Lifestyles Secret Moments 8

by FireCracker (


Qui-Gon bends an ear.

Qui-Gon had spent most of the day on the phone.

Bsrzzzz. Hot line. Your fantasies are ours. How may we help you?

"Hello? I've got a problem..."

That's what we're here for, sugar. What do you need?

"I'm not sure. My lover and I haven't been getting along lately-"

Who's getting what, honey? If I talk dirty will you come?

"Maybe. It depends on what you have to say. And my mood."

You sound like a hot guy. Bet you're...hung like a Boorq bull.

Qui-Gon smiled in spite of himself. "I've been told that. But my stuff's been pretty lateral lately..."

Oh, can't get it up? No problem. It happens to everyone.

"It never happened to me before."

First time for everything. Put your lover on the line. We'll work you up together-

"I don't think..."

Then the two of you can do something freaky on the phone while we talk.

"He's too angry to talk, much less do anything freaky."

Oh. A boyfriend, huh? Is he cute?


Describe him. Stroke yourself.

Qui-Gon decided to play along, if only to test his reaction. He visualized Obi-Wan.


A sigh. Qui-Gon reached into his robe and pulled himself as he spoke. His eyes closed.

"He's built like a linebacker with smooth, silky skin. His hair is reddish brown and cut short except for a long braid in the back. He has a lovely cleft chin and high cheekbones. His eyes are the color of vegredis stone."

Sounds like a hottie. I'm getting all worked up myself. What about you?

Qui-Gon held himself absently. His groin tightened.

How do his nipples taste?

"Sith. Like honey!"

How's it goin' stud? Feelin' something?

Qui-Gon did. His cock strained stiffly against his robe.

He swore.

Oooo, cock to liftoff. Go rock his world!

Qui-Gon arched back in the plush chair, straining as he pulled. His balls burned.

Bang that baby!

To his complete frustration Qui-Gon discovered he couldn't come. The thick shaft bobbed wildly without more than a dribble.

What are you waiting for?! Go jump his bones!

Exasperated, Qui-Gon slammed down the receiver. "Fool! I could have thought of that myself!!"

He sat in muted anger, watching his cock soften. The phone rang once more.


Screaming Freaks Incorporated, sir.You will be billed fifty credits for the call.

Obi-Wan soaked in the tub, fuming. Jade eyes sparked with flame.

Our sex life has gone to hel, and I have no idea why. Were we normal people it wouldn't be such an issue. But our kind requires the psychic contact only lovemaking can give. My shields are erratic, and this perpetual hard on isn't helping.

He stared at his cock head. It flared and vibrated above perfumed water.

Every time I come the desire is worse. What's wrong with my beloved?

A stab of uncertainty hit him.

Am I no longer desirable?


Obi-Wan spun. Qui-Gon stood in the doorframe, barefooted over marble tile. His chestnut train of hair tumbled everywhere.

Ice blue eyes burned with intensity. "It isn't true, Obi."

Obi-Wan snorted. "I thought you planned to spend the whole day on those ridiculous sex lines. Why talk about it when you can do it?!"

Qui-Gon looked away. "I thought perhaps...another stimulus might help."

"I see. Did it?"

"Somewhat. Thinking about you makes me hard..."

Obi-Wan was encouraged. "But?"

"Before I can orgasm, something stops me. I don't know what it is."

Obi-Wan looked pained. "Talk to me!"

Qui-Gon approached the red marble jacuzzi, kneeling slowly at his sons' side.

"I wish I had answers. Please believe me when I say you are sexy as ever. The fault lies with me."

Obi-Wan took his hands, guiding him into the water. "Hold me for awhile. Can you think of why you may be blocking?"

Muscled arms crushed the fine body close. "You feel so good, beloved. Ssss. The desire is there, but the performance is not."

Obi-Wan pulled the soppy robe open. He gently palmed the thick shaft. "I sense no injury or infection."

Qui-Gon nuzzled. "I'm so tired of fighting, Oban. I love you."

Soft kiss. "I know, father. But we can't go on like this. My desire burns, and you cannot satisfy me in your current state. You may need to talk to someone else."

Qui-Gon pulled back, fangs flashing. "You suggest I can't handle my own problems?"

Soft snarl in response. Obi-Wan pushed away. "I suggest nothing, but I'm fed up with this! Week after week of your constant moaning. You won't or can't tell me what's behind your impotence. I weary of a cold bed!"

Qui-Gon stumbled out of the jacuzzi, his robe sodden and heavy with water. "I'm not impotent!!"

