Obi-Wan searches for Qui-Gon;Resolutions (?)." />

The Mind of The Jedi

by Ki

Here's the fourth story of the 'Lycanthrope' series. Hope you will enjoy it.

Warning: the following story contains male/male contents. Please stop reading IF you are below the legal age (that is, 18 years old). IF you are above 18, you can read on. Furthermore, if you are easily offended by male/male relationships, STOP reading NOW.

Disclaimer: Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi belong to the mighty LucasWorld. This story is ONLY a PRODUCT of my imagination. It is not used for profit, only the satisfaction of my readers.

Fandom: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Pairing: Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi (QG/OB)

Rating: PG-ish, with slight NC-17 leanings , mild violence, angst, hurt/comfort [definitely AU]

Summary: The sequel to "The Eyes of The Predator", "The Soul of The Hunter" and "The Heart of The Warrior" => Obi-Wan searches for Qui-Gon; Resolutions (?).


The rain was incessant. It drenched his tunic until the cloth stuck to his skin. His travel boots were deep in the dark-brown mud. Low-hanging branches whipped his face, stinging his cheeks. The humidity was rising; he sighed inwardly, wiping his brows with a low curse. He needed a decent shower.

A shower had to wait though. Not until he had accomplished this mission.


This mission had evolved into something more complex. More like a journey of self-discovery. Eversince he left the Temple, he found all sorts of obstacles hindering his path. Even before he made the decision to go on a search for his Master, there was a barricade of stern disapproval from the High Council. Then again, the High Council didn't like anything which was "un-Jedi". He had argued for hours before they relented.

He soon found that things were not that easy. Getting a decent ship took most of his diplomatic skills. Establishing the right location was all based on pure chance; Master Windu had suggested a planet near Coruscant. A planet which the youthful Qui-Gon Jinn had spent his free time.

They never understood. He had to find Qui-Gon. He needed to go on this search. Qui-Gon wasn't dead. He knew in the fringes of his mind, there was a faint spark of Qui-Gon Jinn hovering somewhere.

He needed Qui-Gon. He wasn't complete.

A strong wind whipped his braid across his face and he tucked it irritably back to its proper place. The rain was easing, to his infinite relief. With a slight smile on his lips, he reached out with the Force, seeking searching


There was no immediate reply and he had to control the disappointment which followed closely. He pushed on, removing leaves and branches along his way. He was getting more and more disillusioned. Maybe he was really embarking on a meaningless journey that would end up fruitless a failure. Maybe he should go back to his ship and return to the Temple, back to the soft laughter of the Council.

Roaring. The sharp tang of water. He halted in his steps, listening intently. There was a waterfall somewhere.


It was indeed a waterfall, thundering down from an overhanging cliff. From where he stood, it was a breathtaking sight. The rainforest framed the waterfall in a glorious combination of trees and ferns. A rainbow flickered near the column of water, made ethereal by the slight mist.

He was aware of his heart beating painfully. The scenery was beautiful, reminding him somewhat of his Master. Qui-Gon had an eye for beauty, even when he was faced with ugliness. He saw beauty everywhere.

Right next to the shimmering waterfall was the mouth of a huge cave.

He swallowed nervously. Master Windu had spoken about this particular cave. He had reached his destination.

With silent determination, he headed for the cave. A Jedi is never afraid.


He stepped across the broken rocks and boulders with a sure-footedness, honed by years of training and his natural affinity with the Force. The sheet of water was a sparkling curtain of crystal, splashing onto the smooth rocks and flowing over gaps, uneven crevices. His keen eyes picked out schools of tiny silver fish darting about. The water was remarkably clear.

The cave mouth loomed before him.

It was cavernous ---and bright.

Light was streaming in from an unseen crack in the magnificently high roof, coating the walls of the cave with a soft white glow. It also illuminated the expanse of the lake until it resembled a mirror, sky-blue in color. The entire place had an air of magic and surreality.

He moved carefully, not daring to disturb the pebbles beneath his boots. He kept staring at the lake. It seemed to be shining with its own inner light. It was clear, inviting the watcher to jump in and have a swim. But it could be an illusion.

