that the only companionship I wanted was his. Then I despaired knowing that pushing me to find another was the unarguable proof that he didn't want me as I wanted him.

Bant was a tower of strength to me. She knew how I felt and she provided support and common sense, encouraging me to join her most evenings. After a week or so I recovered enough to accept her invitations and from then on I threw myself into a frantic social life, but when I started visiting night clubs and bars in the seedier Lower Levels Bant began to remonstrate with me. I wasn't far enough gone to reject my oldest friend but I stayed out when the other padawans had returned to the Temple.

I could feel my Master's eyes on me when I returned but he never spoke of it and I began to wonder what it would take for him to criticise my behaviour. I had begun picking up strangers and having quick sex in rented rooms and I was drinking far too much. I made sure that Qui-Gon was aware what I was doing. I came home drunk and with the marks of biting kisses clear on my throat but he just watched me sadly and calmly corrected the increasing faults during my training sessions.

He was expecting me to return to normal when I had worked it through. I was determined to make him confront me and in the process I was beginning to hate myself.

Finally the inevitable happened. I was picked up by couple who were perhaps ten years older than I, a good-looking pair with an air of sophistication. I spent an hour or so talking with them before I went to their hotel and found that the sophistication was of a particularly dark and violent kind. I was able to avoid any serious damage by using the Force but I didn't want to be recognised as a Jedi and besides I felt a certain relief at finally being punished. When I left the plush suite I was sore and covered in bruises and welts.

It was later than I usually returned and for once I was glad Qui- Gon would not see me. I had wanted him to know what I was up to but I found myself cringing with shame at the thought of him seeing me like this. To my relief our quarters were dark and I was able to wash without waking him. I collapsed onto my bed too tired to do more than suppress the worst of the pain before I fell asleep.


As the days turned into weeks and Obi-Wan slid into a pattern of destructive behaviour I began to question my tactics. I still believed I was right to reject a relationship with him although I cared deeply for him and certainly felt the allure of his potent sexual presence. Something had to done to pull him out of the destructive spiral he was in. I had thought he would indulge in a spate of dissipation and then settle back to normal. Clearly I was wrong. The way things were going I was increasingly concerned that he would find himself in serious trouble, either with the Council or the city's law enforcers.

It was close to dawn and I was sitting in a window embrasure unable to sleep. I was drinking spiced cha and thinking about my options when the door to our quarters opened and Obi-Wan quietly entered. I was about to speak to him when I saw the dark bruises under his left eye and along his neck. I leaned back into the shadows as he threw his jacket onto the couch and moved to the bathroom. His shirt followed his jacket and as the light from the city outside illuminated him I almost gasped at the marks on his back. He closed the door and I could hear running water and the rustle of clothing.

Sipping my cha I waited until he emerged and watched closely as he went to his room. He was moving with the careful gait of someone in pain and he looked crushed and unutterably weary. I waited until his light went out then I picked up his discarded clothing, they reeked of smoke and sex. It was a long hour until dawn and I spent it meditating and worrying. When dawn finally came I ate a hasty breakfast and left a note cancelling our morning training session, then I went to seek the advice of my own Master.

Yoda scolded me for my ineptitude in handling my Padawan then offered me his own brand of wisdom. "Strong the boy is, but sensitive. Trusts you he does, needs your trust and support. Sometimes better it is to bend than break." He patted my arm, "Trust you feelings you should my Padawan."

I knew that Obi-Wan would be sparring with other padawans before our afternoon sessions so I went to the observation deck. He was being continually beaten by his opponent, a padawan two years younger and considerably less able than Obi-Wan. I watched him being driven back. When he dropped his lightsabre and shook his hand after being struck in the forearm I stopped the bout.

"I need to speak to you Padawan, meet me in our quarters when you have washed."


I was glad when Qui-Gon halted my bout with Vel even though I was embarrassed that he had seen me perform so badly. Throwing Vel a wry grimace I hurriedly washed and returned to our rooms. My Master was seated on the couch pouring two cups of cha. He didn't look up as I entered so I tossed my things onto my bed and went to join him. I stood respectfully until he acknowledged me.