Obi-Wan sank back down into steaming water. "Yes you are. The sooner you admit that the better" he turned his back, jade eyes glowing in anger.

Skron vejja diz Qui-Gon cursed under his breath. He stalked out.

Qui-Gon dressed and left the house. He wandered aimlessly down the dark streets, his mind unfocused.

He wasn't alone.

Five thugs stood under a nearby street light. They were dressed inconspicuously, in nondescript tech style clothing. Dark knit hats were pulled down over their heads.

"Hey, dude. Slow up!"

Qui-Gon slowed, observing them casually. They appeared to be typical citizens of Urus, skaters of the law. The night world was perfect for such lifestyles.

Skoober was their leader, a nondescript man of average looks. He motioned for his crew to cautiously approach the lone figure.

His skinny sidekick whispered in his ear. "Skoober, lookit him. He's gotta be rich. Check out them threads."

Skoober nodded. "Yeah, but he looks like trouble. All of ya, walk wide."

Qui-Gon came to a near stop as the men encircled him at a distance. It didn't take a genius to guess their plan.

"What do you want?"

Skoober pulled his thick chin. Red brows pinched together. "Well...see, we're the local police protection agency. We're here to make sure all the citizens are safe."

Qui-Gon lifted an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Sure. Rich dude like you, struttin' around here in the dark like that. Tsk, tsk."

One of the group laughed, a chubby character with bulging eyes. "Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. We're here to protect ya. Tell 'em, Micky!"

The circle tightened around Qui-Gon. He turned to look at them all.

"Leave me be. Go your way, and no harm will come to you."

"You real funny!" still another bellowed, his frog shaped features shaded in the dim light. He pulled at Qui-Gons' sleeve. "Nice material, man. That silk?"

"Get off of me, fool!"

"Aw, now that ain't nice" Skoober reached in his pocket, pulling out a blade. His cohorts duplicated the gesture.

"Hand over the money, big man. Else we're gonna leave you here cut up in little pieces!"

Qui-Gon looked into their souls. He knew their fate and smiled.

"I would like to send you all on a nice trip" he grinned, teeth flashing.

They backed off a little. "What the frack are you supposed ta be?!" the one named Micky stammered.

Ice blue eyes glowed. "A friend. One that will make certain you get what you deserve."

"Waste this mother!!" Micky shouted out of fear. He lunged with his switchblade.

Qui-Gon grabbed him into a kiss, shocking the group.


In horror they watched as Micky withered and aged to skin over bone. Eyes turned white. Seconds later the dried husk fell at Qui-Gons' feet.

Skoober swallowed, his throat dry. "What...what'd you do to him, man?!!"

Smiling coolly, Qui-Gon held out his hand. A glowing globe held a ghostlike image of Micky inside. The small figure shouted in silence, banging against his prison.

"It's a trick!!" the frog faced thug shouted. "Skoober, let's rush this sucker-"

"Oops" Qui-Gon interrupted their ill fated attempt. He dropped the globe, shattering it against the sidewalk. The shards glowed briefly before dissolving in flame. The body husk likewise disappeared.

In open fright they backed off now. "What...what are you, man? You some kinda witch or somethin? Bring him back!"

Qui-Gon laughed now, his huge braid swinging about. "A pity, really. Would you care to join your friend? He'd appreciate the company-"

He spoke to empty air. In blind panic the thugs raced away, dropping their weapons.

Qui-Gon made an innocent face. "Hmm. I guess they didn't want to hear the rest."

Looking about the dark streets, he waved a gesture.

A small spell of forgetfulness, so that none may record this event.

It was done. In silence the tall figure slipped into the night, towards the park.

So peaceful and quiet. Yet my soul is in turmoil. I need...I need something. But what?

Almost without thought he disappeared in a column of flame.

He appeared in a dark realm of dank mist and gloom. Looking about, he surveyed an endless flat terrain with no discernible horizon. Another gesture formed his dragonlord garb. Clutching his cape against icy wind and rain, he trudged forward.

What made me come here?

Your soul speaks but your mind will not listen.


Yes. Come.

Soon he was sogged down with cold water. Ice stung his skin. Hurricane like blasts struck him repeatedly, swaying his soaked braid heavily down his back. Briefly Qui-Gon paused at volcanic geysers, observing the unnatural flames billowing against frigid sleet flaring hundreds of feet high. In the distance he saw the hazy outlines of Karboon dwellings, igloo-like rock structures.

