by FireCracker

submission dated 10-22-99

Pairing Q/O

A/U - Adventure

Warning: Companion to Dark Secrets of the Mind

Obi and Qui have a wild adventure with the crew.


"Obi, you are insatiable."

A nuzzle on the broad neck. "You're a fine one to talk, father. I've barely gotten more than three hours sleep."

Qui-Gon growled softly. "Huhh. Now you complain? If it weren't for the sphere of silence around our home, our neighbors would have kicked us out by now from the noise."

A wet tongue licked along the beard. "They could join in, then. What would you think of an orgy."

"Loose freak. Go to sleep" muscled arms crushed the fine body close.

Obi-Wan purred, green eyes flashing brightly. "That's nice. Warm" he wiggled in tighter.

"Just think, father. Everyone piled on top, endless possibilities..."

"I'm thinking of piling on you about now. Now be quiet!"

Another rumbling purr. Long nails gently raking thick nipples, teasing them.

"Ack! Stop, Obi-Wan. I would rest" Qui-Gon complained. He arched back nontheless.

Sensuous lips kissed the strong throat. "As always, your lips say no and your body says yes. Which am I to believe" a strong hand reached down between them, squeezing a stiffening cock.

"AaaaaAAAaaa...wench!" Qui-Gon groaned, eyes shut. "Hssss. I told you..."

The hot mouth found his again. "Mmmmm...." slithering tongues pressed together.

/Hot. Tight. And oh, so good./

Obi-Wan slowly increased the pressure of his hand, a sliding stroke, while pushing his tongue against the back of Qui-Gons' tonsils.

Qui-Gon twitched and strained underneath. The big body pushed up.

"Damn you" he hissed against the wet mouth. "Let...go of me."

Obi-Wan pushed his own tight groin against Qui-Gons', sliding his erection alongside his pulling hand.

"Come on" he growled, pumping their pelvises hard. "Give me what you've got. You gonna talk...or do it!" the handsome face was feral.

"Do it!" Qui-Gon cat-roared, slapping the fine ass, wrapping long legs around. Lengthening nails raked the bronzed back, trailing fire. Obi-Wan arched at the touch.

"Rrrrr, yesss!"

Howling with delight, they broke together, jacking and bucking. A flood of sticky warmth flowed between them.

Qui-Gon bared long teeth. "I swear, next time I'll cuff you to the bed. We'll see who breaks first!"

Obi-Wan licked his tongue out. "Promises, promises."

Qui-Gon slid his hand between them, tasting the wet heat. "Hmmn. Good. Now leave me alone!" he pushed his son off.

Obi-Wan laughed. "Only for now. By the way, Gooch called."

"Oh? And what does our favorite criminal want?"

"Well, he says he has a buisness proposition. One that would net us a lot of money."

Qui-Gon laughed. "Delightful wretch! So we're to take the quick road to easy street, eh?"

"Well...I wouldn't say that. But it sounds intriguing. Ever hear of Kricka water gems?"

Qui-Gon perked up at that. "Indeed! Not only valued as jewlery, but also a considerable source of propulsion power for space ships."

Obi-Wan curled up against him. "Gooch claims he can get a large shipment. That is, with the proper help."

Savage grin. "I see. And that's where we come in, no?"

Kiss on the broad chest. "An adventure to consider, father. And it would give us accounts of substance as far as purchase power."

"My son, the economist" Qui-Gon laughed. "Well, then. Call Gooch back and invite him over. I'd love to hear his story."

And quite a story Gooch told. The crew came by later that day and they were in true form. The group relaxed in the living room.

Whizzer scratched his armpits. "Duh. So Q and Obi, what does ya think of the plan? Good, huh?"

Obi-Wan smiled at him. "What happened to your eye, Whizzer? Who clipped you?"

The hulk touched his face. "Oh. Somebuddy fired a laser gun at me. Got me in the retina. Doc says my eye will be sore fo' a few days."

He took a laser in the eye? Obi-Wan wondered in amazement. "Where you from, Whizzer?"

"Durgo. Tough folks there."

It was true. Durgonians were a titanic sized race, known for inhuman endurance and physical strength. However, they weren't particularly long lived. Seventy standard years was considered extreme old age.

Gooch pointed at the eye. "One tough sucker. He can still see with it, too, though a little blurry."

Dooby stuffed his face with malari chips and dip. "Too bad it's gonna take a year to completely heal. Whizzer does his best work with two good eyes."

"Maybe not" Obi-Wan told him. "Whizzer, you want me to fix that?"

The big goon stared in amazement. "You can do that, Obi? You a healer?"

"You might say" Qui-Gon replied, sipping wine. "Obi-Wan is quite skilled."

"Well, duh, yeah. Sure. Sides, I'm sicka this double vision."

"Ha!" Freako teased. "Couldn't tell the difference, anyway!"

Obi-Wan stood before the monster, who sat on the couch. He touched the eye. The discoloration and scarring rapidly disappeared, lashes growing back in. Whizzer blinked in disbelief. He held the eye.

"I...I can see! Good, I mean! Tanks, Obi!" The big man stood, crushing the young vampyre in a hug.

"Gkk. Yure welcome" Obi-Wan squeaked, breathless under the onslaught.

Qui-Gon laughed. "Whizzer, you're squishing my son! He'll be a pancake if you don't ease up."

Dink giggled. "Geez. Lookit, the kid's turning purple."

Whizzer let Obi-Wan go. "Oops. Sorry, Obi."

Obi-Wan fell on the couch, tongue out. "Khak. No problem."

Freako stared at Obi-Wan. "You've got some amazing ability there, kid. Maybe you go into the medical profession, what you should think?"

"I might consider that for the future, although I have no training in that particular field" Obi-Wan smiled slowly. "I have more of an...instinctual gift, you might say."

"Impressive, Obi-Wan. I've never seen anyone heal like that" Dooby admired. "Whatever it is, if they could bottle it 'n sell it, we'd be rich"

"Which brings us back to the water gems" Ginko said. "They're worth a fortune if we can mooch 'em!"

"So watcha think of the plan, Q?" Gooch gulped his beer. "Think it's got possibilities?"

Qui-Gon leaned back on the sofa, swishing his wine glass. "It definitely could be done, but clearly we'll need a method of operation. Scouting places where the gems are stored will be difficult to break into."

Freako pulled out a disc. "On here, Q. These are the most likely targets. All of 'em are within a two day travel at lightspeed."

"What about garrisons?" Obi-Wan asked. "The empire has a stake in those gems."

Whizzer slapped a hand to his fist. "Course, there's always persuasion."

Qui-Gon smiled at him. "An idea, to be certain. But how to make that work against hundreds, maybe thousands?"

Whizzer snorted. "Don't worry. I'll just drop a few of 'em on their heads."

"Crazy fool!" Freako told him. "You can't fight a whole army like that."

Dooby. "Yeah, Whizzer. We gotta have a strategy. Ginko would be good with technical support."

"I've seen your mechanical ability" Qui-Gon told him.

Ginko munched his sandwich. "Yeah, I was a pilot after the Clone Wars. Coulda landed a job with the Empire, they thought I handled hot ships real good."

"Better than good" Gooch added. "He had almost a perfect score on the Palik test."

"Impressive" Obi-Wan admitted.

Whizzer interrupted. "Hey Dink, you think I'd look good with my beard braided? Especially now my eye is fixed?"

"Goofball!" Dink yelled at him. "Who cares? Maybe a bag over your head would make you look good!"

The group laughed.

The behemoth scratched his head. "Aw now Dink, is that a nice thing to say?"

"Give it a rest, Whizzer" Gooch told him. We've got a lotta planning to do. Worry about your fashion look later!"

Freako looked at Qui-Gon. "And I'm good at making people disappear."

Qui-Gon smiled slightly. "A useful skill under certain circumstances."

Freako winked. "Gotcha."

Qui-Gon held the disc. "Let's take a look everybody. See what we're up against." He popped it in the player. A large projection appeared in the center of the room.

"When were these images taken?" Obi-Wan wanted to know.

"Less than four months ago" Dooby replied.

"Duhh, yeah" Whizzer scratched his head again, stuffing himself with fried Tabba strips.

Gooch frowned. "Can't you eat quieter? Geez, I can't hear myself think."

The monster wadded the Tabba strips and wrapping into a huge ball.

Dooby went pale. "Whizzer, wait-"

"No problem, Gooch" Whizzer downed everything, package and all in one swallow. Obi-Wan stared, dumbfounded.

"Stoopid mo-ron!!" Dink yelled at him. "Last time you did that you had a bellyache for a week."

Even Qui-Gon had to stare at that. "I'd hate to do a scan on your stomach, Whizzer."

Freako jerked a thumb at him. "The ultimate weirdo. Lissen up, Q. The imps have been on everybody's tail in that sector. Seems like activity's up in the trade arena, if you know what I mean."

Qui-Gon took another sip of wine. "That could be a problem. The shipments may be too hot to hit directly."

Dooby indicated the stormtroopers in the image. "Notice too they're the imperial regiment, first class. Even I'm not crazy enough to wanna take on that bunch."

Obi-Wan brightened. "In a way, that's a good sign. If the best troopers are in those rim sector systems, chances are we don't have to scout more than necessary. I'll bet there's a host of valuable items they're guarding."

Freako. "Yeah, Obi, but how to take 'em all on? Unless you can think of one hell of a diversion-"

"We'd need some serious firepower, too" Dink added. "Laser guns would look like pop pistols next to what they're packin'."

"Disruptor cannons? The first regiment carries those?" Qui-Gon asked.

"You've already got serious firepower!" Obi-Wan nearly shouted with enthusiasm. Qui-Gon threw him a look.

Gooch found his voice. "You Ok, kid? What the frack you talkin' about? Where's the armada?"

Obi-Wan looked at his father. "Well...let's just say we've got a 'hook up.'"


"What, you know where a stash is?" Freako wondered. "Sure would save us time trying to beg, borrow, or steal."

Qui-Gon covered his mouth with a broad hand, thinking. "How often do these garrisons move about the Rim Sector?"

Gooch sighed. "Damn near all the time, it seems. My cousin lives on Berg, says that the Empire is makin' some push to get backwater worlds to go with technology. All under their caring supervision, of course."

"And naturally" Obi-Wan put in, "the economy is regulated, so that true independence is never achieved. That's where the water gems come in."

Dink snapped his fingers. "You got it, Obi. If they protest or riot, they got no juice."

"I dislike regulatory power" Qui-Gon snapped, eyes blazing. "Everyone should be allowed to do as they wish. And if we can make a profit-"

Dooby shook his fist in the air. "Free the people! Make a buck!"

"Duh, sounds good to me" Whizzer agreed. "Heck, my planet wuz under empire rule for damn near fifty years."

That peaked Qui-Gons' interest. "Oh? What's the state of Durgo now?"

"Well, we got some version of a people's republic. Empire left us alone after the bomb."

"Bomb?" Obi-Wan wanted to know.

Whizzer laughed, exposing cracked teeth. "See, some o' our scientists came up with this bomb that dissolves the plastic resin that the troopers wear for armor. It goes off and they go butterball naked. It was a hoot. The casings around their weapons weren't no good, either. Lot of 'em got amputated when their blasters exploded."

"Yeah, they were an army with no clothes!" Freako laughed.

"Ingenious" Qui-Gon admired. "Are any more of those bombs available?"

Whizzer shrugged. "Nah, the last one went off fifteen years ago. The labs were burned an' records destroyed. Rumor has it that more could be made inna future, though."

Qui-Gon felt blazing green eyes on him. He knew that look.

/Need you.../

Qui-Gon looked about. "Let me discuss this with Obi-Wan a moment, then we'll let you know."

"Cool, Q" Dink said. "We'll just look at this disc I brought" he waved it in the air.

Obi-Wan stood up, heading for the kitchen. "Don't corrupt anyone with that movie, Dink."

Dink looked innocent. "Who, me??"

Qui-Gon closed the door behind them in the hallway. They entered the kitchen through the side walk-through.

He had barely turned around when Obi-Wan was on him, locking hot lips on his.

/Couldn't wait any longer. Want it.../

Qui-Gon returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around. He felt moist nipples and hard erection pressing against him through fabric.

Lips pulled free with a smack. "Crazy fool. There isn't time..."

"A quickie!" the hot mouth panted. A strong hand grabbed his, guiding it towards a bulging hard-on. Obi-Wan all but jumped out of his pants. Dark blue eyes roamed the golden thighs in appreciation.

"No time" Qui-Gon repeated, hardening himself despite his protestations. "We have guests-"

Obi-Wan threw a gesture at the hallway. "We have time now."

"Hssss. What have you done" Qui-Gon felt his blood rise. He clutched his lover close.

Obi-Wan curled his tongue erotically. "Froze a time bubble. They are unaware, immobile. Now get your pants off!"

"Harrrgh." Qui-Gon growled, flashing fangs. Grabbing Obi-Wan, he lifted him up onto the edge of the countertop. He leaned low, pulling open pants, yanking them down. Obi-Wan wiggled his hips, stroking himself.

"Rarrrrgh! Hurry up!!"

The fire raged, demanding. There was no time for subtlety. Obi-Wan arched back against the sink, legs vertical, toes nearly touching the wall. The sight drove Qui-Gon wild as Obi-Wan fingered himself slowly, moaning.

With a roar he drove inside his lover, grabbing the lush thighs in a vise-like grip. Sculpted hands clawed his back, nails lengthening in lust.

No words, only pounding flesh and inhuman sounds. Slapping tongues fighting for dominance. Slick skin sliding under sweat dampened shirts.

Groaning and growling, they battered against the wall over the countertop. Qui-Gons' broad back flexed and arched, muscles rippling as he pounded.

Obi-Wan began to spurt, shrieking and clawing. Qui-Gon arched and exploded, cat-roaring and lifting them both off the countertop as he shuddered, flooding his lover with sticky warmth.

They gasped and twitched against each other, bodies sweating heat.

Obi-Wan rolled his head back, overcome. Qui-Gon bit and nipped his neck in the afterglow.

"Rrrrr. Sweet, my Obi." Qui-Gon purred in his ear. He stroked the lush body.

Obi-Wan shivered, lolling out his tongue. He looked at Qui-Gon through long lashes. "We should go on this adventure" he said softly.

Qui-Gon continued to nuzzle. "You seemed most anxious awhile ago."

Obi-Wan growled low. "I want to fight. I want to run. And I want to make love" he leaned into Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon licked the tip of Obi-Wans' nose. "Sssss. Yes! This excursion is perfect. I would excitement."

Quick kiss. Obi-Wan slid off the countertop, pulling his pants back on. Qui-Gon repeated the gesture.

Obi-Wan smoothed the impossible mane with his fingers, tucking stray wisps into the braid. "I may have to cut your hair back. It's almost to your knees again."

Qui-Gon tugged Obi-Wans' thin braid. "Hah. As if this couldn't stand to lose a few inches. Come, let's inform our friends of our decision."

Leaving the kitchen, they went down the hallway.

The living room was a frozen tableau of space and time. Their friends were suspended in mid motion. Even the movie they watched was in freeze frame.

As they entered the room, Obi-Wan waved his hand. Normalcy returned.

"Hey, you guys musta made up your minds real quick" Dooby said, turning to acknowledge them.

"Yeah, you wuz hardly gone no time" Whizzer added, scratching his head.

"We've decided to join you" Qui-Gon smiled at the group. "It sounds exciting."

Well all rigght! Dooby slapped hands with Dink. "Now this'll work. And just think...if everything works out we'll all be rich!"

Gooch nodded. "And Obi, your healing powers are a plus. Just in case, well, you know."

Green eyes flashed at him. "I have many talents, Gooch. You will discover them in time."

Freako. "Okay, so what's the immediate plan? What we gotta do first?"

"First" Gooch emphasized, "We need gear, uniforms. Something to look inconspicuous."

Ginko spoke up. "Gotcha, Gooch. I got some old work tech uniforms at my place. Just need to take the decals off, though" he eyed Whizzer. "Don't know if I got one to fit you. I'll have to see."

"So stitch two of 'em together" the behemoth replied.

Freako again. "We need a ship. Who can case out the port and hotwire one?"

Dooby looked at him. "Steal a ship from main port? Here? Are you crazy. Our throats would be cut before we got five parsecs away!"

"We could do it" Qui-Gon interrupted. "But we'd need a diversion, and everyone would have to be ready to go."

Gooch rubbed his chin. "A fight, maybe? Or a shootout?"

Dink snapped his fingers. "Yeah. Down at the port no one would be suspicious of something like that."

Ginko pointed at himself. "Ain't a ship made that I can't fly. If I can slip past the commotion, I can have 'er fired and ready to go."

"Sounds like a plan" Obi-Wan agreed. "So, when do we start?"

The group discussed the details over the next couple of hours. The table was littered with beer cans, food bags and packages.

Whizzer continued to down everything in sight. "Hey Q, Obi. Ain't you gonna eat anything?"

I wish he hadn't asked that. Qui-Gon thought. The thirst ached in his throat. Blood scent was on his mind.

Obi-Wan also looked uncomfortable. /Father, we must send them away!/

Gooch looked intently at them both. "Hey, everybody. We got the plan in place. Let's give Q and Obi some space."

Freako stood up, stretched. "Ok. We start day after tomorrow. Everybody knows their part. Man, I can't wait!"

