Love of a Different Type (5/5)

by Dormask84 ( )

Series: LODT

Summary: Part five of LDOT. Finally we come to the end of the series. Basically we just tie off a couple lose ends and end with the happy ever after part.

Rating: PG-13

Categories: AU, Romance, First-time, Obi/Qui

Disclaimer: Lucus created the universe, Lucus created the characters, Lucus created the force. I just play around with it all, not making a cent.

Note: Thanks to Anne who helped beta this for me and tidy it up a bit. Spelling errors are either my fault or that so many words have more then one way of being spelled in this mixed up world.

Feedback: As welcome as raindrops after summer.


Obi-wan's eyes were crusted with dried tears when he found himself curled up in a strange bed alone. Muscles complained when he rolled onto his backand looked at the unfamiliar ceiling. Too drained to cry anymore, hestared dully at nothing. There was a dull bruised pain inside his head.

His love was dead. Unable to bear living with what he had done. Travis was gone. Obi-wan just lay there, dry eyed,incapable of feeling anything but stunned and hollow inside. Staring into space as his mind kept running in tiny circles of worthless options, useless possibilities. Wondering how this could have been prevented.

Now that Travis was gone, there was no question he loved the knight. There was also no question that Qui-Gon was, equally special.

It seemed somehow sacrilege to say he loved Qui-Gon, when his lover of the last few months had just passed on. A soft pleasant voice broke his spiral of depressing thoughts. "Hey there." A healer came in. Obi-wan didn't bother to answer. So he must be in the healers ward still. "We were worried about you. To have a lovers bond die twice, even if the second bond was only a shadow of what it once had been, was too much strain on your mind, you've been out awhile."

His voice was raspy from disuse. "How long?" "Four days." The healer replied. Obi-wan sat up at this. "Four days! It can't be that long surely?" "I'm afraid so.' "What about Qui-Gon, how is he doing?" Obi-wan stammered. WithTravis gone, only the Master was left to him. 'The same. We're doing the best we can, but he continues to sink deeper into coma." Obi-wan closed his eyes, he was long past tears. "Can I see him?" He asked after a moment. "Of course. So long as you promise to take it easy." The healer helped him to his feet and held him up as he staggered through the corridors, finally entering the room that held the sleeping Qui-Gon. Obi-wan let himself be lowered into the chair by the bed. Taking the limp hand of the unconscious Qui-Gon.

Looking at the neat, empty bed that once held Travis. The body would be cremated soon, as was the Jedi way. He stared, not really seeing it for awhile, then with a sigh, retuned his attention to Qui-Gon. He'd lost Travis, he didn't want to lose the Master as well. The tiny steady beep of medical sensors followed the heartbeat in the big man. It became the steady rhythm of Obi-wan's waking hours. Listening to that tiny beeping pulse.

The next few days his world revolved around the still Qui-Gon, the MasterJedi became his sole reason for continuing on, for living. But as the Mastertoo, steadily slipped deeper into coma, he could feel his grip on reality slipping as well. "Qui-Gon what am I suppose to do?" Obi-wan leaned his head against the metal bed, holding one large boned hand. It felt so strange with no muscle tension in it. As flaccid as a corpse. The young man felt so empty, so ghost like. "What can I do? Travis is already gone from my life, I can't cope if you go too. There is some old saying that for a person to love once, that person is blessed and for a person to find love twice, is doubly blessed. But I haven't been blessed at all. I've been doubly cursed. Cursed because I fell in love while I already was in love with Travis. Cursed because even though you warned me, I failed to act on it, failed to do anything because I couldn't imagine my love doing anything evil. Believing he couldn't fall to the suggestion, that he would be able to Master the compulsion. I was so wrong. Now I'm paying doubly for my blindness.' Obi-wan sighed, he was achieving nothing by self-blame.

'I loved Travis and I can't deny that. But I love you too. It's hard enough, with Travis gone. But how am I able to keep going without you? Don't leave me too Qui-Gon.' Obi-wan was silent, staring off in the distance, when he felt it. The large hand twitching. Turning to look at Qui-Gon's face, he sawm flickers of movement under the eyelids. 'Qui-Gon? Do you hear me?' He grasped the twitching hand. 'Come on, wakeup, please.' But instead of waking up, the great heart missed a beep, then another. 'Qui-Gon?' Suddenly dreadfully fearful he was listening to the end of his second love. Obi-wan grasped the large hand tighter as forgotten tears started to run down his face once more. Another missed beat. 'Qui-Gon please, don't. I love you.' Obi-wan held his breath as the heart skipped two beats. 'Oh Force, don't do this to me.' He whispered.