Something fast and quick hit him. He fell onto the gritty floor and rolled to his feet to face his attacker. But it was gone.

Devastating speed.

He found himself moving automatically into a defensive stance: centered awareness. He had felt something flicker in his mind. Something very familiar.


The voice brought an instant rush of pain to his chest and he realized that he couldn't breathe. Tears were rising unabashedly to his eyes. He fought against a desire to sink to the floor and burst out sobbing with relief. He lifted up his head to look at the most welcoming, most beautiful sight he had ever seen, ever wanted to see.

"Obi-Wan, why are you here?"

That voice. He had dreamed about it, Craved to hear it. Clung onto the hope that he would one day see the person with the lovely voice.


Qui-Gon was striding up to him, his long hair still tied back. Light glistened in the grey strands, pooled in those blue eyes. He looked as if he didn't even leave the Jedi Temple: calm, reserved. He was magnificent, all muscular stance. His beard was longer but he was still Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Master.

He was only wearing a loincloth.

The sunlight cast a sheen of gold on his tall elegant body. Obi-Wan had seen his Master half-naked before. But this time, he wasn't sure if he was prepared to look at Qui-Gon without blushing. Muscles rippled beneath a tanned (?) body and his Master moved now, with a sinuous fluidity. He seemed unembarrassed with his semi-nude body.

Obi-Wan blinked. This Qui-Gon was more self-assured, more confident than before ...and he found himself getting uncomfortable in his pants.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi, have you lost your ability to speak?" The low voice was amused.

"Master ..." Flustered with the close proximity of the bare chest next to him, Obi-Wan backed away. "I ..."

"I told you not to find me, " Qui-Gon's voice was half-chiding, half-laughing. "But you apparently chose to disobey me again. Did Master Windu play any part in this as well ?"

Obi-Wan Kenobi, awfully exhausted and tunic sticking to his skin, was suddenly not at all willing to be 'nice Padawan apprentice'. Frustration bubbled in his belly, threatening to erupt into an emotional tirade. And it did. "I was worried for you, Master. No, I was EXTREMELY worried for you. Yes, Master Windu DID play a part but I had to fight tooth and claw with the Jedi High Council so that I could go on search to FIND you. Have you realized how much, how MUCH I missed you, Master? I thought you were dead! I thought I would never find you again! I am NOT whole without you, Master Qui-Gon Jinn! So if you are not at all grateful, so HELP me!"

He trembled, his adrenaline fizzling out and he crumbled onto the ground, physically and emotionally drained. He had given up. He had said his piece and if Master Qui-Gon wasn't listening to him, he was going to curl up and die, thank you.

Strong arms held him gently and he tasted sweet water on his lips.

"Poor Obi-Wan," a hand stroked his brow.

He sank into soft musky darkness.


It was the smell of roasting meat that roused Obi-Wan from his slumber.

He woke up immediately, sitting straight up. His head started to pound almost on cue and he sank back into ...furs. He could see that he was in a cave-like room. Everything came back to him in a dizzying rush. The hike. The waterfall. The cave. Qui-Gon Jinn. Emotional outburst.

Winced. Rubbed his temples. It was blessedly quiet. The smell of meat was actually making him feel hungry.

A figure rustled into the room and Obi-Wan started with alarm, only to find that it was Qui-Gon.

"Good, you are awake. You gave me a fright when you fainted." The Jedi Master was wearing a rust-colored robe, tied around the waist with a leather strap. "Here, drink this up when its hot." He offered Obi-Wan a clay-bowl filled with clear broth.

He sipped it, welcoming the delicious taste and the warmth. Realized that Qui-Gon was observing him intently with those blue eyes. Suddenly. Obi-Wan was strongly reminded of his own personal task.

"Master, how's your ...lycanthropy?"

Qui-Gon regarded him steadily. "It is still in me but I have mastered it."

Still there. Still present in his body.

Obi-Wan sighed and finished the broth.

"When I left the Jedi Temple ...Coruscant, I had only one thing in mind." Qui-Gon said softly. "I thought that if I left, the possibility of you getting hurt would go away. Right here, I have devoted time to meditate, to channel that ...lycanthropy into something better."