The group went outside the door. Obi-Wan pulled his friend aside."Thanks, Gooch. How did you know?"

Mysterious smile. "I got some talents too, kid. 'Sides, we took up enough of your time today."

Obi-Wan took a dare. /Can you hear me now?/

Gooch lifted an eyebrow. /Sure. I'm Wuerlian. Telepath./

Qui-Gon stepped up, curious. "What goes here?"

Green eyes darkened. "Gooch, did you hear-" Obi-Wan lowered his voice. "Our thoughts?"

Dark eyes sparked at him. "I been around, kid. Seen a lot of things. And I also know you aren't what you seem."

Qui-Gon was also quiet, now. "What do you sense?"

Gooch looked at the door quickly, sighed. "Something outside the lines happened a while ago. Everything was normal, then...a break in reality."

"You sensed that?" Qui-Gon was surprised.

Gooch ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah. See, I sense thought 'frequencies'. There was an interruption. When everything returned to normal-"

Freako came back in the door. "Hey Gooch, you gonna talk all night? Come on!!"

"Aw shut up, fool" Gooch snapped at him. "I'll be out in a minute."

Snorting, the redhead went back out. Gooch turned to his friends.

"We'll have to carry this conversation later, gentlemen. If that's what you are."

Two sets of eyes sparked on him. ///You are most perceptive.///

The dark eyes narrowed on them both. /More than you know. We'll talk later./

He left. Obi-Wan stared after him.

"True telepaths are rare, father."

The lions' head threw back. "Haargh. I hunger, Obi-Wan. Let discussion wait!"

Qui-Gon bared fangs, grabbed his son. "Come!"

Green eyes blazed. "Hssss. Yes!"

They dissolved to mist, off into the night.

The Crew agreed to meet up with them later at an abandoned warehouse. The location was selected by Dink, as he deemed it inconspicuous.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon took a few hours of quiet to reflect on the adventure ahead. And a revelation of Gooch.

They lay upstairs on a huge bed of red velvet, not quite sated. Wet tongue laced along a golden chest, teasing plump peaks.

Obi-Wan writhed and gasped, eyes shut. "Father, please. Will you listen to me. Gooch knew! He..."

Qui-Gon cupped the rounded pecs, suckling them mercilessly. "Glphff. We don't know what he knows. Wait a bit" he slopped noisily on lush nipples.

Fire danced across Obi-Wans' chest, racing down a clenching stomach. His groin tightened. He arched, moaning loudly.

"Gaghh, more!!" clutching the tousled head mindlessly, seeking more stimulation.

His chest is so sensitive Qui-Gon smiled to himself. I can make him come just by touching it.

As if in answer to his thought, something poked him in the stomach. Qui-Gon refused to touch the swollen shaft, still concentrating on the peaking nipples. Lapping the space between pecs. Long nails raked his back as Obi-Wan continued to wiggle and strain from the sensual onslaught.

"Ooohhh...ghods, Qui-Gon!!" he shouted, pushing up. Qui-Gon thumbed the thick navel, pulling on it faster and faster, sucking and biting the moist buttons, gently raking nails across the taught stomach. Face flushed, jade eyes rolling back through red lashes.

An adorable sight Qui-Gon thought vaguely as his own body raced with heat. He stretched out lengthwise against his lover. Sensually sliding their chests together, rubbing nipples with prickly heat. Obi-Wan clutched him closer, bouncing up. A tight groin leaked growing wetness between them.

Qui-Gon gasped, biting down on the silky neck. Obi-Wan cried out, spewing a flood of thick heat, legs wrapping around strong hips. Groaning, Qui-Gon jerked in response, heaving and firing wetly between them. Flame danced behind their eyes briefly as they wracked.

"My beautiful son" Qui-Gon murmured softly, as they collapsed into unconsciousness.

Obi-Wan opened his eyes slowly. His vision was obscured by a mass of gold brown hair. Pushing it aside, he pecked a kiss on the strong jawline. "Love you."

The lion head turned slowly, smiling with a glow. "Love you too. I thought you'd never stop sleeping."

Ruddy lips exposed perfect fangs. Obi-Wan licked his lips. "Did I mention" he said huskily, "how delicious you look with that goatee?"

Toothy grin. "I thought I'd try something different. Now about Gooch. You are concerned?"

Jade eyes were lidded. "Not about Gooch specifically, but what does he suspect? Will it jeopardize the plan?" he traced hot tongue around the full lips.

Qui-Gon purred in content. //He fascinates me. I would learn more.//

Obi-Wan snuggled in close. "I'm so excited, I could just bite everybody. How long before everyone meets?"

Qui-Gon looked over at the chronometer. "Hmm. Tomorrow evening, after sunset. Freako will contact us for the final details. He felt it was best if we didn't know until the last minute."

Obi-Wan laughed. "Boy, is he paranoid!"

"Where is this warehouse?" Qui-Gon asked over the phone-com.

The device buzzed. Hey, Q and Obi. Goes like this. We're gonna meet at the Iblin Produce Warehouse, down on Crubb Lane. It's abandoned, so head to the east facing side. We'll leave the door panel unlocked. The side you want is alongside the alleyway. Get here by 1800. Any questions?

"No, it seems clear enough" Obi-Wan answered readily.

Sounds good, bud. See ya there. the machine went silent.

"Hmm. We'll need to dress inconspicuously, of course" Qui-Gon noted.

"But not too obvious either, father. Besides, aren't we going to wear uniforms that Ginko can provide?"

Qui-Gon nodded. "True. We can probably change at the warehouse."

Obi-Wan glanced out the window. "An hour should do it."

Shifting mist floated high over rooftops, curling softly in the breeze. The waning sun filtered through it, giving an illusion of color. It went as unnoticed as the clouds above.

Unlike the clouds however, this mist had direction and purpose.

//That way, I think.//

/West, father. The warehouse district is there./

Precious little activity was evident. A few longshoremen and roughnecks hung about. Most of them were drinking and talking. Some were finishing up loading their wares.

The mist lowered a few hundred feet, thickening.

/Where to land without being seen?/

//That alleyway, to the left.//

The wispy trail suddenly turned, rolling downward at a rapid pace, becoming increasingly opaque...

...coalescing into two forms as it struck the pavement.

The two vampyres looked about. "Seems quiet" Obi-Wan noted.

Deep sunset hues of red and orange danced across Qui-Gon. "Yes. We haven't far to go. Around this corner-"

"Now there ya go" a thick voice burbled.

They whirled. A thin, raggedy worker sat on storage boxes, waving a bottle. Disheveled brown hair was in his eyes.

HIC. "Good trick, dudes" (HIC). "Can ya teach me howta turn inta smoke?"

Amused, they went toward him.

The man pointed a bony finger. "I seen ya (HIC). Floated right down out of the sky, all nice an' neat. What, you angels or sumthin?"

Qui-Gon smiled slightly. "Hardly, friend."

The man winked. "Gotcha. Devils, then. Look here (HIC). There's a bunch of people thaz been messin' with me. They need to go down low, if ya know what I mean."

They looked at each other, briefly. Obi-Wan grinned. "That's not our department. Had a lot to drink, haven't you?"

The man waved the bottle again. "Tap water, I swear" he squinted at Qui-Gon. "Sure you ain't the devil? Sure look like him."

Qui-Gon laughed. "I've been called a lot of things, but never that. We have to move along, friend. Buisness."

The man reached out, shaking his hand. "Guess your work keeps you busy. Lotta bad guys out there!"

Qui-Gon rolled his eyes. "Hopeless. Let's go, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan couldn't stop grinning. "Have a good life" he told the man.

The man eyed him. "You'd better bl'eve it. Especially now!"

They headed down the alley. The drunk passed out on the boxes.

Obi-Wan laughed. Qui-Gon turned, annoyed.

"What the force is so funny!"

Green eyes sparked. "You. With that goatee, you do look like..." strong hands stroked along it.

Qui-Gon pushed his hand away. "Enough. Someone else could be in the alley."

"Why so touchy?"

"I was a Jedi Master. Being called the Devil has no appeal to me. Nor should it" Qui-Gon snapped.

Obi-Wan sobered. "Sorry. I was only joking."

Qui-Gon squeezed his hand. "I know. But I haven't forgotten everything, Obi-Wan. And I never will."

They walked along in silence a bit.

/I know. Sometimes I wonder if things had been different...yet, I have no regrets./

Qui-Gon sighed as they turned the corner. //Nor I. Not that it would matter at this point. We're together, that's all that matters to me.//

Crossing another street out of the alleyway, they sighted the warehouse. Refuse and storage containers littered the landscape. No one was about.

"I believe we have our destination" Obi-Wan pointed.

Qui-Gon perked up. "I see." he looked up at the nearly night sky. "A good time for such an adventure, in any case."

They went toward the east wall and spied the door panel. It pushed aside easily.

Inside they saw the crew sitting at a dusty, roughhewn table. The interior looked like a refuse dumping ground of crates, containers, and boxes. A small laser lamp hung overhead.

"Say hey now!!" Dooby shouted, waving at them. "Boy, you guys are good. 1800 on the dot!"

Obi-Wan approached them. "Now surely you didn't doubt we'd be on time!"

Freako laughed. "Nah, he's just shocked when anyone can be on time for a change. Not like him!"

Dooby made a face. "You real funny, Freako."

Gooch grinned. "Not now, you two. Pull up a seat, gents."

The two vampyres seated themselves at the table. Whizzer as usual was eating.

Gulping would be more accurate. He chomped on a huge sandwich.

Qui-Gon watched him in amusement. "I'm not sure what's in that sandwich, Whizzer. Looks scary!"

One last gulp, and it was gone. "Pretty good, Q. Got it from the deli an hour ago. Bork bolonga, onions n' prater cheese, topped with tomato."

Ginko waved his hands in the air, leaned back. "Scary and powerful. Wooo!"

Gooch grinned. "Enough already, you clowns. We got an hour to get down to the waterfront and hike a ship."

Qui-Gon was surprised. "Space ships at the waterfront!"

Gooch nodded. "Yeah. They got these flight deck platforms that are anchored into the coastline bedrock. Heavy grade durasteel."

"Isn't that kind of outdated?" Obi-Wan wondered.

"Yeah, kid. But as you know, Urus is a trade and transport world primarily. Every available space is used for transportation, whether it be local or off-planet. And those platforms are still effective and more accessible than the ones in space ports."

Freako stared at Obi-Wan. "You look a little pale, kid. You okay?"

Obi-Wan stared blankly. What? "I'm fine. Really."

Freako shook his head. "Must be me, or the lighting in here. Oh, well."

Dink. "We got the uniforms, too. Even managed to find one for Whizzer."

"When do we change?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Right now" Gooch glanced at Ginko. "Bring 'em out."

"Gotcha" Ginko left for a back storage room.

Gooch glanced briefly at Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. Freako was right. They were pale. He wondered why it wasn't apparent before. Eerie and unnatural, beyond skin. As if they were lit from within.

Qui-Gon smiled at him faintly. //Do you always stare?//

Gooch grinned. /Sorry. Only when I'm trying to understand something./

Whizzer slammed his fist down on the table, surprising everybody. "Man, I can't wait. Action an' adventure. Not ta mention cracking a few skulls."

"Damn, Whizzer. You tryin' to give someone a stroke doin' that!" Freako scolded him.

Ginko returned with the uniforms. They were deep green, with chest and thigh pockets. Heavy duty fabric. The only insignia they bore were gold patches over the shoulder, with the initials DNC.

Gooch stood. "We can change in those rooms back there. After everyone gets dressed they get their hardware."

Obi-Wans' eyes lit. /I'll feel like a commando!/

Qui-Gon grinned as he took his uniform. //The dark green suits you.//

Ginko watched them. "You like, kid?"

"Oh yeah!" Obi-Wan laughed freely. "Now I can play soldier."

"Okay soldier" Gooch mocked, "Gear on in the back!"

"Yes SIR!!" the crew responded, giving silly salutes. They went into the separate storage rooms to dress.

Obi-Wan stripped quickly down to his briefs. As he turned to pick up his pants, he was pressed into the wall. A hot chest slid against his.

"Lovely" Qui-Gon panted, eyes lidded. "A sampler, please."

Qui-Gon had barely gotten his own pants and boots on. Obi-Wan could feel the rising erection bulging against him, as well.

Tongue rolled out. "SSsss. Sith, father. Are you crazy! Your timing stinks."

Qui-Gon gave a toothy grin. "Let's see how fast you are."

Growling softly, Obi-Wan reached down, massaging the bulge. It grew even stiffer.

"Gaghk! Hurry" Qui-Gon gasped.

"Quiet" Obi-Wan hissed. "You want them to hear?"

He dropped to his knees, unzipping heavy fabric. The thick cock practically flew out.

Obi-Wan grinned savagely. /Why, what's wrong? Does this hurt?/ he pulled on the root, hard.

Qui-Gon arched against the wall, stifling a scream. His nipples were strained.

"I swear, I should....AAUGH!"

The hot mouth was on him, pulling with tight heat. Obi-Wan swallowed him whole, then let him go. Fangs nipping the heavy sacs.

Qui-Gon hissed in pleasure, eyes shut. He curled and swayed against the wall as Obi-Wan deep throated him.

Hot green eyes looked up as he worked it. /Like this, do you?/

Deep blue eyes, slitted, looked down. "SSSs!! Yesss!!" Qui-Gon grated harshly. He touched Obi-Wans' forehead.


Obi-Wan immediately felt his own body grow rock hard. Wiggling out of his briefs, his free hand flew down to his cock, pulling it wildly.

His other hand slipped two fingers up Qui-Gon, pushing and twisting. Qui-Gon bucked once and reached down, pulling him up. Obi-Wan threw his legs out, leaping over the huge cock, forcing Qui-Gon back against the wall.

Silently they rocked, mindful of the others nearby. Mouths locked together. Qui-Gon cupped the lush cheeks as Obi-Wan rode him, bouncing up and down. Thick thighs strained and thrust, harder and harder...

It was over too soon. They shattered, shaking and heaving. Obi-Wan slowly slid back down, leaning into his lover. He nipped the strong neck.

"Truly mad, father" he gasped, flushed.

Qui-Gon licked an ear. "Good, though" he rasped shakily. "Aah, Obi..."

"Hey! You guys dressed yet?" a booming voice from outside in the hallway.

Qui-Gon steadied his breathing. "Almost done. We'll be out shortly!"

Shuffle of feet. Silence.

Obi-Wan regained his legs. He grabbed his uniform off the floor. "We'd better hurry."

Qui-Gon pulled his pants up. "Agreed."

They came out in uniform, giving no indication of having had hot sex.

Gooch looked up from the table. "Good. We figured you had uniform problems, too. Dink and Dooby were helpin' Whizzer get into his."

They looked at the behemoth. He was nearly stuffed into his outfit.

Freako frowned at Whizzer. "Need to lose some damn weight, anyway!"

Dooby raised an eyebrow. "How much d'ya think he's supposed to weigh!"

"Cut the chatter" Gooch told them. "Okay, we got hardware" he pointed at the table. "Pick your poison. We got needle beams, Krupp clubs, blasters, fire pellets, stun cords-"

Qui-Gon eyed the conglomeration. "You sure you aren't trying to start another war?"

Gooch laughed. "Hey, go all out, I say. Now, where was I? Oh yeah, gas grenades, acid bugs-"

Obi-Wan shook his head, looked pained. Dooby shrugged.

"-blasters, light beamers-"

Ginko threw his hands up. "You're crazy, Gooch! We'll never make it past any port check packin' like that."

"We ain't goin' through the regular port, remember? We're headin' off right down here, on one of the transport platforms by the water."

Ginko. "It's gonna be tight. So what happens down at the shore?"

Gooch put some hardware in his pockets. "Load up, everybody. Here's the plan. We go down to platform six. I cased out this nice little flyer called Stellaris. It's loaded, fast, and fueled up."

Dink pocketed some weapons. "How do you know? What if it's been in flight?"

Dooby. "Yeah, who ever heard of a hot ship just sittin' in dock that long?"

Gooch paused as everyone armed themselves. "Cased it out for two days. I'm thinking they're planning something illegal. Not like us" he laughed.

"Now what? We go ahead with the diversion once we get down there?" Qui-Gon asked.

Gooch nodded. "We start a fight. Ginko and Dooby will slip around and get to the ship. They'll fire out a light beam when they're good to go."

Obi-Wan slipped a blaster in his leg pocket. "What if there's a lot of resistance? If we draw too much attention won't it bring a mob?"

"Let it" Gooch frowned. "We got enough here to handle any foolishness. And surprise will be on our side. When we get the signal, we bum rush 'em."

"I like that strategy" Whizzer slammed a fist in his palm.

Gooch surveyed the troops. "Everybody good to go? Let's head out."

The men left the warehouse, a brigade of green.

The crew walked through the dimly lit streets. Roughnecks and thugs eyed them suspiciously but said nothing.

Well, almost nothing. They were barely a hundred yards from the shoreline docking bays when a particularly rough looking group pointed at them.

A rail thin woman in dark denim shouted. "Hey, you skanks! Watcha doin' down here. Ya wanna git cut?"

They slowed. Dooby answered her. "Shaddup, ya bony broad! Ain't nobody got time for your tired butt!"

The woman motioned to a group nearby. Most of them appeared to be spacers. Walking towards the crew, they were reaching into their jackets.