"Take off your tunic Padawan."

His voice was cool and level and his eyes gave nothing away. I did as I was told laying the tunic over the back of a chair. I had used the Force to speed my healing but I could feel his eyes take in every fading bruise, every healing cut and welt. I felt the heat in my face as his gaze moved down my body to where the marks disappeared under my pants.

"Are you going to tell me what you are doing Obi-Wan?" This time his voice was weary. "Are you trying to destroy yourself? Or are you punishing me?"

"Master! No!" I took a step towards him and was halted by the anguish on his face. I took a deep breath, "I'm sorry Master, I wasn't thinking."

At that Qui-Gon gestured me to sit and handed me a cup. "No Padawan you weren't and we need to talk about this. Are you aware how close you are to being disciplined by the Council? If this doesn't stop, you could be expelled. Is that what you want?"

"No Master." I didn't know what to say, I knew I had no excuse and my reasons would only sound like self-pity or childish petulance even to my own ears.

Qui-Gon ran his hands through his hair and sighed. "This is all my fault isn't it? My rejection of a sexual relationship with you has caused all this." He sounded so defeated, so bewildered. "You don't have the strength or the self esteem to deal with it. And that is my fault as well."

I was horrified, "No! No Master. My weakness is not your fault."

"Then whose is it Padawan? I am responsible for your training and for your well being. If you are unable to cope with rejection....." He didn't finish the sentence. "You have remarkable talents and we have an unusually strong bond. Until this problem occurred, I never doubted that you would become a great Jedi or that I would be the one to steer you to your trials." He held out a hand to me. "So talk to me Obi-Wan, tell me what is going on. I can understand that you needed to lash out a little, but this." He gestured to my bruises, "How does this help?"

Shame made me hang my head so I wouldn't have to meet his eyes. "This was a mistake Master. I made a poor choice and I paid for it."

When I looked up, his eyes were questioning, "A poor choice to frequent the Lower Level bars, or in picking up that particular person? And why didn't you defend yourself? For the Force sake Obi-Wan were you seeking pain?" He sounded confused and hurt and angry.

"No! No, I wasn't looking to be hurt." Suddenly I was furious with myself and perversely with him, "I wanted to prove that someone desired me, that it wasn't impossible. Is that so hard to believe?" I was almost shouting now and I was shaking so much the cha spilt onto my hand.

Qui-Gon snorted, "And picking up strangers in seedy bars proves your desirability! For the love of heaven Padawan, are you completely out of your mind? Half of the Knights and all of the Padawans would gladly lie with you. Are you totally blind that you don't see the looks they give you?"

I shifted under eyes which managed to convey affectionate contempt. "But you don't want me." I couldn't believe I had said it. I had promised myself that I would never expose myself to his rejection again. But the words kept on tumbling out. "What does it matter who I go with if I can't be with the person I want?" My voice was rising. "What do you care? "

He made an inarticulate protest, the distress palpable. I flung my misery at him cloaked in fury. "Oh I know you don't want me to be disgraced, after all, that would reflect badly on you. Well don't worry." I stood and flung my words down at him. "I won't make the same mistake again. I don't want to be damaged and I don't enjoy pain." My voice was shaking, "But there are other people who value me even if you don't."

I spun on my heel and would have raced from the room but he reached out with the Force and held me there. It was the first time he had ever been angry enough to use the Force against me and it shocked me but it also stoked my fury and gave me an excuse to turn it towards him.

He drew me back until I was standing before him. The bitter self disgust I felt twisted so easily into anger. I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to hide my pain. But most of all I wanted to regain my equilibrium. I felt as though I was walking along a knife edge and that the slightest misstep would send me plummeting to disaster. So I kept on lashing out at him. "Why do you care with whom I have sex?"


I had never before been so angry or felt so helpless that I used the Force against him, but as he threw those ugly words at me and then turned to storm out of the room I acted instinctively. I was caught between a kind of despairing horror and frustrated disbelief that he could value himself so little. I couldn't let him go until we had sorted this out. He stood before me, his eyes stormy with anger and pain.

