Lifestyles: Past Principle 3

by FireCracker (


Obi-Wan gets another good laugh.

Obi-Wan possessed an abundant amount of insatiable curiosity. It was this same curiosity that once again prompted him to view the past through hel flame.

Lotus style he floated high above the mystic circle in their rec room downstairs. He smiled.

/I could make a movie of fathers' past. Odd, but I still can't determine his true age. Perhaps grandmother or grandfather could clear up the confusion./

A scene presented himself. A golden wolf cub ran about in gloomy hel pestering damned souls.

/Now this is too much./

Qui-Gon was larger, but still quite young. Gangly legs held big pawed feet.

Strong jaws cracked at the doomed. Run and run. We'll see how fast you go!

Obi-Wan giggled at the scene. /He trips over his own feet./

The lost souls cursed at the cub, throwing stones.

"He returns!"

"Devil dog. Begone! We have enough to suffer!"

"Damned hel beast. Leave us be!" shouted still another charred soul. He ran up a ledge.

"SNNNARRRLLL!!" unnatural blue eyes sparked in the gloom. Qui-Gon gave chase. I think I'll have barbeque!

The soul backed up, easing towards a precipice. Boiling lava pits bubbled below.

The wolfing grinned wickedly, advancing. I like my meat with a bit of burn.

The soul snarled at him. "Rat dog! Go back to the pits that spawned. I'm fed up with being a victim!"

Qui-Gon snapped his jaws. You won't have long to worry about it!! he charged blindly up the ledge.

The soul dived aside as the wolfling bolted. Out of control, Qui-Gon sailed past and down into the lava pits.

The soul laughed, giving the misfortunate cub the finger. "Dumb ass mutt. Look before you leap!!"

Enraged, Qui-Gon bobbed to the surface, his golden pelt saturated with lava. He growled and howled, swimming furiously towards gray cracked soil.

Obi-Wan smiled grimly at the scene. /Even as wolfling, father had a poor temper. He did speak of this before./

Qui-Gon climbed miserably out of the lava, drenched. Bedraggled, his eyes nearly stuck shut from the hot goo.

More souls gathered atop the ledge to taunt him. They pointed down into the lower canyon, laughing hysterically.

"Too bad he didn't drown!"

"Hey, rat dog!!"

"Wasamatter, puppy. Lose a bone?"

Furious, Qui-Gon snapped at empty air in frustration. Sogged down with lava he attempted to climb up the precipice.

Fangs bared. We'll see who laughs last. One I sink my teeth in your butts-

A woman made a face. "Ooh, is doggy mad? I'm so scared!"

Rage propelled Qui-Gon up the steep rock face.

A fat man mocked now. "Lookit, everybody. Better run. Mud puppy is coming for us!"

Obi-Wan mused as he watched the past. /Interesting how the damned show little fear. Perhaps they feel they have nothing to lose./

The scene was chaos. Qui-Gon could barely see what he was biting at, eyes nearly clogged with lava. He chased madly as the souls laughed and dodged out of his way. It became a game.

"Oh oh. He's gonna get me!"

"Need glasses, doggy?"

"Over here, ya blind bat!"

Qui-Gon continued to snap insanely. He nearly caught one overconfident soul.

"Look out, Sooky! He almost got you!"

"I see him, man!"

A hand pulled the wolflings' tail.

"Hey, look! Boiled hel rat in hot sauce!!"

Laugh at this! Qui-Gon got a lucky bite. Teeth sank into a chunky thigh. A soul yelped, falling away.

"Dammit!!" the man clutched his torn leg.

A woman. "Let's hit him with stones!"

"Sounds good, Rena. Come on, everybody!"

Qui-Gon scented the air. He didn't like this. And the lava was beginning to cake over his eyes.

"Hey, mutt!"

Qui-Gon howled as a heavy stone struck him on the nose. Snarling, he turned at the voice when other stones pelted him.

I'll get you all!! he bayed, running at them blindly once again.

More laughter as the souls pressed in. A rail thin old man lifted a huge boulder as the others encouraged him.

"Hit him hard!" A scarred woman screeched.