"Okay, show's on" Gooch snarled. He glanced at Ginko and Dooby. "Get ready" he whispered. They nodded, fanning out.

"Ya wanna play?" Freako said, whipping out his blaster. "Heads up, fools!"

He fired into the group, scattering them.

"Blast them mothers!!" the woman screamed.

Both groups opened fire.

"SCATTER!" Gooch yelled. The crew raced to vantage points, firing as they went.

The woman's group found objects to hide behind as well, sending return shots.

It looked like a gang war. The air burned with the scent of blaster fire across the alleyways. Red and blue beams lit the night.

"I've had enough o' these jaspers" Dink hissed. He hurled an acid pellet. It struck the ground in front of the spacers. A toxic cloud lifted, opaque and obscuring.

One spacer staggered out from his cover. "Kaghgkk! Crazy bastards! They're after the shipment!!"

"Shipment?" Qui-Gon wondered from his vantage point. He peered over boxes and surveyed the scene. The odor of acid was pungent.

"Good thing...we're upwind" Obi-Wan wrinkled his nose.

The spacers fired wildly, moving away in disarray. Shouts filled the air.

Qui-Gon peered over his cover of crates, looking past a street light.

"Gooch!" he hissed. "Did Ginko and Dooby get through?"

Gooch peeped around a storage bin, blaster gleaming in the dark. "Yeah, they're headed down to the docking pad. Get ready to make a move when you see the signal!"

Qui-Gon nodded, firing more shots. Obi-Wan was nearby, crawling along the ground. He brushed up against Whizzer and Dink.

"Hey, kid" Dink winked at him. "Watcha doin' down there. The shootin's across the alley!"

"Yeah, but it's hard to see with all the smoke and stuff" Whizzer added.

Obi-Wan crouched next to them, eyes flashing. "Don't have a taste for blaster fire, dudes. I just wondered...will we be able to see the signal with the smoke being so thick?"

Dink squinted at the darkness. "If it thins out some. Got quiet alla sudden. Where the fools at?"

"Ambush" Whizzer supplied. "They waitin' for us to go out in the open..."

"Hey, shidheads! Hidin' in the dark??!" Freako shouted in the night.

"Loudass" Dink whispered. "He's trying to call them out, and-"

Suddenly, a blinding flare lit in an arc behind the buildings near the shoreline.

Gooch bounded out from cover, firing madly. "GO!!!"

The crew leaped from their vantage points, spraying heavy blaster fire as they ran.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon raced with inhuman speed, almost gliding in their motion.

Whizzer brought up the rear, as blaster fire flew in random patterns all around them.

A bolt of fire lanced across, clipping Obi-Wan on the shoulder. He didn't slow down.

Mad footsteps raced down another alley. The crew literally ran into a wall.

"Damn! A dead end." Gooch checked up.

Freako reached into another pocket. "Cover your eyes everybody! Gonna lace these suckers another one!"

"No cover here" Qui-Gon looked around. "They'll be on us in a minute."

His words were prophetic. The furious mob of spacers closed on the entranceway to the alley.

"Your dead meat, fools!!" The woman yelled, pointing her blaster. "Nobody gets their hands on the shipment!"

"Don't bet on it, Q!" Freako yelled, hurling a second acid pellet. Another acrid cloud billowed out, choking their assailants. Weapons hit the ground as they gagged for air.

The crew scaled the wall, using a discarded storage bin for leverage. As they dropped over on the other side, they saw the ship on the flight pad, right at the shore.

More goons raced out of the dark, running past the gangplank. They raised weapons.

"Take 'em!!" Gooch yelled. They fired. The goons fell immediately.

The ship strained above the helipad. Gooch was right. It was a beauty.

Thrusters lit, roaring into the night. The crew raced up the gangplank. The woman's group had recovered again, firing at the ship.

She threw an arm out. "Stop it, you fools! You'll shoot the ship!!"

They sped inside the entrance hatch. Whizzer pulled the heavy panels shut. Gooch raced up the interior ramp to the flight deck. "Take off!!"

Ginko nodded, igniting the engines for flight. Engines shuddered, then screamed as they lifted. Dooby sat at the copilot station.

"Course, coordinates set" he replied.

"Punch it!" Ginko responded.

They blasted off, reaching orbital velocity in seconds.

The ship was racy. Ginko and Dooby both couldn't stop praising it.

"Sweet" Dooby said as they relaxed in the lounge area. He set the controls on autopilot. It would be two days before they reached their destination.

Ginko agreed. "It's a technological wonder. Runs on different energy sources, which is good when crystal supplies are low. Stocked with a lot of good food, too."

Dink stared at Obi-Wan. "You look terrible, kid. You gotta get that wound treated."

Obi-Wan was pale. Dried blood caked his shoulder. He was shivering. "I'll be fine, if I can heal myself-"

"You cannot" Qui-Gon admonished him. "Not like that. Get to bed, you must rest. I'll see if I can find a medikit."

"Yeah, you musta been running on adrenaline, kid" Freako told him. "Geez, I can't even figure why you're upright after takin' a shot like that."

"Well, I am a little tired" he stood shakily, almost falling over.

"Obi-Wan!" Qui-Gon leaped to his feet, catching him.

"Huhh" Obi-Wan slumped into him. Qui-Gon steadied him.

"I'll be back everybody, I'm taking him to his bunk."

Whizzer waved him off. "Go on man, we understand. Take care of your boy."

Qui-Gon nodded. He all but carried Obi-Wan to their private quarters.

"Strange" Dink commented.

"What's so strange?" Gooch wanted to know.

"It's just that...I saw that shot he took. He shouldn't even have a shoulder, much less be walkin' around!"

"Aren't you exaggerating? His wound looks pretty bad."

Freako considered. "Hard to tell under all that blood. And did you see? He kept on runnin' like nothing happened."

"Like I said, strange" Dink repeated. "Least his old man can fix it up, I guess."

"He'll be ok" Ginko remarked. "You guys got too much time to think about. Wanna play some cards?"

"Sounds good" Gooch said, looking down the hallway.

Qui-Gon laid Obi-Wan down gently on the mattress. He stroked the damp forehead.

"How are you holding up" he said softly, eyes darkening.

Jade eyes flickered. " hell. Wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the blood loss."

"Shh. Be at ease" Qui-Gon touched his head between the brows. The younger vampyre leaned back, eyes closed.


Obi-Wan nodded. "Yes. What are we going to do? We'll be in space for two days..."

Qui-Gon settled back on the mattress. He sighed. "I'm going below. There may be an emergency plasma bank in the storage hold. If medical supplies are aboard, that would be the place to look. But first things first. I need to clean that wound."

"I can handle it" Obi-Wan said stubbornly.

"Blood loss for us is critical, you know that" Qui-Gon reminded him. "And it will break your controls, which are fragile at best."

Obi-Wan could already feel the craving rolling softly in his stomach. He flinched, resisting it.

"I won't feed on my friends" he said dully.

Qui-Gon squeezed his arm. "Let me see what I can find first. Hopefully, we won't be forced into such a decision. I'm going to take your shirt off so I can see the extent of the wound."

Carefully he rolled his son over, ignoring soft snarls of protest. Long nails pulled the blood caked shirt away from the shoulder.

"What's it look like" Obi-Wan managed, his voice muffled on the pillow.

Qui-Gon eyed it critically. "A deep gash. The flesh is a bit ragged at the edges, but it is closing already. I still need to clean it, though."

A loud hiss, as Obi-Wan flinched again.

Qui-Gon stroked the spiky head, tugging the braid affectionately.

"Obi. If you can't control the pain, I'm going to have to put you to sleep."

"I'll manage" the younger vampyre gasped. "Just...hurry back."

Pulling the braid aside, Qui-Gon kissed the back of his neck.

//Stubborn and willfull, like your mother.//

/Unlike you, of course./

Quiet laugh. "I'll be back soon" Qui-Gon gently edged off the bed, closing the door behind him.

He went down the winding corridor, back past the lounge area. The crew was there, playing cards.

Dooby looked up. "Hey, Q. How's Obi?"

"He'll be fine with some rest. I need to look below and see if there's a medikit. His wound needs to be cleaned."

Ginko jerked a thumb. "That way. Got plasma too, in case the kid needs a transfusion or somethin'."

A stroke of luck! Qui-Gon thought. "Guess this ship is as well supplied as we thought."

Gooch nodded. "Yeah, some wealthy magistrate probably was waitin' for this baby. But finders keepers, right?" he laughed.

"I'll be right back."

Going past them, he went down the end of another corridor. Near the bulkhead was a storage area.

Force, at least we won't have a regrettable decision to make.

Gauzes, ointments, and medical tools. Cleansers, antibacterial scrubs, plasma.

Perfect. Gathering supplies, he carefully tucked two plasma packets in his shirt.

Obi-Wan drifted in and out of consciousness. A strange dream. He was running swift and free through a deep forest. Scenting the night. Howling pleasure...


Blearily, he looked up.

"Oh, uh" tongue stuck to his head. "You're back."

"Control, my Obi! Wake up now" a strong arm slid around him.

Stiffly, he propped up. "Wha-father, what are you talking about?"

The deep eyes were intensely blue. "This" he grabbed a hand, holding it up.

A thatch of red fur covered the back of his hand. Nails sharp and wicked.

Dawning comprehension. His eyes widened. "Oh, I was dreaming!"

Concentrating a moment, his hand returned to normal.

Qui-Gon touched his face. "Is the pain any better?"

"I think so. That quick nap seems to have helped. But I still hungerrr" his face turned savage, fangs sprouting over ruddy lips. "Must feed. Bring one to me."

"No. Take this" Qui-Gon handed him the plasma. Obi-Wan snatched the packet, biting into it and gulping greedily.

Qui-Gon swabbed antiseptic on the wound.

"Hopefully there will be enough to get us through the flight. I didn't check the total supply" he finished cleaning and treating the wound, wrapping it tightly in gauze.

Obi-Wan closed his eyes, savoring the flavor. The hunger eased.

"Thank you" he said simply.

Qui-Gon smiled, stroked the spiky hair. He sidled alongside his son, wrapping an arm around him carefully.

Obi-Wan leaned in. "Oh. You feel good" he snuggled. Emerald eyes looked up brightly.

"I'm cold."

Qui-Gon wrapped a sheet and blanket around them both.

The lion's head leaned foward. "How's this?"

Obi-Wan reached out, kissing his hand. "What about you? Have you-"

Qui-Gon patted his chest pouch. "Right here. I'll drink soon. Now I want you to sleep."

Eyelids drooped. "Not sleepy..."

Qui-Gon smiled gently. "No, of course not."

The fine features slacked in sleep.

Qui-Gon renewed himself before leaving Obi-Wan.

I was close to the edge myself. Must beware of it during the flight.

He rejoined the crew in the lounge area.

"Miss me?" he teased.

"Oh yeah, Freako cried an ocean of tears" Dink cackled. "Join the game, Q. I got a good hand here."

"Love to" Qui-Gon seated himself.

"Howz Obi?" Whizzer wanted to know.

"Better. He's wrapped up and exhausted. Rest will do him a world of good" Qui-Gon reached for a beer. "Where'd you get this? More supplies?"

Gooch grinned. "I tell ya, Q, whoever was waitin' for this baby must be loaded."

"That reminds me. During the alleyfight I heard the woman say something about a 'shipment.' Any ideas what she was talking about?"

"You're sittin' in it" Dooby crowed. "This here's a hot ship. "When me an' Ginko came up the shoreline, we heard goons bragging about how much they were gonna get for it. Course now they can put their retirement plans on hold."

Qui-Gon laughed. "For sure. How'd you get past all of them, anyway? We didn't hear any extra fire."

Ginko grinned. "Had our fake passes. Walked up with serious looks. Told 'em we were with the 'Intergalactic Empire Peace Corps."

"Ha! Isn't that a contradiction in terms?"

Dooby winked. "You better believe it. Made 'em think, too. Sure enough, they got jittery. But some thugs tried to stick blasters in our faces anyway."

"What happened? You weren't shot."

Ginko waved a hand. "Naw. We told 'em that we were personal officers of Vader, and if they wanted to risk his anger they could fire away!"

"After that they let us pass" Dooby added.

Freako snorted. "Shows you how stupid they are. Anyone that ain't had their head in a hole knows Vader's recuperating from injuries he suffered at Mellis 8."

Gooch shook his head over his cards. "Pitiful. Bunch of dopey backwaters."

Dink looked at his cards. "Almost as pitiful as this hand. Geez."

Many hours later the group retired to their respective bunk rooms. They still wouldn't reach planetfall for another day.

Qui-Gon nestled alongside Obi-Wan. He gently removed the gauze, checking the shoulder. He smiled. The wound was already healed. A big hand stroked the golden back.

Good. Now that you are recovered, my Obi...

Qui-Gon planted a kiss on the spiky head. No response.

"Obi-Wan" he whispered roughly, rolling a long tongue along the silky neck. Still no response.

Soft growl. "Wake up" he nipped the base of the neck while caressing the plump behind.

Stone. Tongue lolled out between ruddy lips in sleep. Qui-Gon stared with slitted eyes, panting.

"Sith!!" he hissed, flopping on his side. "This is hopeless. Best to just sleep, if I can."

Turning his back to the very warm body next to his own, he closed his eyes.

Time dragged. Minutes became an hour.

Qui-Gon couldn't take it. He rolled on his stomach to squash a painful erection.

Swearing silently, he pulled himself rapidly. His balls were about to burst.

//Your fault...Obi!//

Hips jerking, he blew a moment later. Qui-Gon threw a forearm over his face, gasping.

//Maybe I can sleep now.//

Minutes later his cock popped up again, puffed and needy. "Or not" he said in dismay. "Damn!"

He stroked himself in the dark, teasing nipples, massaging tender balls. Through it all, Obi-Wan didn't budge.

Qui-Gon began to sweat. "Impossible" he breathed.

He was restless, desire aimless and churning. He wanted to run. He wanted to make love. He wanted to hit someone.

One last time he tried to arouse his lover. Lustfully panting over the voluptuous body, his hand traced along the handsome face, along the bridge of the nose, cheekbones. Down the shapely chest, over plush nipples.

//Sleeps like a damn rock. Enough of this torture. I cannot stay still.//

Sliding off the bed, his form shifted. Two legs became four. Fur replaced smooth skin.

Growling softly, Qui-Gon went out to prowl the ship.

Nearly silent feet loped quietly along the hold of the ship. Soft beeps, clicks, and other mechanical sounds permeated the dimmed hallways. A wolf with a pelt of deep burnished gold sniffed the cool air.

//All asleep, or at rest. Good. I would walk a bit.//

Bushy thick tail wagging in satisfaction, the furred creature prowled further along the levels of the ship. Even as a child, Qui-Gon had a prediliction for curiosity. As he approached a tight turn in a corridor, his tail brushed against a storage container, knocking it over. With a loud clang it hit the deck.

The noise woke up everyone. Whizzer, Dooby and Gooch jolted awake. A few feet down the hallway, Dink, Freako and Ginko likewise were startled into awareness.

And in his own shared room Obi-Wan opened his eyes, eerily gleaming in the dark.

/Clumsy. You'll scare them./

Wolf ears pricked up down below. //Awake, are we? Perhaps I should pay you a proper visit.//

/Perhaps you should watch your tail. You've attracted attention, you know./

Obi-Wan smiled in the dim lighting. In his mind's eye he saw his friends' reaction to the noise.

Ginko sat up. "What was that. Something break?"

Freako. "Probably that clutzy Whizzer, lookin' for another beer" he turned over under the blankets.

Dink looked at the bulkhead door. "So why's he walkin' all over the dang ship to find it. Seems like I hear his feet everywhere."

In his haste to return to his room, Qui-Gon sped up to a canter pace. Paws struck the plastisteel deckway with force. Long nails clattered as he went.

Below, Gooch frowned. "What the hay is all that frickin noise?"

Whizzer opened an eye. "Duh. I caint git no sleep like this. I'm gonna go look. Probably that crazy Freako."

Dooby sighed. "Well I wish he'd quit stumbling around. Geez."

The behemoth climbed out of bed and headed out the door.

"I'll be back. Anybody want anything?"

"Yeah" Gooch growled. "Some peace and quiet!"


Whizzer closed the bulkhead door behind himself.

The one disadvantage to being in wolf form was having a wolf's reactions. Qui-Gon was fairly close to his room when he scented company.

//What's going on?//

Ducking around a tight alcove, his tail pinched against a rail hook. He yelped in pain.

Whizzer stopped in his tracks, hearing the sound. "What the-sounded like a dog or something!"

The monster thundered down the rampway, looking around.

The crew didn't appreciate his efforts. Freako complained bitterly.

"I knew it! I told you it was that big goofball."

Dink covered his head with a pillow. "So do somethin' about it or we'll be up all night."

"That's for sure" Ginko muttered. "Why'd he wait till now to get a snack!"

Freako grabbed a robe. "That's what I'm gonna find out."

Qui-Gon pressed as far back into the corridor as he could. He sensed Whizzer rumbling his way...

Only to be interrupted. Freako nearly collided with him from the cross ramp.

Wolf ears perked up, catching their argument.

"Okay, what's the show?" Freako demanded. "Why are you keepin' everybody up at this time o' night?"

Whizzer scratched his head. "Wanted to see what the noise was. Didn't you hear it awhile ago?"

Freako blinked, shocked. "The noise-you mean that wasn't you?"