Despite the fact he could walk for years before approaching the castle, Qui-Gon was in no particular hurry. Sporadic clusters of zombies staggered about. Creatures and sorcerers appeared and disappeared with the usual regularity in the dense mist. Lost souls slogged in grim processions at every horizon, circling forever to nowhere as bearlike Wurelin demons tormented them. Mummies stood watch everywhere, their flaming spears insuring obedience. Flying Widok, the lizard birds, picked apart bad souls then spat them out whole once more.

Qui-Gon felt his soul sing at the sights. More at peace than any time since...

Since when? What am I thinking?

Listen to your soul, I say. You delude yourself.

Qui-Gon looked up into the mists. "More riddles, father?"

The riddle exists in your own mind.

"I have no patience for this."

Dragons are never patient. But in this you have no choice, for your spirit is unresolved.

Qui-Gon didn't like the sound of that. Before he could respond, hail blasted the landscape. Huge chunks of ice rained down from the grim skies, bouncing and rolling over the flat terrain. Qui-Gon ran with long strides, barely avoiding a boulder sized iceball.

Enough of this, I'm freezing wrapping his cape around himself tightly he disappeared.

He approached the great walk of the castle Durgge. Karboon sentries stood hundreds of feet above ground level along the battlements. Their skeletal forms blazed with blue flame in contrast to the eerie gloom. A fortress of jagged monolith rock encircled the castle for twenty miles around, full of flying and skulking creatures. The moat shifted as lebure poked their heads above the gray waters hoping to eat an unsuspecting soul. Half lizard, half serpent, their long forms possessed thick legs with clawed feet.

One spoke to Qui-Gon as he approached..

Hail thee, Lord King. What brings you to Limbo this day?

Qui-Gon stood at the dank shoreline. More pointed heads popped above the slimy waters. Razor thin teeth gleamed in sharp jaws.

"Greetings, Cobb. I do but visit your Lord. Is he about the castle?

Hard teeth clacked together. Aye, he awaits thee in the comfort of his library.

"Excellent. I will cross the stone walk here."

Go to, Lord. Methinks Lord Chaos has a feast for thee.

"It is meet, Cobb. Good tide this dark day."

Cobb cracked his jaws in delight. Another lebure spoke.

Xoox would thank thee, Lord. Your gift was most appreciated!

Qui-Gon paused, curious. "My gift?"

A long tail thrashed in the muck. That delicious soul you sent us recently. We've tasted him many times since his arrival. He's most entertaining!

Cobb nodded. Aye, this Micky character is a fine one.

Qui-Gon laughed. "And where is he now?"

A third lebure made a bizarre chirping sound. In my belly, Lord. I'll spit him out later! Then everyone can savor.

"Happy snacking, all of you. Begone, I would see your Lord now!"

With thundrous chittering the lebure dived and disappeared into the murk. Seconds later the thick surface was still.

Qui-Gon stalked regally across the gigantic cobblestone bridge. Bearlike Wurelin demons dutifully stood aside as he entered the castle under jagged arches.

Servants were about everywhere slowing his progress with greetings. He spoke with them all before entering the great library.

Litthysss stood against a bookstand. Shaded cheekbones were empasized in candlelight glow. Gemlike green eyes held a preternatural light, boring into his son. Shimmering red blonde waves tousled high on top, tapered and cropped closely at the nape. A thick velveteen robe of deep blue made a fine contrast to the model perfect features.

Qui-Gon was astounded at how he still often reacted to his fathers' appearance.

Litthsyss smiled slightly. "Sit down before you fall down."

Qui-Gon nodded, seating himself in a plush chair. Litthsyss gestured. A wurelin demon pushed a golden table full of wine and sweetmeats. Blood simmered in pewter bowls encrusted with jewels.

"That will be all, Weeder."

The bear thing nodded and left. Litthsyss seated himself at the table.

Quogan. Come.

"I'm not hungry, father. I need to-"

Litthsyss motioned to him. "You are pale and weak. Come. Later we will talk, for there is much to discuss."

Qui-Gon joined him, seating himself. "I don't feel weak. My relationship with Obi-Wan is-"

Litthsyss waved the bowl under his nose.



Grabbing the bowl, Qui-Gon gulped hungrily. Litthsyss set a tray of sweetmeats in front of him next.

Qui-Gon scented the delicacies. He ate greedily.

His father watched and smiled. "I thought you weren't hungry."

Qui-Gon looked sheepish. "I didn't think I was."

Litthsyss sipped his wine. The body often overrides the mind. The soul will override both.

"I know I arrived unannounced, but..."

Ageless eyes peered through him. "That hardly matters, Quogan."