Trying to speak gently I said, "Do you truly believe that I don't value you Padawan? That I don't care?" His muscles were straining against the Force-hold. "And do you truly believe that the strangers you pick up give a damn for anything except the sensations of the moment?"

I eased him back into the chair and released my hold on him. He surged forward but I held up a hand in warning.

"Don't you understand Master?" He spat the title out, "I don't care what they think. As long as they desire me."

I knew that it was his pain speaking and I was searching for words to reach him but he hurried on. "Don't you see? I need the sensations they can give me. I want them. I want mindless sex with strangers."

My heart was twisting within me, "Oh Obi-Wan, how can you do this to yourself?" It was agony seeing the young man who had been my sole concern, my dearest companion, my greatest pride for the past twelve years, tearing himself apart. That I seemed helpless to halt his destruction and pain only deepened the agony.

At that moment he seemed to hate me. "You did this to me." He threw the words across the space dividing us. Their accusation hung in the air. They cut me to the heart. Because in a way they were true. Oh not in the sense he meant it, but if he had the strength he should have, the sense of self worth, my rejection of a sexual relationship would have never caused this slide into self loathing.

He had worked himself into a state where he wasn't thinking. He was simply throwing out what would most hurt both of us. And he was rapidly losing all control. His whole body was wracked by bone shaking tremors and tears were filling his eyes.

I couldn't stand it. The Jedi Master in me wanted to sort this out rationally, to insist on control but the man just wanted to soothe his pain. Yoda was the wisest amongst us and he had told me to trust my feelings. I moved to kneel on the floor in front of my Padawan and pulled him into my arms. Every muscle strained to get away from me, his head was flung back and his eyes were those of a trapped animal. I put one hand on his head and forced it gently to my shoulder rocking back and forth and murmuring reassurance and affection while I ran my fingers through his hair, caressing and stroking.

A low, despairing moan issued from him and although he stopped struggling, for long minutes he was rigid in my arms. Then suddenly he seemed to crumple. His arms wound around me and he buried his face into the juncture between my neck and shoulder. I rested my head on his and waited for him to calm down but the storm of weeping continued.

I began to be afraid that he would work himself into hysteria. "Obi-Wan." He tightened his hold on me and huddled even closer. I reached carefully along the link. His mind was awash with emotions, shame overlaying all others. Shame at his lack of control, shame at his actions both over the past weeks and this afternoon, shame at his love for me. He was beyond rational thought at that moment. I sent back support and love and reassurance but they made little impact on his misery.

It seemed to me I had several options. I could take him to the healers...which I didn't want to do except as a last resort. I had already rejected the notion of calling on strict Jedi control and discipline, at least until he was in a much less emotionally fragile state. The best option seemed to me to be to demonstrate my support and affection, to offer unconditional love. That this might lead to the very sexual relationship that I had repudiated was a risk I had to take.

I gathered him into my arms and carried him to my bed. For a moment I considered the wisdom of this but we had often slept together over the years and avoiding my bed might look like a further rejection. When I moved to lay him down his hands tightened like grappling hooks so I eased us down together. I said softly, "Let me take our boots off." His eyes followed me like a hawk, their usual crystalline blue/green turned to the murky colour of a winter sea. I pulled off our boots and also removed my tunic. Then I settled back beside him drawing him close against me and pulling the covers over us.

He was lying against my chest, his hands locked to my arms as they held him. I could hear his breath returning to its normal rhythm but he was still racked by shudders. It was a long time before I began to hope he was going to sleep. I merely held him, pouring everything I felt for him through our link while I surrounded him and gently stroked his hands and arms.

As the terrible tension leaked out of him I touched my lips to his hair, a touch so soft and brief I doubt he would have felt it physically, and prepared to sleep myself. Then I realised that the tiny movements I had taken for the relaxation of approaching sleep were settling into a lazy, almost imperceptible caress of his lower back over my groin. I tested the link and found him almost asleep. His consciousness was curled into a tight ball at the very depths of his being....what I found was an almost pre-verbal, entirely physical need for touch, a seeking for approval, for affection, for reassurance.