The old soul cackled. "Gonna make a puppy pancake!"

I'll tear you all in pieces! Qui-Gon prepared to lunge.

Something happened. The old man suddenly backed away in fear, wide eyed. He dropped the boulder.

The other souls all fled in terror, scattering into the darkness

Qui-Gon snorted. A sogged tail lifted high as he watched them flee.

Count yourselves fortunate this day! he bayed.

Shaking himself in an attempt to clear his eyes he turned...

...and bumped into a midnight black she wolf. Wicked fangs were in full display.

He fell on his haunches. Mother! Did you see?...

I saw plenty Llane snapped. You allowed those souls to make a fool of you!

I did NOT Qui-Gon snapped back. They knew I couldn't see from the lava. Besides, they ran soon enough when I went after them!

The she wolf laughed, nose krinkled. Bah. 'Twas my appearance they ran from, foolish cub.

Qui-Gon growled at her. He still looked ridiculous, gunked with lava.

I'm no cub. I'm nearly grown!

She paced around him slowly, looking him over. You are but half grown, and are all legs and feet. Thy brains have yet to catch up!

The wolfling stiffened. Do you mock me as well, mother? Beware!

Obi-Wan lifted his eyebrows in disbelief as he watched. /Father was something else./

Llane stood in front of her youngling. He was not yet her height at the haunch, and quite rangy. The Queen was not a small wolf.

Beware yourself, child she admonished him, blue eyes flecked with red. For though half grown, still can I raze the pelt from thy back. Go and wash.

Qui-Gon pushed his nose into hers. You will not dismiss me!

Llane snarled, ears flat. Go wash. I will wait for you.

The wolfling whuffed through his nose. Growling, he turned away, bounding down towards a nearby lake.

Llane sat and watched him silently. Qui-Gon leaped into the dark waters, rinsing himself clean. Climbing back out, the wolfling shook his pelt free of water until once again his golden fur glimmered.

Llane crinkled her nose. Much better. 'Tis not meet for the prince to parade about like a moadtoad."

Qui-Gon cantered toward her, ears flat. You're making fun of me again. I don't like it!

The sleek black head held high. I don't give a rat's ass what you like. I am your queen, your mistress, and your mother. Now come! We have a long journey back to the castle.

Qui-Gon stood off. Go yourself! I do what I want he turned and walked away. Big mistake.

The wolfling had barely turned before she was all over him. Powerful jaws sank into his haunches. He turned and attacked.

Obi-Wan stared in disbelief. /Amazing./

The fight was short and one-sided. Fur torn and pride wounded, Qui-Gon went howling across the valley.

Llane gave chase. Quogan. Come back!

The wolfing ran in crazed circles, shaking his head. His eyes were wild and unfocused.

No. You're just like those souls that mocked me!

Llane recognized the symptoms as she closed. Her pace slowed.

Be still.

Qui-Gon snarled, biting his own tail in rage.

Obi-Wan whistled as he stared into the flames. /He's insane with anger. Father told me about his temper, but I never suspected this./

Qui-Gon flipped on his back, rolling over on his side. Llane raced to him.

Sssh, my cub. Quiet thy soul. she licked him.

Qui-Gon panted, exhausted and quivering. His tongue lolled out as he sprawled on the ground.

Sorry, mother. Did I attack you?

Llane lay next to him. Come to me. It isn't important, child.

The golden cub curled alongside his dam. Llane rested her head over his.

But what happened? Why was I so angry?

Llane closed her eyes. You had a seizure, Quogan. It will pass. Think of dancing souls across the fire and rest now.

Qui-Gon relaxed against her. Yes, mother. It's better now.

A gentle spell did the she-wolf cast. Soon her cub was sound asleep.

From the dark gloom a silent shape appeared. A great silver wolf paced slowly towards them, his pelt glinting like polished metal.

Llane turned her head towards him. Null. What do you here?

Litthsyss looked at the sleeping Qui-Gon. You know why, Lupin. I saw his latest attack. This cannot continue.

Llane sighed. I know. Next week Erbiu will examine him and determine the best treatment.

Litthsyss settled down in front of them. The two adults formed a protective circle around the cub.