Qui-Gon sat back, sated. He drank his wine also.

"My thanks for the fine meal, father. But perhaps I should go. My problem is a personal one, and-"

"-I am your father. It doesn't get any more personal than that."

Qui-Gon smiled. "No, it doesn't. But frankly I don't know how you could help."

Litthsyss eyed him evenly. "If you truly believed that you wouldn't be here" he poured his son more wine.

Qui-Gon drank deeply. "Delicious" he noted, sinking back into the plush chair.

Litthsyss spoke in silence. Qui-Gon felt his limbs grow heavy.

"Dirty trick, father" he slurred. Eyelids drooped in exhaustion.

The snake god sang gently. Qui-Gon curled into the huge chair, his braid hanging over the arm.

"My poor deluded child" Litthsyss said to himself. He picked up his son and carried him to the antechambers.

Qui-Gon awoke feeling relaxed. Blearily he looked about.

I've been put to bed!

Thick orange fur tickled his nose. He was snug under several other blankets as well. Peeping over the warm covers, Qui-Gon glanced at the familiar scenery.

Small pictures hung about the room, showing demons battling in a childlike scrawl. Bones carved into toys sat on a chest of solid silver. A small bookcase stood against the far wall near a mirror, next to a stone playhouse. Horror posters of Limbo creatures dotted each corner. A huge view crystal sat in a well-remembered base of granite. A mobile of bats hung from the ceiling.

Qui-Gon sat up abruptly. It's my old room!!

"Of course. How do you feel?"

Qui-Gon looked left. Litthsyss sat in the corner, his robe fanning out onto the floor.

Smile. "How long have you been here, father?"

Slate green eyes sparkled like crystal. "A few hours, give or take. I watched you sleep."

Qui-Gon felt himself under the blankets. He was nude. The fur tickled his body sensuously.

"I didn't think you'd bring me here."

"It was appropriate under the circumstances."

"I don't understand."

Litthsyss joined him. The imposing form sidled alongside Qui-Gon over the covers. He put an arm around his son.

Now you just tell daddy all about it!

Startled, Qui-Gon stared. Litthsyss flashed him a fanged grin.

Things are poor between you and Oban. Why is that?

Qui-Gon dropped his head a little. "I...this is difficult, father. It seems as though I've become impotent."

"How long has this been going on?"

"For weeks. Oban is tempestuous now, and I am having difficulty keeping my emotions on an even keel."

"Ssss. I sense your physical health. Can you pinpoint when the impotence manifested itself?"

Qui-Gon shuddered, not answering immediately. His eyes moistened.

Litthsyss watched with concern. "Quogan. Did you hear my question?"

Qui-Gon burst into tears, his head low. Chestnut hair tumbled in a fall, obscuring his face.

"Ssaurian. What is this?!" Litthsyss shook him hard. Qui-Gon fell against him, wracking uncontrollably.

Long fingers spaced across his forehead. //Calm. Peace. Recite with me.//

Qui-Gon grabbed his other hand. //Mantra level six. Consistency of thought is consistency of control.//

Qui-Gon felt cool tendrils calming his mind. Lifting his head slowly, he covered his eyes.

"My thanks, father" he was ragged.

Eyes of green ice cut through him. "Is this the first attack you've had?"

"No" Qui-Gon answered wearily. "Father, I'm afraid. What if I'm going mad again? I feel as if I can't trust my own mind anymore!"

Litthsyss sensed what he was referring to. "This is not like your childhood, Quogan. You outgrew that instability. But it appears my previous concerns were justified."

Qui-Gon stared in shock. "What do you mean?!"

"Physically you are fine. But your mental shields are erratic. I noticed an aberration the last time we spoke but kept silent."

"But why?"

"Oftentimes shields fluctuate according to mood. But your situation is far more serious. It is affecting your son through your bond."

Deep sigh. "I know. The longer we go without touching the more irrational we become."

"You can't continue like this, either. But I have a possible solution."


"I'll go to Oban. Perhaps if you watch the two of us together-"

Red anger dotted vision. "I find that unacceptable!!" Qui-Gon snapped. "Is that all that occupies your mind, rolling my son?!"

Litthsyss was serene. "Perhaps. Perhaps not."

"He has so much to experience yet. I would see nothing ruin that. Nothing!!"

"He is immortal. What will fate decide?"

Qui-Gon blew flame through his nose, raging now. "Fate had best step aside. I accept no dictates of old hags."

"Burn then, dragon. What do you dare? To believe future shadows or blow them aside?"

"Aside!! My son will not fall in battle, father. I resist it, I refute it!!"