"Something better?" Obi-Wan whispered. His head hurt like a Sith hell. "Please, Master. Don't never do this again. Don't never disconnect that bond without telling me." He knew that his voice was pleading but he didn't care.

"I am sorry, Obi-Wan." The sorrow was there, so was the remorse. Qui-Gon lifted a hand and brushed it against Obi-Wan's cheek. "But I have to. I have no choice."

Obi-Wan closed his eyes. "Are you going back to Coruscant?"

"Not at the moment."

"Why?" He felt so ...hurt. As if he was being rejected. He turned to look at Qui-Gon.

"It is not the right time."

Obi-Wan stilled the turmoil in his heart. Throughout all his young Padawan life, he had worked so damn hard to win Qui-Gon's approval. Even before he was made Padawan, he had to fight for Qui-Gon who was, to him, the Master of Rejections. The Jedi Master was good at being aloof and cold, pushing away Obi-Wan with an ice-wall. Right now, sitting on the bed of furs and looking at Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan thought he was back to square-one again. Reduced to the boy of thirteen, trying to win acknowledgement. Damn it, he was a grown man now and by the Force, Qui-Gon was going back to Coruscant with him.

Even if he had to tranquilise Qui-Gon. He would still do it.


When Obi-Wan felt better, he explored the cave with Qui-Gon being his guide.

The cave was obviously lived-in before. The ground was smooth with a trace of sand. Candles lit the passage-way. The main cavern was covered with woven straw mats. There were shelves of bowls and plates. The cooking area consisted mainly of a spit and a fireplace. It was spartan but liveable.

What captured Obi-Wan's attention were the piles of furs. They were neatly stacked up and placed in a corner. Animal skins, Obi-Wan realized. Pelts. Leathers.

"This way," Qui-Gon directed him to another wing.

There were racks of curing meat and more pelts. They all looked freshly-skinned.

"I have mastered the art of curing pelts and meat," Qui-Gon explained quietly. "Helps me release the restless energies."

Later, they sat down to have a meal of nuts and roast meat. Obi-Wan ate silently, watching his Master. Qui-Gon had grown more beautiful, it seemed. More majestic. More like a Jedi Knight and Master.

"I hunt for most of the meat," Qui-Gon said and Obi-Wan could barely suppress a shiver, suddenly seeing the snow-wolf in his mind prowling about.

"Yes, Obi-Wan. I hunt in my ...beast form." Qui-Gon nodded, reading Obi-Wan easily. "Then when I bring back the kill, I will remove the fur and smoke the meat. Sounds un-Jedi to you, doesn't it, Obi-Wan?"

The deadpan way he was speaking, combined with the twinkling eyes, made Obi-wan laugh. Qui-Gon smiled. He loved it when Obi-Wan smiled or laughed.

"I have learned how to fish too," the Jedi Master was absentmindedly peeling off the hard shell of a nut.

"We continue to learn as we grow," Obi-Wan repeated a phrase he was taught as a Jedi initiate. "Yes, we do." The blue eyes smiled, without any trace of the beast in them


He could hear the distant roaring of the waterfall as he walked along the shore of the underground lake. Moonlight was streaming in this time and for some strange reason, the color of the water remained blue as ever. The surface was unruffled, smooth as glass.

A full moon was reflected on the mirror-calm lake: a round whitish disc.

Obi-Wan knew the familiar ripple in the Force even before Qui-Gon had opened his mouth. "Master?"

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Qui-Gon gazed at the full moon in the water.

Not as beautiful as you are, Obi-Wan mused to himself and wondered why he had become so brazen lately. Yes, Master Windu was right. He loved Qui-Gon, no doubt about it. And Qui-Gon knew too.

He did not know what possessed him later.

Found himself kissing that beautiful man passionately and finding that strong arms were wrapping around him in a warm loving embrace.

The next thing he knew, he was horribly drenched from head to toe. Obi-Wan spluttered and shook his head. In their moment of passion, they had somehow fallen into the water. Qui-Gon came up, flicking back his wet hair. He began to chuckle at the sight of his apprentice sodden and miserable who glared at him.

"Well, Obi-Wan. You have to learn how to control your emotions."