'Come away.' A healer appeared, tugging him up from a chair. 'Let us deal with this.' Other healers came in. 'What's happening?' Obi-wan resisted. 'Nothing we can't deal with.' But then Qui-Gon's heart missed one beat, two beats, three beats, four.... The line stayed flat as the regular beat of the heart didn't start up again.

'Qui-Gon?' Obi-wan pushed against the healer to get to the Master as healers swarmed over the prone body. 'Come now, let us work.' But Obi-wan was pushed long past such persuasive reassurance. 'No! Qui-Gon.' Obi-wan began to struggle as more healers came to remove him from Qui-Gon's side. 'Let me go.' He thrust himself forward. 'He can't die, force please, don't let him leave me too.'

'We'll take care of it.' A healer soothed, hauling him away. 'QUI-GON!' Obi-wan screamed and kicked, Trying to pull loose as panic gripped him, his world turning upside down as healers frantically worked on Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon was dying and there was nothing he could do. He wouldn't even be allowed to be at the gentle Masters side as he passed in to the force.

'Someone sedate him, quick.' The voice seemed to come from very far away. Obi-wan barely felt the tiny prick on a needle as healers forced his struggling body from Qui-Gon. Obi-wan felt the drug pull him down the sleep, the last sound he heard was the long beep of a no longer beating heart.

Qui-Gon reluctantly cracked open eyes. He felt, well not dead, since he hurt way too much for that, but wishing that he could be.

'Hello there.' A voice said. Qui-Gon managed to turn his head enough to see Teracel looking down at him with a small smile. 'Ter.' He managed to croak out. 'Here.' Teracel carefully helped him sip down some water. 'How do you feel?' 'Terrible.' Qui-Gon said. 'Not surprising. You nearly didn't make it.' Qui-Gon tried to move, but as pain moved through him, he quickly gave up that idea. He licked his dry lips. 'What happened?' 'Your heart stopped.' Teracel told him. 'No, Obi-wan.' Qui-Gon's voice cracked. 'Oh that. He stopped Travis in time.' 'Good.' Qui-Gon managed a smile and let his head drop back and his eyes closed. 'Get some more rest Qui-Gon, no more coma's though.' This particular piece of information made his eyes open again. 'How long?' He asked. Teracel knew what he meant. 'Nearly two months.' Qui-Gon looked at him surprised. 'That long?' 'Yes, that long.' Teracel said, his eyes shadowed by weariness. 'You're tired.' Qui-Gon noticed. 'I'll get sleep if you get sleep all right?' Qui-Gon just closed his eyes. It wasn't long before he was drifting to sleep once more.

Qui-Gon felt marginally better the next time he woke up. Again he opened his eyes to see Teracel standing by his bed. 'How do you feel?' Teracel asked. 'Better.' Qui-Gon smiled slightly. 'Good, it seems you are recovering.' Teracel nodded, but Qui-Gon saw there where still shadows in his friend's face. 'You didn't sleep.' He accused. Teracel looked at him a moment, obviously debating whether to say something. 'What is it?' 'Travis is dead.' Teracel said after a moment. That made Qui-Gon sit up, he grunted in pain but right now he was more concerned about something else. 'Obi-wan?' He demanded. The shadow in his friends eyes deepened. 'He seems determined to follow Travis and join the force.' 'No!' Qui-Gon cried out, trying to get up, but fell back in pain instead. 'Easy Qui. It wasn't that long ago you were near death yourself.' Teracel held him down. 'But Obi-wan...' Qui-Gon looked pleadingly at his friend. 'Has had to be sedated since your heart stopped beating over two weeks ago. He's in a bad way. He thinks both you and Travis are now dead and last time we let him become aware again, he tried to take his own life.'

'No!' Qui-Gon struggled against Teracel who held him down, tears gathering in his eyes. 'This wasn't the way it was suppose to happen.' He looked to Teracel for answers.