Litthsyss nodded. "And now we are at the root of your distress."

Qui-Gon felt his anger hit a wall. "What. How now?"

"Sss. Ever shifting, ever changing is the future" Litthsyss stated. He glided from the bed, standing now.

"My vision has caused this distress, my son. I regret it."

Qui-Gon shook his head. "No. It's well you mentioned it. My son must develop to his fullest potential."

"He will. But not on Urus."

"Don't start, father."

"Not just your son, Quogan. You but delay the inevitable."

Qui-Gon was silent a moment. "Perhaps. But none command the Dragon."

"None save the dragons' soul. As time passes you will find it increasingly difficult to live as a mortal."

"I don't think that's necessarily true-"

"The mortal sphere cannot contain you. What happens when the dragon would be free?"

"That problem isn't real!"

"Not yet it isn't. But ever have I existed, and I know the fallacy of attempting to be all things. Oban has an appetite and capacity that cannot be held by mortal compromises. You both play a foolish game."

"He was raised as mortal, father. What do you expect?"

Litthsyss folded his arms. "I expect my son to rule, as is his birthright. I expect my grandson to command dark legions of grandeur, as is his heritage."

Qui-Gon dropped his eyes. "Have I disappointed you?"

Litthsyss came to his side again and hugged him. "Never, wa'bee. But heed my advice. This pretense will be decided eventually, for blood always tells in the end."

Sad smile. "Let me pretend then, at least for awhile."

Litthsyss snorted. "Fool."

Sigh. "What does mother think of all this?"

"She despises your self imposed restrictions. I won't even tell you what she's said."

Grin. "My ears would burn, no doubt."

"Turn a bit. I would braid your hair."

"Father, this is hardly the time-"

"Silence" Litthsyss slipped behind him on the bed and sectioned his hair.

Qui-Gon sat quietly. "I have a request."


"We're going to be here for awhile. I'm suddenly hungry again."

Litthsyss laughed. Some things never changed.

Qui-Gon blissfully sat at his fathers' attentions. Deft hands braided the chestnut mane into elaborate braids, none thicker than a stylus pen. Perfumed oil was massaged in, giving the braids a gleaming gloss.

"You never cut your hair" Litthsyss observed as he worked.

"No. Obi-Wan is always teasing me about the clippers. But he enjoys playing with it nonetheless."

"He is lovely and a treasure. Serpents are sensualists."

Qui-Gon closed his eyes. "Tell me about it."

"You will love him as he should be loved, Quogan. I sense it now."

Qui-Gon opened his eyes.

"Now see Oban in your mind. Lying on the bed, lush and moist. Satin falls away from his shoulder. Stroking himself-"

Qui-Gon gasped. His cock stiffened under fur.

"He presents himself to you, on his belly. Taste that golden skin, sample his soft spots..."

Qui-Gon arched back. His hand flew to a throbbing cock. It was draining.

Litthsyss spoke in his ear like silk. "And now I think you should savor his flavor, deep. Stroke him with your tongue, feel his heat tighten and move. Climb him and claim him as he comes, moaning-"

Qui-Gon thrashed, firing thickly under the fur. Litthsyss held him tightly as he heaved and wracked in pleasure.

"Force" he barely whispered, shivering against his father.

"I believe your impotence is cured" Litthsyss smiled.

Qui-Gon stretched lazily against him. "It's true. My mind is clear now."

"You need more rest."

Qui-Gon shook his head. "No, I'll be heading home now. Obi-Wan awaits."

Strong hands smoothed the chestnut braids along his back. A pleasant scent tickled Qui-Gons' nose.

"What fragrance is that? It's most delightful."

Litthsyss massaged the broad shoulders. "Sonoba root oil. Now rest."

"Unecessary, I tell you..."

You are tired.

"I'm not a child-" he fell forward like a stone, out. Litthsyss tucked him back under the covers.

The snake god smirked. "You are my child, and that will never change."

Obi-Wan was worried. He had busied himself cleaning the kitchen but it wasn't enough.

What if I do lose him. What then?

He immediately rejected the stray thought as he cleared the countertop.

No, I don't accept that. I sense his desire, but some mental block keeps his touch at bay. But what to do?

His appetite sparked. Obi-Wan warmed a bowl of fresh liver. He took a decanter of brandy from the cabinet.

May as well watch a good movie.

Taking his dinner tray he glided upstairs.

Qui-Gon opened an eye.


Litthsyss was nowhere to be seen. Powerful muscles flexed and stretched as he sat up.