"Yeah right," Obi-Wan grumbled and dripped out from the lake. Qui-Gon followed and soon they were both laughing hysterically on the shore. It was decidedly un-Jedi like but Obi-Wan didn't care.

They ended up gasping for air.

"I miss you, Obi-Wan ..." Qui-Gon drew the young man and hugged him to his chest.

"So do I, " Obi-Wan laughed and sneezed.

"Dry clothes," Qui-Gon rumbled and pulled Obi-Wan to his feet. "And hot broth."

Obi-Wan Kenobi smiled and trailed after his Master. Hot broth ?


"The mind of a Jedi is supposed to be unassailable. A Knight moves around with his shields raised. He has to be sensitive to the Force around him ..."

The voice of Master Windu, lecturing the intermediate class of Jedi pupils, faded into hazy gibberish. Obi-Wan rubbed his eyes, the dream disappearing as he became more conscious, more aware. He reached out with the Force ...

Qui-Gon wasn't beside him.

Obi-Wan was on his feet immediately. Something was wrong. He could feel it through his bones. With his heart in his mouth, he ran out.

The snow-wolf was limping towards him. Red blood had matted the lovely grey-silver fur, marring the beauty of the coat. Horror filled Obi-Wan: one of the forepaws was soaked with blood. It looked as if it was shredded. He could see the exposed muscles and tendons.

((Master!)) He cried out mentally, rushing over to the wounded beast. ((Master!))


With a violent shudder, the snow-wolf changed and Obi-Wan soon found himself gathering Qui-Gon into his arms. Qui-Gon's right hand was literally ripped apart. It was bleeding profusely, staining Obi-Wan's hands. The younger man staunched the bloodflow with strips of his tunic. But he knew something. Qui-Gon Jinn had to receive the right medical attention.

Just then, Qui-Gon howled in pain and as Obi-Wan watched in shock, he transformed back to the snow-wolf. The eyes of the beast blazed in a pain-maddened frenzy. The blue color had taken on an insane glaze. Painpainpainpain! The beast seemed to emanate. Painpainpainpain! He gave another howl and swung with his good paw.

Talons slashed across Obi-Wan's face. The Jedi apprentice cried out but he betrayed no sign of fear. His cheek felt as if it was on fire. It was madness out of control.

But, blessed Force, the snow-wolf dropped heavily onto the ground and turned back into Qui-Gon. Ignoring the pain on his face, he knelt down next to the beast and sent a blanket of the Force across the unconscious man.

He would be out of it for a while.

VIII (The Conclusion).


The shrouded figure next to him turned to face him. "Thank the Force ..." Obi-Wan's voice was weary; he had not been sleeping well for the past few days. He had spent his energies healing Qui-Gon's injury, knitting back the torn tendons, sealing the broken blood vessels.

"What happened to your face?" Qui-Gon Jinn rasped. His arm throbbed but what shocked him was the bandages on Obi-Wan's face.

"Nothing, Master." Obi-Wan smiled quietly and poured water into a cup. "Drink some water."

Qui-Gon sighed. "I told you that I would hurt you one day ... "

"You were injured, Master. And you were in pain."

"But that doesn't give me the excuse to injure you."

Obi-Wan was silent.

"You see the reason why I am not going back to Coruscant?"

"You have to ..." Obi-Wan leaned over and placed his hand on Qui-Gon's chest. "What if you injure yourself during hunting and there is no-one there to help you?" The expression on the younger man's face was serious, grim.

"Obi-Wan ..."

"Don't 'Obi-Wan' me, Master Qui-Gon." With that, he kissed the older man on the cheek and moved away resolutely.

((Obi-Wan, don't leave. Stay with me.))

He could feel Qui-Gon reaching out with fingers of the Force, gently caressing him. Something in him softened and he turned slowly to see Qui-Gon rising from the furs. The Jedi Master looked wan.

"Promise me," the low voice was slightly bemused, "not to leave me." ((Obi-Wan?))

"Then you will go back to the Jedi Temple and let the healers see to you?"

Master Qui-Gon Jinn nodded.

Suddenly he wasn't afraid anymore. The inner beast, the demon within him, was at the moment silenced. Obi-Wan was here.


Hate it? Love it? Tell me?