'No, it wasn't.' Teracel shock his head sadly. 'I feel partly responsible. It was I who suggested Travis get tested and that put him in danger. Xanatoes found him and used him.' 'No friend, don't blame yourself. Xanatoes is my failure.' Qui-Gon gave his head a shake. 'Xanatoes made his choices Qui. It is up to us to survive the aftermath of those choices.' Teracel said after a moment. 'I want to see Obi-wan.' Qui-Gon said after a moment. Teracel looked at him as he debated the idea. 'Not yet. You need to heal some more. Obi-wan will last awhile longer.' Qui-Gon didn't like that idea at all. 'He shouldn't just last, I must do something. I created this mess. I have to try and fix it.' He managed to push up into a sitting position again. 'Look, I'll talk to the healers. See if they can move your bed in with Obi-wan's all right?' Teracel said, Qui-Gon knew this was as much as Teracel would compromise. He nodded and let his old friend push him back down. 'I'll be back in a moment. Stay still.' Teracel ordered before he left. Qui-Gon sighed and closed his eyes. In moment he drifted off again.

He was in a different room when he woke up again and he lifted his head to look around. There was a second bed to his right. 'Obi-wan?' He called. No answer. He groaned and pushed himself up into a sitting position. He felt stiff and sore, but there wasn't quite as much pain. He looked over to the still, pale form of Obi- wan. The young knight looked terrible. Thin, ghostly. Drips were feeding liquids into the sleeping man, an ugly cut trailed up a wrist. Qui-Gon swallowed at the emotion that rose in him. Love, fear for his love, panic that Obi-wan couldn't be saved, the idea that he might loose yet one more love. So soon after loosing Ruben. He wasn't sure he could stand it. His tract record in love life was almost as well known as his tract record on missions. Where one failed dismally, the other was extraordinarily successful. Qui- Gon wished it was the other way now more then any other time before..

'Ter said you would be awake again.' Qui-Gon turned to see Dessie. 'How are you?'

'I've been better.' He turned back to Obi-wan. Dessie came and sat between the two beds. 'He's last dose of sedation should wear off soon, if you can stay awake maybe you can help convince him you're not dead.' Qui-Gon nodded. 'Will it help?' 'Most definitely. So long as he believes both Travis and you are dead, he doesn't see any reason why he should live.' Qui-Gon was silent. 'What went wrong Dessie? Was Evan forced to kill him?' 'No, Obi-wan got to Travis in time to put a stop to him, Evan removed the mind suggestion.' 'So what then?' Dessie sighed and took one of his hands. 'Travis couldn't live with what he'd done to be sent on a Sef'piliom and what Xanatoes tried to make him do.' 'I'm not sure I understand.' Qui-Gon frowned. 'Qui-Gon think. You know why Travis got sent on the test don't you?' 'Yes, unwarranted mind-control.' 'Then he got sent on the Sef'piliom. Where Xanatoes discovers him, hoping to turn him. Travis wouldn't do it. So Xanatoes in turn planted a suggestion to allow his own mind to take control of Travis after he came back to the temple. When Travis became aware again, he knew exactly what he'd done to those people whose mind he altered and he knew how it felt to have it done. Combined with what he had nearly done under such control he realized how powerful and how wrong it was, whether it was for good intentions or not. He couldn't live with his horror of what he had done.'

Qui-Gon was silent as he absorbed this. 'Then what?' 'Then you tried to die too. Already quite emotionally low, full of grief and sorrow. Obi-wan couldn't handle it when he thought you where dying too. His lovers bond was broken twice. When Xanatoes took over and after when Travis just couldn't live anymore. The mental strain didn't help. Mentally and emotionally he's quite a wreck and he doesn't want to heal. Not when he thinks you are gone too.' Qui-Gon took a deep breath to calm his emotions. 'Will he be all right, once he knows I'm all right?' 'I don't know Qui. That depends on him, and you.' Dessie squeezed his hand.

Qui-Gon fell silent, watching Obi-wan, healers started drifting into the room, gathering near Obi-wan's bed. 'They are going to let him become aware. Are you ready?' 'I have to be. I can't stand seeing him like this.' Qui-Gon said softly. In the bed across from him Obi-wan's eyelashes fluttered. 'Push me closer Dessie.' He told her. 'I can't help from here.' Dessie nodded and moved the chair across the room, returning to push his bed against the other. Just in time for Obi-wan's eyes to snap open. 'They're dead.' Came the harsh whisper. 'Dead. Travis dead, Qui- Gon dead. I should die, I want to die. Just let me go.' Obi-wan's voice rose as he fought the healers who came to hold him down. Qui-Gon raised his voice. "It's all right. I'm all right.' Obi-wan turned blank eyes to him. 'Your dead. I know you're dead. Why?' The last word was a scream, suddenly Obi-wan was screaming and kicking, fighting the healers with every muscle in his body.