"Ss" Can't believe I needed that extra rest. But I feel wonderful nonetheless.

Draped on the footstand was his dragonlord garb. Qui-Gon climbed out of bed and reviewed himself in the mirror. He smiled at his appearance.

These braids. I haven't worn my hair like this since I was small.

He dressed at his leisure, stopping to look at his hair once more.

I'll have to twist these braids into a large one. They're too long to be swinging about.

He twined the thin plaits into a thick tail that hung down his back. Much better.

"You look excellent, Quogan."

The snake god reappeared suddenly, his hands tucked into wide robe sleeves. He stood like a statue near the curtain partition.

Qui-Gon turned. "Eventide, father."

Litthsyss nodded. "It is meet. Your spirit is whole again."

Qui-Gon approached him. "Thanks to you" he stroked the perfect face.

Litthsyss closed his eyes briefly in thought. "Oban is distressed, wa'bee. Touch him softly this night in love."

Qui-Gon sighed wistfully, looking about his old room. "I will. Being in many memories flood my mind."

Black lashes shaded green eyes. "It is so."

"And now I understand why you brought me here to recover."

Litthsyss feigned innocence. "Why is that?"

"To reconnect me with my past. To remind me of what I truly am."

"When you were raised as mortal Jedi, your sense of heritage suffered."

"I realize that now. Just as I realize I do my son a disservice by not emphasizing immortal experience enough. But that will change."

The snake god smiled at that. "It pleases me to hear this."

Qui-Gon paced slowly, looking about in thought. "I can't promise when I will officially take the mantle, father. As for my son...his decision is his own. He seems more interested in ruling than I am."

"An interesting dilemma, no? His realm awaits, as does yours."

"You taunt me with possibilities?"

The snake god observed one of Qui-Gons' old drawings. "Let events take care of themselves."

"I shall. One day I will show Obi-Wan this room."

"He would love that."

Qui-Gon gave his father a crushing hug. "Thank thee, glsaati'."

Litthsyss smiled at the ancient endearment of love and respect. Tradition runs strong in thee, despite thy defiance. Go now, for the final script is yet writ.

Bowing briefly Qui-Gon disappeared in a flash of fire.

The snake god stood where his son disappeared. "Time shall complete the circle, and I am ever patient."

He glided out, his mysterious thoughts his own.

Obi-Wan sprawled on the bed. Wild illumination from the big screen lit his features in shadow. He loved to watch movies in the dark, especially horror and science fiction. Strong brandy dulled his anxiety, giving him a mellow mood.

Talk about corny dialog. The giant bugs are gonna eat through the hull of that spaceship...

He sensed his love. Mist coalesced into a powerful cloaked form.

Obi-Wan sat up cautiously. "You've been gone for a long time."

Qui-Gon pulled his cowl back. "I was lost, and needed to find my way."

Obi-Wan stared, startled. Emerald eyes glowed with intensity as he observed Qui-Gon closely.

"What is it?"

"Your hair!" Obi-Wan glided off the bed, touching the glossy braids.

" so beautiful. Who did it?"

Qui-Gon smiled. "I went to a hairdresser."

Obi-Wan walked around, admiring the intricate detail. "Amazing. Whoever did this is extemely skilled" he unlooped the twist, freeing hundreds of razor thin braids.

Soft whistle. "They're all perfect. So uniform and shiny" Obi-Wan buried his nose in them, inhaling.

"What perfume is this? It's wonderful!"

Qui-Gon nuzzled his face against the smooth neck. "Sonoba root oil. It's a rare extract made from amphibians."

"You...seem different" Obi-Wan sounded hopeful.

"I'm no longer lost, love."

Obi-Wan pulled back. Jade eyes bored in. "Does that mean..dare I think it?"

"Everything is before us, Obi-Wan" he slipped out of his robe and cowl.

Wordlessly, Obi-Wan took his hands and pulled him to bed. Their eyes locked in heat.

"Love me" Obi-Wan whispered, looking through his lashes. His red satin nightshirt fell from a strong shoulder.

"Sssss. Yessss, Obi" Qui-Gon crushed the lush body into the mattress. Tight erections pushed together, straining for dominance.

I want you inside me. Hurry!

Obi-Wan squirmed and growled as Qui-Gon suckled his teats, taunting the fat nipples with tongue. They poked with need, blushed and high.

"WRRrrr" Obi-Wan arched, clawing the broad back. Thin wetness ran between their bellies as they rubbed in friction.