Knowing that I could be buying us both further trouble, but unable to spurn that seeking, I gathered him closer again and let my hands slide over his skin, along sleek muscles and sharp bones down to his semi erect penis. Closing my eyes I rested my cheek on his soft, spiky hair and simply held him. I was pressed to him from knee to shoulder. If he was aware of such things he would have known that I was not erect but he was coming to life in my hands. Very gently I stroked him, fondling and caressing, my touch tender rather than carnal. His climax, when it came, was a release of tension rather than an expression of passion.

He settled back against me with a soul deep sigh and simply went to sleep. I found myself chuckling inwardly and was filled with a warm sense of affection. Although I was not in love with Obi-Wan in the way that he wanted me to be I was overwhelmed by the conviction that this was where he belonged.


I woke up with a wonderful sense of peace and security and let myself to rest there, half asleep, just allowing the feeling to seep into me. As I slowly full consciousness I became aware of the warmth at my back. I was pressed against a long, warm body and wrapped in strong arms.

It didn't take long to realise where I was and I frowned. I had often slept with my Master while we were on missions and occasionally here at the Temple, especially when I was younger and prone to bad dreams. However it had been many years since I'd slept with him in this bed and besides I didn't remember going to bed last night.

What I did remember was a painful, shaming scene in which I had lost all control ending in an hysterical outburst. After that all I could recall was being gathered into his arms and comforted the way he used to all those years ago. Obviously I had passed out with exhaustion or Qui-Gon's mind push and here I was in his bed, wrapped in his arms. Which was exactly where I wanted to be but not under these circumstances.

Knowing from long experience that there was no chance I could leave the bed without awakening my Master I tried to relax and meditate while I waited for him to wake. No matter what I tried I could not persuade my body to ignore the sensation of him pressed against me, so I concentrated on damping the response my all too eager body was keen to manifest. I was so busy relaxing muscles and steadying my breathing that I didn't notice him stirring and almost shot out of my skin when I felt hands tighten slightly on my arms and a gentle kiss touch the back of my head.

"Good morning Padawan."

There was a hint of a smile in his voice and a wealth of affection and all my efforts at quelling my body were instantly undone. I made a move away from him but the hands held on to me firmly.

"Master, I think I should get up." I tried to speak normally but I could hear the huskiness in my voice.

A laugh ruffled the hair at the back of my head. "Relax Obi- Wan. If these past weeks have done nothing else they have proved to me that we need to be comfortable in each other's presence. And that we need to make sure we talk to each other."

And here I was thinking that I could just pretend the whole thing never happened. Silly me. "Yes Master. I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." I could feel myself tensing again and feel also the whisper of the resentment that I'd felt for the past weeks, culminating in yesterday's anger, reasserting itself.

His voice was even softer than usual, "Obi-Wan your reaction was unfortunate but.." He rested his head on mine for a moment. "But I didn't handle things well either. Even after you had shown me the depth of your feelings I still expected you to simply put them aside. That was unreasonable and unkind."

I squirmed around until I was facing him and ran a finger over the furrow between his brows. His eyes were dark with sorrow and regret. "You didn't return my feelings so what else could you do Master?" I was keeping a careful distance between our bodies so that he would not feel my arousal but I have no doubt he knew even though I had my shields closed tight.

He smiled a tiny, rueful smile. "I could have talked to you Padawan. Instead of acting as though nothing had happened. I told myself it would be easiest for you but I think perhaps it was just easier for me."

Being so close to him and feeling the warm wash of his affection through the link was playing havoc with my control so I clamped down. When I spoke my voice was flat and cool. "I think you were right Master. I have got it out of my system now. It will be best if we behave as though it never happened."

He looked sceptical. I could tell that he was searching my face, and as much of my mind as he could reach, and that he wasn't convinced. Those big, capable hands slid along my skin in a caress meant to reassure but all it did was feed the fire.

Desperate to get further away from him before I humiliated myself again I pasted what I hoped was a convincing grin on my face. "Truly I am over it, I promise there will be no more inappropriate scenes."