"No. I just came out. I heard another sound, like a dog."

"A dog! Have you lost your mind?"

Whizzer pointed. "I'm tellin' ya, it came from that direction. The same direction I heard something walking from."

Cautiously, Freako peered down the corridor. "Somethin' weird is goin' on here. You say it wasn't you-"

"It woke us up too, Freako. Let's check it out" he waved at the corridor.

Freako gulped. Okay. You go first" he shoved the behemoth down the hall.

Qui-Gon crouched low. //What to do? Wait, I have it.//

He blended into the shadows of the corridor. But everything wasn't concealed.

The two men came to the end of the thruway.

Shadows. Dim lighting. Glowing eyes down low.

Freako froze. "Whizzer" he whispered. "What's that."

The monster stood his ground. "It looks like...eyes. But there ain't nothin' there!"

Freako backed up. "I'm going to bed. Stand here and stare if you want, but this is gettin' too creepy for me."

"What are we gonna tell everyone?"

Freako continued to head back. "Don't know. Don't care! This is freaky. I'm outta here!" he walked away.

"Strange" Whizzer followed him, turning back at the darkness. The 'eyes' were gone.

"Don't get it" he mumbled.

Whizzer told Dooby and Gooch what they saw.

"Do you know how ridiculous you sound. This is a ship, for crying out loud. Not a forest!" Dooby shouted.

Whizzer was adamant. "Don't care what you say, Dooby. I know what I saw. You don't believe me, ask Freako in the morning."

Gooch rubbed his eyes. "Go to bed, will ya? We'll be up all night at this rate."

Snorting, the behemoth sidled into bed. "Don't believe me, then. But somethin' ain't right about this ship."

Gooch lay back. Something or someone?

Down the hall a ways, Freako was just as insistent. But the reaction was somewhat different.

Ginko. "You sure. Whizzer heard a dog? Could somebody have left their pet on this rig?"

"I don't know" Freako rubbed his arms. "Those eyes gave me the creeps, though. Whatever they were, they weren't human."

Dink nodded. "Sure, that's it. We'll check it out in the morning. It's a pretty big ship. Somethin' coulda fell between the cracks we don't know about."

Freako seemed reassured. "You always make sense, Dink. Why didn't I think of that? Foolin' with that crazy Whizzer got me all to jumping."

They settled in, content with their reasoning.

Obi-Wan slept a quiet, dreamless sleep. Sprawled on the bed, unaware.

Quiet, inhuman feet padded silently into the room. A huge wolf, deep gold and gleaming, circled the bed.

Obi-Wan didn't stir.

A powerful muzzle pulled away bedsheets, exposing bare skin. The cold, wet nose traced along his back, down the cleft of his behind, sniffing.

Instantly awake, Obi-Wan jolted up, eyes flashing. He pushed the wolf off the bed. "Hey!! Go smell someone else!!"

The wolf lolled his tongue out, nose krinkled. The equivalent of a smile.

//Hee hee. I had to make certain it was you, didn't I? It could have been a stranger in bed.//

"Very funny, father. Now change back! The crew is suspicious as it is."

The wolf climbed up on the bed, pelt shining. He licked the fine feet.

//Perhaps. But their greed subsumes everything else. Besides, the possibility of great wealth tends to make one look the other way.//

Obi-Wan gasped, squirming as the wolf licked along his thighs, over his balls. The long tongue lapped his cock. He stroked the furred head and shoulders.

Arching back, the sensations were too much. "Gaghh! Father, I won't make love with a wolf!"

Blue eyes glimmered in the canine features. //Well, then-//

"How's this?" Qui-Gon regained his true form, kissing the clenching stomach.

Obi-Wans' erection bobbed up. "Hurry! I'm going to burst!!"

"What's this, now?" A big hand rolled along the swollen shaft. "I should turn you over and change back-"

"You-will not" Obi-Wan grabbed the lions' head, pushing it down over his aching cock. He was already leaking, tender nipples poking up.

Qui-Gon deep throated him, pulling at the root hard. Seconds later Obi-Wan screamed, jacking off the bed. Qui-Gon swallowed greedily.

Thighs twitching, Obi-Wan gasped in the afterglow. "Do...they suspect anything?"

Qui-Gon tugged the thin braid affectionately. "Possibly, but they doubt their own minds. We'll worry about it later."

Jade eyes blazed. "But-"

Reaching up quickly, Qui-Gon stroked the smooth forehead.

"Dirty...trick" Obi-Wan murmured, eyes drooping. "I know what you're gonna do..." he was out.

Quickly, Qui-Gon flipped him over. His own body raced with need, cock swaying heavily over the bed. Deep blue eyes burned darkly with lust. "Yesssss" fanged smile. "So lush...all mine!"

Hands that parted the plump cheeks became paws, human features turned canine. The golden wolf mounted Obi-Wan from behind, thrusting deeply, back arched.

Obi-Wans' eyes flew open as he lifted underneath, bucking and meeting the thrusts. Bared fangs in pleasure.


Strong hands clawed the bedpost as he rocked with the wolf. Inhuman howls filled the air as they exploded, losing themselves to their appetites.

From their rooms, the crew bolted awake.

"What the frack was that!!!" Freako jumped up, jittery. "What the hell..."

Dink pulled the covers around himself. "Don't know, man. This gig is getting too strange. I ain't been this jumpy since the Mooris curfew thing."

Ginko peeped out from under another blanket. "Maybe someone is watchin' a movie. That's it."

Freako glared at him, redfaced. "Are you thick enough to believe that crud?!"

"Then check it out, bigmouth!"

Freako stared at the door. "No thanks! I don't wanna know, at least until everyone is up at the same time!"

Uneasily, they settled in.

The two vampyres were drained, their orgasm exhausting as well as exhilarating.

"Father" Obi-Wan moaned, unable to move. He was sore, on fire.

Muscled arms held him tightly from behind. Hot tongue licked the silky neck, curling around the thin braid.

Deep purr. "Yes, my Obi. We need rest, now. Did you like that?"

Ruddy lips exposed perfect fangs, long and white. The spiky head leaned back, smiling. "Nice. It was different, so good. But I still prefer your true form. It's beautiful."

Nuzzle. "Flatterer. Rest, now."

Cuddled, they dropped off.

"I told ya!" Whizzer bellowed. "If'n I didn't know better, I'd swear that wuz wolves!"

Dooby stared at him. "Wolves? You crazy! We're on a space ship, you big dumb goon!"

Gooch was quiet, moody. "Maybe it's best not to know."

Whizzer shook his head. "Take my blaster, and go clear out-"

Gooch stopped him. "No. We're gonna go over all this in the morning. Everybody was woke, except Q and Obi. I think."

Dooby frowned. "Strange, now that I think of it. We didn't see or hear from 'em during all the commotion. Can anybody sleep that heavy?"

"What are you sayin' Dooby?" Whizzer made a face. "Hmm?"

"I don't know what I'm saying. Go to sleep!"

"A good idea" Gooch murmured, staring at the door.

"Tell us the truth, Gooch" Dooby looked at him. "What do you sense here. Can you read anything?"

Gooch sighed. "The truth? Something is on this ship that we can't comprehend."

Whizzer leaned back on the mattress, covering his head with his hands. "Oh, thanks a lot. Now I really feel better."

The next morning the crew sat in the lounge area at the table for breakfast. The two vampyres had not made an appearance.

"Are they ever gonna wake up?" Freako asked. "Man, after what happened last night, you'd think-"

"What about last night?" Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan entered, seating themselves.

"Well, uh..."

"We heard the commotion" Qui-Gon struck first. "Couldn't figure out what was going on."

"All that racket didn't wake you?" Dooby was incredulous.

"It did, but what was weirder was the howling noise" Obi-Wan stated.

Brilliant. Qui-Gon smiled to himself. Timed perfectly.

"It was a dog, Obi. Or wolves. Or somthin, I don't know" Whizzer insisted.

"What, you saw something?"

Freako. "Yeah, we saw something. And I'm not sure I wanna know what it was."

Qui-Gons' eyes glinted. "Did it come after you?"

Freako stared at him. "Well, no. But it was creepy. I mean, eyes with nothing else there? If I wasn't sober..."

Dooby snorted. "I still say you were seein' things."

"Then I was seeing things at the same time" Whizzer snapped at him. "You weren't there. There's something on this ship! We gotta find it."

Gooch poked at his food. "And that's exactly why I told everyone to chill until this morning. We form groups. Maybe somebody left a pet behind. We're gonna find out."

Obi-Wan stared at his plate. Need an illusion.

//A small one. To appear as though we're eating.//

Weaving a small pocket of unreality about themselves, the two vampyres simulated eating breakfast.

Gooch eyed them. Maybe my senses are wrong. They seem normal enough.

Dink watched as well. Gooch wasn't the only one with rare perception.

"Something wrong?" Obi-Wan asked over a fork of eggs.

Dink shrugged. "Ah, no. Just glad we're almost at Kayyos. But we still gotta find out if there's somethin' on this ship we should be aware of."

"I doubt it" Qui-Gon replied cryptically.

Freako waved his fork in the air. "After last night, I wanna be sure. I don't want nothin' leaping on me in the dark."

Whizzer snorted. "Only way anything would leap on you is if you paid for it!"

The group howled with laughter.

Hours later they approached the planet Kayyos. Owned by the Empire, it was known as a trade port for buisness of all descriptions, most of it disreputable. Much like the planet they left, Urus.

Except for the daylight hours. Kayyos was the inverse of Urus, having nearly eighteen hours of daylight per cycle. It was a concern for the two vampyres.

Qui-Gon watched the tracking screen. He punched up planetary data.

Damn. We should have checked this out before leaving.

Obi-Wan sidled next to him at the station. "Something wrong?"

"Look for yourself."

Obi-Wan eyed the information. His expression was grim.

"In a way it makes sense, father. Illegal buisness usually thrives better in dark and concealment. It's more difficult to try anything in so much broad daylight. The Empire chose well. They can probably monitor all their bases that much better."

"Not good for us however" the deep voice went low.

Obi-Wan squeezed his arm. "A challenge, but when have we ever backed down from one?"

Qui-Gon smiled at him. //You do me proud.//

Obi-Wan scanned the screen further. /Besides, what better chance to stick it to Palpatine than to wreck one of his primary installations?/

Qui-Gon laughed out loud. "My son, the revolutionary!"

"I'll second that!"

They turned. Ginko approached with a beer.

"If you're gonna overthrow Kayyos, kid, you'd better get your rest! Get a whole blinkin' army!"

"Got it covered, Gink" Obi-Wan winked at him. "Here's the new plan. See, we rush 'em with pop guns. The stormtroopers will be laughing so hard they'll pass out. Then we break into a base, steal the gems and get out before they can recover. Sound good?"

"Crazy!" Qui-Gon wondered.

Ginko chuckled. "Sounds like you banged your head against the bulkhead. " Whizzer entered. "No way. I don't see any dents."

They all laughed heartily.

A tenser mood prevailed once they were within range of planet tracking systems. The crew wore their full gear, weapons concealed.

Qui-Gon reassured them that their weapons would remain undetected.

"But how??" Gooch wanted to know. "What can you do that will neutralize their weapon check point detectors?"

Freako flopped on the couch, pocketing a cut cord. "Yeah, c'mon, Q, don't gull us. What are you gonna do, put the whammy on 'em?"

"Yes" Qui-Gon said seriously.

Everyone stared at him.

He noted intense green eyes burning on him. /Are you insane!/

//No. Hear me out.//

"Listen, everyone. You know Obi-Wan has abilities as a healer. I too have talents. Talents that can create confusion in the minds of others."

Dinks' eyes narrowed. "Anytime, anywhere?"

Qui-Gon nodded. "Of course."

Dink looked briefly at Gooch.

What's that exchange about? Obi-Wan wondered.

Whizzer snapped his fingers. "I get it. Q can make them think we don't have weapons, right?"

"And other things."

Dooby whistled. "If that's the case...Kayyos will be contacting us any minute, demanding ID. Ginko and I encrypted a code, but if it isn't the latest one we're toast."

Qui-Gon thought a moment. "Don't concern yourself with it" he said distantly, striding past all of them.

Dink gawked, following him into the flight path alcove.

"Rabbit out of the hat?" Freako grinned. "There's more here than meets the eye."

Gooch stared at Obi-Wan. The young vampyre returned the gaze.

/What's the truth here, Obi-Wan?/

The sensuous lips formed a faint smile.

Dooby looked at them both briefly. "Secrets" was all he said, moving toward the alcove.

They all clustered into the enclosed space, taking up various seats around the circular station.

Qui-Gon traced a large hand across the communication console, allowing the data to make an impression in his mind. The lights on the board danced wildly, then returned to normal.

"What the-" Ginko was moving out of his seat. "Q, what's going on with that panel?"

Qui-Gon held out a hand, not turning to acknowledge him. "Silence. I must think" extending his senses, he probed the satellite encoded energy web about the planet. His face slacked in total concentration.

Touching it with his mind, feeling for a sequence of pulses that matched a ships' entry mode.

They all watched intently, awed.

Qui-Gon closed his eyes briefly, grinning. "Got it" he walked over and picked up a data wafer, sliding it into the console. He punched in a new planet entry sequence.

After the new information was recorded, he popped it out again. He handed the wafer over to Ginko. "Try the code you have first. Use this one if it doesn't work."

Numbly, Ginko nodded. "You sure? I mean..."

Qui-Gon clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Well if it doesn't work we'll try something else again. Trust me."

Ginko stared at the wafer. "Okay. Dooby, take up the copilot chair. I think-"

The communication console beeped loudly. A tinny voice came over the controls.

You are trespassing in Empire territory. Identify or be destroyed.

They looked at the viewscreen. Tie-fighters, x-wings, and a few of the new bung destroyers were flying in formation.

"Company" Whizzer noted.

"This is the show" Gooch said grimly. He tapped Freako's arm. "Okay, Mr. Smooth. Get talkin'."

Freako sat at the console. Ginko handed him the wafer.

He cleared his throat, trying to sound even. "This is the NOMAD. We are here to pick up transport items and special shipments."

Explain. What special shipments.

Freako thought rapidly. "Base shipments. Ones that will supply several worlds under the current standard. High end items."

A pause. Give entry sequence.

Ginko was too nervous. "Use the wafer" he whispered. "Forget the previous sequence."

Freako popped in the wafer. The board danced and lit up. Freako hit ENTER/PROCESS.

Another long pause. Silence.

"If this doesn't work-" Dink began.

A loud beep. Entry code confirmed. Proceed to Starport 16.

The group whooped, high fiving. "All right, we're in!" Dink exlaimed.

Ginko regained the pilot station. "Okay everybody, strap in. I see we're gonna have a major escort" he indicated the viewscreen.

"Well this is a hot looking ship" Obi-Wan commented. "Maybe they still think we look suspicious."

"Could be" Dooby rubbed his chin. "Long as they don't start blasting I can live with it."

The ship sidled along the docking port bay. Two Tie fighters hovered above them.

The crew prepared to disboard. Gooch looked at Qui-Gon, who was pocketing weapons.

"Okay. Now what's this plan of yours to get us past weapons check?"

"Simple. We walk out. Tell them whatever you want. They'll believe it."

Whizzer whispered at Obi-Wan. "Ha. Yore ol man a magician or something?"

"Or something" Obi-Wan smiled obscurely.

The crew made final adjustments to their uniforms.

"Everybody ready?" Gooch looked them over. They looked like a small band of commandos.

"Hit team ready to go" Ginko stated. He was all buisness now.

In single file, they headed out.

And were met with blasters and disruptor rifles. Two rows of faceless stormtroopers blocked the walk ramp.

"Shid" Gooch hissed between his teeth.

Freako put a hand on his thigh. "Well, if it's a double cross-"

A large, paunchy woman approached then, wearing a dark grey imperial uniform. Clearly someone in charge. Her hair was chopped in a random pattern.

"I command this post" she began. "I am Chief Administrator Brevlin. State your buisness. What have you come to transport?"

Gooch took a dare, stepped forward. "This is my crew aboard the NOMAD. We were on special assignment in this sector to pick up a shipment of Kricka Water Gems."

Her eyebrows raised. "That is classified information. Wait here a minute."

She went over to a wall panel, punching in information.

/She has some force ability, father./

//I noticed. Untrained and vague. It doesn't matter.//

/Can I get in on this conversation?/ Gooch.



/It seems to me that you know a little too much about the force. Are you Jedi?/

"No" Qui-Gon said aloud, briefly. He nodded at the woman. She was heading their way again.

She stood in front of Gooch. "What is your destination? Think carefully before you answer."

Gooch took a moment. What to say?

//Whatever you want. I told you that already.//

The troopers raised their weapons again.

"Stiffnecked puppets" Dink whispered in Dooby's ear.

"Starbase Arcus, of course" Gooch said smoothly. "All major shipments of the Empire are to be received there."

The woman started to say something, then stared and blinked.

"Your response is acceptable. You are to report to the auxiliary detention center."

"Detention center! Is this how your agents are received!!"

"In the Empire, yes" she smiled. The troopers lowered their weapons, forming a military style escort on both sides.

She waved them on. "Go. You will be questioned by the examining officer. Then you may pick up your shipment" she grinned wolfishly. "Or not."

They were marched through the long corridors like prisoners more than common agents. Qui-Gons' eyes glinted unpleasantly.