For the first time in weeks Qui-Gon felt a bursting sensation in his balls. He welcomed it, slithering his hips into Obi-Wan. The pressure was exquisite as their cock heads stroked each other, vibrating with delight. Obi-Wan gripped his ass, fingers slipping inside. A pointed nail teased tight wetness.

Their minds were awash in flame, their bodies with heat. Strong thighs wrapped around powerful hips as they bucked. Souls coiled for completion.

Qui-Gon watched Obi-Wan moan and writhe beneath him in lust. A red tongue snaked hotly from lush lips. He blew at the sight, shooting thickly over his lover's belly.

Obi-Wan shattered as well, roaring and shouting his name. An answering flood rivered between their legs. Qui-Gon collapsed over him, shaking.

Obi-Wan panted in his ear. Stars, that was good he drew lazy circles on the muscled back.

Qui-Gon murmured against his neck, braids in a waterfall over them both. Sorry, love. I wanted to be inside-

Obi-Wan purred. Jackrabbit. Inside, outside, all around. It matters not.

Soft, lazy kisses as they slow stroked. /A truly amazing turnaround. Whatever the cause, I'm grateful./

//I am indebted, Obi. And I know now what caused my impotence.//

Lips pulled free. "Tell me" jade eyes darkened with concern.

Qui-Gon pulled the blankets over them as they snuggled tightly. He thumbed the high cheek bones.

"Beautiful. I was so concerned with the future that I blocked out the present."

"How so?"

"It all goes back to fathers' vision."

Obi-Wan sighed. "The war again."

"Yes. The image of you falling in battle was too strong. Instead of dealing with the possibility I blocked it out. Frustration from not being able to control the situation manifested itself in other ways."

Obi-Wan sat up. Tenderly he touched high cheekbones.

"There is nothing to control, father" jade eyes were soft. "It concerns me, but by no means is that vision 'a done deal'. And rest assured, if the guardians try to make me a victim they will pay."

Qui-Gon smiled, kissing the smooth palm. "You do your lineage proud. I've been panicked over shadows."

"Look then to the substance. There's nothing specific about me being struck in battle. Who's to say I don't return the blow in full measure?"

Blue eyes sparked. "Why...I hadn't considered..."

"Besides, they can no more slay me than the wind."

"True, but they can injure you unto death."

"Then my family will avenge me, until I recover. The debt will be paid in full eventually."

Qui-Gon stared at him. Obi-Wan smiled.

"I am practical, father. And remember, this is assuming that grandfathers' vision comes to pass."

"You are my son, yet the words are those of my father."

Obi-Wan nuzzled against the shiny braids. "You once told me I was most like him. So trust what I say. Any attack will be met with equal force. I swear it!"

Slow smile. Qui-Gon felt his heart swell with pride. "Then I suppose we had all best stand aside when Ssarparti would battle."

Obi-Wan clicked his fangs. "I have your temper as well."

Qui-Gon pulled him down in a crushing hug. "I noticed. You feel wonderful."

Obi-Wan curled in, blissful. "Oh."

"Enough talk of war and fighting. Dragons despise cold beds."

"Dragons are greedy" Obi-Wan teased. Hands scrabbled through the soft braids.

"I'll have to try braiding your hair like this."

Qui-Gon lay back, the cascade fanning across the bed. "You like them that much?"

Obi-Wan continued to play with the plaits. "Definitely. They're so thin that from a distance your hair looks wavy. The texture is fascinating."

"Sensualist. Now kiss me once more."

A coiling tongue teased his goatee. /I'll work my way in./

Qui-Gon captured the hot flesh into his mouth. //Faster!//

Sweltering kisses sloshed noisily over the next few moments. Taut erections rubbed between tight bellies, leaking clear moisture. Velvet heads vibrated as they stroked, hips grinding in rythmn.

Obi-Wan sweated, gripping his lover in a vise. Clawed nails dug into powerful arms. /Going to burst.../

Qui-Gon arched high, opening his legs. //Hurry!!//

Obi-Wan plowed inside sweet heat. He barely made it. Thick cream gushed even as he rimmed the opening. Qui-Gon jerked and exploded as his balls bounced, splattering his love.

"AAAAHhhh..." clear blue eyes closed in bliss as Qui-Gon fell back, content.

"ss" Obi-Wan curled in close, enjoying the mutual body warmth. The pair settled under warm blankets, cozy in a pile.

"The future is ripe with possibilities, father. We will explore them all."

Bleary yawn. "True, Obi. And I fully intend to correct my negligence."

Obi-Wan stared in surprise. "What are you talking about?"