'No Obi-wan.' Qui-Gon reached across to catch hold of arms as Obi-wan struggled. 'Kill me.' He cried. 'Obi-wan!' Qui-Gon took hold of a hand and wouldn't let go. His voice full of emotion as Obi-wan fought the healers hysterically. He hated to see the young knight in such a state. 'Obi-wan. I'm all right. I survived.' 'No! You're a ghost. I saw you die, before my eyes. Just as Travis did. Oh force I don't want to live.' Obi-wan only seemed to get more worked up. Qui-Gon spotted a healer coming forth with a syringe, more sedative. Qui-Gon couldn't allow Obi-wan to fall into a drugged sleep once more.

'Obi-wan, look at me please.' He begged. 'Calm down.' Obi-wan didn't seemed to hear him, only struggling more weakly against the healers, tears streaming down a pale face. In a desperate gamble, he reached for Obi-wan's mind. The empty gulf of numbing grief nearly sent his mind back into his own head. The huge emptiness in Obi- wan's mind was horrifying. It was driving Obi-wan into a sort of madness. He found the gapping hole of the twice broken lovers bond. The damage was huge. It was affecting Obi-wan's ability to think rationally.

What caught Qui-Gon by surprise was that there was a beginning of a small bond, but it was being suppressed. With startled shocking ness, he realized he had the beginnings of a soul bond. A deeper, stronger bond then a lovers bond. After that first shock, he realized something that took his breath away. That soul bond was connected to HIM! He lay back gasping as he mind struggled to cope with that shock. He'd never had a soul bond with any of his lovers. He wasn't sure if he could give his soul to one man to keep forever. But as he saw the healer reach forward with the syringe he knew he had no choice.

'Stop.' He ordered. 'Give me a moment longer. I can reach him.' The healer paused. 'Dessie, I just need a little time.' He begged. 'All right Qui.' Came her soft voice. With a sigh. Qui-Gon again sought for Obi-wan's mind, this time focusing on his surprising soul bond to this man. //Easy Obi-wan, calm// He soothed. Working gently to repair the damage in Obi-wan's mind. Sending his warm thoughts to fill to emptiness that filled the man's mind. //Qui-Gon? Am I dying?// Obi-wan quite suddenly latched his mind on him. Desperation and fear making Obi-wan clasp onto his own mind much stronger then he needed to and the soul bond flared up in response. Qui-Gon took a moment to mentally adjust to the sudden strength of the bond that tied him to this man. //Not yet Obi-wan, and neither am I// He calmed Obi-wan's frantic mental scrambling. //I don't die off that easily// He sent warmly. //I'm not that willing to let you die that easily either.// Obi-wan calmed but mentally curled up against his mind. Seeking warm assurance, wanting to huddle inside his mind and finding security and comfort in his protection. Qui-Gon gently cradled Obi-wan's mind in his,sheltering him while at the same moment preventing the soul bond from becoming any stronger then it was. It was a difficult task, but with Obi-wan's mind damaged and his shields completely down, it would be too easy for his mind to accidentally take over. He didn't want that.

With time Obi-wan would recover, but not if Obi-wan filled the emptiness with only him. That was not only dangerous but damaging. Obi-wan would never re-gather his own mind and would became utterly reliant on him, just like any frightened child. He wanted Obi-wan whole and complete and himself. //Sleep, I'll take care of you.// Qui-Gon encouraged. Obi-wan mentallycurled up deeper. Qui-Gon felt Obi-wan fall asleep. He wanted to sleep himself, but that would invite trouble. He had to cocoon Obi-wan's mind in his own. He couldn't do that if he fell asleep. After a moment, he felt Dessie's mind sneak in and booster his wavering efforts.

//You need sleep too. I can hold your minds separate.// She offered. Qui-Gon sent silent thanks and drifted off.

//Qui-Gon?// A panicked mental voice brought his mind awake. //I'm here// He sent. He opened his eyes and looked over to Obi-wan who was curled up tightly in bed, eyes squeezed shut. Like he was afraid that opening them would make his vanish. He saw that Teracel had relieved Dessie of her vigil. //You're alive?// Obi-wan asked hesitantly. //Very much so. Though the more painful parts of me almost wish they weren't.// //Don't say that!// Obi-wan demanded, a spark of fear, panic and worry flooding into his mind.