/Are you alright?/

//This reminds me of an experience I had long ago.//

/Can you tell me?/

//Someday perhaps.//

In silence they walked, footsteps echoing loudly. Various officers and troops regarded them as a curiosity as they went past.

Finally they were led into an enclosed room. Plain white walls, glaring overhead lights. A few chairs in random pattern about the room.

"Inside" a trooper poked Dooby in the back with his blaster. He turned around.

"I oughta make you eat that, fool."

The trooper laughed. His voice rasped through the vocoder. "You and what army, friend. Don't give me a reason."

Muttering, Dooby went inside. The rest of the crew followed in short order. Cavernous durasteel doors clanged shut behind them.

"I always said the Empire was hospitable" Ginko looked about, squinting. "Geez, what's up with all the lighting."

"Must be an interrogation room" Dooby observed. "If I had to stay in here a week, I think I'd crack."

Freako took a seat, staring at Qui-Gon. "You were right. They didn't even check us for weapons or anything!"

"I have no love for the Empire" Qui-Gon said shortly. Obi-Wan observed him with concern.

In such close quarters, little went unnoticed. Gooch watched the exchange in silence. Whizzer placed two chairs alongside each other and sat down.

Obi-Wan sat next to Qui-Gon. He lifted the ridiculous braid up so Qui-Gon wouldn't sit on it.

/Your controls, father. I'm worried about you./

//Huhh. Just a reaction to this place. I'll be fine.//

They waited patiently for someone to arrive.

An hour passed. No response.

"What's going on out there" Ginko wanted to know. "Are we clear or not?"

"Something's going down, I tell ya" Whizzer squinted at the ceiling. "It's taking too long."

Freako jumped up. "Let's blow this sucker, then!"

Dooby rolled his eyes at him. "And do what? You gonna get in a firefight with everyone on a full size base?"

Fuming, Freako flopped back into his chair. "Well we gotta do something."

"What do you suggest?" Gooch asked him. "We wait. If we go aggressive now we might make it to the ship, but we'll never get the gems. All this would have been for nothing!"

Qui-Gon began to pace. The bright, cramped enclosure was getting to him.

"sssss" rolled in his throat softly.

"What was that!" Dink looked around. "Did anyone hear that noise just now?"

/Hold on, resist!/

//Difficult. Too close in here.//

Gooch stared at them both with growing apprehension. Something here is wrong.

"I heard it too, Dink" Whizzer agreed. "Sounded like what I heard on the ship! An animal or-"

"Don't start that again, Whizzer! Dooby snapped. "We never did figure out-"

"Danger!" Obi-Wan shouted, springing to his feet. His braid spun in the air wildly.

They all stared at him.

"Uh...kid?" Ginko began uncertainly.

Obi-Wan ignored him. "Listen to me. They checked out our story, but the investigative officer has no logfile of a ship NOMAD scheduled for a pickup. His name is Colonel Trigard, and he conferred with Brevlin. They think we're spies-"

"How do you know all this?!" Gooch demanded, stepping toward him.

Obi-Wan rushed on, heedless. "-They're sending a welcommittee our way for execution."

Gooch shook him. "Are you crazy! What are you, a witch?"

Obi-Wan stood back, reaching in his thigh pocket. He pulled out a blaster.

"Then stand there and get shot. I'm telling you they're on their way!"

Freako likewise took out his weapon. "He's got powers, Gooch! If they're headed this way, we gotta be ready!"

Qui-Gon moved swiftly to the door. "I hear them. Listen!"

Dooby held his needle beam. "Ain't no victims in here" he stood on the other side of the doors. "I hear them, too. Get ready!"

"I'm always ready for a fight" Whizzer stood suddenly.

"Get your gun out, doofball!" Dink told him.

"Don't need it yet" Whizzer stood dead center in the room. "You'll see."

Multiple footsteps clanged outside in the corridor.

Gooch suppressed his stunned amazement. "Looks like you called it, Obi. Okay, let's give 'em what they want."

The doors were blown open by blaster fire. A tall, lean officer stepped into the room. He wore military insignia.

"I am Colonel Trigard " he said without preamble, grey eyes flashing. "You are spies who will be executed."

"Now wait a minute" Gooch began. "Our clearance checked out. We were allowed on base."

Trigard eyed him. "You met the preliminary examination only. Do you think a base of this magnitude allows transport based on individual statements? There is no data of any ship NOMAD scheduled to be in this sector, much less on Kayyos. Yet you have inside knowledge of the water gems. That is classified information."

"That alone should tell you we're legit."

"It tells me you are spies" two troopers entered through the burned opening.

"I don't know how you gained the new access code. Perhaps I will strip it from your mind" he stared at Gooch intensely.

Gooch felt his throat tighten impossibly. He choked. "C-Can't breathe..."

Freako moved forward. "Sith scum!! Let him go!"

Gooch attempted to project fear into Trigard, but he was nearly unconscious from lack of oxygen.

"Interesting. You are a telepath. Your feeble attempts come too late."

"Perhaps you will find me more entertaining" a deep voice growled.

Trigard momentarily looked away, releasing Gooch. He fell to his knees, gasping.

"I oughta put a blaster in your gut, Sith" he coughed.

Trigard looked down at him, smiling coldly. "Your mind has considerable strength. But something else intrigues me now."

He walked over towards Qui-Gon, staring searchingly.

Qui-Gon stared with barely concealed hatred. Darkness flowed outward in waves.

Trigard staggered back slightly. "What? Do I know you?"

"You should. Not that it would matter."

Trigard touched his face. He was unnerved.

"I will rip the truth from your mind, then!"

Trigard felt another wave of darkness. He turned briefly, seeing Obi-Wan. The green eyes were feral, unblinking.

That young one. What is he?

Trigard sensed the connection. He turned back towards Qui-Gon in an attempt to pull images from his mind.

The crew watched in stunned silence.

"I don't know who you are, but this farce will come to a swift conclusion" he touched Qui-Gons' mind...

And saw flames and darkness. Himself, screaming in agony at the heart of the fire, flesh burning and withering until only charred bones remained, collapsing into dust...

He yanked his hand away, standing back.

"You must die" he contined to back away, then looked about the room. "All of you" his eyes settled on Obi-Wan.

Who flashed him a fanged smile meant only for his eyes.

Still staring, Trigard raised his weapon. "Open fire!!"

Moving with startling speed for his bulk, Whizzer grabbed Trigard and lifted him high into the air, hurling him screaming into the oncoming blaster fire. He was riddled in seconds. The crew exchanged fire in close.

Freako crawled on the floor. "No cover in here, we're sittin' ducks!"

Gooch piled the chairs together. Get the pellets, then! You know what to do."

Freako and Dooby both pulled out acid pellets. They heaved them into the hallway. Blaster fire struck wildly everywhere.

The corridor filled with corrosive smoke. Strong, acrid fumes drove the troopers back.

The crew pulled on their protective visors. "Go!!" Gooch signalled.

They broke into an open run in the corridor. Random shots ricocheted down the halls.

"Press 'em!!" Freako yelled. "We gotta break the other way!"

"This way!!" Ginko bellowed.

Whizzer picked up a stray disruptor rifle and was blasting away. "Go on, I'll cover! Beat it!"

They raced past him, hearing new footsteps as the troopers regrouped.

Klaxxons went off, deafening. A tinny voice boomed through.

Intruder Alert. Seven escaped prisoners, armed and dangerous. Shoot to kill. Prisoners are in heavy military gear, use extreme caution.

"What...a stupid alarm" Dooby gasped as he ran, firing. He shot out a loudspeaker.

They raced headlong down another corridor, bursting into an open ampitheatre.

And a lethal trap.

Squadrons of troopers spun in startled amazement. Several officers barked orders.

The battle was on. Blaster fire rained everywhere. The crew dived anywhere they could for cover, returning fire.

Obi-Wan found Qui-Gon in the chaos. His eyes were glowing now.

"Hssss. I thirst, father. What to do here?"

Qui-Gon felt the pull of the hunger as well. He gave a sharp smile. "More confusion is in order. And concealment" he made a gesture.

Thick, roiling fog came out of nowhere, obscuring everything. Officers continued to shout orders into the gloom. The panicked troopers were firing blindly.

Obi-Wan was panting. He wanted blood and sex. And not necessarily in that order. He grabbed the lions' head, tongue kissing him deeply.

/Wanted to do this...all day./

"Sssss." //Later, later. All we want. Not now.//

Reluctantly, Obi-Wan let him go. His tongue lolled out. "We can feed in this confusion."

"Yes. Go! I will follow" blue eyes glinted infernal red. He slapped the fine ass.

Obi-Wan sprung out into the gloom, fading into the mist. Eerie silence took over.

From their vantage point, Dooby and Ginko were trying to figure out what happened.

"I can't see a dang thing. What happened?" Dooby stared in vain into the greyness.

Ginko crouched next to him. "I don't get it. Did Freako throw a smoke bomb or something?"

Dooby looked about. "Then he put dye into it. I could swear it's getting darker!!"

And it was. The grey was deepening to almost black.

Not too far away Whizzer, Gooch, and Freako had their own questions.

"Creepy" Freako looked up. "Why'd they stop shooting all of a sudden? And where'd this darkness come from?"

Gooch shivered. "It's cold, too. We can't shout out the others, it might draw fire. Maybe they're waitin' for us to make a move."

"I don't like it" Whizzer said. "It ain't natural. Something is causin' this."

Gooch stared at him.

Trooper XX1-QW4 stared into the gloom. He hated battles like this, where you couldn't see the enemy...

There is no enemy. Come.

XX1-QW4 spun. He saw nothing, felt nothing. But something touched his mind.

He fired into the dark. Nothing. I must be losing my mind. Battle fatigue.

Let me kiss you.

Jolting back, XX1-QW4 struck his shoulders against the bulkhead. He couldn't get oriented. Panic weaved through his mind.

Suddenly, the darkness parted. A young man, handsome. Smiling, he stepped forward, arms extended.

"I won' t hurt you. Take off your helmet."

The eyes. He couldn't stop looking at them. Blindly, he fumbled at his helmet, removing it.

Eerie eyes fixed on him. Long fangs gleamed sharply from ruddy lips. "Yes. Closer."

XX1-QW4 moved forward. Strong arms encircled him.

"Forget" the lush lips whispered in his ear, leaning into his neck.

In another patch of the darkness, Qui-Gon hunted as well.

Can you help me? a mind touch reached out towards a stranded officer.

Military training took over. "Back off, scum" he hissed into the dark. "Or I'll end it right here."

Qui-Gon stepped out of the deep. "Please help me" he pleaded. "I haven't had a decent meal in nearly a day."

"N-No" the grizzled officer stood back, frightened. "I'll shoot..."

Qui-Gon reached for him. "Shoot, then. But I still need you."

The man fired. Qui-Gon continued to advance. Trembling, the officer dropped his weapon.

"What...what are you, anyway. I shot" he whispered, staring.

"Ssh. It doesn't matter. Look into my eyes. You are so warm" Qui-Gon embraced him.

Eyes gleaming like fire. Fangs sank into the soft throat. "So full of life..."

Gooch was ready to jump from his skin. "We gotta make a move, that's all there is to it."

"But where and how?" Can't see no further than my hand" Freako complained.

"Maybe we should just fire a shot and see what happens" Whizzer suggested.

"Something will happen all right. They'll know where we are. If we could just-"

He felt a tap on his shoulder. "What!" he snatched a shirt collar in the dark.

"Will you take it easy, Freako?"

"Obi-Wan! How'd you find us in this soup?"

"Stumbling around, mostly. We heard officers talking, and figured the best thing to do was head away from the sound."

"Where's Q" Whizzer asked.

"Not too far off I don't think" Obi-Wan answered. "Thing is, if we shout out it'll draw attention."

"If only this stuff would thin out some" Gooch sighed.

"Across the corridor it's beginning to" Obi-Wan told him. "Of course, it will destroy our cover once it dissipates."

"Great" Whizzer perked up. "We bum rush 'em, then."

Qui-Gon found Ginko and Dooby crouched by storage containers.

"What the...who's there?" Dooby raised his blaster.

"Me, you nut" Qui-Gon told him. "Now put the piece down!"

"You see in the dark, too? What are you, a bat?"

"Funny. I crawled around until I no longer heard Imperial voices. Figured somebody had to be somewhere along this way."

Ginko looked around. "Hey! I can see outlines now."

The darkness was rapidly turning to light grey. Vision was improving by the second.

"Great. We know where they are now" Dink looked about.

"Yeah, but that goes both ways. We can't stay out in the open like this."

"Agreed" Qui-Gon added. "We need to move while they've cleared this corridor."

"Gotta find the others first" Dink stood up.

Qui-Gon sensed something immediately. Off to the left.

"Down!!" he yelled. Too late.

Dink took full blaster fire to the chest.

"NO!!" Ginko yelled. He sprayed fire about the rampways.

Qui-Gon braced Dink gently to the floor. It was bad. Blood was everywhere...

Blood. Qui-Gon felt his darker instincts rise, threatening control.

"How is he!" Ginko shouted as he fired. "Q!"

" critical" Qui-Gon growled, looking away.

Ginko stared down. "Oh ghods...we've got to get to cover."

"That way!" Qui-Gon pointed. "Quickly!"

Hurling their wounded comrade over his shoulders, Qui-Gon raced in the opposite direction. Ginko ran behind them, firing.

The others saw them about a hundred feet away.

"Dink's hit!" Gooch yelled. "Okay, we roll. Everyone ready?"

The grim faces told him all he needed to know.

They bolted into the crossfire, running down the same direction.

"Scum" Obi-Wan hissed at them as they ran. The troopers grabbed their throats, dropping their weapons. Most of them collapsed on the hard flooring.

"What the hell?" Freako glanced at the spectacle in full sprint.

"Let's catch up with the others" Gooch panted. "Dink looks bad."

Mad footsteps raced through. Klaxxons went off again.

Ginko looked around. "Q! This way, looks like an abandoned storage area!"

They bolted into the cavernous space. The rest of the crew caught up.

Whizzer pushed the durasteel doors together. He hit the lock sequence on the panel.

Qui-Gon settled Dink down gently. The men circled around.

"We've got to do something for him" Dooby panicked. "Maybe we can make a deal for medical attention-"

Qui-Gon held his arm. "No. No deals. They wouldn't listen" he traced his hands across the wounded man.

They watched intently. "You can fix that?" Freako was incredulous.

Gooch kneeled low. "Do what you can, Q. Feels like he's dying."

Obi-Wan was concerned, and not just about Dink. There was too much blood. He himself had to stand away. The thirst rose savagely in his throat.

/If you cannot control.../

//I'll have to try. I won't have our friends fear us.//

The wound had to be sealed quickly, or all would be lost. As Qui-Gon's hands passed over Dink, burns faded, bleeding stopped. Flesh sealed and closed, skin renewed itself.

Qui-Gon stood abruptly, standing away. "He'll live, but the blood loss will make him weak. He'll need a nutrient pouch."

Freako whistled. "I see where Obi gets his healing talent. "Awesome."

Gooch nodded absently. "He can have one of mine, once he's strong enough to take it" black eyes burned intently on Qui-Gon. "Thanks, man."

Faint smile. "No charge. Anything for my friends."

Whizzer stood guard at the door. "We bought some time. Don't know how long it'll be before they'll be on our tails again."

Ginko sat on the floor. "We hole up and see if we can find the section that has the gems. Probably down in the lower levels."

Obi-Wan wondered at that. "Why there?"

Ginko jerked a thumb at the walls. "More heavily shielded than even this stuff. Probably where all the armories are too."

Gooch sat down also. "Remember the original plans we reviewed? They were a few months old. Hopefully the gems haven't been moved to another location."

Obi-Wan shook his head. "No, they're here."

Freako eyed him. "Witch. So where's the stash?"

"I don't know exactly. Most of this base seems to be like a maze. One area almost looks like another. It's worse than a Mezzi grid."

" got that right" Dink groaned.


"Hey, man!"

"Well all right!"

They all rushed around him. A groggy Dink stumbled to a sitting position.

"What happened? I was shot, wasn't I? he touched his chest.

"You were, but Q put the mojo on ya" Whizzer said. "You'll be okay with some rest."

Dink shook Qui-Gons' hand. His eyes shone with gratitude. "Q, I don't know how to say it, but..."

Qui-Gon winked at him. "Forget it. Besides, we couldn't continue our adventure without you!"

Dink laughed. "Guess not. What happened while I was out?"

They filled him in. Dink shook his head. "They've got the tactical advantage on us. They'll just wait us out."

"True, but at least we can review the plan and refine it" Gooch sidled along Dink. "Meanwhile, you rest. We've got time."

The crew dozed off a bit. The lighting was dimmed to simulate evening on a day cycle. It was a common practice on Empire bases. Psychologically most beings required some visual evidence of time passage in a restricted environment.

Obi-Wan found his way to Qui-Gons' side. His eyes closed gently. /Guess our concerns about the day cycle on Kayyos were unfounded. It seems to be primarily a mechanized world, much like one of the death stars./

Qui-Gon likewise was at ease. //It would seem so. What's the old saying, much ado about nothing?//

Obi-Wan looked about in the dim light. /I want to run./

Qui-Gon looked over their comrades, making certain they were asleep. //Careful, Obi. We must do nothing to jeapordize their trust in us. I sense they are beginning to fear what they don't understand.//

Obi-Wan smiled slowly, fangs peeking out. /Come, father. Enough speeches. Besides, I know you wish to run as well./

Qui-Gon returned the smile. //Let's go, then. We'll be back soon enough.//

On shadow silent feet they stood, becoming as insubstantial as wisps of smoke. Mist trailed underneath the paneled doors.

