Pleasure Boy - the missing scene

by Fionnabair

Pleasure Boy - the missing scene (with apologies to everyone)

Well, they're not mine. They're George's and please Sith he never finds out about them. This was inspired by Augusta's Pleasure Boy and a lot of people's favourite quote, but somewhere along the line a bit of Siubhan got dragged in, as did quite a bit of Terry Pratchett. For some reason, I persist in seeing the Jedi Temple as a branch of Unseen University, which probably means someone should feed me some dried frog pills right now.

I should add that it's posted with the divine Gussie's permission, and is dedicated to her, Siubhan Brenda Antrim, Todd Haynes and anyone else whose excellent work my fevered imagination may have plundered.

Archive: Hell yeah, just let me know.

Feedback and virtual lynchings to

It was a typical day in the junior common room of the Jedi Temple.

Kweer-as Fook, Jedi Master, was ensconced in his favourite battered leather armchair, engrossed in the leader section of the Coruscant Times, while opposite him, his long-time colleage Kan-Y Watch-Too was filling his pipe prior to preparing for his regular freshman lecture "Voyeurism and the Force".

Most of the tenured academic staff were present, enjoying an after-lunch rest before the arduous afternoon's lectures or research began. The regular sounds of the rustling of newspapers - most of which concealed a copy of Padawan Pets, the latest edition of which had just hit the newstands - and the creak of leather patches, carefully force-attached to the elbows of distinctly tweedy robes, soothed the atmosphere.

In one corner Mace Windu and Yoda were quietly arguing the ethics of force-assisted bondage, Windu taking the heretical view that green jello merely stained the sheets and added little pleasure to the act.

The silence was shattered by Yoda banging his stick on the ground.

"Wrong you are, colleague of mine! There is no stain, merely the force. Besides, excellent laundry service do we have. Handwashing do they offer for those tricky garments."

The entire room sighed in agreement. Throughout the academy, there was no-one more revered than Yoda, and it was well known that few had more complex needs.

A Wookiee in a tweed robe growled a question.

Yoda nodded. "True, Hornee Ashell."

He turned back to Windu. "When green jello you have removed from Wookiee hair, then you may discuss its negative aspects. But baldy masters need have no fear of such a substance. Fear leads to suffering, suffering leads to anger, anger leads to frustration, and frustration leads to pissed-off Jedi Masters. Much scarier than the Dark Side that is."

Windu inclined his head in acknowledgement of the masterly argument and set out a chessboard.

The common room returned to its usual peace and serenity, broken only by the sound of Jedi stomachs quietly digesting the remains of an excellent lunch.

The tranquility was suddenly disturbed as a waft of perfume, a flash of kohl-circled eyes, a hint of glitter and a sinfully sexy body draped in a provocative outfit stalked through the room like a predatory panther.

As one, the masters all looked up and gulped.

Two minutes later a flustered Qui-Gon Jinn entered the common room and looked around frantically.

"He went towards the saunas" chorused a dozen copies of The Coruscant Times, now all carefully placed to hide flushed faces, lust-filled thoughts and aching erections.

Jinn swallowed and steeled himself for the ordeal of the sauna.

"There is no try" called Yoda helpfully as the tall Jedi Master left the room. "Only do or do not."

Windu ignored the commotion, studying the chess board.

"Place the video cameras did you?" asked Yoda conversationally.

"In their quarters, in the showers, in the kitchens, the gym, the gardens, the council chamber and Jabba's palace", confirmed Mace. "Hot Jedi Humping is going to be this century's bestseller."

"Tell them not that we made the whole mission up," cautioned Yoda. "Such an act would lead to the Dark Side."

"Actually Master Yoda," said Mace. "Have you looked at these offers from assorted slavers?"

"Such an act never could I do" squeaked the green troll. "Against the Code it is."

He glanced at the datapad Mace was showing him. "On the other hand," he said thoughtfully. "New roof the temple needs. Hot tub in my quarters need I. When 800 years old you reach, Jedi Code you learn to bend."

"Keep me in corsets and fuck-me boots for months this would" chortled the master as he contemplated the increasingly hysterical bids . . . .