Qui-Gon eased to a sitting position against the bedstand. "Initially we went through intense training sessions and mental exercises-"

Obi-Wan cuddled up. "You were hardly negligent. If anything, jumping through all those mental hoops wore me out."

"You did well nonetheless. I think we should explore more of existence. There is absolutely no reason to limit ourselves."

Red brows pinched together. "Well no, I suppose not..."

Qui-Gon sighed wistfully. "So many adventures, so many levels of existence. All denied to mortals, but open to us as a book."

Obi-Wan pulled at the braids. "Sounds like you've got wanderlust."

Powerful shoulders shrugged. "Not exactly. I-"

"All of a sudden you want to go adventuring? What gives, father?"

Qui-Gon gave his best innocent expression. "Oh, no special reason. The truth is, we've only begun to experience totality together."

Obi-Wan gave a devilish grin. "I feel pretty totalled about now. But your idea does sound interesting, though."

"As a jedi you inferred totality. As a god you will live it."

Jade eyes darkened. "Oh" Obi-Wan was subdued.

"I will show you how to expand your senses and bond your soul to the universe."

Obi-Wan sat up slowly. "Is that wise? I mean, how do you pull out?"

Qui-Gon glowed, eyes sparkling with affection. "There is no damage to fear. It's much like meditation but on a much grander scale. The state of omneii is one that great beings utilize often."

"Kind of like a universal newspaper?"

A chuckle. "Indeed. However, there is one drawback while in such a state. It leaves one vulnerable."

"How so?"

"In order to be one with existence, will and ego must be sublimated."

"But why should that be necessary?"

Powerful arms pulled Obi down into a hug. "Consider, wa'bee. Essentially you will be part of everything everywhere in all timelines. Attempt to maintain individuality in such a state and madness will result. Many immortals have lost sanity playing totality versus ego."

"Perhaps it's not advisable to do, then."

"No, it's necessary. It's just done under certain circumstances with proper precautions."

Obi-Wan considered. "I can see where sublimating yourself would be a problem for some."

Qui-Gon nodded. "Nearly all, in fact."

"What about you, father?"

The dragon blew flame through his nose. "I despise it. It makes me feel weak, although that really isn't true."


"Now give me another kiss."

"Greedy snekt. Those that went insane...did they ever recover?"

"Some did. The others are hidden away in distant dimensions."

Obi-Wan laughed. "An asylum for crazy gods?!"

Qui-Gon stretched lazily. "Yes. Now come here" he pulled Obi-Wan over his chest. Hot lips settled on a nipple.

The peak swelled against wet tongue. Qui-Gon arched as his lover suckled. The sweet mouth settled over the other one.

/Poor thing. Are these bothering you?/

"Ssss. Yesss!!" a groan.

Obi-Wan sucked furiously as the big body bounced beneath him, clawing his back. Sweet fluid trickled from the teats as red tongue lapped them without mercy.

Rigid cocks rubbed and teased before exploding in sticky heat. The lovers sweated and heaved in pleasure, falling forward in exhaustion.

/Go to sleep, dragon. Enough nooky for one day./

"Sss" //Until that hot body says more.//

And it did. Before the evening closed Obi received pleasure that rattled his senses and shattered his soul. The dragon was very obliging.

Weary and delighted, Obi-Wan lay on his stomach. A blanket of warmth covered him.

"Mmmm" a nuzzle.

"I think we should begin those new lessons, father."

A nip. "So impatient. Does anything quench serpent fire?"

"Only everything. Come, let's get dressed and go downstairs."

Qui-Gon yawned, rolling off. "Sss. Alright" he slipped out of bed.

Obi-Wan bounded up, sliding into his robe. Qui-Gon regarded him lovingly.

Obi-Wan grinned. "Now what?"

"I'm so proud of you. I was thinking of your rapid progression ever since our transformation."

"Ss. Well, I come from good...or should I say 'bad' stock!"

"That's awful" Qui-Gon put on his robe as well.

A snicker. "I'm excited about this new dimension to my learning."

Slow smile. "Well you should be. Instantaneous knowledge is indescribable."

Obi-Wan approached him. "By the way, are you going to tell me who you went to see?" his braid quirked into a question mark.


A poke. "Ouch!"

"Stop playing dumb. Who helped you through your...problem?"

"An expert. The best."

Jade eyes flashed. "I see" he hooked an arm. "Well whoever it is, I'm grateful to them."

"Me too."

"Come, father. A universe to conquer!"

Ice blue eyes twinkled. "Only a universe?"

Obi-Wan dragged him downstairs to the rec room. "Well, it's a start!"