//I am fine Obi-wan// Qui-Gon assured with gentle assurance. //Probably better then you are right now// //Your heart stopped// Qui-Gon wasn't quite sure if that was an accusation or Obi-wan's doubtful worry. //So I was told. That was over two weeks ago. I'm well again.// //Two weeks?// Obi-wan asked surprised. //Two weeks.// Qui-Gon confirmed. //It doesn't feel like it. But I'm not sure if it seems shorter then that or longer.//

//Technically it is longer// //That's not what I mean. Travis...// Obi-win's mental voice failed as Qui-Gon felt the immense grief ripple through their bond. //Shh, I know what you mean. It was not so long ago my lover died.// Qui-Gon sent gently. He moved in his bed so he could reach a crying Obi-wan. The moment Obi-wan felt his hand, green eyes snapped open to look at him. Obi-wan's bottom lips trembled as the eyes fixed on his. 'You are alive.' The burst of mental dazzling joy burst in his head as Obi-wan quickly scrambled over from his bed to throw himself onto of Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon grunted in pain as Obi-wan wrapped himself tightly about him. Crying with an odd mixture of grief and relief. 'Oh Qui-Gon. I couldn't bare it when you died too.' Qui- Gon held the sobbing Obi-wan close, rubbing his back soothingly.

'I'm right here Obi-wan. I didn't die. It was a close thing but I'm all right.' He told Obi-wan.

//I love you// Obi-wan mentally snuggled against him again. Qui-Gon looked down at Obi-wan in shocked surprise. There seemed to be no end of them at the moment. The honest truth in those three words warmed his heart. He thought briefly of Ruben and for a moment the two loves warred, but Ruben was dead and Obi-wan was here, falling asleep in his arms. //Sleep my love// He kissed Obi-wan's forehead.

'Are you sure you want to do this?' Qui-Gon stood outside his quarters. 'I'm sure.' Obi-wan nodded. Qui-Gon opened the door to his quarters.

Letting Obi-wan step in first. Obi-wan was still pale, thin and weak. But he was recovering rapidly. Faster then Qui-Gon was at the moment. He limped stiffly, painfully to the closest couch and allowed himself to collapse on it with a grunt of pain. Obi-wan looked at him worriedly. 'Are you all right?' He came over, kneeling by his side. 'I will be.' Qui-Gon closed his eyes. 'I'll find you a drink.' Obi-wan squeezed his shoulder. 'I sooner I find my way around the better.' Obi-wan wondered into his kitchen. Qui-Gon stayed awake long enough for Obi-wan to give him a glass of juice, before dropping off to sleep.

'Qui-Gon?' Qui-Gon opened his eyes wearily to look up at Obi- wan. 'Are you hungry? I cooked up a small meal.' Qui-Gon slowly made himself sit up. The walk from the healers to here had made his weak muscles stiff from being overworked. Obi-wan hurriedly helped him sit up. 'I had my things sent here while you slept. Is that all right?'

'You only need to stay if you want to Obi-wan.' Qui-Gon told him. 'I want to stay with you. Do you want me here?' 'More then anything.' Qui-Gon quickly assured. 'I just don't want you to feel obliged to take care of me.' 'Of course I'm obliged. I love you.' Obi-wan gave a shadow of a smile. Then held out a bowl. 'Do you want any help?'

'I'm not so invalid I can't feed myself Obi-wan.' Qui-Gon said grouchily as he took the bowl. A flicker of hurt flashed across the bond. No bond Qui-Gon had ever had quite felt like the one he had now. While every person he loved had being different, this time the bond itself felt strange and new. It wasn't even completed and it all ready relayed more emotion and information then any of his pervious bonds. He felt immediate remorse.

Despite the bond, Obi-wan didn't know him that well to know how to deal with him when he was grouchy, short tempered and not in his best sorts. 'I'm sorry.' He apologized immediately. 'I'm just tired, sore and a little cranky.'