The dark blue eyes were still fixed on mine. "And no more all night forays to the pleasure bars?"

Trying for a light, arch tone I said, "You may be my Master but I don't see what concern it is of yours what I do with my free time." I could see by his expression that I still hadn't convinced him. I was thinking how to do so when one of the hands on my arms shifted up to my shoulder and took hold of the back of my head.

The only warning I got was a flash of something in the depths of his eyes. Not knowing whether I was going to be shaken and yelled at, or held still while he expounded on the calm, logical Jedi way I was completely unprepared when he kissed me. And not a light, calming kiss, this was a deep, hot, passionate kiss complete with tongue.

It was wonderful. My whole body surged towards him and my mouth opened and kissed him back before my thought process caught up and I jerked away. He was still holding my head and the other hand had moved to the small of my back.

"What are you doing?" It was somewhere between a gasp and a yelp.

"Kissing you Obi-Wan. I would have thought your recent experiences would have included kissing." He tipped his head slightly. "Or perhaps not. After all they were about casual sex were they not, and not about affection."

The hand on my back pulled me inexorably closer until we were touching from chest to knees. There was no way he could miss knowing I was hard for him. On the other hand I could feel an answering hardness pressed against my belly.

He moved until his lips were centimetres from mine and licked along my lips. "If you insist on having casual sex, you might as well have it with me. At least I care for you Padawan." He sounded almost sad but I could sense arousal through the link.

At least a dozen thoughts were jockeying for attention but they were losing to the overwhelming pleasure of his touch and the reality of being here, with this man, about to do what I'd always wanted. I closed my eyes. He didn't love me as I loved him, he didn't pretend to. But he did love me in every other way and there was no doubt he wanted me.

I was poised between acceptance and flight when his hands began to move on me and the decision was made. His hands were everywhere, so knowledgeable, so moments I was writhing and whispering his name. He shut off my words with a fierce kiss then slid down until his breath was on my cock. I moaned softly as he first licked and then took me into his mouth.

I have always enjoyed sex, well who doesn't, but this was something else again. As I felt myself gather and surge and release into him I was one with the Force. It felt good but it also felt right. I could feel the glorious sensations tingling along our training bond, deepening and strengthening it.

He lay for a moment with his head on my stomach, a gentle hand on my spent penis. Then he looked up at me and smiled, a wide, warm, loving smile.

I reached down to tangle my fingers in his hair and tug gently. "Come back up here." He settled against me, lying half on me. I revelled in the feeling of his weight resting on me and we were kissing again.


I felt him wake and waited for him to realise where he was. It took a long time, during which he rested against me and I could feel his peace and pleasure singing though the link. Gradually he began to tense and I was pleased when I felt him work at easing that tension. Deciding it was time to let him know I was awake I pressed a light kiss into his hair.

"Good morning Padawan."

I almost laughed as I felt him start in surprise and then I did laugh as he moved to pull away. "Relax Obi-Wan." But it soon became clear that my Padawan was not going to make this easy, I could feel embarrassment and a certain resentment and simmering behind it all desire. It all came back to that. Obi-Wan loved and desired me. I had rebuffed his overtures in the hope that he would get over it. I had tried to encourage him to seek another partner. The only thing I hadn't tried was giving in to him

He was telling me that he had himself under control and would be alright now. His mind was closed to me but his voice was tight and his eyes haunted. It was clear that everything wasn't alright.

I stroked his arms soothingly but a hint of desperation coloured his voice. "Truly I am over it, I promise there will be no more inappropriate scenes."

I wasn't convinced. "And no more all night forays to the pleasure bars?"

His response tried to be joking but he looked hunted. Taking a deep breath I slid one hand to the small of his back and buried the other in his hair holding him still as I leaned in to kiss him. He tasted wonderful and the surge of response sent glorious heat through every part of my body.

For an endless moment we kissed each other with equal passion then he jerked away from me.

"What are you doing?" I laughed inwardly at the shock in his face.

"Kissing you Obi-Wan. I would have thought your recent experiences would have included kissing." He tipped his head slightly. "Or perhaps not. After all they were about casual sex were they not, and not about affection."