They assumed too much. Freako saw their transformation.

"Oh, ghods" he whispered silently, eyes wide.

Two furred forms padded quietly through the dimly lit corridors. Swift of foot and silent as shadow they moved.

Scenting the cool metallic air, bushy tails swinging, they were unheard and unseen.

One wolf was large, with gleaming red fur and blazing green eyes. The other was even larger, with a shimmering deep gold pelt and intense blue eyes.

Noses traced along the walls, durasteel doors. Down along the tiled floors. No one was about. They wandered toward the lower levels.

/Race you!/ the red wolf nipped the haunches of the gold one. The other one returned the favor, gripping the red tail firmly in his teeth.

//Hah. You'll run without this, then!//

They ran madly in circles, chasing their tails. Growling and rolling as they staged a mock fight.

The scene repeated itself several times, the vampyres spending pent up energy.

Suddenly, they stopped. Ears pricked.

/Father, listen. Stormtroopers nearby./

//They must be on the late shift. Come, let's see what we can find out.//

The wolves entered a short corridor which seemed to be a dead end. Around the turn they heard voices.

"Man, I tell you this is a drag. I'm sick of guarding this shipment."

"Yeah. If it's so valuable, why is it still sitting on planet. A lot of fuss over gems."

"Fool. Not just any trinkets. These are Kricka water gems. They're considered classified."

"You're kidding! I wouldn't think you could find any in this sector."

"I hear the Emporer himself ordered this as a private shipment."

The other stormtrooper whistled. "No wonder they've been sitting here, then. The longer they stay the less attention they will attract."

"Right. Safe from pirates and spacers, too."

The wolves ducked around the corner. They headed back.

//How very interesting.//

The wolves paced as they walked along. /Yes. They're holding the gems down here. Ginko was right./

//Stay a bit, Obi. I'm not ready to go back yet.//

Obi-Wan licked the golden head affectionately. /Nor am I. Could rest a little, though./

Qui-Gon nipped a red furred shoulder. //This way.//

They found a tight alcove down another short corridor. They settled in, curling together contentedly. Muzzles touching, they drifted off.

Freako told the others what he had seen.

"Well they clearly aren't here" Ginko looked around. "But how did they get out?"

Freako glared at him. "I told you how they got out! They turned into smoke..."

"I think your brain has turned into smoke!" Dink said.

"Riddle me this then, bright guy. How'd they get out without anyone hearing them? The doors are still locked."

Dink stared, stuttered. "I...I don't know. I can't let myself believe what you're saying, Freako."

"Not and keep our sanity, anyway" Dooby looked around. "Still, there's been too much weird stuff going on ever since we left Urus."

Whizzer. "We know they have powers. But what else don't we know?" the behemoth scratched his armpits. "Worries me."

Freako. "Gooch. You can read people. Think they'd hurt us?"

Gooch looked uncomfortable. "No. But they scare me. There's something about them that isn't right."

"When you say 'right' what do you mean?" Ginko wanted to know.

"Unholy. Unclean. Maybe I'm being too dramatic, I don't know" Gooch wrapped his arms around his knees.

"Considering the lives we've led, isn't that a ridiculous attitude!" Ginko reminded him.

"Don't you think I know that!" Gooch yelled. "I'll probably fry for my sins as it is. Damn, this is crazy."

"But...they've been good friends. They've saved our butts. How can you doubt reality over what you think you know?" Dooby insisted. "Sure, I've got questions. When they come back we'll ask them. All I know is they won't turn their backs on you. You aren't the only one who can perceive people, Gooch!"

Gooch eyed him wearily. "And if they told you the truth. Could you handle it?"

Freako considered. "Q saved Dinks' life today. We can't forget that either."

Gooch rubbed his eyes. "I know."

They sat in worried silence a bit.

"Another thing" Freako said into the quiet. "What are they doing now?"

What they were doing was blowing their cover. The red wolf raised his head quickly, scenting trouble.

/Father, wake up! Trouble./

The golden head lifted as well. He sniffed the air. //Stormtroopers. Force, they're worse than roaches.//

Obi-Wan stood on his haunches. /Unfortuneately the light doesn't scatter them. We must go./


With impossible speed, they raced down the corridors silently.

//Take to the air, Obi.//

Their forms shifted again. The wolves 'dissolved' into pale mist. Mist that curled in vague wisps near the air vents.

They watched as a small squadron of stormtroopers raced through, weapons at the ready.

//The search for us resumes with the dawn, it seems.//

/We have to warn the others./

The mist faded.

Mist roiled outside double doors.

/We'll expose ourselves./

//It was inevitable anyway, Obi. Best to confront the truth.//

/They will judge us!/

//If they are truly our friends they will find a way to accept us. Now come.//

Mist collected inside the storage area, thickening and coalescing into two forms.

Freako gulped, leaping to his feet. "Now do you believe me!"

In stupefied amazement they watched as two forms continued to shape. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stood before them.

In unison, they backed away. Even Whizzer pressed against the wall.

Freako stammered. "Uh...hi, uh."

"Stop!" Obi-Wan pleaded. "All of you. They've resumed the search for us. It's more dangerous than ever going about the ship."

Dooby paled. "Maybe. At least we can see that threat coming."

Qui-Gon shook his head. "Please. We'd never hurt any of you."

Gooch folded his arms. "I can't take anymore of this. What are you, anyway? Both of you!"

"I...can only say that Obi-Wan and myself are one with the force."

"You're Jedi!" Dooby shouted. "Shoulda seen it. No, wait a minute. Jedi don't turn into they?"

Freako eyed him narrowly. "What did Trigard see in you? You had him spooked, and he was a Sith!"

"He saw what I wished him to see" Qui-Gon replied. "An illusion of his destruction in flame."

"Was it just an illusion?" Dink wanted to know. "Or did you show him his fate?" he stood off.

"We aren't Jedi" Qui-Gon told them all. "I swear to you you can trust us with your lives."

"Thing is" Freako thought a moment. "Your powers confuse me. One minute they can help-"

"-and the next, destroy? Very true" Obi-Wan stated. "But you've all been around. Surely you've seen many strange and wondrous things. Why is this so different?"

Ginko finally found his voice. "I don't know. Maybe because in other cases it wasn't personal. But how can we know for sure?"

"By trusting us! Besides, didn't any of you wonder what we were doing while we were away?"

"Well, we did, but-"

"We discovered where the water gems are hidden" Qui-Gon told them.

"What!" Dink was surprised. "Where!"

"Another level down, in the storage areas. Ginko was right."

Ginko sighed. "At least my information wasn't totally out of date. Q and Obi. I don't pretend to know the situation with your powers, and maybe I don't wanna know. But I believe what you say."

Obi-Wan gripped his arms. "Thanks, Ginko. I know this all seems a bit strange-"

"Whizzer don't cheat out on his friends, no matter how weird they are" the behemoth stated. "So I say, so what if ya can turn into smoke? Big deal."

Qui-Gon laughed. "Whizzer, I like your perspective. What about the rest of you?"

Dink. "You saved my life, Q. Nothing can change that. If I had to fear you, I'd be dead by now."

Dooby. "Yeah. What's really changed anyway? We aren't kids."

Obi-Wan went over to Gooch. "You've suspected all along, anyway. What do you say?"

Gooch shrugged. "What the hell. I'm no angel. And I like you. A lot."

"And?" bright green eyes prompted.

"And" Gooch grinned, "you found the gems. Can't argue with that."

"We'll have to move soon" Qui-Gon reminded them. "They're probably searching by level."

"Shh, everybody" Whizzer held a finger to his mouth. "Listen."

Outside the door, they heard marching footsteps.

"We gotta plan a move."

Another klaxxon blared. A loud voice came over the base intercomm.

Intruders still at large. Fire at will upon sight, do not disintergrate. Your Empire would examine the remains of the spies. They have killed three comrades. Use excessive force. Continue search. Out.

"What the hell...who killed three people?" Dooby frowned at the group.

Ginko shrugged. "Trigard bought it when Whizzer tossed him, but who are the other two?"

"Empire hype to up the ante, I'll bet" Freako said. "They always exaggerate to make an enemy, anyway!"

"It'll be a moot point if we can't make a break for it" Gooch rubbed his arms. "Okay. Q and Obi. You know how to find the gems from here?"

Qui-Gon nodded. "There's another thing we need to consider. Our ship might not be in operating condition now. No doubt they've stripped it down."

"Damn, I forgot all about that possibility" Ginko snapped his fingers. "Just assumed they wouldn't want to ruin a hot ship."

"At least we know where the docking bays are. If necessary we can steal one of their ships" Obi-Wan told him.

Whizzer slammed a fist in his palm. "Okay. Bum rush city again."

Obi-Wan went to the door. "Wait" he looked at Qui-Gon. "Father, we need another concealment, I think."

Gooch stared at Qui-Gon. "What does he mean?"

"We'll see them" Qui-Gon answered. "They won't see us."

I want answers, Brevlin.

The chief administrator was in her private office, answering directly to Palpatine. He was not pleased.

She spoke into the telecommunicator. "Force take it, Lord Palpatine. I've told you everything. There is a great darkness here, and it involves the Water Gem shipment."

A pause. Darkness, you say? Explain.

"You know I have some force sensitivity. There have been several unexplained incidents here since the intruders arrived. Some are most nearly supernatural in origin."

Say on! Specifics.

"A strange cloud of darkness emanated from nowhere within the base. It spread rapidly and allowed the intruders to escape. Two of my men were found with their throats torn open. They had been drained completely of blood."

Light years away in his private chambers, Palpatine trembled.

Have they been captured?

"No. They are still at large. However, security is doubled at the gem site. There have been no attempts made there so far."

Any visual identification on the intruders?

"None. They have cleverly avoided being within range. But it's only a matter of time."

That is true, Brevlin. For yourself as well, if those gems are stolen.

She sweated. The implied threat was not to be taken lightly. "The gems will not be stolen, Lord Palpatine. I swear it."

Contact me when you have the remains. Not before.

"As you command."

Interlude. Orious.

Krydd and Palpatine were sharing drinks in their private chambers.

"I rarely see you this jittery, Kretth. Nerves getting to you in old age?"

"Ha! Would that were the only explanation. Look there" Palpatine waved at the visual of Kayyos. "Somewhere on that base there is a mystery. A mystery of darkness that we have tasted before."

"You mean...the skirmish with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan."

"Yes" his eyes closed briefly. "I would scarcely have believed it. I cannot explain it, but I know they are there. Darkness swells and flows from them, whether they know it or not. Such magnitude."

"Beware, Palpatine. They are not subject to our whims. I know your plans, but caution is best served. Let not the captors be the captivated."

"You think I got to this point of power by being a fool? Even the mighty can be brought down by random factors. Perhaps such factors will prevent them from obtaining my gems."

Krydd sipped his wine. "You still hold out hope, then."

Palpatine watched the viewscreen. "Always. How could I not? They call to me. To us. Whether or not they consciously admit it to themselves."

Krydd closed his eyes, soaking in the power across the force. It washed over him in a wave, deep and sensuous. He shook in delight. "Indeed."

"Go out in a train" Qui-Gon instructed them. "Fire at whatever moves around you. Leave the rest to Obi-Wan and myself."

Obi-Wan still sensed fear in their friends. "We'll guard the rear. I sense the Imps have added security around the gems. It'll have to be hit and run."

Dooby pulled out his needle beamer and blaster. "Okay by me. Got no love for the Imps, anyway."

"Yeah" Whizzer still had his disruptor rifle. "Gonna pop them suckers to la-la land."

Freako, Dink, and Ginko headed for the door.

"We'll head up the line" Freako said. "Then..."


They held their ears. "What's that!!" Gooch complained, holding his head. "Damn near deafened us!!"

"It's an all out alert" Whizzer looked up at the speakers.

"We're out of time" Qui-Gon told Gooch. He nodded.

"Get back from the door!!" Gooch fired, blowing it open.

The crew charged out, firing away.

A small squad of startled troopers momentarily backed off. The crew cut into them before they could recover. Whizzer scored a direct hit. The others scattered, firing as they ran.

Obi-Wan bounded out into the hallway with inhuman speed. "Follow!" he snarled.

Mouth agape, Gooch raced after him. Out the corner of his eye he saw the others firing all about. Stormtroopers were popping up everywhere, shooting back.

"PATHETIC!!" Freako shouted over the firefight. "These fools can't hit the broad side of a banthas' ass!!"

"Yeah, it's sad ain't it, Freako!" Dooby yelled, hurling an acid pellet. "Long as it ain't me!"

More klaxxons blared insanely.

Intruders sighted. Protect levels 29-A thru F. Prevent access to lower level 30.

Gooch watched Obi-Wan race ahead. None of the bolts came within a country mile of hitting him, though he ran through the crossfire.

Whatever they are, I'm glad they're on our side.

Dink looked to the rear as he fired. Another thick cloud of opaque blackness rolled behind them.

It's Q. He said they'd have our back.

The fighting got more intense as they hit the lower levels. Visibility was poor from blaster fire smoke. Obi-Wan hit every target he fired at.

"How much further?!" Gooch bellowed, squinting in the haze.

"Almost there!" Obi-Wan shouted back. "Down this short turn!"

"Hurry...up" Whizzer panted. "All this damn feet are killing me!"

They bolted at full speed toward a matrix door. Troopers armed with heavy disruptors were there, raising their weapons with deadly aim.

Dooby saw them with apprehension. This is it, they'll blow us away.

To their stupefied shock, Obi-Wan charged head on into them. They fired point blank. Gooch couldn't see from the intensity of the fire anymore, he shot blind.

We'll either make it...or we'll be pasted all over the walls...

When the smoke cleared, the doors were wide open. Troopers lay scattered about the deck in deadly silence, their weapons everywhere on the tiled floor.

Qui-Gon ran up behind them. "Go! The gems are inside."

Gooch whirled. "What the hell happened, Q?"

Freako stepped over the troopers. He leaned against the wall, catching his breath. "Man. What a show. But we made it."

"We should get inside, though" Dink looked around. "This won't last. They'll be on us like a bad habit."

"Yeah" Ginko agreed, picking up a disruptor. "Hey, Obi! Watcha doing in there?"

Obi-Wan walked out, smiling. "Looking at pretty stones."

Freako went past him. "Woo. Lookit this."

Dooby stared at Obi-Wan. "What are you wearing, kid, teflon? They shot at you point blank. I saw it!"

Obi-Wan winked. "Trick. I wasn't where they thought I was."

Gooch didn't comment on it. "Let's see the fruits of our labor, gents-"

A loud, booming clang rolled down the corridor. Emergency hatch doors closed.

"Damn!! They shut us in-" Whizzer swore.

"Not unexpected though, Whizzer" Ginko stared at the barricade. "C'mon, let's check out the goods."

Intruders contained in lower level 30, section R. Send reinforcements. Code Red. the speakers boomed again.

"Gentlemen" Qui-Gon reminded them.

Nodding in agreement, they rushed inside. Obi-Wan had opened one of the containers. Water gems sparkled inside.

The men were like kids in a candy store. Laughing, they ran their hands through small piles of gems.

Whizzer found a particularly large one, about five inches around. The multi faces glistened brilliantly in the light.

"I could retire with this baby alone."

Qui-Gon rolled one over in his palm. "Amazing. So much beauty. And power."

"AND" Freako pointed skyward, "worth a helluva lot on the black market!"

Dink smiled. "This is the motherlode, dudes. Woo, we is rich..."

Sections R, Q, T, and S are secure. Proceed, Falcon Squadrons.

Dink looked up at another speaker. "Or dead."

"We still don't know about the ship" Dooby was pocketing gems.

Ginko shook his head. "We'll just have to risk getting to it. Whatever is ready to go we take if our rig is stripped down."

"Take everything you can carry" Gooch told them.

"Greed is good!!" A jubilant Ginko shouted, piling in gems.

"Ssssss" Qui-Gon hissed in undertone, looking down the hall. "Our time is short."

Obi-Wan was likewise distant. "Time to put an end to this."

The group quieted, growing somber.

"What do you mean by that" Gooch was clearly apprehensive. He didn't like the tone.

"Listen to me everyone" Qui-Gon was grim. "Obi-Wan and I know you still have reservations about our powers. Let us use them to protect you. Those squadrons are headed this way, and they have no intention of seeing us out alive."

"That much we know" Freako said cautiously. "Someone high up wants these gems, don't they? It would explain all the hardware."

"Geez" Dooby whispered. "What have we stepped into? This could be even bigger than we suspected."

"None of you will be harmed" Obi-Wan said fiercely. "And I don't care who wants these gems! They're ours now. Trust us to handle this."

Qui-Gon continued to stare at the hallway. "You must trust us without question. Fear nothing you see or hear. Head for the ship and don't turn back no matter what. Can you do this?"

The crew exchanged looks. There was a momentary silence.

"Q" Ginko said slowly. "I got no problem acing Imps. But...mass killing? I don't know..."

"Would you rather trade your life for theirs?!"

Dark eyes flashed. "Hell no!! I'd just as soon see that scum fry."

"What about the rest of you? Are you willing to die in their place?"