Llane leaned her muzzle forward. Have you no other greeting?

Litthsyss touched noses. I'm always glad to see thee, lovely one. However, I'm worried. Ever since that Guardian fiasco at the nexus-"

Llane flattened her ears. Alfaa dared say Quogan was unstable. I didn't like him implying it may be genetic.

The silver wolf bared impressive fangs. We'll see. The arrogant lightlord took it upon himself to examine Quogans' soul.

Llane bristled as well. Aye, 'tis ever their way. All existence must bend to their whim, else it is worthless. Bah! The fates themselves feared separating Quogan from my side.

Litthsyss licked her. Most assuredly, you'd have hung their scalps in the halls of hor'goarr. However, I have a suggestion.

Oh? You know of a possible treatment?

I would take Quogan with me to Limbo. It has a calming influence.

Llane was agitated. No. I cannot allow it, Null. My son needs me. He is at a critical stage in his development-

And that is precisely why he needs another environment right now. Hel will excite him to the point of madness.

The black she wolf looked down at her sleeping cub. I don't know. I thought perhaps it was a phase. His growth is so rapid...

Litthsyss eyed the young wolf. Qui-Gon was long and gangly, his body immature. His legs moved in sleep.

Loathe as I am to admit it, he may indeed be unstable at this juncture, Llane. His physical growth is stressing his mind, for he is still so young. The seizures are probably a phase, but I suspect he will always have a fierce temper. He is dragon, after all.

Llane gently licked Qui-Gon. He growled softly, snuggling in tighter.

She sighed. There is truth to what you say. Erbiu may determine exactly whether the imbalance is physical or psychic. His shields are erratic, to be certain.

Qui-Gon quieted again as they spoke. A golden furred tail thumped against the ground slowly.

Litthsyss krinkled a smile. His pelt is perfect and shines like molten gold. When he fills out his frame a fine specimen will he make.

Llane nuzzled her sleek head against Litthsyss. He will be magnificent. Not unlike thee.

Litthsyss shushed her, looking about. Woman. You know the Council watches. Mind thy words!

Llane pricked her ears, looking about the dark horizon. Sulphuric mists obscured vision after a mile. Souls screamed and fought in the distance.

There is no one about. You worry needlessly.

Better to be cautious. I don't trust those swine.

Llane observed her sleeping cub again. Perhaps Limbo would be the proper influence on him, but I am reluctant. Moreover, the Council would be even more suspicious.

Litthsyss whuffed through his nose. Possibly, but there is much talk about Quogans' possible instability throughout hel. A week ago I received word that most of the courtier districts believe him infected with brain rot.

Llane stared in disbelief. What idiocy! My child isn't sick...he merely has a disorder. It will pass!

The wolfling blinked sleepily. What will pass, mother? Qui-Gon raised his head.

The she wolf nosed him. Go back to sleep, child.

Uncle! the cub cuddled and licked the silver wolf excitedly in greeting.

Litthsyss grinned. How fares the Prince? Sweet dreams, no doubt!

Qui-Gon raced in happy circles around them both.

Some souls taunted me. But I showed them!

I watched your adventure from atop the hill.

The cub sobered. Oh. Well, they tricked me. I ended up in the lava. But they paid for their mockery with their hides!

Litthsyss folded his forelegs. Such ferocity, youngling. What say you to a visit?

Qui-Gon stopped running about. Visit? Where?

I want you to accompany me to Limbo.

Electric blue eyes widened. You mean to stay?! a thick furred tail lifted up high. He glanced at his dam.

Is this true, mother?

The black she wolf glanced at Litthsyss. It has been discussed. Not agreed upon!

Qui-Gon ran around her. Oh, can I go? I've never gotten a chance to stay there and see everything. I want to prowl!

Llane attempted to keep up with his incessant turning. Crazy cub. Be still! You're making me dizzy.

The wolfling nuzzled her. Please? On a mound of dry bones?

Litthsyss grinned again, krinkling his nose.

Llane whuffed at him. And just what are you smiling at, jackal. You started this!

Litthsyss looked wounded. The child just wants to run. Why blame me? he snickered.

