Mindful of the Future

by Kate Evans

Star Wars:TPM- Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan

Spoilers: Yes, for TPM.

Archive: M&A, QGEB, OKEB, SWAL, okay

Disclaimer: Characters portrayed within belong to George Lucas and

LucasFilm. And he didn't treat them any better than I am.

Categories: AU

WARNING: Character death! Run while you can!

Rating: G (sorry smut-bunnies, but there wasn't time for that)

Summary: It could so easily have gone the other way - and maybe it should have. Who can tell?

"Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you're
alive, it isn't." (Richard Bach, Illusions)

Kneeling, Obi-Wan steadied himself, controlling his breath, meditating on the task at hand. He must stay balanced, centered, hold on to his inner calm, or the consequences would be catastrophic. Not just to himself - but to the entire Republic.

The Sith Lord prowled back and forth in front of him, wasting energy in display and intimidation. Good - let the Dark creature posture and scowl - it would make things easier, even if only minimally. Soon the force fields would cycle, and he would be faced with the final confrontation of this running battle. The only way out of the melting pit was past him or Qui-Gon - or straight down.

Behind him he could sense his Master, frustrated by the force field separating him from his Padawan. Obi-Wan understood his frustration all too well, having lived it himself over and over again in his dreams. Dreams that had scared him so badly he had taken them to the healers, afraid that he had contracted some strange brain illness. After examination and meditation, they had sent him to Master Yoda, to confer about the new talent that was manifesting itself as a part of his development as a Jedi - the ability to dream truly.

Not all Jedi could read the future - and it really wasn't one future revealed. Some Jedi had dreams and visions of possible futures, things that might happen if certain measures were not taken, or of something that could happen if this and such could be done. Obi-Wan, it appeared, was one of these who could. Master Yoda had gently shown him what to do, how to work with the ability as much as possible, and had cautioned him about sharing what he saw.

"Great your gift might be, yes, but so great a gift it is not for those whose future you see. Ignorant, most wish to be. Think you that thank you they will, when you warning give them of the future?"

"But Master Yoda, if I can prevent such dangers and deaths, shouldn't I tell them? Shouldn't I tell him?"

"Great responsibility, this talent is. You must mindful of the future be, Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Force, guide you in this it will. Meditate upon this you should - then do as you feel you must."

And so he had meditated long and hard, and used the lessons Yoda had taught him to work with the dreams, trying to work out a conclusion more satisfactory than the original which had disturbed him so badly. After many months of disturbed sleep and even more disturbed meditations, he had finally seen a path which he felt he could follow.

A path which he purposefully hid from his Master.

At first, the alternate path seemed as troublesome as the first dream - a dream which began with pain and sorrow, and ended in a disaster so huge that it was almost beyond his comprehension. But as he thought upon it and worried in the teeth of his mind, it took shape and form as the only way to avert the potential tragedy he saw approaching. The other way also began in pain and sorrow, and there was certainly enough death and destruction along the way - but it alone of all his visions ended with the forces of Light unfallen. Bloody, bowed, and battered, yes - but unfallen.

And so here he was - fighting a Dark Lord of the Sith, his Master separated from him in the course of the battle and thus to late to get to the malignant being before Obi-Wan did. A delay which Obi-Wan had deliberately arranged, maneuvering the fight so that Qui-Gon would be thrown down a few levels and need time to rejoin the battle.

That maneuvering would make all the difference in what was to come.

He felt it before he heard it - the hum which told him the fields were about to cycle. Rising to his feet, he spared one glance behind him for his beloved Master, who was also coming to his feet, ready to charge in to aid him. But the distance was such that Obi-Wan knew his Master would not get all the way down the corridor before the cycle closed off the pit area - and sealed him in with the Sith, alone.

The walls shifted, moved - and Obi-Wan charged into the room, lightsaber ignited and ready. Advancing on the dark-robed demon, he saw the field reform and Qui-Gon nearly throw himself into it in a heroic effort to come to his aid. Grimly, he fought with the Sith, using every trick he knew, every move he had been taught, every strategy he could devise. He had to tire the creature out, make him vulnerable and sloppy.

And he had to loose.

The actual strike came as something of a surprise, really. Even knowing how it would end did not spare him the horrifying feeling of a lightsaber running through his chest - searing, brilliant pain so intense he could not even scream, the breath chased from his body in shock. He felt himself fall to the floor, heard his Master's voice raised in a scream of outrage, and heard the force walls begin the cycle once more.

Doggedly he held on to his body, determined not to leave until he saw his plan fall out as it should. He lay on the floor watching the battle as best he could, praying to whatever gods might be listening that his Master would slay the Sith apprentice and turn aside the coming darkness. The two combatants passed from his field of vision, trading thrust and parry in their dance with fate. And suddenly, there was quiet, and Obi-Wan heard the distinctive noise of a lightsaber deactivating.

A sound of running feet, and he felt himself being gathered into Qui-Gon's arms. Relief flooded through him like cool water on a Tatooine day. It was done. He could say farewell and leave now, to await the day when his Master would join him and he could explain it all to him.

"Obi-Wan, love - hang on, let me get you out of here to the healers..."

"No, Master - Qui-Gon." His voice was weak, breathless. "There is no time - Master, I beg of you, listen to me. You must train the boy - and get help from Master Windu. Promise me, you will do this." He reached out and touched the wet face above him, and with his last strength, shared both visions of the future.

He showed him the original one - where Anakin Skywalker turned to the Dark Side and aided and abetted the destruction of the Jedi order, allowing the rise of a vast evil empire with a Sith Master at it's head. Then he shared the path he could see now - a path where Qui-Gon's training combined with Master Windu's boyhood living on an outer rim planet which also tolerated slavery, to help Anakin Skywalker to learn to deal with his fears and become the most powerful Jedi Knight in the history of the order. Become the one man in the galaxy able to stop the madness by striking down the Sith Master and his new apprentice before they could finish their plans.

Feeling himself loose his grip on his dying body, Obi-Wan tried to smile at the man who had saved him from the Agri-Corps, from a bloody death in the mines of Bandomeer, from too many perils and scrapes to count. The man who had taught him the ways of the Jedi, that he was a Jedi first, and to follow the ways of the Force and the Light. The man who now held him tightly, crying unashamedly.

"I love you, Master. Remember, there is no death..."

Qui-Gon choked out, "There is the Force. I know, Padawan - I know. I will see you when I am done. Wait for me?"

"I will wait, my Master." And he closed his eyes to wait.