"You gotta be kiddin' Dooby snarled. "Do what you gotta do."

Gooch reloaded. "Yeah. We know the real deal when we see it. Even if you won't tell us the truth about yourselves."

"Crack 'em like a nut" Whizzer said. Freako nodded in assent.

Dink looked at the two vampyres. "Far as I'm concerned, it's your show."

"Take our weapons" Qui-Gon handed over his blaster and needle beam. Obi-Wan did the same.

Freako gawked. " won't be able to defend yourselves..."

"We will" Qui-Gon smiled. "Those will only slow us down, and you'll need them. I sense our friends in white are nearly here."

"Okay everyone" Gooch motioned for them to the edges of the room. "Curtain call. Go or blow."

The two vampyres tensed. Blood high, they wanted to fight. They went into the hallway near the blast doors.

Obi-Wan turned to their friends who stood back near the storage area. "Remember, fear nothing." he emphasized again.

Gooch swallowed, nervous about the unknown. He held his blaster at the ready. "We know."

Everyone readied themselves. A thunderous herd of footsteps headed for the blast doors...

Heavy disruptor fire blew them open. An avalanche of stormtroopers barrelled through the opening. Their advantage lasted two seconds. With inhuman roars, the vampyres bounded twenty feet into the air, transforming as they landed amidst disruptor fire. Snarling at the stupefied troopers, two huge wolves went on the assault. Stumbling back, they fired in terror.

Gooch thought he was going to pass out.

The scene stunned the others, as well. Freako gasped in awe. "What..."

Disruptor and blaster fire rained on the wolves, to no avail. They pounced at random, powerful jaws cracking through armor, ripping off arms and legs. The air grew dark.

Gooch shook himself out of his stupor. "O-Okay, everybody. You heard what they said. Run!!"

The men bolted out, slackjawed in wonder. They were nearly an afterthought. The wolves commanded the entire attention of the squadron, rapidly being reduced to a state of panic.

The crew peppered in a few shots themselves as they slipped past the battle.

"Get to the bays!!" Gooch yelled over the din.

A bolt whizzed past his head. He dived to the floor. The trooper took aim...

...and collapsed, a hole in his chest. Dooby had nailed him with the needle beam.

"Good save, Doob!"

"We gotta get the frick outta here!"

The others caught up.

"Let's go, man!" Freako yelled. "I'll give 'em a parting gift."

He turned, hurling three acid pellets. The pursuing stormtroopers disappeared in acrid smoke.

Thick gloom was all about. The air continued to darken and grow more opaque. They bolted into a dead run, using wall panel lights as guides. It was nearly impossible to see more than ten feet. Blood curdling screams echoed over laser fire.

It was an eerie realm of unreality, total chaos of noise and battle. They made it to the bay lift.


Their blood went cold at the sound. They approached the docking bay. The ship appeared intact.

"There's our rig!!" Whizzer shouted through the murky air. "They didn't strip it!"

"STOP!!" Gooch yelled, throwing out his arm. "Get behind those canisters!"

They dived for cover just in time. More laser fire rained at them.

Dink leaned against a huge container. "Gooch" he panted. "Did...did you hear that terrible noise back there! It sounded like..."

Ginko covered his eyes in exhaustion. "I don't wanna think about it. Seen enough to last me a lifetime."

Gooch was somber. "This is out of my range. I don't know what we're dealing with. But I'll trust their word. They said not to fear anything."

Freako pulled out a cut cord. "We got this far. We can see the ship, but can't get to it."

Whizzer peered over their cover. "Damn. We gotta get through another firefight?"

Dooby shivered. "If we get outta this in one piece I swear I just may go straight-"


Gooch felt the hairs on his neck stiffen.

"Gawd, that noise" Dooby whispered. "Sounds like the devil..."

They looked about. The darkness was lifting rapidly. In clear view the ship sat in the bay, surrounded by more troopers.

"Do we wait?" Ginko asked nervously. "We can't rush that many-"


In shock, they spun at the noise. Swift and lethal, two furred forms approached the scene.

One red, one deep gold. Ears flat, muzzles red and dripping, fangs long and white. Their work wasn't done.

The troopers were in a word, freaked. They raised their weapons and fired.

Tails bushed and stiff, the two wolves raced up the rampway and attacked. The lasers were as ineffective as before.

The crew found themselves a little rubbery at the sight.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing" Whizzer gasped. "Are those wolves...??"

"It's them" Ginko said in disbelief.

The crew watched the spectacle numbly. Screams, cracking armor. Blood everywhere on the ramp as the wolves savagely ripped limbs and throats.

Gooch wasn't sure his legs would hold him up. "Let's go, this is our opportunity" his voice was low.

The remaining troopers abandoned their posts in open panic. The red wolf snapped at their legs, chasing them off. The gold wolf bit into disruptor rifles, jaws breaking them like eggs. A black armored figure approached them, hurling a metal object at the bay.

Goochs' eyes widened in amazement. "It's a subnuclear bomb! They're willing to destroy the whole bay..."

They were prepared to meet their fate when...

Fate took the form of Qui-Gon. Breaking off from his attack, he leapt into the air, catching the bomb in his jaws. It imploded, smoking in the strong teeth. With disdain, he spat the smouldering metal out.

Obi-Wan was still chasing the remaining stormtroopers. They had tossed down their spent weapons and were running for their lives. Potent jaws continued to crack at their heels.

The crew took a pace to count to ten. Gooch found his voice. "Should be safe now. Go!!!"

They bolted into the open, the need for action overruling shock. Their weapons were raised, but there was no need. No one was left to oppose them. Disembodied limbs and dead stormtroopers lay about, seeping in pools of blood.

Racing past the carnage, they bolted into the ship.

They sat down as a group, pale and shaking. Freako jumped up suddenly.

"Think I'm gonna be sick..."

He raced from the lounge area. Dink grabbed Doobys' arm. "You gotta check the fuel, make sure we can take off."

Doobys' voice was shaky. "Yeah, sure. C'mon, Ginko."

Ginko was slumped, staring into space. "Okay."

They turned at a noise. Footsteps rapidly approaching up the entrance ramp.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon burst into view, flushed and exhilarated.

"Is everyone safe?" Qui-Gon asked, looking them over.

Ginko looked at him, pale. "Is"

Gooch looked them over. They enjoyed it.

Dink leaned back, exhausted. "I'm glad you warned us."

Qui-Gon squeezed his shoulder. "Remember. No fear."

Freako stumbled back in. "Don't we have to hurry or something?"

"No" Obi-Wan answered. "Their weapons have been rendered harmless. This installation is in disarray-"

Blaster fire again.

Ginko looked at Obi-Wan. "I thought you said..."

The young vampyre shrugged. "Must be a stray. Let's look."

The group went over to the visi-panel. A lone figure stood amidst the carnage, firing desperately at the hull of the ship.

It was Brevlin. Eyes reddened, face stained with tears she fired insanely at the ship.

"Let me" Freako moved toward the ramp.

"No" Qui-Gon stopped him. "Leave her, Freako. I suspect she'll have a far worse fate to deal with. There's been enough killing today."

"I'll say" Dink agreed wearily.

"I regret we had to be so harsh in our method, but there was no choice" Qui-Gon told them all. "Our main concern was your safety. We hope you'll still be our friends-"

Gooch held out a hand. "Enough, Q. We've been over this. I won't pretend that something in you doesn't scare me. But I've dealt with enough psychotics to not come apart about it."

Qui-Gon sighed. "All we can ask for is your honesty."

Whizzer. "I stand by what I said, Q. I don't walk on friends, even if they are weird or freaks."

"Thanks a lot Whizzer" Obi-Wan looked pained.

Freako. "If you tell me the truth, I'll be more at peace with what I saw."

"What do you wish to know?" Qui-Gon asked him evenly. "We owe you that much."

"When we met. Were you the reason for the curfew at Mooris?"

"Freako!!" Dooby admonished him.

"No, I need to know. It's been crawin' at me. Well?"

"You trusted us" Obi-Wan told him gently. "Now we must trust you. Yes, we were the reason. VanHelzing was hunting us."

Ginko scratched his arm, standing. "I'll check us for take off. I've had enough truth for one day."

Freako laughed out loud. "Ghods! I was right from the beginning and doubted my own mind!"

"So get a gold star" Dink groused. "Let's blow this lousy burg!"

"You got it" Ginko said, nodding at Dooby. "C'mon, you reprobate. Get movin'."

He paused. "Q and Obi. I don't hold it against you...if that's what you are. Guess you can't help it."

Green eyes were bright. "Sometimes we can, Ginko. Sometimes we can't. But we know true friends when we see them."

Quick smile. The two headed to the pilot station.

"I really need to come down from all this" Gooch sighed.

Obi-Wan sat next to him. "Do that once we're in space."

Gooch ruffled the spiky hair.

They all looked up as the engines lifted. The ship shuddered.

"We're underway" Whizzer leaned back in satisfaction.

Orbital velocity was somewhat uneventful.

"I don't get it" Ginko stared at the viewscreen. "It's like they don't even know or care that we're leaving."

"Yeah" Dooby added from the copilot seat. The interplanetary tracking web isn't even up..."

Gooch cocked an eyebrow. He looked over at the two vampyres.

"Gee, I wonder how that happened, hmm?"

They shrugged, looking innocent. Gooch snickered.

Whizzer gulped a beer. "Man, it must be a mess down there now. Systems out, troops decimated...they can't even flag for help from the Empire."

"And add to the fact" Dink munched a sandwich, "Whoevers' gems we stole ain't gonna be happy about it. I almost pity that fat pig of an administrator."

"She ain't that small!!" Dooby chucked.

The group howled with laughter.

As Gooch said, they needed to 'come down' from their adventure. Hours later the ship was dimmed and quiet, everyone retreating to their bunk rooms.

The two lovers cuddled under the sheets, grateful for the time alone. Qui-Gon attempted to devour Obi-Wans' tongue whole.

"Ulggph" /I thought you wanted to cool it until we were home./

Qui-Gon panted in his ear. "I may have lied. You are too lush to resist."

Obi-Wan stroked the goatee. "No, it may be wise. Our lovemaking might frighten them."

Qui-Gon growled. "Let us kiss, then. It will be quieter."

A vampyres' kiss. Obi-Wan turned his head aside. Qui-Gon sank into the soft throat, suckling gently.

Obi-Wan gasped, squirming. Eyes rolled back. When Qui-Gon released him he lunged forward, returning the love bite deeply.

Qui-Gon moaned, arching back. "Aahh yesssss..."

Obi-Wan continued to drink as their slicked bodies hardened and writhed in abandon. Seconds later they were bucking and spewing thick wetness, blacking out as flame danced behind their eyes. Shivering in the aftermath, they clung tightly.

"Oh" Qui-Gon moaned softly, licking the silky neck. "Ghods, Obi..."

Strong hands cupped the muscled buttocks, teasing the crevice. Ruddy lips brushed along the strong jaw.

"Yes, yes, my Qui-Gon" hands scrabbling mindlessly in the overlong mane, tousling it further.

Overcome by the sharing, they spoke no more. Fading in and out of consciousness. Dim lighting cast a sheen over moist skin and strong curves.

Drugged with pleasure, they slept.


Dooby, Ginko and Dink sat on the floor in the lounge, pouring sparkling gems over their heads.

"We is rich, we is rich!" Dooby whooped.

"The correct and proper pronunciation is that we are rich" Ginko mocked in an affected drawl.

Whizzer leaned back on the couch. He was admiring his overly large gem. "High quality, too. How many credits ya think I could get for this one?"

"Hmm" Dooby squinted. "Twenty thousand on the black market. Forty if you could find a private collector."

"Pocket change" Gooch said, entering the room. "We're in da money..."

Freako held his ears. "Shut up, you can't sing. Geez."

"I see your wealth has improved your mood. That and a good nights' sleep" a deep voice commented.

They turned. Qui-Gon grinned at them in the hallway.

"Well if it ain't our resident wolf man!" Freako teased. "Where's Obi?"

"Getting dressed. Lose your gems already?"

"Nah. You gonna lose your mind again?"

Qui-Gon laughed.

"Hey, Q" Whizzer snickered, "why dontcha do some tricks. You know, change into something."

"Are you all crazy? What's the matter with you?"

"Well, we've been thinking" Ginko told him amidst a pile of gems, "that you and Obi could go into entertaining."

"Say what?" Obi-Wan entered the fray.

"Hiya, Obi" Dink waved. "Want a Boorq steak or a bone, maybe?" he fell over, giggling.

"That's funny as hell" Gooch cracked up, holding his sides.

Obi-Wan shrugged, looking at Qui-Gon. "What's with them?"

"Stepped into some stupid. It must have took" Qui-Gon replied.

"Don't feel bad, dudes" Freako joined in. "We promise to walk you later!"

"They'll need collars, though" Whizzer piled on. "Don't wanna do nothing illegal, or violate the leash laws."

Qui-Gon smiled faintly, sitting at the table. "You clowns are in rare form today."

"Suits me" Obi-Wan added, smacking his lips. "Maybe I ought to take a chunk out of someones' fat butt for lunch."

"Hey!!" Dooby shouted. "Ease up!"

"Knock it off, then!"

"Now that the comedy hour is over" Qui-Gon looked them over, "can any of you yahoos tell me when is planetfall back on Urus?"

"About eight hours, Q" Ginko told him. "We're set on autopilot. Subspace has been pretty quiet."

"Meanwhile we can chill and think about our lifetime wealth" Dink poured more gems over his head.

Qui-Gon watched them, amused. "I see."

They approached Urus.

"Just one thing. How do you return a stolen ship?" Freako wondered. "Those jaspers are gonna be waiting again aren't they?"

"They're long gone, Freako" Ginko told him. "Think. Whoever paid them to sell this ship no doubt had them iced for failure. Either that or they're on the run now."

"You got a point" Gooch commented. "Man, it'll be good to get home again. This trip has been a little more than we bargained for."

"Maybe" Obi-Wan replied, "but at least you got what you wanted. Don't forget that."

Gooch glanced at him. There was a reprimand in the tone.

"So, what now?" Dooby watched the viewscreen of Urus. "We just pull onto one of those old helipads and walk off like nothin' happened?"

"Why not?" Dink asked. "Hell, nobody down by the water asks questions anyway, you know that. Not if ya wanna stay healthy."

"The last few days got your mind rattled, dummy" Whizzer snorted. "This ain't no empire world. We can move freely, an' it's dark most of the time. Who's gonna mess with anyone comin' back in a hot ship?"

"We'll find out soon" Ginko pushed the controls. "We're going in."

They decelerated under orbital velocity. Dooby put in the coordinates for their original port.

"Here we go. Everybody strap it up."

The group took their seats, belting themselves in. The ship shuddered as it drifted into the lower atmosphere. They were nearly there now.

The cover of night was a boon.

"Ginko, maybe we should dim the landing lights" Dooby told him. "Just in case."

"Hell, no. I don't want any blind fools runnin' into us saying they had no visuals. Half these backwaters can't fly a kite, much less a ship."

They hovered over the waterways, seeking a clear helipad.

"Lot of traffic" Gooch noted. "Seems like everyone's got a run going tonight."

Qui-Gon looked at the chronometer. "No wonder. It's the weekend."

"Wait, there's a free one down the shore a ways" Freako indicated the viewscreen.

"Got it. It's ours" Ginko quipped.

Engines were on low now, as they gently floated toward the unoccupied helipad. It was nearly at the end of the shoreline.

Dooby shut the engines off. "Honey, we're hoooome!"

"I think we'd better keep our blasters ready" Gooch told everybody, "just in case."

"Yeah" Freako nodded. "Hate to go through all that just to get jumped by a bunch of geeks lookin' for a meal."

"Let's go" Obi-Wan was eager to get home.

They headed down the walk ramp into the night.

"I'm gonna miss that pretty baby" Ginko waved at the ship.

"Man, somebody's gonna be shocked at findin' this ship here. Long as it ain't connected to us, though" Dink added.

They walked through the dimly lit streets, warily watching front and back.

The vampyres caught a scent.

Gooch looked at them. "What is it!"

Qui-Gon tilted his head in the breeze. "Someone follows us. Over in that alley."

The crew turned, peering in the dark.

"I don't see nuthin'" Whizzer began.

A blaster shot struck the brick wall not fifty feet away from them. They scattered, hitting the ground.

"Not this shid again!!" Freako yelled.

Dooby pulled out his blaster. "Damn. We all but walk out on an empire planet, and now some fool is takin' potshots!"

"Ain't no potshots, suckers. On your feet."

In surprise, they turned at the gruff voice. They were surrounded by goons in nondescript work clothes.

Heavily armed goons.

They stood slowly, looking over their adversaries. A thickly muscled man with a handlebar moustache stepped under a streetlight, into view.

"What were you doin' with that ship? It's ours!"

"What the hell are you talking about" Gooch demanded. "We never saw you before now. And it was another crew that wanted to take the ship from us."

"We know all about them. Met up with an unfortuneate accident. Terrible explosion, I hear" he smiled, showing rotted teeth.

"Look, man" Ginko stepped forward. "How do we know you ain't lying?"

The man waved at the group behind him. They encircled the crew. "That's your problem. Drop your weapons or get fried."

Blasters clattered on cold concrete.

"Much better. Here's what I think. It occurs to me you wouldn't have returned to this destination without having scored a hit. So what was it? Cut us in on the deal and we may let you live."