Qui-Gon leaped over them both, back and forth. Come on, mother. I want to go!

Llane head butted him in the side. Qui-Gon went rolling head over tail.

Wait a bit, loud one. I haven't decided. Go find a soul to chew while I talk this over.

The wolfing shook himself to his feet. He raced around and around in excitement.

Maybe someday I'll rule everything!

Litthsyss turned his great head. Ha! We'd best get started, then. I'd hate to upset the Lord of the Universe!

Obi-Wan laughed at the scene. /He's so full of wild energy./

The golden wolfing continued to run about. Llane watched him, blue eyes sparkling. Her tongue flapped out.

Go play, I say. I would discuss this with thy uncle.

Qui-Gon bounded high. Okay, as long as I can go!

Litthsyss head butted him next, hitting the cub in the rump. Yipping and yowling giddily, Qui-Gon rolled end over end down the hill. He took off, spying some souls in the valley to torment.

The silver wolf bayed with laughter. That will send him on his way!

Llane krinkled a grin. Aye, you've nearly bumped him into the fourth circle!

Obi-Wan smiled as he watched the two adults discuss his father. He didn't hear silent feet enter the rec room.


The spiky head turned. "Oh!" startled, he nearly fell to the floor.

Qui-Gon pointed at the wall of flame. It dispersed into nothingness.

"Why so much curiosity about the past?"

Obi-Wan moved to hug him. "I don't know. I just wondered so much what you were like."

Blue eyes sparked. "Really? I was no different than any other prince of hel!!" he laughed at the thought.

Obi-Wan gave him a sideways look. "You're impossible."

Qui-Gon grinned. "And you're nosy."

"I also wondered at grandmother and grandfather. Why didn't they just get married?"

"You'll have to ask them. I don't know."

"Did grandmother really love the Guardian?"

Qui-Gon shrugged. "I suppose. Perhaps she was trapped by her own manipulations and her feelings betrayed her."

"So you think her love for the Guardian was incidental?"

"Probably. Mother is prone to excess."

A pause. Obi-Wan sat on the stairway, thinking.

"She seems different around grandfather. I can't explain it."

"They've been together since before the beginning, Obi-Wan."

Another pause. Qui-Gon sat alongside his son.

"I know that look. What is it?"

"How old are you?"

Qui-Gon looked surprised. "What's that have to do with anything?"

Obi-Wan cuddled. "Nothing specific. I was just wondering."

Qui-Gon lay his cheek alongside his sons'. "The truth? I'm not sure. I was 53 in my mortal life. I don't even know how old I was when mother returned me to infancy."

Emerald eyes sparked. "Maybe we could find out. I was thinking a birthday party would be in order."

Qui-Gon laughed. "Now there's a thought. Just think of our guest list! A regular who's who from the darkside."

Obi-Wan brightened. "Of course the crew has to be invited-"

"Now wait a minute, Obi-Wan-"

The young godling bounded to his feet. His mind was awhirl with future preparations. "That's it. I'll need a party planner, and..."

"But we still don't know how old I am!" Qui-Gon leaped up also, following his son upstairs.

"It's okay, we'll figure that out. As long as the birthday candles don't burn down the building!"

Qui-Gon tugged the thin braid. "Very funny."

Obi-Wan giggled as they tumbled along the stairs. "Just imagine how grandmother and grandfather would feel if the birthday cake were for them!!"

Qui-Gon cracked up. "The universe would go up in flames. You didn't hear that from me!"

They kissed. Obi-Wan nuzzled the thick neck, savoring the scent of salty skin and musk. Emerald eyes glowed.

"Hmm. Let's go upstairs. You smell tasty."

"Oversexed snekt. Do you ever think of anything else?" Qui-Gon teased.

Obi-Wan pulled him into the bedroom. "Of course. Naked dragons and birthday parties for naked dragons."

Qui-Gon sighed as he was yanked down into bed. "We'll have to make a lot of phone calls."

Obi-Wan kissed the broad chest, pulling a satin sleepshirt open. "Later. For now I have other plans" busy hands stripped his lover bare.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes in bliss as hot lips worked him over.

"So I see."