'No, no. It's all right.' Obi-wan smiled. Tentatively reaching through their bond with warm acceptance. Qui-Gon sent a pulse of quiet love that made Obi-wan blush. 'Eat up.' Obi-wan withdrew from him physically and mentally. Qui-Gon hid his own pain. Obi-wan wasn't ready for a new relationship. He understood that. Obi-wan was still recovering from the fresh grief of loosing Travis. He had to allow Obi-wan time to adjust. One did not recover from the death of a lover quickly. Even with a soul bond.

The next time Qui-Gon woke up, it was to Rex licking at his face. 'Rex, where did you come from?' He murmered, rising a hand to the black dog.

'Awake are you Qui?' Qui-Gon looked to see Impeskilly. Her warm dark golden eyes, the shoulder length light brown hair, her slim, small but incredibly whipcord body and the huge tan colored feather wings a welcome sight. She stepped gingerly across the carpet, for the carpet had a habit of catching on her talons when she walked. When she walked like that, she very much looked like a hunting two legged lizard. With clawed hands and deadly talons as feet and the body of a fighter, he would not want to cross her in a fight or be her enemy. Dormask didn't exactly have hair as humans knew it. More like evolved feathers that looked something sort of like hair, except it had a light, floating quality to it.

'Good to see you Imp.' He smiled. 'Even better for me to see you.' She smiled. 'You had us worried for a while.' 'Your training saved me.' He told her. 'The negative force was a great use to me.' 'Good, I'm glad.' Imp leapt up to perch on top of a chair back, as she was inclined to do. Most Dormask felt more comfortable perched on something then sitting down and Qui-Gon was long use to her oddities. Score marks on the wood showed she had done it before and it never mattered how careful she was, she still managed to put marks on the furniture. 'Your young friend let me in. He had to go out to buy up on food. Your kitchen is empty as normal. I offered to watch over you. The trees know you need it.' She smiled, showing tiny teeth.

Unlike most birds, Dormask were meat eaters but did not need to eat much. Being delicate and fussy eaters, cooks here had trouble catering to her needs. Especially since things Dormask could eat, humans couldn't and somehow that waxy leather like skin could handle foods poisonous for humans to even touch. Fortunately not all cooks were human, and nor was Impeskilly the only Dormask on Coruscant. 'So, tell me what happened?' She said after a moment. Qui-Gon smiled. It had being a while since he had to give Imp a mission report, but he was happy to do so never less. As a teacher of art and culture, she had very little respect. Few realized just how important she was and he was glad to be one of those who did know.

By the time he had finished the report, Obi-wan arrived back with the food. Looking a little awkward around Impeskilly. Qui-Gon watched with a smile as Imp leapt down from her perch to check what kind of food Obi-wan had brought back. Qui-Gon had many opportunities to eat Dormask food cooked by Imp, anything she had a hand in almost always turned out absolutely delicious. 'Did Obi-wan bring anything worthwhile?' He asked her.

'I could fix a little something.' She told him distractedly. The more distracted she was, the more her careful speaking of basic slipped. Dormask could mimic just about anything they heard and had a memory to match sounds with words in their own language, which was how they learned other languages. When concentration slipped, her words tended to develop a certain trill, chirping quality. Dormask communicating like many birds in chirps, hoots, whistles and trills. It was an extraordinary complicated language, Qui-Gon took some pride that he could actually speak it.

'Would you like to try something Dormiskian Obi-wan?' Qui-Gon made himself sit up. 'Would I want to?' Obi-wan sounded a little uncertain. 'Definitely.' Qui-Gon nodded. 'It's wonderful.'

Qui-Gon wasn't particularly surprised that when Imp cooked, she cooked only for two, and when she was done, she politely left him and Obi-wan alone. Impeskilly was good with things that required a certain amount of delicacy. She handed delicate situations all the time. It was part of her job, more or less.

Obi-wan sat down next to Qui-Gon, who sat up a little stiffly on the couch, and cautiously tasted the food the Dormask Impeskilly had cooked and felt his mouth burst in an explosion of delicious flavours. His eyes went wide in surprise. This was better then merely delicious, it was extraordinary. 'Good isn't it?' Qui-Gon was smiling at his reaction. 'Good! That doesn't begin to describe it.' Obi-wan tackled the food with a hunger he hadn't been aware of. 'It's something of a pity Imp never teaches her cooking to anyone.' Qui-Gon ate more calmly then he. 'I'll say.' 'I think sometimes I lived for Impeskilly's cooking alone after my apprentice, Xanatoes, turned.' Qui-Gon told him quietly. Obi-wan snapped his head up at that. 'Really?' He prompted instantly. Feeling that Qui-Gon was in the mood to talk.