Gently I drew him forward until we were pressed together. Briefly I wondered why I had fought this, it felt so good and there was no denying that we both wanted it, the evidence was hard and demanding between us. He was so close to me I couldn't resist licking along his lips.

"If you insist on having casual sex, you might as well have it with me. At least I care for you Padawan." I could see no other way to break through his defences. My reaction to him had placed us on the path to this moment and perhaps I should have seen the inevitability from the beginning. Still I was worried about the imbalance in the intensity of our feelings.

But those worries were for later, at the moment all that mattered was the glorious young man lying naked in my bed. I wanted to experience every inch of him. As I made my way over his body he began to wriggle and then buck into my touch. He sighed my name and I kissed him hard before I slid down to lie with my head on his stomach. I gazed at my objective with delight, licking the bead of moisture from the lip before sucking it deep into my mouth.

It is a wonderful sensation doing this for someone you care for. The sense of power is matched by the delight in giving them pleasure and between those who are Force linked there is the added joy of feeling the energy singing in the bond. I felt him approach orgasm and held him steady while I swallowed. As we both rested I lay on his stomach again cupping him in my hand with a curiously possessive gesture.

Then I turned and smiled up at him receiving an answering beam and a hand tugging at my hair. "Come back up here."

I let him guide me until I was lying half on, half off his warm body, his hands finally playing over my skin. We kissed again and I sighed into his mouth as his hand wrapped itself around my erection. His fingers traced lightly over the sensitive skin.

"Obi-Wan." I sighed.

"What? What do you want Master?"

His beautiful, refined voice speaking to me in that heated purr almost sent me over the edge right there. "Whatever you want Padawan."

He raised himself on his elbow and watched himself caress me. "I want everything, surely you know that."

For a moment I saw doubt flicker in his eyes and I hastened to reassure him. "Then you shall have it."

He continued to fondle me while asking, "Forgive me Master but I thought you didn't want this." He had me on the brink of ecstasy and he knew it, a small, pleased smile played over his lips even while his eyes were anxious.

I gave a shaky chuckle, "Who wouldn't want this Padawan." I raised a hand to his lips to stop his words. "Obi-Wan if it is enough that I love you and desire you then I am yours."

His hand stilled for a second just the thumb rubbing unconsciously over the head as his blue/green eyes searched mine. "You love me and you desire me....but you are not in love with me?"

I nodded. "Is it enough for you?"

A wide grin lit up his face and he bent to kiss the tip of my cock. I watched him bemused. "Are you sure Padawan?"

In answer he knelt and began lavishing all his attention on bringing me to a mind shattering climax. Then he settled beside me and kissed me long and hard. It all seemed too easy and when the glow began to subside I started to worry.

Obi-Wan sensed it immediately and without taking his mouth from mine said wordlessly, [It's alright, really Master. Look.] Then he opened his shields for the first time in days so that I could feel his contentment and joy.

Pulling just a little away from him I said, "I don't understand. I'm glad...but I really don't understand."

Wrapping his lean body around me he settled his head on my shoulder. "I think we are talking semantics Master, and perhaps a difference in perception."

I wasn't sure. I remembered his reaction when I had showed him my feelings for him. And I remembered his emotions through the link, that amazing passion, the desire for a romantic love. I told him so but he smiled.

"Must everyone's love be felt and expressed in the same way Master? You trust me, you respect me, you are fond of me, you feel sexual desire for me...that sounds like love to me. Perhaps I was wrong to expect your emotions to be the mirror image of mine, after all we are very different people."

"So wise my Padawan." I was lazily running his braid through my fingers. It certainly felt right to hold him like this and the pleasure had been intense, what's more the harmonic vibration that we set up in the Force reassured me that we walked in the Light, but still I was uneasy.

I could see that he sensed my worry. He took my hand in his and pressed a kiss into the palm and then bit gently on the base of my thumb. I curved by fingers around his cheek. "I do love you Obi-Wan."

He smiled at me with that grave sensuous look he has. "You'll see Master. This is meant to be....we are meant to be."

And who was I to argue.