The vampyres eyes began to gleam. They smelled a good fight.

"We just gave it a test run" Dooby lied. "Our contractor wanted to know-"

A goon pointed a laser rifle at his face.

"No bull, I'm warning you fools. You didn't risk coming all this way back empty handed! Now where's the stash!"


"What the hell are you supposed to be, freak?" the burly man went over to Qui-Gon. "What, you psycho? "

Qui-Gon smiled widely, fangs bared for all to see. "Yesssss!"


The mans' eyes snapped to Obi-Wan. He backed away.

"Shid! Another one! Kill these weirdos."

We're dead meat. Gooch thought. All this for nothing.

Suddenly, one of the goons fired. At his own comrade.

"What the hell!" Freako screeched. "He hit his own man."

The others pointed their weapons at each other, eyes lit with insanity. They opened fire.

"Let's get out of here!!" Ginko yelled.

The crew bolted. The vampyres did not.

Dooby yelled back at them. "Dammit Obi, Q, what are you doin'?!" Get to cover!!"

They dived behind a refuse bin.

"What....are they doing?" Whizzer whispered fearfully.

"Look" Ginko stammered. "If you really want to know."

In awe and fear they witnessed another scene to rival the others.

The vampyres stood in the crossfire, screeching with delight as the men gunned each other down mercilessly, unknowing of their own actions. Moments later, it was over. More bleeding death. The crew cowered behind the bin. Their blood turned to water.

"I ain't never seen anything like that" Whizzer was subdued.

The others were pale, as well. Words left them.

Except for Gooch. Cold rage powered him past the fear. He stormed out from behind the bin to confront the vampyres. Infernal eyes glowed at him in the darkness.

"I don't give a damn what you are!! Is it ever enough? How much blood do you need! You kill and kill-"

Qui-Gon curled a lip at him coldly. "Look, then" he pointed at the dead men. "Would you prefer this?"

The faces shifted, changed. Changed into their own.

In horror, Gooch looked at the vision. He slumped, defeated.

"Let's get out of here" he said wearily.

The crew staggered out from their place of concealment.

"Remind me never to get you angry, Q" even Freako was looking bleary.

Qui-Gon approached them. They slowed as he came near.

"I tell you again you have no need to fear us. For friends, we do whatever is necessary."

"And enemies, it seems" Ginko stared at the men.

"We won't allow anyone to harm you, either" Obi-Wan added. "Remember that above everything else. Would you like to go home now?"

Dooby looked about at their surroundings. "Are you kidding? This ain't the healthiest place to be hanging around in the dark."

Obi-Wan smiled. "Well, then-"

"-Why stay in the dark?"

The crew whirled, staring in amazement. They stood in the vampyres' living room.

Freako spluttered. "I, ah, what?!"

Dooby's eyes bulged. "How'd...we get at your crib!"

Dink leaned into Gooch. "I swear I ain't touched the stuff in a week."

Whizzer pulled at his beard. "Dang. Is there anything you can't do?"

"I don't know" Obi-Wan answered honestly. "I haven't tried everything."

"Coming from anyone but you I'd call that a ridiculous answer" Dink told him.

"Let's have a small celebration" Qui-Gon told them. "Gooch is right. Enough death and killing. We've had a successful run, and we are very wealthy."

"That's right" Freako agreed. "We came out of this with our skins, so I say it's a success."

Ginko shrugged. "Can't argue with that. Besides, the less Imps there are in the universe, the better. They've caused more pain than they're worth."

"Yeah, a leg for an arm" Whizzer said.

"Doofy gump" Dooby looked up. "That's an eye for an eye."

"No" Gooch stared at the vampyres. "Whizzer is right. Especially after what we've seen."

"Can we start celebratin' now? Enough already, Gooch. Let it go" Dink told him.

Gooch sighed. "But...can you? I mean, you can just let it go like that?" he looked at Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon stared at him intensely a moment. "I begin to understand something else, now. And to answer your question, yes. You are safe. That's all that matters to us."

"Oh" was all Gooch could say. He couldn't take his eyes off Qui-Gon.

"Well boys, you know the routine. We got eats, we got movies, we got music..." Obi-Wan told them.

"Sounds good to me" Dink turned the stereo on.

"Don't forget cards!" Dooby said. "I gotta see if I can win someone else's gems!"

"In your dreams" Ginko told him. "Get to the table and cut, sucker."

"I'm headed for the kitchen" Whizzer said.

The vampyres were pleased to see their friends return to normalcy.

Freako stretched out on the couch. "Mellow music, man. What is it...Galaxia at the Diamond?"

Obi-Wan sat next to him. "You've got a good ear for music, Freako."

They relaxed over the next several hours playing cards, watching movies, eating, exchanging wild stories.

Eventually the crew wore out. They sprawled across stuffed chairs, the sofa, the rug on the floor.

"Man, you sure know how to entertain" Dooby sighed, drowsy from food and liquor. The music was soothing.

"Yeah" Whizzer said. "Think I'll nod off a lil' if ya don't mind..."

"You're welcome to anything here" Obi-Wan told him. "Stay as long as you wish."

"Sounds good" the bald head hit the floor with a thump. He was out. One by one, they all slipped under. Gooch tried in vain to stay awake. Something needed to be said.

A gentle touch warmed his mind. //All in good time, Stephod.//

Gooch eyed them drowsily. He felt as if he were dreaming. / do you know my name?/

They smiled at him. Green eyes drove into his consciousness. /Your heart speaks loudly, and we hear. Rest now./

Despite his best efforts, Gooch found his eyelids closing shut.

/Stephod. Come./

Blearily, Gooch opened his eyes. He looked about. The crew was still asleep, now covered in warm blankets. The lights were dimmed.

"Must be dreaming" he muttered to himself.

//It is no dream. Come.//

He jolted up on the sofa, staring into the darkness. His breath caught.

Obi-Wan stood at the base of the stairs, wearing a robe. The bright eyes glowed unnaturally in the dark, skin nearly luminous as if lit from within. The full lips, ruddy and plump, smiled. Long fangs exposed, perfect and white.

A motion to him. "Come."

Gooch felt his heart race. "Ghods, it's not a dream. It's really you..."

Obi-Wan extended a hand. Dazed, Gooch found himself rising, walking towards the stairs.

The eyes burned into him. Obi-Wan pulled him up the stairs slowly.

"I'm afraid" Gooch whispered.

Obi-Wan smiled again, stroked his face. "I know."

The slow dancewalk took an eternity.

/You are handsome, Stephod. Do you know this?/

"I...don't know what you want of me."

Obi-Wan turned away, pulling him towards the bedroom. "To give you your hearts' wish."

"NO. I don't go that way..."

Secretive smile. "No, Stephod? Your heart holds many secrets."

Gooch felt his heart nearly hammer out of his chest. He didn't know what to expect...

and nearly fell to his knees once they entered the bedroom. Qui-Gon was sprawled on the bed, magnificently nude. The powerful body radiated strength and musk. Impossibly long hair glimmered in the dark, framing the regal face and fanning across the bed in a blanket.

"We are glad you joined us this night" the deep voice was velvet, resonating in his body.

Gooch tried to pull away, but found himself staring instead. Qui-Gon looked like some infernal god. He had to get out of here.

"I don't know all that you're into, but count me out" his voice was weak.

"The truth, Stephod. We told you our truth. Now tell us yours."

"I like you, okay? That what you wanted to hear!" Gooch backed up.

"We felt your attraction from the beginning. Had you planned to act on it?"

He stammered. "Act on...what, you mean?"

Obi-Wan took his hands. "We felt your growing feelings for us. No wonder you took our transformations so hard."

Throat dry. "I told you, I'm not into males..."

The handsome face regarded him. "Lies. You've had lovers" Obi-Wan took his wrist, pressing hot lips against it.

"What are you doing??" Gooch eyed him in horror. Too late.

He cried out as sharp teeth pierced through, sucking hungrily.

"No, please..." he moaned. He tried to push away, but strength failed him.

Gooch felt strangely lightheaded and giddy as Obi-Wan drank. In morbid fascination he watched the sensual lips pull his life line. Lights danced in his eyes as his mind blanked.


Obi-Wan released his wrist, pulling his head back. The high cheeks were flushed with desire.

"I will kiss you now, Stephon."

Gooch felt his mind fog. "Yes" he whispered. "Please."

The spiky head plunged in. Stabbing pain, radiating to pure heat that raced through his body, tightening his groin. Pleasure burst in every nerve, threatening to explode through his skin. His body shook uncontrollably. It was better than any sex he had ever had.

"Ghods" he whispered, eyes rolling back. He was nearly out, pinpricks of light blotting his vision.

Reluctantly Obi-Wan withdrew.

"That is how the sharing is for us" the vampyre told him. "It is but one way we make love."

"You mean...there's more??" Gooch staggered against him. He didn't care anymore. Anything to feel like that again.

"Obi, please" he leaned his head back again, pulling away his collar.

Obi-Wan stroked his throat. "No, Stephon, I can't take anymore from you without doing harm. Lie here a bit with my father."

Devil god Gooch thought muddily. Obi-Wan guided him down into muscled arms. Arms that held him crushingly tight.

Gooch could have stayed like that forever. Bottomless ocean eyes bored into him. Into his secrets. He loved them, their power. Strong musk assaulted his senses. Reaching up, he ran his hands through the silky curtain of hair.

Qui-Gon kissed his forehead. "We will force nothing on you, Stephon. It is your choice if and when you want to be with us. But you are always welcome."

"I think about it. This is too weird" his tongue stuck to his head.

"Did you think we were only about killing and destruction? That is but one aspect of our being."

"I begin to're right" Gooch managed. The fine mouth was too close.

The curtain of hair rained down around him as Qui-Gon spoke further. Muscled pecs flexed, glistening nipples strained and needy. He wanted to squeeze them and taste their flavor.

"Your decision, as I said. But should you change your mind do but think of this moment. We will be there" and with that, he kissed him. Long and deep.

Gooch all but blacked out from lack of oxygen. Bits of color dotted his vision as heat flared in his groin. He pulled back finally, shivering.

"Man, is it all like that with you two?" black eyes sparkled as his voice shook.

The lions' head nuzzled. "Yes. Many are the pleasures we would share with you."

"Everything?" Gooch looked over at Obi-Wan dreamily. The younger vampyre stood off a bit, patiently waiting.

"Everything that would not harm you, Stephan. Whatever you could tolerate or endure" green eyes gleamed again. "You would be our special friend."

"Didn't even...take my clothes off, and I've never been this hot" Gooch breathed. "It must drive you crazy."

"It does" Qui-Gon admitted. "All the time."

Gooch felt an impressive cock press against his crotch. He gasped at the contact as thick thighs wrapped him in a tight grip. Monster. "Damn. I know it would be good" he panted.

Qui-Gon licked his neck wetly. "You'd never want anyone else, I promise you."

Breathing ragged, Gooch slowly disentangled. "I'll still have to think about it" he sighed wistfully.

Qui-Gon let him up. "There's time. Go downstairs now."

He looked at them. They clearly wanted to be alone.

"Isn't this perverse!" comprehension dawned. "He's your son!"

Fanged smile. "Of course" Qui-Gon reached out for Obi-Wan, who slid into his arms at the edge of the bed. They tongue kissed, wet and sloppy. Qui-Gon gripped the lush buttocks underneath the robe, exposing a cheek underneath as he began to stroke. Moaning, Obi-Wan arched back.

"Hey!!" Gooch reminded them he was still there. Still embraced, they turned. Two sets of eyes blazed at him with lust.

Qui-Gon licked out a snakes' tongue over full lips. His mane tousled erotically. "Want to watch?"

Gooch felt his blood pressure go through the roof. They were so damned hot. He held his crotch. It nearly pounded out of his pants.

"Not...unless you want me to spray all over your rug" he rasped.

Obi-Wan sucked a finger slowly. "It's okay. We'll lick it up" eyes roamed roughly on him.

"Then we'll lick you clean" Qui-Gon purred.

"Ghods!!" Gooch managed, turning to stumble into the hallway. The door slammed shut behind him. He didn't make it down the stairs. Hips jerking wildly, he fired into his pants as he leaned against the rail. Sweaty and shaking, he gripped the rail in disbelief.

They didn't even touch me. was all he could think.

The crew had severe hangovers the next day.

Whizzer clutched his head. "Just shoot me, PLEASE."

Ginko grimaced. "If I could raise my arms that high, I'd gladly shoot you!"

Obi-Wan grinned. "I'd better make some coffee. Lots of it."

Freako leaned against the sofa, sitting on the floor. "Put some roach powder in it. End my misery, kid."

"At can focus in one direction" Dink was cross eyed.

Qui-Gon shook his head, laughing. "You know better than to mix Valderian FireWater with Corellian Flame Brandy. Idiot!"

Dooby held out a hand, pleading. "Just...scream softly, okay?"

The crew had a hearty breakfast to go with their coffee. Feeling better, they prepared to leave.

"Don't count all you money in one place" Qui-Gon told them on the way out.

"Ha. You should talk. Don't even think about buyin' this planet" Ginko teased.

"And next time we hook up, we'll make sure it's just a simple con job" Freako added.

They said their goodbyes. Gooch held back.

"Gooch. You comin'?" Dink asked at the door.

"Yeah, go on. I'll be out in a minute."

Shrugging, Dink stepped through the glass sliding panels. Gooch eyed the vampyres in silence a moment. They regarded him steadily, waiting.

"Did last night really happen?"

They gave that secret smile again. Gooch felt a rising warmth in his neck, a pounding pulse of pleasure where Obi-Wan kissed him. Unconsciously he touched the spot, remembering. It felt too good.

He quirked a smile. "You boys take care. I'll be in touch."

Fanged smiles greeted him back. "And always touched."

Nodding, he went out. He had much to think on.

Hours and orgasms later, the vampyres were still at it. Bodies wet with sweat and semen, they rocked and battered the bed.

Qui-Gon arched in ecstacy, clawing Obi-Wans' back as he was being pummelled into the mattress. Thick thighs yanking and flailing as his massive cock was being squashed between them.

"Do me!! Haaarrder!!" White canines glistened from ruddy lips, soaked hair clinging to flush skin.


Obi-Wan snarled, biting hard into a round pec, down on a draining nipple. He suckled voraciously, tasting a hot gush. Red heat raced from his spine to his balls as he fired into the tight opening, howling and banging against the big body. Buttocks shook from the pounding, wet flesh sliding in cadence.

Qui-Gon felt his balls burst. Obi-Wan drank again, the sensations sweet poison in their veins. Thick cream spewed everywhere as they jerked, screeching like banshees as they bucked in orgasm.

It was good to the last drop. Minds blown with overload they collapsed on the bed, blacking out.

Obi-Wan was draped over his lover. "Sith" he hissed. Sweat rolled down his back in rivers. He couldn't move.

Neither could Qui-Gon, legs spread wide underneath. He blinked repeatedly, trying to remember exactly when he passed out.

" kill of these days" he panted, tongue lolled out.

"What...a go" Obi-Wan saw sparkling stars under his eyelids.

Qui-Gons' eyes wouldn't open. "Excuse me...see you in a day or two..." his head flopped to the side.

Obi-Wan crossed his eyes, still sprawled across Qui-Gon. "Make it a week...and you got a bet" he was out.

They didn't move from their stupor for two days.

Eventually motion returned. Qui-Gon carefully moved to a sitting position underneath his son. His damp hair clung everywhere to them both. Pulling himself further up he winced, holding his backside.

Worse and worse. His balls throbbed, his cock ached. His body was stiff and sore. Especially sore down there...

He continued to flinch, trying to sidle to a comfortable position when Obi-Wan woke up staring at him blearily. He stroked the damp belly.

A slow smile crept on his face. "A sweet hurt, father. Good morning."

Qui-Gon grimaced again. "Ugh. Good morning."

"Let me massage you" Obi-Wan rolled him to the side. Expert hands squeezed the muscled buttocks...

"Not there, Obi-Wan!!" Qui-Gon cried out.

"Ssh. Easy, easy" strong fingers worked the pliant flesh under the cheeks, along the thighs and lower abdomen. Sliding over the pelvic area.

Qui-Gon groaned. It was working. He flopped on his stomach.

Obi-Wan continued to work him, gliding up the broad back to the wide shoulders. He pulled the tail of hair aside, kissing the strong neck.

"Better?" he whispered.

Qui-Gon purred. "Much. Thanks, Obi."

"I see its' time for the clippers again. Your hair is near your calves."

"It's fine the way it is. Come here" he rolled over, pulling his son in.

They snuggled a while, silent. Obi-Wan had a thought.

"Do you think Gooch will come to us?"

Sapphire blue eyes sparked. "Difficult to say. He has much to consider. We are unlike anyone he has ever known. I sensed he was a bit overwhelmed."

"I like entertaining. The crew had a blast."

"We'll have them over more often in the future. Perhaps it's time we lived more in a manner to which we are accustomed."

"Like on Mooris?"

"Of course. Aren't we wealthy now? We'll wait for the heat to die down at the waterfront. Then we can locate a contact to sell the gems."

Obi-Wan smiled, glowing with love and content. He pulled the satin sheets around them both, rooting in.

"How's it feel to be filthy, stinking rich?"

Qui-Gon nuzzled the silky neck. "Love it."


Will Gooch "do it" with his friends? Find out in HOTSHOTS coming your way soon!