'That amoung other things. Elliose was a good cook too. Mermiods tends to eat seafood, being humanoids adapted for water living. It was interesting to have one bird like humanoid and one fish like humanoid staying with me. Somehow they complimented each other perfectly and became good friends.' 'What definition of friend are you using?' Obi-wan frowned slightly. Remembering Imp was a lesbian. 'Oh not that kind of friend.' Qui-Gon laughed. 'No, they have totally separate sexual tastes. Princess Elliose tends to like male company a little too much. No, it was never more then friendship.' Obi-wan nodded. 'You really know some very interesting people.'

Qui-Gon laughed. 'You don't even know half of them. You should meet one of the best friends I ever made. His life isn't so interesting, but his lover is extraordinarily famous. I'm sworn to secrecy though, so I'm not allowed to tell you unless he agrees it's all right for you to know.' Obi-wan merely smiled. 'Fine with me.' 'Then there is Dean who I met on my very first mission as a padawan, just before I met Samson.' 'Oh?' Obi-wan lifted an eyebrow and a curious smile. 'Don't give me that look. His interest was in girls all right?' Qui- Gon immediately suspected where Obi-win's thoughts were going.

'All right.' Obi-wans eyes twinkled. Qui-Gon smiled at him, amusement in his eyes and warm love for him alone. Obi-wan paused uncertainly, for his heart still ached for Travis. Then leaned in for a kiss. A kiss that quickly turned passionate, dinner was prompted placed to one side out the road and Qui-Gon gently pulled him on to his lap. His big hands resting on Obi-wan's back as tongues explored each other. Obi-wan threw aside caution and grief and simply enjoyed the moment. His hands quickly pulling aside Qui-Gon's tunic so he could get to that chest he had dreamed about for so long. Eagerly stroking the expanse of skin.

'Obi-wan?' Qui-Gon said uncertainly. 'Don't think, just act.' Obi-wan told him before lowering his mouth onto one taut dark nipple. 'I loved Travis, I love you.' Qui-Gon groaned, his hands moving over Obi-wan's back in automatic response. 'I don't know about this.' 'I do.' Obi-wan moved to the other nipple. The older man gasped, then recovered enough to reply. 'I've only just recovered from Ruben. I don't want anything you can't give me right now.'

'I'll give it anyway.' Obi-wan trailed down that firm chest, hands reaching for the heavy belt Qui-Gon wore. 'So long as your certain.' 'I'm certain.' Obi-wan looked up to him. 'Please Qui-Gon I need this. Need to affirm our love. I won't stop missing Travis, but I can't stop loving you either. I have to balance my grief with my love. I came so close to losing you.' Obi-wan bit his lip as tears welled. Qui-Gon quickly cupped Obi-win's chin, thumb brushing his cheek lovingly. 'I'm right here.' Qui-Gon kissed him gently. 'Come, it's been awhile since I slept in my own bed.' Qui-Gon shifted so he could rise to his feet, bringing Obi-wan up with him.

Obi-wan smiled in thanks and followed Qui-Gon into his room. Following Qui-Gon's lead by taking off his boots and belt, placing his 'saber carefully to one side. Qui-Gon's arms wrapped about him and he found himself drawn down onto the large bed. With a sigh of pleasure and happiness, he laid down next to the Jedi Master.

'Can I ask you something?' Obi-wan ran his hand down the expanse of chest available only to him. 'Certainly.' Qui-Gon kissed him gently, hands removing his own tunic. 'This thing between us is different to what I had with Travis. Is that because of our soul bond or is that something else?' It had being troubling Obi-wan since he realized he had such a bond to Qui- Gon.

'One of the things I've learnt over time is that each relationship is different, yet similar. The person you are with is not the same as the one before and nor is the relationship between you the same. Each love has differences. It doesn't change the fact that you loved them equally. Samson was rather quiet but had a rich sense of humor once you knew him well. He had a warm laugh and a sense of adventure and fun that was as much to do with youth and enthusiasm for exciting missions as personality.

'Chris was more studious and serious. He had a very good heart and a desire to do the right thing. His serious nature exasperated me many times but he had an intense passion for his work which I lacked at the time and needed to understand, he grounded me as a true Jedi in many ways. Inserting principles and ethics I still hold close to me. He made me grow up and look beyond the life of a padawan and what came after, and did it in such a way that I will always admire him for his focus and dedication.' Qui-Gon gave a wistful sigh.

'Then came Carl, sophisticated and sensual, too damned sexy and a liquid smooth tongue. He knew he was handsome and he knew how to play his game of hunter. I'd met my fair share of those who played games with love and sex before and managed to avoid failing into their traps, but Carl held me fixated the moment we met. I was the willing puppet to the strings he pulled and had my heart broken for it.'

Obi-wan soothed Qui-Gon gently with his hands and his mouth. 'What about Ruben?' 'The balm to my wounded soul. He was so gentle and sweet. Everything I needed to coax my broken heart into repair. He was giving, in a way I could never be.' Qui-Gon said softly. 'What about me?' Obi-wan asked hesitantly. Qui-Gon smiled warmly and with such love Obi-win's heart skipped a beat.

'Hum, you caught me by surprise that's for sure. You are smart, witty, caring, serious and wonderful all rolled in together.' Qui- Gon rolled on top of him, kissing him passionately. 'You've livened my life with your presence and made it worthwhile again.' Obi-wan smiled in pleasure. 'I could say the same about you. I have never met someone more generous of heart and spirit and considerate and charming and exactly what I need when I need it even without me knowing that I do. I love you.'

Qui-Gon sent the measure of his happy pleasure and wordless love through their bond and Obi-wan did the same. They basked in that shared love a moment but a more pressing need was pulsing between his legs demandingly.

Obi-wan rubbed it against Qui-Gon and in moments both trousers were wrestled off quickly as they fought for top position, hips grinding each other as hands and lips mapped naked flesh. Obi-wan wrestled himself on top and moved down to the thick erection awaiting his attention and wasted not a moment to drive Qui-Gon to distraction as he licked, nibbled and teased the length of hard flesh. Qui-Gon stretched out, vulnerable underneath him, arching into his mouth as he groaned throatily.

Obi-wan thought about this time that he had won the right of dominance, but as he lifted his head, the immense power of one fully trained Jedi Master surged out from underneath him and pinned him underneath the large, muscled, tall and utterly desirable body of Qui- Gon Jinn. A long arm reached out to receive a bottle of oil which flew off a shelf. Well lubricated, long and thick fingers moved to rim his opening before Qui-Gon silently asked permission to enter.

Obi-wan smiled and spread his legs to allow a finger to slip inside him, a finger that eventually was joined by others and some several moments later Qui-Gon slipped that long hard length into his opening and he lost himself to the pleasure of Qui-Gon thrusting into him with intense passion, movements becoming harder and quicker and the warm pleasure increasing until he could no more contain it and with a harsh cry, he came, spurting his passion out onto the bed. Qui-Gon tightening his grip on his and with a cry on his own, pumped his own orgasm into him.

Obi-wan drifted awake to the feel of something large sprawled on top of him. With eyes still closed he gave a lazy smile, remembering last night. He could feel himself stirring in reaction to those memories. The mass on top of him shifted slightly and something warm tickled his chest. Obi-wan's smiled widened as a warm and moist tongue licked his chest. Keeping his eyes closed, he enjoyed the sensation, feeling himself become fully aroused.

'Qui-Gon?' He murmered. When no response came he cracked open one eye. Two warm brown eyes, a black muzzle and two pointed ears gave him a bemused look. Obi-wan opened his other eye in surprise as he stared at the black dog in disbelief. He remembered what Qui-Gon said about that first morning after Ruben had moved in with Rex.

'Oh fuck!' He swore and burst out laughing. It looked like Qui-Gon wasn't the only one to have fallen for the dog in early morning, in reaction after a night of bliss. 'Rex, you're one heck of a charmer but you're just not my type.' He giggled. 'I'm sure there is some pretty girl dog out there for you somewhere but I have a mate.' 'Is Rex being his seductive self again?' Obi-wan turned to smile at Qui-Gon lounging against the doorway, not having bothered to put anything on.

'This is why Travis and I didn't keep pets.' Obi-wan said as Qui-Gon sauntered over, moving the black dog off the bed. Qui-Gon got on the bed and straddled him. 'I just got more cautious when I woke up to in the mornings.' Qui-Gon grinned that heart warming, loving grin before his lips lowered to administer a long, hot kiss.

The End (finally) (A sequel might crop up, it might not.)